Author Alam S, Ali I, Giri KY, Gokkulakrishnan S, Natu SS, Faisal M, Agarwal A, Sharma H.
pharmacological agents include corticosteroids, enzymes, interferon-gamma, antioxidants, methylxanthine derivatives, placental extracts, immune milk, turmeric, colchicine, tea pigments, aloe vera, and spirulina, Antioxidants are believed to improve the symptoms by protecting cells from damage from free radicals. Agents such as lycopene, spirulina, turmeric, aloe vera and green tea possess antioxidant properties which are believed to aid in the relief of symptoms, aloe vera was shown to be superior to curcumin in relieving the burning sensation, Aloe vera was shown to be most effective in burning sensation relief whereas it was not as efficacious as many other agents in improving mouth opening. Aloe vera contains vitamins, enzymes, minerals, sugars, lignin, saponins, salicylic acids, and amino acids. Vitamin A, C, and E are antioxidants that can aid in scavenging free radicals, and enzymes such as bradykinase which help in reducing inflammation through topical application. It also contains polysaccharides with anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing properties , these properties might explain the reason for its efficacy in relieving the burning sensation.