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Scientific Papers

Blog: Aloe Vera Feminine Hygiene Care

Aloe vera can be used in various forms like hydrating gel, creams, masks. It can be applied directly to the skin or hair, or mixed with other ingredients to make a face mask, hair mask, or other beauty products.

Blog: Aloe vera delivery system for dietary supplements

Cosmeceuticals combine the best of both worlds: wellness and beauty. At this intersection, marketers are seeking to help define the term cosmeceutical; this term tends to imply a product that is neither a drug, nor a cosmetic, but one that has a desired impact inside the skin.

Blog: Aloe vera Oral Care

The effects of good Oral hygiene run far deeper than the mouth, teeth, and gums are coated with plaque and have been currently linked to an increased risk for various cardiovascular diseases. 


What is the Aloe Vera plant?

Aloe barbadensis miller is a cactus-like plant that grows in hot, dry climates. It is cultivated in subtropical regions around the world, it has multiple benefits such as; anti-ageing, fights acne, reduces plaque, It’s hydrating, It’s moisturising, boosts digestion, It soothes sazor surn, lowers blood sugar and more


Aloe vera enhance wellbeing and immune system?

Enhances macrophage effectiveness in modulating the entire immune system, stimulate, produce, and release antibodies. Increases the number of antibodies forming T-cells in the spleen. Helps to effectively balance and restore proper immune system function.


How does aloe vera aids in moisturization product development?

Aloe vera extract enhances inter-cellular tight junction in skin cells thereby, providing enhanced moisturization of skin and reducing chances of skin infections.


Aloe Vera’s Topical Uses.

Aloe vera may be most well-known for its moisturizing properties. It can be found in plenty of skin and hair products, but it can also be used straight from the plant. Aloe extract is promoted complete regeneration of the skin. Research suggests that polysaccharides in the gel have anti-itching and anti-inflammatory that help with wound healing, topical use encourages regeneration of tissue.

Green synthesis of active Fe2O3 nanoparticles using Aloe barbadensis and Camellia sinensis for efficient degradation of malachite green and Congo red dye.

Authors Zubia Anwer, Abdul Rauf Jamali, Waseem Khan, Jahanzeb Bhatti, Faheem Akhter & Madhia Batool

The synthesis of metal oxide nanoparticles has gained much attention due to its wide range of applications in the field of industrial, chemical, and biological applications. These metallic nanoparticles have been developed for azo-dye removal, but they are limited for ecofriendly and cost-effective processes. The main objective of this study is to focus on the synthesis of Fe2O3-nanoparticles by green route followed by its application in the dye removal process from wastewater. In this approach, the active iron oxide nanoparticles (Fe2O3-NPs) were produced successfully using Camellia sinensis and Aloe barbadensis leaf extract. The prepared nanoparticles were characterized using SEM, XRD, FTIR, and UV–Vis spectroscopy, As per results, the NPs effectively degraded both the azo-dyes from the aqueous solution with 70–80% removal efficiency in 40–45 min under optimum conditions. Moreover, the color change in the solution indicated the formation of Fe2O3-NPs. The absorption peak was observed at 275 nm and 270 nm for Aloe barbadensis leaf extract and Camellia sinensis extract, respectively. The FTIR peak at 553.63 cm?1 indicates the presence of Fe2O3 NPs along with other peaks at 2853.3 cm?1 for O–H stretching in carboxylic acid; at 3404 cm?1 due to the O–H group present in the extract, broad peak of 3406 cm?1 shows –OH group of carbohydrates and phenols along with a peak at 2891 cm?1 for asymmetrical and symmetrical C-H stretching. The results of XRD and SEM indicate the homogeneity, shape, and size of NPs, which were spherical and cubic. The size of the particles ranged between 80 and 100 nm for both types of NPs prepared using the extracts. The Langmuir and Elovich isotherms were used to analyze adsorption behavior. The pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order kinetic approaches were used and found satisfactory for both approaches.

Applications of Mucilages in Drug Delivery – A Review

Author Rishabha Malviya, Pranati Srivastava and G.T. Kulkarni

With the increasing interest in polymers of natural origin, the pharmaceutical world has compliance to use most of them in their formulations. Moreover, the tremendous orientation of pharma world towards these naturally derived polymers has become a subject of increasing interest to discover, extract and purify such compounds, mucilage, as a potent candidate to be used in various pharmaceutical formulations, Natural polymer Pharmaceutical application Pharmaceutical excipient, plant derived polymers have mucilages can occur in high concentrations in different evoked tremendous interest due to their diverse pharmaceutical applications such as diluent, binder, disintegrant in tablets, thickeners in oral liquids, protective colloids in suspensions, gelling agents in gels and bases in suppository, also used in cosmetics, textiles, paints and paper-making, these polymers such as natural gums and mucilage are biocompatible, cheap and easily available and are preferred to semi synthetic and synthetic excipients because of their lack of toxicity, low cost, availability, soothing action and non irritant nature, Polysaccharide hydrocolloids including mucilages, gums and glucans, polysaccharides constitute a structurally diverse class of biological macromolecules with a broad range of physicochemical properties which are widely used for various applications in pharmacy and medicine, Mucilages are most used as adjuvant in pharmaceutical preparations, with wide range of applications such as thickening, binding, disintegrating, suspending, emulsifying, stabilizing and gelling agents. Mucilages may be used as sustained and controlled release formulations , binding agent in pharmaceutical formulations, Gelling Agent, Suspending Agent, Disintegrant, Sustained Release Polymer

Color and Textile Dyes – An Overview

Authors: Yusuf Maigari

Color is a very important property of materials around us but we often neglect its study socially and scientifically. We perceive color just as we perceive things like taste, smell, and touch etc. Color can influence our emotions, actions and how we respond to various things, people and ideas. Color is extremely versatile in its uses. It can be used to make a statement, create an atmosphere, or call forth a response. Color expresses outwards towards the world, but it also helps us to travel inwards towards spiritual states, towards our true self. Color provides a vial enhancement to the world in which we live. Everyday materials we use – Textiles, paints, plastics, paper, and foodstuffs – are especially appealing if they are colorful. So, imagine a world where all the materials are black, white, or grey; how will that world look like? Nature too presents a kaleidoscope of colors around our lives, various shades of green in the forest, various colors of flowers around our houses and even the differing color of our skins. Concept of Color: Color is the bye-product of the spectrum of light, as it is reflected or absorbed, as received by the Human eye and processed by the human brain. The world is full of light. Visible light is made of seven wavelength groups. These are the color we see in the rainbow. When light hits an object, some of the wavelengths are absorbed while others reflected, depending on materials in the object. The reflected wavelength is what we see as the object color. Newton’s prism experiment proves to be very helpful in understanding color. Newton realized that colors other than those in the spectral sequence do exist, but he noted that all the colors in the universe which are made by light, and depend not on the power of imagination, are either the colors of homogeneal lights [i.e., spectral colors, or compounded of these. Textile Dyes: Color is obtained in textiles and other materials using colorants (Dyes and pigments). Indigo and alizarin obtained from the tree Tinctoria indigofera and the root of Madder respectively, were used by the ancients for dyeing since the beginning of recorded history. However, from the year 1856 when William Perkin produced Mauviene from simple organic compounds obtained from petroleum and coal tar distillates, the use of these natural pigments was jeopardized. A dye can be referred as a water-soluble colored organic compound that has affinity for the substrate whereas pigments are usually water insoluble. For a compound to be a dye, it must fulfill the following conditions: Must be soluble in aqueous either permanently or during application. Must be intensely colored, must have substantivity (ability to be absorbed by the substrate) or be able to react with the substrate chemically. Must possess reasonable fastness properties. Classification of Textile Dyes: There are various criteria used in the classification of dyes. These include Origin, chemical structure, methods of application, nuclear structure, and industrial classification. However, it should be noted that each class of dye has a unique chemistry, structure, and particular way of bonding. While some textile dyes can react chemically with the substrates forming strong bonds in the process, others can be held by physical forces. Techniques of Dyeing: 1) Bale Dyeing: This is a low-cost method to dye cotton cloth. The material is sent without scouring or singeing, through a cold-water bath where the sized warp has affinity for the dye. Imitation chambray and comparable fabrics are often dyed this way. 2) Batik Dyeing: This is one of the oldest forms known to man. It originated in Java. Portions of the fabric are coated with wax so that only un-waxed areas will take on the dye matter. The operation may be repeated several times and several colors may use for the bizarre effects. Motifs show a melange, mottled or streaked effect, imitated in machine printing. 3) Beam Dyeing: In this method the warp is dyed prior to weaving. It is wound onto a perforated beam and the dye is forced through the perforations thereby saturating the yarn with color. 4) Burl or speck Dyeing: This is done mostly on woolens or worsteds; colored specks and blemishes are covered by the use of special colored links which come in many colors and shades. It is a hand operation. 5) Chain Dyeing: This is used when yarns and cloth are low in tensile strength. Several cuts or pieces of cloth are tacked end-to-end and run through in a continuous chain in the dye color. This method affords high production. 6) Cross Dyeing: This is a very popular method in which varied color effects are obtained in the one dye bath for a cloth which contains fibers with varying affinities for the dye used. For example, a blue dyestuff might give nylon 6 a dark blue shade, nylon 6, 6 a light blue shade, and have no affinity for polyester area unscathed or white. 7) Jigger Dyeing: This is done in a jig, kier, vat, beck, or vessel in an open formation of the goods. The fabric goes from one roller to another through a deep dye bath until the desired shade is achieved. 8) Piece Dyeing: The dyeing of fabrics in the cut, bolt or piece form is called piece dyeing. It follows the weaving of the goods and provides a single color for the material, such as blue serge, a green organdy. 9) Random Dyeing: Coloring only certain designated portions of the yarn. There are three ways of doing this type of coloring. Skeins may be tightly dyed in two or more places and dyed at one side of the dye with one color and at the other side with another one. Color may be printed onto the skeins which are spread out on the blanket fabric of the printing machine. Adsorption of Dye from the Dyebath: Several distinct and identifiable events take place in the dyeing of a textile material. The events are as follows: a) Diffusion in Solution – Dye must move or diffuse through the dyebath to establish contact with the textile material being dyed. b) Adsorption on fiber surface – dye molecules are attracted to the fiber and are initially deposited on the fiber surface. c) Diffusion into the fiber – dye deposited on the surface creates a concentration gradient which is the driving force for movement of dye from the surface towards the interior of the fiber. During diffusion, dye molecules migrate from place to place on the fiber. This migration tends to have a levelling effect on the dye application. Textile dyes which migrate readily are easy to apply uniformly. However, dyes which migrate, and level easily also tends to have poorer wash fastness than dyes which do not level easily. Color Measurement: The color of textile dyes is measured using the spectrophotometer. There are different spectrophotometers for different types of light e.g. Infrared spectrometer, ultraviolet- visible spectrometer etc. but the working principle is almost the same. d) Dissolution of the dye in the dyebath – dyes which are only sparingly soluble in water may have to dissolve from a dispersion of highly aggregated particles to be small enough to diffuse into the fiber. Fastness of Textile Dyes: Color fastness is defined as the resistance of colored materials to fading or running during processing or in subsequent useful life. The term is usually used in the context of clothes. The fading or color running is brought about by Washing, rubbing, action of light, hot pressing and perspiration. Therefore, fastness tests include washing fastness, rubbing fastness, light fastness, fastness to hot pressing and perspiration fastness.

Development and evaluation of different beverages from Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. for their nutritional, functional and sensory qualities.

Author: Sharma, R., Tandon, D., Joshi, V. K., & Attri, S. (2015).

Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f., Aloe barbadensis Mill., antioxidant activity, functional beverages, sensory qualities, aloe gel pure juice, overall sensory acceptability, Physico-chemical, nutritional and sensory characteristics of different A. vera based beverages , aloe is the basis of its nutritional and sensory characteristics, maintaining good health, trace minerals, bioavailability, enhance immune system, wellbeing, medicinal plants, Liliaceae family, organic ECOCERT, fair trade certification, kosher, halal , natural ingredient, vegan, innermost part of the Aloe vera inner gel is a clear, soft, moist and slippery tissue that consists of large thin walled parenchyma cells which contains vital ingredients, vitamins, mineral, essential fatty acids, polysaccharides, vitamins, minerals, amino acid, saponins, phytosterols, lipids, chromones, flavonoids, lectins, tannins, gama-linoleic (GLA), arachidonic acid, lignins, phytohormones, organic acids, healthy life, micro y macro nutrients, number other-promoting phytochemicals, plant foods, absorption , aloe is novel delivery system, improve and boost the effectiveness of dietary supplements, acemannan o mannose acetylated, benefits, make cells more resistant to viruses and pathogenic bacteria, by incorporating themselves into cell walls, improve overall cellular metabolism and functioning, reduce inflammation, provide critical lubrication of joints; helping to prevent arthritis and to heal it once it has developed, aid in the absorption of water, minerals and nutrients in the GI tract, reduce pain, improve vascular flow, reduce scarring, improve macrophage activity as much as tenfold, enhance macrophage effectiveness in modulating the entire immune system, enhance macrophage effectiveness in stimulating, producing, and releasing antibodies, fight fungal infections, such as: athlete’s foot, ringworm, pruritus anivalvae, balnea, essential pruritus, and vaginal yeast infections, help heal athletic injuries such as muscle cramps, sprains, strains, bruises, swelling, soreness, tendonitis, and bursitis, Soothe and promote the healing of intestinal disorders such as: Indigestion, Heartburn, Hyper-acidity, Peptic and duodenal ulcers, colitis, and hemorrhoids, help with diabetes, Kill parasites such as: pinworms and threadworms, speed wound healing by as much as 35%, reduce allergic reactions, stimulate bone marrow activity, stimulate fibroblasts to release collagen and elastin to make new tissue, healing power of Aloe mucilaginous polysaccharides explained, takes stress off the immune system helps stop the bleeding, damage and leakage of the intestine wall, relieves autoimmune response and allergic conditions, helps to effectively balance and restore proper immune system function, reduce inflammation: very strong anti-inflammatory agent, by curing your disease or syndrome your body will restore the intestinal protective mucus lining, encourages and increases: the tissue healing process, prevents the production of too much stomach acids which lead to heartburn, acid reflux disease or gastro esophageal reflux disease known as GERD, will maintain or correct fluid levels within the colon after continued use, eliminating both diarrhea and constipation, by helping all the body’s systems work together as they should: proper digestion, absorption of foods and nutrients are no longer a problem, will help to correct and protect the healing of former damaging processes in the digestive tract, helps with people who have a problem with maldigestion and all the pathological reactions associated with maldigestion, will cure and prevent: anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-yeast and anti-parasitic infections and viruses, protects and encourages healthy flora in the digestive tract, controls chronic yeast growth: to insure that normal healthy flora may remain, Increases blood circulation through the body, balances blood sugar throughout the body, works as an intracellular antioxidant cleaning out all cells, is absorbed by every cell in the body, aloe mucilaginous polysaccharides act as a potent anti-inflammatory agent, absorbed through receptor sites, which are located within the human digestive tract, aloe mucilaginous polysaccharides have a remarkable ability to help promote tissue growth and regeneration inside and out, clean and detoxify enhances the break-down and removal of excess waste, mucous, toxins, heavy metals and foreign buildup from cells, tissues and organs, fortify cell walls strengthening cells resistance and integrity, Improve cellular metabolism – enhancing energy and optimal functioning of each cell of the body, help normalize damaging processes caused by poor digestion, help enhance the immune systems functions, help correct imbalances within the body and has broad-spectrum uses in cases such as constipation and diarrhea, help take the stress off the immune system, help increase the number and intensity of all immune cells in the body

Natural polysaccharides as pharmaceutical excipients.

Author: Vilas Asaram Arsul, Swaroop R Lahoti

Proper design and formulation of a dosage form requires consideration of the physical, chemical and biologic characteristics of the drug substances and pharmaceutical ingredients to be used in fabricating the product, excipients facilitate the formulation design and perform a wide range of functions to obtain desired properties for the finished drug product. Polysaccharide hydrocolloids including mucilages, gums and glucans are abundant in nature and commonly found in many higher plants, polysaccharide hydrocolloids including mucilages, gums and glucans are abundant in nature and commonly found in many higher plants. These polysaccharides constitute a structurally diverse class of biological macromolecules with a broad range of physicochemical properties which are widely used for various applications in pharmacy and medicine. Polysaccharide (Gums and mucilages) functions as versatile excipients such as Suspending Agent, Emulsifying Agent, Binder, Gelling Agent, Disintegrant etc. for pharmaceutical formulations. The polysaccharides can also be modified in different ways to obtain tailor-made materials for drug delivery systems and thus can compete with the available synthetic excipients, Excipients are the additives used to convert active pharmaceutical ingredients into pharmaceutical dosage, Excipients were defined as ‘the substance used as a medium for giving a medicament, that is to say with simply the functions of an inert support of the active principle or principles, development of the newer excipients, Polysaccharide in Plant Parts, Polysaccharide hydrocolloids including mucilages, gums and glucans are abundant in nature and commonly found in many higher plants. These polysaccharides constitute a structurally diverse class of biological macromolecules with a broad range of physicochemical properties which are widely used for various applications in pharmacy and medicine, Sustained release, Suspending agent, emulsifying agent, gelling agent in suppositories, surgical lubricant, laxative, Gelling agent, sustained release agent, controlled release tablet, stabilizer in emulsions and suspensions, demulcent and laxative, tablet binder, sustaining agent, emollient, Binder, disintegrant, thickening agent, emulsifier, sustained release agent, Cathartic, lubricant, dental adhesive, sustaining agent in tablets, disintegrating agent in tablets, stabilizer in toothpaste and ointment

In-vitro assessment and pharmacodynamics of nimesulide incorporated Aloe vera transemulgel.

Author Vandana, K.R.; Yalavarthi, P.R.; Sundaresan, C.R.; Sriramaneni, R.N.; Vadlamudi, H.C.

Drug loading capacity, flux, in-vitro permeation, paws edema, percentage inhibition, stability, nimesulide emulsion for incorporation in Aloe vera gel base to formulate ‘nimesulide – Aloe vera transemulgel, anti-inflammatory studies, use of nimesulide is banned for oral administration, due to its potential for inducing hepatotoxicity and thrombocytopenia, the use of nimesulide for topical delivery is prominent in the treatment of many inflammatory conditions including rheumatoid arthritis. The drug loading capacity of transdermal gels is low for hydrophobic drugs such as nimesulide. Nimesulide can be effectively incorporated into emulgels (a combination of emulsion and gel). Aloe vera has a mild anti-inflammatory effect and in the present study Aloe vera gel was formulated and used as a gel base to prepare Aloe vera transemulgel, the emulgels thus prepared were evaluated for viscosity, pH, in-vitro permeation, stability and skin irritation test. In-vivo anti-inflammatory studies were performed using carrageenan induced hind paw edema method in Wistar rats, effective permeation of nimesulide from Aloe vera transemulgel (53.04 %) was observed compared to CNG (44.72 %) at 30 min indicating better drug release from Aloe vera transemulgel. Topical application of the emulgel found no skin irritation. Stability studies proved the integrity of the formulation. The percentage of inhibition of edema was highest for the prepared Aloe vera transemulgel (67.4 % inhibition after 240 min) compared to CNG (59.6 %). From our results, it was concluded that the Aloe vera gel acts as an effective gel base to prepare nimesulide emulgel with high drug loading capacity (86.4 % drug content) compared to CNG (70.5 % drug content) with significant anti-inflammatory effect.

Dermatology aloe .-Effects of plant sterols derived from Aloe vera gel on human dermal fibroblasts in vitro and on skin condition in Japanese women,

Author: Miyuki Tanaka, Eriko Misawa, Koji Yamauchi, Fumiaki Abe, Chiaki Ishizaki

Aloe sterols, Aloe sterols are a type of plant sterols that have the capability to regulate the metabolism of glucose and lipids, Aloe sterols reached the peripheral tissues through the bloodstream, aloe sterols, the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid increased by two-fold and 1.5-fold, gene expression levels human dermal ?broblasts, immunological responsiveness, acemannan stimulated the synthesis of keratinocyte growth factor-1 and vascular endothelial growth factor by gingival ?broblasts in vitro, Fibroblasts represent the main cellular population of the dermis, Aloe sterols (lophenol [Lop], 24-methyl-lophenol, 24-ethyl-lophenol, cycloartanol [Cyc], and 24-methylene-cycloartanol) are plant sterols derived from A. vera gel and possess unique ef?cacy, Aloe sterols fall into two groups of compounds, the Lop group and the Cyc group, Collagen forms the three-dimensional structure, and elastin maintains the elasticity of the skin. HA is responsible for moisture retention in the skin. Fibroblasts play an important role in generating collagen, HA, and elastin in the dermis

The addition of rosehip oil improves the beneficial effect of Aloe vera gel on delaying ripening and maintaining postharvest quality of several stone fruit.

Authors Paladines, D., Valero, D., Valverde, J. M., Díaz-Mula, H., Serrano, M., & Martínez-Romero, D.

Stonefruit including peach, nectarine, plum and sweet cherry are very appreciated by consumers due to their organoleptic and nutritive properties as well as their content of bioactive compounds with antioxidant activity. However, Stonefruit deteriorate rapidly after harvest and lose their quality in a short period of time ranging from several days to 1–2 weeks, depending on plant species and cultivar. Low temperature storage is generally used to delay the postharvest deterioration process, although in some cases this treatment is not enough to maintain fruit quality during handling, transport, and commercialization. In this sense, additional postharvest tools together with cold storage are necessary. In recent years, the use of Aloe vera gel (AV) has been used as an edible coating for raw produce such as mangoes, nectarines, apples , papaya , table grapes, sweet cherries, figs, strawberries, tomatoes , peaches and plums. In all these fruit commodities, the AV treatment preserved physico-chemical parameters such as colour, firmness, total acidity (TA), and reduced respiration rates, ethylene production (in those climacteric fruit) and weight loss, leading to maintenance of the quality characteristics and extension of the shelf-life. The gel of Aloe Vera barbadensis miller. is mainly composed of polysaccharides and soluble sugars followed by proteins, vitamins, and minerals, but are very low in lipid content, ranging from 0.07 to 0.42% depending on the Aloe vera and climatic conditions during the growth cycle. Thus, the gas barrier and hydrophobic properties of Aloe Vera-based edible coatings could be improved with the addition of lipids since the increase of lipid content in the composition of edible coatings leads to higher hydrophobic properties and barrier efficacy. In this sense, rosehip seed is an inexpensive source of unsaturated fatty acids rich oil and is becoming very popular in cosmetic and other high valuable applications such as in the pharmaceutic industry, due to its antioxidant properties. However, there is no evidence of the use of rosehip oil in the agrofood industry. Thus, the objective of this research was to analyze the beneficial effect of the addition of rosehip oil to Aloe Vera gel on delaying the ripening process and maintaining quality in a wide range of Prunus species and cultivars. As far as we know, this is the first time in which rosehip oil is being used as postharvest fruit treatment.

Effect of aloe vera preparations on the human bioavailability of vitamins C and E. Phytomedicine. 2005;12:760–765. doi: 10.1016/j.phymed.2003.12.013.

Author: Vinson JA, Al Kharrat H, Andreoli L

Aloes improve the absorption of both vitamins C and E, Aloe on the human absorption of vitamins C and E, the most popular vitamin supplements, consumption of Aloe vera liquid preparations on the absorption of water- or fat-soluble vitamins, plasma bioavailability of vitamins C and E, for vitamin C and Aloe Gel was 304% absorption, For vitamin E and aloe Gel 369%.Vitamin/supplement intake, Aloe preparations are well-tolerated and enhance bioavailability of vitamins C and B12 and ORAC. This could have major implications with regards to supplementation of vitamins to target chronic diseases, especially in elderly.

Microbiome and Probiotics in Acne Vulgaris—A Narrative Review

Author Karolina Chilicka , Iwona Dzie ´ndziora-Urbi ´nska , Renata Szygu?a Binnaz Asanova and Danuta Nowicka

microbiome; skin microflora; probiotics; skin care, Acne vulgaris is a disease characterised by skin eruptions such as whiteheads, blackheads, pustules, papules, and cysts, inflammatory lesions, Topical agents, microbiome (microbiota) describes the entirety of microorganisms present in a given habitat, Bacterial composition depends on the use of cosmetics, environmental factors, profession, exposure to UV radiation, antibiotics, and humidity, dysfunction of the skin barrier function, surface of the skin, proper immunity of the organism and defence by microorganisms, thus determining tolerance to substances supplied to the human body with food, leading to an immune response, microbiota also modifies the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), which fulfil many functions, e.g., nourishing intestinal cells and modulating brain activity, propionic acid, Externally Used Probiotics in Dermatology and Cosmetology, probiotic effects are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, Probiotics may be used product categories such as drugs, cosmetics, dietary supplements, and food and food additives, The International Cooperation on Cosmetics Regulation (ICCR) developed categories of microbiome-related products that included probiotics and postbiotics, . The action of probiotics is based on binding them to the epidermal surface, inhibiting pathogens, producing antimicrobial substances, and increasing immunomodulatory properties. Immunomodulatory properties transformthe probiotic cosmetic into a preparation that can be used in the case of dermatological skin diseases, deep moisturising effect, stimulating the production of lipids, and repair processes in the epidermis, These probiotics have a deep moisturising effect, stimulating the production of lipids, and repair processes in the epidermis, the number of unfavourable pathogens is eliminated or reduced, the production of toxic metabolites is reduced, the production of antibodies is increased, the homeostasis of the immune system is restored, and the synthesis of the cytokines is regulated.

Antimicrobial Activity of Cotton Fabric Treated with Aloevera Extract

Authors Selvi Thamarai B., Rajendren R., Nithyalakshmi B. and Gayathirignaneswari S.

Microbial growth on the textile material has been considered as a major cause of biodegradation. The textile materials, on which source of nutrients are present (food contamination, oil, fat, protein, sugar, skin secretion like sweat and sebum etc.) become a medium for a rapid multiplication of microorganisms. A term that is adopted to indicate the textile fibers with activity against microorganism’s growth is “bioactive fibers”. The attachment of microorganisms to fabrics is dependent upon the type of organism and the physio-chemical characteristics of fabric substrate. Microbial adherence is also affected by the substrate and bacterial cell wall hydrophobicity. Such studies have stimulated the research on antimicrobial textiles with focuses on development of durable and powerful antimicrobial finishing technologies. Gram Negative Organisms, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pnuemoniae, Pseudomonas aueroginosa, Proteus vulgaris, Salmonella typhimurium, Shigella species, Enterobacter species Gram Positive Organisms, Bacillus sublitis, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcal pnuemoniae Fungi Aspergillus species, Penicillum species, Cryptococcus species, Candida albicans. Fabric Treatment with Aloe Gel Extract, Aqueous extract of aloe gel was directly applied on 100% cotton fabric by pad-dry – cure method. Aloe gel extract was applied along with citric acid. Antimicrobial activity of treated fabric, Wash Durability Testing, finished fabrics were washed using standard detergent (3%owf) at 40″C in an automatic washing machine, Treatment with aloe vera gel inhibits microbial growth. Aloe vera gel can inhibit the growth of Shigella flexneri and Streptococcus pyrogenes . Aloe vera gel shows antifungal activity. The phenol group and anthraquinones present in Aloe vera gel are binding microbial proteins, inhibiting their growth and exhibit both antibacterial and antifungal activity. The microbial activity of Aloe vera gel can retain after 15th wash cycle up to 20 cycles. The application of Aloe vera gel on to cotton fabric showed better antimicrobial activity. The bioactivity was retained up to 15th wash cycles. This ecofriendly natural antimicrobial agent gives good effect to human skin in addition to values on garments also in a low cost.

Mechanisms of absorption enhancement and tight junction regulation

Author J. Hochman, P. Artursson

therapeutic agents to exert their pharmacological effects, cross the biological membranes into the systemic circulation and reach the site of action, Drugs cross the membranes by one of two pathways; paracellular or transcellular, drugs are transported transcellularly, physiocochemical properties, The paracellular pathway is governed by the tight junctions, absorption enhancers for paracellular drug transport enhancement, drug delivery improvement, tight junctions are a multiple unit structure composed of multiprotein complex , drugs across the intestinal epithelium and the blood brain barrier endothelium, mucosal adjuvant, drug delivery of therapeutic agents.

To Study the Physico-Chemical Properties of Bael and Aloe Vera Blended Beverages.

Author: Mishra Sunita and Srivastava Ananya (2015).

Aloe Vera Blended Beverages, Bael content high nutritive tannin value which is very beneficial for the health, Aloe gel is the clear, jelly-like substance found in the inner part of the aloe plant leaf, Aloe vera is one of the oldest known medicinal plants gifted by nature, development of bael and aloe Vera blended beverages. 12% TSS, 0.3% acidity and 10% blended juices of different blending ratio of 95% Bael juice + 5% Aloe vera juice (A), 90% Bael juice + 10% Aloe vera juice (B), 85% Bael juice + 15% Aloe vera juice (C) and controlled RTS containing 100% Bael juice without Aloe vera (Control), aloe has a high nutritive value which is very use full for the health point view

Development of cosmetic textiles using microencapsulation technology

Authors Cheng, S.Y., Yuen, C.W.M., Kan, C.W. and Cheuk, K.K.L.

Microencapsulation technology is an effective technique used to control the release properties of active ingredients that prolong the functionality of cosmetic textiles. This paper will address most used microencapsulation methods, With the growing trend in enhancing beauty through healthy means, customers request for apparels and home textiles containing not only their original basic characteristics, such as warmth and comfort, but also ones that carry extra functions, including environmental protection, anti-pollution and most importantly, health and beauty care, in an attempt for a more natural and healthier life. Owing to the rapid development of novel sciences and technologies, textile materials have also found applications in the cosmetics field in recent years. A new sector of cosmetic textiles is launched, and the textile industry is very optimistic that these products will open new target groups and sustainable markets. On contact with human body and skin, cosmetic textiles are designed to transfer an active substance for cosmetic purposes. One particular example is the transfer of skin moisturizing substances. The principle is achieved by simply imparting the cosmetic and pharmaceutical ingredients into the fabric of the clothing so that with the natural movements of the body, the skin is slowly freshened and revitalized. To achieve these functional effects, microencapsulation technology appears as an alternative way to provide satisfactory performance with increased durability.

Polysaccharides and Metal Nanoparticles for Functional Textiles: A Review.

Authors Marta Fernandes †, Jorge Padrão *,†, Ana I. Ribeiro, Rui D. V. Fernandes, Liliana Melro, Talita Nicolau, Behnaz Mehravani, Cátia Alves, Rui Rodrigues and Andrea Zille

Nanotechnology is a powerful tool for engineering functional materials that has the potential to transform textiles into high-performance, value-added products. In recent years, there has been considerable interest in the development of functional textiles using metal nanoparticles (MNPs). The incorporation of MNPs in textiles allows for the obtention of multifunctional properties, such as ultraviolet (UV) protection, self-cleaning, and electrical conductivity, as well as antimicrobial, antistatic, antiwrinkle, and flame retardant properties, without compromising the inherent characteristics of the textile. Environmental sustainability is also one of the main motivations in development and innovation in the textile industry. Thus, the synthesis of MNPs using ecofriendly sources, such as polysaccharides, is of high importance. The main functions of polysaccharides in these processes are the reduction and stabilization of MNPs, as well as the adhesion of MNPs onto fabrics. This review covers the major research attempts to obtain textiles with different functional properties using polysaccharides and MNPs. The main polysaccharides reported include chitosan, alginate, starch, cyclodextrins, and cellulose, with silver, zinc, copper, and titanium being the most explored MNPs. The potential applications of these functionalized textiles are also reported, and they include healthcare (wound dressing, drug release), protection (antimicrobial activity, UV protection, flame retardant), and environmental remediation (catalysts).

Aloe vera Incorporated Chitosan/Nanocellulose Hybrid Nanocomposites as Potential Edible Coating Material under Humid Conditions.

Authors Anjumol Kidangayil Salia, b, Aiswarya Payyapilly Ravib, Shabna Pazhavoorkonath Shamsudeenc, Sneha Sabu Mathewb, Blessy Josephb, Abhimanyu Tharayilb, Raji Vijayammac, Hanna J. Mariab, d, Petr Spatenkaa, Nandakumar Kalarikkalc and Sabu Thomasb

Innovative post-harvest technologies are in demand to meet the requirements of farmers and agricultural industries to ensure global food security and to avoid food wastage, Edible coatings that can prevent food spoilage and/or enhance shelf life have taken on increasing importance, Aloe vera, known for its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, has been proposed as an active ingredient that can be incorporated into the biodegradable film, nanocomposite films by solvent casting, transparent films , Aloe vera was confirmed in various spectroscopic studies, which clearly show reduction in light transmittance for the nanocomposite films containing Aloe vera. The contact angle study showed an increase in hydrophobicity initially. Maximum tensile strength was obtained with 0.25 ml of Aloe vera, the potential use of nanocomposite solution as edible films was demonstrated in green chillies, which showed lower weight loss after 3 days when compared with uncoated chillies. In the first phase of this study, chitosan/nanocellulose nanocomposites enriched with Aloe vera have been proposed as a potential edible food coating material, bio based antibacterial coatings, Edible films or coatings based on natural polymers or biopolymers cause no environmental issues, as they are biocompatible and obtained from agricultural and animal products like proteins, gums, lipids, etc.,these improve the quality of food by limiting the migration of moisture, lipids, flavors /aromas, and colors between food components, carrying active ingredients (e. g., antioxidants, antimicrobials, flavour), and improving the mechanical integrity or handling characteristics, Chitosan based films were produced by blending with biopolymers such as polysaccharides or proteins, by adopting solution-casting, layer-by- layer, extrusion, and other techniques, Nanocellulose has gained increasing interest for a wide range of applications in different fields of engineering due to its renewability, anisotropic nature, excellent mechanical properties, good biocompatibility, tailorable surface chemistry, and interesting optical properties, It is a natural nanoscale product, and it also possesses characteristics like special morphology and geometrical dimensions, crystallinity, high specific surface area, rheological properties, liquid crystalline behavior, alignment and orientation, mechanical reinforcement, barrier properties, surface chemical reactivity, biocompatibility, biodegradability, lack of toxicity, etc., Aloe vera extract is tasteless, odorless, and colorless, and, therefore, it can be used in edible coating as an additive, Aloe vera based coating was used for enhancement of storage life and quality maintenance of papaya fruits due to its antifungal activity, aloe vera Inner gel extract of Aloe vera was shown to be effective against Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria, Aloe vera gel was an effective coating material for peach fruits during cold storage period. The coating was effective against weight loss and colour change, Strawberries coated with banana starch-chitosan and Aloe vera gel showed decreased decay rates under commercial refrigerated conditions and shelf life was found to increase up to 15 days. Innovative post-harvest technologies are in demand to meet the requirements of farmers and agricultural industries to ensure global food security and to avoid food wastage, Edible coatings that can prevent food spoilage and/or enhance shelf life have taken on increasing importance, Aloe vera, known for its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, has been proposed as an active ingredient that can be incorporated into the biodegradable film, nanocomposite films by solvent casting, transparent films , Aloe vera was confirmed in various spectroscopic studies, which clearly show reduction in light transmittance for the nanocomposite films containing Aloe vera. The contact angle study showed an increase in hydrophobicity initially. Maximum tensile strength was obtained with 0.25 ml of Aloe vera, the potential use of nanocomposite solution as edible films was demonstrated in green chillies, which showed lower weight loss after 3 days when compared with uncoated chillies. In the first phase of this study, chitosan/nanocellulose nanocomposites enriched with Aloe vera have been proposed as a potential edible food coating material, bio based antibacterial coatings, Edible films or coatings based on natural polymers or biopolymers cause no environmental issues, as they are biocompatible and obtained from agricultural and animal products like proteins, gums, lipids, etc.,these improve the quality of food by limiting the migration of moisture, lipids, flavors /aromas, and colors between food components, carrying active ingredients (e. g., antioxidants, antimicrobials, flavour), and improving the mechanical integrity or handling characteristics, Chitosan based films were produced by blending with biopolymers such as polysaccharides or proteins, by adopting solution-casting, layer-by- layer, extrusion, and other techniques, Nanocellulose has gained increasing interest for a wide range of applications in different fields of engineering due to its renewability, anisotropic nature, excellent mechanical properties, good biocompatibility, tailorable surface chemistry, and interesting optical properties, It is a natural nanoscale product, and it also possesses characteristics like special morphology and geometrical dimensions, crystallinity, high specific surface area, rheological properties, liquid crystalline behavior, alignment and orientation, mechanical reinforcement, barrier properties, surface chemical reactivity, biocompatibility, biodegradability, lack of toxicity, etc., Aloe vera extract is tasteless, odorless, and colorless, and, therefore, it can be used in edible coating as an additive, Aloe vera based coating was used for enhancement of storage life and quality maintenance of papaya fruits due to its antifungal activity, aloe vera Inner gel extract of Aloe vera was shown to be effective against Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria, Aloe vera gel was an effective coating material for peach fruits during cold storage period. The coating was effective against weight loss and colour change, Strawberries coated with banana starch-chitosan and Aloe vera gel showed decreased decay rates under commercial refrigerated conditions and shelf life was found to increase up to 15 days. Innovative post-harvest technologies are in demand to meet the requirements of farmers and agricultural industries to ensure global food security and to avoid food wastage, Edible coatings that can prevent food spoilage and/or enhance shelf life have taken on increasing importance, Aloe vera, known for its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, has been proposed as an active ingredient that can be incorporated into the biodegradable film, nanocomposite films by solvent casting, transparent films , Aloe vera was confirmed in various spectroscopic studies, which clearly show reduction in light transmittance for the nanocomposite films containing Aloe vera. The contact angle study showed an increase in hydrophobicity initially. Maximum tensile strength was obtained with 0.25 ml of Aloe vera, the potential use of nanocomposite solution as edible films was demonstrated in green chillies, which showed lower weight loss after 3 days when compared with uncoated chillies. In the first phase of this study, chitosan/nanocellulose nanocomposites enriched with Aloe vera have been proposed as a potential edible food coating material, bio based antibacterial coatings, Edible films or coatings based on natural polymers or biopolymers cause no environmental issues, as they are biocompatible and obtained from agricultural and animal products like proteins, gums, lipids, etc.,these improve the quality of food by limiting the migration of moisture, lipids, flavors /aromas, and colors between food components, carrying active ingredients (e. g., antioxidants, antimicrobials, flavour), and improving the mechanical integrity or handling characteristics, Chitosan based films were produced by blending with biopolymers such as polysaccharides or proteins, by adopting solution-casting, layer-by- layer, extrusion, and other techniques, Nanocellulose has gained increasing interest for a wide range of applications in different fields of engineering due to its renewability, anisotropic nature, excellent mechanical properties, good biocompatibility, tailorable surface chemistry, and interesting optical properties, It is a natural nanoscale product, and it also possesses characteristics like special morphology and geometrical dimensions, crystallinity, high specific surface area, rheological properties, liquid crystalline behavior, alignment and orientation, mechanical reinforcement, barrier properties, surface chemical reactivity, biocompatibility, biodegradability, lack of toxicity, etc., Aloe vera extract is tasteless, odorless, and colorless, and, therefore, it can be used in edible coating as an additive, Aloe vera based coating was used for enhancement of storage life and quality maintenance of papaya fruits due to its antifungal activity, aloe vera Inner gel extract of Aloe vera was shown to be effective against Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria, Aloe vera gel was an effective coating material for peach fruits during cold storage period. The coating was effective against weight loss and colour change, Strawberries coated with banana starch-chitosan and Aloe vera gel showed decreased decay rates under commercial refrigerated conditions and shelf life was found to increase up to 15 days.

Pharmaceutical excipients for solid oral dosage forms with specific functionalities for effective drug delivery.

Author: Morné Fouché, Jan Steenekamp, Hannlie Hamman , Josias Hamman

many active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) exhibit poor solubility and low dissolution rates in aqueous environments such as the luminal fluids of the gastrointestinal tract, oral bioavailability of these compounds is usually very low as a result of their poor solubility properties, formulation strategies to improve their aqueous solubility and dissolution rates, , or specialized dosage forms can be formulated that improve dissolution rate through various mechanisms, selected excipients (e.g., alkalinizing agents, surfactants and sugars), specialized dosage forms such as self-emulsifying delivery systems and formulation techniques such as inclusion complexes and solid dispersions, drug solubility and bioavailability enhancement, specialized dosage forms such as self-emulsifying delivery systems and formulation techniques such as inclusion complexes and solid dispersions, pharmacologically active compounds or drugs (also referred to as active pharmaceutical ingredients; APIs) are usually not administered to patients on their own as single compounds, but are formulated into carefully designed dosage forms, Pharmaceutical dosage forms provide a platform for repeatable accurate dosing, quality, efficacy, safety, stability as well as high patient acceptance and compliance, dosage forms were made by simply adding pharmacologically inert substances (also referred to as excipients) to the API to make up the required volume of an acceptable dosing unit, selection and production of excipients that fulfil specific functions, beyond just making up volume, such as assisting in production of the dosage form and optimizing drug delivery from novel dosage forms, stability of the API, dose uniformity, effective delivery of the API to the systemic circulation after administration as well as acceptable organoleptic properties, excipients are 90% of the total mass/volume of medicinal products, different classes of pharmaceutical excipients have different requirements in terms of safety evaluation, updates on regulatory requirements for pharmaceutical excipients are continuously introduced worldwide to ensure the safety of patients, multifunctional excipients’ refer to excipients (which can be co-processed for example) that fulfil multiple roles in a dosage form or drug delivery system, for example a direct-compressible filler material that also functions as a binder and/or disintegrant, high functionality excipients’ refers to a single excipient that provides additional functions to innovative drug delivery systems to improve the overall performance of the product with significant economic benefits, high functionality excipient is one that can provide better flow, act as a disintegrant and simultaneously allow a higher drug loading in the dosage form due to its high compressibility, 40% of current medication dispensed to patients in pharmacies exhibit relatively poor aqueous solubility properties, 90% of newly discovered therapeutic compounds in the development phase exhibit poor aqueous solubility, future research regarding the identification of solubility-enhancing excipients is of cardinal importance, functional excipients are needed to assist in overcoming their poor physico-chemical properties, Specialty excipients are used to produce dosage forms that can reduce the number of doses by modifying the rate of drug release or improve drug delivery by targeting drug release in a specific region in the gastrointestinal tract where drug absorption is the highest. Functional excipients are also used to re-formulate existing drugs in order to produce more effective products that are more cost-effective, a drug that exhibits an aqueous solubility lower than 0.1 mg per mL is likely to experience limited bioavailability, and its rate of absorption will be governed by the dissolution rate, Physico-chemical techniques that have been employed to improve the solubility of these drugs include formation of pro-drugs, formation of salts, co-precipitation, solvent evaporation and size reduction (or micronization), Formulation strategies that have been investigated for the same purpose include melt extrusion/granulation, formation of solid dispersions and formation of inclusion complexes. Furthermore, excipients such as surfactants, polymers, super-disintegrants and multifunctional fillers have been included in dosage forms to increase the apparent solubility of drugs, term ‘complex formation’ or ‘complexation’ refers to the binding of two or more individual molecules to form a combined chemical product, which act as a single chemical unit, dosage forms include conventional immediate release tablets, orally disintegrating tablets, effervescent tablets, and modified release dosage forms including slow release or sustained release drug delivery system, excipients that can increase an API’s solubility and dissolution rate include cyclodextrins, disintegrants, pH-adjusting excipients, natural polymers, surfactants, co-surfactants, oils/lipids and sugars, special interest to determine the clinical significance or value of formulation approaches on drug bioavailability and if they could result in decreasing the dose needed to reach effective blood plasma levels, Identifying the correct formulation method and using the suitable excipient in relation to the API may result in efficient pharmacological treatment by means of administrating a lower dose, which may have a significant cost implication.

Clinical efficacy of aloe vera based products available in the market as skin moisturiser measured by tewl value and skin hydration level by using dermalab technology

Authors: Wan Mohd Azizi, A. K. Azad, N.A. Ahmad

Clinical efficacy of aloe vera based products available, efficacy of skin cosmetic products, Aloe Vera is effective for skin care treatment, aloe vera as ingredient to improve skin barrier function for different skin care products formulations, emollients, occlusive and humectant. Emollients will soften and smooth the skin; occlusive provides a barrier that sits on the surface of the skin and prevents trans-epidermal water loss; and humectants, which bind and hold water in the stratum corneum, Aloe vera has a good moisturizing effect and can be used as a complement in the treatment of dry skin, mucopolysaccharides, aloe is beneficial to be used especially in dermatological aspects, It can increase the water content of the stratum corneum by attracting water from the dermis below and keeping this water bounding the stratum corneum, helps to bind moisture which will make the skin moist, TEWL, moisturizing cream, epidermal layer

Evaluation of biological properties and clinical effectiveness of Aloe vera: A systematic review

Author Maharjan H. Radha and Nampoothiri P. Laxmipriya?

Aloe vera, medicinal properties, Immunomodulatory effect, own regulates lipopolysaccharide-induced in?ammatory cytokine production and expression of NLRP3 (NACHT, LRR, and PYD domain-containing protein 3) in?ammasome in human macrophages, inhibit the in?ammatory process, reduction of leukocyte adhe-sion, as well as proin?ammatory cytokines, increase in phagocytic and proliferative activity of the reticuloendothelial system, A. vera directly inhibits the cyclooxygenase pathway and reduces prostaglandin E2 production, which plays an important role in in?ammation, Intestinal absorption, drug absorption enhancement for drugs with low bioavailability due to extensive ef?ux, POAL (probiotics originating from Aloe leaf) strains; these and exhibit discriminative resistance to a wide range of antibiotics, A. vera gel has been shown to contain ?ve phytosterols, which are able to reduce visceral fat accumulation, and in?uences the metabolism of glucose and lipids in animal model experiments, where they reduced large-sized intestinal polyps and ameliorated reduction in plasma A. vera extract were able to reduce signi?cantly the transepithelial electrical resistance of the Caco-2 cell monolayers and thereby showed the ability to open tight junctions between adjacent cells

Extraction, characterization of aloe polysaccharides and the in-depth analysis of its prebiotic effects on mice gut microbiota March 2021Carbohydrate Polymers 261(11):117874 DOI:10.1016/j.carbpol.2021.117874

Authors:Chang Liu, Peng Du, Yahui Guo, Yunfei Xie

acetyl groups, Aloe Polysaccharides increased the concentration of Short chain fatty acids, health benefits of aloe polysaccharide, Aloe Polysaccharides modulate the gut microbiota and the relationship between microbiota and Short chain fatty acids, aloe acetypol acemannan supplementation, Ultrasound extraction, In-depth bioinformatics analysis

Shelf-life enhancement of papaya with aloe vera gel coating at ambient temperature.

Authors Sharmin, M., Islam, M., & Alim, M.

Papaya (Carica papaya L.) belongs to the family of Caricaceae. Papaya is not a tree but an herbaceous succulent plant that possess self-supporting stems. It is a nutritious table fruit of high digestive value and rich in vitamins and minerals. Papaya fruits are rich in enzymes called papain and chymopapain . Due to poor keeping quality of papaya and difficulties of long-distance transportation and preservation facilities, a large amount of this vegetable wasted and spoiled. Reports claim that about 30-50% of the harvested papaya never reach the consumers mainly because of post-harvest spoilage. Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) is a perennial plant of Liliaceae family with turgid green leaves joined at the stem in a rosette pattern. Aloe vera commonly known as Gheegwar/Ghritkumari . Recently, interest has increased in using aloe vera gel-based edible coating material for fruits and vegetables. This gel is tasteless, colorless, and odorless. This natural product is a safe and environmentally friendly alternative to synthetic preservatives such as sulfur dioxide. Aloe vera gel has been proven one of the best edibles and biologically safe preservative coatings for different types of foods because of its film-forming properties, antimicrobial actions, biodegradability, and biochemical properties. It is composed mainly of polysaccharides and acts as a natural barrier to moisture and oxygen, which are the main agents of deterioration of fruits and vegetables. Aloe vera gel coatings have a various favorable effect on fruits such as imparting a glossy appearance and better color, retarding weight loss, or prolonging storage/shelf-life by preventing microbial spoilage. The main purpose of this study was to assess the effect of aloe vera gel coating in extending the shelf-life of papaya including physico-chemical changes under different storage conditions. In this experiment the effects of aloe vera gel coating on storage behavior of papaya at room temperature (29″C-31″C) was studied. Physico-chemical parameters such as color, physical changes, moisture, ash, acidity, vitamin C, protein, fat and total soluble solids (TSS) of papaya and aloe vera was determined at 3 days interval during the storage period. Among the physico-chemical parameters, color, physical changes, total weight loss and TSS contents increased significantly, whereas moisture content, vitamin C and titratable acidity decreased during storage. Control and 0.5% aloe vera treated papaya decayed from 6 days onward and completely decayed within 12 days of storage. On the other hand, 1% and 1.5% aloe vera gel coated papaya maintained their shelf-life for 9 and 12 days, respectively. Some of 1.5% aloe vera coated papaya decayed after 15 days. Papaya treated with 1.5% aloe vera solution, maintained their color & physical changes compared to other treatments up to 12 days of storage. The overall results showed the superiority of 1.5% aloe vera gel coating in extending the shelf-life of papaya up to 15 days compared to that of 0.5%, 1% aloe vera gel coating and control papaya. The present study describes the preparation and potential application of aloe vera gel coatings for enhancing the postharvest life and quality of papaya.

Isolation and characterization of novel protein with anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties from Aloe vera leaf gel. Int J Biol Macromol 48:38-43 Int J Biol Macromol S Das 48 38 2011 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2010.09.010

Author Das S, Mishra B, Gill K, Ashraf MS, Singh AK, Sinha M, Sharma S, Xess I, Dalal K, Singh TP, Dey S (2011)

Aloe vera , Anti-fungal, Inflammation, Hemagglutination, Surface plasmon resonance, Aloe protein of 14 kDa from the Aloe vera leaf gel, isolated by an ion exchange chromatography using DEAE-cellulose and CM-cellulose column, potent anti-fungal activity against Candida paraprilosis, Candida krusei and Candida albicans, nti-inflammatory property against pure lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase-2, method by the phenomenon of surface plasmon resonance, Aloe protein is a novel protein possessing antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties and thus sets a platform to be used as a medicinal plant product.

Impact of Aloe vera gel coating enriched with basil (Ocimum basilicum L.)essential oil on postharvest quality of strawberry fruit.

Authors Mohammadi, L.; Ramezanian, A.; Tanaka, F.; Tanaka, F.

Peach is a climacteric fruit which sustains quick ripening after harvesting due to the high respiration rate and weight loss, texture change, and internal browning. Rapid softening of the fruit and following mold growth lead to negative impact in marketing. Several methods have been proposed in order to expand the shelf life of peach such as heat treatment, UV-B radiation, 1- methycyclopropene , modified atmosphere packing , chemical treatments , and edible coating . Recently, food industries have drawn attention to deployment of natural preservatives, as a coating, in food products with high quality, safety and environment sustainable development . Natural edible coating has been considered as a preservative for delaying senescence of fruit by preventing transpiration and respiration of fruit surface. This type of treatment not only maintains fruit quality as efficiently as modified atmosphere packing method, but also is simple and inexpensive .Aloe vera gel has been employed as a typical example of postharvest edible coating with high maintenance of postharvest qualities in several fruits such as kiwifruit slice , tomato , blueberry , strawberry, pomegranate arils , and orange . Aloe vera gel is mainly composed of polysaccharides combined with soluble sugars, proteins, vitamins, and minerals, but with very low lipid content. Lipid content plays a key role in hydrophobic barrier properties of the edible coating. A promising way to overcome the lipid deficiency in Aloe vera gel is to add essential oil to it which is rich in fatty acid. Essential oil showed a significant effect in controlling decay and extending shelf life of fresh commodities. Essential oil of basil plant with 0.64 g/100 g fatty acid seems to be a good candidate, which is being used in food industry as antimicrobial and antioxidant additive agents to the food products. Since the combination of polysaccharide and lipid enhances the efficacy of coating in hydrophobic properties, in this study we presented the effect of incorporating of basil oil to Aloe vera gel as a novel coating on postharvest quality parameters of ripening in peach, Aloe Vera

Studies on standardization and development of value added product of aloe vera. Int J Innov Res Sci Eng Technol. 2015;4(6):56–60. doi: 10.4172/2157-7110.1000232

Author: Bornare DT.

Aloe vera gel, nutraceutical potential, functional ingredient, development of value added product of aloe vera and produce blended Ready-to-Serve (RTS) beverage with different blending proportion of aloe vera (10%, 20%, 30%, 40%) and mango pulp (90%, 80%, 70%, 60%), Blended Ready-to-Serve (RTS) beverage, Aloe vera, Mango, Aloe vera can be utilized as a valuable ingredient for food application due to its biological activities and functional properties, blended drinks are good alternative for development of new products to provide benefit of taste, nutrition as well as medicinal properties, convert a fruit juice into a functional adding aloe vera juice, selection of Ingredients, raw materials Aloe vera gel juice, blended Aloe vera mango beverages Ready-to-Serve formulation, Blended RTS beverages were prepared using 13% TSS, 0.3% acidity and 10% blended juices of different blending ratio of 90% Mango juice + 10% Aloe vera juice (B), 80% Mango juice + 20% Aloe vera juice (C), 70% Mango juice + 30% Aloe vera juice (D), 60% Mango juice + 40% Aloe vera juice (E) and controlled RTS containing 100% Mango juice without Aloe vera (A-Control), mouth feel of beverage improved with increase in concentration of Aloe vera juice up to the level of 20%

Terapy In Veterinary Dermatology. World Small Animal Veterinary Association World Congress Proceedings, 2004.

Author: Didier-Noel Carlotti, Doct.-Vét., DECVD

shampoo formulations are composed of surfactants (cleansing agents, foaming agents and conditioners) as well as thickeners, softeners, sequestering agents, preservatives, fragrance and sometimes opacifiers and colouring additives. Surfactants are amphophilic molecules, i.e., molecules with a dual affinity, both for water and oil, Surfactants are composed of a hydrophilic part (hydrophilic “head”) and a lipophilic part (“lipophilic tail”). They are called surfactants (surface active ingredients) due to their propensity absorption on various interfaces (oil/water, air/water…), modifying the properties of the interface (decrease of the interface tension and stabilisation of the interface), In water, surfactants form micelle structures. These structures correspond to a spontaneous molecular arrangement of the amphiphilic molecules. The micelle formation process explains many of the surfactant properties and particularly their ability to emulsify, render soluble and disperse oils, dirty and debris, Pet shampoos have to ensure excellent cleansing of the hair and skin, leaving them soft, supple, lustrous and easy to manage. A specifically formulated combinations of surfactants is necessary in order to combine superior cleansing properties and a perfect local tolerance on canine and feline skin. pet shampoos have a physiological pH adapted to the canine and feline skin, Another important feature of pet shampoos is ease of rinsing, because surfactants can induce skin irritation when they are not totally removed by rinsing and also, because dogs and cats (contrary to humans) often lick their fur ingesting shampoo residues, local tolerance and efficacy are assessed on dogs and cats suffering from conditions for which the shampoo is indicated. Canine and feline skin is often more sensitive than is human skin due to anatomical and physiological differences, including differences in the thickness of the stratum corneum, skin pH and hair follicle density which can facilitate cutaneous penetration of active ingredients, Surfactants can be classified into 4 groups, according to their ionic nature: anionic, cationic, non-ionic amphoteric surfactants, efficacy of shampoos on skin hydration, the surface lipid film and stratum corneum, which are of great importance in keratoseborrhoeic disorders, transepidermal water loss (TEWL) measurement, corneocyte counts, measurement of corneal layer thickness, stripping, chemical analysis of lipid film, water content measurement, surface biopsy and corneometry4. These procedures have been deemed to be not reproducible and thus useless in evaluating effects of topical treatments in the dog, ction of active ingredients applied to the skin: liposomes prolong the moisturizing effect and Spherulites® increase bioavailability of therapeutic agents and promotes immediate and residual moisturising properties (reinforced by chitosanide). Also, microemulsions enhance bioavailability of active ingredients, which readily diffuse, and they also have an effective cleansing effect, CAS NUMBER: 85507-69-3

Antioxidant and Cytotoxicological Effects of Aloe vera Food Supplements.

Author: Zaira López,Gabriela Núñez-Jinez,Guadalupe Avalos-Navarro,Gildardo Rivera,Joel Salazar-Flores,José A. Ramírez,Benjamín A. Ayil-Gutiérrez,and Peter Knauth

supplements from Aloe vera, concentrated powders (starting products), final product at a concentration of 1x, meaning g/L for decolorized and spray-dried inner leaf powder (ILG), Aloe fillet, Aloe gel, thick watery inner parenchyma, secondary metabolites such as complex polyphenols (e.g., tannins and flavonoids), lignins, saponins, anthraquinones, glycoproteins, polysaccharides, and enzymes and also smaller metabolites, like sterols, fatty acids, alcohols, vitamins, amino acids, and saccharides, Aloe gel consists of about 99% water; the residual dry mass is composed of approximately 35.5% crude fibres, 26.8% soluble saccharides, 23.6% ashes (minerals), 8.9% proteins, and 5.1% lipids, More than 95% of the soluble saccharides are glucose; the non-starch polysaccharides (apart from pectin, cellulose, and hemicellulose) consist mainly of mannose, glucose, and galactose, forming ??1,4-linked polymers of 30–40 kDa, Aloe extracts as a supplement for functional food no negative health effects could be observed when the extract was decolorized (i.e., treated with charcoal to eliminate anthranoids), antraquinones, aloe emodin, aloin a, aloin b, remotion with adsorbent activate charcoal, filtered through diatomaceous earth, and dehydrated by spray-drying , AMB Wellness starting products (powders) INNOVALOE from its facilities in Mexico, which are commercialized as food supplements of A. vera , spray-drying: 200x inner leaf gel (ILG) powder or the inner leaf fillet, (<10% of polysaccharide acemannan)

Enrichment of Aloe vera gel with basil seed mucilage preserve bioactive compounds and postharvest quality of apricot fruits

Authors Nourozi, F.; Sayyari, M.

The effect of Aloe vera gel (AVG) and basil seed mucilage (BSM) as coating on qualitative attributes of apricot fruits were studied during storage at 2 “C for 28 days. Fruits coating with AVG and BSM alone or in combination with together significantly reduced weight loss, soluble solid content, respiration rate, ethylene production and ripening index in comparison to the uncoated fruits. Also, in coated fruits the firmness and titratable acidity were higher than control fruits. Application of AVG and BSM efficiently increased antioxidant activity, total phenolic content, and ascorbic acid of apricot fruits during cold storage. In evaluation sensory attributes, the panelists did not detect any negative effect of AVG and BSM on flavor and external visual aspect of coated fruits. The results demonstrated that addition of BSM to AVG or their individual application as an edible coating could be a promising approach to maintain postharvest quality and control physiological process of apricot fruits during cold storage. Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) fruits, like other stone fruits, are very appreciated by consumers due to their unique and desirable taste and flavor as well as bioactive compounds (such as phenolics, vitamins and carotenoids), antioxidant activity and nutritive properties. As a climacteric fruit, rapid ripening, softening, and decay cause deterioration of apricot in a short period ranging from 3 to 4 weeks at cold storage, depending on cultivars and growth condition. For delaying the postharvest deterioration process of apricot fruits, precooling and low temperature storage is generally used, although these treatments are not enough to maintain fruit quality during storage and marketing. In this sense, some additional postharvest tools together with cold storage are necessary. Recently, the use of edible coating such as Aloe vera gel (AVG) has been used for maintenance of quality attributes and extension shelf-life of various fresh produces such as stone fruits including peach , nectarine , plum and sweet cherry ,AVG can act as a gas barrier and effectively reduce respiration rate, weight loss, softening, color changes, as well as ethylene production in climacteric fruits .AVG has also antifungal activity against several fungi including Rhizopus stolonifer, Botrytis cinerea and Penicillium digitatum. Some reports have shown that AVG can be used as an edible coating in apple ), papaya, pomegranate arils ,fig (strawberry and sapodilla fruits However, AVG ingredients are mainly polysaccharides, soluble sugars, proteins, vitamins and minerals, while its lipid content is very low, ranging between 0.07 and 0.42% depending on the Aloe spp It is possible to increase the hydrophobic properties of AVG by adding a source of lipids to the composite and then to enhance the barrier efficacy of the coating . Among the possible sources, the basil seed gum (BSG) could be a good alternative to lipids which composed of two major fractions: glucomannan (43%), as the hydrophobic fraction, and xylan (24.29%) that is responsible for its hydrophilic properties. The hydrophilic part can absorb water during soaking and swell into mucilage due to the presence of a polysaccharide substance. BSG is a typical gum which extracted from Ocimum basilicum L, and has several advantages such as hydrophilic properties, availability, easy to production and convenience of extraction. objective of conducted study was to study the effects of the addition of BSG to AVG based coating with improved barrier properties as an approach on ‘Nouri’ apricot fruits quality attributes during 28 days of cold storage as well as the content of bioactive compounds, respiration rate, ethylene production, sensory attributes, and antioxidant activity.

Aloe vera in dermatology: a brief review.

Author: G Ital Dermatol Venereol. 2009;144(1):85–91 Feily A, Namazi MR..

Aloe vera or Aloe barbadensis, dermatology-oriented, Topical application of aloe vera, effective for genital herpes, psoriasis, human papilloma virus, seborrheic dermatitis, aphthous stomatitis, xerosis, lichen planus, frostbite, burn, wound healing and inflammation, biological vehicle and an anti-microbial and antifungal agent and also as a candidate for photodynamic therapy, Aloe Vera can help to calm sunburn, even severe burns that have begun to blister, Aloe Vera can help decrease and possibly even prevent the appearance of wrinkles

Aloe vera gel activity against plant pathogenic fungi, post harvest.

Authors Saks, Y and Barkai-Golan, R

antifungal activity of Aloe vera gel at 1–105 ?l l?1 was tested on four common postharvest fruit pathogens: Penicillium digitatum, P. expansum, Botrytis cinerea, and Alternaria alternata, natural gel suppressed both germination and mycelial growth with P. digitatum and A. alternata being the most sensitive species. Spore survival of P. digitatum, A. alternata, and B. cinerea was reduced by 15–20% at 1 ?l l?1, but the aloe vera gel was similarly effective against P. expansum only when the concentration exceeded 103 ?l l?1, for the first two species, the suppressive effect of the gel increased with an increase in the concentration, culminating in 95% reduction in spore survival at 105 ?l l?1. B. cinerea, however, responded with a partial germination recovery when the gel concentration was greater than 10 ?l l?1, the inhibitory effect of the plant gel on colony growth was exhibited at 1 ?l l?1, when a 67–69% reduction in radial growth was recorded for P. digitatum, A. alternata, and B. cinerea, and a 19% reduction for P. expansum after five days on potato dextrose agar (PDA) at 23 “C, the effect of the gel on disease development in P. Digitatum-inoculated grapefruit was expressed by both a delay in lesion development and a significant reduction in the incidence of infection following dipping in a concentration of plant gel of 103 ?l l?1,

Effects of Edible Coatings from Aloe Vera Gel on Quality and Postharvest Physiology of Ananas Comosus (L.) Fruit During Ambient Storage,

Authors Adetunji, C.O., Fawole, O.B., Arowora, K.A., Nwaubani, S.I., Ajayi, E.S., Oloke, J. K., Majolagbe, O.M., Ogundele, B. A., Aina, J.A., Adetunji, J.B.,

Postharvest losses of tropical fruits are a serious problem because of rapid deterioration during handling, transport, and storage. Edible coatings are thin films that improve produce quality and can be safely eaten as part of the product and do not add unfavorable properties to the foodstuff. Edible coatings provide a barrier against external elements and therefore increase shelf life by reducing gas exchange, loss of water, flavors and aroma and solute migration towards the cuticle. The first kind of edible coatings were water–wax microemulsions to increase brightness and colour in fruits, as well as fungicide carriers. Water loss is another problem that can be controlled with edible wax coatings. Edible waxes can also offer protection against cold damage under storage. Nowadays, an edible coating is made of polysaccharides, proteins and lipids and resins as well. Pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.) is an important fruit crop grown in many tropical and subtropical countries. Fresh pineapple fruit is perishable. The fruit is known for its nutritive and health promoting properties. It is commonly used as table fruit or in desserts. The shelf life of ripe pineapple is short and limited to 4-6 days. Fresh pineapple contains thick, thorny inedible peel and a large crown, which consumes storage space and results in higher transportation costs. Aloe vera gel could prolong the shelf life of citrus stored at ambient condition for seven weeks while it maintain all the good qualities of oranges. The aim of this work was to study the effect of A. vera, applied as an edible coating, on the change in physicochemical parameters and shelf life in Pineapple, related to fruit quality during ambient storage for a period of seven weeks.

Development and evaluation of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. based topical cream formulation

Author: Narayan Prasad Yadav, Shruti Srivastava, Priyam Sinha, Debabrata Chanda*, Suaib Luqman* and Sudeep Tandon** Botany and Pharmacognosy Department, CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP)

Psoralen, cream formulation, in vitro skin permeation, vaginal, cosolvents, enhancing its transport through the skin, emulsifying agents and aqueous cream, hydroalcoholic transparent gel formulations, gelling agent, formulation excipients used in the cream and gel formulations, uniformity, viscosity, pH, stability, and limpidity, buffer Ph, penetration enhancing effect, epidermis, percutaneous flux and enhancement ratio

Influence of Aloe vera on water absorption and enzymatic in vitro degradation of alginate hydrogel films (2013).

Author Pereira, R. F., Carvalho, A., Gil, M. H., Mendes, A., & Bartolo, P. J.,

Hydrogel films composed of alginate and Aloe vera gel were developed for wound healing applications, Films with different formulations can be prepared for the different phases of the wound healing process, Aloe vera gel significantly improves the water absorption and the in vitro degradation properties of alginate hydrogel films, the properties of the hydrogel films can be tailored by changing the Aloe vera content, this study investigates the influence of Aloe vera on water absorption and the in vitro degradation rate of Aloe vera-Ca-alginate hydrogel films, for wound healing and drug delivery applications, the influence of Aloe Vera Gel content (5%, 15% and 25%, v/v) on water absorption was evaluated by the incubation of the films into a 0.1 M HCl solution (pH 1.0), acetate buffer (pH 5.5) and simulated body fluid solution (pH 7.4) during 24 h. Results show that the water absorption is significantly higher for films containing high Aloe Vera Gel contents (15% and 25%), while no significant differences are observed between the alginate neat film and the film with 5% of Aloe Vera Gel, in vitro enzymatic degradation tests indicate that an increase in the Aloe Vera Gel content significantly enhances the degradation rate of the films. Control films, incubated in a simulated body fluid solution without enzymes, are resistant to the hydrolytic degradation, exhibiting reduced weight loss and maintaining its structural integrity. Results also show that the water absorption and the in vitro degradation rate of the films can be tailored by changing the Aloe Vera Gel content.

Formulation, sensory evaluation and nutrient analysis of products with Aloe vera. World

Author: Joy K HM and Rani R NA (2013).

process aloe vera into values added functional food and healthy beverages, also formulate food products like jams, marmalades, and squashes by adding aloe vera. Sensory evaluation of the products ranked strawberry jam, papaya jam and pineapple jam, Aloe vera is only now coming in personal care industry, many are now including aloe vera in such products as cosmetics, baby wipes, washing powders and washing up liquids, facial tissues, toilet paper, safety razors, aloe vera available in India is Aloe Vera Juice, fruits were formulated with aloe vera, large varieties of products formulated are Jams (strawberry jam, papaya jam, pineapple jam), marmalades (orange marmalade, grape marmalade, watermelon and orange marmalade), squashes (banana squash, watermelon squash, papaya squash), From the nutrient analysis it is evident that only certain nutrients are present in fruits, but by adding aloe vera to the products the nutrients that are already present have been enhanced as well as the nutrients that are not available in the fruits but available in aloe vera has also been added.

Effect of Combination of Carbopol-940 Base and HP,MC Gel Extract of Aloe Vera Flesh on Physical Properties and Antibacterial Activity of Propionibacterium acnes.

Authors FIRMANSYAH, Ferdy; VAJRIKA, Silvi Ayu; MUHTADI, Wildan Khairi

Aloe vera is efficacious as an antibacterial activity , treat acne caused by the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes, viscosity, dissolution, diffusion, and bioavailability of the preparation, determine the effect of the combination of Carbopol 940 base and HPMC as a gelling agent on the physical properties and antibacterial activity of aloe vera gel against P. acnes bacteria, tests of adhesion, dispersibility, and viscosity as well as measurement of antibacterial activity by measuring the diameter of the inhibition zone formed on the media, physical properties of the aloe vera gel, adhesive power, viscosity decreased, dispersion power increased, antibacterial activity so that it can treat skin infections, aloe vera flesh was 100% effective against Gram- negative bacteria and 75.3% against isolated Gram-positive bacteria, aloe vera meat inhibited the growth of Propionibacterium acnes by an average of 8.4 mm and could inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus by 18 mm, topical application is gel with various combinations of Carbopol and HPMC bases, hydrogels are very suitable for topical preparations with excess sebaceous gland function, Carbopol are that it is compatible with various active substances, is bioadhesive, has stability, organoleptic characteristics and good patient acceptance, while HPMC is inert , does not cause skin irritation, has good resistance to microbial attack, and provides film strength. which is good when it dries on the skin, combination of Carbopol and HPMC in the gel preparation of aloe vera flesh extract can affect the physical properties of the gel

Fractionation of Aloe vera L. inner gel, purification and molecular profiling of activity. Int Immunopharmacol. 2004;4(14):1757-73.

Author Talmadge J, Chavez J, Jacobs L, et al.

Aloe vera L. plant have demonstrated multiple clinical activities, hematopoietic activities of Aloe vera extracts , organ-specific in vitro molecular profile , Preclinical studies have shown that such carbohydrate-containing extracts promote wound repair, augment reticuloendothelial function, modulate immune responses , and function as an anti-neoplastic, stimulate hematopoiesis, Aloe vera gels are composed predominantly of insoluble plant cell wall material, soluble carbohydrates, calcium malate, and a small amount of protein , carbohydrates are composed of long-chain polydispersed h-(1,4)-linked acetylated polymannan with interspersed O-acetyl groups and a mannose monomer/acetyl ratio of approximately 1:1. Pharmacological properties appear to be mainly mediated by the activation of monocytes-macrophages, and extracts of Aloe vera have been reported to enhance the release of cytokines, including interleukin (IL)-1, IL-2, IL-6, interferon (IFN), granulocyte/monocyte-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in vitro, augmentation of reticuloendothelial functions, humoral and cell-mediated immune response, tumor therapy, and hematopoietic proliferation and differentiation, These activities are thought to be secondary to the stimulation of histiocytic lineage cells, resulting in increased secretion of cytokines and enhanced cellular function, Acemannan has been shown to activate macrophages in vitro and vivo

Characteristics of Aloe-Buni Drink with Proportion Treatment of Aloegel and Buni Extract at Different Temperatures.

Author: Anak Agung Sagung Manik Chindrawati, Luh Suriati, Gede Pasek Mangku, Luh Kade Datrini2

formulation of aloe vera gel (Aloe-gel) and buni fruit extract (EB) into a functional drink, optimize its function as a drink rich in fiber, antioxidants, and flavonoids which are good for health, Aloe-buni drink were obtained from the treatment of Aloe-gel 50%: EB 50% at a storage temperature of 6±1″C, where vitamin C content was 171, 62mg/100gr, pH was 3.29, total dissolved solids was 19, 18″Brix, viscosity of 7.75 m.Pa.s, and antioxidant activity of 28.14%, Functional food products, advantage of functional food is that in addition to its high nutritional content, it is also beneficial for health, Functional drinks are made from natural ingredients that are easy to find in everyday life such as leaves, roots, stems, flowers and other plant parts, process of processing herbal plants into functional drinks requires knowledge of the active ingredients contained in the ingredients and proper formulation techniques because beverage formulation is the most important part so that the taste of the drink, maintain bioactive compounds, namely the effectiveness of extracting phytochemical components from beverage ingredients, beverage processing processes such as heating and pasteurization processes and storage conditions, development of innovative products from natural ingredients of aloe vera combined with buni fruit is an alternative to meet people’s needs for functional drinks, Aloe vera is a functional plant because all parts of the plant can be used for food, body care and. to treat various diseases, manufacture of aloe vera-based drinks, use aloe vera leaf gel, Aloe-gel naturally contains antibacterial compounds, namely saponins, tannins, amino acids , phenols, sterols and acemannan, combination formulation of aloe vera gel with buni fruit, Vitamin C plays a role in growth and affects the intracellular transport mechanism of microorganisms, Aloe-Buni drink with the proportion of Aloe-gel 50%: EB 50% contains the highest total dissolved solids with an average of 19.19″Brix, Analysis, Vitamin C Level, pH, Total Dissolved Solids (TSS), Viscosity, Antioxidant Activity, Organoleptic, Flavor, Thickness, Proportion aloe-gel in the drink affects the viscosity. The decrease in the viscosity of aloe vera gel is due to the hydrolysis of polysaccharides by enzymes which still have high activity and microbial activity, Aroma, buni fruit contains several organic acid compounds that affect pH, buni fruit contains several types of organic acids such as gallic acid, ferulic acid, caffeic acid, ellagic acid and ferulic acid, compounds detected in ripe buni fruit include epicatechin, rutin, resveratrol, quercetin, naringenin, kaempferol, luteolin, gallic acid, ferulic acid, and caffeic acid, although the presence of these bioactive compounds depends on the variety of buni fruit, Aloe vera gel and buni fruit contain many phytochemical compounds such as phenols, flavonoid tannins and anthocyanins, general acceptance hedonic value, general acceptance hedonic value

Aloe Vera Leaf Gel Extract for Antibacterial and Softness Properties of Cotton

Authors W, I., S, A., Z, S., U, M. and A, A.,

Natural plants extract for antimicrobial of textile finishing is a vital and potential area of current and future aspects therefore has greater market value. Cotton has long been recognized as media to support the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi. Among all the natural antimicrobial agents the plant products comprise the major segment, the antibacterial properties of Aloe Vera leaf gel extract on cotton, also its effects on the performance parameters of fabric. Softness properties were also imparted on the fabric as it is the inherit property of Aloe Vera leaf gel. Microorganisms; Antimicrobial; Aloe vera; Inhibition, zone; Whiteness index, Textile finishing involves treating a textile material in such a way that the product has the desired functional properties required for its intended use and therefore has greater market value. The desired properties may include the fabric’s dimensions and their stability, its weight, drape, appearance, softness, and handle, as well as any required functional properties such as resistance to creasing, flames, water, oil, dirt or bacteria. For the treatment of diseases inhibitory chemicals employed to kill micro-organisms or prevent their growth. The microorganisms are found almost everywhere in the environment and can multiply quickly when basic requirements, such as moisture, nutrients and temperature are met. Most synthetic fibers, due to their high hydrophobicity, are more resistant to attacks by microorganisms than natural fibers. Proteins in keratinous fibers and carbohydrates in cotton can act as nutrients and energy sources under certain conditions. Soil, dust, solutes from saw an ideal antimicrobial treatment of textiles should satisfy several requirements. Firstly, it should be effective against a broad spectrum of bacterial and fungal species, but at the same time exhibit low toxicity to consumers. Secondly, the finishing should be durable to laundering, dry cleaning and hot pressing, a greatest challenge as textile products are subjected to repeated washing during their life. Thirdly, the finishing should not have negative effect on the eat and some textile finishes can also be nutrient sources for microorganisms. For these reasons, it is highly desirable that the growth of microbes on textiles be minimized during their use and storage. Consumers’ demand for hygienic clothing and active wear has created a substantial market for antimicrobial textile products, one of the fastest growing sectors of the textile market. Sportswear, socks, shoe linings and lingerie accounted for 85% of the total production, quality (e.g., physical strength and handle) or appearance of the textile. Finally, the finishing should preferably be compatible with chemical processes such as dyeing, be cost effective and not produce harmful substances to the environment. One further consideration is that the antimicrobial finishing of textiles should not kill the resident flora of nonpathogenic bacteria on the skin of the wearer. In the last few decades with the increase in new antimicrobial fiber technology, a range of synthetic antimicrobial products such as triclosan, metals and their salts organometallics and their quaternary ammonium compounds have been developed. Although the synthetic antimicrobial agents are very effective against the growth of many microbes and give a durable effect on textiles, but they are cause of the concern due to the associated side effects, action on non-targeted areas and cause water pollution. Hence there is a great demand of antimicrobial agents based on natural ecofriendly agents which not only helps to improve antimicrobial effect but fulfill statutory requirements by regulating agencies. the antimicrobial activity of Aloe Vera extract against pathogenic bacteria. Methanol extract has showed maximum inhibitory activity against E. coli and Candida. A study was done to identify, quantify, and compare the phytochemical contents, antioxidant capacities, and antibacterial activities of Aloe vera lyophilized leaf gel (LGE), The current research aspects of Aloe Vera leaf gel extracts and its application to textile material for both antibacterial cum softness properties has not been reported yet in the previous works so far. In present manuscript, natural plant Aloe Vera extract is applied on pure cotton fabric and its antimicrobial, mechanical and softness properties, Aloe Vera bleeds from the fabric and shows resistance against the bacteria and there is almost no growth surrounding the bacteria. The zone of inhibition for Aloe Vera is less, when compared to the zone of inhibition of other synthetic antibacterial agents. This can be understood from the point that Aloe Vera gel consists of almost 75 components or ingredients and its antibacterial agents may be present in less quantity as compared to other components. It is also clear from this experiment that Aloe Vera, a natural product in its pure form works against bacteria, Aloe Vera shows maximum resistance, its zone of inhibition is higher as compared to the concentrations. Coefficient of friction comprises two types of tests i.e., coefficient of static friction and coefficient of dynamic friction. Coefficient of static and dynamic friction for both pad-dry and coating samples padded with different concentrations and dried at different temperatures. Softness, Aloe Vera exhibits softness and gives soft feel on cotton fabric results in lowering of co-efficient of dynamic friction. Also, increase in centration gives more softness and increase in temperature has reverse effect on it as Aloe Vera gets graded and cotton gets stiff at high temperature. Co-efficient of static and dynamic friction (coating). At high concentrations, the Aloe Vera shows its softness properties as it over comes some of the hardness effects of the binder and thickeners present at the same concentrations in the recipe. Whiteness index for pad-dry samples padded with different concentrations and dried at different temperatures, Bending length of pad-dry and coating with respect to warp and weft wise samples, with different concentrations and dried at different temperatures, Warp wise bending length, decreases as the concentration of Aloe Vera increases. Aloe Vera has softening effect and so its decreases the bending length of the finished fabric. bending length in the weft direction is less as compared to the warp direction because the weft yarns are more relaxed as compared to the warp yarns. Increase in concentration of Aloe Vera decreases the bending length also. The temperature tends no trends for bending length.

Film formation and deposition methods of edible coating on food products: A review.

Author Rajat Suhaga Nishant Kumara Anka Trajkovska Petkoskab Ashutosh Upadhyaya

edible coating deposition methods (dipping, spraying, fluidized-bed, panning), preferred techniques for edible packaging: casting (films) and dipping (coatings), edible packaging is known as a potential alternative to protecting food quality and improving shelf life by delaying the microbial spoilage and providing moisture and gas barrier properties, the edible coating applied directly on the food product or preformed film wrapped around the food product, Edible films can be produced using two methods, wet (casting) and dry (extrusion) processes; and methods such as dipping, spraying, fluidized-bed, and panning are used for deposition of edible coatings on the surface of food product, methods for film formation and coating deposition

Gut microbiota .-Advancing human gut microbiota research by considering gut transit time

Author: Nicola Procházková,Gwen Falony, Lars Ove Dragsted,Tine Rask Licht4,Jeroen

gut microbiota, composition, activity, human health, diversity and metabolism, gut motility, gut transit time, gut microbiome variations in health and disease, gut transit time including sex, ageing, stress, body mass index, colonic anatomy, gut hormones and diet, Dietary patterns, dietary factors, dietary fibres, mechanical stimulation of the intestinal epithelium, Fermentable fibres such as inulin seem to alleviate constipation and improve physical discomfort, gut microbial metabolism

Novel active ingredient delivery system in herbals

Author Kharat Amol* and Pawar Pratibha

Novel drug delivery system is the method by which a drug is delivered can have a significant effect on its efficacy. Some drugs have an optimum concentration range within which maximum benefit is derived, and concentrations above or below this range can be toxic or produce no therapeutic benefit at all. From this, new ideas on controlling the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, nonspecific toxicity, immunogenicity, biorecognition, and efficacy of drugs were generated, A novel drug delivery system is a system that offers multiple drug delivery solutions such as Oral Drug Delivery Systems and Materials, Parenteral and Implant Drug Delivery Systems, Pulmonary and Nasal Drug Delivery, transmucosal Drug Delivery, Transdermal and Topical Drug Delivery, Delivery of Proteins and Peptides, Drug Delivery Pipelines, Drug Delivery Deals, Novel drug delivery system is a novel approach to drug delivery that addresses the limitations of the traditional drug delivery systems. Modern medicine cures a particular disease by targeting exactly the affected zone inside a patient’s body and transporting the drug to that area. Determination of pharmacokinetics, mechanism of action, site of action, accurate dose required , Types of novel drug delivery systems, Sublingual that is, a drop under the tongue, Self adhesive patch on skin, Pump e.g. Insulin pump, Special pervious plastic injected below skin e.g. Norplant, recent developments in novel drug delivery system of herbals, Phytosome, Liposome, nanoparticles, Emulsions, Microsphere, Ethosome, Solid lipid nanopartical, Controlled Drug Delivery System, Other novel vesicular herbal formulations, Proprietary novel drug delivery system of plant actives and extracts, Niosomes, Proniosomes, Transdermal Drug Delivery System, Dendrimers, Liquid Crystals, Hydrogels, development of novel drug delivery systems (NDDS) for plant actives and extracts, Ocusert is a long-acting sustained-delivery system used as ocular insert for the treatment of open-angle glaucoma. Ocusert consists of pilocarpine as miotic drug. Pilocarpine is obtained from the leaves of Pilocarpus microphyllus and other species. A soft contact lens soaked in pilocarpine solution also provides sustained delivery, Hair-growth herbal spray contains pure, natural traditional Chinese medicine including ginseng extract, Chinese angelica extraction, and Polygonum multiflorum extraction. It is made with efficient active constituent extracted by advanced super-critical fluid-extract (SFE) technology with high-tech bioengineering CO 2 super-critical fluid. Hair-growth herbal spray contains pure, natural TCM enhancer Angelica naphtha Its functions are Influence the keratodermia hydration, Dissolve sebum within sebaceous gland duct, Novel drug delivery system in herbals, formulation of Novel drug delivery system in herbals.

The Relation of pH and Skin Cleansing. Curr Probl Dermatol. 54:132-142.

Author Blaak J, Staib P

epidermal barrier functions, like skin barrier regeneration and antimicrobial response, acidic nature of the skin surface pH (ss-pH), epidermal acidification, soaps and skin cleansing products, can induce significant changes in ss-pH, skin microflora , skin pH recovery needs time up, epidermal physiology and cutaneous microflora, cleansing and skin care products with a pH level of 4.0-5.0 may be helpful, ideal mix of surfactants, enhancing product compatibility and minimizing skin irritation and intolerance, innovative cleansing technology, multifaceted cosmetic research, interrelation of product pH level, surfactant composition and corneobiology.

Enhancing properties.- Drug absorption enhancing properties of Aloe vera across the intestinal epithelium. D. Tech. Thesis, Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa, 2008.

Author: Chen, W.

Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. – Asphodelaceae – gel – whole leaf extract – absorption enhancement – Caco?2, confocal laser scanning microscopy, F-actin, FITC-dextran, tight junctions, transepithelial electrical resistance, co-administration of absorption enhancers,

Cosmeto-textiles: State of Art, Fibers & Textiles

Authors Mukesh Kumar Singh, Varun VK, Behera BK

Cosmetotextiles are fast emerging as today’s most potential customer lifestyle. Both men and women on both side of the Atlantic are equally excited by the concept of well-being clothes, especially those worn close to the body and capable of having cosmetic effects. Textiles which provide cosmetic and biological functions, such as pleasant feeling, energizing, slimming, refreshing, vitalizing, skin glowing, anti-ageing, body care, fitness and health, are categorizes as cosmetotextiles. The wellness or health promoting aspects of textile finishes have become a delightful functional matter. Wellness can be defined as a pleasant state free from disease, a healthy balance between the human body and mind. Wellness has become a social determination which symbolizes the wish for eternal youth against ageing. The extracts of natural products and selected essential oils are added to textiles, which not only have healing properties but also keep the wearer fresh and vigorous, The Natural Moisturizing Factor (NMF) is a scale to express the activeness of skin in terms of the moisture level in the horny layer of the skin surface. At a moisture level of 20%, the skin remains lustrous and elastic; now it reduces to 10%, the skin becomes dry and rough. The merger of two apparently different sectors – cosmetics and textiles clears the way to climb the heights of cosmetotextiles. Cosmetotextiles are capable of imparting skincare benefits, combating ageing and promoting a feeling of wellness or well-being, through micro-encapsulation. In other words, a cosmetotextile is a textile consumer article containing a durable cosmetic substrate which is released over time. The European Cosmetic Directive has defined cosmetic products as “any textile article containing a substance or preparation that is released over time on different superficial parts of the human body, notably on human skin, and containing special functionalities such as cleansing, perfuming, changing appearance, protection, keeping in good condition or the correction of body odors is called a cosmetotextile”. Cosmetotextiles can be considered as cosmetic textiles when the cosmetic ingredients grafted onto the textiles have to be transferred to the wearer’s skin, and the amounts transferred have to be enough to ensure that cosmetic benefits are possible. The European Union formed a working group – WG-25 to form test standards for cosmetotextiles, Classification of cosmetotextiles on the basis of their influence on the human body, in terms of their influence on the human body, cosmetotextiles can be classified as follows, cosmetotextiles for slimming, cosmetotextiles for moisturizing, cosmetotextiles for energizing, cosmetotextiles for perfuming, cosmetotextiles for refreshing and relaxing, cosmetotextiles for vitalizing, cosmetotextiles for UV protection, cosmetotextiles for improving the firmness and elasticity of skin. Direct coating on textile products Some active agents are coated on fibre, yarn, or a fabric surface according to the suitability of the existing facility and the use of the end product. Bed linen can be made more comfortable and healthier using fibers coated by microcapsules with essential oils or antibacterial or anti-dust agents as well as anti-mite chemicals. Fuji Spinning Co. Japan disclosed. in a European patent that fibre treated with an emulsion of alpha-tocopherol acetate gets a reduced antioxidant function. Host-guest molecule technology is required to prolong the antioxidant function on the textile surface vitamin E complex does not show any substantivity with textile surfaces, padding, spraying, coating or printing are the other alternative application techniques. Aloe vera has proved that textiles treated with it are very pleasant to wear, having a significant effect on energy levels, which offers a feeling of well-being. Aloe vera is used to obtain antibacterial, antiviral, antimycotic, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects. Invista International, Switzerland, suggested that the use of graduated compression in garments for the legs offers many physiological benefits for the wearer, such as reduced fatigue and leg swelling, as well as enhanced athletic performance. Invista developed new lycra leg care stockings which are a combination of function and fashion, with the potential to significantly reduce post-exercise muscle soreness. Tejin Co. Ltd, Japan, was the first to manufacture and sell two million of its trade marked ‘Amino Jeans’ within 24 hours. They are treated with arginine and blown, being new potential in the wellness innovation market. Arginine is an amino acid said to maintain skin youthness, Skintex technology incorporates active ingredients by micro-encapsulation. The active ingredients are encapsulated inside the microcapsule and firmly anchored on the fibre within the fabric of a textile without affecting the feel and visual appearance of the textile. In a typical application, chitosan is encapsulated to prevent warmth, drying out and cold. At the same time, chitosan helps to protect the skin from dehydration and keeps a supple and velvety soft touch. The ingredients are released either by friction during wearing or the chitosan layer is slowly reduced over time through the wearer’s enzymes. Each textile structure has a limit to load the extra ingredients. A highly active ingredient in each microcapsule with maximum utilization of the capsule interior is required for attaining a long lasting well-being effect. Skintex wellbeing ingredients are highly concentrated, and hence, even with a very small release, their effect can be seen and felt. Moreover, they are dermatologically tested according to the Ecotex 100 standard. In terms of traces of vitamin E, this technology is effective even after 100 washings if clothes are washed according to Skintex recommendations, A clinically proven patented fabric design from Solidea, Italy, offers cellulite reducing shorts and hosiery range by the micro-massaging of body parts. The manufacturer claims that “MicroMassage Magic” garments are helpful for smoothing and reshaping the bottom and legs, improving the health and appearance of legs and thighs. This patented design of Solidea combines compression with massage through everyday movement. The Solidea range in Australia is going to include Magic Maman Anti-cellulite maternity shaping shorts that promote blood circulation and reduce water retention. Typical MicroMassage Magic Shorts contain 80% polyamide, 18% Elastane and 2% cotton fibres. The USA based company Cupron Inc has launched a commercial range of pillows and pillowcases with the slogan “Beauty while You Sleep”, which helps to reduce wrinkles and liver spots. Polyester filament was treated with wicking surfactant to maintain the sufficient breathability of pillows and pillow covers. Cupron used the copper oxide to offer antimicrobial and healing properties. This compound also promotes the healing of wounds because it can bind amino acids and create collagen. In the case of natural and solution spun fibers, Cupron used copper oxide as a melt additive in melt spun fibers coated on a fibre surface. The clinical trials of Cupron fibres showed that they improve skin tone and texture significantly. Cupron used 4×1 twill weave fabric with a copper impregnated weft and a Pima cotton warp. Cognis, Germany, has introduced chemically and technically fine-tuned baby diapers, “Caremelts”, with maximum dermatological compatibility based on the application of phase change materials. Caremelts work close to room temperature. Caremelts utilise the combination of cosmetic waxes with fabrics which melt partially at body temperature. Caremelts are manufactured in a discontinuous way in order not to disturb the liquid acquisition functionality of the diapers or other hygiene potentials. Skinsoft 415 New: This finish was developed by Daiwa Chemical Inc., Japan, which is mainly composed of phospholipid containing 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC) with phosphatidylcholine polar groups. Skinsoft 415 New, based on water soluble polymer, exhibits a superior moisture retaining effect. Sweet softener AN is also available for use with Skinsoft 415 New. This finish improves soil release, antibrowning and antistatic effects. Ohara Paragium Chemicals Kyoto, Japan, have launched a broad spectrum of skin care and anti-ageing functional finishes for textiles, some of which are available on the market: Parafine SC-1000: This finish was developed by Ohara Paragium Chem. JP. and mainly consists of silk based amino acids. The amino acids are rich in moisture retaining properties which promote skin well-being by enhancing the amount of moisture on skin. n Parafine SC-3000: This finish imparts a fat-burning effect by the presence of capsaicin, as well as a moisture-retaining and skincare effect with raspberry and squalane, respectively. Parafine SC-5000: This finish contains extracts from rice germ oil (ferulic acid and g -oryzanol) and vitamin E. This combination offers anti-oxidation properties which contribute to skin anti-ageing. This finish promotes anti-oxidation, bio-membrane stabilisation and blood circulation in human skin. EVOTM Care Vital: This finish, developed by Dystar Auxiliaries GmbH,Frankfurt, Germany, contains a combination of vitamin E, Aloe Vera and Jojoba oil that offers an anti-ageing function in textiles. These natural substances are embedded in silicone matrix to enhance the wash fastness of the finished fabric. Evo Care Vital is applied as the last step in the conventional pad and exhaust finishing process. DyStar has also introduced Evo Care BeeWell with beewax, Evo Care AVP and Evo Care AVS with Aloe Vera and Evo Care SJO with Jojoba oil. Evo Care Vital fulfills current cosmetic requirements with its anti-ageing effect and the fact that it is applicable over a broad range of textiles that come directly into contact with the skin, consistent improvement in skin integrity by exposing factory workers to dry coated aloe vera gloves. Ajinomoto with Mizuno Corp USA with brand name “Amino Veil”, “arginine” amino acid, Tennis and golf clothes. Amino acid dissolves into the wearer’s perspiration, enhancing the material’s ability to absorb moisture, keeping the skin’s pH level balanced and regenerating the skin, Yonex: Sports cloth manufacturer, Xylitol, Tennis and badminton clothes: These fabrcis mainly consist of xylitol, which absorbs heat when it comes into contact with water and offers a cool feel (when the wearer start sweating), Fuji Spinning, Japan with Brand Name V-Up, Pro-vitamin C soluble in sebum, Cosmeto-clothing: Pro-vitamin C converts into vitamin C in the presence of sebum and is applied on blouses, and men and women’s shirts, Invista (previously DuPont Textiles & Interiors) with International Flavors & Fragrances (IFF), Aloe Vera, and Chitosan with other PCMs, Leg wear and intimate clothing for both men, women and Yoga Lines: Delivering cosmetic and well-being benefits like freshness, moisturizing and massage for leg wear and intimate apparel. Stretch and recovery function through the use of Lycra , Richa (BE) Collection, 2007, phase-change materials (PCM), Close-fitting women’s motorbike pants: having a thin lining of Schoeller’s phase change material, which can be removed in warmer weather and reattached at lower temperatures, Cognis oleochemicals Corp.with brand name “Skintex, distilled oils of plants,fruits and leaves, This fabric has the ability to provide gentle care to tired feet and legs with the special effects of invigorating aromas. This functionality lasts up to several launderings, Dogi International Fabrics, aloe vera, Smart Fabrics with aloe vera nanoparticles which provide moisturising, calming, antioxidant and anti-ageing benefits, LYOSILK® Hefel Textil GmbH, Austria, Tencel and silk fibre, Lyosilk® consists of microfine Tencel fibres and pure silk. 300-1000 meter long individual delicate threads are twisted together to form open and soft silk yarn to use as weft. The actively breathable, fluffy Tencel® fibres become shinier, smoother and even more refined by the incorporation of pure silk, SEACELL®ACTIVE Hefel Textil GmbH, Austria, Lyocell fibre sea algae and silver ions, HEFEL has begun using t SeaCell® Active fibre in its bedding. The fibre is made from 100% cellulose and algae and is enriched with pure silver, which has strong anti-bacterial and fungicidal properties. According to Friedrich Schiller university in Jena, patients with chronic skin diseases can directly benefit from the new SeaCell® Active textiles. Functionality is not reduced even after 20 washes at 60 “C. , Solidea, Italy MicroMassage Magic, 80% polyamide;18% elastin; 2% cotton, The MicroMassage collection provides elegant shaping as well as the toning and smoothing of skin. The key is in the special patented three-dimensional wave-like knitting process of the fabric, which lightly massages skin by working with natural body movement to promote circulation in skin and fat tissue and stimulate the drainage of fluids causing orange peel, Cosmetil and Variance, Hydrabra, ultra-thin cloth with extracts of Padina Pavonica, The cosmetically inspired fluid lingerie “Hydrabra” provides moisturising and firming effects

Colonic health: Fermentation and short chain fatty acids. J. Clin. Gastroenterol. 2006, 40, 235–243

Author: Wong, J.M.W.; Souza, R.; Kendall, C.W.C.; Emam, A.; Jenkins, D.J.A.

in short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) with the emergence of prebiotics and probiotics aimed at improving colonic and systemic health, substrates for fermentation, SCFAs, primarily acetate, propionate, and butyrate, as end products, substrate source, SCFAs are readily absorbed, Butyrate is the major energy source for colonocytes, Propionate is largely taken up by the liver. Acetate enters the peripheral circulation to be metabolized by peripheral tissues, acetate is the principal SCFA in the colon, and after absorption it has been shown to increase cholesterol synthesis, propionate, a gluconeogenerator, has been shown to inhibit cholesterol synthesis, propionate ratio may reduce serum lipids and possibly cardiovascular disease risk, Butyrate has been studied for its role in nourishing the colonic mucosa and in the prevention of cancer of the colon, promoting cell differentiation, Butyrate in the treatment of colitis, functional foods, conversion of bioactive substances such as phytoestrogens to promote or retard their absorption from the colon, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, cardiovascular disease, and cancer, exerting prebiotic-like effects

Oral aloe vera for treatment of diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia

Author: Minh Q. Ngo, Pharm.D., Nancy N. Nguyen, Pharm.D., Sachin A. Shah, Pharm.D.

Aloe vera extract, alternative medicine, diabetes mellitus, dose response drug , efficacy dyslipidemia, human, hypercholesterolemia , hiperlipidemia, impaired glucose tolerance lipid metabolism, non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus , Aloe, blood glucosa, blood leve loral drug administration phytotherapy plant leaf, Administration Oral,Aloe, Blood Glucose, Cholesterol , Complementary Therapies, Diabetes mellitus,Humans, Hypoglycemic Agents, Hypolipidemic Agents , Phytotherapy Leaves

Design, Formulation, and Evaluation of Aloe vera Gel-Based Capsaicin Transemulgel for Osteoarthritis

Author: Narayana Charyulu Rompicherla , Punam Joshi 1, Amitha Shetty, Kalvatala Sudhakar ,Hawraz Ibrahim M. Amin , Yachana Mishra, Vijay Mishra , Aqel Albutti * and Naif Alhumeed

Topical treatments are a potential therapeutic option for the therapy of osteoarthritis, with significant data supporting the effectiveness and safety of topical formulation. Topical gel formulations may offer an alternative to oral formulations to relieve osteoarthritis (OA) pain while decreasing systemic exposure. Topical capsaicin transemulgel may represent an effective and safe alternative. The transemulgel was prepared from aqueous Aloe vera gel and Carbopol 934 with capsaicin in clove oil emulsion, improved permeability properties. The formulation caused no skin irritation when applied topically, emulsion, capsaicin, arthritis, topical, anti-inflammatory agent, drug delivery, Osteoarthritis is the most common degenerative joint disease, Pathological changes in osteoarthritis joints include destruction of articular cartilage, progressive loss, subchondral bone thickening, osteophytes formation, ligament degeneration, menisci of the knee, and hypertrophy of the joint capsule, treatment includes oral and topical pharmacological agents, patient education, alternative surgery, medicine, physical therapy, and modalities, topical drug delivery has advantages over conventional routes; in particular, it avoids first-pass metabolism, and is a non-invasive mode of drug delivery with a sustained and controlled release profile, Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis miller), a perennial plant belonging to the family Liliaceae, is used due to its anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, and burn healing effects. It has been used in different commercial products, due to its cooling effect, the burning sensation of capsaicin can be reduced by rubbing the skin with Aloe vera gel as a base,therefore, the present research work aimed to develop and evaluate capsaicin transemulgel using Aloe vera gel as a base for the treatment of osteoarthritis

Aloe vera Mucilage as Solubility Enhancer in Tablet Formulation.

Author: Habibur RAloe Vera High Molecular Polysaccharidesan

health benefits associated with Aloe vera have been attributed to the polysaccharide contained in the gel of the leaves. On the other hand, the important pharmaceutical applications such as the use of the dried Aloe vera gel powder as an excipient in sustained release (SR) pharmaceutical dosage forms, development of water insoluble compound into a sustained release matrix tablets and the influence of Aloe vera gel powder in the dissolution and other physical properties of the SR matrix tablets were assessed. The HPMC and ethyl cellulose were used as polymer and different concentration of Aloe vera gel powder used as dissolution enhancer. Sustained release matrix tablets were formulated by direct compression method, developed tablet formulation complies with the monograph. The results suggest that Aloe vera is improved the dissolution of curcumin. Dissolution kinetics suggests that all the formulation followed Korsemayer Peppas model via anomalous diffusion mechanism. To conclude the Aloe vera gel powder can be used as dissolution enhancer for improving the drug absorption of water insoluble drugs.

The Potential of Aloe vera as an Active Ingredient in Toothpaste Formulations: A Narrative Review.

Authors Pegah Nasiri, Ali Malekzadeh Shafaroudi , Mahmood Moosazadeh, Delaram Poorkazemi, Javad Mehrani Sabet

Tooth brushing is a primary method to prevent the onset of oral diseases. Aloe vera is commonly used in dentistry as an herbal alternative due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial actions; recently, it has been used in toothpaste formulations as an active agent, Aloe vera toothpaste can be used as an adjunct agent in toothpaste due to its established effects on improving periodontal problems and reducing different oral cavity micro-organisms. The oral cavity contains 500 – 1000 different types of bacteria, fungi, and occasional viruses, cleaning the oral cavity is an essential method of preserving oral health due to removing microbial plaques and preventing them from accumulating on gingiva, periodontal diseases can affect almost 90% of the population. Several etiologic factors can lead to periodontal diseases, including the accumulation of dental plaques. In addition to periodontal diseases, plaque is a critical factor for the initiation and progression of dental caries, tooth brushing once a day is almost adequate to remove plaques and prevent the onset of gingivitis and caries, however, the average adult population do not adhere to sufficient tooth brushing. Consequently, some compounds, such as chlorhexidine, have been used as mouth rinses or are added to toothpaste as adjunctive to improve the mechanical plaque removal, toothpaste can efficiently deliver therapeutically active agents like fluoride to the surface of the teeth, the success of toothpaste depends on its ability to reduce pathogenic oral microflora, researchers have investigated more appropriate alternatives for traditional dental medicines due to side effects, for instance, the unpleasant taste and staining are the main side effects of chlorhexidine mouthwashes

Psychobiotics for Patients with Chronic Gastrointestinal Disorders Having Anxiety or Depression Symptoms

Authors Dao VH Hoang LB , Trinh TO, Tran TTT, Dao VL

psychobiotics to modify the gut microbiome, depression, anxiety, GI symptoms, multispecies probiotics product, Anxiety and depression are present in 30–50% of patients with chronic gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, bidirectional signal pathway between the central nervous system and the enteric nervous system, use of probiotics as a supportive therapy in psychiatric diseases, Lactobacillus, Lactococcus and Bifidobacterium strains, specific strain properties, Anxiety and depression are common presentations in patients with functional GI disorders, probiotics to modify the gut microbiome, psychobiotic due to the efficacy of specific probiotics strains, multispecies probiotic product ,

Application of Edible Coatings on Fruits and Vegetables.

Authors J. Kabir, Vijaykumar T. Kore, Sima S. Tawade

techniques have been studied in order to extend the shelf life of fresh produce (fruits and vegetables), as low temperature and high relative humidity, controlled and modified atmosphere packaging/storage, maintenance of the quality of fresh produce is still a major challenge for the food industry, edible coating can act as moisture and gas barriers, control microbial growth, preserve the colour, texture and moisture of the product and can effectively extend the shelf life of the product, edible coatings are a thin layer of edible materials which restrict loss of water, oxygen and other soluble material of food, The coating is an integral part of the food which can be eaten as a part of the whole food product , edible coatings can offer the following advantages to the fresh fruits and vegetables industry, improved retention of colour, acids, sugar and flavour components, maintenance of quality during shipping and storage, reduction of storage disorders; and d) improved consumer appeal , edible coatings have also a high potential to carry active ingredients such as anti-browning agents, colorants, flavors, nutrients, spices and antimicrobial compounds that can extend product shelf life and reduce the risk of pathogen growth on food surfaces, formulations of edible coating, Applications of lipid based coatings on fresh fruits and vegetables, Resisted the leaching effects, Less decay, Best fruit quality, better the organoleptic properties, increased shelf life, highest acidity and TSS under the treatment with 6 to 9 %It delayed ripening and reduced the water loss and decay incidence. Little effect on TSS, total titratable acidity, and ascorbic acid, Retard water loss, prevent desiccation, Effective in retarding fruit ripening, retaining fruit firmness, and improving fruit quality attributes including levels of fatty acids and aroma volatiles, Reduced weight loss, and shrivel; increase shelf life; increase ground skin coloration, Slightly delayed fruit ripening but reduced fruit aroma volatile development, Decreased soluble solids, titratable acidity and ascorbic acid loss; increase storage life up to 34 days, Prolongs and improves the shelf life, excellent antifungal barrier inhibiting the growth of natural phytopathogenic fungal strains and slow weight loss, Reduced the rate of physico-chemical changes; retained the best quality, Lower the fresh matter loss percentage and higher the relative water retention; peel percentage decreased and pulp and pulp/peel percentages increased, Extended the green life, delayed ripening, Reduced softening of arils, weight loss and % of browning index, loss of vitamin C, loss of anthocyanin and delayed microbial decay, Prevent oxidative and hydrolytic rancidity, improved their smoothness and taste and improved sensory characteristics, Retaining texture (especially for brittleness); also maintained higher POD activity and lower activities of cell wall hydrolases such as PE, PG, and cellulase, Delayed ripening, retained higher TSS: acid ratio in storage, Delayed ripening, loss of firmness and reduced PLW, Preserving the quality and extending the shelf life, reduced the weight and firmness losses, Retaining higher contents of Vit. ‘C’ and total ‘chlorophyll’, Reduced moisture loss, maintaining fruit firmness and fruit freshness, Reduced physiological loss in weight and shrinkage, aloe vera edible coating was able to reduce the initial microbial counts for both mesophilic aerobic and yeast and molds in cv. Crimson Seedless table grapes, aloe in general positive effect of this edible coatings is based on their hygroscopic properties, which enables formation of O2 and CO2 and creating modified atmosphere (MA) and acting as moisture barrier between the fruit and the environment, and thus reduced weight loss, browning, softening, and growth of yeast and molds, Papaya , Aloe vera gel edible coating , Control PLW, ripening process (chemical changes, colour development and softening of fruit tissue) and decay, increase the shelf life, cherry , Aloe vera gel Prevent loss of moisture and firmness, control respiratory rate and maturation development, delay oxidative browning and reduce microorganism proliferation, apple , Aloe vera gel Delayed the loss of total phenolics and ascorbic acid, Delayed the weight loss, colour changes, accelerated softening and ripening, rachis browning, and high incidence of berry decay, extend the storage life and reduce the initial microbial counts, grapes, Aloe vera gel Prevent loss of moisture and firmness, control respiratory rate and maturation development, delay oxidative browning and reduce microorganism proliferation, Aloe

Formulation of Aloe Vera polysaccharide gel niosomes

Author Sasan Khadem nematollahi1 , Abbas Pardakhty2, Kobra Habibi3 , Mitra Mehrabani3

effectively deliver these biologicals, Niosomes are vesicles composed of non-ionic surfactants, which are biodegradable, relatively nontoxic, more stable and inexpensive, an alternative to liposomes, application in medicine, preparation of niosome, types of niosomes, characterisation and their applications, Bilayer, drug entrapment, lamellar, niosomes, surfactants, targeted drug delivery, designed for attempting to concentrate the drug in the tissues of interest while reducing the relative concentration of the medication in the remaining tissues, Different carriers have been used for targeting of drug, such as immunoglobulin, serum proteins, synthetic polymers, liposome, microspheres, erythrocytes and niosomes, self-assembly of non-ionic surfactants into vesicles, hydration are microscopic lamellar structures formed upon combining non-ionic surfactant of the alkyl or dialkyl polyglycerol ether class with cholesterol, encapsulated glucomannan in vesicles, release of the polysaccharides, Encapsulation efficiencies, Niosomes could be used for topical delivery of Aloe gel due to slow diffusion-based release rate of Aloe gel and the high stability of the prepared vesicles. Lipid vesicles have penetration enhancing properties, hopefully resulted in better efficacy of the gel in topical administration, Glucomannan

Improving food products’ quality and storability by using Layer by Layer edible coatings.

Author Hadar Arnon-Ripsba Elena Poverenova

Layer by Layer (LbL) approach is based on the alternate deposition of different biopolymers and allows for more effective control over the physicochemical properties and activity of edible coatings, environmental, physiological, and microbiological damages, including heat, oxidation, humidity, enzymatic activity, as well as fungi, yeast, and bacterial attacks. All of the above result in significant food losses and waste throughout the postharvest supply chain, quality and shelf life enhancement, edible coatings may protect food products from mechanical and microbial damages, prevent the escape of favorable volatiles, inhibit food senescence processes and provide an esthetic appearance, coatings are based on biodegradable and biocompatible materials, fruit and vegetables continue their respiration process even after their harvest; edible coatings therefore need to have precise balanced gas permeability properties for a normal CO2/O2 exchange, fresh commodities are very sensitive to water loss, which cause size shrinkage and texture impairment, coatings need to have limited water vapor permeability to inhibit moisture escape, fresh-cut fruit and vegetables usually have exceptionally hydrophilic surfaces that are also difficult to adhere to, to be applicable, edible coatings must combine a number of traits such as sufficient antimicrobial activity, protection from environmental damages, precisely balanced gases and water vapor permeability and exceptionally good adhesion, The LbL method can also be employed in the field of edible coatings with its ability to apply various biopolymers in a controlled manner in order to fine-tune the coatings properties, LbL technique has been widely explored and lead to various applications in electrical, optical, biomedical and membrane devices, such as microcapsules, solar cells, biosensors, drug delivery systems and separations membranes, is also used to prepare edible films and coatings. These coatings are currently mostly applied on fresh, Aloe

Design, formulation and evaluation of Aloe vera chewing gum.

Author Abolfazl Aslani, Alireza Ghannadi, Razieh Raddanipour

design and evaluate the formulation of Aloe vera chewing gum with an appropriate taste and quality with the indications for healing oral wounds, such as lichen planus, mouth sores caused by cancer chemotherapy and mouth abscesses as well as reducing mouth dryness caused by chemotherapy, Aloe vera powder, the carbohydrate content was determined according to mannose and phenolic compounds in terms of gallic acid, chewing gum was cut into pieces of suitable sizes. Weight uniformity, content uniformity, the organoleptic properties evaluation, releasing the active ingredient in the phosphate buffer (pH, 6.8) and taste evaluation were examined by Latin square method, healing properties of Aloe vera improve the skin which is exposed to ultraviolet (UV) and gamma rays. It has antiinflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial, antitumor, moisturizing, antiaging, hypoglycemic, antidiabetic, cytotoxic, and antioxidants effects. It is also used against cardiovascular diseases, pharmaceutical chewing gums are produced in a solid form and a single dose. Their base mainly consists of gum base. This form of medication contains one or more active ingredients that are released by chewing. Pharmaceutical applications of pharmaceutical chewing gums include topical treatment of oral diseases and systemic delivery after absorption through the buccal mucosa or the gastrointestinal route, benefits of chewing gum include consumption without water ,high acceptance by children, low side effects, suitable stability, high bioavailability, rapid onset effect and relieving the mouth dryness by stimulating saliva, formulation of pharmaceutical chewing gums contain pharmaceutical active ingredients, gum bases, fillers, elastomers, plasticizers, softeners, emulsifiers, sweeteners and flavors, factors affecting drug release in this type of dosage form include physicochemical properties of the active ingredient, chewing gum properties and related factors with strength and number of masticatory movements, some of the formulated drugs in the form of chewing gum include fluoride, chlorhexidine, nicotine, aspirin, caffeine, and dimenhydrinate, oral Aloe vera can be used as a wound healer for oral wounds, To heal mouth sores, such as lichen planus, ulcers and abscesses caused by cancer chemotherapy, oral products such as mouthwash are used. Recently, one study examined the effects of 70% Aloe vera extract in the form of mouthwash for the treatment of mucositis caused by radiotherapy and another study examined the effects of 80% Aloe vera extract in the form of mouthwash to treat lichen planus

Aloe vera Polysaccharides as Biological Response Modifiers in Chickens

Author: Kashfa Khaliq1*, Masood Akhtar2, Zafar Iqbal3 and Iftikhar Hussain4

biological response modifiers in chickens, Aloe (A.) vera polysaccharides, lymphoproliferative response to PHA-P and Con-A in chickens of polysaccharides administered group, higher response, higher humoral immune responses [total immunoglobulins (Igs), IgG and IgM titers] were also detected in treatment groups. Biomolecule administered chickens showed better feed conversion ratios and significantly higher (p<0.05) weekly weight gain, A. vera derived polysaccharides have potential to be used as immunotherapeutic agent(s) in chickens, Biological response modifiers induced modification(s) in the functioning of immune system and have unique effects on the physiology of human beings and animals, these substances also reduced the immunosuppressive effects of different remedies and simultaneously increased their effectiveness. In this regard, Aloe (A.) vera is considered as one of the promising candidate having immunomodulatory effects in different animal models, aloe has a variety of conditions including mild fever, burns, wounds, gastrointestinal disorders, sexual vitality, inflammation, arthritis, and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, Its immunomodulatory activities include stimulation of macrophages, which produced nitric oxide and thus showed effects on the antigen presenting cells

Bio-finishing of fabrics.

Authors R Bhala, V Dhandhania, AP Periyasamy

In general, the term ‘finishing’ applies to all of the operations, both chemical and physical, carried out on the grey fabric. From this point of view, finishing can be considered as a very wide range of operations. In textiles, chemicals are widely used to add value to fabrics through effects varying from various feels such as soft, supple, dry feel, bouncy etc. and/or to adding to the functionality and durability of the fabric such as water-oil repellent finish, wrinkle free finish, moisture management, stain protection etc.; because of the use of these chemicals, the environment gets affected. As textiles have always been one of the most environment polluting industries, an attempt to innovate a suitable textile processing method (that delivers not only ecofriendly finished products but also does not hamper the surrounding environment due to emissions and effluent discharges) has been made. This resulted in a good alternative of finishing of fabrics using enzymes and other biomaterials which is known as bio-finishing. Bio-finishing can be simply defined as a biological way of giving wet treatment to the textiles. It includes enzymatic desizing, bio-scouring, bio bleaching, bio washing, biopolishing, finishing using biopolymers, aromatherapy and specialty finishes like wrinkle free effect, antimicrobial finish, deep sleep finishing etc. by using some or the other biological means which have been classified ahead, The main bio-finishing methods are enzymatic bio-finishing responsible for enhancing a number of fabric properties, its appearance and feel. Apart for this main method of bio-finishing, some naturally available biopolymers are used like chitosan and ?-cyclodextrin which are responsible for antimicrobial finishing treatments. Also, some aromatherapies like neem, rose, lavender, jasmine, aloe vera, and many others are used for bio-finishing of fabrics to inculcate properties like anti-microbial, fragrance, deep sleeping finish, anti-inflammatory etc., Bio-washing of cellulosic, Enzymatic degradation, Cellulases act as catalysts in a complex hydrolysis of reaction which involves several complicated steps. Their primary object is to break down the cellulose chains in easily accessible areas of the fibres into smaller soluble saccharides, the final end-product being glucose. According to prevailing hypothesis, cellobiohydrolase (CBH) attacks the chain ends of cellulose polymers to release cellobiose, the repeating unit of cellulose. Endoglucanase (EG) reduce the degree of polymerization of cellulose by attacking the amorphous region of cellulose by random scission of cellulose chains. Beta-glucosidase (BG) completes the process of hydrolyzing cellobiose to glucose, There are various different parameters, e.g. synergism of cellulases, pre-treatment of cotton, treatment solution conditions, and machinery that affect the ability of cellulases to act on cotton cellulose. Finishing using bio-polymers, Chitosan, Chitin/chitosan has chemical structures very similar to that of cellulose such as cotton and rayon. Chitin is the natural polysaccharide biologically produced by living creatures in huge quantities. Its production is next to the cellulose, which is biologically crabs, lobsters, and squids. It is also found in Insects like dragonflies, grasshoppers, and beetles. It is also estimated that about 1,50,000 tons of chitin is available for commercial use annually. Under the pretext of Eco friendliness, chitosan plays an important role in textile finishing. Various finishes given to textile material using chitosan can be listed as follows: a) Wrinkle free finish, b) Antimicrobial finish, antimicrobial finishes. There is a great demand for antimicrobial finishes on textile goods because consumer has become aware of the potential advantages of this material. The chemicals used however are toxic to human and not easily degraded in the environment. Thus, use of chitosan for antimicrobial finishes becomes an ecofriendly substitute. The antimicrobial activity of chitosan is against various bacteria and fungi. The antimicrobial activity of chitosan against different groups of microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi. Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis), belongs to the family Liliaceae, has been used in traditional medicinal practices as well as cosmetic uses. Aloe vera has excellent skin care properties which includes anti-inflammatory and anti-aging. Application of Aloe vera on textiles as an anti-ageing and moisturizing agent has been patented by Kimberley Clark Inc Ltd. DyStar Auxiliaries GmbH has developed a textile finishing product containing a combination of vitamin E, Aloe vera and jojoba oil in a silicon matrix for moisturizing and UV protection effect. This finish can also be applied on silk fabrics. Comparison of washing fastness of fabrics treated with Neem and Aloe vera, the results obtained from the serial dilution of the samples from washing fastness, there was no bacterial growth in the finished samples up to 15 washings. After 15 washings, there was less bacteria observed in neem finished cotton and silk samples and in the cotton, sample finished with both, the antimicrobial agents in combination. The cotton and silk samples finished with Aloe vera show no bacterial growth even after 20 washings. After 25 washing cycles, all samples show some bacterial colonies. Aloe vera samples show the lowest level of bacterial growth. Hence, it is obvious that Aloe vera finish has the best durability for washing. Second comes the combination finish, and samples finished with neem show comparatively a lower level of durability for washing.

Functional Food for Dogs and Cats: Nutrients that Help Improve Pet Health.

Author Julio Bernal

functional foods in pet, provide health benefits if they are consumed on a regular basis as part of a varied diet, pet nutrition for dogs and cats, functional foods modify gastrointestinal physiology, promote changes in biochemical parameters, improve brain functions and may reduce or minimize the risk of developing specific pathologies, novel foods and food components have been identified as “functional” because they provide health benefits beyond the provision of essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, water, proteins, carbohydrates and fats, functional foods in dogs (Canis familiaris) and cats (Felis catus), metabolism, optimising companion animal nutritional and health status, digestive-related processes but, while cats are carnivorous, dogs appear to be omnivorous like human beings (Bosch et al., 2015). Dogs share some carnivorous traits with cats as both lack salivary amylase, have a short gastrointestinal tract and are unable to synthesize vitamin D, dogs during domestication and are involved in starch digestion and glucose uptake, dogs digestive system is that they can synthesise several essential nutrients such as niacin, taurine and arginin, catabolise and use amino acids as a source of energy for gluconeogenesis, Cats have a diet consisting of 52% protein, 36% fat and 12% carbohydrate, companion animals acquire the wrong eating habits from their owners ,

Matrix forming excipients from natural origin for controlled release matrix type tablets.

Author Jambwa T, Viljoen A, Hamman JH.

Aloe gel , Aloe whole leaf , Controlled release , Powder flow , Matrix type tablet, Swelling , Mucoadhesiveness, Disadvantages of conventional immediate release tablets include fluctuations of drug plasma levels over successive administrations and forgotten doses may result in larger fluctuations that increase the chance of side effects, emergence of resistance and/or treatment failure , modified release drug delivery system is capable of delivering the drug to the target site at a rate that is required by the therapeutic needs of the patient for the specified period of treatment , controlled release drug delivery system is one that specifically controls the release of the drug in such a way that constant drug levels are maintained in the systemic blood circulation, which usually requires delivery of the maintenance dose at a rate governed by zero-order kinetics, matrix-type tablet is considered as one of the most preferred controlled release dosage forms because they can be manufactured by cost-effective methods such as direct compression on a tablet press and the risk of dose-dumping is low, Mini-monolithic matrices are an attractive alternative for pellets or beads to be loaded into a single hard gelatin capsule to produce a multiple-unit dosage form with several advantages over single-unit dosage forms, Polymers used in dosage form design are often classified as synthetic, semi-synthetic and natural polymers, polysaccharides obtained from plant materials are often extracted from either mucilage (also referred to as gel) or gum. Many succulent plants such as those from the genus Aloe store water in the form of mucilage or gel-containing tissue in their leaves to survive under arid conditions, aloe barbadensis miller Acetylated polymannan (also referred to as acemannan or aloverose) is considered the main functional component of Aloe Vera Gel gel, which is a polysaccharide consisting of a long chain of acetylated mannose monomers , Since polysaccharide rich aloe leaf materials showed potential as excipients for the production of controlled release monolithic dosage forms, aloe species alone and in combination with other polymers as matrix forming agent, powder flowpropierties aloe vera 200 : 1 powder , Carbopol and hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose as well as combinations of each of the aloe materials with CBPL and HPMC in three different ratios (i.e. 25:75, 50:50, 75:25). The bulk and tapped densities of the powders were determined to calculate Carr’s index values as well as Hausner ratio values and the angle of repose values were measured to characterize the powders in terms of their flow properties, All bulk and tapped density tests were conducted using a mass of 33.3 g of each powder, which was poured into a 250 mL graduated glass measuring cylinder, Carr’s index (or percentage compressibility) and Hausner ratio values, Angle of repose, Composition of the mini-matrix type tablets, model drugs for this investigation that were included in the mini-matrix type tablets were: a freely soluble drug, diltiazem [(2S,3S)-3-acetyloxy-5-[2-dimethyl-amino]-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-2,3-dihydro1,5-benzothiazepin-4(5H)-one hydrochloride] (particle size: 161 µm) and a poorly soluble drug, ibuprofen [2-(4-isobutylphenyl)-propionic acid] (particle size: 28 µm), powders and combinations of powders as described for the powder flow property measurements, formulations of the mini-matrix type tablets, which each included ibuprofen or diltiazem as a model drug compound. These formulations were prepared by mixing the ingredients for direct compression, however, the aloe materials with poor flow properties were dry granulated first and then compressed with 6 mm concave punches on a multi-station rotary press (Cadmach CM 03-16), his relatively small tablet diameter was chosen to produce matrix type tablets that can be loaded into size 0 hard gelatin capsules to produce mini-tablet-in-capsule systems , mini-tablet-in-capsule systems, compressibility into acceptable tablets, laminate or cap or stick to the punches, mini-matrix type tablets were characterized in terms of their physical properties, mucoadhesive properties, swelling behavior and dissolution kinetics, e weight variation test, Hardness and friability, Erkewa hardness tester, tablet was placed between two anvils, force is applied and the crushing strength, mini-matrix type tablets involved the measurement of the force required to detach a mini-tablet from the mucosal surface of excised pig intestine with a TA.XT plus texture analyser, swelling of the mini-matrix type tablets, dissolution study, Kinetic analysis of drug release data, bulk density, tapped density, Carr’s index and Hausner ratio values, Angle of repose and flow rate, funnel, powders containing Aloe vera gel material alone as well as in combination with hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose have excellent flow (i.e. having an angle of repose below 20), g Aloe Vera Gel gel and A. ferox gel alone and in combination with other polymers exhibited very good flow properties according to the flow rate values (lower flow rate values indicate faster flow through the funnel), powder flowability, physical properties of the mini-matrix type tablets, hardness, friability and mass variation, bulk and tapped densities, Mucoadhesive properties of the mini-matrix type tablets, mucosal Surface, intestinal tissue, Carbopol, which is a known mucoadhesive polymer, Aloe Vera Gel whole leaf was combined with hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose in a tablet formulation it increased the mucoadhesion of the hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, angle of repose and flow rate results indicated that Aloe Vera Gel gel powder has excellent powder flowability, Aloe vera extract also showed very good powder flow properties based on the angle of repose value, aloe powder flow results it was expected that out of all the aloe materials investigated Aloe Vera Gel gel extract would be good candidates for direct compression into tablet, Aloe Vera Gel gel and Aloe Vera Gel whole leaf extract could be directly compressed into mini-matrix type tablets when used alone as excipients, individual aloe materials that could be compressed into minimatrix type tablets showed relatively fast erosion and disintegration and therefore could be used to form immediate release tablets by means of direct compression,Aloe vera gel in combination with Carbopol showed swelling and the drug release approached zero order kinetics indicating that this aloe material is a good candidate for use as an excipient in matrix type tablets for modified drug release.

Novel buccal adhesive tablets using Aloe vera L and Sinapis alba–a promising option for improved bioavailability of diltiazem hydrochloride.

Author: Sudhakar Y, Bandyopadhyay AK.

white mustard mucilage from whole seeds of Sinapis alba was evaluated for its physical properties and compared with the other mucoadhesive polymers such as hydroxy propyl methylcellulose 5Cps and Carbopol 934P. Further, methanol precipitable solids from whole leaves of Aloe Vera L were used as permeation enhancer, to achieve improved bioavailability of diltiazem, novel buccal adhesive tablets (NBATs) in cup and core fashion designed to achieve unidirectional release towards mucosa were prepared in a three-stage process using specially fabricated punches. The adhesive cups were studied for its shear, tensile, and peel strengths by specially designed apparatus using excised ruminant and porcine buccal mucosa as model substrates. Ex vivo permeation studies in a Franz diffusion cell were conducted through porcine buccal mucosa. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy studies and differential scanning calorimetry thermographs showed no remarkable interactions. Histopathological studies showed no remarkable damage of buccal mucosa by the NBATs. In vivo studies were conducted on anaesthetized male New Zealand albino rabbits, estimated by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, and the pharmacokinetics were compared with the oral and intravenous bolus injection. NBATs exhibited a Cmax 74.6 ng/mL, Tmax 3.5 h, t1/2 4.36 h. The NBATs prevented salivary scavenging effect and exhibited 82.1% bioavailability.

Effect of Aloe vera preparations on the human bioavailability of vitamins C and E.

Author: Vinson J A, Al Kharrat H, Andreoli L.

effect of consumption of Aloe vera liquid preparations on the absorption of water- or fat-soluble vitamins, Aloe on the human absorption of vitamins C and E, vitamin supplements, plasma bioavailability of vitamins C and E, supplementation of vitamin C with Aloe Gel area was 304%,For vitamin E, the results for the relative areas increase with aloe Gel 369% of absorption in plasma test, Aloes improve the absorption of both vitamins C and E. The absorption is slower and the vitamins last longer in the plasma with the Aloes. Aloe is the only known supplement to increase the absorption of both of these vitamins and should be considered as a complement to them, recent report showed that Helicobacter pylori infection signi?cantly impairs the bioavailability of vitamin C, amount recommended for vitamin Consumption by the US Government has been increased recently to 75 mg per day for women and 90 mg for men, smokers should add an additional 35 mg per day because their metabolic turnover of vitamin C is more rapid, as is their rate of oxidative stress, study of its pharmacokinetics in humans, it was suggested that the amount be increased to 200 mg/day, representing maximum bioavailability, supplement of C or ingestion of an agent that can increase the absorption of C may be needed, Vitamin E (tocopherol), a lipid-soluble vitamin, Vitamin E can reduce cognitive decline and improve the immune system, Epidemiological studies indicate vitamin E may also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, although results from supplementation studies are mixed, Innovaloe from AMB Wellness is processed using the hand-?lleted technique, Hand-?lleted processing removes the inner gel while avoiding the yellow latex found next to the rind, Aloe gel extract was especially effective in slowing down and increasing the absorption of ascorbate, Aloe extracts improved the absorption of vitamin E and prolonged its plasma concentration, especially after 8 h. Aloe is unique in its ability to improve the absorption of both of these vitamins and should be considered as an adjunct for people who take vitamin supplements

Comparative study of vegetative morphology and existing taxonomic status of Aloe vera L. Journal of Plant Sciences, 2(5): 558-563.

Author: Akinnyele, B.O. and Odiyi, A.C. 2007.

Enzymes that are beneficial to human metabolism such as amylase, bradykinase, catalase, cellulose, lipase, oxidase, phosphokinase, proteolytiase and carboxypeptidase can also be obtained from the plant, vitamin B (including B1, B2, B3, B6, B12), vitamin C, vitamin E, folic acid and minerals. The minerals such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, manganese, zinc, copper, nitrogen, iron and chromium found in the gel all contribute to the healing property of A. vera, contains glutamic acids, aspartic acid, aloetic acid, formic acid, palmitic acid, estearic acid and ascorbic acid all of which are essential components of food, vegetative morphology,

Evaluation and Formulation of Lip Balm Preparation From Aloe Vera (Aloe Vera) and Bit (Beta Vulgaris) Fruit Extract as Natural Dye

Author: Hafni Nur Insan, Yulia Vera

Lip balm is a cosmetic preparation, moisturizing and shiny lips, formulate lip balm preparations, lip balm base, moisturizing effect Lips, restoring lip skin, Liliaceae family, raw material for natural cosmetics formulations, people tend to turn to natural ingredients, lip balm prevents evaporation of water and epithelial cells of the lip mucosa. Lip balm is a cosmetic preparation made with the same base as lipstick, but without color, so it looks transparent, lip balm providing moisture

Effects of Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) on the white blood cell count and antibody T3 of broiler chickens vaccinated against Newcastle disease. J Vet Med. 42:49–52.

Author: Valle-Paraso MGR, Vidamo PJS, Anunciado RVP, Lapitan AM. 2005

effect of oral supplementation with aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) on the immune response of broiler chickens to Newcastle disease (ND), aloe vera gel was effective in increasing mean antibody titers to ND, aloe vera solution, Significant increases in the absolute differential counts of monocytes, lymphocytes and heterophils were also observed in treated birds compared with controls, aloe vera in enhancing the immune response of broiler chickens to ND and in reducing the predisposition of birds to this debilitating disease.

Polymeric enhancers of mucosal issues epithelia permeability: synthesis, transepithelial penetration enhancement properties, mechanism of action, safety.

Author: Di Colo G, Zambito Y, Zaino C.

drug delivery ,absorption enhancer, permeation enhancer , polymeric biomaterials, polymer synthesis, chitosan, paracellular, transport transcellular, transport tight junction , transmucosal drug administration across nasal, buccal, and ocular mucosae is noninvasive, eliminates hepatic first?pass metabolism and harsh environmental conditions, allows rapid onset, and further, mucosal surfaces are readily accessible, hydrophilic drugs, such as peptides and proteins, are poorly permeable across the epithelium, which results in insufficient bioavailability, reversible modifications of epithelial barrier structure by permeation enhancers are required, Low molecular weight enhancers generally have physicochemical characteristics favoring their own absorption, polymeric transmucosal penetration?enhancers, intestinal permeation enhancers, synthesis and characterization of polymers, their effectiveness in enhancing the absorption of different drugs across different epithelium types, their mechanism of action and structure?efficacy relationship

Short chain fatty acids from fermentation by endophytic bacteria in Aloe vera leaf rind and gel J. of GHR 2016; 5(4): 2122-2124

Author: A Yagi, A Kabbash, LA Al-Madoboly

Aloe vera, Aloe vera polysaccharides, in vitro fermentation, SCFAs, capacity, aloe vera gel could potentially be used as a source of natural elastase and ?-amylase inhibitory activities and anti-oxidant activity in pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries, Calorie restriction (CR) without malnutrition, suppressing oxidative stress-induced chronic inflammation that underlies many chronic diseases, aging is caused by increased free radical damage , weakened defense system, oxidative stress, age-related gut dysfunction, lactic acid bacteria as the likely candidate responsible for the anti-obesity effect, innovative approach on the symbiotic effect by blending Lactobacillus fermentum into aloe vera juice to yield lactic acid, acetic acid, and propionic acid in the fermentation extract, Butyrate boost metabolism, overweight , sleep disorders

Formulation design: new drugs from old

Author: Crowley PJ, Martini LG.

molecular biology, physiological and disease processes, improving the performance of a medication, kinetics and dynamics of drug action, dose–response relationships, improve efficacy or reduce side effects, properties of any drug, composite of the innate activity and properties of the compound as modulated by the formulation, clinical effectiveness, design of formulations, development of new agents, application of formulation technologies, resurrection of older molecules, improve absorption (intestinal, buccal and transdermal) and prolong therapeutic effects, significant clinical benefit, terms of effectiveness, safety or convenience, novel path forward, antibacterial agents

Eco-Friendly Tamarind Kernel Thickener for Printing of Polyester Using Disperse Dyes.

Authors Chaudhary, H. and Singh, V.,

Printing is a form of dyeing in which colors are applied to specified regions instead of the entire fabric. To restrict the coloring matter to the design area, the dyes and other auxiliaries are pasted with a natural or synthetic thickening agent. Finding alternatives to the used thickeners has gained importance lately due to the several limitations associated with toxicity, availability, and cost of the currently used thickeners. Tamarind kernel powder has the potential to be explored as a textile thickener whilst providing economic benefits. Tamarind kernel, derived from the seeds of Tamarindus indica Linn., is a byproduct of the tamarind fruit and pulp industry. It is a low cost, non-toxic, biodegradable, cold water soluble thickener.

Delivery system.- Aloe gel and whole-leaf raw materials: Promising excipients for the production of matrix-type tablets Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tshwane University of Technology, Private Bag X680, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa

Author Tafara Jambwa, Alvaro Viljoen and Josias Hamman

develop novel drug delivery systems, Excipients from renewable sources, Aloe vera and Aloe ferox as excipients, physical characteristics, mucoadhesive properties, swelling behaviour and drug release kinetics, immediate-release tablet as dosage form is that drug plasma levels actuate over successive doses, Modification in drug-release rate, such as controlled release, Polymers used in dosage form design can be classified as synthetic polymers, semi-synthetic polymers and polymers of natural origin, Multiple-unit dosage forms, granules, pellets or mini-tablets that can be formulated into a single, hard gelatin capsule, aloe leaf materials are suitable as excipients in the design and development of matrix-type tablets for modi?ed drug release

Ethnobotanical and pharmacological properties of Aloe vera: A review.

Authors:Sandeep Kumar

plant undergoes Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) metabolic pathway for conserving water within the parenchymatous tissues to withstand drought like conditions, Aloe helps with the breakdown of food sugars and fats, aiding digestion and enhancing nutrient absorption, Bradykinase which helps to reduce excessive inflammation, Antioxidant, neutralizes free radicals, aminoacids Provides the basic building blocks of proteins in the production of muscle, tissue , Lignin, an inert substance enhances penetrative effect of the other ingredients into the skin. Auxins and gibberellins help in wound healing and have anti-inflammatory action. Salicylic acid that possesses anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties Saponins that are the soapy substances have cleansing and antiseptic properties, biological activities of A. vera are due to the synergistic action of a variety of compounds, rather than from a single defined component

Natural Bioenhancers: An overview.

Author: Deepthi V. Tatiraju, Varsha B. Bagade, Priya J.Karambelkar, V. Jadhav, V. Kadam

Bioenhancers are chemical entities which promote and augment the bioavailability of the drugs which are mixed with them and do not exhibit synergistic effect with the drug, need for bioenhancers arises due to drugs which are poorly available, administered for long periods, toxic and expensive, Bioenhancers can be classified based on their natural origin as well as based on the various mechanisms elicited by them when in combination with drugs to improve their bioavailability.

Biomaterials based nano-applications of Aloe vera and its perspective: a review.

Authors Arunpandian Balaji,a Muthu Vignesh ,Vellayappan,a Agnes Aruna John,a Aruna Priyadarshini Subramanian,a Saravana Kumar Jaganathan,*a M. SelvaKumar,b Ahmad Athif bin Mohd Faudzi,c Eko Supriyantoa and Mustafa Yusof

Aloe vera is noted for its meritable medicinal as well as commercial usages. From the past until now, it has been used as a promising remedy for several ailments. Recently, the concept of nanotechnology has astonishingly changed its outlook for biomedical applications. Nanotechnology has revolutionized several fields with its admirable capabilities and ground-breaking innovations. In the field of medicine, nanostructured materials have introduced a great range of flexibility by refashioning traditional practices and by exploring new effective approaches. Accordingly, the usage of Aloe vera in the form of hydrogels, nanoparticles, nanocomposites, nanofibers, and bio-inspired sponges has extended its well-established application spectrum in the fields of wound healing, tissue engineering and drug delivery. In addition, the growing interest in consuming and synthesizing materials based on green or eco-friendly methods also highly encourages the use of numerous plant-based natural products including Aloe vera. Hence, an effort has been made to discuss the works related to recent advancements made in the use of Aloe vera, especially in the form of biomaterial-based nanostructures. This will encourage scientists to explore the unplumbed abilities of Aloe vera. Moreover, it will also help the industry players to recognize its immense potential and bring significant Aloe products to the market.

Skin Permeation of Candesartan Cilexetil from Transdermal Patch Containing Aloe Vera Gel as Penetration Enhancer.

Author K Sharma

hypertension is a chronic disease, which requires long-term treatment with drug therapy at steady state drug blood concentration. Candesartan cilexetil (CC) is a prodrug that is rapidly converted to candesartan (its active metabolite) during absorption from the gastrointestinal tract and confers blood pressure lowering effects by antagonizing the hypertensive effects of angiotensin II. It has a molecular weight of 610.66 with poor oral bioavailability, the patients requiring further reduction in blood pressure should be titrated to 32 mg, the major disadvantages of such a drug therapy are more frequency of administration, extensive first pass metabolism and variable bioavailability which make it an ideal candidate for transdermal drug delivery systems. This explains the need of anti-hypertensive transdermal patches in the perspective of enhancing the bioavailability as well as in improving patient compliance Transdermal drug delivery system allows delivery of contained drug into the systemic circulation via permeation through skin layers at a controlled rate. These systems are easy to apply and remove as and when desired. However, the protective upper layer of the skin, stratum corneum (SC) behaves like a challenging barrier for the penetration of majority of drugs, It offers a formidable physical barrier to molecular transport, This layer is very specific with regards to the type of molecule that can be transported across the skin, and therefore, only molecules with certain physicochemical properties can readily cross the skin, this limits the range of potential drugs that can be administered transdermal, which emphasizes the need for formulations to incorporate penetration enhancers to assist in the effective delivery of a larger variety of drugs across the skin, the use of herbal penetration enhancers which penetrate into human skin and shows reduction in the barrier resistance is widely accepted in transdermal drug delivery. The mechanism behind enhanced penetration rate of drugs across the skin is through two possible mechanisms of action. First, the penetration enhancer can work by altering the solubility properties of the skin, thereby increasing the solubility of the drug within the SC; second, the enhancer disrupts the ordered nature of the skin lipids, which consequently influences diffusion across the SC, Nowadays, many herbal penetration enhancers are included in generally recognized as safe substances list, and they possess low side effects and irritancy in comparison with synthetic chemicals such as solvents and azones or surfactants, One such a natural product, Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) gel, has shown potential to enhance the permeation of certain drug molecules through skin membranes. Aloe Vera Gel gel is the viscous, transparent, and colorless mucilaginous gel obtained from the parenchymatous cells in the fresh leaves. It was suggested that the mucilaginous gel of the aloe, consisting mainly of polysaccharides, holds the secret to some of the medicinal properties and biological effects of this family of plants, which was confirmed for drug absorption enhancement across intestinal epithelial cells. Aloe Vera Gel has an element called “Lignin” which helps it to penetrate right down to the cellular level. It also has another element called “Saponin” which works as a natural cleansing agent. Both these elements working in conjunction reach the cellular level of the skin. In addition to this, it also nourishes the skin and replenishes it with the much-needed nutrition that it requires, s, it increases the in vitro skin penetration of some compounds depending on their molecular weights with an apparent inverse correlation between enhancement ratio and molecular weight of the compound. This penetration enhancement effect of the aloe gel was explained by a probable pull effect of complexes formed between the compound and the enhancing agent within the aloe gel but it was stated that the proposed mechanism of action

An insight to potential application of synbiotic edible films and coatings in food products

Authors Sahar Seyedzade Hashemi1, Nasim Khorshidian* and Mehrdad Mohammadi*

addition of probiotics to edible films and coatings is an alternative approach for direct application in food matrices that enhances their stability and functional properties. Also, it has been noted that the influence of probiotics on the film properties was dependent on the composition, biopolymer structure, and intermolecular interactions. Recently, the incorporation of probiotics along with prebiotic compounds such as inulin, starch, fructooligosaccharide, polydextrose and wheat dextrin has emerged as new bioactive packaging. The simultaneous application of probiotics and prebiotics improved the viability of probiotic strains and elevated their colonization in the intestinal tract and provided health benefits to humans. Moreover, prebiotics created a uniform and compact structure by filling the spaces within the polymer matrix and increased opacity of edible films. The effects of prebiotics on mechanical and barrier properties of edible films were dependent on the nature of prebiotic compounds, Probiotics are extensively incorporated into functional food products such as dairy, cereal, meat, fruits and vegetable-based products, which exhibit health benefits and techno-functional properties. It has been revealed that the presence of non-digestible carbohydrates or prebiotics can improve the stability and viability of probiotics in food products and the gastrointestinal tract in addition to their beneficial effects on human health. The combination of probiotics and prebiotics is known as synbiotic, in which the prebiotic component enhances the probiotics’ growth and survival, A unique approach can be inserting probiotics in a plasticized thin layer of a natural polymer called edible film, Biopolymer packaging is an eco-friendly system that prevents food deterioration and enhances its quality by protecting against gases and moisture, Also, due to the antimicrobial capacity of probiotic bacteria, they may be employed as an alternative strategy to control pathogenic microorganisms . To enhance probiotics viability, prebiotic compounds have been incorporated into film-forming solutions. It has been declared that prebiotics remarkably boosted the probiotic viability during storage and in simulated gastrointestinal conditions. It has also been reported that symbiotic edible films and coatings positively influenced the microbial and physicochemical quality of the food product, Probiotics are live microorganisms which exhibit health advantages to the host at a specific concentration. Most of the microorganisms currently used as probiotics belong to species of the genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, but several other genera such as Enterococcus, Pediococcus, Bacillus, Streptococcus, Lactococcus, Bacteroides, Akkermansia, Propionibacterium and Saccharomyces are also considered probiotics. The microorganisms must meet some criteria to be categorized as probiotic such as antimicrobial activity against pathogenic bacteria, resistance to gastric and bile acid, adherence to mucus or human epithelial cells, and ability to alleviate pathogen adhesion to surfaces and bile salt hydrolase activity. Probiotics are generally recognized as safe (GRAS) and provide diverse health benefits, including modulation of the immune system, balancing the intestinal microflora, reduction of cholesterol level and lactose intolerance, production of bioactive compounds (bacteriocins, short-chain fatty acids, B-vitamins, vitamin K2 and enzymes), increasing the bioavailability of nutrients, protection against pathogenic bacteria and different diseases. The main mechanisms involved in beneficial health effects of probiotics include antagonistic effects via generation of antimicrobial substances, competition with pathogens for nutrients and binding sites, immunomodulatory effects and prevention of toxin production by bacteria, Prebiotics are non-digestible carbohydrates that promote the growth of some special microorganisms in the gut. Some sources of prebiotics include fruits and vegetables, soybean, grains, artichoke, chicory and yacon roots. The most common prebiotics are fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), and trans-galacto-oligosaccharides. Nowadays, polyunsaturated fatty acids and polyphenols are also considered prebiotics because they are selectively used by the host microbiome and have presented potential health benefits (41). Prebiotics help the absorption of minerals, preserve the integrity of the intestinal epithelial layer, increase resistance against pathogenic colonization and decrease the risk of large intestine cancer). The design of prebiotic food not only improves the probiotic viability, but also targets the production of value-added foods. The word “symbiotic” describes a product consisting of probiotics and prebiotics and implies synergism. This term should be applied to products in which the prebiotic compounds selectively enhance the viability of probiotics. The synergistic combination of prebiotics with probiotics beneficially influences the host by improving the survival and administration of live microbial dietary supplements in the GI tract. It is pointed out that symbiotic has greater health-promoting properties than probiotics and prebiotics individually, Food packaging provides a hindrance against deterioration, dehydration, loss of flavor, appearance and nutritional value during handling, storage, and transportation of foods, applying edible and biodegradable packaging systems (film/coating) as sustainable food packaging is a topic of considerable attraction (48). The materials used in preparation of edible packaging are renewable, recyclable, easily degradable and require minimal or no need of disposal, Edible packaging is described as a film or coating made of food-grade materials and is applied for enrobing different food products to improve their quality and prolong the shelf life, although the terms “film” and “coating” are used interchangeably, they indicate different concepts. Films are usually used as a thin layer of cover or wrap, whereas coatings are directly formed on the product’s surface. Edible films and coatings should provide enough mechanical strength to keep the integrity of the products and reduce moisture loss while selectively permitting for controlled exchange of essential gases, such as carbon dioxide, oxygen, and ethylene, which are involved in respiration processes to keep the quality of products. Edible packaging has received several applications since it has the benefits of being consumed together with the food and do not require to be removed. Edible films and coatings can delay the deterioration of highly perishable foods and elevate their quality. The application of edible coatings in fruits can reduce postharvest loss, thus keeping humidity, providing brightness, controlling postharvest pathogens and decreasing respiration and transpiration rates, It has been reported that edible coating restricted lipid oxidation and microbial spoilage of meat, poultry, and seafood. In the case of dairy products, edible packaging control the ripening process, prevent mass transfer and improve the product’s shelf life . Two methods are used to prepare edible films, including wet and dry processes known as solvent casting and extrusion process, respectively. In the casting method, the solubility of biopolymers and additives is an essential factor, while in the extrusion technique, thermoplastic properties, phase transition, glass transition, and gelatinization should be considered. Production of edible films through the casting method involves three steps: dissolving polymers in a proper solvent (ethanol or water), spreading the solution on the mold, and drying the casted solution with an oven, microwave, or vacuum drier. This method is inexpensive without specific equipment requirements and produces more homogenous films due to the better interaction of molecules. Also, it uses low temperature that decreases the possibility of detrimental structural changes. However, long drying time, denaturation of proteins because of using solvents, limited forms of prepared films, production of films with different characteristics and commercialization challenges are the main disadvantages of casting method. In the extrusion method used at the commercial scale, a mixture of biopolymer and additive is fed to the extruder in which mixing, and heating occur and an extruded film is formed. Edible coatings are prepared through dipping, spraying, fluidized-bed processing and panning method. The dipping method mainly used for fruits and vegetables comprises immersion of food product into polymer solution followed by evaporation of solvent and formation of a thin layer on the product’s surface. In the spraying method, which is the most common method, the coating solution in the form of small droplets is sprayed on the surface of the food product. The main disadvantage of this method is the impossibility of spraying polymer solutions with high viscosity. The panning method is putting the food product in a rotating pan and the coating solution is sprayed on the surface. The solvent is evaporated by circulated air and the dried coating is formed on the product’s surface. The fluidized-bed method is used to form thin layers of coatings on small dry food particles and the coating solution is sprayed on the surface of products through nozzles that help to flow the smaller size food with the sprayed solution. The recent studies focusing on the extension of probiotic viability have proved that using symbiotic edible packaging is a promising way to provide enough viable organisms during storage of the foods and through digestion conditions.

Medicated Evaluation of Aloe Vera: Overview on Characteristics and Application.

Author: Tewolde Mulu, Firomsa Teshale, Samuel Gemeda, Omprakash Sahu.

complex sugars, mucopolysaccharides, carbohydrates ,  therapeutic values, gastro-protective effect, structure and proper function and absorption of the digestive tract, capacity to stimulate the immune system , aloe vera  has special properties as a skin care product and as raw material for the manufacturing of high grade nutritional, medicinal and cosmetic products, acilitates digestion, blood and lymphatic circulation and functioning of kidney, liver and gall bladder, in care product, providing antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral activity. Aloe Vera has the ability to provide essential nutrients, kill bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeasts and reduce inflammation. Aloe Vera can also reduce inflammation to injured tissue

Multifunctional drinks from all natural ingredients

Author: R.DorothyaK, SnekaLathab R .M. Joanyc T. Sasilathaa Susai Rajendranb Gurmeet Singhd S. Senthil Kumarane

Beverage Industry, Multifunctional drinks, natural ingredients, regular intake of fresh fruit juice keeps us away from ailments, detoxifying our body, Enriched with vitamins, healthiest drinks, zero-calorie beverages, sports drinks, ginger juice, cucumber juice, green tea, aloe vera and lemon juice with honey, are good for health, trend of health consciousness, beverage products, healthy and harmless ingredients, researches support the use of prebiotic ingredients, Ingredient manufacturers, new product launches, research/development investments, new technologies, collaborations with research institutes , offer healthy ingredients, in line with the health-conscious trend of consumers, use of prebiotic ingredients and their benefits on human intestinal health, enhancement of the nutritional value of food products, functional ingredients blended in beverages provides various health benefits, applications such as dietary supplements and animal feed, use of natural ingredients in various applications without compromising on quality, texture, and nutritional value of the products, biotechnology advancements, probiotic ingredients , beverages, digestion, teas and green botanicals, such as algae or aloe vera are also rich in effective bioactives , Bioactive ingredients should balance nutrional deficits, support physical and mental health, and may improve beauty from within, Costumers tend to favor a healthy lifestyle and the nutrional choices that go with it, functional botanical ingredients, new functional beverages, like fortified water, tea and/or diary products, nutritional markets, like dietary supplements, functional beverages are the fastest growing segment, consumer interest, are substances with antiaging, energy supplying, relaxing, or beauty enhancing effects. Functional beverages (among them sports and performance drinks, energy drinks, ready-to-drink teas and designer waters) have acquired a claim to being healthy recently, good for physical fitness and mental well-being, botanical enhancements discovered by food science, advantages use botanical extracts in beverages, functional drinks , wide range of active components and functions , raw materials, natural botanicals should be organic , appeal of a health-promoting ingredient, beverage deliver a health benefit, beneficial compounds , polyunsaturated fatty acids, flavanols (anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins), flavonols (quercetin), and ellagic acid, as an anti-oxidant, also deliver antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-mutagenic properties, traditional herbal remedy, against oxidative damage, development of nutraceutical, cosmeceutical, or supplement, applications on the basis of aloe vera , green botanicals in beverages provides nutrients like vitamins, proteins, minerals, and antioxidants, which are researched for numerous health benefits, phytonutrients, aloe vera as cosmetic ingredient increasingly used in beverage applications, also immunostimulation, digestive aid, anti-diabetic activity/blood sugar balance, kidney stone prevention, oral/gum health, antiinflammatory for joint comfort, cholesterol/triglyceride reduction, and antioxidant protection and detoxification, loe incorporated into a multitude of functional beverages exploiting the health and beauty connection that is increasingly moving into the consumers’ awareness, create an aromatic and mildly sedative herbal tea, and its extracts are used in a variety of functional bottled waters with flower extracts, tea contains three types of polyphenol flavonoids: catechins, theaflavin, and quercetin, black, white and green teas, green tea extract is effective neutralizing free radicals , aloe vera is an attractive beverage ingredient, bioactives are carotene, fatty acids, chlorophyll, flavonols, polyphenols, inositol, trace minerals, antioxidants, tannins, pantothenic acid, and even amino acids, aloe raw material is valuable ingredient for wellness beverages

Gastrointestinal Region Specific Insulin Permeation Enhancement by Aloe vera Gel.

Author E.. Pretorius, C. Willers, J. Hamman, J. D. Steyn

oral administration route is still the most preferred by patients for drug treatment, but is unfortunately not suitable for all drug compounds, protein and peptide drugs (e.g. insulin) are usually administered by injection since they are unstable in the gastrointestinal luminal environment and have poor membrane permeation properties, functional excipients such as drug absorption enhancers can be co-administered, Aloe vera gel has shown the ability to improve the permeation of drugs across the intestinal epithelium, insulin permeation enhancing effects of Aloe Vera Gel gel material across excised pig intestinal tissues from different regions of the gastrointestinal tract and to identify the gastrointestinal region where the highest insulin permeation enhancement was achieved, Insulin transport across excised pig intestinal tissues from the duodenum, proximal jejunum, medial jejunum, distal jejunum, ileum and colon was measured in the absence and presence of Aloe Vera Gel gel (0.5% w/v) using both the Sweetana-Grass diffusion chamber and everted sac techniques, gastrointestinal permeation enhancing effects of Aloe Vera Gel gel on insulin is region specific with the highest effect observed in the ileum and colon

Evaluation of antioxidant potential of Aloe vera (Aloebarbadensis Miller) extracts,

Authors Y. Hu, J. Xu, Q. Hu,

antioxidant activities were evaluated compared to BHT and alpha-tocopherol by the DPPH radical scavenging method and the linoleic acid system at 100 micrograms of soluble solids per mL of ethanol, Aloe vera contained significantly higher levels of polysaccharides and flavonoids, All the aloe extracts showed significant antioxidant activity, BHT, alpha-tocopherol, strongest radical scavenging activity of 72.19%, which is significantly higher than that of BHT at 70.52% and alpha-tocopherol at 65.20%. These data suggest that the growth stage plays a vital role in the composition and antioxidant activity of Aloe vera.

A brief review of the science behind the design of healthy and sustainable plant-based foods.

Author: David Julian McClements & Lutz Grossmann

plant-based products, main challenge in this area is to simulate the desirable appearance, texture, flavor, mouthfeel, nutrition, and functionality of these products using healthy, affordable, and sustainable plant-derived ingredients, molecular and physicochemical properties of plant-derived ingredients, nutritional perspective, plant-based foods often need to be fortified with these micronutrients, health concerns, knowledge of the molecular and physicochemical properties of plant-derived ingredients, plant-based products should also be designed to be healthy, which involves controlling their nutrient profile, digestibility, and bioavailability, plant-derived ingredients can be used as-is, science and technology behind the formulation of the main categories of plant-based alternatives

Advances in topical drug delivery system.

Author Imran KT, Gore S, Giradkar P.

treatment of illness has been accomplished by administrating drugs to human body via various routes namely oral, sublingual, rectal, parental, topical, inhalation etc. Topical delivery can be defined as the application of a drug containing formulation to the skin to directly treat cutaneous disorders like acne or the cutaneous manifestations of a general disease like psoriasis with the intent of containing the pharmacological or other effect of the drug to the surface of the skin or within the skin. Semi-solid formulation in all their diversity dominates the system for topical delivery, but foams, spray, medicated powders, solution, and even medicated adhesive systems are in use, The delivery of a drug to a specific site, topical formulations are probably among the most challenging products to develop. An effective topical formulation needs to provide a stable chemical environment in a suitable dispensing container to accommodate multiple compounds that may have different, if not incompatible, physicochemical characteristics, once applied, a topical formulation must interact with the skin environment, which can influence the rate of the release of the compounds in order to achieve adequate skin absorption, The excipients themselves will exert additional physical effects on the skin, such as drying, occluding, or moisturizing, technology have brought a better understanding of the physics, chemistry, pharmacodynamic, and pharmacokinetics for drugs used to treat acne. These insights have resulted in new delivery systems that are capable of enhancing the efficacy, tolerability, and cosmetic acceptability of topical formulations Topical drug delivery offers the advantages of ease of delivery, a cooperative patient, increased compliance as well as the avoidance of first-pass metabolism, New drug delivery technology and penetration enhancers, There are important issues to consider as you contemplate development of a topical dermatological product. You may already have experience with oral or parenteral products, but there are challenges and issues which are unique to development of topical formulations, A topical formulation must be aesthetically pleasing, in addition to being both physically and chemically stable, and this may require numerous excipients. The formulation must allow for optimal penetration of the drug into the skin, a complex tissue. Skin pH is approximately 5.5; thus the pH of the formulation may change following application to the skin.

Development of lassi containing Aloe vera juice and its quality characteristics, J Dairy Foods HS, 2012, 31(1), 1-4.

Author: Singh T P, Kumari S and Sethi S,

aloe vera juice in Lassi manufacture to improve the health benefits of product, level of aloe vera juice was optimized on the basis of growth and activity of culture in terms of pH and acidity, Lassi is a fermented dairy product produced from cow’s milk with a characteristic sour taste, Increasing awareness among consumers to ensure good health coupled with the change in the lifestyle has led to the concept of functional foods, development of functional foods is thus a unique opportunity to contribute to the improvement of the quality of food and consumer health and well-being, aloe vera in functional foods , beverage and dairy yogurts , soft drinks, It is not a drug or a medicine, nor is it intended to replace any drug or medicine, benefits like stimulation of lactic acid bacteria, inhibition of contaminating bacteria like Staphylococcus and improved shelf-life of different fermented dairy products, probiotic approach that affects the host by selectively stimulating the growth and/or activity of one or limited number of bacteria in the colon aloe vera can be added to Lassi to increase its nutraceutical value, beneficial effects of fermentation on the presence of aloe vera, effect of varying levels of aloe vera juice in Lassi on the growth and activity of mix culture in terms of pH, titratable acidity and microbial counts

In vitro drug absorption enhancement effects of Aloe vera and Aloe ferox.

Author Beneke C., Viljoen A., Hamman J.

Aloe vera , Drug absorption enhancement , Transepithelial electrical resistance, In vitro transport, aloe materials on the transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) as well as transport of a model compound (atenolol) in the apical-to-basolateral direction across rat intestinal tissue, Aloe vera gel polysaccharides have potential as drug absorption enhancing agents in novel pharmaceutical drug delivery systems, function of epithelial cells is to maintain distinct compartments within the body and also to act as barriers to separate the body from the external environment, molecules can cross the intestinal epithelium by three main pathways, namely transcellular passive diffusion, paracellular passive diffusion and carrier-mediated transport, drugs exhibit poor absorption after oral administration, Poor drug absorption across the intestinal epithelium is in many cases attributed to unfavorable physico-chemical properties of the drug molecule such as hydrophilicity and a large molecular weight, intestinal absorption of these drugs can be increased by different techniques such as co-administration of absorption enhancing agents, absorption enhancing agents may facilitate the absorption of poorly absorbable drugs by different mechanisms such as opening of tight junctions or changing the membrane structure or targeting transporter proteins, damage to the mucosal epithelium is a major problem with drug absorption enhancing agents, drug absorption enhancing agents can increase intestinal drug absorption in a reversible way without causing damage or toxic effects have ignited renewed interest in finding safe and effective drug absorption enhancers to increase drug bioavailability, Tight junctions between epithelial cells are dynamic structures that can be modulated by certain chemicals in such a way to enlarge the pores or fenestrae and thereby allow paracellular passage of hydrophilic macromolecules, drug absorption enhancement has the additional advantage of avoiding enzymatic degradation of susceptible molecules. Compounds that selectively open the intestinal epithelial tight junctions, referred to as paracellular permeability enhancers, have shown potential as novel excipients in advanced drug delivery systems, polysaccharides in Aloe Vera Gel gel consist mainly of linear chains of glucose and mannose molecules with considerably more mannose present than glucose. Acemannan (or aloverose) is a ?-(1,4)-linked galactomannan with acetylated mannose residues, activities of acemannan include antiviral effects, wound healing acceleration, anti-cancer, activation of macrophages and stimulation of T cells, high molecular weight polysaccharide isolated from aloe gel is aloeride. A smaller form of highly acetylated polysaccharide known as modified aloe polysaccharide was isolated from cellulose-treated aloe gel, Aloe Vera Gel gel and whole leaf materials were able to significantly reduce transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) of Caco-2 cell monolayers and also significantly enhanced the transport of insulin across this cell culture model, transport enhancement effect of Aloe Vera Gel leaf materials is probably due to the opening of tight junctions to allow paracellular transport, TEER is a measure of tight junction integrity between adjacent intestinal epithelial cells, the size of the openings of the tight junctions increases in the presence of a paracellular permeability enhancer, the TEER of the intestinal epithelium will be reduced because of the increasing flow of ions through the opened tight junctions and intercellular spaces , aloe materials investigated in this study lowered the TEER of the excised rat intestinal tissue statistically significantly (P < 0.05) compared to the control group (atenolol alone), polysaccharides in the aloe materials are responsible for or contribute to a large extent to the effect on the TEER, reduction in TEER of the excised rat intestinal tissue by the aloe materials indicates their ability to open the tight junctions between epithelial cells, which indicates the potential of these materials to enhance drug transport across intestinal tissues, high molecular weight polysaccharides such as chitosan and N-trimethyl chitosan chloride

gastrointestinal tract .-Understanding the physics of functional fibers in the gastrointestinal tract: An evidence–based approach to resolving enduring misconceptions about insoluble and soluble fiber. J. Acad. Nutr. Diet. 2017, 117, 251–264. Johnson, W.;

Author: McRorie, J.W., Jr.; Nicola, M.; McKeown

physical effects of fiber in the gut, fiber supplements, benefits of cholesterol lowering, improved glycemic control, and normalizing stool , constipation, diarrhea, gel-forming fibers , fructooligosaccharides, gut mucosa, mucous secretion, beneficial health effect, straight-chain or linear polymers

Cosmeto textiles: Emerging Trend in Technical Textiles,

Authors Hema Upadhayay, Shahnaz Jahan, Monika Upreti

Technical changes are totally changing the fashion market in coming years. In the coming years, approximately 80% textiles will be technical or functionalised. Today, cosmetic textiles also consider the part of technical textiles as it introduces innovative textile materials. Cosmetotextiles is “A textile article that contains a substance or a preparation that is intended to be released sustainability on to the different superficial parts of the human body, especially the skin, and which claim particular properties such as cleansing, perfume, change of appearance, protection, maintenance in good condition, or correction of body odours’’. Cosmetotextiles are classified on the basis of end use, ingredients used and fabric used. Various agents used in Cosmetotextiles are slimming agents, aromas and perfumes, anticellulite agents, moisturising agents, sunlight absorption agents and antioxidants agents. Cosmetotextiles are created by microencapsulation, grafting, doping and coating technique by incorporating different substances for body care or health that are gradually transferred to the skin by movement, pressure or the effect of the skin’s natural warmth. There are various natural and synthetic materials which are used in Cosmetotextiles like essential oils, fruit extract, flower extracts, plant extracts and animal extracts as natural sources along with some synthetic substances including iron oxide, zinc oxide, ethane diol and zinc nanoparticles etc. some commercially available Cosmetotextiles are refreshing wipes, eye-pads, hair towel, shapers, etc. Cosmetotextiles represents a fast emerging market for both the cosmetics industry and the textile industry, techniques used for applying cosmetic effects over textiles, there are essentially different ways of applying cosmetic effects on textiles; Microencapsulation, coating, dope insertion. “Microencapsulation is a micro packaging technique that involves the production of microcapsules which act as barrier walls of solids or liquids”. These capsules are produced by deposition of a thin polymer coating on dispersions of solids in liquids. The core ingredients in these capsules gradually transfer to the skin by the movement, pressure, skin natural warmth and the enzymes thus these cosmetic textiles nourish and revive the skin when worn next to skin, The microencapsulation of cosmetic ingredients for textiles was first commercialized by the brand Cognis with their Skintex® line. Canadian company In vista in 2003 in conjunction with Celessence™ launched LYCRA® body care range and draw the attention of customers as well as manufacturers around the world, in the same year French brand Lytess launched slimming tights, a wide range of anticellulite shape wear were further launched by the company in the successive years. Another French company Skin up in the year 2005 also launches a range of slimming garments, The range of application for these textiles has greatly expanded in recent years by the progressive involvement of high profile companies in the cosmetics and textile industries like Lipotech, Clariant International, Dogi, Euro jersey, Nilit, Teijin Fibers and Wrangler, Pozzi Electra had developed a composite fiber Crabyon from chitosan (ingredient derived from crab?s pulp) known for its healing properties.Emana a polyamide 6.6 yarn containing bioactive mineral crystals in its polymer matrix was launched by Solvay. Emana a specially design nano fiber enriched with bioactive crystals which helps in absorbing human body heat and augment the microcirculatory blood flow which brings an improvement in the collagen synthesis and hence increase skin?s elasticity and softness. Lenzing launched its first product Tancel C (Tancel + Chitosan) fibre which contains microcapsules of chitosan in the realm of the spun cellulosic. The resultant fiber not only provides silky texture to the wearer but also helps in maintaining the body moisture content and enhances the cell regeneration.Nylon microfiber Noveral was patented in 2006 by Nurel which incorporates the microcapsules into the polymer of nylon yarn, before extrusion. Development of Novarel nylon has enabled several of world knitters, to develop collections of shape wear fabrics with permanent well being, benefits. A specialty yarn Nilit breeze from Nilit was designed for summer, to create soft-touch, with a unique cooling effect. It consists of flat cross section with inorganic micron particles which ensure the lower of body temperature.

Effect of biopreservatives on storage life of papaya (Carica papaya L.).

Authors Brishti, F. H., Misir, J., & Sarker, A.

Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is a popular and economically important fruit of tropical and subtropical countries. Papaya ranks ?rst among13 to 17 fresh fruits for vitamin C content per 100 grams edible tissue. Papaya fruits are rich in enzymes called papain and chymopapain used for meat tenderizing and chewing gum. Marketing of fresh papaya is a great problem because of its short post-harvest life, which leads to high post-harvest losses. Papaya fruits soften rapidly at room temperature after harvest and a 2-to-3-day shelf life is to be expected. If the fruits are not quite ripe, they may be refrigerated for about two weeks. Edible coatings to reduce the perishability of papayas. Films and edible coatings are de?ned as “a thin application of material that forms a protective barrier around an edible commodity and can be consumed along with the coated product. Edible coatings are used to create a modi?ed atmosphere and to reduce weight loss during transport and storage. In fact, the barrier characteristics to gas exchange for ?lms and coatings are the subjects of much recent interest, Aloe vera is a well-known plant for its marvelous medicinal properties. Recently, interest has increased in using Aloe vera gel-based edible coating material for fruits and vegetables driven by its antifungal activity. Researchers from Spain have developed a gel based on Aloe vera that prolongs the conservation of fresh fruits. This gel is tasteless, colorless, and odorless. This natural product isa safe and environmentally friendly alternative to synthetic preservatives such as sulfur dioxide. According to the researchers, this gel operates through a combination of mechanics, forming a protective layer against the oxygen and moisture of the air and inhibiting the action of micro-organisms that cause foodborne illnesses through its various antibacterial and antifungal compounds. Aloe vera gel-based edible coatings have been shown to prevent loss of moisture and ?rmness, control respiratory rate and maturation development, delay oxidative browning, and reduce microorganism proliferation in fruits such as table grapes, sweet cherries and nectarines. Furthermore, papaya leaf contains bioactive compounds which have antifungal activity against Colletotrichum. Thus, the extracts of papaya leaf can be incorporated into Aloe vera gel to enhance the effectiveness of the anti-fungal activity of Aloe gel matrix. In view of Aloe vera’s favorable e?ect on fruits (sweet cherries, table grapes, granny smith and red chief apple) and increasing demands for eco-friendly, bio-based preservatives

Development and Verification of Make-up Base Containing Aloe

Author: Hyejo Min · MinJung Kim · Jeonghee Kim

Aloe, Make-up Base, Color cosmetic, Effectiveness, Safety, makeup base containing aloe extract, Polyphenol contents of aloe extract and flavonoid, Growth activity of macrophage, make-up base containing aloe and general make base product, aloe extract may be able to substitute the synthetic pigments and considered to be uses for ingredients multi-functional color cosmetic’s ingredient, A make-up base is cosmetic product that used to prepare the skin before using foundation, It works best on cleansed, prepared skin, and if the skin is exceptionally dry, then make-up base can be used on the skin after moisturizer, aloe gel cleanser, anaesthetic, antiseptic, antipyretic, antipruritic, nutrient, and moisturizer, aloe promoting effect on cell proliferation from the aloe gel, aloe had moisturizing agent as well as antibiotic ability, moisturizing, aloe had soothing and cooling effects, mineral content which make it ideally suited for use as a make-up base product,

Antioxidant cosmetotextiles: Cotton coating with nanoparticles containing vitamin E and Aloe Vera.

Authors: Fatemeh Shahmoradi Ghaheh, Akbar Khoddami, Farzaneh Alihosseini, Jing Su

The use of textiles is common and transversal to all humans. Several types of textiles are used in different situations in life; we all use textiles, both during day life (clothing) and during the night (bed linens). These textiles are designed to have specific functions, namely protection, warmth, and support. Innovative methodologies have been established for the development of biological textiles with extra properties including breathability; texture; antimicrobial, and cosmetic properties. Cosmetotextiles are examples of high-performance textiles representing a fusion of fabric materials with cosmetic active substances. The cosmetic substances are attached to the fabrics, and when they meet the human body and skin, they are transferred from the textile to the skin to reach the specific target. Despite not being accepted as cosmetic products, they are able to impart skincare benefits, fighting ageing, and promote wellness and pleasant feelings. Current cosmetotextiles in the market claim to be moisturizing, cellulite reducing, perfumed, body slimming, energizing, rejuvenating, refreshing, improving the firmness and elasticity of skin, or reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamin E (also known as ?-tocopherol) is a very antioxidant agent, recognized to shut out hazardous oxygen and applied on textiles for anti-ageing purposes. Microencapsulated vitamin E significantly increases the skin moisture and elasticity, thereby reducing the skin wrinkles and roughness. Despite having numerous advantages, its direct application into textiles is hindered by its low stability to heat and oxygen. Microencapsulation has been devoted as the main technique for the incorporation of active substances into the textiles. It can be achieved by an array of methods in which the release of the active ingredient from the microcapsules occurs following heat, biodegradation, friction, or pressure between the body and fabric during use, breaking the capsules into fragments and releasing the encapsulated active ingredients. Liposomes and polymeric and protein-based nanodevices have been successfully applied as vehicles to entrap and deliver vitamin E. However, vitamin E incorporation into the lipid bilayer of liposomes or inside nanoparticles core is hindered by its lipophilicity and high molecular mass. We recently demonstrated that protein-based nano emulsions can be successfully used for the encapsulation of this lipophilic product. Protein nano emulsions are dispersed in an aqueous medium where the protein remains at the interface covering the oil containing ?-tocopherol. The lipophilic nature of ?-tocopherol ensures that all the initial content introduced is totally encapsulated. The main goal of this work was to develop cosmetotextiles with high-performance properties, namely antioxidant and skin moisture properties. The innovation behind this research is the development of a methodology that allows predicting further transfer behavior of the active substances to other substrates such as textiles and skin. Protein based nanoparticles composed of bovine serum albumin (BSA)/silk fibroin (SF) were previously developed and produced by oil-in-water methodology. Knitted cotton fabrics were coated with the previously developed oil-in-water nanoparticles containing vitamin E by the pad cure method. The effectiveness and durability of the antioxidant properties were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR) to confirm the presence and morphology of the nanoparticles. The durability and transfer ability of the nanoparticles to other supports were assayed by washing and rubbing fastness, respectively. The antioxidant efficiency of vitamin E of coated samples was evaluated by the ABTS-scavenging methodology.

Use of Aloe vera gel as bio preservative for ‘Granny Smith’ and ‘Red Chief’ apples.

Authors Ergun, M., & Satici, F.

Effects of Aloe vera gel (0, 1, 5 and 10% w/v) coating on green-colored ‘Granny Smith’ and red-colored ‘Red Chief’ apples those were stored at 2 “C for 6 months. Aloe vera gel treatments substantially suppressed the increase in weight loss for ‘Granny Smith’ apples but did not affect weight loss for ‘Red Chief’ apples. Apples from both cultivars softened at definite rates over time, and these rates were not affected from any of the gel treatments. Aloe vera gel treatment suppressed the green colour loss for ‘Granny Smith’ but remained unaffected for ‘Red Chief’ apples. Soluble solids content and percentage titratable acidity was recorded higher for ‘Granny Smith’ apple fruit treated with Aloe vera gel (5 and 10%) during most of the storage period while no Aloe vera gel effects on colour for ‘Red Chief’ apples was recorded. The pH values for ‘Granny Smith’ fruit slightly decreased while slightly increased for ‘Red Chief’ fruit over time, yet values for both cultivars remained unaffected by Aloe vera gel treatments. The results indicated that Aloe vera gel treatment may be used as biopreservative on ‘Granny Smith ‘apples for retarding quality losses. Biopreservation is a novel food preservation method defined for extension of shelf life and enhanced safety of foods by the use of natural or controlled microbiota and/or antimicrobial compounds . In postharvest technology, biopreservation takes aim at extending storage/shelf life of fruits and vegetables by utilizing plant-based products those have been used in food engineering for a long time. Recently, these plant-based products have been started to use in fresh fruits and vegetables as biopreservatives. Aloe vera gel is one of the promising biopreservative which has a great potential to become a common use for most fresh fruits and vegetables. Aloe vera gel has been tested for few fresh fruits by a postharvest. Aloe vera extracts suppressed/retarded postharvest quality losses in ‘Crimson Seedless’ grapes and ‘StarKing’ cherries, Furthermore, Aloe vera extracts were reported to be useful for ‘Kensington Pride’ mangoes and ‘Artic Snow’ nectarines for retaining quality losses after harvest. Aloe vera gel is applied to fruits as an edible coating which has been widely used for most fruits and vegetables. Edible coatings have a various favorable effect on fruits such as imparting a glossy appearance and better colour, retarding weight loss, or prolonging storage/shelf life by preventing microbial spoilage. The performance of Aloe vera gel as edible coating is dependent on its composition, its use offers an option to film packaging owing to their environmentally friendly characteristic. Aloe vera leaves are rich in bioactive compounds some of which are antioxidants those are broadly used in food engineering as preservative such as mannans, antrachinon, c-glycoside, Antron, antrakuinon and lectine. Considering Aloe vera’s success on biopreservation of table grapes, cherries, mangos and nectarines, and increasing demands for environmentally friendly postharvest handling procedures, we investigated the use of Aloe vera gel as biopreservative for ‘Granny Smith’ and ‘Red Chief’ apples. The main reason choosing these apple cultivars in our study is their distinctive fruit colorations which is frequently used as a quality index.

Diversity, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of culturable bacterial endophyte communities in Aloe vera

Authors M. A. Akinsanya, J. K. Goh, S. P. Lim, and A. S. Y. Ting

Twenty-nine culturable bacterial endophytes were isolated from surface-sterilized tissues (root, stem and leaf) of Aloe vera and molecularly characterized to 13 genera: Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Enterobacter, Pantoea, Chryseobacterium, Sphingobacterium, Aeromonas, Providencia, Cedecea, Klebsiella, Cronobacter, Macrococcus and Shigella. The dominant genera include Bacillus (20.7%), Pseudomonas (20.7%) and Enterobacter (13.8%). The crude and ethyl acetate fractions of the metabolites of six isolates, species of Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Chryseobacterium and Shigella, have broad spectral antimicrobial activities against pathogenic Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Salmonella Typhimurium, Proteus vulgaris, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus pyogenes and Candida albicans, In addition, 80% of the bacterial endophytes produced 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) with scavenging properties of over 75% when their crude metabolites were compared with ascorbic acid (92%). In conclusion, this study revealed for the first time the endophytic bacteria communities from A. vera (Pseudomonas hibiscicola, Macrococcus caseolyticus, Enterobacter ludwigii, Bacillus anthracis) that produce bioactive compounds with high DPPH scavenging properties (75–88%) and (Bacillus tequilensis, Pseudomonas entomophila, Chryseobacterium indologenes, Bacillus aerophilus) that produce bioactive compounds with antimicrobial activities against bacterial pathogens. Hence, we suggest further investigation and characterization of their bioactive compounds.

Effect of Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis) Supplementation on Production Indices, Mortality and Cost of Production of Broiler Chicken.

Author: Dipin Chander Yadav*, Devender Singh Bidhan, Vishal Sharma and Subhasish Sahu

dietary supplementation, e physical forms of aloe vera viz. powder, gel and juice on the energy efficiency (EE), protein efficiency (PE), performance index (PI), production number (PN), mortality pattern and cost of production of broiler chicken, f aloe vera supplementation on health and performance of broilers, Aloe vera, broilers, cost of production, mortality, production indices, feed supplements and feed additives in poultry industry, antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and immune-modulator effects of aloe vera, aloe barbadensis has anti-oxidant and anti-cancerous properties, anti-mutagenic effects and anti-hypersensitivity effects, supplementation of aloe vera on energy efficiency, protein efficiency, performance index, production number of broiler chicken. The mortality and cost of production which are keys to broiler industry, Aloe vera treated groups were found to be beneficial in terms of net profit. Net savings/Kg of drawn weight was highest in aloe vera supplemented, supplementation of broilers diet with aloe vera may offer benefits to the poultry industry by reducing the cost of production of live weight as well as drawn weight.

Modulation of Gut Microbiota and Immune System by Probiotics, Pre-biotics, and Postbiotics

Author Yue Liu, Jiaqi Wang and Changxin

human gastrointestinal tract , interacts with the mucosal immune system closely, Gut microbiota plays a significant role in maintaining host health, d supply various nutrients, regulate energy balance, modulate the immune response, defense against pathogens, maintaining a favourable equilibrium of gut microbiota through modulating bacteria composition, diversity, and their activity is beneficial to host health, probiotics and pre-biotics could indirectly regulate microbiota and immune response, post-biotics, as the bioactive metabolites, produced by gut microbiota, and/or cell-wall components released by probiotics, inhibit pathogen growth, maintain microbiota balance, regulate an immune response, health-promoting microorganisms, balance of the gastrointestinal microbiome, Probiotics could modulate human intestinal bacteria, inhibiting harmful bacteria, stimulating beneficial bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, toll-like receptors, Pattern recognition receptors, bifidobacteria , substrate that is selectively utilised by host microorganisms conferring a health Benefit,postbiotics, maintain homeostasis of intestinal microbiota and improve intestinal health

Preparation of Nutraceutical Health Drink Using Aloe Vera as a Base Ingredient

Author: Ponnam Vijetha, Naresh Kumar Katari, T. Subbaiah & K. Murali Naik

Aloe vera, delectable plant rich in nutrients and minerals, scope of aloe vera as the nutraceutical component present in ready-to-serve (RTS) fruit beverages, extraction techniques for aloe vera juice, physicochemical properties, proximate and mineral composition of aloe vera juice in the prepared health drink, protocol for preparation of an RTS fruit beverage by utilizing aloe vera juice as a novel ingredient in the formulation of health drinks is studied by a varying proportion of aloe vera juice, Shelf stability,Microbial spoilage, Gel

Functional Plain Yogurt Enhanced with Inulin and Aloe Vera

Author: Janny Melissa Mendoza Mencia,

aloe fermented yogurt, production of fermented milk drinks from lactic acid bacteria, nutritional value, great sensory attributes, functional beverages, viscosity, antioxidant capacity, yogurt formulations with aloe ,probiotic and non-probiotic yogurt, Nutritional value of yogurt, aloe vera juice, high content of bioactive compounds, aloe vera juice pH, Luminosity, good bacteria, gastrointestinal system, yogurt starter cultures, nutritional value, bioactive compounds, supplement for functional foods, functional and nutritive foods , functional component in aloe vera is the polysaccharide acemannan, prebiotics, functional ingredient, stimulate the favorable growth or metabolism of beneficial bacteria , develop a functional plain stirred yogurt enhanced with inulin and aloe vera, milk fermentation converting lactose to lactic acid, probiotic bacteria

Possible interaction between sevoflurane and Aloe vera.

Author Lee A, Chui PT, Aun CST,Gin T, Lau ASC.

patient with massive intraoperative bleeding after oral consumption of Aloe vera tablets, Aloe vera is a common herb used for antiinflammatory and antiarthritic activity, as well as antibacterial, hypoglycemic, and lipid-lowering effects. Compounds contained within Aloe vera can cause a reduction in prostaglandin synthesis, which may inhibit secondary aggregation of platelets, sevoflurane inhibits thromboxane A(2) formation by suppression of cyclooxygenase activity, impairs platelet aggregation, and prolongs bleeding, although the vascularity and size of the hemangioma were the most important factors for the massive intraoperative blood loss, concomitant use of sevoflurane and Aloe vera played a contributory role, an objective causality assessment revealed that this adverse event was possible because of the sevoflurane and Aloe vera interaction, there is a potential herb-drug interaction between Aloe vera and sevoflurane based on the antiplatelet effects of these 2 agents. Herbal medications with antiplatelet potential should be discontinued before anesthesia and surgery.

Active agents in common skin care products. Plast Reconstr Surg. 125:719-724.

Author: Draelos ZD (2010)

Moisturizers are substances designed to improve and maintain the skin barrier. They serve as a vehicle for the delivery of active ingredients that minimize facial lines of dehydration, deliver photoprotection, and provide antioxidant properties, facial foundation, an antiaging night cream, a sunscreen, a topical antioxidant, or a skin-lightening serum, the formulation is basically a moisturizer

An Overview : Natural Bio-enhancer’s in Formulation Development.

Author: Chander Pal Singh Verma, Santosh Verma, Mahendra Singh Ashawat, Vinay Pandit

the ideal characteristic of bioenhancers includes inertness, nontoxic, cost effective and decrease the dose of active constituents. There are lots of natural bioenhancers available such as piperine quercetin, niaziridin, genistein, glycyrrhizin, curcumin, the review focus on plant based bioenhancers and their active principle that produces those effects, there is a need of extensive study on natural bioenhancers which can be utilized in formulation development, Drugs that are administered orally go through a dissolution process and then permeation across the gastric membrane before they can appear in the blood stream, the amount of drug that goes into the bloodstream from its site of administration is defined as its bioavailability, solubility is defined as the property of a substance to dissolve itself into a solid, liquid or a gaseous solvent to form a homogeneous solution of it. Solubility of a drug in gastric media is an essential requirement for an orally administered drug to be absorbed adequately, the majority of factors that affect the bioavailability of a drug other than solubility and permeability include the dissolution rate of the drug, first-pass effect, pre-systemic metabolism of the drug in any other organ and susceptibility to efflux mechanisms, Solubility in the gastric media is a major problem associated with orally administered drugs that leads to erratic bioavailability, use of bio enhancers is a promising approach to overcome the issues related to bioavailability. A bioenhancer enhances the bioavailability of a drug molecule without causing any pharmacological activity of its own, bio enhancers of herbal origin have gained interest recently and many herbal compounds , A herbal bioenhancer is an agent of herbal origin that has the capability to enhance that bioavailability of a drug with which it is combined, without causing any pharmacological activity of its own, Adding a bioenhancer to a drug helps to reduce drug dosage, drug cost, incidences of drug resistance and risks of adverse drug reaction. Most importantly, a bioenhancer improves the efficacy of a drug by enhancing its bioavailability. In addition, adding a bioenhancer also reduces raw material requirement during pharmaceutical manufacturing

Edible Film and Coating Applications in Fruits and Vegetables.

Author Zühal Okcu, Yasemin Yavuz, Sevgi Kerse

Aloe, maintain quality and safety during food transportation and storage, techniques and procedures in packing, edible films increase food’s organoleptic properties and support nutritional values, Fruits and vegetables are highly sensitive product, delaying ripening and reducing loss of weight in fruit and vegetable could be supplied with edible films and coatings, during storage process of foods, packing is an important step to protect their sensory, nutritional and hygienic properties, containers using protective materials in order to preserve the goods, to increase their performance and to make them carry out their informing functions, to preserve food quality and safety during the period between production and consumption; Glass, paper, cardboard, paperboard, aluminum and various type of plastics can be used as packing material, Packing materials are separated into two groups which are synthetic and edible, Synthetic packings are usually petrochemical based , the usage of synthetic packing should be reduced due to environmental pollution and migration problems, Edible packaging that obtained from herbal resources, Edible coatings are in liquid form and applied to the product by plunging it into the solution, Edible films are defined as thin protein, polysaccharide and lipid based layer created between food ingredients or on food surface in order to maintain quality, prevent spoilage, prolong the shelf life and protect sensory properties of food, to providing barrier properties, these films maintain product quality, biodegradable, consumable, and could be applied at different technologies, edible coating should be reliable product respiration to be under control, structural integrity and facilitate mechanical processing, combine prevent or reduce microbial degradation, edible films and coatings can be obtained and applied to foods in different ways , film coatings; simple joining, complex joining and gelation mechanisms are used, application of edible films to fruit and vegetables, immersion method and spraying method, Immersion method is the dipping food product in coating solution, draining excess coating material on product surface, providing the formation of film and allowing them to dry at room conditions or in a dryer, Spraying method is commonly applied by high pressure spray applicators or air blast systems in order to coat a certain part of the product’s surface or obtain a uniform thin layer, other method could be pouring method, which is applied by pouring the film solution onto the region to be coated, the dripping method which is based on the technique to apply the coating material to foodstuff from above in drops and then drying the food on the rotating brush bearings by the help of fans, foaming method which the foam applied to foodstuff moving on the cylinder is distributed on the surface by the help of brush, Improving the appearance by providing brightness to the surface of fruit , reducing losses of weight protecting fruit texture, reducing respiration speed and ethylene production and thus delaying the ripening, protecting fruits and vegetables from chilling injuries, providing basis for post-harvest chemical applications and reducing the usage of synthetic materials, reducing microbiological degradation , protecting aroma components, vitamins and antioxidants, pigments and reducing their browning reactions , improving the organoleptic properties of coated food by incorporating various additives such as flavor, pigments and sweeteners , replacing of chemical origin package materials create positive effects both on environment and on people, by this application, in perishable and aspirating products like fruits and vegetables, both ripening is delayed by reducing the respiration and shelf life can be prolonged

Plant-based edible coatings for managing postharvest quality of fresh horticultural produce: A review.

Authors Ncama, K.; Magwaza, L.S.; Mditshwa, A.; Tesfay, S.Z

Fresh produce is recognized as highly beneficial for human health. The substantial changes in the lifestyle of populations and upturn awareness about nutritional aspects of dietary patterns, fresh produce has high demand, In developing countries, postharvest losses can reach up to 50%, and improper storage can cause serious food safety and quality-related issues. To fulfill the ever increasing demand of fresh produce, more attention should be given to reduce postharvest losses in addition to increase the production, Postharvest operations are one of the promising approaches for regulating food safety and security, fresh produce; postharvest, losses; food safety and quality; Nutrition properties; Bio-edible coating, consumers demand chemical free fresh product with excellent quality and nutritional profile, edible coating of fresh produce seems to be an effective approach to mitigate produce safety and quality issues, Fresh produce is highly perishable by nature, that is why it is more susceptible to biotic (diseases, insects, parasites) and abiotic (temperature, humidity, rain, floods) challenges that cause postharvest losses. Microorganisms are a major source of postharvest losses in fresh vegetables. Skin damage, spots, and fractures occur because of improper handling of fresh vegetables provide optimum conditions for microbial growth. Many microorganisms enter the food and cause serious health issues, especially pathogenic organisms which can cause food-borne diseases.[5] To enhance quality and safety, fresh produce must need protection from deterioration during processing, storage, and transportation. Numerous techniques are utilized for extending the nutritional attributes and storage life of fresh produce include modified atmospheric packaging (MAP), high temperature storage, low temperature, irradiation, and chemical treatment but these techniques require proper care and sometimes lead to an unacceptable loss in nutritional value of produce, edible coatings and films have piqued the attention of scholars and the food industry to use them as preservative techniques because of their biodegradability, biocompatibility, antibacterial, and antifungal activity and it shown to be very successful in retaining food without compromising its nutritional or organoleptic aspects, Edible coatings would be a good substitute for the commercial synthetic waxes that are now utilized, which are mostly made of oxidized polyethylene, moreover, certain edible coatings may contain useful additives like antioxidants and phytonutrients that help to improve food safety and stability. Sensory properties, water solubility, and other variables all play a role in the selection of coating materials, when purchasing fresh produce, consumers evaluate the quality and wholesomeness of the produce based on its presentation. The most prevalent and challenging problem for fruit industry is to maintain and control fresh quality, avoid spoilage, and retard growth of pathogenic microorganisms, this issue can be solved by using an edible coating. Edible coating adds another layer of protection to fresh fruits and vegetables and may have a similar effect to modify storage atmosphere and controlling inner gas composition, edible coatings with the inclusion of different edible herbs and antimicrobial agents have been created and applied to fresh produce, edible coating is a thin layer that acts as semipermeable membrane and operates as barrier against gases, water leakage, hence, decreases the rate of respiration, enzymatic browning, and release of volatile compounds into the ambient environment, they are employed directly on the produce surface by spraying, brushing, or dipping to create a modified atmosphere. Under conditions of high humidity, edible coatings should be durable and commonly regarded as safe. Edible coatings must be colorless, odorless, tasteless and have strong mechanical characteristics that can be utilized as nutraceutical, as well as act carriers of texture enhancers, to enhance the storage life of fresh produce, various materials were used to cover and wrap them and this material is consumed with foods, both with and without removal, and is known as an edible wrapping, fresh produce with edible coatings has a gleaming appearance. The key benefit of edible coating is that it improves the storage time of fresh or refined food products while also protecting them from postharvest losses and environmental damages, edible coating is added to the outer surface of fruits and vegetables to increase shelf life and shine appearance in order to meet market demand for environment friendly and nutritious foods by improving the nutritional composition of fruits and vegetables without compromising their consistency, Among the major obstacles confronting the global preservation industry is the limited advancement of unique coatings with increased consistency and functionality for both fresh and minimally processed food. It has been documented that development activities have largely turned toward the creation of environmentally sustainable coatings/packaging derived from biodegradable polymers, which may not only minimize packaging needs but also contribute to the transfer of value-added by-products, Multiple methods are employed for coating formation depending upon which coating material is used, for the formation of edible coatings, some methods like solidification of melt, solvent extraction and thermal gelation have been developed, hydrocolloid films contain water soluble polymers derived from animals, plants, or microbial/biological sources. Solvent extraction produces hydrocolloid edible films with a continuous structure. The chemical and physical interactions between molecules enhance the product’s stability. Water, acetic acid and ethanol are mostly used as solvents with the addition of plasticizers, antimicrobial, and cross-linking agents. Protein films produced by heating the solution result in denaturation, precipitation, or gelation and cooled immediately to produce coagulation and further gelation. Lipid films are solidified and melted, Additives in coatings Additives like antimicrobials, plasticizers, texture enhancers, flavor, probiotics, and anti-browning compounds have been mostly utilized in edible coatings. Incorporation of antimicrobial agent into coatings give an innovative approach to extend the storage life and enhance microbial safety, the generally utilized antibacterial agents in edible coatings are potassium-sorbate, lauric acid, green tea powder, sodium benzoate, trisodium phosphate, pediocin, lactic acid, conalbumin, chitosan, lecithin, nisin, lauric acid, ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA), thiosulfonates, imazali, sorbic acid, grape seed extract, essential oils/spices, or their ingredients, benomyl, silver, isothiocyanates, and enzymes. The enzymes glucose oxidase, lactoperoxidases, and lysozyme are utilized as antibacterial agents in coating solutions, however, their applicability is limited due to poor stability (at varying pH and temperature), Antimicrobial compounds derived from plants are encouraged to promote customer acceptance used natural antimicrobials curcumin and limonene and coatings were made from their liposomes and then over-coated with methyl cellulose. One set of each coating type was exposed to simulated local transportation vibration. Vibrated samples had a shorter shelf life than non-vibrated samples, indicating the need for a tough coating that can withstand road vibrations. On the 14th day of storage, limonene liposomes showed substantially lower fungal growth than the control by judging number of strawberries with visible Mold, the impact of four distinct plasticizers (glycerol, polyethylene glycol, sorbitol, and glycerol) on water vapor permeability, and mechanical characteristics of alginate coating. Inclusion of plasticizers changed the mechanical characteristics of alginate coverings, lowering tensile strength (TS), with the impact becoming more evident as the relative humidity (RH) increased, Types of edible coating, edible coatings are chiefly classified into three main groups. Polysaccharides based coatings (starch, chitosan, cellulose, alginate, pectin, gums etc.), protein-based coatings (zein, whey protein, wheat gluten, casein, soy protein, egg albumin, gelatin, etc.), lipid-based coatings (waxes, fatty acids etc.) and composite coatings are formed by combining more than one material or substance depicted the types and subtypes of edible coatings.

Functional foods in pet nutrition: Focus on dogs and cats

Author AlessandroDi Cerbo ,Julio CesarMorales-Medina, Beniamino Palmieric,Federica Pezzuto,Raffaella Cocco, Gonzalo Flores, Tommas soIannitti

Functional foods provide health benefits if they are consumed on a regular basis as part of a varied diet, functional foods in pet nutrition with a focus on dogs and cats, functional foods modify gastrointestinal physiology, promote changes in biochemical parameters, improve brain functions and may reduce or minimize the risk of developing specific pathologies, functional food consumption, pet nutrition , Cat; Diet; Dog; Functional food; Nutraceutical; Pet.

The efficacy of combined application of edible coatings and thyme oil in inducing resistance components in avocado (Persea americana Mill.) against anthracnose during post-harvest storage,

Authors M. Bill, D. Sivakumar, L. Korsten, A.K. Thompson,

The avocado fruit plays an important role in human nutrition due to its nutritional properties such as oleic, palmitic, linoleic, palmitoleic acids, trace amount of stearic acid, vitamin A, B, C, E, K, and high fibre content. The common postharvest disease anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz.) affects the fruit quality, marketability, and shelf life of avocados during marketing. Both field spraying and postharvest treatments are necessary to achieve high quality fruit. Copper sprays are commonly used in the orchard to control post-harvest diseases. Limited control of the anthracnose disease can be achieved with an application of preharvest copper oxychloride. The latter application leaves undesirable patches on the fruit surface, and it is a time-consuming process to remove them manually in the packhouse prior to packing. At the packhouse, after cooling the fruit is commonly treated with a synthetic non-systemic fungicide prochloraz as a first defense mechanism in the packing line to control anthracnose and it is a common commercial packhouse treatment adopted in South Africa, New Zealand, and Australia. Postharvest loses due to anthracnose can increase up to 80% if the fruits are not treated with prochloraz at postharvest stage. However, there is a need for safer methods to control postharvest decay development due to an increase in consumer concern regarding food safety and demand for organically produced fruit. The importing countries have enforced stringent regulations regarding the maximum residue limits (MRL) in the skin of the fruit and the MRL for South African avocado is 2 mg kg?1. It is also important to note that countries like Netherlands and France which are biggest importers of the fruit are more stringent with MRLs below 0.5 mg kg?1. In addition to this, development of fungicide resistant strains, and growing global pressure on the fruit industry to lower the associated environmental pollution footprint have necessitated the need to search for natural novel products to replace the prochloraz fungicide application at postharvest stage. Commercially, Avoshine® canuba wax coating is used for avocados. Green-skinned cultivars may develop surface discoloration if the proper wax formulation and application methods are not employed. It is essential that the applied wax coating must not leave any deleterious residues or affect the natural glossiness of the fruit, the eating quality or alter the characteristic fruit flavour. The EU does not allow morpholine in wax emulsions. There is some resistance to waxing of fruits including avocados in the EU due consumer pressure. Application of methyl cellulose or gelatin-starch coatings to avocado fruits have shown beneficial effects especially delaying the ripening behavior. However, it is necessary to investigate the effect of edible coatings on the incidence of decay. Biocoat™ or Natralife™ a mixture of beeswax and olive oil was shown to increase the shelf live with effective control of decay incidence. Application of essential oils or their volatile compounds at postharvest stage has been shown to control postharvest diseases in different fruits. Antifungal activity of thyme oil is well documented and proven to inhibit the fungal growth of C. gloeosporioides in vitro or in vivo in avocado cultivars Hass and Fuerte and Hass also showed that the thyme oil application in vapour phase in modified atmosphere packaging enhanced activities of defense enzymes (PAL, chitinase, 1,3-?-glucanase, peroxidase), antioxidant enzymes (catalase and superoxide dismutase) as well as high total phenols. Biodegradable polymers are often referred to as edible coatings and are mainly used to improve food appearance and to preserve fruit quality. Therefore, the incorporation of thyme oil into edible-coatings could be an effective method to control its high volatility thus minimizing losses and improving its effectiveness than when applied directly on the surface of the fruit. Some of the most used edible coatings are chitosan, Aloe vera gel and Gum Arabic to improve fruit quality and to suppress decay during postharvest storage. Chitosan, a copolymer consisting of ?-(1–4)-2-acetamido-d-glucose and ?-(1–4)-2-amino-d-glucose units which is derived from chitin has excellent film-forming properties, nontoxic, has antimicrobial activity and is biodegradable. Application of chitosan was observed to be effective in controlling postharvest diseases in strawberries, litchi, sweet cherries, and papaya, by activating defense-related enzymes such as phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and production of total phenols. Preventative chitosan coatings containing tea tree oil were found to be effective in reducing the incidence of Penicillium italicum (blue mold rot) in citrus fruits. Due to its emulsifying properties Gum Arabic is a potential coating component and incorporating either lemon grass or cinnamon oil into Gum Arabic was reported to control Colletotrichum musae in bananas and C. gloeosporioides in papayas. A. vera gel obtained from the leaf pulp of Aloe plants showed antimicrobial properties and has also been identified as a novel coating agent. Growth of yeasts and molds in grapes were inhibited following the application of A. vera gel during cold storage at 1 “C . From the literature and the authors’ experience no work has been reported on the incorporation of thyme oil into edible coatings to control postharvest decay and maintenance of fruit quality in avocados. This study is comprised of a threefold objective. Firstly, to investigate the effect of three different edible coatings incorporated with thyme oil on control of radial mycelial growth in vitro, secondly decay inhibition in artificially inoculated fruits (in vivo) (curative and preventative) and finally to determine the induction of defense related enzymes chitinase, 1, 3-?-glucanase, PAL, POD, antifungal compound phenol and antioxidant enzymes (catalase and superoxide dismutase.)

Drug Delivery Systems with Modified Release for Systemic and Biophase Bioavailability.

Author: E. Leucuta, Sorin

Activation-modulated DDS; Biodegradable Systems; Drug delivery systems; Enzyme Activated; Hopfenberg Model; Microreservoir Partition Controlled DDS; Osmotic Pressure Activated DDS; Polymer Matrix-diffusion DDS; medicine; modified release; pharmacy, new generations of pharmaceutical systems: medicines with extended release, controlled release pharmaceutical systems, pharmaceutical systems for the targeted delivery of drug substances. The latest advances and approaches for delivering small molecular weight drugs and other biologically active agents such as proteins and nucleic acids require novel delivery technologies, the success of a drug being many times dependent on the delivery method. All these dosage forms are qualitatively superior to medicines with immediate release, in that they ensure optimal drug concentrations depending on specific demands of different disease particularities of the body. Drug delivery of these pharmaceutical formulations has the benefit of improving product efficacy and safety, as well as patient convenience and compliance, biopharmaceutical, pharmacokinetic, pharmacologic and technological principles in the design of drug delivery systems with modified release as well as the formulation criteria of prolonged and controlled release drug delivery systems. pharmaceutical prolonged and controlled release dosage forms intended for different routes of administration: oral, ocular, transdermal, parenteral, pulmonary, mucoadhesive, but also orally fast dissolving tablets, gastroretentive drug delivery systems, colon-specific drug delivery systems, pulsatile drug delivery systems and carrier or ligand mediated transport for site specific or receptor drug targeting. Specific technologies are given on the dosage forms with modified release as well as examples of marketed products

New Approaches of utilization Aloe vera in Wet Processing of Textiles.

Author mohamed mohamed mosaad

The application of aloe vera in textile processing is gaining worldwide detection as one of the hopeful approaches to pollution issues and cost reduction. Aloe vera gel possesses some biological activities and unique properties such as colorless, transparent, and viscosity which meet the using as a printing thickener, mordant, antimicrobial for different fabrics and dyes. Aloe vera is used in pre-treatment such as scouring, desizing, softening, and printing due to its succulent enzymatic and gummy characteristics. Aloe vera gel also contains a salty substance that allows its use in natural, eco-friendly dyeing. Aloe vera gel also is an alternative to synthetic antimicrobial agents. Textile wet processing utilizes a huge amount of water, dyes and chemicals, and other auxiliaries for processes. It can be considered as having three stages, pretreatment (or preparation), coloration (dyeing or printing) and finishing. Textile wet processing industry is one of major cause of environmental pollution. Because it is included a toxic, hazardous, and less bio-degradable compounds which is a major source of effluents and pollution. Searching for ecofriendly alternatives is a main concern of most researchers. Natural resources are gaining global recognition because of their nontoxic and eco-friendly characteristics with the increasingly important requirements for textile manufacturers to reduce pollution in textile production. Rheological behavior of Aloe vera gel. Aloe vera gel generally exhibits elastic behavior which can be attributed to the network of polymeric fibrous chains. Viscosity decreases with increasing shear rate (exhibiting shear thinning behavior); however, above certain critical value (100 S ?1) viscosity becomes constant. Such rheological behavior is attributed to the structural decomposition and rearrangement of weak network of polymeric fibers. Rheology of any formulation such as paste depends upon the combination of individual components as well as their mutual interactions. The addition of Aloe vera gel to different products can lead to complex rheological behaviors, developing from its interactions with product ingredients as well as process conditions. However, the rheological properties of Aloe vera can be tuned to meet product requirements. Moreover, it can also be used as a rheology modifier for various products. Aloe vera is used in pre-treatment and printing due to its succulent enzymatic and gummy characteristics. Aloe gel also contains a salty substance that allows its use in natural, eco-friendly dyeing and finishing. There are many actual and potential applications of Aloe vera in textiles wet processing field. To meet customer demand, A huge amount of inorganic chemicals are used in textiles pretreatment, dyeing, printing, and finishing. Since, the use of these chemicals produces a huge amount of effluent but causes water pollution, researchers have been trying to use eco-friendly products like Aloe vera instead of inorganic chemicals for these purposes to protect the environment from this pollution. Aloe vera is suitable for such pretreatment because it contains many enzymes, salt and gummy substances which are essential for textile wet processing. Bio Scouring with aloe vera, scouring process was used to remove the non-cellulosic impurities from the cotton to have a uniform absorbency. Highly alkaline chemicals like caustic soda, soda ash, silicate, acetic acid, and soaping agents are used for scouring, but destruction of cotton structure may be happened also attack the cellulose leading to heavy strength loss and weight loss in the fabric. Moreover, the need for intensive rinsing and more acid to reutilization the cotton, which leads to a large volume of effluent. Optimum condition of bio scouring with enzyme, requires treatment with concentration 5% at pH 5.5 at 80?C for 1 hour. Bio-scoured fabrics, using the Aloe vera extract, showed better dye levels, dye uptake, light fastness, wash fastness, and rubbing fastness for medium and dark reactive colors than did conventionally scoured fabric. Bio-scouring saved a substantial amount of thermal energy (50%) and electrical energy (40%). Bio-scouring wastewater has 40–50% less COD and 60% fewer TDS than conventional-scouring wastewater does. Bio scouring with enzyme is corresponding with a significant role in minimizing the demand of energy, water, chemicals, time and therefore costs. After bio scouring, fabric can be dyed directly without bleaching, which also reduces additional cost in this step. But in this process, light-colored shades cannot be produced or very difficult match. Enzymatic Desizing with aloe vera: For the improved and uniform wet processing of the fiber, starch-based size is needed to be removed prior to dyeing and printing, this is known as desizing, which is the key action of the pretreatment. As converts the water insoluble starch in to the soluble one which is washed away from the fabric during washing and enhances the performance of the fabric. Since enzymes are widely used in desizing which called Enzymatic desizing. These enzymes catalyze the breakdown of the starch chain without damaging the support material as their action is specific to starch. Desizing process using Aloe vera gel instead of inorganic chemicals. Since Aloe gel contains many important enzymes and organic components like peroxidase, carboxypeptidase, amylase, and alkaline phosphatase. The aloe gel has been showed outstanding results for desizing with controlled temperature and pH. The aloe gel treated fabric was exhibited high desizing efficiency. This is due to key-Lock mechanism of enzymes presents in the aloe gel. When we compare the desizing efficiency of synthetic enzyme and aloe gel enzyme (natural enzyme amylase) the weight loss is greater that means the weight loss in synthetic enzyme desizing is 7.9% and in aloe gel case it is 11.02% so it has good desizing efficiency but aloe gel desizing have side effect of coloring salt. These aloe vera enzymes have active centers, which fits into a particular substrate molecule. Then the substrate forms a complex with the enzyme. Later the substrate molecule is converted into the product and the enzyme itself is regenerated. The process continues until the enzyme is poisoned by a chemical bogie or inactivated by extremes of temperature, Ph. Aloe vera gel which used instead of salt in a reactive dyeing process. Since aloe vera consists of salt, acid, enzymes, and many components that are essential to the dyeing process, aloe gel have been used to present sodium ion on dyeing cotton with reactive dye without salt. Aloe gel treated cotton fabrics, was dyed with different types of reactive dyes without addition of sodium chloride with different concentration of aloe gel. Treated sample was compared with normal dyed untreated sample. The fabrics treated with 100% aloe gel have good and highest shade depth, 80% aloe gel treated fabrics has medium, while the 60% aloe gel treated fabrics have lowest. increasing the concentration aloe gel led to increase the amount of sodium ion and therefor increase dye bath exhaustion so the dye uptake of the fabrics is higher. on a high concentration of Aloe vera contains more salt than dye does. Treatment of cotton fabric with aloe gel increases dye uptake of cotton at low salt condition without decreasing the wash fastness. Some reports discuss using Aloe vera as a mordant for dyeing of turmeric powder on cotton and silk fabric. Aloe vera gel as thickening agent on Printing: Printing is most important process used to decorate textile materials. Textile printing is localized dyeing in definite patterns. A successful print involves correct color, sharp-line, levelness, good hand, and efficient use of dye; all these factors depend on the type of thickener used. Thickening agents usually high molecular weight polymeric substances that give the necessary viscosity of the color printing paste under high pressure, without distortion. Textile thickeners either natural (e.g., Arabic gum, guar gum, alginate, starch, etc.) or man-made (i.e., based on modified natural polymers or wholly synthetic polymers, or emulsion). The use of synthetic thickeners causes harmful effects in the environment, to reduce and avoid this effect an eco-friendly thickener can be used. Aloe vera gel possesses some unique properties such as colorless, transparent, and viscous which meet the using as a printing thickener for different fabrics and dyes. Aloe vera gel as thickener with reactive dye on cotton. Since the conventional thickeners such as starch, CMC, guar gum contains free -OH groups, are not suitable for printing cotton with reactive dyes. because of these free hydroxyl groups which competes with the free hydroxyl group of cellulose toward dye. whereas Sodium alginate is suitable because it is free from free -OH groups. the same trend in aloe vera which contains (galacturonic acid) important used as thickener because which is free from -OH groups. Many attempts to use aloe vera as thickening agents had been reported. Aloe vera gel in combination with sodium alginate as a thickener to suit printing cotton fabric with reactive dyes. Three different types of thickeners combination, aloe vera gel (AG), Sodium alginate (SA) and Mixture of aloe vera gel and sodium alginate (AGSA), was applied directly on cotton using manual screen-printing method to gaining best result, using mixture of thickener (20 gm aloe vera and 2.5 gm sodium alginate), cotton printed fabrics had good characteristics include washing fastness, high color yield, softness and hand feeling properties, with medium viscosity and washing easily removed the extra chemicals. Aloe vera can be applied to cotton as a new thickening agent in reactive printing, achieving increased thickening efficiency as well as better depth and stability properties for printed samples, printing cotton samples with Aloe vera gel exhibited excellent results (wash and lightfastness) when using 4gm reactive dye concentration. Aloe vera gel as thickener with direct dye on cotton, aloe vera thickener was successfully applied on cotton fabrics with 3gm direct dye. When using after treatment with 10% vinegar for 5 minutes gave best result. Aloe vera gel as thickener with pigment on cotton. In printing with pigments, the use of a low-solids thickener is required, as it remains with the fabric after printing. zero-solids emulsion thickeners become quite prohibited in recent years owing to problems such as a better comfort property in terms of vapor permeability. Poor sharpness of the printed sample and less color yield were observed when only Aloe Vera gel was used aPs thickener, followed by an improvement in color yield with Sodium Alginate addition, aloe vera gel as thickener for printing of cotton fabric with pigment, in combination with sodium alginate, to enhance the properties of the printed fabric (sharpness, color yield, overall fastness properties, softness, and water vapor transmission) which are dependent on the percentage of Aloe vera gel in the thickener combination, the concentration of printing auxiliaries, and the curing conditions. Optimum printing properties were achieved by using a printing paste containing 80% Aloe vera 20% sodium alginate (700 g/kg), pigment (50 g /kg), binder (145 g /kg), fixer (10g/kg), and ammonium sulfate (5 g /kg), followed by drying at 85 ” C for 5 min and curing at 150 ” C for 3 mi. Emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the atmosphere during the drying and curing stage, flammability or explosion risk, wasteful use of energy, and ever-increasing cost. because aloe vera gel contains a very low solids content, allowing most of its constituents to be evaporated during curing treatment. For the same reason, a sample printed with higher aloe vera shows Aloe vera gel as thickener with natural dyes on cotton, adding aloe vera into printing paste as a part of the thickener when printing with natural dyes and examine its effect on the printed fabric and on the fabric sew-ability. Printing pastes as expected lower the fabrics sew-ability, due to the additional printed film over the fabric surface, that the needle must penetrate through. knitted and woven cotton fabrics was printed with two different thickening agents (sodium alginate and acrylic thickener) with natural dyes turmeric, annatto and Saffron. aloe vera was added to sodium alginate to enhance fabric properties. With curcumin paste aloe vera showed best results in fastness properties specially rubbing wet properties and sew-ability. Antimicrobial Finishing Methods, Coating, Exhaust, Pad-dry-cure, Spray & foam techniques, Synthesize Zinc Nano particles stabilization, or Fiber spinning method. Pad dry method was the best way to give greater antibacterial properties which also made the fabric soft. The antimicrobial finishes are generally applied by following means to the textile substrate: Absorption or Surface Treatment, Chemical Bonding, Micro-encapsulation. The microencapsulation of essential oils and its application in textile allows the gathering of various functions to substrates, imparting them antimicrobial properties, UV protection, and others. The microencapsulation involving essential oils applied to textile substrates enhances the lifespan of this kind of product, avoiding rapid evaporation of it. The release might happen due to the sensibility of the wall to the pH, heat, mechanical pressure, humidity, and other factors. The microencapsulation guarantees the protection of the active principle, as well as its controlled release, hence the great interest of its application in textile materials, microencapsulation of Aloe Vera with cornstarch using the simple coacervation technique on nonwoven cotton fabric using butane tetracarboxylic acid (BTCA) as a binding agent. FTIR was used to prove the interaction between nonwoven and microcapsule. Cornstarch was used as encapsulating agent and Aloe vera as active principle. For the formation of the coacervate, a mechanical stirrer was used. The analytical agents used were Acetic Acid (AcOH) 10% v/v, Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) 1 mol/L for pH correction. Glutaraldehyde (C5H8O2) 10% (v/v) was used to stiffen the walls of the microcapsules, using the pad-dry-cure method. the nonwoven samples were immersed in the bath for 1 min containing 30 g/L of microcapsules dispersed in aqueous solution, 75 g/L of butane tetracarboxylic acid (BTCA) (binding agent), and 45 g/L of sodium hypophosphate (Na PO2H2) (catalyst) note a polydisperse distribution, with irregular shape and sizes varying from 3 ?m to 50 ?m, Aloe vera can be used as a natural dye and mordanting agent, and gel used instead of salt in a reactive dyeing process, as well. Many attempts to use aloe vera as thickening agent. Aloe vera gel can be used in combination with sodium alginate as a thickener to suit printing cotton fabric with reactive dyes. Aloe gel has a potential of changing the property of disperse dye to have good interaction with cotton.

Recent development in novel drug delivery systems for delivery of herbal drugs: An updates

Author Prajakta N. Dongare, Anuja S. Motule, Mahesh R. Dubey, Manisha P. More, Prerna A. Patinge , Ravindra L. Bakal and Jagdish V. Manwar

Ethno-botanical information of such plants and their usage by indigenous cultures is useful in the conservation of traditional system of medicine, biodiversity, to promote health care system, therapeutic effects, Novel drug delivery systems for delivery of herbal drugs possesses several advantages over conventional formulations, an optimum amount of the concerned drug is administered to the patient in such a way that it reaches exactly the site of action’ and produce therapeutic effects, some drugs have an optimum concentration range within which maximum benefit is derived, and concentrations above or below this range can be toxic or produce no therapeutic benefit at all, to minimize drug degradation and loss, to prevent harmful side-effects and to increase drug bioavailability and the fraction of the drug accumulated in the required zone, various drug delivery and drug targeting systems are currently under development Novel drug delivery system is a new approach to drug delivery, In novel drug delivery technology; control of the distribution of drug is achieved by incorporating the drug in carrier system or in changing the structure of the drug at molecular level, novel drug delivery systems possess following advantage, enhancement of solubility, increased bioavailability, protection from toxicity, enhancement of pharmacological activity, enhancement of stability, • Improved tissue macrophages distribution, sustained delivery, protection from physical and chemical degradation, Herbal formulation means a dosage form consisting of one or more herbs or processed herb(s) in specified quantities to provide specific nutritional, cosmetic benefits, and/or other benefits meant for use to diagnose treat, mitigate diseases of human beings or animals and/or to alter the structure or physiology of human beings or animals, Herbal preparations are obtained by subjecting whole plant, fragmented or cut plants, plants parts to treatments such as extraction, distillation, expression, fractionation, purification, concentration or fermentation. These include comminuted or powdered herbal substances, tinctures, extracts, essential oils, expressed juices and processed exudates, actual amount of the drug may not reach the blood. If the drug doesn’t reach the blood at a minimum level which is known as ‘minimum effective level’ then there will be no therapeutic effect, Modern phytopharmaceutical research can solve the scientific needs such as determination of pharmacokinetics, mechanism of action, site of action, accurate dose required, novel herbal drug delivery system includes different types of formulations such as liposomes, phytosomes, pharmacosomes, niosomes, nanoparticles, microspheres, transferosomes, ethosomes, transdermal drug delivery system and proniosomes, Transdermal delivery system provides the advantage of controlled drug delivery, enhanced bioavailability, reduction in side effects and easy application

Antioxidant and cytotoxiclogical effects of aloe vera food supplements.

Author: López Z, Núñez-Jinez G, Avalos-Navarro G, Rivera G, Salazar-Flores J, Ramírez JA, Knauth P.

food industries use supplements from Aloe vera as highly concentrated powders (starting products), 5?g/L for decolourized and spray-dried inner leaf powder, total phenol concentration of 68–112??M gallate-eq, antioxidant capacity of 90–123??M ascorbate-eq. for DPPH was similar to the fresh extract, Starting products, dissolved at 1x, Inner gel powder at CC50 = 1–5?g/L exhibited cytotoxic effects, that is, at concentrations even below the recommended for human consumption, the thick watery inner parenchyma, called Aloe fillet, and the thin chlorenchyma [3]; extruded Aloe fillet is called Aloe gel, contains many secondary metabolites such as complex polyphenols (e.g., tannins and flavonoids), lignins, saponins, anthraquinones, glycoproteins, polysaccharides, and enzymes and also smaller metabolites, like sterols, fatty acids, alcohols, vitamins, amino acids, and saccharides [3, 5, 6]. The Aloe gel consists of about 99% water; the residual dry mass is composed of approximately 35.5% crude fibres, 26.8% soluble saccharides, 23.6% ashes (minerals), 8.9% proteins, and 5.1% lipids, soluble saccharides are glucose; the nonstarch polysaccharides (apart from pectin, cellulose, and hemicellulose) consist mainly of mannose, glucose, and galactose, forming ?1,4-linked polymers of 30–40?kDa, Aloe extracts as a supplement for functional food, International Aloe Science Council (IASC) established the industry standard for oral consumption to less than 10?ppm aloin, acemannan content of different 200x inner leaf gel powders ranged between 4 and 9%

Novel mechanisms and devices to enable successful transdermal drug delivery.

Author Barry, B.W.

Skin enhancement, Iontophoresis, Ultrasound, Liposomes, Optimization of drug delivery through human skin is important in modern therapy. This review considers drug–vehicle interactions (drug or prodrug selection, chemical potential control, ion pairs, coacervates and eutectic systems) and the role of vesicles and particles (liposomes, transfersomes, ethosomes, niosomes) , modify the stratum corneum by hydration and chemical enhancers, or bypass or remove this tissue via microneedles, ablation and follicular delivery. Electrically assisted methods (ultrasound, iontophoresis, electroporation, magnetophoresis, photomechanical waves) show considerable promise. Of particular interest is the synergy between chemical enhancers, ultrasound, iontophoresis and electroporation.

Modulation of tight junction integrity by food components.

Author Agnieszka Kosinska, Wilfried Andlauer

Tight junction, Epithelial barrier modulation, Phenolic compounds, Paracellular transport, Food components, primary function of the human intestine is to absorb nutrients and water, important is its ability to act as a selective barrier to protect the human system. Intestinal epithelium is formed by a monolayer of epithelial cells. Adjacent cells of the monolayer are sealed together by the formation of tight junctions (TJs)–complex protein systems. The structure of TJ involves transmembrane proteins linked to a cytoplasmic plaque, which is formed by a network of scaffolding and adaptor proteins, signalling components and actin-binding cytoskeleton linkers. TJs regulate paracellular transport of compounds as well as physical barrier function of epithelium, which is linked to pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and food allergies. Epithelium is intensively exposed to food components, The targeted usage of food components to modulate TJ permeability is of vital importance for enhancing the absorption of poorly permeable drugs or bioactive compounds and, on the other hand, for sealing the junction in order to limit the risk of intestine pathology

Cosmetic formulation .-Moisturizing effect of cosmetic formulations containing Aloe vera extract in different concentrations assessed by skin bioengineering techniques.

Author: Dal’Belo SE, Gaspar LR, Maia Campos PM.

cosmetic formulations containing different concentrations of freeze-dried Aloe vera extract on skin hydration, Aloe vera extract is a natural effective ingredient for improving skin hydration, Skin conditions in terms of the water content of the stratum corneum and of transepidermal water loss (TEWL), the appearance and function of the skin are maintained by an important balance between the water content of the stratum corneum and skin surface lipids . Exposure to external factors, i.e., air humidity, ultraviolet radiation, temperature, as well as endogenous factors, i.e. hormones , may disrupt this balance, use of soaps, detergents and topical irritants such as alcohol and hot water can remove the skin surface lipids, dermatological condition known as dry skin ensues, cosmetic products must be used to improve skin hydration, moisturizing effect of formulations may be influenced by many factors, such as type and concentration of the active substances used, as well as the composition of the vehicle, the moisturizers may act by an occlusive mechanism, impairing evaporation of skin moisture by forming an epicutaneous greasy film that prevents water loss, treatment with supplemented formulations,

A method for the measurement of the oxygen permeability and the development of edible films to reduce the rate of oxidative reactions in fresh foods.

Authors Ayranci, E. & Tunc, S.,

A method involving the flow of O2 and N2 gasses from the two sides of an edible film coupled with a simple wet chemical analysis at the end was developed to measure the oxygen permeability of edible films. The proposed method was employed to determine the oxygen permeability of methylcellulose (MC)-based edible films of various compositions with the aim of finding the optimum composition for minimizing oxidative degradation of foods. The effects of the presence of stearic acid (SA), ascorbic acid (AA), and citric acid (CA), in varying amounts in the film composition, on the oxygen permeability (OP) of MC-based edible films were examined. The OP increased with increasing SA content of the film and decreased with the inclusion of AA or CA in the film composition. The films, with various compositions and with the measured oxygen permeabilities, were then applied to mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) and cauliflower (Brassica botrytis). It was found, from the analysis of these coated foods, that the coatings containing antioxidants slowed the browning reactions and reduced the vitamin C loss in both foods, the effects being greater in cauliflower. Moreover, the moisture loss of coated foods was less than that of uncoated. respiration rate; permeation; film properties; postharvest, and shelf life of fresh, or minimally processed fruits and vegetables, using edible film, have been performed in recent years. This film has been applied to fruits, such as oranges, tomatoes, and grapes, with satisfactory results. However, the results are not always favorable, and can affect fruit quality, due to the modification of their internal atmosphere. this, in turn, causes alterations to the respiration and internal composition of the gases within the product, most recent investigations have focused primarily on the development of new films and the study of the properties (e.g. firmness, color, product weight loss) acquired by the food after film application, however, further studies are required to investigate both barrier properties and gas permeability, as well as to unify the procedures involved in the measurement of these parameters, Edible films should meet specific requirements that depend on the type of product to be coated and the metabolic routes involved. These properties include adequate water vapor and solute permeabilities, selective permeability to gas and volatile compounds, uniform thickness, and is free of wrinkles, creases, pinholes, and other imperfections, Edible films are generally formed from polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, or a combination of these compounds. Material barrier properties, concerning water vapor, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and the transfer of lipids, in specific food systems, depending on the compounds used, coating material selection is generally based on water solubility, hydrophobicity, ease of film formation, and sensory properties, Edible film permeability, Gas transmission rate, Water vapor transmission rate, Permeation and permeability, Gravimetric and static methods, water vapor transmission rate, Oxygen and carbon dioxide transmission rates, Methods of pressure measurement, Continuous-flow or isostatic method, Electrochemical methods (i.e. coulometry), Chemical methods (i.e. iodimetry), Methods and test conditions for gas permeability measurement in edible films.

Butyrate enhances the intestinal barrier by facilitating tight junction assembly via activation of AMP-activated protein kinase in Caco-2 cell monolayers The J. of Nutrition 2009; 139 (9): 1619-1625 

Author Peng L, Li ZR, Green RS, Holzman IR, Lin J.

Butyrate, SCFA, intestinal barrier, molecular mechanisms, transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER), inulin permeability , specific AMPK inhibitor, epithelial tight junctions, activation of the AMP-activated protein kinase , butyrate-induced activation, the intracellular energy sensor , intriguing link between SCFA and the intracellular energy sensor

Review A Trending and Interesting Topic of ‘Aloe Vera: Healthy Lifestyle Trends Through Functional Food Consumption’ in Science Learning.

Author Djuniar Rahmatunnisa Haristy1,* I Gusti Putu Suryadarma2, Khoirul Huda1, Puji Rahayu1, Nedia Erlini1

Healthy Lifestyle, Increasing the community’s welfare affects lifestyle changes, especially patterns of food consumption in a negative direction on the increase of degenerative diseases, community then realized that the magnitude of the relationship between food and the risk of disease. Fact, the primary function of food is not just to provide a feeling of fullness, but more than that, foods that have varied nutritional content will have an impact on health maintenance, aloe vera , AMB , Innovaloe, Digestive organs that function correctly cause the body’s metabolism to work correctly so that ultimately the primary purpose of food is to maintain survival for a healthier life that is better and free from disease, healthy living behavior should be a habit to become a good culture in living everyday life, healthy life behavior, aloe vera maintain and improve health to prevent disease risk, formation of a healthy living culture, Healthy living can be achieved through the consumption of healthy, nutritious, and balanced food, nutritious, healthy food is food that is hygienic, nutritious, and does not cause disease with balanced nutrition by the amount and composition needed by the body. The body needs balanced nutrition for the process of growth and development, health maintenance, and activities. The nutritional content in a balanced diet that the body needs include carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, and mineral, body’s need for nutrition is not balanced with what is consumed, then health problems will occur, prevention of illness or disease through functional food, knowledge about the importance of eating healthy and nutritious foods, reducing unhealthy food by switching to functional food so that changes in behavior or culture of food consumption towards healthy and nutritionally balanced food is one way of healthy living in order to meet nutritional needs and improve certain physiological functions, Aloe vera can be processed into functional food because it has much nutritional content outside the necessary nutrients that regulate a person’s physiological functions, live healthily is to reduce unhealthy food by switching to functional food, Aloe Vera has ingredients and benefits that meet the functional food requirements, healthy lifestyles by utilizing the wealth of natural resources, global health problems related to lifestyles and poor food consumption patterns, Aloe Vera as a functional food containing bioactive compounds that are good for maintaining health and stimulating immunity, importance of comprehending the concept of nutrition to researches or food formulators need to train them with nutritional problems related to daily life, integrating aloe vera as functional food in the concept of natural sciences, Aloe vera as a functional food, nutritional content of Aloe vera, which varies as functional food, fulfill necessary and additional nutrients as good nutrition for health, The structure and function of the human digestive system, presence of nutrients (mostly enzymes) in Aloe vera as functional food facilitates the food metabolism system, which causes digestion to be healthy so that it can absorb nutrients more optimally to support the body’s immunity, Disorders of the digestive system and efforts to prevent or treat it, knowing food that has the potential as a functional food is beneficial in maintaining the health of the digestive tract , nutritional content of Aloe Vera as functional food nourishes the digestive tract so that in addition to maintaining health, it also alleviates diseases of the digestive tract, lidah buaya, aloe vera, Alloeh, Halal, Aloe Vera contains much nutritional value in the form of active ingredients, so it is good for health, food consumed undoubtedly not only provides a feeling of fullness, but must meet health requirements and contain sufficient nutrients, so that the body’s metabolism can function properly, help smooth the metabolic process, aloe contains , Carbohydrate, monosaccharide, Glucose, Disaccharide, Fructose, Polysaccharide, Glucomannan, arabinan, arabinorhamnogalactan, glactan, galactogalacturan, glucogalactomanan, glucoronate acid, cellulose, manosa, L-rhamnose and aldopentose, Protein Amino acid Non-essential: histidine, arginine, hydroxyproline, aspartate acid, glutamate acid, proline, glisin and alanine, essential: lysine, threonine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, and methionine , enzym Aliase, alkali fosfatase amylase, catalase, peroxidase, lipase, carboxypeptidase, cyclooxygenase, and oxidase, Fat, Sterol, Campestrol, cholesterol, ?-sitosterol, lupeol, Vitamin Vitamin A (?-carotene), vitamin B (B1, B2, B6, choline, folate acid), vitamin C (ascorbate acid), and vitamin E (?-tocopherol), Mineral Zinc (Zn), calcium (Ca), copper (Cu), magnesium (Mg), manganese(Mn), sodium (Na), chlorine (Cl), chromium (Cr), dan iron (Fe), Aloe vera contains lipase and amylase enzymes that will help speed up the process of digestion of food, amylase enzyme in Aloe vera helps break down large molecules into small ones so that the digestive products in the oral cavity called the bolus will pass through the pharynx (pharynx) to the esophagus (esophagus), presence of essential and non-essential amino acids in Aloe Vera makes it easier for the stomach to digest, Vitamins and minerals do not undergo digestion and can be directly absorbed by the small intestine. Glucose molecules, water-soluble vitamins, amino acids, and minerals will be absorbed by the small intestinal villi and carried by the blood to the liver and circulated throughout the body, Aloe vera helps the digestive and metabolic processes of the body, Glucomannan found in Aloe vera is a hemicellulose component in the cell wall that functions as food fiber, Aloe vera contains which has the potential as a functional food. In detail, the nutrients contained in Aloe vera related to digestive disorders, low carbohydrate content is safe for consumption for diabetics and obesity, soluble fiber is suitable for diet and smoothes the drainage of food waste, digestive debris is not too in the large intestine, which can cause the body to be poisoned. Besides, dietary fiber absorbs much water, making food softer and easier to digest, Mineral vitamins prevent vitamin-mineral deficiency, Increase the work of the stomach, suppress intestinal microorganism populations, importance of aloe vera is maintain digestive health is the principal capital to maintain body immunity

Comprehensive review on nutraceutical significance of phytochemicals as functional food ingredients for human health management.

Author Sharma, R., Kumar, S., Kumar, V. and Thakur, A. 2019.

Plants have been claimed to possess potential therapeutic properties, plant derived medicines, contributed towards health and wellbeing, phytochemicals are plant components having discrete bio-activities with a variety of health benefits and are sometimes referred to as functional ingredients/ nutraceutical compounds, phenolics, terpenoids, glucosinolates, pollyacetylene, phytosterols & phytostanols and non-digestible carbohydrates, continuous consumption of fruits and vegetables in regular diet is often correlated with decreased risk of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and age-related macular degeneration, identification, quantification, standardization of extraction techniques for different compounds, potential nutraceutical ingredients, transition in lifestyle, changes in food consumption pattern combined with a high level of mental stress has resulted increased incidences of lifestyle related problems like heart disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer and hypertension, interest of consumers in specific food or food components which can maintain and improve health over a specific consumption period, improving health and quality of life, plant based bioactive compounds or ‘phytochemicals’, applications of phytochemicals , nutraceutical and functional foods, food provides medical or health benefits including the prevention and treatment of disease, Nutraceutical is a product isolated or purified from foods , functional ingredients, bioactive or nutraceutical compounds, view the potential of these compounds in health care system, different types of phytochemicals along with their health-promoting activities and potential use as functional food ingredient or food supplements, Phytochemicals are bio chemicals produced in plants by primary or secondary metabolic processes and possess biological activity, protect cellular systems from oxidative damage, In nature more than 4,000 phytochemicals, mostly classified on the basis of their biological activity, physical characteristics and chemical characteristics, Phenolics constitute the largest category of phytochemicals, Flavonoids, phenolic acids and stilbenes (sometimes also known as tannins, role in suppressing free radical-mediated disease processes, Role of dietary phenolics in suppression of weight gain and inhibition of fatty acid biosynthesis, Stilbenes are small molecular weight phenolics (approximately 200-300 g/mol), aroma therapy products and dietary supplements, Hypolipidemic properties of ferulic acid are helpful in lowering obesity linked to high fat diet and can also reduce serum cholesterol, protects liver injury and most importantly it is a potent tumor inhibitor, tannins and can be categorized into two classes i.e. hydrolysable tannins and condensed tannins, resveratrol is an important stilbene found in grape skin which has anti inflammatory, anti-cancer and anti-oxidant activities, resveratrol which can effectively promote vasorelaxation, decrease platelet aggregation, reduce lipid peroxidation, suppress atherosclerosis and improve serum cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations, Flavonoids constitute one of the largest groups under phenols and they are the compounds with low molecular weight and a wide spectrum occurrence, flavonoids are further grouped into two different categories viz. anthocyanins and anthoxanthins, strong inverse association between occurrence of coronary heart diseases and flavonol and flavones intake. The anticarcinogenic, antiobesity and antiproliferative effects of flavonoids and quercetin are now well explained and they have been reported to inhibit adipogenesis and induce apoptosis, isoflavones , polyphenols, intake of 23 mg/day ?avonol and ?avones in Dutch diet effectively inflicted the nutraceutical action, Terpenoids have a wide range of biological functions and have been used in preparation of functional foods, flavorings, bio-colorants pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, disinfectants and agrichemicals, Terpenoids are also well recognized for their role in stress response or defense mechanisms, Tocopherol, ?-d-tocopherol (vitamin E) has been extensively reviewed for its antioxidant potential and is also reported effective apoptotic inducers for human breast cancer cells, Carotenoids, Carotenes (?-carotene, lycopene and lutein), a type of Carotenoids have a tissue specific biological activity and have been reported to protect against uterine, prostate, breast, colorectal and lung cancers, Zeaxanthin, cryoptoxanthin and astazanthin are important forms of xanthophyll which are used as functional food ingredients in various preparations, Glucosinolates (GLS), Polyacetylenes are chemically reactive natural metabolites isolated from different flora, Phytosterols and Phytostenols, Plants contain a large variety of sterols, which are collectively known as ‘phytosterols, Phytosterols occur in five common forms viz.(i) free alcohol (FS), (ii) fatty-acid esters (SE), (iii) steryl glycosides (SG), (iv) acylated steryl glycosides (ASG) and (v) phytosteryl hydroxycinnamic-acid esters (HSE), sitosterol, sitostanol, campesterol and campestan, Non-digestible carbohydrates (NDC) are complex, heterogeneous dietary substances derived principally from plants. There are 3 main types of NDC namely (i) non-starch polysaccharides (NSP), (ii) resistant starch (RS) and (iii) nondigestible oligosaccharides (NDOs), water-soluble fibre (non-starchy polysaccharides, mainly ?-glucan) and water-insoluble fibre (lignin, cellulose, hemicelluloses and arabinoxylan), cellulose, non-cellulosic polymers and pectic polysaccharides, Nutritionally one of most important dietary fibre is ?-glucan which have been recognized to be present in various forms with distinctly important positive therapeutic properties with protection against coronary heart disease and reduction of cholesterol and glycemic response, It is difficult to establish a clear functional and structural similarity or difference among different phytochemicals especially their relationship regarding effects on biological systems. This is due to their wide spectrum occurrence, structural similarity and complexity of physiological reactions

Aloe Vera as potential emerging herbal feed additive: A boon for livestock

Author: rearing Patil, D. Thakur, Anamika, K. Govill, C. Malapure, Dinesh Kumar, Pavan K Yadav less

Aloe vera (Aloe vera (L.) burm. f.), Liliaceae family , use of aloe vera as herbal feed additive in livestock and poultry feeds, healthy animal food, new class of additives to animal and poultry feeds have beneficial properties such as antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antifungal , immunomodulatory and anticoccidial effects, supplement feeds need a larger number of objectives (improving nutrient utilization and growth performance, immunity response, intestinal microflora, and controlling particular diseases), multifunctional herbs, Higher body weight gain, better feed conversion efficiency (FCE) and production of milk, meat and eggs are important economic goals in livestock and poultry farming, growth performance and production of animals, feed additives, like prebiotics, probiotics, organic acids and herbs, on growth performance and production compared to those of antibiotics, experiment conducted on birds fed diet supplemented with 1 % or 2 % aloe vera leaves had greater body weight gain, better feed intake and FCR than those fed diets without aloe vera, 1 % dietary inclusion of aloe vera leaves powder in broiler diet, there was significant difference in body weight gains in birds fed aloe vera supplemented feed as compared to control group, better growth performance in broilers treated with 0.75% and 1% aloe vera gel powder compared to the 0.5% aloe vera gel powder, aqueous extract of aloe gel per litre of drinking water in broiler have beneficial effect on body weight gain and feed conversion efficiency, polysaccharides of aloe vera (mainly, acemannan) has prebiotic like effect which increase the number of lactobacillus colonies and reduce gram negative bacteria, fermentation product of lactobacillus is short chain fatty acid that will reduce the pH of lower intestine and create favorable environment for gram negative bacteria, supplementation of aloe vera in drinking water had beneficial effect on final body weight, weekly body weight gain, and average feed intake

A randomized, double-blind clinical study to assess the antiplaque and antigingivitis efficacy of Aloe vera mouth rinse.

Author Bathini Chandrahas, A. Jayakumar, A. Naveen, K. Butchibabu, P. K. Reddy, T. Muralikrishna

efficacy of Aloe Vera mouth rinse on experimental plaque accumulation and gingivitis, Plaque control and prevention of gingivitis is the main goal of prevention of periodontal diseases.Complete plaque removal is difficult to achieve, and prevention of periodontal disease can be enhanced either by reducing the quantity of plaque below the individual’s threshold for disease or changing the quality of plaque to a more tissue-friendly composition, for effective plaque control, several mechanical oral hygiene aids as well as a number of antiplaque agents such as chlorhexidine, essential oil containing mouthrinses, and triclosan are available, chlorhexidine has shown distinct advantage and efficacy, but side effects such as staining of the teeth and the tongue, altered taste sensation, and increased calculus formation often deters its use for long periods, hence, there is a need to develop a naturally occurring, indigenous and cost-effective oral hygiene aid. One such aid could be in the form of Aloe vera extract. has anti-inflammatory properties, antiulcer activity, astringent effect, and possibility of reducing scars and enhancing wound healing, the above properties along with the ease of availability, with no known adverse effects and cost-effectiveness, make Aloe vera an ideal candidate for plaque control and thereby reduce gingivitis and probably later periodontitis, studies evaluating the effectiveness of Aloe vera incorporated in a dentifrice or as a locally applied gel showed a significant reduction of gingivitis and plaque accumulation after the use of this natural product, the purpose of this study was to assess the antiplaque and antigingivitis effect of Aloe vera in an “experimental gingivitis” model.

Aloe Vera as Penetration Enhancer

Authors Kiran Sharma, Ashu Mittal, Nitesh Chauhan

Skin penetration enhancers, enhancing drug penetration into the skin through transdermal drug delivery system or topical administration, skin penetration enhancers are molecules which reversibly remove the barrier resistance of the stratum corneum and allow drugs to penetrate more readily to the viable tissues and thus enter the systemic circulation, A. vera gel increased the in vitro skin penetration of compounds depending on their molecular weights, with an apparent inverse correlation between enhancement ratio and molecular weight of the compound, penetration enhancement effect of the aloe gel, pull effect of complexes formed between the compound and the enhancing agent within the aloe gel, administer drugs through skin is transdermal patch, delivery rates tend to be below therapeutic levels due to the barrier function of the skin, Transdermal delivery of drugs , oral or intravenous administration, though human skin, human skin provides an effective barrier to the permeation of most drugs in the form of stratum corneum, drugs must breach this barrier and permeate the skin at a rate sufficient to attain effective plasma concentration, enhance the skin permeation rate of active moieties, use of chemical penetration enhancers such as DMSO, DMF, azone, ionic surfactants, but their use are also associated with unpleasant and toxic side effects, natural compounds as permeation enhancers to improve drug permeation that also exhibit low toxicity while maintaining their enhancing activity, natural absorption promoters documented so far include essential oils, terpenes, terpenoids, fatty acid esters, fatty acid glycols, and herbal extracts, herbal penetration enhancers which have received much attention and an enhancement system based upon a product is ‘Aloe Vera’, which appears as an attractive prospect due to its purported skin friendly and humectant properties, Aloe Vera also possess skin penetrative property, is a good vehicle for transport other substances, aloe Vera is responsible for increased skin penetration of co-formulated drugs, Aloe Vera Gel promotes wound healing by directly stimulating the activity of macrophages and fibroblasts, Fibroblast activation by Aloe Vera Gel has been reported to increase collagen and proteoglycan synthesis, thereby promoting tissue repair, polysaccharides composed of several monosaccharides, predominantly mannose. It has been suggested that mannose 6-phosphate, the principal sugar component of Aloe Vera Gel, may be partly responsible for the wound healing properties of the gel. Mannose 6-phosphate can bind to the growth factor receptors on the surface of the fibroblasts and thereby enhance their activity, mechanism of action of acemannan appears to be twofold. First, acemannan is a potent macrophage-activating agent and therefore may stimulate the release of fibrogenic cytokines. Second, growth factors may directly bind to acemannan, promoting their stability and prolonging their stimulation of granulation tissue, The higher the molecular weight of the co-applied compound, the less of the gel components were transported across the skin, displacement of Aloe vera components from the penetration pathways and thereby it inhibits, permeation of the gel components more effectively than the smaller compounds, intestinal drug absorption enhancement, Aloe Vera has an element called “Lignin” which helps it to penetrate right down to the cellular level, rate of vitamin C absorption- bioavailability of vitamin C was 3 times higher when administered with the aloe gel, For vitamin E, the bioavailability was 3.7 times higher when administered with aloe gel, he mechanism of action of the aloe products to improve the bioavailability of the vitamins was explained to be a possible protection effect against the degradation of the vitamins in the intestinal tract as well as binding of the polysaccharides to the vitamins and thereby slowing down the absorption rate, A. vera gel and whole leaf extract could decrease the transepithelial electrical resistance of intestinal epithelial cell monolayers (Caco-2), thereby indicating opening of the tight junctions between adjacent epithelial cells, aloe vera able to significantly increase the transport of the macromolecular peptide drug, insulin, across the Caco-2 cell monolayers, Drug absorption enhancers are compounds capable of reversibly removing the resistance of the outer layers in the body with minimum tissue damage, thus allowing the drug to enter the blood circulation in sufficient quantities, Drug absorption enhancers are compounds capable of reversibly removing the resistance of the outer layers in the body with minimum tissue damage, thus allowing the drug to enter the blood circulation in sufficient quantities, functional excipients in dosage forms, which include binders, disintegrants, emulsifiers, suspending agents, gelling agents and sustaining agents in modified release tablets, some natural gums and mucilages have been reported to modify the release of drugs from modified release dosage forms such as matrix type tablet, Skin penetration properties: Penetration enhancers work by means of two possible mechanisms: (1) the penetration enhancer increases the solubility of the drug within the SC by altering the partitioning of the drug into the SC and/or (2) the penetration enhancer influences the diffusion of the drug across the SC by disrupting the ordered nature of the skin lipids. Lignins as structural material of cellulose content allows for penetration properties, Aloe Vera can soak into all the layers of the skin and this may be helpful in increasing the penetration of certain drug molecules across the skin, as lignins can penetrate the toughened areas of the skin

Zinc oxide from aloe vera extract: two-level factorial screening of biosynthesis parameters.

Authors Nurul Izwanie Rasli a , Hatijah Basri a,* , Zawati Harun b

Zinc oxide (ZnO) was biosynthesized from aloe vera plant extract. The aloe vera plant extract was used as a reducing agent in biosynthesis process. Green synthesis method was proposed because it is cost effective and environmentally friendly. ZnO was characterized using SEM, EDX, FTIR, and XRD analyses. The antibacterial property was tested against Escherichia coli. The effects of aloe vera volume (2–50) mL, precursor concentration (0.001–0.300) M, reaction time (20 min–48 h), and temperature of the reaction (26–200) “C on ZnO characteristics were investigated and screened using a two-level factorial method. Based on the observation and ANOVA analysis result, precursor concentration was the only significant parameter that affected the production of the ZnO nanoparticles (NPs). The EDX analysis proved the presence of ZnO while the SEM analysis confirmed the average size of ZnO particle size was in the range of (18–618) ?m with a rod-shape appearance. The XRD analysis showed that the average crystallite size was 0.452 ?m and it was in the hexagonal phase. It was also proven to have antibacterial property against E. coli. Nanomaterial research has been developing rapidly and has potential in various areas, including biomedical, magnetics sciences, biosensors, optoelectronics, and catalysis. In the past years, green synthesis of nanomaterials such as silver, zinc oxide, magnesium oxide, gold, cerium oxide, copper oxide and titanium dioxide has been conducted extensively due to simple work-up procedure, environmentally benign nature, reusable, low cost, and ease of isolation. The biosynthesized NPs are also stable, capped by the biological compound, robust, and economical compared to other NPs produced by standard techniques. ZnO is one of the most valuable nanomaterials and is potential to be used in the industry. Furthermore, ZnO has been recognized as safe to be used as a food additive by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). ZnO possesses a wide bandgap yield (3.37 eV) and high excitation binding energy (60 meV) in which it absorbs a larger reaction of the UV spectrum and exhibits a greater photocatalytic performance than TiO2 in the photodegradation of organic pollutants. Physical, chemical, and biological methods have been used to synthesize ZnO particles. The synthesis route determines the properties of the produced NPs in terms of its crystal growth, morphology, size, size distribution, stability, and aggregation. Due to the increasing popularity of biological methods, different sources like bacteria, fungus, algae, and plants have been used to produce ZnO NPs. Plant extract is used as an aid in the synthesis of NPs as it is cheap and safe to the environment. Various works on the use of plant extract to synthesize ZnO NPs have been reported. Aloe vera is also well known for its medicinal properties and has been used as a soothing agent for burn and inflammation. Furthermore, the therapeutic properties of aloe vera have been employed in the commercial applications of pharmaceutical, food, and cosmetics. The extract of aloe vera plant has been used for the synthesis of gold, silver, copper oxide, indium oxide, titanium dioxide, cerium oxide, and tin oxide. Biosynthesis of ZnO using aloe vera extract, the biosynthesis of ZnO was conducted by applying a screening step using two-level factorial experimental design with the aid of Design Expert software. The purpose of the screening steps was to determine the parameters that influenced the production of the nanoparticles. Four parameters were studied, namely aloe vera volume, reaction time (stirring time), precursor concentration, and temperature. Antibacterial activity. After 24 h of incubation, the active inhibition zone measured was around 1.325 mm2. The existence of inhibition zone clearly indicates the involvement of membrane disruption and leads to the death of pathogens. ZnO is a well-known antibacterial agent and effective at very low concentration of bacteria as confirmed by previous studies. In addition, the small size of the biosynthesized ZnO provides a large surface area and this leads to more contact between the NPs and the bacterial cells. From the result, the biosynthesized ZnO from aloe vera plant extract has been proven to have antibacterial property, the biosynthesized NPs at various concentrations of 2–12 mM reacted against bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Serratia marcescens, Proteus mirabilis, and Citrobacter freundii and as well as fungi like Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus nidulans, Trichoderma harzianum, and Rhizopus stolonifera.

Penetration Enhancers in Ocular Drug Delivery.

Author: Roman V. Moiseev, Peter W. J. Morrison, Fraser Steele, and Vitaliy V. Khutoryanskiy

development of advanced ocular formulations an important topic in pharmaceutical science, one of the ways to improve drug delivery to the eye is the use of penetration enhancers, these are defined as compounds capable of enhancing drug permeability across ocular membranes, overview of anatomical and physiological features of the eye and discusses some common ophthalmological conditions and permeability of ocular membranes use of penetration-enhancing compounds (cyclodextrins, chelating agents, crown ethers, bile acids and bile salts, cell-penetrating peptides, and other amphiphilic compounds) in ocular drug delivery, describing their properties and modes of action, ocular drug delivery, cornea, penetration enhancers, ocular conditions, ophthalmology, preferred method of ocular drug delivery is via topical application due to ease of access to the eye and the non-invasive nature of this administration route, Ocular drug penetration is possible via the transcellular pathway, i.e., into and through cells, or the paracellular route, i.e., between cells, or a combination of both pathways, Drug penetration enhancement can be achieved by inclusion of agents capable of modifying the tear film, mucous layer, and ocular membranes in a drug formulation, penetration enhancers are compounds that are able to enhance drug delivery across otherwise impermeable or limited permeability membranes such as the cornea, acting predominantly on the epithelia, penetration enhancers in ocular drug delivery facilitate delivery of active pharmaceutical ingredients through three main mechanisms or their combination Altering tear film stability and the mucous layer at the ocular surface, Modifying membrane components such as lipid bilayers of associated epithelial cells ,Loosening epithelial tight junctions, Penetration-enhancing excipients for use in ocular formulations should ideally have the following characteristics: they should be non-toxic and non-irritating, efficacious at low concentrations, fast-acting, and their effect should be reversible topical drug application is the most widely used treatment in ophthalmology due to its simplicity. However, some obstacles including low permeability of the cornea, tear reflex, blinking, and nasolacrimal drainage hamper drug delivery in this way. The analysis of physicochemical properties of various chemical compounds that cross ocular membranes, coupled with the histological structure of cornea, sclera, and conjunctiva, could be key in understanding the opportunities and obstacles in the ocular drug delivery. Penetration enhancers facilitate delivery of active pharmaceutical compounds through three main mechanisms or their combination: altering tear film stability and the mucous layer at the ocular surface, modifying membrane components such as lipid bilayers of associated epithelial cells, and loosening epithelial tight junctions.

Aloe arborescens supplementation in cat diet: evaluation of effects by in vitro gas production technique

Author Nadia Musco,Pietro Lombardi,Serena Calabrò,Vincenzo Mastellone,Raffaella Tudisco,Micaela Grossi,Laura Addi,Raffaella Grazioli &Monica Isabella Cutrignelli show les

Aloe plant contains anthraquinone, glycosides, mucilages, resinous materials, sugars, mucopolysaccharides, fatty acids, glycoproteins, enzymes, vitamins and minerals,  rich in carbohydrates, carbohydrates fermentability, as already shown in dogs, healing properties of Aloe, mucilaginous polysaccharides, wound healing, anti-parasitic, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial, Immune-stimulating, anti-proliferative, activity on intestinal function, feedstuff and diet 

Effect of the addition of hydrocolloids and aloe vera gel ( Aloe barbadensis Miller) on the rheological properties of a beverage of sweet corn ( Zea mays var. saccharata)

Author: Karen Poala Contreras-Lozano a Héctor José Ciro-Velásquez b & Carlos Julio Márquez-Cardozo b

rheological properties of food suspensions can be modified by adding hydrocolloids to improve stability, a beverage formulated, rotational and oscillatory tests, consistency coefficient , flow behavior index , apparent viscosity, viscoelastic behavior of the beverage, frequency range, storage modulus, potential use of Aloe vera gel as ingredient in the formulation of food products, including ready-to-drink beverages, has increased, because of its therapeutic and functional properties and hence its beneficial effects on human health, aloe gel is composed mainly of galacturonic acids and glucuronic acids attached to sugars like glucose, galactose and arabinose, other nutrients such as vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, minerals and trace elements, bioactive compounds include organic acids, phenolic compounds and phytosterols , suspensions of some hydrocolloids or food gums that form gels, aloe vera gel develops viscoelastic behavior, so its addition in food products could affect the rheological properties, food dispersions, such as beverages, and these are influenced by chemical composition, processing conditions and the addition of some ingredients such as stabilizers, formulating a natural drink, elastic component overrides the viscous component, Power Law model, induced significant changes in flow behavior, Arrhenius equation, activation energy results indicate that the addition of aloe vera and hydrocolloids increased stability of the beverages, beverage without stabilizers, viscoelastic profile of beverages formulated, elastic component, good stability of the suspension

Quality attributes phytochemical pro?le and storage stability studies of functional ready to serve(RTS) drink made from blend of Aloe vera, sweet lime, amla and ginger. J Food Sci Technol 54:761–769.

Author: Mishra LK, Sangma D (2017)

formulations of A. vera RTS drink with ginger, sweet lime and amla, physico-chemical, organoleptic and microbial analysis, The increasing demand for soft drinks offers a great scope for development of natural nutrient rich beverages, option which has negligible synthetic chemicals and also has immense health benefits, beverages made from natural sources that contain ingredients preferably having nutraceutical properties, health drink and fruit juice categories, functional beverage prepared by blending of fruits, vegetables and products from medicinal plants is an emerging sector in food industry. Owing to its nutraceutical and functional properties Aloe vera is being explored as a potential ingredient in a wide array of health foods and drinks, RTS blends having A. vera blended with other fruits have been reported earlier by researchers, Polysaccharides are considered to be the active ingredients for aloe, acetylated glucomannans in addition to desired vital nutrients, preparation of health drink, Formulations of A. vera have also found their use for health, medical and cosmetic purposes, Value addition of A. vera based RTS drinks with other medicinal plants like ginger and amla may be an excellent way to deliver these therapeutic benefits of A. vera to the consumers.

In vitro fermentation characteristics of different carbohydrate sources in two dog breeds (German shepherd and Neapolitan mastiff). J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr. 93:305–312

Author Cutrignelli MI, Bovera F, Tudisco R, D’urso S, Marono S, Piccolo G, Calabrò S. 2009.

normal intestinal biota of canine, livestock animal species, gas production technique (IVGPT) including measurements of accumulating gas during fermentation and end-product determinations allows obtaining a complete picture of microbial activity kinetics, chemical composition of substrates, fermentation kinetic parameters and end-products

Reactive Dye Printing on Wool with Natural and Synthetic Thickeners

Authors Madhu C.R. and Patel M.C.

Textile printing is an important art of creating decorative textile fabric. The coloration is achieved either with dyes of pigments in printing paste. A successful print involves correct colour, sharpness of mark, levelness, good hand and efficient use of dye: all of these factors depend on the type of thickener used. The thickener must be compatible with other ingredients present in printing paste, The relatively high cost and limited supply of natural thickeners has spurred efforts to find alternatives. Acidic medium is necessary for wool printing and natural thickeners used for reactive dyes are not stable in acidic media, which also lead to find alternatives. Synthetic thickeners, predominate in the printing of pigments due to their low solids content. They additionally offer advantage over natural thickeners in quick and easy paste preparation and viscosity adjustment, and consistency of quality and supply, a printer is looking for a paste that is simple to prepare, stable, prints level and sharp, minimizes the use of dye and auxiliaries, and easy to remove.

Aloe vera production plants: Supplementation of in-vitro culture medium with Aloe vera gel for production of genetically stable plants

Author: Imtinene Hamdeniae, Islem Yanguib, Adnen Sanaac, Slim Slimc ,Mounir Louhaichid Chokri , Messaoudb Abdennacer , Boulilae ,Taoufik Bettaieba,

Supplementation, in-vitro culture médium, Aloe vera gel, micropropagation, A. vera plants, organic supplement, In vitro propagation , Aloe vera leaf gel , Biochemical activities, Antioxydant assays, Genetic stability , Molecular markers

Photo-Degradation of dyes and drugs using aloe vera synthesized zinc oxide nanoparticles – A review.

Authors Manikanika Lalita Chopra

Environmental pollution due to industries like textile industries, paper and pulp industries, pharmaceutical industries and so on is a major problem which is increasing day by day. Effluents like dyes and drugs releases from industries can be degraded by various methods and out of which photocatalytic degradation using nanoparticles have been reported by different researchers. Different nanoparticles like titanium dioxide, molybdenum oxide, iron oxide, zinc oxide etc can be used in photocatalytic degradation and their synthesis can be done by various methods like chemical, physical and biological. In this review article photocatalytic activity of zinc oxide nanoparticles synthesized by green method using aloe vera is reported. Investigations and findings of this work have been highlighted. Zinc oxide nanoparticles synthesized using aloe vera were characterized by analytical techniques such as UV–vis spectroscopy which showed maximum absorption of zinc oxide nanoparticles occurs around 350 nm, FTIR shown bands of Zn-O stretching and other groups like Cdouble bondO, Cdouble bondC, Csingle bondN etc. present in aloe vera, particle size was calculated by SEM, EDX confirmed the elemental composition of nanoparticles and crystalline nature of zinc oxide nanoparticles analyzed by XR. D spectrum.

Vehicles for Drug Delivery and Cosmetic Moisturizers: Review and Comparison

Author Tanya M. Barnes, Dalibor Mijaljica, Joshua P. Townley, Fabrizio Spada and Ian P. Harrison

Many dermatological conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis, are treated with topical therapeutic products. Instead of applying the active drug directly onto the skin, it is combined with a vehicle to aid in its delivery across the stratum corneum (SC) and into deeper regions of the skin, namely the epidermis and dermis. Absorption into the systemic circulation is minimized. Topical vehicles are also used as cosmetic moisturizers (often termed emollient therapy) to ameliorate dry skin, which is a cornerstone of the management of various dermatological conditions, including xerosis, eczema, psoriasis, and aging. The most common topical vehicles include ointments, creams, gels, and lotions, among others. It is crucial that topical vehicles are chosen based upon the size and properties (wet/dry, mucous/non-mucous, healthy/diseased) of the skin to be treated in order to optimize application and contact of the product with the skin, as this can have profound impacts on potency, efficacy, and patient compliance. This review examines common topical vehicles used for drug delivery and cosmetic moisturizers, including their formulation, advantages and disadvantages, and effects on the skin. ointment, cream, gel, excipient, humectant, emollient, occludent, drug delivery, dermatitis, regulatory, skin is the outermost defensive barrier, which protects the human body from physical, chemical and microbial insults, and prevents the uncontrolled loss of water, the barrier function of the skin resides in the stratum corneum (SC), which is composed of protein enriched corneocyte layers and intercellular membrane lipids, such as ceramides, cholesterol, and free fatty acids, corneocytes are rapidly and continually replaced to maintain skin hydration, flexibility and structural integrity, and repair any skin damage, a dysfunctional skin barrier leads to skin dryness, and may be due to a genetic predisposition [5]; pathological causes such as eczema, psoriasis or xerosis, environmental insults from the sun, wind or air conditioning, frequent exposure to chemicals such as harsh soaps or detergents, medications such as statins, diuretics or retinoids ; and other causes such as aging, dry skin exhibits a defective desquamation process, where corneocytes are shed as visible scales, causing a cosmetically unattractive rough texture and excessive transepidermal water loss (TEWL), dry skin is unable to efficiently bind and hold water, and favors the penetration of irritants, allergens, and microorganisms, provoking discomfort and itchiness, as well as visible irritation or redness, Thus, there is a need to protect both healthy and dry, compromised skin from a plethora of insults, and to preserve or restore its functional and structural integrity, Topical vehicles are used as carrier systems, which aid in the delivery of an active drug (e.g., corticosteroid, calcineurins, vitamin D derivatives, retinoids) across the SC and into deeper regions of the skin, namely the epidermis and dermis, whilst minimizing absorption into the systemic circulation. These formulations are often used to treat dermatological conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis, to restore the skin barrier, however, topical vehicles may also be used on their own as cosmetic moisturizers (often termed emollient therapy) to ameliorate dry skin, including conditions such as eczema and psoriasis where the use of moisturizers has become pivotal as first-line treatment strategies, the most common topical vehicles include ointments, creams, gels, and lotions, among others. Topical vehicles are chosen based upon the nature (wet/dry, mucous/non-mucous, healthy/diseased) and size of the skin area to be treated to optimize application and contact of the product with the skin, Topical Drug Delivery, Transepidermal Route, Transappendageal Route, The Role of the Vehicle, Delivering drug molecules to and through the skin involves the complex interplay between the active drug, the type of topical carrier system or ‘vehicle’, the choice of excipients, skin type and location, and skin condition. The topical carrier system, or ‘vehicle’, is defined as the substance that carries the chosen active drug into contact with and through the skin at an appropriate level to provide a therapeutic effect, the challenge to topical drug delivery is the transport across the SC. To overcome this barrier, a vehicle must: maintain the solubility and stability of the active drug; release the active drug, depositing it on the skin with even distribution; enable penetration into and permeation through the SC skin barrier; facilitate partitioning from the SC into and diffusion through the viable epidermis; sustain the active drug at the target site for a sufficient duration to provide a therapeutic effect; and limit systemic absorption, furthermore, a vehicle should be soothing and comfortable, spread easily and be aesthetically pleasant, which aids in patient compliance, these important attributes of a topical vehicle are dependent on the selection of the right excipients, topical vehicles can be classified based on their physical state, including semisolids (e.g., ointments, creams, gels) and liquids (e.g., lotions, solutions, foams, sprays) , lotions, gels and solutions are monophasic, ointments and creams are biphasic, whilst foams are triphasic

Acemannan for skin and immunodulation Pharmacodynamics of Aloe vera and acemannan in therapeutic applications for skin, digestion, and immunomodulation

Author Nicholas J Sadgrove 1, Monique S J Simmonds

Scientific studies of Aloe vera, therapeutic claims, breakage of acemannan chains into smaller fragments enhances biological effects, immune system to attack cancer cells by mannose receptor agonism of macrophage or dendritic cells, aloe vera oral consumption, small intestine or colon, dietary acemannan, acemannan is digested by microbes into short-chain fatty acids, closure of wounds, promotes granular tissue formation, macrophages or neutrophils, reversal of inflammation, and acceleration of the re-epithelialization process

New thickening agent based on aloe vera gel for disperse printing of polyester

Authors E.M.R. El-Zairy.

The technical feasibility of using Aloe vera gel as a new thickener for printing polyester with disperse dyes, the properties of the printed fabric samples (colour strength, K/S, overall fastness properties, handling and sharpness) were dependent on gel concentration, the type and concentration of additive (i.e. urea or citric acid), as well as the fixation conditions using the super-heated steam technique. The optimum conditions for printing polyester fibre with disperse dyes using Aloe vera gel as a thickener were as follows: 30 g/kg disperse dye, 50 g/kg urea, 15 g/kg citric acid, 500 g/kg Aloe vera thickener and 50% drying at 100″C for 3 min followed by steam fixation for 6 min at 180″C, The central parenchyma tissue of aloe vera contains a bitter yellow exudate which contains 1, 8 dihydroxy anthraquinones derivatives and their glycosides. The aloe parenchyma tissue or pulp contains proteins, lipids, amino acids, vitamins, enzymes, inorganic compounds, and small organic compounds in addition to a variety carbohydrate. Disperse dyes are mainly used in the dyeing and printing of polyester and its blended fabrics and can be used with all techniques. Disperse prints have excellent printing properties, excellent wet fastness and excellent colour strength, Thickening Agents, Aloe vera gel extracted from the plant as an eco-friendly thickening agent as well as Indrez(r) HTA series (a natural polymer based on guar gum produced by Encore Natural Polymers, a private limited company in India) were used as thickening agents, disperse dyes, Auxiliaries and chemicals, performance of a new thickening agent for disperse printing of polyester fabrics, as well as to search for the ideal printing paste components and fixation conditions for attaining darker prints with better overall fastness properties, increasing the thickening agent concentration from 100 g/kg up to 500 g/kg resulted in an improvement in the K/S values of the disperse prints, which could be discussed in terms of higher paste viscosity and minimum undue penetration or flashing of the dye; ii) a further increase in the concentration of the thickening agent had practically no effect on the depth of the obtained prints and was accompanied with a negative impact on softness), the overall fastness properties of the printed polyester fabric samples showed that using Aloe vera at 500 g/kg as a thickening agent yielded the best improvement in the handling, sharpness and fastness properties of the printed samples. The application of a new thickening, agent based on Aloe vera gel for disperse printing of polyester. Increasing the concentration of the thickening agent, aloe vera gel, up to 500 g/kg, along with the addition of urea up to 75 g/kg paste and citric acid up to 10 g/kg paste with a disperse dye concentration up to 30 g/kg paste results in an enhancement in the depth of the obtained prints, Super-heated steam fixation at 180oC for 6 min was found to be effective for attaining improved depth of disperse prints, The K/S values as well as the fastness properties of the obtained prints depend on the type of the dyestuff and the thickening

Experimental study on antimicrobial activity of cotton fabric treated with aloe gel extract from Aloe vera plant for controlling the Staphylococcus aureus (bacterium)

Authors Jothi, D

Biotechnology, agar plate, microorganism, Aloe vera, textile industry, there is a good deal of demand for the fabrics having functional/speciality finishes in general but antimicrobial finishes in particular to protect human being against microbes, The application of antimicrobial textile finishes include a wide range of textile products for medical, technical, industrial, home furnishing and apparel sectors, Recent developments on Aloe vera (a naturally occurring biopolymer) have opened up new avenues in this area of research, ecofriendly natural herbal finish from A. vera extracts for various textile applications, Aloe gel-Antimicrobial agent [1 grams per litre (gpl), 2,3 ,4 and 5 gpl], Antimicrobial finish application, Antimicrobial activity assessment, Finish durability to washing ,Hohenstein modified test method – challenge test, activity of aloe gel treated samples is excellent at 5 gpl for S. aureus, It is attributed that bacterial inhibition is due to the slow release of active substances from the fabric surface. The amino groups of aloe gel responsible for its excellent antimicrobial activity. In presence of slight acidity, the amino groups will be converted to positive amino group ions will react with the negatively charged protoplasm of microorganisms thus breaking the cell wall and hence destroying the microorganisms, Disturb the cell membrane through physical and Ionic phenomena, wash fastness properties of treated sample during 50 wear wash. The treated fabrics showed good wash fastness as expected. Finishing agent does not migrate off of the treated sample and destroy the bacteria coming in contact with the surface of the treated cloth. The microbes do not consume the antimicrobials, which destroy them by acting on the cell membrane , Hence finishing agents do not lose their effectiveness and will remain functional throughout the life of the fabric, antimicrobial agent is not water-soluble, it does not leach out, and it continuously inhibits the growth of bacteria in contact with the surface using barrier or blocking action, specimens treated with the solution containing 5 gpl aloe gel showed excellent antimicrobial activity. The treated sample showed high reduction rate in the number of colonies grown and a clear zone of bacteria inhibition.

Fiber and prebiotics: Mechanisms and health benefits. Nutrients

Author Slavin, J.

health benefits, intakes of dietary fiber, gut health, physiological effects, oligosaccharides, fermented ingredient, gastrointestinal microflora, host well-bring and health, colon ferment the gut microflora, oligofructose, beneficial bacterial genus, galactooligosaccharides (GOS), transgalactooligosaccharides (TOS), polydextrose, wheat dextrin, acacia gum, psyllium, banana, whole grain wheat, and whole grain corn also have prebiotic effects, gastrointestinal microflora, different species of bacteria reside in the colon with microbial populations, provide important support for diet

Formulation of facial cleansing gels using aloe vera as natural surfactant

Author: R Wulandini1, F S Irwansyah1 and N Windayani1

clean the face from dust, pollution, the rest of the cosmetics and protect the face from sun exposure, skin disorders, acne, blockage and inflammation, hormonal changes, non-soap facial cleanser, body care ,and acne prone skin , kaolin, e exfoliation process to remove dead skin, Acne treatment, bacteria, A. vera cleanser is safe for sensitive skin, facial cleanser by utilizing secondary metabolites contained in A. vera extract, Aloe vera gel formulation, manufacture of A. vera extract facial cleansing gels, A. vera extract contains bioactive compounds that are very beneficial for facial skin

Influence of Polysaccharides from Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller, Liliaceae) on Mechanically Induced Cough in Cats.

Author: Martina Suto

source of polysaccharides that possess a great variety of biological activities, including cough suppression, Aloe vera, chemical composition and structural properties, on the cough reflex, method of mechanically induced cough was used in conscious cats, nylon fiber directed individually into the mucous area of the laryngopharyngeal and tracheobronchial airways via endotracheal cannula elicited the cough reflex, gel polysaccharide possessed higher cough-suppressing activity than dropropizine, antitussive activity, laryngopharyngeal and tracheobronchial mucous areas of the airways, expectoration predictor, therapeutic use, codeine, Cough is an important defense mechanism that accelerates mucus clearance, excessive secretions and foreign material from the airways as well as a common symptom of many respiratory and non-respiratory disorders, cough exceeds its physiological cleaning function, it is necessary to suppress it or maintain it at a tolerable grade, treatment of dry cough during catarrhs of the respiratory system, cough suppressive potency, aloe vera Polysaccharide acetylated mannans and polymannans, antibacterial and immunostimulant, structural similarity of the individual polysaccharide constituents isolated from A. vera with carbohydrate agents of a verified property to reduce cough

Potential health benefits of using Aloe vera as a feed additive in livestock: a mini-review.

Author: Deepak Chandran, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Athulya Rajasekharan, Marthandan Vishvanathan, Talha Bin Emran

Plant-derived compounds , Antibiotics are used tocure bacterial diseases and improve health conditions in animals, health beneficial compounds like vitamins, minerals, polysaccharides, phytosterols, antioxidants, and amino acids, health and well-being of livestock are improved by its antimicrobial nature and via maintaining a good balance of the beneficial intestinal microflora, boosts the immunity of animals and enhances their reproductive performance, livestock feed supplementation, aloe vera, herbal feed additive, antibiotics, immunity, livestock rearing, beneficial health applications, Feed is the most important component of animal production, health of an animal is primarily decided by its growing environment and, most importantly, the quantity and quality of the feed it consumes, Feed additives are substances that can be used along with the feed to facilitate proper intake, absorption, and assimilation of nutrients to promote growth and health, Probiotics, prebiotics, organic acids, Synbiotics, enzymes, and various antimicrobial peptides and antibodies are some of the available alternatives for antibiotics to boost animal growth and productivity, essential benefits of plant-derived additives to increase productivity and improve the health of animals and poultry, Aloe vera has great potential to enhance nutrient utilization, boost immunity, intestinal health, and improve growth when used as an additive in livestock and poultry feed, Aloe vera powder supplementation improved carcass weight and breast yield of Japanese quails without causing any adverse effects on the liver and blood biochemistry indicating the potential to improve growth performances, Aloe extracts exhibited antibacterial activity against strains of bacteria like Mycobacterium, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ,Escherichia coli, and Salmonella typhi, Effects of Aloe vera on reproductive performance, Reproductive fitness is the central element in the economics of livestock production, Improved reproductive performance is the key indicator of sound animal health, Animal reproduction efficiency and health improve when antibiotics are administered as feed additives during the reproductive stage, In females, supplementation of phytogenic additives increased the levels of plasma immunoglobulin A (IgA) and total proteins and reduced the levels of non-esterified fatty acids , It is given intramammary to treat mastitis or elevated somatic cell counts as Aloe vera gel teat-dip., for anemia, infertility, mastitis, and shock, it is administered orally in all food-producing species, Aloe vera juice is proven to be effective against ulcers and many digestive disorders, its property to inhibit gastric acid secretion owing to the presence of lectins, anti-ulcer property of Aloe vera is attributed to its various properties like mucus stimulatory effects, regulation of gastric secretions, healing effects, and anti inflammatory properties, reduction of stomach acid secretion by aloe extract was concentration-dependent, further explained by the direct engagement with acid-generating gastric cells or the interaction with the histamine H2 receptors on the parietal cells. Even at the lowest dose, aloe extract was found to have a gastroprotective effect, Immuno-stimulation effects of Aloe vera, Growing demand for dairy and meat products implies more reliance on the dairy industry to meet demand, health of cattle depends on an understanding of immune development, maintain and improve the animals’ immune systems

Investigating the effect of Aloe vera gel on the buccal permeability of didanosine.

Author: Ojewole E, Mackraj I, Akhundov K, et al.

buccal mucosal route offers several advantages but the delivery of certain drugs can be limited by low membrane permeability, Aloe vera gel (AVgel) as a novel buccal permeation enhancer, Permeation studies were performed using Franz diffusion cells, and the drug was quantified by UV spectroscopy, buccal permeability properties of didanosine (ddI), permeability of ddI was concentration-dependent, and it did not have any adverse effects on the buccal mucosae, linear relationship (R2?=?0.9557) between the concentrations and flux indicated passive diffusion as the mechanism of drug transport, Aloe Vera gel at concentrations of 0.25 to 2?%w/v enhanced ddI permeability with enhancement ratios from 5.09 (0.25?%w/v) to 11.78 (2?%w/v) but decreased permeability at 4 and 6?%w/v, Aloe Vera gel-treated mucosae showed irregular nuclear outlines, increased intercellular spacing, and plasmalemma crenulations, cells from 1, 2, and 6?%w/v Aloe Vera gel-treated mucosae showed irregular nuclear outlines, increased intercellular spacing, and plasmalemma crenulations

The Role of Processed Aloe vera Gel In Intestinal Tight Junction: An In Vivo and In Vitro Study,

Author: Thu Han Le , Phan Se Yong, Park Hyun , Jin Jung, Seung Hyun Oh

tight junction-modulating effects of processed Aloe vera gel (PAG), comprising 5–400-kD polysaccharides as the main components, oral treatment of 143 mg/kg Polysaccharides Aloe Gel daily for 10 days improves the age-related leaky gut condition in old mice, by reducing their individual urinal lactulose/mannitol (L/M) ratio. In concordance with in vivo experiments, Polysaccharides Aloe Gel treatment at dose 400 ?g/mL accelerated the polarization process of Caco-2 monolayers. The underlying mechanism was attributed to enhancement in the expression of intestinal tight junction-associated scaffold protein zonula occludens (ZO)-1 at the translation level. This was induced by activation of the MAPK/ERK signaling pathway, which inhibits the translation repressor 4E-BP1. In conclusion, we propose that consuming PAG as a complementary food has the potential to benefit high-risk patients, Intestinal tight junctions are complex structures containing various intercellular membrane proteins (such as claudins and occludin) attached to the scaffolding zonula occludens proteins (ZOs), and through them, to the cytoskeleton actin and myosin of intestinal epithelial cells. Together, they form a barrier that dictates the paracellular absorption of electrolytes and macro-molecules, thereby contributing to safeguarding our body against a bacteria-laden intestinal lumen, leaky gut is assumed to originate due to compromised intestinal tight junction integrity, polysaccharides of Aloe vera gel are likely to possess bioactivity to help alleviate the leaky gut condition, Polysaccharides Aloe Gel increases Tight Junction Proteins of Intestinal Epithelial Cells


Author: Mahendran Sekar, Afikaah Sha An Ali, Ganesh Sundaram Subramanian, Vengata Subramani Manoharan , Isaac Jason J , Phan Ai Yean

Ultrasound is widely used in rehabilitation, primarily for improving connective tissue extensibility and pain relief in musculoskeletal injuries, and for promoting tissue healing and remodeling. Physiotherapists use therapeutic ultrasound more than any other electrophysiological modality, Topical analgesics will activate superficial thermal response receptor, providing hot or cold sensation, topical agents suspended in aqueous gel are more effective in transmitting ultrasound energy, compared to cream-based agents which are less effective, to transmit sound waves, there must be a gel between the ultrasound probe and the skin, Topically applied external analgesics do appear to provide some benefit of pain relief, the active ingredient in most of these is menthol, methyl salicylate, or a combination of the two, menthol is the irritant that do produce a cooling sensation while methyl salicylate do provide a sensation of heat, Aloe vera is one of the plant material known to effectively decrease inflammation and promote wound healing. This brings to a conclusion that Aloe vera was having potential analgesic activity and that can be used in this study.

Mitigating the Formation of Hexavalent Chromium in Leather by Using Aloe Barbadensis Miller Mixed with Carrageenan.

Authors Kallen Mulilo Nalyanya, Ronald K. Rop , Arthur Onyuka, Zephania Birech , Paul Kamau

Aloe barbadensis miller (Abm) mixed with carrageenan has been investigated as an alternative eco benign ingredient in mitigating hexavalent chromium Cr (VI) formation in thermally and photoaged wet blue and leather crust. The effect of post-tanning operations on the formation of Cr (VI) in wet blue and leather crusts due to spontaneous and accelerated ageing caused by exposure to the temperature of 80 “C and UV radiations for 132 hours is also presented. The Cr (VI) content was analyzed according to ISO 17075 standard procedure of Diphenyl carbazide and UV-VIS spectrophotometer at 540 nm. The levels of Cr (VI) in retanned wet blue leather were detectably high, while for tanned, dyed and fat liquored crusts, the levels were below detection limit of 0.2247 mg/kg. After ageing, the Cr (VI) content increased to a detectable level, the highest recorded in retanned wet blue, followed by fat liquored crust and with the lowest levels recorded in dyed wet blue leather. In all the aged samples, the levels were remarkably higher than the recommended 3 mg/kg. The levels of Cr (VI) in wet blue leathers processed with Aloe barbadensis miller/carrageenan were below detection limit of 3.587 mg/kg, even after exposing the samples to accelerated ageing conditions. Aloe barbadensis miller /carrageenan completely inhibits formation of Cr (VI) in wet blue and leather crusts. Aloe barbadensis miller/carrageenan will contribute to the eco benign and sustainable production of leather under the superior chrome-tanning technology.

Microbiota and metabolite .-Randomized clinical trial: Effects of Aloe barbadensis Mill. Extract on symptoms, fecal microbiota and fecal metabolite profiles in patients with irritable bowel syndrome Neurogastroenterology & Motility 2020; 32(8): e13860

Author: Ahluwalia B, Magnusson MK, Bohn L, Storsrud S, Larsson E, Savolainen O, Ross A, Simren M, Ohman L.

Aloe barbadensis Mill., potential prebiotic effects, fecal microbiota and metabolites, inulin, BS Symptom Severity Score (IBS-SSS), metabolomic profile, Aloe treatment, aloe fermented , gastrointestinal symptoms; irritable bowel syndrome; prebiotic.

Molecular characterization and antibacterial activity of Aloe barbadensis miller on textiles.

Authors Subrata Das, Arunava Das,T, Sathyamangalam, Erode District, Tamil Nadu, India; &S. Rama Nivashini

Aloe barbadensis miller is one such product exhibiting anti-microbial activity. Recent advances in the field of dentistry have promoted the use of Aloe barbadensis miller for treatment of various oral diseases and periodontal conditions. There are different polysaccharides in Aloe barbadensis miller, such as glucomannan with different molecular weight, acetylated glucomannan, galactogalacturan, glucoga-lactomannan with different compositions as well as acetylated mannan or acemannan. Acemannan is a long chain polymer consisting of randomly acetylated linear D-mannopyranosyl units has immunomodulation, antibacterial, antifungal, and antitumor properties Eco-friendly anti-microbial finishing on cotton woven fabric using Aloe barbadensis miller extract at various concentrations in the presence of eco-friendly cross-linking agent glyoxal by pad –dry –cure technique. Both the qualitative (AATCC –147, 1998) and quantitative (AATCC –100, 1998) evaluation was done to assess the degree of antibacterial activity of the Aloe barbadensis miller treated cotton fabric. The current trend deals with the potential of biotechnology in the textile industry. Now, there is a good deal of demand for the fabrics having functional/specialty finishes in general but antimicrobial finishes in particular to protect human being against microbes. The application of antimicrobial textile finishes includes a wide range of textile products for medical, technical, industrial, home furnishing and apparel sectors. The present investigation aims at developing an eco-friendly natural herbal finish from Aloe barbadensis miller extract for textile applications. The fabric exhibited high antimicrobial property at 5 g/l concentration. This is due to the fact that anti-microbial agent gets attached to the substrate through bond formation on the surface. The attached antimicrobial agent disrupts the cell membrane of the microbes through the physical and ionic phenomenon. The finishing agent inhibits growth of micro-organisms by using an electrochemical mode of action to penetrate and disrupt their cell walls. When the cell walls are penetrated, leakage of metabolites occurs and other cell functions are disabled, thereby preventing the organism from functioning or reproducing. Exhibition of less zone of inhibition for gram positive bacteria (Bacillusthuringiensis) is the reflection that Aloe barbadensis miller does show less antimicrobial activity against this bacterium.

Extraction, Purification, Structural Characteristics, Biological Activities and Pharmacological Applications of Acemannan, a Polysaccharide from Aloe vera: A Review

Author: Chang Liu, Yan Cui, Fuwei Pi, Yuliang Cheng, Yahui Guo, and He Qian

Acemannan, considered one of the main bioactive polysaccharides of Aloe vera, immunoregulation, anti-cancer, anti-oxidation, wound healing and bone proliferation promotion, neuroprotection, and intestinal health promotion activities, biological activities of acemannan, structure-activity relationships of acemannan and its medical applications, pharmacological applications of acemannan, carbohydrate with high molecular weight, bioactive molecule, healthcare products and medicines because of their notable and excellent bioactivities, such as antimicrobial, antitumor, antiviral , and antioxidant activities . In addition, polysaccharides are among the natural biopolymers found on Earth, which are widely used as biomaterials for wound healing, drug delivery and tissue engineering. Aloe vera is one of the few natural plants that are very abundant in polysaccharides, acemannan in medical research, Gel and skin of aloe are the main sources of acemannan, acylation, kind of storage polysaccharide, glucomannan, Acemannan is more abundant in three years old Aloe vera plants, immunomodulatory activity of acemannan on splenic lymphocyte, macrophage and dendritic cells. Acemannan is an important immunoenhancer, can enhance the lymphocyte response to alloantigen, spleen, which combines the adaptive immune system and the innate immune system, is the largest secondary immune organ of the body, Acemannan from Aloe vera can activate effectively regulate immunity, acemannan has a greater stimulatory activity for white blood cell (WBC) counts and spleen cellularity as well as on the absolute numbers of lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes in irradiation?induced myelosuppression mice, mitogenic activities of splenocytes were obviously increased as splenic lymphocytes from spleen of Swiss albino mice were cultivated with the acemannan

Functional finishes for textiles: an overview.

Authors R. Paul,

functional finishes, these are wet processes used to produce special effects on fabrics or to improve specific properties, many of these effects are required to increase the customer appeal of products or to augment fabric properties for particular end-uses, such as outdoor wear or protective clothing, Softening handle, shrink-proofing, mechanisms, shrink-proofing methods, zero AOX shrink-proofing, enzyme technology, flame retardation, insect proofing, easy-care garments, waterproofing, laminated and double face fabrics, stain resist treatments, sanitizing, plasma treatments, nano-finishes, optimum fibre production, garment setting, reducing static, future trends,

Application of Permeation Enhancers in Oral Delivery of Macromolecules: An Update.

Author: Sam Maher, David J. Brayden, Luca Casettari, and Lisbeth Illum

application of permeation enhancers (PEs) to improve transport of poorly absorbed active pharmaceutical ingredients across the intestinal epithelium is a widely tested approach, permeation enhancers represent a key constituent of conventional oral formulations, permeation enhancer, oral delivery, formulation, permeability, safety, simulated intestinal fluid, hydrophobization, epithelium, a paucity of delivery technologies that address low intestinal epithelial permeability for macromolecules has left pharmaceutical manufacturers with little option but to limit screening of these complex hydrophilic macromolecules or default to parenteral formulation, medicinal chemists in the discovery field should solely focus on safety and efficacy of the active, and rely on formulation and delivery scientists to address sub-optimal solubility, ADME (absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion), and stability characteristics—or whether medicinal chemists should focus on all of the aforementioned properties to rely less on delivery and formulation scientists, optimizing the molecule and the formulation, improve intestinal permeability in humans, inclusion of an excipient that facilitates transport across the intestinal epithelial barrier, proprietary formulations that attempt to improve oral absorption of macromolecules in humans usually include permeation enhancers (PEs), permeability in oral, nasal, buccal, pulmonary, vaginal, and corneal delivery models. These compounds are broadly categorized as paracellular or transcellular Pes, Transcellular PEs alter epithelial permeability by two contrasting mechanisms, (i) reversible perturbation of the epithelial plasma membrane [9], or (ii) physical interaction with the active to improve passive transcellular permeation (e.g., hydrophobization , surfactant-based PEs are a widely tested category that alter membrane integrity, integrated approach to enabling oral peptide delivery, combining structural engineering and formulation optimization

Aloe Vera Mediated Emulgel for Topical Delivery of Desoximetasone.

Author: Jitendra Sainy1, Umesh Atneriya, Jagjiwan lal kori, Rahul Maheshwari

Desoximetasone, Plaque psoriasis; Emulgel; Skin penetration; Skin diseases; Kinetic, Plaque psoriasis, is highly prevalent form of psoriasis and basically an autoimmune disease which is challenging to treat. Being the skin disorder plaque is visible mostly on the skin, which causes red and white plaque of dead skin cell on elbow, knees, scalp, and lower back of body, they are usually unquiet, painful, and can crack and bleed, Desoximetasone, (11?,16?)-9-fluoro-11,21-dihydroxy-16-methylpregna-1,4-diene-3,20-dione (DMS) is a synthetic fluorinated corticosteroid known to exert anti pruritic and anti-inflammatory activity and most frequent medication for the treatment of plaque psoriasis , Despite its use in topical skin formulations, DMS’s low water solubility and short half -life are the major obstacles impeding its therapeutic efficacy, emulgel are novel approach for effectively delivery of drug, depend on combined approaches, when gels and emulsions both are together in same dosage form that formulation is called as emulgel, Emulgel formulation were prepared for several classes of drug such as anti inflammatory drugs, anti fungal agent, anti- viral drugs, anti bacterial drugs, local anesthetic and plaque psoriasis ,therefore, emulgel were currently used as a carrier for delivery of various drugs to the skin, the major components of emulgel are emulsifying agent, gelling agent and oil phase, their concentration significantly affects the bioavailability of drug release from the formulation, the merit of emulgel include easily entrapment of water insoluble drugs into gel base with the help of oil in water emulsion system , which enhance cargo loading capacity, stability, and release of drug at controlled manner, Emulgel contained favorable properties for treatment of plaque psoriasis such as bio-friendly, thixotropic, easily spreadable, greaseless, easily removable, water soluble, skin softness, transparent, non-staining, pleasant appearance and stable, the ability of aloe vera to enhance the penetration power of drug and produce excellent emulsion into an emulgel, Their property of staying in contact with skin was explored to develop a emulgel formulation using aloe vera which would retained long period of time onto the skin and releases drug, spreadability and consistency, DMS emulgel was prepared, which can be significantly reached rate and extent of DMS across the cell membrane in controlled manner with help of aloe vera for prolong period of time in the treatment of plaque psoriasis, key benefit of transdermal delivery is to first bypass metabolism , the significant advantage of topical formulation to minimize the off target effect such as pH variation, empty stomach time, presence of enzyme so that topical formulation was exclude the difficulty and discomfort of endovenous treatment therapy, the present research work was to prepare DMS loaded emulgel for effective permeation using aloe vera

Polymeric Plant-derived Excipients in Drug Delivery

Authors Carien E. Beneke, Alvaro M. Viljoen and Josias H. Hamman

Drug dosage forms contain many components in addition to the active pharmaceutical ingredient(s) to assist in the manufacturing process as well as to optimize drug delivery, Due to advances in drug delivery technology, excipients are currently included in novel dosage forms to fulfil specific functions and in some cases they directly or indirectly influence the extent and/or rate of drug release and absorption. Since plant polysaccharides comply with many requirements expected of pharmaceutical excipients such as non-toxicity, stability, availability and renewability they are extensively investigated for use in the development of solid oral dosage forms, polysaccharides with varying physicochemical properties can be extracted from plants at relatively low cost and can be chemically modified to suit specific needs. As an example, many polysaccharide-rich plant materials are successfully used as matrix formers in modified release dosage forms. Some natural polysaccharides have even shown environmental-responsive gelation characteristics with the potential to control drug release according to specific therapeutic needs, Polymers have been successfully employed in the formulation of solid, liquid and semi-solid dosage forms and are specifically useful in the design of modified release drug delivery systems, excipients were included in drug formulations as inert vehicles that provided the necessary weight, consistency and volume for the correct administration of the active ingredient, but in modern pharmaceutical dosage forms they often fulfil multi-functional roles such as improvement of the stability, release and bioavailability of the active ingredient, enhancement of patient acceptability and performance of technological functions that ensure ease of manufacture, specific application of plant-derived polymers in pharmaceutical formulations include their use in the manufacture of solid monolithic matrix systems, implants, films, beads, microparticles, nanoparticles, inhalable and injectable systems as well as viscous liquid formulations, within these dosage forms, polymeric materials have fulfilled different roles such as binders, matrix formers or drug release modifiers, film coating formers, thickeners or viscosity enhancers, stabilizers, disintegrants, solubilizes, emulsifiers, suspending agents, gelling agents and bioadhesives, Polymers are often utilized in the design of novel drug delivery systems such as those that target delivery of the drug to a specific region in the gastrointestinal tract or in response to external stimuli to release the drug. This can be done via different mechanisms including coating of tablets with polymers having pH dependent solubilities or incorporating non-digestible polymers that are degraded by bacterial enzymes in the colon. Non-starch, linear polysaccharides are resistant to the digestive action of the gastrointestinal enzymes and retain their integrity in the upper gastrointestinal tract. Matrices manufactured from these polysaccharides therefore remain intact in the stomach and the small intestine, but once they reach the colon they are degraded by the bacterial polysaccharides. This property makes these polysaccharides exceptionally suitable for the formulation of colon-targeted drug delivery systems, use of plant-derived polymers and their semi-synthetic derivatives as excipients in the formulation of drug delivery systems. Specific reference is made to the use of natural polymers in the design of novel dosage forms such as modified release matrix type tablets and other new drug delivery systems

How Microbiomes Affect Skin Aging: The Updated Evidence and Current Perspectives

Author Teerapong Rattananukrom , Aisawan Petchlorlian ,Iyarit Thaipisuttikul and Mongkhon Sompornrattanaphan

The skin has a multifactorial aging process, oxidative damage, skin’s antioxidant system tends to weaken with age, alteration of the intestinal bacteria, microbial dysbiosis, skin interactome , genome-microbiome-exposome, delay skin aging , human microbiomes affect skin aging , Probiotics-based products, add-on treatment of many dermatologic conditions, skin anti-aging purposes , therapeutic options, , dermatological and cosmetologically treatments, aging process, Biologic aging is a process occurring at the cellular and molecular level, deterioration in the function and structure of all of the organ systems,  live a longer and healthier life,  live a longer and healthier life, ingestion of an unbalanced diet, Molecular mechanism of aging, cellular aging, Cellular senescence, skin has a multifactorial aging process,  chronologic skin aging, genetic, hormones, and cellular metabolic changes, metabolites from the gut and skin microbiome, soft tissue changes including decreased collagen production, lower amounts of lipids, epidermal thinning, and the loss of subcutaneous fat, aged skin appears dry and pale with fine wrinkles and increased laxity, Facial aging , soft tissue changes, facial bone resorption, and recession, ultraviolet radiation, skin manifests deep wrinkles, laxity, coarseness, increased fragility, and multiple telangiectasias, photodamaged skin may exhibit depigmentation such as darkening and mottled pigmentation,  solar elastosis, reduced number of fibroblasts, and decreased amount of extracellular matrix ,weak skin’s antioxidant system , collagen degradation, oxidative stress , Oxidative insult, skin disease or systemic disease , imbalance of commensals and pathogens, microorganisms are variably present at the surface compared with deeper skin layers, capture of skin microbiota , distribution of microorganisms in the skin, microbial diversity and a greater inter-individual variation in microbiota composition in old people, longevity is positively associated with an abundance of short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) producers,  signature for longevity, good immunological and metabolic health-related bacteria, decreased levels of Bifidobacterium, Bacteroides, and Enterobacteriaceae, and increase Clostridium spp. Levels, aging-associated differences in gut microbiota , according to age-related changes in microbiome diversity,  loss of diversity in the core microbiota groups.

Effect of Aloe vera gel coating on antioxidant capacity, antioxidant enzyme activities and decay in raspberry fruit.

Authors Hassanpour, H.

Effects of different concentrations of Aloe vera gel coating on raspberry fruit quality during storage were studied. Decay in raspberry fruits during storage was significantly reduced by Aloe vera gel. Raspberry fruits treated with Aloe vera gel maintained high levels of phenolics and antioxidants during storage. Antioxidant enzyme activities in raspberries were enhanced by postharvest Aloe vera gel treatments. Native populations of raspberry fruits (Rubus spp.) were coated with Aloe vera gel and were then assayed for the antioxidant capacity, total anthocyanin, total phenol, antioxidant enzyme activities and postharvest quality after 8 days storage at 4 “C, relative to a control group. These berries, coated with Aloe vera gel, showed a higher antioxidant capacity, total anthocyanin, and total phenol than those of the controls (non-treated) group. The treated fruits exhibited less incidence of decay during storage at 4 “C than the control group. Thus, postharvest life (as affected by fungal decay) was longer for berries treated with Aloe vera gel than for the control fruit. However, total soluble solid, titratable acidity and pH were predominantly influenced by storage periods. Aloe vera gel treatments could reduce the natural decay that happens over time. The activities of antioxidant enzymes, including glutathione peroxidase (GSH-POD), glutathione reductase (GR), superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (AsA-POD) and guaiacol peroxidase (G-POD) were enhanced. The nonenzymic components such as reduced glutathione (GSH) and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) were also increased by Aloe vera gel. In conclusion, raspberry fruits treated with Aloe vera gel maintained higher levels of antioxidant capacity, total phenol, total anthocyanin, and antioxidant enzymes during storage periods.

Aloe vera mannan .- Mass spectrometry characterization of an Aloe vera mannan presenting immunostimulatory activity

Author: Joana Simõesa, Fernando M. Nunesb, Pedro Dominguesa, Manuel A. Coimbraa, M. Rosário Dominguesa.

Aloe vera acemannan, backbone of ?-(1?4)-linked D-mannose, mannans, acetyl groups, high abundance of acetylated residues, lower branching, shorter chains, and higher acetylation seems to promote the immunostimulatory activity attributed to these polysaccharides.

Comparison of aloe vera mouthwash with triamcinolone acetonide 0.1% on oral lichen planus: a randomized double blinded clinical trial.

Author Mansourian A, Momen-Heravi F, Saheb Jamee M, Esfehani M, Khalilzadeh O, Momen Beitollahi J.

Corticosteroids are the mainstay for treatment of oral lichen planus (OLP), Triamcinolone acetonide, therapeutic effects of aloe vera (AV) mouthwash with triamcinolone acetonide 0.1% (TA) on OLP, Thongprasom index, AV mouthwash is an effective substitute for TA in the treatment of OLP.

Effect of Aloe Polysaccharides on Antibody from Vaccinated Pigs with Vaccine for Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome.

Author: Jinhua, Zhejiang

effect of aloe polysaccharides on swine antibody during immunization process with PPRSV vaccine, Aloe polysaccharides with high and low doses, high dose of aloe polysaccharide significantly increased antibody level, while low dose of aloe polysaccharide had not significantly increased antibody level, PRRSV inactivated vaccine with aloe polysaccharides could significantly increase antibody level, the attenuated vaccine only with high dose of aloe polysaccharides could increase antibody level,

Immunomodulatory effect of Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) and Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) in broiler chickens. Vet Ani Sci 2018; 6: 56–63.

Author Sharma S, Singh, DK, Gurung YB, Shrestha SP, Pantha C,

immunomodulatory e?ect of Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) and Aloe vera(Aloe barbadensis) in broiler chicken, Aloe vera @5 ml/lit drinking water, immunomodulating e?ect, measuring antibody titer against NDV vaccine; and by estimating the albumin, globulin and total protein, Intensive poultry production with fast growing strains and high stocking densities are usually susceptible to infectious agents due to various reasons, one of the reasons being reduced immune potential, commercial poultry ?ocks, may be caused by a number of factors such as stress, nutrition and infectious agents, Phyto-medicines, murine macrophages, action in promoting maturationof dendritic cells, Aloe juice has virucidal capacity againstherpes simplex, varicella zoster and in?uenza virus

Biopharmaceutical aspects of intestinal drug absorption, Regional permeability and absorption-modifying excipients.


Before an orally administered drug reaches the systemic circulation, it has to dissolve in the intestinal fluids, permeate across the intestinal epithelial cell barrier, and pass through the liver, the permeation rate of drug compounds can be low and show regional differences, regional intestinal permeability values of model compounds in human, effects of absorption-modifying pharmaceutical excipients (AMEs) on the intestinal permeability of the model compounds, intestinal permeability, absorption-modifying excipients, nature of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract is to prevent absorption and translocation of potentially harmful luminal constituents into the central circulation, while still allowing the absorption of nutrients and water, obstacles associated with the oral administration route that need to be overcome for successful systemic drug treatment, drug product/formulation (e.g., capsule, tablet) must initially disintegrate, so that drug particles can dissolve in the GI fluid , The drug solubility in the intestinal GI fluids must be high enough to enable a sufficiently fast dissolution rate. The free drug molecules in solution also determine the concentration gradient between the intestinal lumen (i.e., the inside of the intestinal tube) and the blood; this gradient is the driving force for permeability and absorption, where permeability is the transport across the apical membrane, the rate limiting membrane barrier. A reduction in the luminal free drug concentration can occur if the drug molecule precipitates, is chemically or enzymatically degraded, or forms complexes with the luminal content. The drug molecules are considered absorbed after they have been transported across the outer lipophilic cell membrane, and this membrane can impose substantial resistance to large and/or hydrophilic drug molecules. Finally, before an absorbed drug molecule is introduced into the central blood circulation, it passes through the intestinal barrier and liver, where it may be metabolized and lose its pharmacological effect, or be excreted with bile back into the intestines , drug discovery process, candidate drug molecules are selected based on physicochemical properties, the affinity for the pharmacological target, membrane transport properties, chemical and metabolic stability, and their safety/toxicity profile, high cost is also associated with the high attrition rate in drug development, the high cost and attrition rate at the later stage of the drug-development process, 16% of all drug compounds that fail in the early phase of clinical development do so because of undesirable pharmacokinetic properties, development of formulations containing drugs with low intestinal solubility and/or low intestinal permeability, drug product can be designed to mitigate the impact of unfavorable PK properties, mass transfer of luminally dissolved drug molecules across the apical intestinal epithelial cell barrier includes one, or several, of the following transport mechanisms: passive lipoidal and paracellular diffusion, and/or carrier-mediated transport in both the absorptive and secretive (efflux) directions, Carrier-mediated (CM) transport is the process whereby a compound is transported into (influx) or out of (efflux) the intestinal epithelial cell cytosol across the lipoidal membrane bilayer using a protein transporter. CM transport can be either active or facilitated, Active transport uses energy to create a concentration gradient across membranes, and is classified as primary or secondary, CM transport is important for absorption of water soluble nutrients, such as glucose, vitamins, and amino acids, but this transport mechanism can also be important for drug compounds, dissolved drug molecule must diffuse across a water layer with limited convection covering the epithelial cell membrane before it can be absorbed

Prevention baby rash .-Evaluation of the Effect of Aloe Vera Ointment with Chamomile Ointment on Severity of Children’s Diaper Dermatitis: A randomized, double-blind clinical trial

Author: Sima Ghanipour Badelbuu, Yousef Javadzadeh, Mahnaz Jabraeili, Shiva Heidari, Mohammad Arshadi Bostanabad

Diaper dermatitis, inflammation of the skin under the diapers of children, degree of urinary incontinence, Aloe vera ointment, chamomile ointment, diaper dermatitis, several factors such as wear, moisture, urine and stool and PH changes, Irritation of the area and burning, dryness, scratching and skin irritation are key features. Infiltration of agents and germs can cause infectious, bacterial, and fungal infections, diagnosis of pemphigus, burn and syphilis and seborrheic dermatitis

A comprehensive overview of functional and rheological properties of Aloe vera and its application in foods .

Authors S.K. Sonawane, J.S. Gokhale, M.Z. Mulla, V.R. Kandu, S. Patil.

Aloe vera gel has excellent functional and nutritional properties and its incorporation into food can increase its functional and nutritional value of the food, Viscoelasticity, application of aloe vera in food fortification with the effect on nutritional and functional quality of products and effect of different processing techniques on the rheological properties of aloe vera which is a critical parameter during its food application, aloe vera Barbadensis miller, aloe vera inner gel, aloe vera gel , aloe vera gel decolorized, aloe vera 200 x , aloe vera 200:1, Improvement in the bioavailability of vitamins when co-administered with aloe vera, Rheological properties of aloe, enhance functional properties and shelf stability with aloe vera gel, sugars/polysaccharide, Viscoelastic properties control the texture of foods/food ingredients specifically those which show both elastic as well as viscous behavior, Polysaccharide solutions seems like a viscoelastic substance which can illustrate liquid and solid characteristics at the same time, structural configuration of the acemannan polymer or the potential interaction between acemannan and cell wall polysaccharides (e.g., pectic substances), Researchers have explored the application of aloe vera juice in different food products such as bakery, confectionary, beverages and dairy where it can act as a bio-preservative as well as improves the quality parameters of food products. Aloe vera has also been used as a food supplement, Aloe Vera

The Nutrition of Companion Animals.

AUTHOR: A.C. Longland1 ,, M.K. Theodorou 1,and I.H. Burger

Companion animals are those species which have a special association with man and are dependent on him to some degree, dogs, cats, fish, birds, horses, certain rodents and rabbits, feeding companion animals, irrespective of their role, is to promote a long and healthy life and, to achieve this goal, many are fed at or near their maintenance levels throughout adulthood, increase body weight and to accommodate changes in metabolism during ageing, nutrition of companion animals, dogs and cats, different life stages of growth, maintenance, gestation and lactation, nutrient requirement refers to the quantity of an essential nutrient needed by the animal for a given physiological state, metabolic function, genetic potential of the animal, bio-availability of nutrients, target species, Energy is required for growth, maintenance, reproduction and lactation, Energy is provided by carbohydrate, fat and protein, fat provides essential fatty acids (EFAs) and is a carrier for the fat-soluble vitamins, All animals require glucose to supply energy to the tissues and as a substrate for the production of glycoproteins, Glucose is provided either directly, through degradation of carbohydrates or via the metabolism of gluconeogenic substrates such as glycerol or amino acids, Plants and microorganisms can synthesize proteins from nitrogenous compounds, but animals cannot synthesize the amino group and thus require a supply of dietary amino acids, Minerals are essential for maintaining, at various levels, acid–base balances, tissue structure and osmotic pressure, in addition to being key components in many enzyme systems, Vitamins are organic compounds essential to metabolic regulation. They may be fat soluble (A, D, E and K ) or water soluble (the B vitamins and vitamin C),

Aloe vera: A Potential Herb and its Medicinal Importance.

Author: Kumar Sampath KP, Bhowmik D, Chiranjib and Biswajit (2010).

Aloe vera contains numerous vitamins and minerals, enzymes, amino acids, natural sugars and agents which may be anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial, healing properties, antibacterial, anesthetic and antiseptic properties, and is good to use as a tool for restoration of tissue, used on burns and minor cuts, especially good for sunburns, rashes, vaginal yeast infections, Aloe be made from the juice as a wash for eyes, Skin disorders, burning healing, coronary heart disease, many researches , many scientific studies, in vivo, in vitro, anti aging and anti wrinkle creams and moisturizers, it reduces the pain and the inflammation and gives relief from the burning sensation and heals the wound, stomach ailments like irritable bowel, reflux, Crohn’s disease, indigestion, heartburn, soothing effect on the stomach, helps to cure mouth and gum problems and severe gum diseases, curing skin problems like eczema, burns and wounds caused by cuts, Aloe barbadensis, Aloe indica, Aloe barbados, Aloe vera, Acids – antimicrobial, anti-helminitic (anti-parasitic worms), wound healing for skin tissue and ulcers, amino acids required for repair and growth. Aloe vera contains twenty of the twenty two essential amino acids, enzymes catalysts enabling chemical reactions to take place, lectin – anti-tumour effects, Lipids principle structural components of living cells, minerals – calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium are all present in significant quantities, lactates and Salicylates analgesic properties, phenolics mild antiseptics and antimicrobials, polysaccharides low and long chain sugars , urea nitrogen pain killing effect, vitamins – contains 8 of the 13 recognized vitamins, Aloe vera has been used from time immemorial to aid in smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, mainly because of its properties of soothing, cleansing and helping the body to maintain healthy tissues, Aloe vera gel is famous for facilitating digestion, aiding blood and lymphatic circulation, as well as improving kidney, liver and gall bladder functions, aloe vera has a minimum of three anti-inflammatory fatty acids, which help in smooth functioning of the stomach, small intestines and colon, It has a natural property to alkalize digestive juices and prevents over-acidity, which is one of the common causes of digestive ailments, Aloe vera juice concentrates are high in essential enzymes, which stimulate digestion and liver functions, the synergistic effect of Aloe vera juice used in combination with a few other herbs does wonders as a liver-cleansing agent. Aloe vera supplements also contain a rare natural ingredient called saponins, which is provided by nature to cleanse and flush out waste products and toxins, more medicinal uses of Aloe vera are described in the following sections, Aloe vera could be used to reduce the burning sensation of burns and blisters, juice or gel of Aloe vera is used to reduce warts, psoriasis and eczema, skin doctors prescribe skin gels and creams made from Aloe vera, Aloe vera is used to cure and heal rashes, vaginal infections, foot sores and fungus attack of various types, Aloe vera is used in hair loss treatment,the enzyme content of Aloe vera prevents hair loss by protecting the scalp against any diseases, aloe vera also helps in the reduction of dandruff, regular doses of Aloe Vera, it helps in increasing the immunity of the body, Aloe vera is a main ingredient in the yogurt, Aloe polysaccharides Acemannan boosting of the immune system providing nutritional supplements, Aloe vera improves the skin’s ability to hydrate itself, aids in the removal of dead skin cells and has an effective penetrating ability that helps transport healthy substances through the skin, Aloe vera is the ideal ingredient in cosmetic and dermatological products, Aloe vera is currently one of the most important ingredients in the cosmetics industry, being utilized in over 95% of the dermatologically valuable extracts manufactured worldwide. Aloe vera gel also proved to be an effective part of a nutritional support program, there are many claims as to Aloe vera benefits and its uses

Immunoaugmenting activity of Acemannan, the polysaccharides isolated from Aloe Vera Gel. Korean J Pharmacogn 2016;47:103–109

Author Im SA, Park CS, Lee CK.

Aloe vera; Acemannan; Immunomodulation; Anti-cancer activity ; Anti-viral activity; Hematopoiesis, Regression of murine sarcoma, Treatment of canine and feline neoplasms, Antitumor activity against Sarcoma 180 tumor cells, Regression of canine and feline fibrosarcoma, Stimulation of leukocyte production, Stimulation of macrophage formation, Enhancement of hematopoietic cytokine production in the liver and lung, Enhancement of hematopoietic cytokine production in the Peyer’s patch, Stimulation of leukocyte production inimmunosuppressed mice, Acemannan, aloe vera, Adjuvant activity to New castle disease virus, Clinical stabilization of feline leukemia virus, Relief of feline immunodeficiency virus, Adjuvant activity to polyomavirus, Adjuvant activity to reovirus, Inhibition of HIV-1 virus replication, glycoprotein, glycosylation, macrophage, dendritic cell, nitric oxide, Major histocompatibility complex, MHC) class II, professional antigen presenting cell, interleukin(IL)-1, cytokine, fibroblast, co-stimulatory molecule, mannose receptor, Toll-like receptor(TLR)

Effect of Orally Consumed Aloe Vera Juice on Gastrointestinal Function in Normal Humans.

Authors J. Bland, D. Ph

effect of oral Aloe vera juice supplementation on gastric pH, stool specific gravity, protein digestion/absorption, and stool microbiology. Results indicate that supplemental oral Aloe vera juice is well tolerated by most individuals and has favorable effects upon a number of gastrointestinal parameters, A discussion of the potential role of Aloe vera juice on inflammatory bowel disorders, Aloe vera, when ingested orally, also has a systemic influence both on improvement of gastrointestinal function and possibly even other important physiological relationships. Individuals who have suffered from indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, and excess acid stomach, have reported relief from these conditions by the oral administration of Aloe vera juice. The physiological effects of orally administered Aloe vera juice on gastrointestinal function has not been studied under controlled conditions. Such a study is essential to establish the role that orally administered Aloe vera juice plays in imparting favorable gastrointestinal functional changes, This study evaluates the impact of orally consumed Aloe vera juice on gastrointestinal function by evaluation of colonic bacterial activity, gastrointestinal pH, impact upon stool specific gravity, and gastrointestinal motility in normal subjects.

Influence of Postharvest Nitric oxide and Aloe vera Gel Application on Sweet Cheery Quality Indices and Storage Life.

Authors Mohamadreza Asghari, Hojjat Khalili*, Yusof Rasmi , Arash Mohammadzadeh

Because of the harmful effects of chemicals on human health and environment, the use of these compounds in postharvest technology of horticulture crops is highly restricted. In this study, effect of nitric oxide ( at 0, 1, 5 and 10 ?mol L-1) and Aloe vera gel (at 25 and33 %) on postharvest life and quality of Sweet Cheery (Prunus avium cv. Napoleon) fruit during 30 days of storage at 1± 0.5 “C with 85-95% RH was studied, Fruit marketability, total phenolics content, vitamin C, catalase enzyme activity, decay index, weight loss, Aloe vera gel significantly maintained fruit quality during 30 days of cold storage. Combination treatment with nitric oxide and Aloe vera gel was effective than each treatment alone in retaining fruit quality attributes. Nitric oxide when applied before treatment with Aloe vera gel effectively preserved fruit marketability, total phenolics content, vitamin C, catalase enzyme activity and reduced decay index and weight loss. The results indicated that the use of nitric oxide and Aloe vera gel may be introduced as an effective and successful strategy in postharvest technology of the Siahe Mashhad sweet cherry fruit. Sweet cherry is considered as one of the most appreciated fruits by consumers since it is an early season fruit and has an excellent quality. But sweet cherry fruits deteriorate rapidly after harvest, due to water loss, surface pitting, stem browning and decay. The main quality indices at harvest are skin color, which is related to fruit ripening and affected by anthocyanin concentration and total soluble solids total acidity ratio. Both parameters, together with the absence of stem browning determine consumer acceptance. Edible coatings have been traditionally used to improve the food appearance and conservation. Fruit coating act as a barrier to moisture and oxygen leading to water loss prevention and respiration reduction. Edible coatings are also used to improve food appearance and conservation due to their environmentally friendly nature, natural biocide activity, incorporation of anti-microbial compounds and creating a modified atmosphere. Use of Aloe vera gel as an edible coating has been reported to prolong the shelf life and delay senescence in sweet cherry and table grapes Aloe Vera gel based edible coatings have been shown to prevent moisture loss and softening decrease, control respiration and senescence rate, delay oxidative browning and reduce microorganism proliferation in fruits such as sweet cherries, table grapes, nectarines and papaya

Effects of gel, polysaccharide and acemannan from Aloe vera on broiler gut flora, microvilli density, immune function and growth performance. Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science 25:668671.

Author: Lin J, Zhang FY, Xu Y, Ting ZX, Po YD. 2005.

effects of different levels of Aloe vera gel on microflora population, humoral and cellular immune response, and relative weight of lymphoid organs compared to the effects brought about by antibiotic, Aloe vera gel (added to basal diet at 1.5%, 2% and 2.5%), increase in Aloe vera gel in the feed resulted in significant reduction in the number of E. coli colonies and significant increase in the number of Lactobacillus colonies compared to the control and antibiotic groups, humoral immunity, sheep red blood cells antibody titer reached its highest level in the 2.5% Aloe vera gel group, education in number of E. coli colonies and increase in number of Lactobacillus colonies as a result of increased Aloe vera gel in the feed, poultry industry, birds are maintained in confinement systems and large flocks in order to achieve higher economic returns, birds are exposed to stress and inducing factors such as high population, vaccination and temperature changes. Intestinal microflora is influenced, and sometimes imbalanced, by these factors, leading to deteriorated health conditions for chickens, imbalance in intestinal microflora may result in weakened immune system and failure of growth performance in chickens, microorganism resistance, replacements for growth-stimulating antibiotics such as probiotics, prebiotics, organic acids and herbal medicines, active compounds of herbs can be found in the form of glycosides, alkaloids, volatile oils and organic acids, and more importantly in polysaccharides, Polysaccharides act as immunomodulators and even perform antimicrobial activities, polysaccharides can be used as feed supplements or as booster in vaccination. Antibacterial, antiviral and antiparasitic, Aloe vera contains different types of polysaccharides most significantly acemannan

Evaluating mucilage from Aloe barbadensis Miller as a pharmaceutical excipient for sustained release matrix tablets.

Author Jani GK, Shah DP, Jain VC.

Natural gums and mucilage have been widely explored as pharmaceutical excipients. The goal of this study was to extract mucilage from the leaves of Aloe barbadensis Miller and to study its functionality as an excipient in pharmaceutical sustained-release tablet formulations, Sustained-release dosage forms are prepared to achieve a desirable and predictable pharmacodynamics response within appropriate pharmacokinetic parameters, improve patient compliance, reduce side effects, and maximize drug efficacy , creating drug-embedded matrix tablets using direct compression of a blend of drug, retardant material, and additives is one of the simplest approaches for a formulation. One of the most used methods of modulating drug release is including polymeric material within a matrix system. Matrix systems are important because of their simplicity, low cost, the small influence of physiological variables on their release behavior, and their suitability for manufacture on modern high-speed equipment, Drug-release retarding polymers are the key performers in matrix systems. Various polymers have been investigated as drug retarding agents, each presenting a different approach to the matrix system. Based on the features of the retarding polymer, matrix systems are usually classified into three main groups: hydrophilic, hydrophobic, and plastic. Hydrophilic polymers are the most suitable for retarding drug release, and there is growing interest in using these polymers in sustained drug delivery, natural gums and mucilage are well known for their medicinal use. They are widely used in the pharmaceutical industry as thickeners, water-retention agents, emulsion stabilizers, gelling agents, suspending agents, binders, film formers, and sustained-release agents, many plants contain mucilage, which provides high concentration of complex polysaccharides. Mucilages are hydrophilic polymers, It also contains aloetic acid, galactouronic acid, glucosamine, monosaccharides, and polysaccharides. It is used to heal wounds, burns, and to treat eczema and disturbed menstruation, Diclofenac sodium is a potent nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic properties. It is used to treat degenerative joint diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and ankylosing spondilitis. Diclofenac sodium is rapidly dissolved in intestinal fluid and reaches its maximum blood concentration (Cmax) within 30 min. It is metabolized mainly by hepatic hydroxylation and subsequent conjugation (13). In healthy human volunteers, mean plasma clearance of diclofenac sodium was 16 L/h, and the mean elimination half-life of the terminal phase was 1.2–1.8 h to diminish diclofenac sodium gastrointestinal irritation, which is a common problem with all nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, effective enteric-coated dosage forms are used. Food, however, effectively delays the absorption of the drug, which causes a nonreproducible pharmacokinetic profile, and the drug has no immediate therapeutic effect, Aloe barbadensis and to study the various pharmaceutical properties of the mucilage to assess its functionality as an excipient in pharmaceutical sustained-release formulations, Physicochemical and microbial properties of A. barbadensis mucilage powder 200x was studied for percentage yield, chemical test, particle size, weight loss on drying, solubility, viscosity, pH, swelling index, bulk and tapped density, angle of repose, compression properties, and microbial load, Aloe barbadensis Miller powder appears suitable for use as a pharmaceutical excipient in the formulation and manufacture of sustained-release matrix tablets because of its good swelling, good flow, and suitability for direct-compression formulations. From the dissolution study, it was concluded that the aloe vera gel powder can be used as an excipient for sustained-release, modified-release, and fast-release tablets with suitable modifications.

Aloe Vera Gel Effect on Skin and Pharmacological Properties.

Aisha Saleem, Irum Naureen, Muhammad Naeem, Hafiza Safoora Murad, Samra Maqsood, Gulnaz Tasleem

Digestive Diseases Protection, Aloe vera extract (50%) increased cell viability of dental pulp stem cells being useful for avulsed broken teeth. This effect is attributed to polysaccharides, mainly acemannan, by inducing osteogenic-specific gene expressions, DNA synthesis, growth factor, and JAK-STAT pathway. Moreover, Aloe vera (225 mg/kg) exerted a radioprotective effect against salivary gland dysfunction in a rat model as evidenced in an increase of salivary flow rate, Periodontitis is a serious and common dental affliction in which gums are infected and become inflamed, causing tissue and bone destruction. Gingivitis is the initial phase of periodontitis and is caused by dental plaque. Significant clinical evidence has demonstrated that Aloe vera mouthwash and gel are effective in the prevention and treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis by reducing gingival index, plaque index, and probing depth and by increasing bone fill and regeneration , Aloe vera has proven to be as effective as other usual treatments such as chlorhexidine, alendronate, and chlorine dioxide, Aloe vera gel significantly reduced swelling and postoperative pain, Aloe vera gel and mineral trioxide aggregate as pulpotomy agents in primary molar teeth. The overall success rates at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months was high for patients treated with mineral trioxide aggregate, Aloe vera mouthwash alleviated radiation-induced mucositis severity in patients with head and neck cancers similarly to the reference benzydamine mouthwash, moreover, Aloe vera mouthwash has also demonstrated to be efficient in the treatment of stomatitis (mean intensity and pain) associated with radiotherapy in patients with acute myeloid leukemia and acute lymphocytic leukemia, Aloe vera (systemic as juice and topical as gel) in the treatment of oral submucous fibrosis. Clinical evidence demonstrated that Aloe vera reduced burning sensation and increased cheek flexibility, mouth opening, and tongue protrusion similar to the reference treatment hydrocortisone, hyaluronidase, and antioxidant supplements. In another study on oral submucous fibrosis, the combination of Aloe vera gel with physiotherapy was more efficient in decreasing burning sensation and increasing tongue protrusion, mouth opening, and cheek flexibility than the combination of antioxidant capsules with physiotherapy, gastroesophageal reflux disease is a common chronic digestive disease in which gastric acids move up into the esophagus. Aloe vera syrup (10 mL/day) for 4 weeks reduced the frequency of symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux diseases including heartburn, food regurgitation, dysphagia, flatulence, belching, nausea, and acid regurgitation without causing adverse effects (only one case of vertigo and another of stomach ache were reported), gastritis is an inflammation of mucous membrane layer of the stomach. Aloe vera gel protected in a Balb/c mouse model of alcohol-induced acute gastritis by increasing matrix metalloproteinase-9 inhibitory activity , the topical administration of Aloe vera 3% ointment alleviated the symptoms of diarrhea and fecal urgency in patients with acute radiation proctitis induced by radiotherapy of the pelvic area, Moreover, Aloe barbadensis extract (Innovaloe aloe vera gel powder 200X) reduced, but not significantly, the severity of gastrointestinal symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome compared to a control group, revealed that Aloe polysaccharide (15 mg/kg) protected rats from 2,4,6-three nitrobenzene sulfonic acid colitis induced by increasing JAK2, p-JAK2, STAT-3, and p-STAT3 protein expression. Furthermore, Aloe vera cream applied three times daily for 6 weeks reduced chronic anal fissure pain and hemorrhaging after defection and promoted wound healing in a prospective double blind clinical trial, skin protection study the ability of Aloe vera and active compounds in wound healing. The immortalized human keratinocyte HaCaT cell line, the primary normal human epidermal keratinocytes HEKa cell line, and fibroblasts cell lines, Aloe vera up-regulated TFG?1, bFGF, and Vegf-A expression in fibroblasts and increased keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation by lysosomal membrane stability [28,29,30,31,32]. Moreover, Aloe vera solution could accelerate corneal wound closure at low concentrations (?175 ?g/mL) by increasing type IV collagen-degrading activity in a cellular model of primary cultures of corneal epithelial cells, aloe polysaccharide (20, 40, and 80 µg/mL for 24 h) could be a beneficial agent in psoriasis as evidenced in the inhibition of TNF-? levels and IL-8 and IL-12 protein expression in human keratinocyte HaCaT cell line, Application of topical Aloe vera favored wound healing in animal models with dermal incisions by reducing inflammatory cell infiltration, increasing CD4+/CD8+ ratio lymphocytes, and improving epidermal thickness and collagen deposition, in another study conducted in Indonesia with several medicinal plants, the effect of Nigella sativa oil gel and Aloe vera gel to treat diabetic ulcers was investigated. Aloe vera resulted to be more efficient in improving wound healing on alloxan-induced diabetes in Wistar rats with wounds on dorsum as evidenced by a decrease of necrotic tissue and inflammation and an improvement of re-epithelialization, furthermore, a UV-induced mice model revealed that Aloe vera gel powder increased epidermal growth factor and hyaluronan synthase and reduced matrix metalloproteinases expression (types 2, 9, and 13) , aloe sterols are involved in this UV protection, likewise, it has been observed that Aloe vera protected against X-radiation through antioxidant mechanisms (increased antioxidant enzyme activity and GSH content and reduced ROS production and lipid peroxidation), effectiveness of Aloe vera on ulcers. Hence, the administration of Aloe vera gel twice daily for 3 months improved and accelerated wound healing as well as reduced hospitalization time [, moreover, in a randomized, triple-blind clinical trial with 80 patients hospitalized in the orthopedic ward, demonstrated that Aloe vera gel twice daily for 10 days prevented the development of pressure ulcers on the areas of hip, sacrum, and heel. Moreover, clinical trials have demonstrated that Aloe vera facilitated rapid tissue epithelialization and granulation in burns, promoted healing of cesarean wound, and accelerated wound healing of split-thickness skin graft donor sites , Furthermore, Aloe vera has been investigated in randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies for its benefits to maintain healthy skin. Therefore, the daily oral intake of 40 µg of Aloe sterol (cycloartenol and lophenol) for at least 12 weeks improved skin elasticity in men under 46 years exposed to the sunlight but do not use sunscreen to protect themselves, reduced facial wrinkles in Japanese women over 40 years old by stimulating hyaluronic acid and collagen production, and increased gross elasticity, net elasticity, and biological elasticity in women aged 30–59 , however, despite clinical evidence on the protective role of Aloe vera in the skin, there are clinical trials that have not yet found effectiveness of this medicinal plant, particularly in decreasing radiation-induced skin injury. Two clinical trials have been published between 2014 and 2019 in relation to this effect. Both studies found that topical administration of Aloe vera as gel or cream did not reduce the prevalence and severity of radiotherapy-induced dermatitis and skin toxicity in breast cancer patients compared to control group, acemannan increased IL-6 and IL-8 expression and NF-?B/DNA binding in human gingival fibroblast via a toll-like receptor signaling pathway. Since there is a relation between high IL-1? levels and periodontal diseases, Aloe vera 200x, a standardized Aloe vera extract which contains alin and acemannan on the activation, proliferation, and cytokine secretion of human blood T cells obtained from healthy individuals aged 18–60, and they found that it decreased CD25 and CD3 expression on CD3(+) T cells. Moreover, Aloe vera 200 x exhibited concentration-dependent T cell proliferation suppression and IL-2, IFN-?, and IL-17A reduction. Moreover, the anti-inflammatory effect of Aloe vera has also been investigated in an acetaminophen-induced hepatitis (inflammatory condition of the liver) mice model. The results of this study revealed that Aloe vera (150 mg/kg) reduced hepatic MDA, IL-12, and IL-18 levels and ALT and increased GSH content, Antioxidants are compounds that prevent or slow down biomolecule oxidative damage caused by ROS through free radical scavenging, metal chelation, and enzyme regulation, antioxidant activity is related to a high content in alkaloids, glycosides, phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and saponin glycosides. Moreover, Aloe vera ethanol extract protected, particularly human microvascular endothelial cells, against hydrogen peroxide and 4-hydroxynonenal-induced toxicity by reducing ROS production and HNE-protein adducts formation, the antioxidant activity of Aloe vera and related compounds (10 µM) which possess peroxyl radical scavenging activity and reducing capacity, part from these in vitro assays, in a clinical trial with 53 healthy volunteers, the intake of Aloe vera gel extract (14 days) increased total antioxidant capacity of plasma of subjects, antimicrobial activity of Aloe vera and its main constituents. Most of these studies are in vitro and focus on the antibacterial activity. One of the most studied bacteria are Staphlococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Hence, Aloe vera aqueous extract reduced growth and biofilm formation against methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus, moreover, this bacteria has also been inhibited by Aloe vera gel (50% and 100% concentrations), along with other oral pathogens obtained from patients with periapical and periodontal abscess including Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Clostridium bacilli, and Streptococcus mutans using disc diffusion, micro-dilution, and agar dilution methods, one of the compounds attributed to antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus is aloe-emodin which acts by inhibiting biofilm development and extracellular protein production , in the case of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Aloe vera extracts have shown to inhibit the growth of multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from burned patients with wounds infections at MIC50 and MIC90 values of 200?µg/mL, pseudomonas aeruginosa growth and biofilm formation inhibition has been also demonstrated for Aloe vera inner gel, this Aloe vera inner gel also inhibited other Gram-negative bacteria (Helicobacter pylori and Escherichia coli) as well as the fungus Candida albicans, moreover, in another study, Aloe vera hydroalcoholic extract showed antibacterial activity against Enterococcus faecalis, an infecting microorganism of the root canals of teeth, with inhibition zones of 13 mm (saturated) and 9.6 mm (diluted) , furthermore, concentrations up to 1 mg/mL of Aloe vera aqueous extracts could inhibit Mycobacterium tuberculosis growth, which is the pathogen Molecules

Effects of Aloe vera Coatings on Quality Characteristics of Oranges Stored Under Cold Storage .

Authors Arowora, K.A.1, Williams J.O1,Adetunji, C.O.1, Fawole, O.B.2,Afolayan,S.S.1, Olaleye, O.O.1,Adetunji, J.B.3 and Ogundele, B.A.

The importance of good postharvest practices in minimizing postharvest losses cannot be overemphasized. Appropriate preharvest, harvesting and postharvest chain will result in superior quality produce. The sweet orange (Citrus cinensis) is the most commonly grown fruit tree in the whole world. It is made up of soft texture, and the edible materials are very important in human diet since they contain essential vitamins. Edible surface coatings such as waxes are often applied to improve the cosmetic features of fruits and vegetables. These coatings commonly contain ingredients such as polyethylene, carnauba or candelilla, all of which reduce water vapour loss and provide a vehicle for fungicides. Waxing and coating improves shelf life, slows down ripening, retards water loss, reduces decay and enhances visual quality. It has been estimated that 25% to 80% of harvested fresh fruits are lost due to spoilage. There has been increasing interest in the use of A. vera gel in the food industry as a functional ingredient. Aloe vera based edible coatings have been shown to prevent loss of moisture and firmness, control respiration rate and maturation development. oxidative browning and reduce microorganism proliferation in fruits such as sweet cherry, table grapes and recterones. In addition to the traditional role of edible coatings as a barrier to water loss and delaying fruit senescence, the new generation coatings are being designed for incorporation and/or for controlled release of antioxidants, nutraceuticals, chemical additives, and natural antimicrobial agents. It has also been reported that the Aloe vera extracts possessed antimicrobial activity against bacterial pathogens from gram positive and gram negative.

In Vitro Immunomodulatory Effect of Food Supplement from Aloe vera.

Author: Zaira López, 1Antoni Femenia,2Gabriela Núñez-Jinez,,1Michelle N. Salazar Zúñiga,1M. Eduardo cano,3Teresa Espino,4and Peter Knauth

Aloe vera as concentrated 200x powder, key ingredient for food supplement of aloe vera, extracted from Aloe inner leaf gel, powder rich in high molecular weight and soluble polysaccharides, biological activities of raw extracts from Aloe vera, induction of apoptosis ,hepatoprotection , antioxidant , antibacterial, antidiabetic, antihyperglycemic, and anti-inflammatory effects, Such effects are attributed to more than 70 potentially bioactive compounds present in the Aloe vera plant; however, these biological activities can often be attributed to a synergistic action of more thanone constituent rather than to a single compound, polysaccharides present in theAloe gel are responsible for the immunomodulatory effects, since they can alter several interactions among cells of the immune system, Aloe gel the soluble acemannan, an acetylated polysaccharide, industrial process (spray drying, freeze drying, refraction window, or radiant zone drying), immunomodulatory effect on human macrophage-like cell line THP-1 induced by Aloe gel commercial powders, powders, used as food supplements, were provided by our Mexican facilities, amb-wellness.com

Aloe vera gel and thyroid hormone cream may improve wound healing in Wistar rats

Author Tarameshloo M, Norouzian M, Zarein-Dolab S, Dadpay M, Mohsenifar J, Gazor R.

Wound healing, a complex interaction among cells, extracellular matrix, blood vessels, proteases, cytokines, and chemokines, is still a controversial topic in surgical medicine, several complications such as delayed wound healing, superficial wound infection and post-operative/post-traumatic neuropathic chronic cutaneous pain have been reported by patients who had closed incisional wounds after the surgery, Aloe vera, an herbal plant of the lily family, has been used to treat various diseases for centuries , topical application of Aloe vera as a natural remedy, has contributed to the rapid tissue repairing process of burns, wounds, frostbite, skin infection and dermatitis, active molecules that act on fibroblasts, macrophages and epidermal cells activity, stimulate formation of epidermal tissue, increase collagen synthesis and remodeling and enhance tensile stress, thyroid hormone has been recommended as a potential wound healing agent, efficient in stimulating keratinocyte proliferation, epidermal proliferation, dermal thickening and hair growth in vitro, thyroid hormone enhances local response to growth factors and gene expression of keratins, Silver sulfadiazine (SSD) is a common anti-infective agent used to control bacterial proliferation and manage wound infection. Although indicated for deep partial-thickness and full-thickness injuries and suggested as effective in reducing inflammatory and granulation phases of healing in sutured incisions, SSD has been reported to have cytotoxic effects on fibroblasts and keratinocytes in vitro and retard wound healing in vivo , despite this, SSD is the most extensively used topical agent for the treatment of wounds effects of Aloe vera gel, thyroid hormone cream and silver sulfadiazine cream on sutured incisions in Wistar rats, 250 to 300 g, received surgical incisions followed by topical application of Aloe vera gel, thyroid hormone cream and silver sulfadiazine 1%. To assess the efficacy of each treatment technique, a histological approach was used to evaluate the mean number of fibroblasts, macrophages, neutrophils, blood vessel sections and thickness of the regenerating epithelium and dermis on days 4, 7 and 14. Re-epithelialization and angiogenesis were significantly improved in Aloe vera gel group compared with the other treatments while thyroid hormone cream had positive effects on day 4 (P?0.05), results indicated that Aloe vera was significantly more effective in wound healing as attested by tensile stress parameters in sutured incisions

Safety evaluation of Aloe vera soft capsule in acute, subacute toxicity and genotoxicity study.

Authors Jun Wu ,Ying Zhang,Zhongming Lv,Ping Yu,Weiqing Shi

Aloe vera has been widely used in health and nutritional supplements, Aloe vera soft capsule (ASC), safety evaluation of Aloe vera products before marketing, aloe vera not produce any marked subacute toxic effects, ASC showed no mutagenic activity in the Ames test and no evidence of potential to induce bone marrow micronucleus or testicular chromosome aberrations in ICR mice exposed to 10000 mg/kg bodyweight. Collectively, ASC could be considered safe before it was marketed as a laxative and moistening health food.

Exploring the human hair follicle microbiome

Author: M.B. Lousada,T. Lachnit,J. Edelkamp,T. Rouillé,D. Ajdic,Y. Uchida,A. Di Nardo,T.C.G. Bosch,R. Paus

Microbiome to Hair Physiology and Regeneration, microbial colonization, metagenomics, inflammatory milieu, inflammatory cutaneous diseases, immunological interactions, follicular epithelium, hair follicle bacterial, microorganisms and metabolism on host tissue, symbiotic relationship, follicular microbial communities, HF immunology, cycling, and regeneration, sebaceous gland function, microbial commensals

Potential Uses of Aloe Vera extraction in Finishing and Textile Wet Process.

Authors Ghada A.Elsayeda, Mariam Diaaa, Hanan A. Othmana and Ahmed G. Hassabob

Recently, the use of natural materials in textile manufacturing processes was of great importance. Among the natural materials that received great importance was the Aloe Vera plant, as it enters all stages of textile manufacturing from the first stage to the end because of its very important and beneficial impact on this type of industry. Where it is used as UV protection, Antioxidant, Anti-microbial, and also in the dyeing and printing process. The textile industry strives constantly for new manufacturing techniques to increase product quality and the environmental development of these products is also significant. Apart from the conventional dressing feature. Textiles now provide safety and warmth in hazardous conditions. Barrier efficiency and thermos physiological comfort are the most critical conditions for protective wear. Textile finishing is applied for the conversion into a technically useful textile of a textile fiber. Finishing is typically done in the textile industry in the final phase of textile production and the textiles acquire some useful properties. It is widely conceived that the final uses of technical textiles will continue to increase every year, as there are two types of finishing namely (a) using chemical materials and (b) using natural materials, but chemical finishing results in a lot of damage and waste harmful to the environment, so bio-finishing has been reported. Aloe Vera Gel has become a biotechnology potential in the textile industry. Aloe Vera is used in the initial operations of preparing textiles and that’s because Aloe Vera is suited for this form of pretreatment as it contains a variety of enzymes, sodium, and gum that are important to the processing of textile wet. As when Desizing process using Aloe Vera gel instead of inorganic chemicals. Aloe gel contains many important enzymes and organic components like peroxidase, carboxypeptidase, amylase, and alkaline phosphatase. The aloe gel showed excellent results for desizing with controlled temperature and pH. First of all, Aloe Vera’s active enzyme joins the substrate and forms chemical bonds to the substratum. The enzyme acts as a catalyst and constitutes an unstable medium compound with the substrate, known by the ‘lock and key’ mechanism as an enzyme substrates complex. The catalyst subsequently weakened the relations between the substrate and the materials of size. Therefore, the layer was isolated from the sizing. Dyeing, in addition to the use of Aloe Vera in the textiles pretreatment process, it is also used in the textile dyeing process. Aloe Vera consists of salt, acid, enzymes, and all of the necessary ingredients for the operation of dyeing. Aloe Vera gel was used in a reactive dyeing process instead of salt. Depending on the various amounts of aloe gel used, the cloth produced different shade depths. In the dyeing wash, 100% Aloe gel was treated to provide an outstanding shade depth. However, lower Aloe Vera gel concentrations showed more dull colors. The fabric had a medium and dull shade depth at 80% and 60% concentrations of Aloe Vera during dyeing. These outcomes are clarified by the fact that a high Aloe Vera concentration produces more salt than dye. This higher content of salt increases color depth. The use of Aloe gel, however, did not harm the fabric wash pace, the strength of tearing, or drapability. Aloe Vera gel is also a natural coloring agent and mordant agent. The leaves can be easily applied to protein-cationic fibers like silk and wool, due to their functional amino group in an acidic medium. for dyeing cotton fiber, however, because cotton contains an anionic group. Printing, In the printing process, Aloe Vera gel is used as a thickener in reactive and pigment printing. The water-soluble Aloe Vera gel includes polysaccharide and polymerase and is one of the cheapest forms of a natural thickener. Aloe Vera gel was recently used as a thickener because of the thickening quality of the polysaccharide. The gel showed positive results in the 30%-40% Aloe Gel and 2% binder Concentration used in printing as a thickener. When Aloe gel and synthetic thickener were applied to fabric for printing, the gel showed similar results to the synthetic in wash fastness and colorfastness. Aloe Vera gel can be easily prepared and preserved as a printing paste. Aloe gel is environmentally sustainable, economically affordable (anywhere it is found),and easy to cultivate. The textiles were of low viscosity and poor sharpness when Aloe Vera was applied to the textile. The processed textile, however, exhibited high viscosity and high sharpness when mixed with sodium alginate, which contained 50% gel and chemical concentrations, the use of Aloe Vera gel as the thickener for prints on cotton cloth with reactive dye. They spread Aloe gel on cotton fabric as a thickener and got excellent washability and lightweight. Finishing, Antimicrobial properties, Lately, there was strong attention in scientific research on the antimicrobial finish of textile materials. Most material transfer of microorganism infections is generally occurring. The deterioration of bacteria typically leads to the damage of several beneficial characteristics of textiles. Antimicrobial coatings that can be used with microencapsulation can solve this issue. This effect is particularly useful for medical and technical fabrics. Microorganisms can be realized “nearly all over the environment and speedily expand once essential needs like humidity, nutrients, and temp are found. Microorganisms are generated by diseased ones throughout hospitals. Microorganisms can also be transported, and pathogen expanded in hospitals, surgical robes and masks, operational head ware and footwear, operating clothes, bedsheets, towels and the garments of all people in the hospital Fabrics of anti-microbial characteristics are necessary for all these conditions. Due to its large hydrophobicity, most synthetic fibers are more resistant than natural fibers to threats by microorganisms. Keratinous fiber and cotton carbohydrates proteins may, under certain situations, behave as nutrients and energy sources. Soils, dust, sweat solutes, and certain textile finishes can also provide microorganisms with nutrient sources. These micro-organisms are the cause of discoloration, fiber destroys, annoying smell, and the quietly slimy feel. These are also problems in textile. If the fabric is used next to the skin, a microbial infestation causes pathogens and developmental odor cross-infection. As a side effect of a microbial attack, the performance characteristics of cotton are destroyed. A huge range of people can benefit from antimicrobial material. The growth and negative influence of microorganisms such as odor, stain, and deterioration, is destroyed by an antimicrobial agent. Antimicrobial agents for the control of bacteria, fungi, mold, mildew, and algae are also used for fabrics. The textile can be given antibacterial compounds by various chemical, physical or physiological methods during the phase of fiber formation or attractive finishing point, based on the composition, fiber nature, chemistry, fiber composition, and surface of the fiber. There are two types of antimicrobial textiles: Leaching Antimicrobial Textiles: The antibacterial textiles that function with the regulated releasing technique are named antibacterial leaching textiles that gently leak biocides to their surroundings to destroy the microorganisms. On-leaching or Bounded Antimicrobial Textiles: Antibacterial textiles that do not leach or contact kill, can kill the microorganisms only when they have contacted a material since these fabrics have organic polycationic chemically bound materials via covalent linkage directly or via cross-linking and do not release biocides into their outer environment. Direct pad-dry-and-cure, spraying, coating, and foaming are used for many antimicrobial agents. Herbal antibacterial compounds are mostly used to obtain more apparent results during textile production and at the final level. The rising market of herbal products has resulted in the development of textile healthcare materials in latest years Many plants have been known for their antibacterial behaviors, selection, and screening. In medical and healthcare uses, textiles (woven, nonwoven, knitted, and composites) are used differently. Various items must fulfill requirements for individual end-use performance according to the individual end-user application. Aloe Vera is an organic herb whose anti-microbial behavior affects different microorganisms. Anti-bacterial and antifungal characteristics of Aloe Vera extract can depend on the acemannan, anthraquinones, and salicylic acid ingredients. Furthermore, textiles covered with Aloe Vera infused nanoparticles with increased washing durability and antibacterial activity were made. The treated tissue demonstrated antibacterial activity, with gram-positive (S. aureus) and gram-negative (E. coli) behavior. The bacterial reductions in the finished cloth of Aloe Vera differed at Aloe Vera concentrations, Ultraviolet protection In recently, the necessity of sunlight protection has been widely known to users, there is connected to skin harm caused by sunlight and its association with higher UV radiation exposes UV light can cause rapid and urgent responses and harm, including skin wrinkling and sunburn. The skin color relies on the combined amounts of melanin, carotene, and hemoglobin. This amount of melanin in the skin affects its beauty or blackness, between several characteristics, and impacts human color, Melanin also acts a significant part in the reduction of harm caused by UV radiation mostly in the skin. Massive quantities of sunlight can cause several issues including aging, skin burning, pigmentation, harm to the eye, Damage to DNA, tumor of the skin, etcetera. The sun’s energy consists of around 10 percent as UV radiation. Regarding adverse impacts on plants and people; In sections of UV-A (320–400 nm), UV-B (280–320 nm), and UV-C (<280 nm), ultra-violet light less than 400 nm has been categorized ; UVC has 100% absorption of ozone and atmosphere; The ozone layer absorbs UVB; while the ozone layer does not absorb UVA. UVC radiation in comparison with UVB and UVA is the most potent. The least potent radiation is UVA. Sun protection items like sunscreen, sun protection materials, etc., and ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) that is added to textile items are used to avoid these sorts of damages via Ultraviolet radiation. The efficiency of the ultraviolet protection element of textile is defined (UPF values). Higher values of UPF show better degrees of safety. UPF relies on several elements such as textile color that is strongly attached to the finishing agent quantity. Almost everyone wants to gain textile materials that can guard us against UV radiation. A largely recent aim of textile finishing is to guard the skin against the effects of sun radiation, as cloth does not always provide effective protection Special protection qualities of textiles versus various impacts are more attractive. The usage of Aloe Vera gel for different purposes has achieved importance in recent decades. This gel is an antibacterial, laxative, and UV radiation protective ingredient antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immunological stimulant. The modified cotton textiles Aloe anthraquinone-treated have proven to be effective protective against the ultraviolets and the quantity of the UV transmission of the modified material is extremely low in comparison to the untreated material. Bonded onto the surface of the cloth, the Aloe-anthraquinone may capture UV light fully. Aloe-anthraquinone-modified material had a UV protection factor (UPF) of around 57, but the untreated fabric had a UPF value of around 14. The highest transmission effect was obtained for bleached tissue. Realize: the higher the value of UV transmission the bigger the risk for health. This shows that Aloe Vera-treated material has a better UV-protection ability than bleached material. Aloe Vera polyphenols can aid secure and absorb UV rays. The fundamental UV absorption components were polyphenols in Aloe extracts. It has been thought that Aloe gel modulates the skin by avoiding UVB sunlight sensitization, particularly within the first 24 hours after exposure. Antioxidant properties, Oxidation is a chemical activity capable of generating reactive oxygen compounds or liberated radicals that may result in chain events that harm genetics, speed up aging and increase the risk of carcinoma in people. A free radical is an atom with at least one electron which has no pairs. Throughout regular metabolic, free radicals are generated as a byproduct, besides by pollution, smoking, radiation, air pollution, alcohol intake, toxins, high blood sugar standard. Antioxidant substances are efficient oxidative harm protectors versus liberated radicals and are suitable for usage in textile, packaging, cosmetic, and preservation fields. Several antioxidant compounds are found in nature to prevent the consequences of ROS (reactive oxygen species). Phenol substances can positively capture or scavenge liberated radiometals through several combined interactions using antioxidant enzymes. The plenty of the whole phenolic OH in Aloe Vera extract subscribes to its antioxidant activity. Aqueous debrief, of Aloe Vera includes many antioxidant ingredients: phenols, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, ?-carotene, and ?- tocopherol. The bioactivity in Aloe Vera gel in terms of the anti-oxidant ability is validated. The free radical reducing abilities are provided by the phenolic component and acetylated polysaccharides found in the gel. Cosmetic Textiles, Textiles may have skincare characteristics; they are known as cosmetics. The most important cosmetic elements for cosmetics come from inorganic, synthetic, and animal chemicals, animal derivatives like, plant products. Cosmeto textiles are divided into three main groups according to their effects on the human body the grafting technique of the fabrics and the type of textiles utilized. These are split into cosmetic products that minimize, moisturize, energies, perfume, refresh and relax, revitalize, prevent UV and improve skin firmness and elasticity different extracts from different natural sources are encapsulated inside the polymer walls, which, owing to friction, pressure, and temperature, breaks into touch with the human skin, effectively liberating the active ingredients into the skin, giving the desired effect. One method is to use the process of microencapsulation to create cosmetic textiles. A large series of micro capsulated elements including Aloe Vera, vitamin E, retinol, and caffeine presently have been reported to give moisturizing, firming, or slimming advantages. The Aloe Vera oil, a common skincare component in almost all cosmetics applications makes the material biofunctional, Merging the energetic ingredient’s pharmacological qualities with textiles, offering advantages for the consumer’s body. On communication with such form of Cosmo textile, moisturizing chemicals can be transmitted from the materials moisturize the stratum corneum of skins. Mostly in the United States and Europe for moisturizing advantages, for instance, socks and legwear carrying vitamin C or Aloe Vera gelatin sacs were applied Dogi Global Fabrics has started a range of smart fabrics using Aloe Vera nanoparticles for cosmetic textiles that offer moistures, calms, antioxidants, and anti-aging effects. for cosmetic textile usage. Curative textiles, Lately, much focus has been paid to curative clothing since it has no side effects and is not harmful or environmentally safe All oral medicinal products and ointments have an adverse impact but on the other hand. Various natural herbal extracts are now employed for developing curative clothing. Used as healing clothes is a successful therapy for several skin conditions such as bacteria, inflammatory illness of the skin, seasonal skin disease, hives, and eczema scientists worked on the treating of atopic dermatitis by Aloe Vera with enhanced curative clothing. A T-shirt and pajamas were produced to heal erythematic skin diseases by 20% and 40%. Aloe Vera gel, the healing apparel was utilized once a week while sleeping for ten hours. Researchers have been working on the micro capsulation of therapeutic finished provided by Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera herb Extraction was used as the inner substance and acacia gum being the capsule’s shell material for the production of microcapsules. The microencapsulated extracts of Aloe Vera showed a high level of antimicrobial agents. An individual jersey-cut fabric with a pad-dry-curing method was used for the microencapsulation of Aloe Vera. The clothing was constructed of this fabric encapsulated . Tests from field trials demonstrated that the treatment of inflammatory skin conditions supplemented with Aloe Vera was excellent. Physical properties of treated fabrics, When Aloe Vera is used to developing its physical properties, such as the crease recovery angle, length of the bending, the coefficient of the drape, and the change in strength. In comparison with untreated fabric, the Aloe Vera finished cloth showed a higher crease recovery angle, a greater bending length, and a poor whiteness index. The bending of the tissue treated with Aloe Vera diminishes as stiffness but softness increases. The static and dynamic fusion coefficient also increases despite the minor drop in the whiteness index. The modified textiles of the aloe anthraquinone showed a better recovery angle, but the breaking strength was reduced significantly. Compared to the control sample, the moisture adsorption remained nearly unaltered, when evaluating the physical properties of Aloe Vera treated textiles, the whiteness index, air permeability, and tensile strength dropped whereas the permeability of water vapor and the crease recovery angle. Meanwhile, the Aloe Vera treatment has had no damaging effect on the abrasion resistance of finished cloth but somewhat less heat conductivity. After the treatment of cotton by Aloe Vera, crease recovery and abrasion resistance increased, but moisture recovery reduced in comparison to the control fabric, breaking strength, and flexural stiffness. The coefficient of the drape of printed material processed by Aloe Vera reduced and softer the fabric. Compared to control cotton, the air strength of the Aloe Vera-treated textile was increased. The decrease in air permeability was possibly due to the impregnation of cotton fabric with microcapsules. Closing the space between strands would be coated microcapsules. Airflow, therefore, didn’t travel through the tissue readily. In addition, the treatment reduced the whiteness of the cloth by 4%.

Recent development in shelf-life extension of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables by application of different edible coatings: a review.

Authors Yousuf, B., Qadri, O.S. and Srivastava, A.K.

Fresh-cut fruits Edible coatings Shelf-life Quality Active packaging, and intake of fruits and vegetables have been linked with various health benefits. Fruits and vegetables can be consumed either fresh or processed. Production and consumption of minimally processed foods are gaining popularity. Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables are being welcomed by consumers due to the desire for new and natural products coupled with the change in lifestyle of the consumers. However, the challenge for the fresh-cut industry is to maintain the fresh-like characteristics of fresh-cut produce for a prolonged storage time, Fresh-cut produce has a much larger cut surface and consequently a much shorter shelf-life. Loss of quality parameters such as color, firmness, juiciness, flavor, and excessive moisture loss results in limited shelf-life and increased chances of rejection of the product by the consumers. Developments in packaging technology and edible coatings for foods have shown promising results in extending the shelf-life of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables, the scope of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables, and shelf-life extension by means of coating. Application of innovative packaging techniques and novel food coatings would make it possible to meet the ever-growing consumer demands and to approach distant markets with comparatively high-quality fresh produce.

Aloe vera and ascorbic acid coatings maintain postharvest quality and reduce microbial load of strawberry fruit.

Authors Sogvar, O.B., Saba, M.K. and Emamifar, A.

Rapid loss of quality and decay causes economic loss of strawberries after harvest. The effects of an edible coating based on natural Aloe vera (AV) gel in combination with ascorbic acid (Ascorbic Acid; 0, 1, 3 and 5% (w/v)) on postharvest quality of strawberries was studied. After treatment, fruit weight loss, firmness, titratable acidity, soluble solids content (SSC), pH value, concentrations of ascorbic acid, anthocyanin and total phenolics, total antioxidant activity, and microbial activity were evaluated at 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 days of storage (1″C, 95% relative humidity). Compared with untreated fruit, Aloe Vera + Ascorbic Acid treatments delayed weight loss, had higher Soluble Solids Content, vitamin C concentrations and titratable acidity. The coatings reduced total aerobic mesophilic, yeasts and molds populations. Aloe Vera + 5% Ascorbic Acid was the most effective in delaying changes in the ripening and reducing microbial populations among the treatments. These results demonstrate that Aloe Vera and Ascorbic Acid coatings have potential to maintain postharvest fruit quality of strawberry fruit. Strawberries, one of the most popular summer fruits worldwide, are characterized by unique and highly desirable taste and flavor, and are rich in polyphenols and anthocyanin, vitamins and amino acids. However, the fruit are highly perishable resulting in a short postharvest life due to mechanical injury, physiological deterioration, water loss, fungal decay, and high respiration rate. Cold temperatures and modified atmospheres increase the storage life of fruit, but additional methods of maintaining quality are still under investigation. Recently, applications of edible coatings have been shown to be promising as a tool to improve the quality and extend storage and shelf life of various fruit such as papaya and strawberries. Coatings can act as moisture and gas semi-permeable barriers, resulting in control of microbial growth, preservation of color and texture. One such product is Aloe vera (AV), a novel edible coating for fruit storage. Aloe Vera has antifungal activity against several pathogenic fungi including Botrytis cinerea. Aloe Vera coatings modify the internal gas atmosphere, reduce moisture loss, softening, respiration rates, delay oxidative browning and reduce microorganism proliferation in fruit such as sweet cherries, table grapes, nectarines and papaya. Aloe Vera gel coating alone or in combination with shellac, preserves physicochemical parameters such as color and firmness in apple slices. Ascorbic acid (AA) and its derivatives have been used in numerous studies in fruit in concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 4% (w/v). Anti-browning effects of Ascorbic Acid have been demonstrated in several fruit fresh-cut products under a wide range of conditions. In addition, AA as an antioxidant that reduces vitamin C lost can be added to the edible coating material. Some studies have suggested that Ascorbic Acid in combination with lactic acid has antimicrobial effects against Listeria monocytogenes and on Escherichia coli O157:H7 in carrot juice. Antimicrobial effects of Ascorbic Acid on fresh cut fruit such as jackfruit, apple and papaya have been reported.

Aloe gel and whole-leaf raw materials: Promising excipients for the production of matrix-type tablets.

Author Tafara Jambwa, Alvaro Viljoen, Josias Hamman

pharmaceutical industry endeavours to develop novel drug delivery systems which require excipients that full specific functions. Excipients from renewable sources are attractive due to their sustainable mass production. The purpose of this study is to investigate the potential use of gel and whole leaf materials from Aloe vera as excipient in the formulation of controlled release matrix-type mini-tablets, Matrix-type mini-tablets manufactured from the aloe materials alone, and in combination with other polymers were evaluated in terms of their physical characteristics, mucoadhesive properties, swelling behavior and drug release kinetics. Some of the formulations exhibited high potential to control drug release from matrix-type tablets and some approached zero-order kinetics, A disadvantage of the conventional immediate-release tablet as dosage form is that drug plasma levels fluctuate over successive doses, ,modification in drug-release rate, such as controlled release, may be beneficial in eliminating the cyclic fluctuations in drug plasma levels , Polymers used in dosage form design can be classified as synthetic polymers, semi-synthetic polymers and polymers of natural origin, Natural polysaccharides are often obtained from plants in the form of mucilages and gums. In many cases, the properties of a natural polymer do not t the needs of a specific application and blending with a synthetic polymer can sometimes be used to achieve the desired properties , Multiple-unit dosage forms over several advantages over conventional single-unit dosage forms. They contain a number of sub-units in which the dose is the sum of the quantity of the drug in each sub-unit. Examples include granules, pellets or mini-tablets that can be formulated into a single, hard gelatin capsule, Formulations containing the different aloe powders individually, and in combination with either Carbopol® or hydroxypropyl methylcellulose in different ratios, aloe leaf materials are suitable as excipients in the design and development of matrix-type tablets for modified drug release, the formulation containing Aloe Vera Gel and Carbopol in a 50:50 ratio, indicating aloe vera gel powder has potential as excipients in combination with other polymers to form matrix systems that can control drug release

Microencapsulation of natural antioxidant powder from Aloe vera (L.) skin using foam mat drying method.

Author: Narsih, Sri Kumalaingsih, Susinggih Wijana , Jalan Aloe Vera High Molecular Polysaccharidesad Yani, Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat.

microencapsulation of natural antioxidant powder from Aloe vera (L.) skin was carried out using 10% maltodextrin, 0.3% tween 80 and drying at 600C; and the product was found to have free radical scavenging activity using DPPH (88.31%), total phenol (34.921%), and ? tocopherol by HPLC (87.789mg/g), The FTIR analysis shows that the functional components in the Aloe vera skin powder were phenol, aromatic, substituted alkenes, aromatic acid halide, aliphatic acid halide, eter R-O-R, Nitro NO2, Keton R-CO-R, vinilidene, carboxylic acid, metilene and OH. SEM analysis showed that drying process by foam mat method resulted in a structure that has the capacity to absorb water easily and can dissolved in cold water. The present findings, especially on the microencapsulation of Aloe vera skin powder will provide a new opportunity to improve the bioactive properties of the phyto-component as antioxidant agent, Aloe vera (L.) skin contained pharmaceutical compound such as antioxidant, making it a potential source of raw materials to be processed into natural antioxidant powder, processing of Aloe vera (L.) skin into natural antioxidant powder requires encapsulation using maltodextrin as protective compound, Free radical scavenging activity The antioxidant activity of Aloe vera (L.) skin powder determined using DPPH assay (%) was 88.31%, which is higher than synthetic antioxidant such as BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) at 70.5% and ?-tocopherol at 65, The higher level of antioxidant activity observed in the encapsulated Aloe vera (L.) skin powder is probably due to its relative resistant to the effect of the drying temperature and the effect of encapsulation using maltodextrin and tween 80, suggested that the increase in free radical antioxidant could be due to better extractability of antioxidant component and higher level of phenolic content, reported that phytochemicals such as phenolic content, ascorbic acid, tocopherol and pigment also contribute to total antioxidant activity and has a good correlation between the antioxidant activity and its total phenolic compound content.

Gut microbiota metabolite regulation of host defenses at mucosal surfaces: implication in precision medicine

Author Anthony J Bilotta, Yingzi Cong

regulation of host homeostasis, composition and function of the microbiota, saturated fats, bacterial metabolites of dietary fiber, short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), healthy microbiome, epithelial and immune cell functions in the intestines, therapeutic application, host defense, Ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, acetate, propionate, and butyrate ,role for gut microbiota metabolites in modulating intestinal homeostasis and immunity, with dietary fibers and their bacterial fermentation products, short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), playing an essential part, bacterial fermentation of dietary fibers, colonic cells, SCFA absorption occurs by three mechanisms: passive diffusion, electroneutral, or electrogenic uptake, SCFAs are able to stimulate mucus production, SCFAs stimulate antimicrobial peptides , SCFAs regulate the daily turnover of the epithelial lining and regulate stem cell proliferation, SCFA regulation of tight junctions, SCFAs and immune regulation, SCFA regulation of neutrophils, SCFA regulation of T lymphocytes, SCFA regulation of macrophages, SCFA regulation of dendritic cells,

A prospective, randomized clinical trial comparing topical Aloe vera with 0.1% triamcinolone acetonide in mild to moderate plaque psoriasis, 2009

Author Charoen Choonhakarn, Ploysyne Busaracome, Bungorn Sripanidkulchai, Pongdech Sarakarn

efficacy of Aloe Vera and 0.1% triamcinolone acetonide (TA) in mild to moderate plaque psoriasis, clinical response were evaluated using the Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI) and the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI), AV cream may be more effective than 0.1% % triamcinolone acetonide cream in reducing the clinical symptoms of psoriasis; however, both treatments have similar efficacy in improving the quality of life of patients with mild to moderate psoriasis.

Development of Jackfruit-Aloe Vera Blended Ready to Serve (RTS) Functional Beverage at Refrigerated Condition.

Author: Hossain, M. M., Ram, L., Ngupani, P. S., & Bepary, R. H. (2017).

functional ready-to-serve (RTS) beverage, blend with jackfruit and aloe vera juice, The blended juice was made by using the different combination of jackfruit and aloe vera juice as T0 (100:0), T1 (90:10), T2 (80:20), T3 (70:30) and T4 (60:40) to improve the flavor and therapeutic properties, the blends were homogenized and filled into 200 ml colorless sterilized PET bottle and pasteurized at 85″C for 10 minutes, cooled and stored at refrigerated temperature, blended RTS beverages were prepared to optimize the mixed ratio of jackfruit and aloe vera juice, mixed jackfruit and aloe vera functional RTS beverage was stored up to 5 months without notable change in chemical and sensorial parameters at refrigerated temperature, Jackfruit fruit has some amount of vitamin-A and flavonoid pigments viz., ?-carotene, xanthin, zeaxanthin, lutein, and ?-cryptoxanthin, play the important roles in antioxidant and eyesight function, Functional beverage is a non-alcoholic drink which contains non-traditional ingredient such as herbs, vitamin, minerals, amino acid or added raw fruits or vegetables, beverages based on therapeutic properties such as blended RTS beverage like Aloe vera-Aonla and ginger , Bael-Aloe vera , Aloe vera-Papaya and Aloe vera-pineapple juices are gaining importance, nutritional and pharmacological properties, blending of juices would help in the production of delicious, refreshing and delightful drinks , blending improves the aroma, taste, nutrition and functional properties, a drink based on fruits and vegetable are considered as an excellent medium for the supplement of the bioactive compound, nutritive and health benefits, The finished RTS beverages contains 14.86 ± 0.15 % of sugar, 0.28 ± 0.01 % of acidity, Aloe vera gel is an innovative component, and it is preferred to use in the processing of RTS drinks, in the search of aloe vera raw materials avoid the presence of aloin content that causes the bitterness, aloe vera market exists aloin traces at 0.1 ppm @ 0.5 % aloe solids single strength juice as AMB Wellness with INNOVALOE brand, www.amb-wellness.com , this aloe product free of aloin save fruit juice to mask bitterness,

acemannan Helps to effectively balance and restore proper immune system function .- Advances in dietary polysaccharides as anticancer agents: Structure-activity relationship

Author: Ningyang Lia1 Chaofan Wanga1 Milen I.Georgievbc Vivek K. Bajpaid Rosa Tundise Jesus Simal-Gandaraf Xiaoming LuaJianbo XiaofXiaozhen Tanga Xuguang Qiao

dietary polysaccharides as anticancer agents, nutritious dietary supplements, side effect-free therapeutics, biomacromolecules, Natural anticancer polysaccharides, physicochemical properties

Potential of biobased materials for food packaging.

Authors Petersen, K.; Nielsen, P. V.; Lawther, M.; Olsen, M. B.; Nilsson, N. H.; Mortensen, G.

food packaging are demanded to effectively extend the shelf-life, preserve the nutrients and decrease the microbial contamination during the transport and storage of food, With the increasing concern on the environmental impacts caused by food packaging wastes, sustainable and green packaging are highly demanded to minimize the harmful effects of food packaging waste on the environment, Bio-based materials are derived from sustainable and renewable biomass, instead of finite petrochemicals, develop greener methods for the production, processing and destiny of these bio-based materials, deterioration of food is usually caused by oxidation, microbial spoilage and metabolism, which can be influenced by environmental contamination and other factors, such as temperature, humidity, light, physical damage, microorganism, odors, shocks, dust, food packaging with minimum environmental impact, e biobased materials were applied for food packaging as coatings, films, hydrogels, aerogels and emulsions, Aloe

Worldwide consumption of functional foods: a systematic review.

Author: A. Ozen, A. Pons, J. Tur

demand for foods and beverages that improve or benefit health has increased in many parts of the world, alongside rising costs of healthcare, increases in life expectancy, and desire for a higher quality of life, dietary supplements is a health tool that promises specific effects related to particular food components, functional foods containing ingredients that beneficially influence specific body functions, in addition to being nutritious, functional food can thus be a natural food or it can be a food that has been modified to have a functional influence on the health and well-being of the consumer through the addition, removal, or modification of specific components, patterns of functional food consumption

Aloe gel and whole-leaf raw materials: Promising excipients for the production of matrix-type tablets.

Author: Tafara Jambwa, Alvaro Viljoen, Josias Hamman

pharmaceutical industry endeavours to develop novel drug delivery systems which require excipients that full specific functions. Excipients from renewable sources are attractive due to their sustainable mass production. The purpose of this study is to investigate the potential use of gel and whole leaf materials from Aloe vera as excipient in the formulation of controlled release matrix-type mini-tablets, Matrix-type mini-tablets manufactured from the aloe materials alone, and in combination with other polymers were evaluated in terms of their physical characteristics, mucoadhesive properties, swelling behavior and drug release kinetics. Some of the formulations exhibited high potential to control drug release from matrix-type tablets and some approached zero-order kinetics, A disadvantage of the conventional immediate-release tablet as dosage form is that drug plasma levels fluctuate over successive doses, ,modification in drug-release rate, such as controlled release, may be beneficial in eliminating the cyclic fluctuations in drug plasma levels , Polymers used in dosage form design can be classified as synthetic polymers, semi-synthetic polymers and polymers of natural origin, Natural polysaccharides are often obtained from plants in the form of mucilages and gums. In many cases, the properties of a natural polymer do not t the needs of a specific application and blending with a synthetic polymer can sometimes be used to achieve the desired properties , Multiple-unit dosage forms over several advantages over conventional single-unit dosage forms. They contain a number of sub-units in which the dose is the sum of the quantity of the drug in each sub-unit. Examples include granules, pellets or mini-tablets that can be formulated into a single, hard gelatin capsule, Formulations containing the different aloe powders individually, and in combination with either Carbopol® or hydroxypropyl methylcellulose in different ratios, aloe leaf materials are suitable as excipients in the design and development of matrix-type tablets for modified drug release, the formulation containing Aloe Vera Gel and Carbopol in a 50:50 ratio, indicating aloe vera gel powder has potential as excipients in combination with other polymers to form matrix systems that can control drug release

Recent use of natural thickeners in the printing process Journal of Textiles, Coloration and Polymer Science,

Authors Hamdy, A.G. Hassabo, H. Othman.

As a major component of textile printing pastes, thickener was used. They have a high molecular weight, a high viscosity, a strong handling, long hydration time compatible with other components of printing pulp and they are colorless. You impart plasticity and adhesiveness to the printed paste such that patterns without bleeding are introduced. Printing pastes primarily have the purpose to hold, attach and move the teat onto the targeted cloth. Various well-known natural and synthetic thickeners were present. Natural thickeners are preferred to synthetic thickeners as they are comparatively cheap, easily available, and non-irritant in nature. Natural products are also generally non-polluting renewable sources for sustainable supply. Synthetic thickeners have certain disadvantages such as high cost, toxicity, and result in environmental pollution. natural thickeners printing Tamarind Kernel Thickener Aloe Vera gel. Gum Karaya Alginates

Studies on preparation of squash from strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch), ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) and aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) blend.

Author: Mujahid Shagiwal and Bhagwan Dee

strawberry, aloe vera and ginger can be utilized for palatable squash making, Strawberry pulp, Aloe vera gel, Ginger juice, Blend combination, Storage, Ambient and Low temperatures, Organoleptic quality, Beverage is a liquid used for the utilization of human beings, primary function of quenching thirst, they have a key role in human culture, beverages can be classified into two main groups- non-alcoholic beverages and alcoholic beverages, Incorporation of natural compounds in the fruits, rhizomes, vegetables such as phyto-chemicals, flavonoids, anti-oxidants and vitamins together without harmful to human consumption is one of the new product development strategy in functional beverage industry, development of health beneficial beverage, aloe vera, Ghrit-kumari, Gheegwar, blend beverages can be prepared from blends of different fruits and extracts of plants having medicinal, nutritional and therapeutic values with acceptable palatability, palatable drinks with functional values to the consumers, consumers are becoming health conscious and more careful to their health and fitness subsequently demands for natural beverages with nutraceutical properties over synthetic one increasing in the market, drinks rich in nutritional and medicinal properties is one of the major constraints before the beverages processing industries, reducing, non-reducing and total sugars were estimated by using Fehling’s solution, changes in TSS content might be due to inversion or hydrolysis of polysaccharides into simple sugars, 25 per cent of the blend containing 80% strawberry pulp, 10% aloe vera gel and 10% ginger juice was found best on Hedonic Scale

acemannan experimental immunology.- Oral administration of Aloe vera gel, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory herbal remedy, stimulates cell-mediated immunity and antibody production in a mouse model

Author: Barbara Joanna Ba?an , Marcin Niemcewicz, Janusz Kocik , Leszek Jung , Ewa Skopi?ska-Ró?ewska , Piotr Skopi?ski

aloe gel; antibody production; chemokinesis; mice; proliferation; splenocytes, antimicrobial activity, dietary supplement, Immunomodulation, chronic infections, polysaccharides (pectins, hemicelluloses, glucomannan, acemannan, and other mannose derivatives), stimulatory effect, Aloe vera extract, an increase in CD4 lymphocyte frequency in blood and serum immunoglobulin concentrations

Effect of Aloe vera gel extract on the haematological parameters in white leghorn chicks vaccinated against infectious bursal disease virus. J Pure Appli Microbiol 2016; 10: 2875–2883.

Author Elaiyaraja G, Dhama K, Asokumar M, Palanivelu M, Malik YS, Sachan, S. Gopi M, Krishnaswamy N, Kumar D,

Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) causes an acute and highly contagious viral infection in poultry, which is highly immunosuppressive and increases susceptibility to various opportunistic pathogens, health beneficial effects of Aloe vera gel extract on the hematological parameters in IBDV vaccinated white leghorn chicks, 3% Aloe vera gel extract was given in water from day one to entire study period of 45 days, hematological parameters like WBC, heterophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, RBC, Hb, PCV, MCV, MCH and MCHC, lymphocyte count, Aloe vera increased the leukocytes count , use of Aloe vera in relation to poultry vaccinated with IBDV, further studies could reflect its potential use as an additive in poultry ration to achieve better production and to boost immune status of poultry against infectious disease

The characteristics of Aloe vera gel as an edible coating

Authors L. Suriati, I.G.P. Mangku, I.N. Rudianta,

Preserving fruits using edible coating is already long known. The edible coating serves to improve the appearance, as a gas exchange barrier, retains moisture, is antimicrobial and extends shelf life. The edible coating is widely used because it does not harm human health, can be eaten, and is biodegradable. One of the natural ingredients potentially as an edible coating is Aloe Vera leaf gel containing compounds such as polysaccharides, glucomannan, sugar reduction, tannins, organic acids, minerals, and proteins. But the weakness is the gel that easily becomes diluted, aloe gel is stored at room temperature that is relatively stable at pH range 2, development of the post-harvest handling of agricultural products in the world is increasingly developing and still developing. Some way has done among others with the use of low temperature, atmospheric modification, delivery of chemicals, coating wax, and edible coatings, the edible coating is a thin layer of edible and easily definable natural (biodegradable), that serves to prevent changes to the chemical, physical and biological. In addition, an edible coating can prevent mass displacement, as an additive, is a barrier against moisture and gas exchange of O2 and CO2, edible coating gives the advantage that is some active ingredients can be incorporated into polymer matrices and can maintain the nutritional and sensory attributes, some natural ingredients can be used as a preservative (edible coating) in particular on direct fruit is eaten without peeling his skin. Aloe Vera gel is a potential natural material that can be used as an edible coating because it consists of polysaccharides containing many functional components. The nature of antimicrobial and antioxidant ability of Aloe gel is able to inhibit post-harvest damage. Gel Aloe Vera can make such a layer of wax and is easily applied.

Skin Care Formulations and Lipid Carriers as Skin Moisturizing Agents.

Author: Panagoula Pavlou ,Angeliki Siamidi ,Athanasia Varvaresou and Marilena Vlachou

Skin Care Formulations, Skin Moisturizing Agents, skin care products interact with health and beauty products for the skin, cosmetic active ingredients and targeted application, novel formulations, facilitating skin permeation and improving stability, novel nanotechnology-based lipid systems (liposomes, solid lipid nanoparticles, etc.) to deliver moisturizing cosmetic actives and improve product efficacy, permeable outer layer of the epidermis, the stratum corneum (SC), protects the body from dehydration and other environmental stresses, drug penetration through the SC: the intracellular, the shunt (via sweat glands and hair follicles), and the intercellular pathway, corneocytes and intercellular lipid layers, topical formulations, transdermal delivery systems, penetration of active ingredients through the skin, modern skin care formulations, maintain optimal moisture levels in the skin, Moisturizers are a very important class of cosmetics, xeroderma, preventing the appearance of dryness and delaying premature skin aging, addition of humectants (glycerol, sorbitol, sodium hyaluronate with low MW, elements of natural hydration factors, film-forming/occlusive agents or emollients [hydrocarbons (petrolatum, paraffin oil, perhydrosqualene), silicone oils, animal or vegetable oils, fatty alcohols, especially stearyl and cetyl, waxes (from shea, bees), occlusive moisturizers, ceramides, Phytobioactive compounds (catechins, gallic acids, epicatechins, curcumin, hy-droxylbenzoic acid and cinnamic acid, quercetin, ascorbic acid, luteolin, alpha- and beta-carotene, complex polysaccharides, and fatty acids), dermatocosmetic effects, phytobioactive substances, phytobased nano-moisturizing systems, Silicones can serve as transport vesicles for active ingredients through the skin by physical association, skin care ingredients

immunostimulant acemannan .- Activation of a mouse macrophage cell line by acemannan: the major carbohydrate fraction from Aloe vera gel.

Author Zhang L, Tizard IR. Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, Texas A & M University College Station 77843, USA.

Acemannan, major carbohydrate fraction, aloe vera gel, acemannan could stimulate macrophage cytokine production, nitric oxide release, surface molecule expression, and cell morphologic changes, Macrophage activation RAW cells

Matrix forming excipients from natural origin for controlled release matrix type tablets.

Author: Jambwa T, Viljoen A, Hamman JH.

Aloe gel , Aloe whole leaf , Controlled release , Powder flow , Matrix type tablet, Swelling , Mucoadhesiveness, Disadvantages of conventional immediate release tablets include fluctuations of drug plasma levels over successive administrations and forgotten doses may result in larger fluctuations that increase the chance of side effects, emergence of resistance and/or treatment failure , modified release drug delivery system is capable of delivering the drug to the target site at a rate that is required by the therapeutic needs of the patient for the specified period of treatment , controlled release drug delivery system is one that specifically controls the release of the drug in such a way that constant drug levels are maintained in the systemic blood circulation, which usually requires delivery of the maintenance dose at a rate governed by zero-order kinetics, matrix-type tablet is considered as one of the most preferred controlled release dosage forms because they can be manufactured by cost-effective methods such as direct compression on a tablet press and the risk of dose-dumping is low, Mini-monolithic matrices are an attractive alternative for pellets or beads to be loaded into a single hard gelatin capsule to produce a multiple-unit dosage form with several advantages over single-unit dosage forms, Polymers used in dosage form design are often classified as synthetic, semi-synthetic and natural polymers, polysaccharides obtained from plant materials are often extracted from either mucilage (also referred to as gel) or gum. Many succulent plants such as those from the genus Aloe store water in the form of mucilage or gel-containing tissue in their leaves to survive under arid conditions, aloe barbadensis miller Acetylated polymannan (also referred to as acemannan or aloverose) is considered the main functional component of Aloe Vera Gel gel, which is a polysaccharide consisting of a long chain of acetylated mannose monomers , Since polysaccharide rich aloe leaf materials showed potential as excipients for the production of controlled release monolithic dosage forms, aloe species alone and in combination with other polymers as matrix forming agent, powder flowpropierties aloe vera 200 : 1 powder , Carbopol and hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose as well as combinations of each of the aloe materials with CBPL and HPMC in three different ratios (i.e. 25:75, 50:50, 75:25). The bulk and tapped densities of the powders were determined to calculate Carr’s index values as well as Hausner ratio values and the angle of repose values were measured to characterize the powders in terms of their flow properties, All bulk and tapped density tests were conducted using a mass of 33.3 g of each powder, which was poured into a 250 mL graduated glass measuring cylinder, Carr’s index (or percentage compressibility) and Hausner ratio values, Angle of repose, Composition of the mini-matrix type tablets, model drugs for this investigation that were included in the mini-matrix type tablets were: a freely soluble drug, diltiazem [(2S,3S)-3-acetyloxy-5-[2-dimethyl-amino]-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-2,3-dihydro1,5-benzothiazepin-4(5H)-one hydrochloride] (particle size: 161 µm) and a poorly soluble drug, ibuprofen [2-(4-isobutylphenyl)-propionic acid] (particle size: 28 µm), powders and combinations of powders as described for the powder flow property measurements, formulations of the mini-matrix type tablets, which each included ibuprofen or diltiazem as a model drug compound. These formulations were prepared by mixing the ingredients for direct compression, however, the aloe materials with poor flow properties were dry granulated first and then compressed with 6 mm concave punches on a multi-station rotary press (Cadmach CM 03-16), his relatively small tablet diameter was chosen to produce matrix type tablets that can be loaded into size 0 hard gelatin capsules to produce mini-tablet-in-capsule systems , mini-tablet-in-capsule systems, compressibility into acceptable tablets, laminate or cap or stick to the punches, mini-matrix type tablets were characterized in terms of their physical properties, mucoadhesive properties, swelling behavior and dissolution kinetics, e weight variation test, Hardness and friability, Erkewa hardness tester, tablet was placed between two anvils, force is applied and the crushing strength, mini-matrix type tablets involved the measurement of the force required to detach a mini-tablet from the mucosal surface of excised pig intestine with a TA.XT plus texture analyser, swelling of the mini-matrix type tablets, dissolution study, Kinetic analysis of drug release data, bulk density, tapped density, Carr’s index and Hausner ratio values, Angle of repose and flow rate, funnel, powders containing Aloe vera gel material alone as well as in combination with hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose have excellent flow (i.e. having an angle of repose below 20), g Aloe Vera Gel gel and A. ferox gel alone and in combination with other polymers exhibited very good flow properties according to the flow rate values (lower flow rate values indicate faster flow through the funnel), powder flowability, physical properties of the mini-matrix type tablets, hardness, friability and mass variation, bulk and tapped densities, Mucoadhesive properties of the mini-matrix type tablets, mucosal Surface, intestinal tissue, Carbopol, which is a known mucoadhesive polymer, Aloe Vera Gel whole leaf was combined with hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose in a tablet formulation it increased the mucoadhesion of the hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, angle of repose and flow rate results indicated that Aloe Vera Gel gel powder has excellent powder flowability, Aloe vera extract also showed very good powder flow properties based on the angle of repose value, aloe powder flow results it was expected that out of all the aloe materials investigated Aloe Vera Gel gel extract would be good candidates for direct compression into tablet, Aloe Vera Gel gel and Aloe Vera Gel whole leaf extract could be directly compressed into mini-matrix type tablets when used alone as excipients, individual aloe materials that could be compressed into minimatrix type tablets showed relatively fast erosion and disintegration and therefore could be used to form immediate release tablets by means of direct compression,Aloe vera gel in combination with Carbopol showed swelling and the drug release approached zero order kinetics indicating that this aloe material is a good candidate for use as an excipient in matrix type tablets for modified drug release.

Chitosan microcapsules: Methods of the production and use in the textile finishing.

Authors José Alexandre Borges Valle, Rita de Cássia Siqueira Curto Valle, Andrea Cristiane Krause Bierhalz, Fabricio Maestá Bezerra, Arianne Lopez Hernandez,

Biopolymeric chitosan is considered a promising encapsulating agent for textile applications due to its biocompatibility, lack of toxicity, antibacterial activity, high availability, and low cost. After cellulose, it is nature’s most important organic compound. Also, chitosan has unique chemical properties due to its cationic charge in solution. Microencapsulation technologies play an important role in protecting the trapped material and in the durability of the effect, controlling the release rate, The application of chitosan microcapsules in textiles follows the current interest of industries in functionalization technologies that give different properties to products, such as aroma finish, insect repellency, antimicrobial activity, and thermal comfort. In this sense, methods of coacervation, ionic gelation, and LBL are presented to produce chitosan-based microcapsules and methods of textile finishing that incorporate them are presented, bath exhaustion, filling, dry drying cure, spraying, immersion, and grafting chemical. Bio-based polymers have emerged as a potent solution to replace petroleum-based polymeric materials and reduce dependence on the crude oil reserve. Besides, many of the existing bio-based polymers can be biodegradable; in particular, natural bio-based polymers, among which there are the polysaccharides. Polysaccharides are highly available and have a low cost, in addition to having excellent properties, such as biodegradability, nontoxicity, and good biocompatibility. There is a diversity of polysaccharides, widely used in different areas of knowledge, being cellulose and chitosan (CH) the most common on earth. CH, fully or partially deacetylated form of chitin deriving of organisms such as fungi, crustaceans and wasp (Black Soldier Fly—Hermetia illucens), has the advantages of to be a nontoxic, rich and wide variety of sources, low cost, easy film formation, good biocompatibility, and enzymatically biodegradable. In addition, many studies seek to improve its solubility and antimicrobial capacity (quaternization and carboxylation) through changes in the structure and addition of compounds to it, maintaining its original biodegradability and biosafety, causing the amount of research to only increase. Much attention also has been given for the use of CH as polymer shell of the microcapsules and also as matrices, conform de Arruda et al. these matrices present features that can be used in the delivery of bioactive compounds, for example.5 As shell can be application on textile substrates. Textile fibers are mostly anionic and CH for being the only cationic polymer already has an ionic affinity. In general, the microcapsule consists of a functional barrier between the core (solids, liquids or gasses compounds, or a mixture of these) and the wall material to avoid chemical and physical reactions and to maintain the biological, functional, and physicochemical properties of the core materials. Today, there are many kinds of microencapsulation processes: emulsification, spray-drying, coaxial electrospray system, freeze-drying, coacervation, in situ polymerization, extrusion, fluidized-bed-coating, and supercritical fluid technology. There is a lot of research working with this theme, due, among other reasons, microencapsulation technique versatility to be applied in a wide range of fields. Some areas that it was detected the microcapsule using: perfume, cosmetic, and personal care, food, pharmaceutical and medicinal treatment, Pest and insect repellency, environmental recovery, construction, and textile. Textile materials have permeated areas beyond the traditional use for dressing people and homes. The cited studies can be adjusted to incorporate CH microcapsules to textiles to provide special characteristics as extra protection in adverse environmental, comfort, specific resistances, beauty, and so on. The new attributes change the performance, demands of consumers, and expand the industrial competitiveness. There are many manners to convert normal textile into one with functional proprieties, the advances in polymer science support the increment of the use of coatings. In this context, microencapsulation is a commercially successful technology for functional textile coatings, mainly for drug delivery, as well as in uses in civil construction, containment of barriers, hospitals, as a carrier for cosmetics, and so on. The active principle or core of the capsule is the substance that wishes to encapsulate. Generally, the active compounds are chemically unstable and susceptible to degradation, particularly when exposed to oxygen, light, moisture, heat, and pH variations or it has some features, as fast release, low solubility, poor bioavailability, high volatility, and some toxicity that is interesting to change in the medium. The shell is the most effective approach to improve stability is to form a barrier between the active principle and the external environment. Then, the wall, shell, or encapsulating agent, of the microcapsule, in addition to the structuring function, serves to protect and isolate the compound from the external environment. It is desirable that they shall materially has no reactivity with the active ingredient, be inexpensive, and show consistent properties during storage. Depending on the kind of wall material and its inherent characteristics, the compound is released from the wall material via various mechanisms such as swelling, dissolution, or degradation. Depending on the rate of these mechanisms, release can occur over various periods. Different materials can be selected from synthetic or natural polymers, as waxes and lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, gums, and other polymers classes. The choice of wall materials depends upon several factors including expected product objectives and requirements; nature of the core material; the process of encapsulation; economics and whether the coating material appropriated for de use. Crosslinkers are compounds applied to improve the physical properties and stability of the microcapsules and efficiency of encapsulation. However, crosslinkers are also used for the connection of the microcapsules with the textile substrate. Some cross-linking agents used for microcapsules are; Tripolyphosphate (TPP), glutaraldehyde, genipin, transglutaminase, tannic acid, urea, and so on, and for the connection between the capsules and the textile, citric acid (CA), and 1, 2, 3, 4-butanetetracarboxylic are employed. Finally, there are surfactants widely used in the preparation of microcapsules that present amphiphilic behavior, which are Tween (8, 20, 40, and 80), Span (20, 80, and 85), SDS, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), polyglycerol polyricinoleate (PGPN), lutensol, and so on. In the system, surfactants, when used, produce micelles, which are supramolecular arrangements possessing a hydrophobic central core and a hydrophilic crown. The entropy reduction with thermodynamically unfavorable interactions between the lipophilic surfactant tails and water molecules causes the self-assembly in larger molecular organizations when the surfactant concentration exceeds the “critical micelle concentration.”21 The surfactant can control the particle size and agglomeration,28 also it helps to reduce molecular interactions of chemical groups in the particle surface (van der Waals, hydrogen bonding, or hydrophobic interactions). In the sequence of construction of the articles, it is presented a series of capsule formation processes. The processes most presented in the literature are complex coacervation, ionic gelation, layer-by-layer (LBL), emulsification, spray drying, and so on. Once the active ingredient is encapsulated, it is necessary to characterize the microcapsule. The analyzes that are performed refer to the material of the wall and the nucleus of the microcapsule, these analyzes are: particle size, morphology, scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, surface property, zeta potential, differential scanning calorimetry, permeability, transmission electron microscopy, viscosity, and so on with the purpose of determining particle size and morphology, state of aggregation of molecules, surface isoelectric points, functional groups, thermal stability, among others. And the last step is how to apply to the textile substrate. The most popular methods of application are bath exhaustion, padding, pad-dry-curing, spraying, dipping and chemical grafting, and so on. Regarding the textile application of microcapsules, there are many purposes for them, for example, antimicrobial, antioxidant, UV-protection, insect repellent, cosmetic, medical, thermal regulation, and so on.

Modulation of drug efflux by aloe materials: An in vitro investigation across rat intestinal tissue.

Author: B Carien, V Alvaro, H Josias

Clinically, significant herb-drug interactions have been previously documented and can be pharmacodynamic and/or pharmacokinetic in nature. Pharmacokinetic interactions have been attributed to induction or inhibition of either metabolic enzymes or efflux transporters, study identified a modulation effect of efflux transporters by certain aloe materials, herb-drug pharmacokinetic interactions when drugs that are substrates for these efflux transporters are taken simultaneously with aloe material, aloe materials may be used for drug absorption enhancement for drugs with low bioavailability due to extensive efflux, drugs crossing the intestinal epithelium membrane by passive diffusion may be substrates for efflux transporters that extrude compounds back into the gastro-intestinal lumen from within the epithelial cells, Herb-drug interactions can be pharmacodynamic or pharmacokinetic in nature and in some cases, may be clinically significant. Pharmacokinetic herb-drug interactions have been attributed to induction or inhibition of either metabolic enzymes or efflux transporters by phytoconstituents present in the herbs, Inhibition of drug efflux by co-administered herbs would result in higher uptake of the drug that may necessitate a reduction in drug dose to prevent toxic adverse effects, Aloe Vera Gel juice did not inhibit P-gp efflux transport of digoxin across Caco-2 cell monolayers, aloe vera materials on the efflux of cimetidine across excised rat intestinal tissues to identify potential interactions due to efflux modulation.

Antifungal activity in vitro of Aloe vera pulp and liquid fraction against pathogenic fungi.

Authors Daniel Hernández, J.L. Angulo-Sánchez

Aloe vera has been shown to have anti-inflammatory activity immune-stimulatory activity and cell growth stimulatory activity, Furthermore, activity against a variety of infectious agent has be attributed to Aloe vera; for instance antiviral and anti-fungal , There are limited reports on the antimicrobial effects of isolated Aloe vera components. Ferro et al., (2003) have shown that Aloe vera leaf gel can inhibit the growth of two gram positive bacteria Shigella flexneri & Streptococcus progenies , Aloe vera juice has antimicrobial activity against Mycobacterium smegmatis, Klebisella pneumoniae, Enterococcus faecalis, Micrococcus luteus, Candida albicans & Bacillus sphricus , aloe vera have inhibitory effect against the mycelial growth of Botrytis gladiolorum, Fusarium oxysporum, Heterosporium pruneti and Penicillium gladioli, also evaluated antifungal activity of pulp and liquid fraction of Aloe vera on the mycelium development of Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium oxysporum & Collectotrichum coccodes and found positive results. Antimicrobial susceptibility test showed that both the gel and the leaf inhibited the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans , experiment has been carried out to define the effect if Aloe vera gel In vitro for the control of seed borne fungi

Nutraceuticals and functional foods: Whole versus processed foods.

Author: F. Shahidi B

functional foods, nutraceuticals and other natural health products has been well recognized in connection with health promotion, disease risk reduction and reduction in health care costs, source of components with health beneficial effects, health conscious consumers, health promotion and disease risk reduction, functional food ingredients, nutraceuticals and dietary supplements around the world, Functional foods, nutraceuticals and natural health products, nutraceuticals are derived from foods, but are used in the medicinal form of pills, capsules, potions and liquids and again render demonstrated physiological benefits, natural health products that promote health, chemistry and mechanism of action of dietary phytochemicals and bioactives, Functional foods and natural health products, efficacy in health promotion and disease prevention, antioxidant lower blood triacylglycerol and, possibly, cholesterol levels.

Immunostimulatory and protective effects of Aloe vera against coccidiosis in industrial broiler chickens. Vet Parasitol 2012; 186: 170–177.

Author: Akhtar M, Hai A, Awais MM, Iqbal Z, Muhammad F, ul Haq A, Anwar MI,

immunostimulatory and protective effects of Aloe vera extracts, coccidiosis in industrial broiler chickens, immunostimulatory activity of Aloe vera, protective efficacy of Aloe vera extracts against coccidiosis in chickens, lymphoproliferative responses in chickens, maximum protection (60%) in chickens administered with aqueous Aloe extract , Aloe vera stimulate the immune responses and immunotherapeutic agent against coccidiosis in industrial broiler chickens, protection against avian coccidiosis

Basic Principles of Textile Printing

Authors ICT in textile and clothing higher education and business.

Textile printing is design and production of patterned textiles, and is based on the exact sciences of physics, chemistry and mechanics, it is a process of unifying creative ideas (designs), colors/dyes (one or more) and textile materials, using dyeing techniques on textile materials but in the given contours of the pattern and with high precision. In textile printing, the interaction between dye or pigment and textile substrate is so complex that even the slightest change in the physical, mechanical, structural or raw material characteristics can lead to significant changes in colour reproduction and print quality, textile printing requires knowledge and skills from several fields (textile technology, rheology, chemistry, physics, mechanical engineering), but also the ability of wider approach and understanding of artistic, aesthetic and creative components of textile printing, The difference between dyeing and printing is that instead of uniformed coloring of the whole surface of the substrate in case of dying process, by printing, a colour is applied only to the target areas, thus introducing various colors, patterns, and designs to the textile fabrics, screen printing machine, smart fabrics, automotive fabric, special effects graphic printing, sportswear, decoration fabric, camouflage uniforms, etc. Using screen printed paste inks the necessary, conductive, resistive, and electroluminescent inks were applied to the fabric.

Drug Delivery Systems with Modified Release for Systemic and Biophase Bioavailability.

Author: E. Leucuta, Sorin

Activation-modulated DDS; Biodegradable Systems; Drug delivery systems; Enzyme Activated; Hopfenberg Model; Microreservoir Partition Controlled DDS; Osmotic Pressure Activated DDS; Polymer Matrix-diffusion DDS; medicine; modified release; pharmacy, new generations of pharmaceutical systems: medicines with extended release, controlled release pharmaceutical systems, pharmaceutical systems for the targeted delivery of drug substances. The latest advances and approaches for delivering small molecular weight drugs and other biologically active agents such as proteins and nucleic acids require novel delivery technologies, the success of a drug being many times dependent on the delivery method. All these dosage forms are qualitatively superior to medicines with immediate release, in that they ensure optimal drug concentrations depending on specific demands of different disease particularities of the body. Drug delivery of these pharmaceutical formulations has the benefit of improving product efficacy and safety, as well as patient convenience and compliance, biopharmaceutical, pharmacokinetic, pharmacologic and technological principles in the design of drug delivery systems with modified release as well as the formulation criteria of prolonged and controlled release drug delivery systems. pharmaceutical prolonged and controlled release dosage forms intended for different routes of administration: oral, ocular, transdermal, parenteral, pulmonary, mucoadhesive, but also orally fast dissolving tablets, gastroretentive drug delivery systems, colon-specific drug delivery systems, pulsatile drug delivery systems and carrier or ligand mediated transport for site specific or receptor drug targeting. Specific technologies are given on the dosage forms with modified release as well as examples of marketed products

Paracellular drug absorption enhancement through tight junction modulation.

Author: Hendrik J.R. Lemmer, Josias Hamman

Inclusion of absorption-enhancing agents in dosage forms is one approach to improve the bioavailability of active pharmaceutical ingredients with low membrane permeability. Tight junctions are dynamic protein structures that form a regulated barrier for movement of molecules through the intercellular spaces across the intestinal epithelium. Some drug absorption enhancers are capable of loosening tight junctions and thereby facilitate paracellular absorption of drug molecules, physiology of tight junctions as well as the mechanisms through which tight junctions can be modulated is discussed. Selected tight junction modulators are specifically described including chelating agents (e.g., ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), cationic polymers (e.g., chitosan and derivatives), toxins (e.g., zonula occludens toxin), and plant-derived materials (e.g., Aloe vera gel), absorption enhancement, chitosan, paracellular pathway tight junction, zonula occludens toxin, As more and more drugs are developed with low membrane permeability, new interest is generated in finding ways to enhance their absorption. The progress made in comprehending the function and structure of tight junctions has contributed to advances in terms of enhanced drug delivery through the paracellular pathway. Although tight junction modulation holds great potential for effective oral delivery of poorly absorbable drugs

Effects of an edible coating and cold storage on shelf-life and quality of cherries

Authors Ö. Yaman et al.

The effects of an edible coating, i.e. Semperfresh© and cold storage on shelf-life and quality of cherries were studied. Two groups of cherries (Prunus avium) were coated just after harvest with 10 and 20 g/L Semperfresh© fruit coating which is composed of sucrose esters of fatty acids, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose and mono-diglycerides of fatty acids. Half of the cherries from each of the above groups was stored at ambient temperature (?30±3 “C) and at 40–50% relative humidity, the other half of the cherries was stored at cold storage (0 “C) and at 95–98% relative humidity. Each group was analyzed for the following quality parameters: firmness, weight loss, titratable acidity, soluble solid content, sugar content, ascorbic acid content, and external color. It was demonstrated that Semperfresh© was effective to reduce the weight loss and increase firmness, ascorbic acid content, titratable acidity, and skin color of cherries during storage time. However, soluble solid content and sugar content were not affected by coating. The results of this study suggest that Semperfresh© increased the shelf-life of the cherries by 21% at 30±3 “C and by 26% at 0 “C without perceptible losses in quality.

immunomodulatory polysaccharide .- Chemical characterization of the immunomodulating polysaccharide of Aloe vera L. Carbohydr Res. 2005 May 2;340(6):1131-42

Author Tai-Nin Chow J, Williamson DA, Yates KM, Goux WJ.

Acemannan, an acetylated ?-1,4-linked glucomannan, Aloe vera gel carbohydrate, act as an immunostimulant, displaying adjuvant activity on specific antibody production [15] and enhancing the release of interleukin-1 (IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis fator-? (TNF-?) and interferon-? (INF-?) [22], Release of these cytokines stimulates an increase of up to 300% in the replication of fibroblasts in tissue culture and enhances macrophage phagocytosis, Proliferation of fibroblasts is known to be responsible for healing burns, ulcers and other wounds of the skin and gastrointestinal lining, adjuvant activity on specific antibody production, Carbohydrate composition, glycans, ability to activate macrophages and T cells

clinical efficacy of new aloe vera- and myrrh-based oral mucoadhesive gels in the management of minor recurrent aphthous stomatitis: a randomized, double-blind, vehicle-controlled study.

Author Mansour G, Ouda S, Shaker A, Abdallah HM.

clinical efficacy, and safety of newly customized natural oral mucoadhesive gels, containing either aloe vera or myrrh as active ingredients, in the management of minor recurrent aphthous stomatitis (MiRAS), w natural gels, containing aloe vera and myrrh, were prepared in a concentration of (0.5% w/w), in addition to a plain mucoadhesive gel used as a placebo, Aloe was superior in decreasing ulcer size, erythema, and exudation; whereas myrrh resulted in more pain reduction.

Antimicrobial finish on textiles using plant extracts.

Author: Subrata Das, Dr.

The operation which is done for improving the appearance or look of the fabric is known as finishing. Fabrics generally carry various microorganisms which causes several problems to the wearer. The speedy growth in the textile industry has created many opportunities for variety of innovative finishes. In today’s world, naturally renewable resources are increasingly being required because of human dedication to protect environment. Apart from new innovations created using the fabric, value added finishing gives add up value to the fabric in this situation. During finishing process, the fabric attains beneficial characteristics like resistance to fire, wrinkle, mildew, etc. This high value-added fabrics have generated demanding consumer market. In the last few years, there is a growing awareness about the healthy and hygienic surrounding condition. The diseases normally spread from person to person and through the surface touch of the hands, clothes, etc. of that infected person. Antimicrobial fabrics have its large acceptance as surgical clothes, undergarments, baby clothing, etc. The antimicrobial finishing treatment is now extended to the traditional clothing and the home textiles. The antimicrobial agents kill or inhibit the growth of pathogens to control their effect. The natural fibers like cotton get easily attacked by the microbes, because of the presence of carbohydrates in the fibre. Antimicrobial finished fabrics have wide variety of applications in sports clothing, Footwear, medical textiles, furniture, automotive textiles, intimate apparels, etc. The presence of microorganism in the fabric causes unpleasant odor, staining and causes health problems. Microbial infections cause some danger to the skin and therefore, the garment which is worn next to the skin requires antimicrobial finish. To protect the skin of the wearer, the application of antimicrobial finish using some herbs are done. Two types of antimicrobial agents. Antimicrobial agents are of two types: leaching and non-leaching. The synthetic antimicrobial agents such as quaternary ammonium compound, triclosan and many others are used for the antimicrobial finish. However, these synthetic antimicrobial agents are durable but they cause many side effects. Currently, the synthetic antimicrobial agents are banned according to the US and European standards, there is an increasing demand for eco-friendly antimicrobial textiles depend on natural antimicrobial agent such as chitosan which does not cause any harm to the wearer. There are various variety of herbs which are widely used as a traditional medicine in America, Africa, Europe, etc. for treating various type of diseases. The different parts from the organic plant such as papaya, aloe vera, neem, banana, hemp extracts can also be used for the purpose of antimicrobial finish. Many plants in the world contain the compound which is responsible for antimicrobial activity. There are various compounds in the plant which is responsible for the antibacterial activity such as tannin, flavonoids, terpenoids, etc. They are both bactericides (which kills the micro-organism) and bacteriostatic (which inhibit the growth of micro-organism). Environment friendly antimicrobial textile can be produced using plant extracts. Various plants have been gathered and they are tested for their antimicrobial activity. An effective study was regulated to evaluate the plant extracts both qualitatively (AATCC-147) and quantitatively (AATCC-100) for their antimicrobial activity. Although, the plant extracts have shown effective antimicrobial activity, the vital issue is the wash durability. The durability of antimicrobial ?nishing against washing was assessed using quantitative (ICP-OES) and semi-quantitative (LA-ICP-TOF-MS) methods. The physical properties (weight, thickness, fabric structure, count, EPI and PPI) of the fabric before and after application of finish have also been analyzed. There are various natural antimicrobial agents available, but limited studies have been carried out for their antimicrobial activity on to the textile materials.

Aloe supplements enhance bioavailability of vitamin C and B12 in older adults,


Vitamin/supplement intake is associated with decreased mortality, Aloe vera, a botanical is consumed by 50% of the US population and may affect bioavailability of vitamin, Aloe improved vitamin C absorption. Since oral B12 is deficient in vegetarians and in aging, bioavailability of vitamins, C and B12, in older healthy human volunteers, Aloe vera juice with vitamins B12, 1mg and vitamin C 500 mg, blood was obtained fasting and following 1,2,4,6,8 and 24 hours post-ingestion of aloe/water with 1 week between treatments, Aloe vera Gel significantly increased plasma Oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), Aloe Gel significantly increased plasma vitamin C , Aloe vera Gel significantly increased serum vitamin B12 levels , Aloe preparations are well-tolerated and enhance bioavailability of vitamins C and B12 and ORAC. This could have major implications with regards to supplementation of vitamins to target chronic diseases, especially in elderly.

Transdermal Drug Delivery Enhancement by Compounds of Natural Origin.

Author Lizelle T. Fox, Minja Gerber, Josias H. Hamman

transdermal route of administration offers an alternative pathway for systemic drug delivery with numerous advantages over conventional routes. Regrettably, the stratum corneum forms a formidable barrier that hinders the percutaneous penetration of most drugs, offering an important protection mechanism to the organism against entrance of possible dangerous exogenous molecules. Different types of penetration enhancers have shown the potential to reversibly overcome this barrier to provide effective delivery of drugs across the skin, physical skin penetration enhancers are already employed by the pharmaceutical industry, skin penetration enhancers are associated with irritating and toxic effects. This emphasizes the need for the discovery of new, safe and effective skin penetration enhancers. Penetration enhancers from natural origin have become popular as they offer several benefits over their synthetic counterparts, The skin, as the largest organ of the body, serves as a protective layer of the underlying tissues such as muscles, ligaments and internal organs, shielding it from exogenous molecules as well as from mechanical and radiation-induced injuries. The skin also plays a role in immunology and metabolism, regulates body temperature, serves as an excretory organ through sebaceous and sweat glands and contains sensory nerve endings for the perception of touch, temperature, pain and pressure. The skin varies in color, thickness and presence of nails, hairs and glands between the different regions of the body, although all types of skin have the same basic structure, The external surface of the skin is called the epidermis and consists of keratinized squamous epithelium. The next layer is the highly vascular dermis that nourishes and supports the epidermis and consists of a thick layer of dense, fibroelastic connective tissue which contains many sensory receptors. Underlying the dermis is the subcutaneous layer (or hypodermis) comprising of variable amounts of adipose tissue, the skin has been investigated as a route to deliver drugs topically, regionally or systemically, but unfortunately dermal and transdermal drug delivery is often limited by poor drug permeability , this low permeability can be mainly attributed to the most outer layer of the skin, called the stratum corneum, which serves as a rate-limiting lipophilic barrier against the uptake of chemical and biological toxins and the loss of water, epidermal cell membranes are so tightly joined that there is hardly any intercellular space through which polar non-electrolyte molecules and ions can diffuse [8]. The proteins and lipids of the stratum corneum form a complex interlocking structure, resembling bricks and lipid mortar, the major lipids found in the stratum corneum include cholesterol and fatty acids, Ceramides, in particular ceramide 2 and ceramide 5, play an important role in the stratum corneum’s overall lipid matrix organization and skin barrier function, the ceramides are tightly packed in lipid layers due to the strong hydrogen bonding between opposing amide headgroups. This indicates a transverse organization in addition to the lateral orthorhombic chain organization of ceramide molecules, this hydrogen bonding is responsible for the strength, integrity and barrier properties of the lipid layers in the stratum corneum, the different routes by which a molecule can cross the stratum corneum include the transcellular, intercellular and appendageal (i.e., through the eccrine/sweat glands or hair follicles) routes, the latter route is, however, considered to be insignificant partially due to the appendages occupying only a relatively low surface area corneum’s overall lipid matrix organization and skin barrier function , the ceramides are tightly packed in lipid layers due to the strong hydrogen bonding between opposing amide headgroups., this indicates a transverse organization in addition to the lateral orthorhombic chain organization of ceramide molecules. hydrogen bonding is responsible for the strength, integrity and barrier properties of the lipid layers in the stratum corneum, the different routes by which a molecule can cross the stratum corneum include the transcellular, intercellular and appendageal (i.e., through the eccrine/sweat glands or hair follicles) routes , The latter route is, however, considered to be insignificant partially due to the appendages occupying only a relatively low surface area This causes the range of potential drugs that can be administered transdermal to be very small, which highlights the need for incorporation of penetration enhancers into formulations that could assist in the effective delivery of a larger variety of drugs [5]. Both chemical and/or physical approaches can be used to enhance the penetration of drug molecules across the skin, the properties of an ideal skin penetration enhancer include the following: (1) it should be odorless and colorless; (2) it should be specific in its mode of action; (3) it should be pharmacologically inert; (4) it should be compatible with drugs and other excipients; (5) it should be chemically and physically stable; (6) it should be non-allergenic, non-irritant and non-toxic; (7) its action should be reversible and (8) it should give a rapid effect for a predictable duration of time, the site of action of the chemical skin penetration enhancers is located in the stratum corneum, chemical enhancers can be divided into two broad categories: Those that change partitioning into the stratum corneum and those that influence diffusion across the stratum corneum skin penetration enhancers may act by one or more of three potential mechanisms according to the lipid-protein-partitioning theory. Firstly, penetration enhancers can alter the intercellular lipid structure between the corneocytes to increase diffusivity. Secondly, they can modify intracellular protein domains within the horny layer. Thirdly, they may increase the partitioning of the drug into the skin tissue penetration enhancers of natural origin with reference to their proposed mechanisms of action, effectiveness to deliver drugs across the skin and their shortcomings. The categories of natural skin penetration enhancers that are discussed include essential oils, isolated terpenes (from essential oils), fixed oils (or fatty acids) and complex polysaccharides, Aloe vera Gel/Juice, Polysaccharides and lectins present in the inner pulp or gel of the leaves are considered to be the most important components, in vitro studies showed that Aloe Vera Gel has drug permeation enhancement properties across the skin. Physiochemical properties such as the calculated octanol-water partition coefficient/drug lipophilicity and molecular weight of the model drug compounds were investigated, and they were found to influence the enhancement properties of the Aloe Vera Gel material. In addition, it was found that a significant proportion of Aloe Vera Gel constituents permeated the skin together with the model drug compound Aloe Vera Gel had a higher permeation enhancement effect on drugs with a higher molecular weight. This was explained by the fact that a drug with a larger molecular weight effectively blocks the permeation routes allowing increased possibility for the drug to interact with the enhancing factor and complex with it prior to being transported across the skin. It was further found that “double strength” Aloe Vera Gel at a concentration of 3% (w/v) enhanced the permeation of quinine significantly higher when compared to the “standard” strength, Aloe Vera Gel phytochemicals can be used ‘within-vehicle’.

Design, Formulation, and Evaluation of Aloe vera Gel-Based Capsaicin Transemulgel for Osteoarthritis

Author Narayana Charyulu Rompicherla , Punam Joshi 1, Amitha Shetty, Kalvatala Sudhakar ,Hawraz Ibrahim M. Amin , Yachana Mishra, Vijay Mishra , Aqel Albutti * and Naif Alhumeed

Topical treatments are a potential therapeutic option for the therapy of osteoarthritis, with significant data supporting the effectiveness and safety of topical formulation. Topical gel formulations may offer an alternative to oral formulations to relieve osteoarthritis (OA) pain while decreasing systemic exposure. Topical capsaicin transemulgel may represent an effective and safe alternative. The transemulgel was prepared from aqueous Aloe vera gel and Carbopol 934 with capsaicin in clove oil emulsion, improved permeability properties. The formulation caused no skin irritation when applied topically, emulsion, capsaicin, arthritis, topical, anti-inflammatory agent, drug delivery, Osteoarthritis is the most common degenerative joint disease, Pathological changes in osteoarthritis joints include destruction of articular cartilage, progressive loss, subchondral bone thickening, osteophytes formation, ligament degeneration, menisci of the knee, and hypertrophy of the joint capsule, treatment includes oral and topical pharmacological agents, patient education, alternative surgery, medicine, physical therapy, and modalities, topical drug delivery has advantages over conventional routes; in particular, it avoids first-pass metabolism, and is a non-invasive mode of drug delivery with a sustained and controlled release profile, Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis miller), a perennial plant belonging to the family Liliaceae, is used due to its anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, and burn healing effects. It has been used in different commercial products, due to its cooling effect, the burning sensation of capsaicin can be reduced by rubbing the skin with Aloe vera gel as a base ,therefore, the present research work aimed to develop and evaluate capsaicin transemulgel using Aloe vera gel as a base for the treatment of osteoarthritis

Effect of Aloe vera Gel, Chitosan and Sodium Alginate Based Edible Coatings on Postharvest Quality of Refrigerated Strawberry Fruits of cv. Chandler

Authors J. Qamar, S. Ejaz, M.A. Anjum, A. Nawaz A, S. Hussain, S. Ali, et al.

Strawberry is a non-climacteric fruit but exhibits very limited postharvest life due to rapid softening and decay. Therefore, the current study was carried out to evaluate the effects of different types of edible coatings to extend the postharvest life of strawberry fruit. The strawberry fruits of cultivar Chandler, grown under agro-climatic conditions of Multan, were coated with Aloe vera gel, chitosan (2%) or sodium alginate (2%) and kept in refrigerated storage at 5-7 “C with 50-60% RH for 12 days. The fruits were evaluated for sensory and biochemical quality attributes after every 4 days of storage. The results showed that overall coated fruits had prolonged storage life (8 days) as compared to non-coated fruits (4 days). Aloe vera gel coating maintained various quality attributes of strawberry fruits such as firmness, appearance, TSS (6.8″Brix), titratable acidity (1.14%), pH (3.27), ascorbic acid content (76 mg 100 mL-1), antioxidant activity (93%), anthocyanins (104 mg PE 100 g-1 FW) and total phenolic content (369.45 µg GE mL-1). Generally, all coatings prohibited the decay incidence. The results showed that edible coatings based on Aloe vera gel can be used as an effective alternative for other costly and synthetic chemicals. Biochemical quality, Fragaria ananassa, polysaccharide-based coating, storage life, Strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) is one of the most liked fruits in the world due to its pleasant color, shape and aroma . Strawberries are vital source of many health promoting nutritious compounds such as vitamins C and E, anthocyanins and ?-carotene. The antioxidants and polyphenolic compounds in strawberries can be useful in curing various types of cancers, suppressing premature aging and improving immunity system in humans. Total postharvest losses of fruits and vegetables range from 25 to 40% in various countries, rising up to 60% in perishable commodities in developing countries that cause a huge financial loss to farmers. Strawberry fruits are highly perishable and prone to postharvest losses mainly owing to a sharp increase in water loss, respiration rate and tissue softening after harvest. Moreover, loss in fruit quality exaggerates due to high cellular metabolic activities and sensitivity to fungus such as Botrytis cinerea that cause gray mold. Therefore, for extending the postharvest life of strawberry fruits, many preservation techniques are being used that includes hot water treatment, irradiation, hypobaric storage, chemical treatments, bio-based packaging, ultrasound technique and edible coating. Edible coatings could be used to preserve the quality attributes of fresh or slightly processed fruits and vegetables. The edible coating acts as a barrier to moisture and gases and restricts the respiration process and loss of moisture. The gel, extracted from Aloe vera leaves, is considered as biologically active as it comprises of various antioxidant and antibiotic properties. Aloe vera gel contains various antibiotic and antifungal properties which can restrict the growth of numerous microbes responsible for the diseases and spoilage of food commodities. Because of antifungal and antibacterial properties, Aloe vera gel is recently being used as an efficient ingredient in various food products. Aloe vera gel can also be used as edible coating to enhance the storage life of various fruits and vegetables. Aloe vera gel has now achieved much importance to be used as an efficient ingredient in processed food commodities because it is non-toxic and environment friendly. It delays the ripening process and exerts beneficial effects on fruit quality of peaches and plums. Alginate is derived from brown marine algae and is a natural polysaccharide. It is widely used as an edible coating due to its extraordinary colloidal possessions. Sodium alginate can be used to enhance the shelf life of pear fruits as it retards the weight loss and can conserve the total soluble solids (TSS)

Bacterial pigments and their applications.

Authors C. K. Venil, Z. A. Zakaria, and W. A. Ahmad

culturable bacterial endophytes from the medicinal plant Aloe vera, their antimicrobial spectra against pathogens, and the potential of bacterial endophytes in textile and paper dyeing. Culturable seventeen bacterial endophytes were isolated from the Aloe vera plant out of which 16 showed varied antimicrobial activity against both human pathogens i.e., bacteria & fungi E. coli, S. pyogenes, acne bacterial isolate (ABI), A. niger, and F. oxysporum. Simultaneously, the bacterial endophyte ENDB3 is producing extracellular green-brown color pigment under submerged (SmF) condition and the extracted pigment has shown promising results in textile and paper dyeing at lab scale without using mordant. All the bacterial endophytes showed resistance against standard antibiotics (penicillin G P(10 units), Oxacillin (1 mcg), Cephalathin (30 mcg), Clindamycin (2 mcg), Erythromycin (15 mcg), and Amoxyclav (30 mcg)) at the specific concentration used. Concludingly, bacterial endophyte ENDB3 is found capable to produce bioactive molecules with pharmaceutical and dyeing industries which may provide a new path in the pursuit of new biological sources of drug and natural dyeing candidates. Hence, we suggest further evaluation and characterization of their bioactive molecules for pharmacological and dyeing potential.

Development of bilayer floating tablet of amoxicillin and Aloe vera gel powder for treatment of gastric ulcers.

Author: Ranade AN, Wankhede SS, Ranpise NS, Mundada MS.

Usual treatment for Helicobacter pylori-induced peptic ulcer includes a ‘triple therapy’ consisting of two antibiotics (amoxicillin and clarithromycin) and a proton pump inhibitor (omeprazole), retain the drug in stomach for better antiulcer activity and substituting one of the synthetic drugs in this therapy with a herbal alternative. Hence, aim of the present work was to design and develop a bilayer floating tablet of amoxicillin and Aloe vera gel powder for the treatment of peptic ulcer. A. vera gel powder is used for its cytoprotective action. Bilayer floating tablets were prepared by applying direct compression technique. The proportion of sodium bicarbonate and citric acid was adjusted to get the least possible lag time with good matrix integrity and total floating time. Polymer concentration was adjusted to get the maximum release in 8 h. The formulation was developed using hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) K4M and HPMC K100M in a ratio of 85:15 along with 1:4 ratio of effervescent agents was found to give floating lag time of less than 1 min with total floating time of more than 8 h and 97.0% drug release in 8 h. In vivo study in rats meets the requirement of antiulcer activity for bilayer tablet in comparison to single amoxicillin as standard, Helicobacter pylori infection need eradication therapy with antimicrobial agents in addition to anti-secretory drugs. Triple therapy includes proton pump inhibitor bid, amoxicillin 1 g bid and clarithromycin 500 mg bid, is made of combining amoxicillin and Aloe vera gel powder in the form of a bilayer tablet; which can work as an alternative to triple therapy where proton pump inhibitor is replaced by a herbal component which can help in showing better response of amoxicillin against H. pylori by acting as a cytoprotective agent. Reduction in the number of synthetic drug molecules in the therapy can reduce the chances of side effects associated with synthetic drug molecules, Amoxicillin (?-aminohydroxybenzylpenicillin) is a semisynthetic antibiotic, belonging to the ?-lactam family (penicillin). Elevation of beta-lactam concentration demonstrates increased bacterial killing, only until a finite point which tends to be about four times the minimal inhibitory concentration. Further elevation is not associated with increased bactericidal potency, the physicochemical properties of mucus vary considerably at different pH values and acid inhibition (for example by omeprazole) may increase the permeability of mucus to antibiotics, however, long-term monotherapy of gastric ulcer patients with amoxicillin is ineffective even at high daily doses, apparently due to limited contact time with the target site when administered in a conventional oral dosage form, Aloe vera gel exhibited concentration-dependent inhibition of gastric acid secretions by direct interaction with the acid-producing cells or possible interaction with H2 receptors on the parietal cells. A. vera gel has been demonstrated to protect human beings and rats against gastric ulceration. This antiulcer activity is due to its anti-inflammatory, cytoprotective, healing and mucus stimulatory effects, Aloe vera has gastroprotective activity at lower concentrations due to the presence of lectins. Lectins are proteins/glycoproteins which can recognize and binding to carbohydrate moieties. It has been shown that lectins inhibit aminopyrine uptake by parietal cells, ability of gel powder to inhibit gastric acid output maybe as a result of direct action on the acid-producing cells, Retention of amoxicillin and Aloe vera gel in the stomach would result in better action against peptic ulcer by maintaining the effective drug concentration. Thus, the objective of the present investigation involves development and evaluation of a bilayer gastro-retentive floating tablet of amoxicillin and Aloe vera gel powder for treatment of peptic ulcers. Here, amoxicillin will be systemically absorbed, and Aloe vera gel powder will show local effect.

Epigenetic Roles of Microbiota and Aloe vera in Health and Disease

Author Akira Yagi, PhD; Byung Pal Yu, PhD

aloe vera gel ingestión, actions of fermented butyrate, aloe vera gel on healthy aging, skin photo-aging, and the viability and lifespan, skin aging, consuming aloe vera gel improves skin elasticity, boosts collagen production, and significantly reduces wrinkles, Disturbance in the gut microbiota, nutraceuticals including probiotics, prebiotics and aloe vera are known to enhance gut microbial homeostasis, aloe vera gel leads to increased fermentation and promotes the bacterial growth , probiotic effect of aloe vera,

Development of Edible Films and Coatings with Antimicrobial Activity

Authors Campos, C.A.; Gerschenson, L.N.; Flores, S.K.

ilms and coatings made from biopolymers include polysaccharides, proteins, and their blends. These materials present the possibility of being carriers of different additives, such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, nutraceutical, and flavorings agents. In particular, the use of edible films and coatings containing antimicrobials has been demonstrated to be a useful tool as a stress factor to protect foodstuff against spoilage flora and to decrease the risk of pathogen growth. effectiveness against the target microorganism and the possible interactions among the antimicrobial, the film-forming biopolymer, and other food components present. These interactions can modify the antimicrobial activity and the characteristics of the film being these key factors for the development of antimicrobial films and coatings, research of hydrocolloids and antimicrobials used for developing edible films and coatings, Packaging materials protect food from surrounding challenges. Changes in industrial procedures like the introduction of combined techniques for the obtention of medium- and high-moisture food products, the research on the application of emergent stress factors like high pressures, the development of convenient food products with longer shelf life, and the changing in retailing practices and/or in way of life have promoted the development of new and/or improved packaging materials. Consumer demands for more natural foods, and also for environmental protection, edible coatings and films do not pretend to replace traditional packaging materials but to provide an additional stress factor to be applied for food preservation, also help to reduce the cost and also the amount of traditional packaging used. They can control moisture, gases, and lipid migration and can be supporters of additives and nutrients. For their formulation, there can be used polysaccharides, proteins, and lipids and they must result neutral with respect to color and flavor. An important component is the plasticizer which enhances flexibility and extensibility. Edible films are intended to lengthen shelf life and also to respond to consumer demand for even more natural products and for the lower contamination of the environment, active packaging, It is important to remark that film forming conditions and film composition affect additive migration and, as a consequence, its effectiveness.

Development and characterization of functional cultured buttermilk utilizing Aloe vera juice

Author Deepak Mudgil, Sheweta Barak, Palak Darji

aloe therapeutic properties, basis of sensory evaluation and analysed for moisture, pH, instrumental colour , textural profile properties, developed product, Aloe vera juice, burfi, characterization, Ice cream was preparation, Aloe vera in yogurt, probiotics drinks, good taste, flavoured milk fortified with Aloe vera gel, fortification of dairy products , fortification of cultured buttermilk, development of a novel and functional herbal khoa burfi, Aloe vera juice addition had a non-significant effect on the color and appearance scores up, Aloe vera juice at 15% level produce drinking yogurt

Advances in Edible Coatings for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables:

Authors R.K. Dhall,

Edible coatings are an environmentally friendly technology that is applied on many products to control moisture transfer, gas exchange or oxidation processes. Edible coatings can provide an additional protective coating to produce and can also give the same effect as modi?ed atmosphere storage in modifying internal gas composition. One major advantage of using edible films and coatings is that several active ingredients can be incorporated into the polymer matrix and consumed with the food, thus enhancing safety or even nutritional and sensory attributes. success of edible coatings for fresh products totally depends on the control of internal gas composition. Quality criteria for fruits and vegetables coated with edible ?lms must be determined carefully and the quality parameters must be monitored throughout the storage period. Color change, ?rmness loss, ethanol fermentation, decay ratio and weight loss of edible ?lmcoated fruits need to be monitored. The use of different edible coatings (polysaccharides, proteins, lipids and composite) as carriers of functional ingredients on fresh fruits and vegetables to maximize their quality and shelf life. Also includes incorporation of antimicrobials, texture enhancers and nutraceuticals to improve quality and functionality of fresh-cut fruits. Vegetables and fruits are highly perishable as they contain80–90% water by weight. If they are left without cuticle, the water quickly begins to evaporate, resulting in poor product shelf life. Major losses in quality and quantity of fresh fruits and vegetables occur between harvest and consumption. When the fruit is harvested, there is a change of the gaseous balance between the consumption of oxygen and the production of car-bon dioxide. In this new condition, the cells are not renewed, and the gas transfer rates increase, causing a metabolic loss and taking the fruit to a gradual maturation and eventual senescence. The gas transfer rate depends upon internal and external factors. The internal factors include the species, cultivar, and growth state, while the external factors include the atmospheric composition (O2,CO2, and ethylene ratios), the temperature, and other stress factors , In addition, contamination of the fruit ?esh can occur from the skin, increasing the fruit spoilage leading biochemical deteriorations such as browning, off-?avor development, and texture breakdown, decreasing the fruit quality and the risk to consumer due to pathogenic micro-organisms presence. Different types of Salmonella as well as E.coli O157:H7 have been implicated in food borne outbreaks by consumption of cantaloupe, honeydew, and watermelon. The optimum extension of the postharvest life of food products is critically dependent upon three factors:(1) reduction in desiccation, (2) reduction in the physiological process of maturation and senescence, and (3) reduction in the onset and rate of microbial growth. Several techniques like controlled atmosphere storage and modi?ed atmosphere storage have been used for preserving fruits by reducing their quality changes and quantity losses during storage. Edible coatings on fresh fruits and vegetables can provide an alternative to modi?ed atmosphere storage by reducing quality changes and quantity losses through modi?cation and control of the internal atmosphere of the individual fruit or vegetable. Edible coatings may contribute to extend the shelf life of fresh fruits and vegetables by reducing moisture and solute migration, gas exchange, respiration, and oxidative. reaction rates as well as by reducing or even suppressing physiological disorders. Edible coatings have a high potential to carry active ingredients such as ant browning agents, colorants, ?avors, nutrients, spices, and antimicrobial compounds that can extend product shelf life and reduce the risk of pathogen growth on food surface, Moreover, another important advantage of edible coating is the reduction of synthetic packaging waste because these coatings are composed of biodegradable raw material. Edible coatings are thin layers of edible material applied to the product surface in addition to or as a replacement for natural protective waxy coatings and to provide a barrier to moisture, oxygen, and solute movement for the food, re applied directly on the food surface by dipping, spraying, or brushing to create a modi?ed atmosphere. Edible and biodegradable coatings must meet several special functional requirements, for example, moisture barrier, solute or gas barrier, water/lipid solubility, color and appearance, mechanical characteristics, nontoxicity, etc. The effect of coatings on fruits and vegetables depends greatly on temperature, alkalinity, thickness and type of coating, and the variety and condition of fruit and vegetable. The functional characteristics required for the coating depend on the product matrix (low to high moisture content) and deterioration process to which the product is subjected. Fruits and vegetables continue to respire even after harvest and use up all the oxygen with in the produce, which is not replaced as quickly as by edible coating and produces carbon dioxide, which accumulates within the produce because it can-not escape as easily through coating. Eventually the fruit and vegetable will shift to partial anaerobic respiration that requires less oxygen (1–3%). With less oxygen, the production of ethylene (which accelerates ripening process) is disrupted, and physiological loss of water is minimized. Thus, fruits and vegetables remain ?rm, fresh, and nutritious for longer periods, and their shelf life almost doubles. The natural barrier on fruit and vegetable, and the type and amount of coating will influence the extent to which the internal atmosphere (oxygen and carbon dioxide) are modi?ed and the level of reduction in weight loss. The properties of edible coating depend primarily on molecular structure rather than molecular size and chemical constitution. Speci?c requirements for edible ?lms and coatings are: The coating should be water-resistant so that it remains intact and covers a product adequately, when applied, it should not deplete oxygen or build up excessive carbon dioxide. A minimum of 1–3% oxygen is required around a commodity to avoid a shift from aerobic to anaerobic respiration. It should reduce water vapor permeability. It should improve appearance, maintain structural integrity, improve mechanical handling properties, carry active agents (antioxidants, vitamins, etc.) and retain volatile ?avor compounds. It should melt above 40?C without decomposition. It should be easily emulsi?able, non-sticky, or should not be tacky, and have ef?cient drying performance. It should never interfere with the quality of fresh fruit or vegetable and not impart undesirable order. It should have low viscosity and be economical. It should be translucent to opaque but not like glass and capable to tolerate slight pressure. Fruits and vegetables that are coated include Fruits: Apple, kinnow, grapefruit, passion fruit, avocado, orange, lime, peach, and lemon. Vegetables: Cucumber, bell pepper, melons, tomato. Fresh-cut products are highly perishable, the main reason being the removal of skin (the natural protective layer) from their surface area and the physical stress they undergo while peeling, cutting, slicing, shredding, trimming, coring, etc. Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables on which coating is used commercially include Fruits: Fresh-cut apples, fresh-cut pear, and fresh-cut peach. Vegetables: Minimally processed carrot, fresh-cut lettuce, fresh-cut cabbage, minimally processed onion, fresh-cut potato, fresh-cut tomato slices, fresh-cut muskmelon, and cantaloupe

Aloe vera as a bio-preservative for keeping quality of horticultural products.

Authors Dr Abdul Jalal, Naveed Ahmad

Postharvest periods are very challenging for the marketing of horticultural commodities that are more perishable. Fruit decay is the major postharvest constraint responsible for the negative return of horticultural commodities that is expressed by weight loss, color changes, softening, and microbial spoilage. Different postharvest techniques like waxing, chemical coating, and dip techniques are in practice to avoid the losses but due to the hazardous nature of chemicals to human health, the concept of bio preservation has been developed, replacing chemical preservation with bio preservation strategies are user friendly and has great potential if constraints in production and application techniques, bio preservative plants, Aloe vera plant has a great history for its medicinal use against a wide range of ailments and fruit preservation. It prevents loss of moisture and firmness, controls respiration rate and maturation development, delays oxidative browning, reduces microorganism proliferation, and other parameters like titratable acidity, soluble solids content, ascorbic acid content, firmness, and decay percentage also controls significantly, Biopreservation is an approach for extending the shelf life of perishable horticultural commodities against microbial decay using natural or controlled microbiota and/or antimicrobial compounds, postharvest technology, application of phytochemicals and plant-based material is safe for extending storage/shelf life of fruits and vegetables. Aloe vera gel as bio preservative is preferred for fruits and vegetable because of its colorless mucilaginous gel, Aloe vera gel has been tested for few fresh fruits by a postharvest and Aloe vera extracts suppressed/retarded postharvest quality losses in ‘Crimson Seedless’ grapes and ‘Star King’ cherries , Aloe vera extracts were reported to be useful for ‘Kensington Pride’ mangoes and ‘Artic Snow’ nectarines for retaining quality losses after harvest, edible coatings have a various favorable effect on fruits such as imparting a glossy appearance, and better colour, retarding weight loss, or prolonging storage/shelf life by preventing microbial spoilage, the concept of bio preservation is develop to decrease health problems and also provide an edible coating material which not only increase the post-harvest life of fruits and vegetables but also have positive impact on human health, applied Aloe vera gel on pineapple (Ananas comosus) for the extension of its postharvest life, Aloe vera gel application reduces fruit decay and shriveling and browning of the fruit peel, Aloe vera gel as a bio preservative to control postharvest quality losses in fruits, Aloe vera gel application treatment for controlling the postharvest losses, quality characteristics and extending shelf life of fig, treated green grape berries with Aloe vera gel to analyze its effect on the postharvest life of green grape berries, other experiment was coated green gape berries with 0, 1, 5 and 10% w/v Aloe vera gel and stored it in an air tight container for 40 days at the temperature of 15oC, grape berries noted that minimum weight loss, lesser browning, cracking, damage and fungal attack in the berries treated with 5% and 10% Aloe vera gel. The flavor factors (TSS and titratable acidity) were maximum, table grape (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Askari) treated with Aloe vera gel in combination with 2% Cacl2 and 1% citric acid at the temperature of 4oC and 85±5% relative humidity for 35 days in a cold storage. They concluded that the TSS and weight loss of table grapes were reduced with Aloe vera gel application. The ascorbic acid and titratable acidity were also retained and browning and dehydration was delayed by the application of Aloe vera gel to the fruits, Aloe vera gel has the ability to retain the quality and increase the shelf life and market value of grapes, applying Aloe vera gel on the harvested clusters of Gizel Uzum in Iran of (1:3) and (1:4) with salicylic acid of 0, 1 and 2 mmol/L concentrations and stored at the temperature of 0±0.5oC for 90 days, its observed that the phenolic contents, soluble solids and oxidants were conserved by 33% Aloe vera gel and 2 mmolL-1 salicylic acid during the storage, Aloe vera gel as an edible coating on fresh sliced kiwi fruit in four different concentrations i-e 0, 1, 5, 15% (v/v) to maintain its quality. They packed these slices after Aloe vera gel application and kept it at the temperature of 4± 1oC. The respiration rate and microbial spoilage was reduced in slices of kiwi fruit with the application of Aloe vera gel. After seven days, they observed that one logarithmic unit mesophilic load for 15 and 5% coated slices was dropped, stored Button Mushrooms at 4, 10 and 15″C for 13 days after treatment with Aloe vera gel, gum tragacanth and the combination of both. They were analyzed after 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 13 days of the storage for physiochemical characteristics. They observed that during cold storage the weight loss, color change and accelerated softening of Mushrooms was delayed with the application of edible coatings, peaches and plums with Aloe vera gel , keep it at the temperature of 20oC for six days. The ethylene production and postharvest quality parameters such as colour change, reduction of acidity and increase in ripening index (total soluble solids/total acidity ratio) were delayed with both treatments. Both the treatment reduced the weight loss, application of Aloe vera gel alone and with the combination of 0.5% ascorbic acids and 1% of citric acids before the storage on pomegranate arils increased its shelf life up to 12 days when stored at 3oC. All the physicochemical analysis like firmness, phenolic components and anthocyanins were maintained during storage. Moreover, there was a high score of sensory evaluations like color, texture, flavor and aroma during this period, when Aloe vera gel is applied with addition of 10 or 2% rosehip oil, it maintained the postharvest quality attributes of prunus species and cultivars, Aloe vera gel applied on peaches (‘Roma’ and ‘B-424-16’ flat type), plums (‘Red Beauty’ and ‘Songria’), nectarine (‘Garofa’) and sweet cherry (‘Brooks’) and stored these fruits at the temperature of 20oC for 6 days, analysis of fruits showed that in peaches, plums and nectarine (climacteric fruits) the respiration rate and ethylene production was reduced and the quality parameters such as weight loss, softening, color change and ripening index was delayed as compared to the control, sweet cherry (Prunus avium cv. Napoleon) with Aloe vera gel and nitric oxide by applying 0, 1, 5 and 10 ?mol L-1 nitric oxide and 25 and 33% of Aloe vera gel on the sweet cherry and stored it at the temperature of 1± 0.5″C for 30 days. Due to this treatment the fruit marketability, total phenolics content, vitamin C, catalas enzyme activity, decay index, and weight loss is effectively preserved and the postharvest life was increased with treated fruits, Aloe vera gel as an edible coating for the first time as an alternative to postharvest chemical treatment for a sweet cherry, he application of Aloe vera gel on sweet cherry extended its storability and delatyed the postharvest quality losses like increase in respiration rate, rapid weight loss, and color change, accelerated softening and ripening, stem browning and increased microbial populations in sweet cherry in cold storage, Aloe vera gel is an excellent pre harvest treatment for maintaining the postharvest quality of table grapes. First, they added different concentrations of Aloe vera gel on potato dextrose agar (PDA) for testing the inhibition of mycelium growth of two very common fungi, Penicillium digitatum and Botrytis cinerea which cause fruit decay. The mycelium growth rate of both fungi decreased with Aloe vera concentrations, but to achieve the same growth inhibition, the Aloe vera concentration was 3-fold higher for Botrytis cinerea than Penicillium digitatum, reduction of mycelium growth for Penicillium digitatum was 4 logarithmic units and 2 logarithmic units for Botrytis cinerea was 250 mmol L-1. They applied this dose of Aloe vera gel on table grapes vineyard 7 days before harvesting. The respiration rate and weight loss were reduced and ripening rates such as color and firmness were delayed in table grapes when stored for 35 days in cold storage after harvest, table grapes cv. Crimson (seedless table grapes) with Aloe vera gel due to which the weight loss, color change, accelerated softening and ripening, rachis browning, and berry decay were significantly delayed and its shelf life was extended up to 35 days at 1″C, an experiment on mango fruit (Var. Ngowe) keeping in view its perishable nature and short post-harvest life. The Aloe vera gel at concentrations of 0, 25, 50, and 75% was applied to the mango fruits with the combination of 1% chitosan and stored at the temperature of 13oC for 20 days. It was concluded that both 50 and 75% of Aloe vera gel prolonged the shelf life of mango. Percent weight loss, total soluble solids, and fruit firmness reduced during storage with this treatment, however, a 50% concentration of Aloe vera gel also maintained the pH of mango fruits during storage, stored three hundred and twenty (320) oranges (Var. Valencia) in the refrigerator for eight (8) weeks. Half of these fruits were treated with Aloe vera gel and half remained untreated as a control. It was revealed that the orange fruits that were treated with the Aloe vera gel showed the best result regarding the post-harvest life as compared with the control. The percentage of weight loss was conserved by the application of Aloe vera gel. While there was a line increase in the other parameters like sugar-acid ratio and total soluble solids. A pH of the orange was also maintained with the application of Aloe vera gel, papaya fruit treated with Aloe vera gel at the concentration of 100% and also with the papaya leaf extract in combination with Aloe vera gel at the ratio of 1:1 and stored it at room temperature of 25 to 29oC with the relative humidity of 82 to 84% for 16 days, concluded that Aloe vera gel alone and with the combination of papaya leaf extract prolonged the shelf life of papaya and significantly affected its physicochemical characteristics as compared to the control, decay of papaya fruits started on the 6th day of storage and completed in 12 days in the control. However, the treated fruits did not show any sign of decay for up to 12 days, and on the 16th day of storage the treated papaya fruits decayed. The color score, fruit firmness, ascorbic acid, and flavor of the treated papaya fruits were maintained for up to 12 days. There was 27% of disease incidence in the papaya fruits treated with Aloe vera gel alone and 13% disease incidence was recorded in the papaya fruits treated with papaya leaf extract with the combination of Aloe vera gel. While there was 100% disease incidence in the papaya fruits that remained untreated, Aloe vera gel as an edible coating and the best alternative for the chemicals used in the post-harvest treatment for the horticultural commodities, strawberry fruits treated with Aloe vera gel and refrigerate it for 16 days concluded from the physicochemical analysis that the application of Aloe vera gel extends the postharvest life of strawberry fruits, also an increase in the color change, weight loss, decay and loss of firmness in the strawberry fruits remained uncoated during cold storage. On the other hand, the strawberry fruits treated with Aloe vera gel (1:3) reduced the weight loss, firmness, and TSS. Sensory evaluations such as aroma, color, taste, and flavor are also maintained by Aloe vera gel during storage. Aloe vera gel (1:3) was applied on the postharvest life of Jujube fruits and stored it at the temperature of 5±2oC for 45 days. The organoleptic and physicochemical analysis of Jujube fruits showed that Aloe vera gel maintained all the postharvest parameters of Jujube fruits treated with Aloe vera gel while the untreated fruits lose their physical as well as chemical characteristics after 21 days of storage. They also revealed that Aloe vera gel has antifungal properties and reduced the microbial growth of fungi and bacteria. Aloe vera gel also significantly affected the sensory evaluation of Jujube fruits, Aloe vera gel (1:2) used on the Sapota (Manilkara zapota) fruits to prolong its shelf life, reduce the fungal and bacterial growth and maintain all its quality attributes including sensory evaluation, using dip technique for this purpose and dipped all the fruits in the Aloe vera gel for 7 minutes and then stored it in cool temperature of 5±2oC for 20 days, both the treated and untreated fruits showed that the quality attributes of untreated sapota fruits loss all the quality attributes after 10 days of storage however the sapota fruits treated with Aloe vera gel retained all its quality attributes up to 20 days, Aloe vera gel have the antifungal and antibacterial properties and used as an edible coating for the horticultural commodities for prolonging the shelf life, Aloe vera gel has polysaccharide and act as a barrier for the moisture loss and oxygen for fruits and vegetables, Aloe vera gel prolonged the shelf life of fruits and vegetables and all the quality attributes such as color, appearance, aroma and flavor are maintained, Aloe vera gel also decrease the disease incidence within the horticultural commodities, combination of chitosan on the cucumber to improve its quality and extend it postharvest life. They stored the treated cucumber at the temperature of 25oC for 7 weeks, post-harvest quality attributes like TSS, firmness, ascorbic acid contents, acidity and weight loss were maintained with Aloe vera gel treatment as compared to the control, effect of Aloe vera gel on the postharvest life of oranges fruits with Aloe vera gel and stored at the temperature of 27oC, increase in the weight loss, firmness and TSS in the untreated fruits while retained in the fruits treated with Aloe vera gel, shelf life of oranges increased up to 5 days without any negative changes in its quality parameters.

Formulation strategies to improve the bioavailability of poorly absorbed drugs

Author: Ram Kumar Sahua Jiyauddin Khanb

Poorly water-soluble drug, approximately 60–70% of the drug molecules are insufficiently soluble in aqueous media and/or have very low permeability to allow for their adequate and reproducible absorption from the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) following oral administration, Formulation scientists have to adopt various strategies to enhance their absorption, self-emulsifying systems, scientists to transform the liquid self-emulsifying drug delivery systems (SEDDS) to solid-SEDDS by adsorption, spray drying, lyophilization, melt granulation, extrusion, and so forth to formulate various dosage forms like self-emulsifying capsules, tablets, controlled release pellets, beads, microspheres, nanoparticles, suppositories, implants, deliver new drug molecules with enhanced bioavailability mostly exhibiting poor aqueous solubility, It is estimated that between 40% and 70% of all new chemical entities identified in drug discovery programs are insufficiently soluble in aqueous media, the increase in the proportion of poorly soluble candidates is frequently attributed to improvements in synthesis technology, which has enabled the design of very complicated compounds, and a change in discovery strategy from a so-called phenotypic approach to a target-based approach, Various physicochemical properties which contribute to the poor solubility of various drugs include their complex structure, size, high molecular weight, high lipophilicity, compound H-bonding to solvent, intramolecular H-bonding, intermolecular H-bonding (crystal packing), crystallinity, polymorphic forms, ionic charge status, pH, and salt form, drug for absorption can be enhanced by formulation of the drug as a solubilized within a colloidal dispersion, hydrophobic drugs is well documented in the literature. These generally consist of a drug dissolved in a blend of excipients (5 classes of excipients) with wide variety of physicochemical properties ranging from pure triglyceride oils, mono- and diglycerides, and substantial proportion of lipophilic or hydrophilic surfactants and cosolvents, enhanced oral bioavailability enabling reduction in dose, more consistent temporal profiles of drug absorption, selective targeting of drug(s) toward specific absorption window in GIT, and protection of drug(s) from the hostile environment in gut, Types of Self-Emulsifying Systems: Self-Emulsifying, Self-Microemulsifying, and Self-Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery System, unit dosage form in soft or hard gelatin capsules due to the anhydrous nature, increase the intestinal permeability and minimize the effect of pH on drug absorption, degree of participation of the portal venous and mesenteric lymphatic pathways in overall drug absorption, Selection of Excipients in Self-Emulsifying Formulations, surfactants may improve the affinity between lipids and intestinal membrane or increase the permeability of the intestinal membrane. Surfactants increase the permeability by partitioning into the cell membrane and disrupting the structural organization of the lipid bilayer leading to permeation enhancement, most drugs are absorbed via the passive transcellular route, absorption enhancing effects by increasing the dissolution rate of the drug, avoid amount of solidifying excipients may affect the release of the drug, nature of the excipients used may affect the drug absorption, probability of irreversible phase separation on reconstitution, clogging of spray nozzles due to oil content in spray-drying method, degradation of drug during solidification process, reduction in drug loading capacity, difficulty in ensuring content uniformity, (8) Probability of residual solvents used during granulation, Capsule filling is the simplest and the most common technology for the encapsulation of liquid, semisolid, or solid SE formulations for the oral route, aloe vera gel can help in unfavourable physicochemical properties for their drug absorption in the body

Development and standardization of ready to serve functional drink. J. Environ. Sci. Toxicol. Food Technol. 2016;10(4):47-52.

Author: Kausar H, Parveen S, Saeed S, Ishfaq B, Ali MA.

functional ready-to-serve (RTS) drink made from blend of aloe vera gel, lemon juice extract, blended therapeutic RTS drink, therapeutic properties of aloe-vera, worldwide important valuable ingredient, Beverages from fruits and vegetables have a vital role in human nutrition, consumed by people of all the groups to quench the thirst and health food, Beverages are considered to be an excellent medium for the supplementation of nutraceutical components for enrichment, blending could lead to the production of delightful and delicious beverages with improve organoleptic quality and high nutritive value. Blending increases taste and flavor of fruit juices. The blending of juice may also improve aroma, taste and nutrients of the beverages, nutritive and health benefits of Aloe vera, INNOVALOE© product line from AMB has at least 8% of polysaccharide content measured by HPLC, premium brand ACETYPOL© contains 10-45% polysaccharides, develop therapeutic Nutraceutical formulations, innovative functional beverages, natural and healthy beverages, Spurred by aging populations and heightened interest in preventative health, sales of vitamins, minerals, and nutritional and herbal supplements have surged, there are a global demand for Aloe Vera extracts, merge the need of innovative, high quality and cost-effective aloe vera drinks to ramping up your sales, rapidly growing middle class with increasing disposable income is making a steady shift to natural and organic products, create a nutraceutical range of products with Aloe Vera

Standardization and sensory evaluation of RTS developed from blends of Watermelon, Aloe Vera and Ginger Juice.

Author Oshin Pali, N Shukla, Annu Verma and Gunjeshree Gond

Consumers are always interested in new products which are full of nutrition as well as having pleasant taste. RTS is picking up prevalence because of their astounding taste and nutritive qualities, keeping all the above facts in mind this blended RTS beverage has been prepared to formulate all ingredients and to deliver excellent therapeutic benefits to consumers, trials were conducted to assess the optimum level of ingredients for the blended RTS beverage, optimum levels of all the ingredients mix, juice, sugar, citric acid, sodium benzoate, food color and water were selected, hedonic rating test, blended RTS beverage is to enhance the nutritional quality of the product

The New Challenge of Green Cosmetics: Natural Food Ingredients for Cosmetic Formulations,

Author: Irene Dini and Sonia Laneri

green cosmetics, ecology and sustainability, environmentally friendly creams, makeup, and beauty products, hoping that they are not harmful to health and reduce pollution, body beauty is linked to well-being, both external and internal, skincare products, Nutricosmetics, combines the benefits derived from food supplementation with the advantages of cosmetic treatments to improve the beauty of our body, protect the skin from the aging action, improved skin quality (both aesthetic and histological), bioactive molecules used in nutricosmetic formulations, phytochemical analyses, natural/organic, ingredients derived from plants, green products, organic ingredients, National Organic Program (NOP), beauty supplements, botanical extracts improve personal care , plants as active ingredients in cosmeceuticals and nutricosmetics formulations, Plant cell culture consent to produce high-value ingredients (primary and secondary metabolites), Natural antiaging ingredients include barrier repair, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, skin lightening, and sunblock agent, skin moisturizing agents can be emollients, occlusives, and humectants, Emollients cover the skin with a protective film to hydrate and soothe it, contribute to decreasing flaky skin and roughness, Barrier Repair Agents, skin barrier stops trans epidermal water loss and defends against pathogens , Barrier repair agents are the essential fatty acids, phenolic compounds, tocopherols, phospholipids, cholesterol, and ceramide, Skin Lightening Agents, Skin lightening agents decrease the concentration of melanin (skin’s pigment), skin tone is lighter when there is less melanin. Skin whitening agents act as inhibitors of the tyrosinase (a key enzyme in melanogenesis) and/or melanosome transfer (pigment granules in the melanocytes, contained in the basal layer of skin epidermis), Sunblock Ingredients UV radiation is divided into three main categories: UV-A (320–400 nm), UV-B (280–320 nm), and UV-C (100–280 nm), based on the wavelength. Elevated exposure to UV radiation can cause edema, erythema, hyperpigmentation, photoaging, immune suppression, and skin cancer based on the intensity and range of UV radiation, Skin Antioxidant Systems, Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are atoms or molecules whose last electronic layer contains unpaired electrons and molecules of excited oxygen, Molecular oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, and singlet oxygen are not free radicals but start oxidative reactions and make free radicals, aloe vera produces a skin-lightening effect, inhibits melanogenesis, and decreases tyrosinase and DOPA polymerase actions, Mucopolysaccharides and the amino acid profile of Aloe vera (e.g., arginine, histidine, threonine, glycine, serine, and alanine) improve water retention in the stratum corneum , Aloe gel has antioxidant properties. It enhances the metallothionein, superoxide dismutases, and glutathione peroxidase activities in skin-cells act. Aloe makes the skin elastic and reduces wrinkles, improving elastin and collagen production by fibroblasts, Aloe gel has wound-healing effects. It keeps the wound moist, reduces the inflammation process, and enhances the epithelial cell migration and rapid maturation of collagen, Aloe gel promotes hair growth through pilosebaceous

Biofunctional textile materials: Cosmetic textiles

Authors Nebojša Risti?*, Dragana Markovi? Nikoli?, Aleksandar Zdravkovi?, Aleksandra Mi?i?, Ivanka Risti?

The latest trend in textile industry promotes products with added value that provide additional comfort to users and have a focus on health in terms of use. In that sense, biofunctional and intelligent textile products with different types of applications for improving the lifestyle of the modern consumer stand out. Cosmetic textile is a high-performance textile which represents a fusion of textile material with cosmetics. The main challenges in the manufacture of such products are the selection of products with a cosmetic effect for a particular purpose, storage of agents in the structure of the textile, the rate of release of the agent on the skin and the stability of the agent to the maintenance procedures of textiles and clothing. In everyday life, people are surrounded by some kind of clothing throughout the day, which is why clothing is described as second human skin. The traditional purpose of clothing to protect the human body from external factors and provide comfort in terms of use has been expanded by aesthetic and health factors. Clothing shape and pattern should reflect the spirit of the times in which they are used, and more recently their role in cosmetic areas has been promoted. “Cosmetic textile” is a high performance textile that is a fusion of textile material with cosmetic substances. These are functional fabrics, knitted and non-woven textiles finished with cosmetic ingredients that are released on the skin during wearing. “Cosmetic clothing” can provide a range of benefits some of which could be considered cosmetic, such as skin whitening, wrinkle reduction, hydration, increased energy, relaxation, refreshment, and perfuming. A wide range of cosmetics with different effects is available in the form of creams, oils and powders, etc., but a textile as a medium for achieving a cosmetic effect on the skin is recommended for the following reasons: i) textiles cover a large part of the body most of the day which provides a unique opportunity to transfer cosmetics to body parts; ii) continuous release of small doses of cosmetics can be more effective than a single application of a large quantity of cosmetics. The rise of cosmetic textiles market opens a way for new resources in which consumers can assess their clothes, providing a new way for the development of both cosmetics manufacturers and clothing. Beiersdorf represented skin-shaping shorts with micro-encapsulated coenzyme Q10, which is found in many Nivea creams for skin care. “Cosmetic giant L?oreal has teamed up with Roxy, a fashion sportswear brand, to develop a range of products under the Biotherm brand”. The first product, a neck warmer, which debuted at the end of 2015, helps in skin care when it is exposed to extreme conditions. The product contains microcapsules with anti-inflammatory extracts and vitamin E. Iluminage Beauty, a joint venture of Unilever ventures and Syneron Medical, presented a pillowcase containing fibers with built-in copper oxide. The product is claimed to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and smooth the skin within four weeks. lluminage also offered a mask for rejuvenating the skin around the eyes, which contained patented technology with copper. In its shirt production, Under Armor used technology containing zeolites with antimicrobial properties to aid in controlling body odors. The cosmetic textiles market, which is still in its infancy, is expected to flourish in the next few years, offering numerous opportunities to both clothing and cosmetics manufacturers and retailers selling cosmetics or apparel. Continuous integration of the innovative technologies in garments is accepted by today’s consumers who appreciate efficiency of the products The development and production of cosmetic textiles is not an easy and simple task. The main problems in making such a product with added value are the selection of agents with cosmetic effect for a specific purpose, the storage of agents in the textile structure, the release rate of agents and the stability of agents in the washing process. Applying the techniques of microencapsulation opens the possibility of producing new products with many advantages over the traditional products of the textile industry. The application of active substances in the form of microcapsules on garments gives completely new properties, such as the controlled release of the active substance and increased stability

Effect of chitosan coating combined Aloe vera gel on cucumber (Cucumis Sativa L.) post-harvest quality during ambient storage.

Authors Adetunji, C. O., Fadiji, A. E., & Aboyeji, O. O.

Cucumber (Cucumis sativa L.) is one of the most important and popular vegetable crops all over the world, Edible films and coatings are environment-friendly alternative methods to extend the postharvest life of fresh and minimally processed fruits and vegetables. They form a semipermeable barrier to gases and water vapor, reducing respiration and weight loss. In addition, edible films and coatings may help maintain firmness and provide coated fruit gloss. Edible films and coatings, also improve mechanical handling properties, carry additives, avoid loss of volatile compounds and production of volatile aroma, Chitosan is a natural polymer obtained by deacetylation of chitin, and when compared with other polysaccharides, chitosan has several advantages such as biocompatibility, biodegradability and no toxicity, while also presenting functional properties as bacteriostatic and fungistatic. The cationic character of chitosan offers an opportunity to establish electrostatic interactions with other compounds. Due to these characteristics, chitosan has been widely used to produce edible films. Chitosan films present good barrier properties when compared with other polymers such as methylcellulose and corn starch. Also, the mechanical properties of chitosan films can be improved, e.g. by adding plasticizers. However, the presence of such compounds can affect the structure of chitosan films. Aloe vera-based edible coatings have been shown to prevent loss of moisture and firmness, control respiration rate and maturation development, delay oxidative browning, and reduce microorganism proliferation in fruits such as sweet cherry, table grapes, and recterones.In addition to the traditional role of edible coatings as a barrier to water loss and delaying fruit senescence, the new generation coatings are being designed for incorporation and/or for controlled release of antioxidants, nutraceuticals, chemical additives, and natural antimicrobial agents. It has also been reported that the Aloe vera extracts possessed antimicrobial activity against bacterial pathogens from gram-positive and gram-negative. The synergetic effect of chitosan and A. vera gel, applied as an edible coating, on the change in physicochemical parameters and shelf life in Cucumber, related to fruit quality during ambient storage for a period of seven weeks. This will also ensure food security, sustainable development, poverty reduction, and wealth creation align with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) objectives.

Polysaccharide hydrogels for modified release formulations.

Author: Coviello, T.; Matricardi, P.; Marianecci, C.; Alhaique, F.

Hydrogels are three-dimensional, hydrophilic, polymeric networks, with chemical or physical cross-links, capable of imbibing large amounts of water or biological fluids. Among the numerous macromolecules that can be used for hydrogel formation, polysaccharides are extremely advantageous compared to synthetic polymers being widely present in living organisms and often being produced by recombinant DNA techniques, Polysaccharides are usually non-toxic, biocompatible and show a number of peculiar physico-chemical properties that make them suitable for different applications in drug delivery systems, techniques used for the hydrogel network preparation, on the drug delivery results, on clinical applications as well as on the possible use of such systems as scaffolds for tissue engineering, hydrogels are three-dimensional, hydrophilic, polymeric networks capable of imbibing large amounts of water or biological fluid, These networks can be classified into two main categories according to the type of cross-linking among the macromolecules, whether chemically or physically based, however, it should be pointed out that both chemical and physical cross-links can occur in the same hydrogel network, In their ability to retain a significant amount of water, hydrogels are quite similar to natural living tissues, rendering them useful for a wide variety of biomedical applications, use of hydrogels as matrices for the encapsulation of living cells, as biologically friendly scaffolds for tissue engineering and for the controlled release of proteins, hydrogels suitable as delivery systems, formulation of modified release dosage forms and devices

Release characteristics of Aspirin and Paracetamol drugs from tablets with Aloe Vera gel powder as a drug carrier.

Author K. Subramanian , S.Narmadha, U.Vishnupriya & V.Vijayakumar

Increasing research interest has been focused on controlled drug delivery through tablet form using synthetic and natural biocompatible polymers as carriers, synthetic polymer drug carriers will be safely metabolized, they will not impart any health benefit unlike the natural carriers such as chitosan, starch , aloe vera, etc, , For the same biofluid, the observed higher drug release rate for paracetamol compared to aspirin was attributed to the difference in their structure and solubility. The enhanced drug dissolution with the increased content of amla juice powder in the tablet was more likely attributed to its highwater solubility, The enhanced drug dissolution with the increased content of amla juice powder in the tablet was more likely attributed to its highwater solubility. Aspirin is released at a faster rate in SGF (pH of 1.2) compared to SIF (pH of 7.2). The order of release rates of aspirin and paracetamol from the respective tablets in SIF is reversed in SGF. Replacing a part of aloe vera gel powder by chitosan, decreased the drug release rate. These observations demonstrated that by fine tuning the tablet compositions with aloe vera gel powder, amla juice powder and chitosan and media pH, desirable controlled drug release characteristics can be achieved Medications is the widely practiced method globally for treating diseases. Rate preprogrammed drug delivery for predetermined duration of medication is increasingly being employed in advanced control release technology. Different types of controlled-release dosage forms have been developed for improved clinical efficacy of drug and patient compliance. Among the dosage forms the tablets have an attractive option for pharmaceutical scientists and clinicians because they offer the advantages of accurate unit-dosing, better patient compliance, ease of large-scale manufacturing, and low production cost. Biodegradable biocompatible polymer and polymer hydrogels are widely employed as drug carriers in tablets. Drug release from hydrophilic matrix tablet is strongly influenced by the proportion and nature of matrix forming polymer apart from the dimensions and geometry of the tablet. It is one of the least complicated and convenient approaches to manufacture sustained release dosage forms that consist of a drug dispersed in a polymer. Since the polymer drug carriers usually do not impart any medical benefit other than controlling the release rate and as a binder matrix, present investigation involves the use of a natural carrier such as aloe vera gel having inherent tremendous medicinal values, It is to be noted that aloe vera gel powder may enhance the intestinal absorption, sustained release of pharmaceutical dosage forms, effective delivery of poorly absorbable drugs, enhancement of bioavailability of vitamin C, protection against degradation of vitamins. When taken internally along with the drug it may improve the digestive Musculo-skeletal and immune-related conditions apart from acting as an antioxidant. Moreover, natural polymers are biocompatible and enhance the drug release efficacy with reduced toxicity, and improved patient compliance with in vivo degradation at a well-defined rate, and can be readily isolated and purified in large quantities, preparation of tablets of non-steroidal drugs like paracetamol and aspirin using Aloe vera gel powder as a carrier in the presence of amla juice powder, chitosan , release profiles of the drugs UV spectrophotometrically in simulated biological fluids for the evaluation of drug release characteristics, Aspirin and paracetamol (non-steroidal drugs) tablets were made using carefully dried aloe vera gel powder as the natural drug carrier along with amla juice powder as nutrient excipient with varying compositions and in vitro release characteristics of these drugs in SIF and SGF at 37o C were evaluated UV spectrophotometrically. The release rates of these drugs were different in both the fluids which are having different ionic strength and pH values. The release rate for paracetamol is greater than that for aspirin in both the fluids which may be attributed to their differences in chemical structure and solubility. The enhanced drug release rate both in SIF and SGF with increasing content of amla juice powder in the tablet for the constant content of the drug may be attributed to the more likely development of porosity in tablets in these fluids due to the high solubility of amla juice powder. Aspirin is released at a faster rate in SGF (pH of 1.2) compared to SIF (pH of 7.2). The order of release rates of aspirin and paracetamol from the respective tablets in SIF is reversed in SGF. Replacing a part of aloe vera gel powder by chitosan, a natural inherently antimicrobial biopolymer decreased the drug release rate. Value of power law exponent “n” greater than 0.5 for the tablets investigated implied that the predominant drug release mechanism is non-Fiskian. The use of aloe vera gel powder a natural polymer as a carrier along with amla juice powder, will impart multiple health benefits and which in turn may minimize the side effect of drugs unlike in the tablets fabricated using synthetic biocompatible polymers as carriers. Hence the present investigations demonstrate that plant derived natural biopolymers with medicinal values may be successfully employed as a drug carrier for controlled and desirable drug delivery applications with additional health benefits associated with the herbal extracts used as carriers and excipient by fine tuning the tablet composition and media ph. The heterogeneous composition of the aloe vera pulp and amla juice may contribute to the diverse pharmacological and therapeutic activities of the tablet.

Differences in Metabolite Composition of Aloe barbadensis Mill. Extracts Lead to Differential Effects on Human Blood T Cell Activity In Vitro

Author: Bani Ahluwalia 1 2, Maria K Magnusson 1, Fredrik Larsson 2, Otto Savolainen 3 4, Alastair B Ross 3 5, Lena Öhman 1

immunomodulation, bioactive component(s), polysaccharides (acemannan), human blood T cell activity, T cell phenotype and proliferation, 1H-NMR spectroscopy, T cell activation, proliferation, apoptosis, and cell-death in vitro, metabolomics, metabolite profile, gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) for metabolite profiling, The Effect of Aloe Extracts on T Cell Activity and Proliferation Is Correlated to Their Distinct Metabolite Composition, Aloe Extracts Differ in Their Metabolite Composition, Aloe metabolite profiles, Effect Cluster metabolites


Authors: Hindustan Abdul Ahad, Sreeramulu J, Hima Bindu V, Chitta Suresh Kumar, Kishore Kumar Reddy B, Chandana Rekha V , Sivaji S

develop matrix tablets of Glimepiride with Aloe barbadensis miller leaves mucilage and Povidone and to study its functionality as a matrix forming agent for sustained release tablet formulations, mucilage of Aloe barbadensis miller leaves clinically and experimentally proved anti-diabetic activityand release retardant activity, Glimepiride is an oral hypoglycemic agent, which is commonly prescribed for the treatment of patients with type II diabetes mellitus , It belongs to sulfonylureas drug class. Glimepiride is a weak acid with PKa of 6.2, glimepiride is practically insoluble in water and acidic environment but highly permeable (class 2) according to the Biopharmaceutical classification System (BCS) , the oral absorption is uniform, rapid and complete with nearly 100% bioavailability therapy with Glimepiride is usually initiated with 1 to 2 mg, the pharmacokinetics and dosage schedule supports once daily sustained release formulations for Glimepiride for better control of blood glucose levels to prevent hypoglycemia, enhance clinical efficacy and patient compliance ,the objective of present investigation is to design and evaluate sustained release tablets of Glimepiride using Aloe barbadensis miller leaves mucilage and Povidone combination as release retardant for making sustained release matrix tablets.

Application of Aloe vera for the development of functional foods.

Author: (Richardson et al., 2005; Dal’Belo et al., 2006), 17, 18. Chand, P., Pandey, N., Naik, B., Singh, A., & Kumar, V. (2019).

health related problems are arising globally in all age groups due to bad life style and food habits, regular use of an Aloe vera based gel, has found its way into skin lotions, cosmetic products, shampoos, lip balms, soaps and sunscreens, Aloe vera benefits include a strong moisturizing capacity, promote healthy skin, benefits of Aloe vera is that it can be used in sensitive areas, such as around the eyes, internal use of Aloe is marketed as a treatment for coughs, ulcers, muscle pain, headaches

Application of thermosonication for Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) juice processing: Impact on the functional properties and the main bioactive polysaccharides

Authors. Guadalupe Alvarado-Moralesa, Rafael Minjares-Fuentesb,?, Juan Carlos Contreras-Esquivela, Julio Montañeza, Jorge Armando Meza-Velázquezb, Antoni Femeniac

Impact of thermosonication on Aloe vera juice, Functional properties and the main polysaccharides, Swelling and fat adsorption capacity were improved by thermosonication, promotes a low degradation of acemannan polysaccharide, Microbial inactivation of Aloe vera juice could be promoted by thermosonication, Thermal processing, Acemannan was the predominant polysaccharide in Aloe vera juice followed by pectins. Interestingly, thermosonication promoted a minor degradation of the acetylated mannose from acemannan than thermal processing. On the other hand, the degree of methylesterification of pectins was slightly reduced because of thermosonication. Further, swelling and fat adsorption capacities were improved by thermosonication. Thus, the highest values for swelling (>150?mL/g?AIR) and for fat adsorption capacity (?120?g?oil/g?AIR) were observed when thermosonication was performed at 50?”C for 6?min. Moreover, high inactivation of L. plantarum (?75%) was observed when thermosonication was carried out at 50?”C for 9?min. Interestingly, thermosonication promoted a similar color change (?E?=?7.7) to the modification observed during pasteurization carried out at 75?”C for 15?min (?E?=?8.2?±?0.9). Overall, these results suggested that thermosonication could be a good alternative to thermal procedures of Aloe vera juice, since not only caused minor degradation of bioactive polysaccharides but was also able to improve functional properties.

The art of shampoos in canine and feline dermatology: Treatment and prevention strategies


Topical therapy (locally acting), animal dermatological conditions, formulations are available for the prescribing veterinary surgeon: shampoo, lotion, spray, ointment, cream, milk and gel, veterinary dermatologists , shampoo can be used in a limited area (eg chin, feet, dorsolumbar, ventral areas), cleansing and therapeutical properties, all over the body surface of a dog or a cat for treating generalized conditions, allow the active ingredients to be properly absorbed and reach adequate levels in the deep cellular layers, efficacy of shampoos on skin hydration, the surface lipid film and stratum corneum (interesting in case of keratoseborrhoeic disorders) can be evaluated objectively using a variety of techniques : transepidermal water loss (TEWL) measurement, corneocyte counts, measurement of corneal layer thickness, stripping, chemical analysis of lipid film, water content measurement, surface biopsies and corneometry, topical formulations, especially in prolonging the action of active ingredients applied to the skin. Microencapsulation (multilamellar microvesicles, liposomes, spherulites) increases bioavailability of therapeutic agents and promotes immediate and residual moisturising properties. Active agents are released from liposomes by membrane rupture. Spherulite surfactants are amphiphilic (two antagonistic extremities – one hydrophilic, the other hydrophobic). They unit to form lamellar phases and are arranged in concentric layers according to a specific manufacturing process. They are multilamellar, each membrane acting as a diffusion barrier to reduce loss of active ingredients to the external environment. They can act as a vehicle for a great number of active agents, hydrophilic or hydrophobic (lipophilic), released continuously and progressively at the surface of hairs and skin. This surfactant formulation is very useful in dermatology because it allows hydrophilic, active ingredients access to an oily environment and conversely hydrophobic, active ingredients access to an aquatic medium. The type of surfactant varies. In some cases (cationic surfactants), their charge is positive and spherulites attach preferentially to hairs and skin, whilst in other cases (non-ionic surfactants), the charge is neutral, allowing spherulites to penetrate the deeper skin layers. A study has demonstrated that non-ionic spherulites can penetrate the epidermis, hair follicules, sebaceous glands and dermis, veterinary formulation (micro-emulsion, medicated shampoos.

Advances in oral absorption of polysaccharides: Mechanism, affecting factors, and improvement strategies.

Author Z Zheng, X Pan, L Luo, Q Zhang, X Huang, Y Liu

Polysaccharides have been widely used as biomaterials and drugs after oral administration due to their suitable physicochemical properties, good bioactivities and low toxicities, pharmacokinetics and absorption mechanism, oral administration, polysaccharide detection technologies such as immunoassays, fluorescent and isotopic labelling, the oral pharmacokinetics of polysaccharides, paracellular pathway, transcellular pathways and M cell-mediated transport were analyzed as mechanisms for oral absorption. The potential factors affecting the oral absorption of polysaccharides, including their charge, molecular weight, spatial structure and dose, as well as the species and physiological state of organisms, were analyzed. Based on the absorption mechanism and influencing factors, we look forward to further investigating possible strategies for improving the oral absorption of polysaccharides, cell Microfold, cell Mw Molecular weight, TJ Tight junction 99mTc99m-technetium HA Hyaluronan SIPS quid ink polysaccharide FTSC Fluorescein-5-thiosemicarbazide TEER Transepithelial electrical resistance GFP Grifola frondosa polysaccharide APTSAminopyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonate LBP Lycium barbarum polysaccharide SCLPS milax china L. polysaccharide PM Polymannuronic acid PG Polyguluronic acid GALT Gut-associated lymphoid tissue DTAF5-(4,6-Dichlorotriazinyl) aminofluorescein TMCN-trimethyl chitosan Cmax Maximum plasma concentrationFDFITC-dextranLMWHLow molecular weight heparinDOCADeoxycholic acid AUC Area under the curve BAT Bile acid transport GLP Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide PL Phospholipids LMWCS Low molecular weight chondroitin sulfate?-LNA?-Linolenic acid GSH Glutathione OJP Ophiopogon japonicus polysaccharide CCP Coptis chinensis Franch polysaccharide SNAD Sodium N-[10-(2-hydroxybenzoyl) amino] decanoate SNAC Sodium N-[8-(2-hydroxybenzoyl) amino] caprylate APSAstragalus polysaccharidesaPTTActivated partial thromboplastin time

Permeation enhancement effects of leaf materials from different aloe species on in vitro and ex vivo nasal epithelial models.

Author: W. Gerber, D. Steyn, Awie Kotzé, H. Svitina, C. Weldon, J. Hamman

nasal route of drug administration offers an alternative way for oral drug delivery and has the benefit of avoiding first-pass metabolism through drug delivery directly into the systemic circulation, drug absorption enhancing effects of selected aloe, Pharmacokinetic modulation, drug-herb interactions, Substances responsible for the enhancement of pharmacokinetic profiles (i.e. bioenhancers) may be substrates, inhibitors and/or inducers of absorption, metabolism, distribution and excretion, co-administered drug bioavailability, applicable to drugs with unfavourable physico-chemical properties such as large molecular weight drugs that experience difficulty to diffuse across biological membranes, as well as drugs that exhibit a high affinity for efflux transporters or metabolic enzymes, drug membrane permeation enhancing effects are Aloe vera, Aloe Vera Gel have the ability to open tight junctions between adjacent epithelial cells and thereby increase drug permeation across the intestinal epithelium, buccal epithelium and the skin, nasal route of drug administration facilitate delivery of poorly bioavailable drugs, nasal administration, drugs are delivered directly into the systemic circulation, thereby circumventing first-pass metabolism, when grown under ALI conditions, the RPMI 2650 cell line presents as a uniform multi-layered cell formation that expresses tight-junctions, multi-drug resistance proteins and transepithelial resistance and permeability values similar to that of excised human nasal mucosa, Aloe Vera Gel gel increased the transport of different molecules in a concentration dependent manner across other epithelial membranes including intestinal and buccal mucosal surfaces, functional excipients and/or bioenhancers,

Modification of Linen Fabrics with Health Promoting Products and its Effect on the Use Properties of the Fabrics and Natural Environment.

Authors Romualda Marsza?ek, Barbara Binkowska, Andrzej Sapieja, Teresa Hernik, Bo?enna Marcinowska

The Institute of Natural Fibres and Medicinal Plants, the Zyrardow branch, responding to the market needs, conducted research on the modification of linen fabrics with preparations containing any of these products: E vitamin, aloe vera, beeswax, extract from natural silk protein, all designed for use in so-called wellness products. E vitamin is one of the water-indissoluble and fat-soluble vitamins. It is a strong antioxidant which retards the process of aging of the body. From the chemical point of view, it is the C29H50O2 – compound, described as ?-Tocopherol. This vitamin has been used in the production of pharmaceuticals and cosmetics for years. In cosmetics it serves as an antioxidant and moisture absorber, thus caring for the skin and enhancing the treatment of various skin diseases. E vitamin is used in cosmetics containing lipids e.g., creams, ointments, emulsions, face and body oils and lipsticks. In the human body E vitamin acts as an important antioxidant i.e. a molecule that neutralizes free radicals, which are metabolites forming during molecular respiration and potentially damaging cell membranes. Natural beeswax is a substance produced by bees. Chemically it is a mixture of organic acids, hydroxyl acids, one or two hydroxyl alcohols, esters and hydrocarbons. It is characterized with antimicrobial, enhancing tissue regeneration, immune- stimulation and a generally positive effect on the whole organism, which is indicated by the general improvement of the physical-mental condition, faster recovery, and toning action in elderly people. Aloe vera L. is a tree plant with flesh of high nutritional value, as it is a rich source of proteins in the form of amino acids. Aloe flesh has antifungal properties, especially sought for after antibiotic treatments. It is also used in the treatment of skin diseases as well as in the cleaning, moistening, and nourishing of skin. Protein extracted from natural silk i.e. soluble hydrolysate of silk proteins is obtained from Bombyx mori silkworms. It exhibits a wide range of molecule mass, starting from free amino acids and finishing with long chain polypeptides, which endows it with both moistening and filmmaking properties. “Wellness” reflects a new philosophy of life. In the textile industry it refers to the functionality of clothing textiles, require have to be comfortable both for the body and soul. The application of fully biodegradable linen raw material for fabric production, a material characterized with moisture absorption, air permeability, and the absence of allergenic factors, combined with modification with the use of health promoting substances led to the production of ‘wellness’ products. Works on the modification of linen fabrics with health promoting preparations that endow the fabrics with the functionalities were carried out with respect to their biodegradation and use properties. The use properties are divided into the following groups: properties that determine durability (tensile strength, resistance to tear, abrasion resistance), aesthetic properties (fastness to change of colour or whiteness, pilling), hygienic properties that determine the comfort of using the clothes. The use comfort (hygienic properties) comprises three elements: sensory, psychological and physiological. Sensory comfort includes sensations perceived in the direct contact of clothing with the skin. Several properties are listed in this category e.g., smoothness, dryness, roughness etc. Psychological comfort implies feelings linked with current fashion. In numerous cases it is fashion that determines whether the user feels comfortable wearing certain types of clothing. Physiological comfort is linked with the microclimate perceived by the user in the layer beneath clothing, especially during physical effort. The groups of properties that affect physiological comfort are referred to as physiological parameters, including air permeability, hygroscopicity, absorbing capacity (the drop method), water vapour permeability, heat insulation, capacity of accumulating electric charge. The combination of these properties constitutes the feeling of comfort in the user.

A review on the relationship between Aloe vera components and their biologic effects. Semin Integr Med, 1, 53–62

Author: Choi S, Chung MH.

Aloe barbadensis Miller, immunomodulatory, antiinflammatory, UV protective, antiprotozoal, and wound- and burn-healing promoting properties, relationships between the components of aloe vera and their pharmacologic effects, promote wound, burn, and frost-bite healing, in addition to having antiinflammatory, antifungal, hypoglycemic, and gastroprotective properties, Wound healing is considered to be composed of three overlapping events: inflammation, new tissue formation, and matrix remodeling, Aloe vera gel extract stimulated fibroblast growth in a synovial model and also enhanced wound tensile strength and collagen turnover in wound tissue, topical application of aloe vera gel stimulated fibroblast activity and collagen proliferation, in addition to increasing the content of granulation tissue and tissue crosslinking by increasing the aldehyde content and decreasing the acid solubility, aloe vera gel increased levels of hyaluronic acid and dermatan sulphate in granulation tissue, formation of new tissue, angiogenesis is essentially required to provide oxygen and metabolites to the tissues. An increase in the blood supply was observed after aloe vera gel treatment, and it has been suggested that an increased oxygen access is one of the factors enhanced by aloe vera gel

Fortification of Functional and Medicinal Beverages with Botanical Products and Their Analysis, 2019

Authors: Gülnur Ek?i Bona, Sevinc Kurbanoglu, Sibel A. Ozkan

Functional beverages, Medicinal beverages, Analysis Plant-based ingredient, consumer awareness of relation between health and plant products has driven the functional and medicinal beverages industry to put much effort into products with botanically fortified ingredients, addition of botanical products requires high-level knowledge of chemistry, functional beverages and medicinal beverages with botanical products, analytical methods such as electrochemical, chromatographic, spectrophotometric, bio-compound standardized, beverages fortified by the botanical substances and their potential health benefits, scientific evidence of many medicinal plants possessing immunomodulatory, immunostimulatory, antidiabetic, anticarcinogenic, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties, plant materials, methods of production, biological activities, advantages, and risks of uses of herbal extracts for functional and medicinal beverages, antioxidant and antimicrobial effects of several herbal extracts, development of functional food products,

Study and description of hydrogels and organogels as vehicles for cosmetic active ingredients

Author M. E. Morales, V. Gallardo, B. Clares, M. B. Garcia, and M. A. Ruiz

Cellulite, a clinical syndrome mainly affecting women, involves specific changes in conjunctive dermic and subcutaneous tissue, leading to vascular and hypertrophic alterations in adipose tissues and the consequent alteration of tissue structure, design of hydrogels and pluronic-lecithin organogels elaborated as vehicles of Aloe vera (Aloe vera barbadensis miller) and Hydrocotyle asiatica (Centella asiatica) for the treatment of cellulite, hydrogels show better organoleptic characteristics than organogels, rheological point of view, both hydrogels and organogels display a plastic behavior. However, the main difference between the two is that the more complex internal structure of the organogel bestows it with more viscosity. Finally, in vitro tests with Franz-type diffusion cells revealed that the release of cosmetic active principle from the tested excipients was appropriate, both in terms of magnitude and velocity.

Preservation of sapota (Manilkara zapota) by edible aloe vera gel coating to maintain its quality.

Authors Padmaja, N., & Bosco, S. J. D.

Sapota is a climacteric fruit and is very much appreciated for its taste and nutritional value but the production and commercialization of the fruit is limited. The sweet tasting fruit possesses a delicate characteristic aroma, sometimes slightly astringent. So far, many attempts has been made to extend the shelf life which include Calcium salts dip treatment, GA?, Waxol and hot water treatments. But these were not able to increase the storage life to appreciable level as the MAP does which was expensive and need technical expertise. Aloe vera gel has been used as an edible coating in fruits, which would be an innovative and interesting means for commercial application and an alternative to the use of postharvest treatments. Aloe Vera has been used for centuries for its medicinal and therapeutic properties anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities apart from the antioxidant capacity. Pectin has wide applications in a variety of food formulations as jellying and thickening agent. Since it sets into Jelly in sugar-acid solution, it is regularly used in the preparation of jams, jellies, and marmalades. Because of its ever-increasing use and demand, pectin has become an indispensable ingredient in food industry. Low density polyethylene has wide applications in the food industry as packaging material to avoid weight loss, dust, contamination of microorganisms. Edible coatings play an important role in the quality, safety, transportation, storage, and display of a wide range of fresh and processed foods. Edible films and coatings, while preventing moisture loss and maintaining quality, prevent spoilage and microbial contamination of foods. They act as barriers to moisture and oxygen during processing, handling and storage and do not solely retard food deterioration but also enhance its safety due to their natural biocide activity or the incorporation of antimicrobial compounds.

Aloe vera apparels for fit, and youthful life.

Authors Fibre Fashion

The content of the plant helps in rejuvenating the skin cells, helps in the formation of healthy dermis and fights against skin damage. Innovations in the textile field have embedded the virtues of aloe vera in garments, which prevents ageing of the skin; rejuvenates skin cells and keeps skin free from microbial infections. Garments are made of a microfiber with an open mesh construction that improves the transport of moisture to the skin. Micro encapsulation technology helps to add aloe vera in the fabrics creating endless possibilities in the textile segment. Aloe Vera content is embedded into airtight and waterproof microcapsules. These micro capsules are miniature containers, manufactured with a protective polymeric coating or melamine shell. These shells can protect its contents from evaporation, and contamination until it is released. The capsules are bonded with the fibers during the process when fabric is manufactured. The capsules open when the fabric is touched or rubbed. When the garment is tailored, these capsules remain as a part of the clothing. When the garment is worn, the aloe vera in the garment is applied on the skin in a regular basis. This tolerates a temperature of 130C. This type of fabric is mainly used in manufacturing inner garments, as they are next to the skin. Apart from keeping the body warm, it also has some additional functions like absorbing bad smell, and providing anti-bacterial features. They are used in the manufacture of under garments, stockings etc. This will be more beneficial for the making of infant wears. Mothers can now protect their infants against chaffing byputting aloe vera enriched clothes. Aloe Vera enriched garments are in the initial stages of development. Not much is known about the textile applications of this wonder, medicinal plant.

Microbiota and Metabolite Modifications after Dietary Exclusion of Dairy Products and Reduced Consumption of Fermented Food in Young and Older Men

Jinyoung Kim, Kathryn J Burton-Pimentel, Charlotte Fleuti, Carola Blaser, Valentin Scherz, René Badertscher, Corinne Marmonier, Noëlle Lyon-Belgy, Aurélie Caille, Véronique Pidou, Adeline Blot, Claire Bertelli, Jérémie David, Ueli Bütikofer, Gilbert Greub, Dominique Dardevet, Sergio Polakof, Guy Vergères.

foods; dairy products; fermented food; gut microbiota; ageing; lipids/free fatty acids

Roles of polysaccharides in transdermal drug delivery system and future prospects

Author: Saidin, N.M., Anuar, N.K., Meor Mohd Affandi, M.M.R.

polysaccharides used in transdermal drug delivery system, system provides continuous controlled delivery of active ingredients through human skin and into the blood stream, Poor penetration of most drugs into the skin, increase the permeability of such drugs, natural polysaccharides in transdermal formulations has increased as an alternative to the synthetic materials, Structure modification and polymer blending polysaccharides and other materials in order to alter their functional properties, natural polymers provided better controlled release and drug permeation, physicochemical properties of polysaccharides and their effects on drug release profile, skin microstructure, and transdermal drug permeation

An evidence-based systematic review of Aloe vera


Alopecia (hair loss), Alzheimer’s disease, antioxidant, arthritis (osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis), asthma, bacterial skin infections, candida skin infections, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic leg ulcers, congestive heart failure, corneal abrasions/ulcers, coronary artery disease prevention, diabetic ulcers, duodenal ulcer, dry skin (aloe gel gloves), frostbite, functional bowel disorders, gastric acid reduction (hyperacidity), gastric ulcer, helminthic infections, hepatitis, human papilloma virus hyperlipidemia, in?ammatory bowel disease, lichen planus, Parkin-son’s disease, peptic ulcer, periodontal surgical rinse, post dermabrasion wound healing, radioprotection, sunburn, systemic lupus erythematosus, tic douloureux, untreatable advanced solid neoplasms, urolithiasis (bladder stones), Aloe Vera Gel gel or extract is used topically to reduce pain and in?ammation, enhance healing of skin wounds (abrasions , cuts, and ulcers), or treat psoriasis, frostbite injury, burns, infections (cold sores). Medical attention should be sought for severe burns, wounds, or frostbite, polysaccharide glucomannan is an effective human skin moisturizer, which accounts for its use in many cosmetics. Acemannan, the major carbohydrate fraction in the gel, is a water-soluble long-chain mannose polymer, modulate immune function (particularly macrophage activation and cytokine production) and to accelerate wound healing. The macrophage stimulating principle of acemannan appears to reside in the high molecular weight polysaccharides Aloeride, Acemannan has also been reported to exhibit antineoplastic and antiviral effects in vitro, anti-in?ammatory properties, enhance antibody production, aloe’s local anti-in?ammatory activity, possibly because of an inhibitory effect on the arachidonic acid pathway via cyclooxygenase, veracylglucan C exhibited signi?cant cell proliferative and anti-in?ammatory activities, free radical scavenging and other antioxidant properties, Topical aloe’s anti-in?ammatory properties do not appear to interfere with wound healing, but rather increase wound tensile strength, possibly because of the ?broblast stimulating activity of mannose-6-phosphate, Promotion of apoptosis has been reported in vitro as a possible antineoplastic mechanism, Aloe appears to affect detoxi?cation of reactive metabolites by liver and other organs, aloe polysaccharides might have a radio-protective effect on nonmalignant cells via its ability to modulate the cell cycle,

Aloe use expands in functional drinks | 2014-02-14 | Beverage Industry

Author: Stephanie Cernivec

Ingredient could offer gastrointestinal, immune, beauty health benefits as skin-soothing benefits, aloe vera can be found in a multitude of consumer packaged goods (CPG) products, including tissues, soaps and lotions, oral consumption of aloe vera, additional benefits come into play, aloe is a trendy ingredient in functional beverages, aloe drinks have been popular internationally, influx of single-serve aloe vera drinks from Asia , Europe and USA, while no claims are intended to be made, there have been good, legitimate scientific studies to indicate that aloe can be helpful with gastrointestinal disorders, low molecular weight polysaccharides found in aloe vera has been beneficial for the immune system, Korean Food and Drug Administration (KFDA) concluded that functional health foods containing aloe taken orally support immune function. Additionally, another study affirmed by the KFDA found that daily consumption of functional health foods containing 1.2 grams of aloe taken orally showed significant positive clinical indexes of skin aging with reduction of wrinkles and increased skin elasticity, maintain health through management of cholesterol in the normal range and reducing oxidative stress status, stimulate the body’s antioxidant system, aloe is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory benefit, digestive health, IASC, University of Scranton in Pennsylvania found that the bioavailability, or absorption rate, of vitamins C and E were significantly increased when the vitamins were taken with aloe vera instead of water, over 200 compounds found in aloe vera, the polysaccharides and, particularly, the molecular weight distribution of those polysaccharides, play a major role in the bio-communication and benefits derived, AMB Wellness fits aloe vera molecular weight distribution as fress and nature aloe plant, high-performance liquid chromatography-size exclusion chromatography (HPLC-SEC) analysis of any aloe vera raw material to compare its total polysaccharide and molecular weight distribution with what is found in nature as well as with Innovaloe products, AMB’s brand line, Innovaloe© aloe brand of ingredients will have at least 10 percent polysaccharides by weight, INNOVALOE line are available in both liquid and powder forms, aloe vera generally is easy to incorporate into beverage applications, aloe vera gel single strength juice 1X is 99.5 percent water, it can be incorporated easily into most water-phase product batches, aloe Innovaloe concentrated powder formats also work well in aqueous solutions, customers request aloe vera in a powder format most often, the key factor of the powder is it’s easy to ship and, it’s easy to store, but as a formulator, what’s great about it is there’s no preservatives in it, there’s no fillers; there’s nothing added to it, aloe vera 200X powders are pure aloe vera solids, is easy to work with and goes right into solution and you get all and same as natural benefits from aloe, Innovaloe powder can be significantly concentrated — AMB offers a 200-to-1 spray dried powder concentrate , one kilo plus 199 DI water , makes 200 lts od aloe vera juice 1X at % of aloe solids, which is the value of X in aloe industry, only a small amount is needed in a beverage, and it will not affect the color or taste of the product much, Beverage-makers challenges when incorporating aloe vera powder into dilution making with a significantly high or low Ph, Aloe vera ingredients also can face difficulties when it comes to alcohol, because beverages with a high alcohol content can precipitate the polysaccharides found in aloe, formulators encounter very few challenges with the ingredient

Aloe dairy probiotic .-Effect of storage on sensory quality, pH, wheying-off and probiotic count of lassi supplemented with Aloe barbadensis Miller juice, Author S. A. Hussain, G. R. Patil, R. B. Singh

Author S. A. Hussain, G. R. Patil, R. B. Singh

Aloe vera, lassi, probiotics, shelf-life, principal component analysis, Different strains of L. paracasei, yoghurt, Kefir and other fermented milks, Aloe polysaccharides, human colonic bacteria indicating, functional food market, Aloe vera used as a supplement

Hydration effects of moisturizing gel on normal skin: A pilot study.

Author: Joanna Xuan Hui Goh 1, Loh Teng-Hern Tan1,2,3*, Han Choi Yew4, Priyia Pusparajah5, Prithvy Lingham5, Chiau Ming Long6, Learn-Han Lee2,7*, Bey-Hing Goh1,7*

Moisturizers, topically applied agents, increase the moisture content in the skin to maintain skin integrity and youthful appearance, skin hydration, benefits of daily usage, moisture content and texture index of the skin, a hydrating effect, smoothness, aloe vera, stratum corneum, dermis, collagen and elastin fibers, skin plays important roles in regulating the homeostatic balance of temperature, water and electrolyte levels of the body; additionally, beneath the dermis are layers of connective tissues and adipose tissue, stratum corneum (SC), stratum granulosum, stratum spinosum, stratum basale, natural moisturizing factor (NMF), Confronting the harsh environmental challenges, moisturizing agents render a cooling effect and help to reduce the incidence of skin wear and tear caused by dryness, nature and ingredients, different moisturizers maintain hydration through different mechanisms, such as by functioning as emollients, humectants, substantives, keratolytic agents, forming an occlusive barrier to reduce water loss, Aloe barbadensis is known for its capacity to promote the healing of many skin ailments, from minor burns, cuts, frostbite, acne to more severe skin diseases and inflammation due to the fact that it can penetrate into tissues beneath the skin layers and hasten the proliferation of cells to facilitate the skin repair process, polysaccharide structure, Aloe vera is one of the natural ingredients as moisturizer, humecting effect on the skin , Humectants penetrate and draw water into the skin, skin capacitance increases with prolonged use of moisturizers ,Aloe vera gel improved moisture level in SC without altering transepidermal water loss (TEWL),The moisturizing effect of Aloe vera is likely attributed to its rich polysaccharide content, such as Acemannan and Glucomannan.

aloe vera gel in food, health products, and cosmetics industry.2014;

Author: Javed S, Rahman

Aloe vera has found wide applications in the cosmetics and nutraceutical industry, Aloe gel contains mannose polymers with various sugars including glucose; acemannan is the most active ingredient, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, proteins, and phytosterols, Aloe vera products, biocompounds, therapeutic properties, food grade processing, quality control, GMP, HACCP, ISO22000, FSCC,

Assessing the Use of Aloe vera Gel Alone and in Combination with Lemongrass Essential Oil as a Coating Material for Strawberry Fruits: HPLC and EDX Analyses

Authors Hanaa S. Hassan,Mervat EL-Hefny,Ibrahim M. Ghoneim,Mina S. R. Abd El-Lahot,Mohammad Akrami,Asma A. Al-Huqail,Hayssam M. Ali andDoaa Y. Abd-Elkader

Strawberry is a non-climacteric fruit but exhibits a limited postharvest life due to rapid softening and decay. A strawberry coating that is natural and safe for human consumption can be used to improve the appearance and safeguard the fruits. In this study, 20% and 40% Aloe vera gel alone or in combination with 1% lemongrass essential oil (EO) was used as an edible coating for strawberries. After application of all the treatments, the strawberry fruits were stored at a temperature of 5 ± 1 “C at a relative humidity (RH) of 90%–95% for up to 16 days and all the parameters were analyzed and compared to control (uncoated fruits). A. vera gel and lemongrass EO decreased acidity and total anthocyanins and maintained fruit firmness. Treatment with A. vera gel 40% + lemongrass EO 1% led to the lowest weight loss, retained firmness and acidity, but increased the total soluble solids and total anthocyanins compared to uncoated fruits during storage of up to 16 days. The phenolic compounds of A. vera gel were analyzed by HPLC, and the most abundant compounds were found to be caffeic (30.77 mg/mL), coumaric (22.4 mg/mL), syringic (15.12 mg/mL), sinapic (14.05 mg/mL), ferulic (8.22 mg/mL), and cinnamic acids (7.14 mg/mL). Lemongrass EO was analyzed by GC–MS, and the most abundant compounds were identified as ?-citral (neral) (40.10%) ?-citral (geranial) (30.71%), ?-dodecalactone (10.24%), isoneral (6.67%), neryl acetal (5.64%), and linalool (1.77%). When the fruits were treated with 20% or 40% A. vera gel along with 1% lemongrass, their total phenolic content was maintained during the storage period (from 4 to 8 days). The antioxidant activity was relatively stable during the 8 days of cold storage of the fruits coated with A. vera gel combined with lemongrass EO because the activity of both 20% and 40% gel was greater than that for the other treatments after 12 days of storage in both experiments. Moreover, all the treatments resulted in lower numbers of total microbes at the end of the storage period compared with the control treatment. This study indicates that the use of Aloe vera gel with lemongrass EO as an edible coating considerably enhances the productivity of strawberry fruits and the treatment could be used on a commercial scale. Strawberry has tremendous prospects for commercial use, e.g., for the extraction of natural color with great potential for diverse value-added processed products. However, the physiological characteristics of strawberry fruits deteriorate easily, as their softening reduces their postharvest shelf life during cold storage. Recently, methods of ozone, electrolyzed water, modified/controlled atmospheric packaging, natural compounds, antifungal edible coatings, and biocontrol agents have emerged as safe alternatives and efficient preservation methods in the fresh produce industry. Edible coatings are made up of natural polymers, such as carbohydrates, proteins, waxes, and their composites, that separate fruits from the surrounding atmosphere. Coatings with edible films and essential oils (EOs) can also help to maintain the postharvest quality of fruits by reducing transpiration and respiration. They also protect fruits and vegetables from deterioration by reducing the microbial growth and enhancing the textural quality. Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller). A. vera gel is rich in soluble sugars and polysaccharides but has low properties of hydrophobic and lipid levels with gas barrier efficacy, making it an ideal edible coating material. Moreover, A. vera gel coatings act as a barrier to moisture and O2, reducing the respiration rate, thereby preventing anaerobic conditions and conserving fruit quality. As a coating material, A. vera gel maintains the texture, color, and shelf life of fruits and vegetables. It is edible, invisible, odorless, and does not affect the quality of the fruit and vegetables, moreover, it is safe for human health and ecofriendly. Furthermore, it reduces respiration rate, moisture loss, softening of tissues, oxidative browning, and proliferation of microorganisms in fruits, such as strawberry, cherry laurel fruit, and grapes. Using A. vera gel dip coating reduced weight loss, changes in the physicochemical parameters, and decay, extending the shelf life of figs and litchi fruits. lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus), one of the important medicinal herbs, belonging to family Poaceae, is known to have strong antimicrobial and insecticidal properties. It shows a strong fungicidal effect against microorganisms in fruit juices. Lemongrass EOs are composed of terpenes and phenylpropenes compounds. In addition, they contain other chemical groups like ketones, alcohols, esters, aldehyde, and flavonoid compounds. The major components of Lemongrass EOs are nerol, ?-citral, citronellal, ?-citral, geraniol, terpinolene, myrcene, geranyl acetate, terpinol, and methylheptenone . Mixtures of A. vera gel and EOs are widely studied as edible coatings for fresh-cut and whole fruit. A. vera gel and lemongrass EO enhance the postharvest quality, bioactive constituents, and shelf life of strawberry fruit.

Oral administration of Aloe vera gel, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory herbal remedy, stimulates cell-mediated immunity and antibody production in a mouse model.


Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. (Aloe barbadensis Mill) Liliaceae, innovaloe powder 200x, AMB Wellness, manufacturer of aloe Raw materials from Mexico, inner part of parenchyma, which contains aloe gel, treatment of minor wounds, inflammatory skin disorders, thermal , radiation burns, alleviate chronic osteoarthritis pain, antimicrobial activity, aloe gel is a dietary supplement, immunomodulatory properties, orally administered aloe gel on some parameters of cellular and humoral immunity viz. mitogen-induced proliferation of splenic lymphocytes and their chemokinetic activity, and anti-sheep red blood cells (SRBC) antibody production, Daily treatment of mice for 14 and 21 days with 50 µl or 150 µl of aloe gel dose resulted in enhanced chemokinetic activity and stronger response of their splenic lymphocytes to mitogen PHA and enhancement of anti-SRBC antibody production, inhibitory activity, isolated cariogenic and periodontopathic bacteria, bacteriostatic effect on Listeria monocytogenes, Aloe gel and its extracts also exert antimicrobial activity against multidrug-resistant bacteria (MDR) , antimicrobial activity of Aloe vera against Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus spp., Enterococcus spp., Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Vibrio spp, effect strong against E. coli and Vibrio spp , Salmonella typhimurium, growth inhibition activity of aloe gel against MDR Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates, t Aloe vera juice incorporated into the growth media of Lactobacilli at a concentration of 5% was effective in promoting the growth of L. acidophilus, L. plantarum and L. casei, concentration higher than 25% showed an inhibitory effect, aloe gel in a lower concentration might be used in combination with probiotic Lactobacillus strains as a therapy for gastrointestinal disorders, t aloe gel suppressed bacterial-induced pro-inflammatory [tumor necrosis factor ? (TNF-?) and interleukin 1? (IL-1?)] cytokines production in human immune cells, protective effect of Aloe vera on polymicrobial sepsis, Aloe vera reversed the lethality and ameliorated the multiple organ dysfunction syndrome both by enhancing bacterial clearance and by attenuation of pro-inflammatory cytokines production, anti-inflammatory effect of Aloe vera was connected with down-regulation of MMP-9 activity, Aloe vera extracts may be used in eye drops to treat inflammations and other cornea ailments, aloe gel and its compounds on immunity are scanty, and mostly connected with its stimulatory effect on macrophages activity, possess immunomodulating action on primary humoral immune response

Effect of Lactobacillus acidophilus on the physicochemical and sensory properties of Aloe vera,

Author Maryam Bahrami , Seyed Ziaeddin Hosseini Mazhari , Zeinab Ebrahimzadeh Mousav

physicochemical, textural pro?le, microbial, antioxidant, and sensory characteristics of the produced yoghurt containing Aloe vera, Aloe vera gel concentration, health bene?t to the consumers, enriched with probiotic bacteria, probiotic products with Aloe vera gel provide health advantages,

Evaluation of dietary supplementation of Aloe vera as an alternative to antibiotic growth promoters in broiler production

Author Muhammad Zeeshan Akram1 Muhammad Salman2 Hassan Jalal1 Muhammad Umair Asghar3 Zeshan Ali4 Muhammad Hassan Javed2 Minahil Khan5

extracts of Aloe vera (AV) at three different pH as a growth promoter, immunostimulant and coccidiostat agent in broiler production, extracts of Aloe vera (AV) at three different pH as a growth promoter, immunostimulant and coccidiostat agent in broiler production, broiler birds (Cobb), chicks, broiler starter and finisher diets supplemented, , Newcastle disease; Infectious bursal disease; Immunity; Antibiotics; Growth promotors, herbal product and alternative to antibiotic growth promoters, 50 ml/liter AV of pH 3 treatment showed relatively better results on growth performance parameters, immune response and coccidiosis in broiler chicken

Aloe vera and Probiotics: A New Alternative to Symbiotic Functional Foods

Author R. B. Cuvas-Limón, Montañez Sáenz Julio, Contreras Esquivel Juan Carlos, Cruz Hernández Mario, Solange I. Mussatto and Belmares-Cerda Ruth

probiotics , health benefits, lactose intolerance, natural resistance to infectious , disease, gastrointestinal tract, suppression of cancer, an antidiabetic agent, decrease in serum cholesterol levels settings, gastrointestinal disorders, health benefits, probiotics, prebiotics or functional foods, aloe vera promotes a health benefit on the host, plants and fruits, probiotic activity, antimicrobial activity, improvement of the intestinal barrier , immunomodulation, health benefit associated with modulation of the gut microbiota, aloe vera is considered healthful product ,functional ingredient is a modified food or food ingredient that may provide a health benefit beyond that of the traditional nutrients it contains, Plant-based products, probiotic dairy foods, probiotic and prebiotic Aloe vera enriched drink using a fermentative process, microorganisms, substrate and the prebiotic – probiotic biotransformation affecting the lactic acid formation

Plant-Based Gums and Mucilages Applications in Pharmacology and Nanomedicine: A Review.

Author: Mohammad Sadegh Amiri, Vahideh Mohammadzadeh , Mohammad Ehsan Taghavizadeh Yazdi , Mahmood Barani , Abbas Rahdar , and George Z. Kyzas

Gums are carbohydrate biomolecules that have the potential to bind water and form gels regularly linked with proteins and minerals in their construction. Gums have several forms, such as mucilage gums, seed gums, exudate gums, etc. Plant gums are one of the most important gums because of their bioavailability, main feature is high stabilization, viscosity, adhesive property, emulsi?cation action, and surface-active activity, many pharmaceutical formulations use them, plant-based gums and mucilages are the key ingredients due to their bioavailability, widespread accessibility, non-toxicity, and reasonable prices. These compete with many polymeric materials for use as different pharmaceuticals in today’s time and have created a signi?cant achievement from being an excipient to innovative drug carriers. scientists and pharmacy industries around the world have been drawn to uncover the secret potential of plant-based gums and mucilages through a deeper understanding of their physicochemical characteristics and the development of safety pro?le information. This innovative unique class of drug products, useful in advanced drug delivery applications, gene therapy, and biosynthesis, has been developed by modi?cation of plant-based gums and mucilages, Extensive use of various excipients, such as binders, thickening agents, sweeteners, and glidants, which can change the physicochemical properties of the final formulation of the drug and adjust the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties, has made significant progress in the field of drug delivery systems, Polymers are used as excipients for the progress of polymer-based drug delivery systems with the purpose of targeted drug delivery , synthetic polymers have high physical, chemical, and mechanical stability but can cause cytotoxicity and are bio-incompatible, synthetic polymers have disadvantages, such as: poor adaptation to the patient’s body, high cost, and can also cause acute and chronic side effects, for example: poly-(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) can cause skin and eye irritation the utilization of natural polymers has increased, the use of natural plant-derived polysaccharides as excipients has increased in the pharmaceutical industry and can solve formulation problems and reduce the side effects of synthetic polymers, natural polysaccharides are formed by their O-glycosidic linkages by binding monosaccharide residues together and are known as biopolymers, gums and mucilages are among these excipients. They are widely used in the medicine and cosmetic industries and can also be modified for use in a variety of drug delivery systems, these materials can be used in several pharmacological forms, for instance, control release systems, film-coating agents, nanoparticles, viscous liquid formulations such as ophthalmic solutions, suspensions, implants, etc. Gums and mucilages are composed of many compounds, including polysaccharides. The resins and tannins in the gums are responsible for providing and delivering retardant properties to the dosage form and transmitting release inhibitory properties.

Anticancer Potential of Aloes: Antioxidant, Antiproliferative, and Immunostimulatory Attributes

Author: Eli Harlev , Eviatar Nevo , Ephraim P. Lansky , Rivka Ofir , Anupam Bishayee

Aloe vera; acemannan; applications; biological activity; polysaccharide; structure, immunoregulation, anti-cancer, anti-oxidation, wound healing and bone proliferation promotion, neuroprotection, and intestinal health promotion activities, structure-activity relationships of acemannan, medical applications, pharmacological applications of acemannan, neuroprotection, and intestinal health promotion activities, prevention or treatment of skin diseases, metabolic diseases, cardiovascular diseases and cancers, immunomodulation, antimicrobial, antiviral, anti?cancer, anti?inflammatory properties, Polysaccharide acetylation, Acemannan, a ??(1,4)?acetylated soluble polymannose, immunomodulatory activity of acemannan on splenic lymphocyte, macrophage and dendritic cell, adaptive immune system and the innate immune system

Effect of Additives on Surface Tension, Viscosity, Transparency and Morphology Structure of Aloe vera Gel-Based Coating.

Authors Luh Suriati*, I. Made Supartha Utama, Bambang Admadi Harsojuwono and Ida Bagus Wayan Gunam

Coating is a new trend for extending shelf-life and reducing postharvest damage to fruits currently. Aloe vera gel based (AVG) coating is made by adding citric acid, ascorbic acid and potassium sorbate. The additive increases the stability of AVG coating, Fruits are commodities that are growing rapidly at this time, stimulated by the need for food that can improve health. The drawbacks are very short shelf life and perishability, requiring proper postharvest handling to reach customers fresh. One alternative method that can be used to increase the shelf life of fruits in recent years is a coating, the coating is a thin layer of food packaging, environmentally friendly and biodegradable, Ideal size of coating is 20–110 nm, the coating can also function as a carrier for additives; a barrier to chemical, physical and biological changes; a barrier to gas exchange of O2and CO2, water vapor and mass transfer, the parameters surface tension, viscosity, transparency and morphology structure can cover the coated surface (adhesion) which is closely related to surface tension and morphology structure of the coating. In addition, the coating is easily emulsi?ed, has low viscosity, is non-sticky, dries quickly, is bright and transparent. The coating application on fruits or vegetables improves a bright, shiny appearance, retains moisture, prevents weight loss, and acts as an antimicrobial, the coating helps maintain the quality and extends the shelf life of fruits and vegetables. The added advantages of using coating are as follows: It does not pollute the environment; it is a preservative-free food product and can maintain taste and color retention , The ingredients of coatings consist of lipids, polysaccharides, proteins and, Polysaccharide-based coating provides an excellent barrier to oxygen due to its dense hydrogen bond network structure, the addition of antioxidant additives such as citric acid and ascorbic acid to coating results in better-quality maintenance , the microbiological spoilage of coated fruits suggests the importance of adding antimicrobials to coating , potassium sorbate has been reported to have the potential as an antimicrobial that can be incorporated in coatings. The type and concentration of additives determine the consistency and stability of the coating, currently, the information is very limited. Stability determines the adhesion of coating to the surface of the product, one of the natural ingredients with the potential as a constituent of coatings is Aloe vera gel (AVG) has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, and can retain moisture such that it can inhibit postharvest damage, increase shelf life and maintain the quality of fruits, he advantages of using AVG coating are its biodegradability, permeability to oxygen, antioxidant power, low toxicity e?ect, and low-cost, easy application as well as an alternative to the use of chemicals after harvest, The ability of AVG coatings as a matrix or additive carrier is in?uenced by structure, molecular size and chemical content, the advantages of using additives on AVG coating include antimicrobial ability, emulsion system stability, barrier properties and bioavailability. Additives on coating also expand the surface such that it can improve stability such as solubility, absorption of active compounds and controlled release.

Enhancement strategies for transdermal drug delivery systems: current trends and applications.

Author: Delly Ramadon, Maeliosa T. C. McCrudden, Aaron J. Courtenay & Ryan F. Donnelly

Transdermal drug delivery systems , research topic in pharmaceutical technology area, developed pharmaceutical products in global market, delivery routes, such as oral and parenteral, applications of transdermal technologies, transdermal drug delivery systems and enhancement strategies, development of first-generation transdermal products, drug/vehicle interactions, vesicles and particles, stratum corneum modification, energy-driven methods and stratum corneum bypassing techniques, suitable design and implementation of active stratum corneum bypassing methods, notably microneedle technology, transdermal delivery systems have been shown to deliver both low and high molecular weight drugs, microneedle technology platforms, intradermal delivery of drugs/biotherapeutics and therapeutic drug monitoring, strategy for improving transdermal delivery systems, drug delivery systems, Innovation in drug delivery systems is a key strategy employed to improve the bioavailability of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), oral delivery systems offer benefits , such as dosage form variety, painless ease of administration, convenience, self-administration, high safety, and patient compliance , oral delivery systems have some limitations such as poor drug stability in the gastrointestinal tract and subjection to first pass metabolism. For instance, there is a possibility of drug degradation caused by enzymatic reaction or exposure to the acidic environment in the stomach, solubility issues of drugs in the intestinal fluid and their permeability through the intestinal membrane may act as rate limiting steps in drug absorption, causing low bioavailability these drawbacks are routinely observed in the delivery of peptide or protein-based drugs, as a result, intravenous (IV) injection is designated as one of the most promising delivery system for proteinaceous drugs, as it can achieve up to 100% bioavailability, accurate dosing and hepatic metabolism avoidance, injection can achieve up to 100% bioavailability, accurate dosing and hepatic metabolism avoidance, disadvantages are an invasive delivery method, causing pain, low patient compliance, and sharps waste disposal considerations add significant costs, transdermal drug delivery systems use the skin as the drug administration site, the administered drug is absorbed into the systemic circulation via blood vessels in the skin and then circulates around the body, transdermal drug delivery systems offer some advantages for patients, such as being less invasive (some methods are entirely noninvasive), first-pass metabolism avoidance, ease of application and administration, reduce frequency of administration, used for the delivery of different varieties of drugs, both hydrophilic and hydrophobic compounds, Drug absorption via the skin, application of drug-containing dosage forms onto the skin, drug will be released into the skin, Avoidance of significant pre-systemic metabolism (degradation in gastrointestinal tract (GIT) or by the liver) leading to bioavailability improvement, continuity of drug administration in transdermal patches permits the use of a drug with short biological half-life, possibility of sustained and controlled drug delivery over a prolonged period of time even drugs with narrow therapeutic window, Increased patient acceptance and compliance due to the reduction of dosing frequency , more uniform pharmacokinetic profiles of drugs with minimization of peaks-troughs in plasma-drug concentration, thus reducing the risk of toxic side effects, Ease of dose termination in case of any systemic or local adverse effect, providing an alternative to oral dosing in the circumstances of unconscious or nauseated patients, facilitating noninvasive mode of drug administration by avoiding the risk and inconveniences such as needle phobia associated with parenteral therapy, in spite of many potential advantages, transdermal patches has following limitations, essentiality of molecular weight <500 Da to ensure ease of diffusion across the SC, since solute diffusivity is inversely related to its size, Sufficient aqueous and lipid solubility, a Log P (octanol/water) in between 1 and 3 is required for the permeant to successfully traverse the SC and its underlying aqueous layers for systemic delivery to occur, drugs that require high blood levels cannot be administered as transdermal patches is mostly limited only to potent molecules (oral dose is <10 mg/day) , certain drugs, excipient, or components of transdermal patches may cause skin irritation and sensitization leading to erythema and edema, intra- or inter-personal variability in skin changes its barrier function, drug administration in transdermal patches permits the use of a drug with short biological half-life (2–4 h),

Revealing the secret life of skin – with the microbiome you never walk alone

Author R. Sfriso,M. Egert,M. Gempeler,R. Voegeli,R. Campiche

human skin microbiome, dermatological and cosmetic fields, skin microbiota, collection of vital microorganisms living on our skin, maintain its delicate balance is an essential step to gain insight into the mechanisms responsible for healthy skin and its appearance, development of approaches which preserve or restore the natural, individual balance of the microbiota represents a novel target not only for dermatologists but also for skincare applications, skincare segment to help restoring and balancing the structure and functionality of the skin microbiota, hair follicles and sweat ducts, main skin function is to maintain homeostasis by preventing water and extracellular fluid loss (permeability barrier), by keeping a constant body temperature, healthy-looking human skin also harbours resident or transient viruses, skin surface depends on physiological characteristics (pH, temperature, sebum content and moisture (linked to the presence of sweat and sebaceous glands distributed across the skin)), topography (rough or smooth surface of the corneocytes) as well as on exogenous environmental factors – such as UV exposure, temperature and humidity – and it is reflected in a differential microbial colonization, skin conductance and transepidermal water loss (TEWL), differential microbial colonization , stratum corneum, the skin-resident microbiota guarantees protection and a biological barrier, skin microbiota composition, Damaged skin barrier with dysbiosis, skin pH, dendritic epidermal T cells.

Effects of Polysaccharide-Based Formulations on Human Skin.

Author: Patrícia Maria Berardo Gonçalves Maia Campos, Maisa Oliveira de Melo & Flavio Bueno de Camargo Junior

The knowledge of the skin biology allows the identification of which active ingredients are important for the maintenance of its integrality and barrier function, essential to skin health, development of cosmetic formulations, improve the efficacy of the formulations, maintaining the skin in good conditions, improve formulation stability and sensorial properties, polysaccharide-based formulations promoted the transepidermal water loss reduction, protecting the skin barrier function

Microencapsulation of natural antioxidant powder from Aloe vera (L.) skin using Foam mat drying method-

Authors Narsih, 2Sri Kumalaingsih, S., 2Usinggih, W. and 2Wignyanto}

microencapsulation of Aloe vera skin powder will provide a new opportunity to improve the bioactive properties of the Phyto-component as antioxidant agent, Aloe vera (L.) skin is seldom used in food processing, Aloe vera (L.) skin contained pharmaceutical compound such as antioxidant, making it a potential source of raw materials to be processed into natural antioxidant powder, The processing of Aloe vera (L.) skin into natural antioxidant powder requires encapsulation using maltodextrin as protective compound, Tween 80 as foaming agent and low drying temperature (600C), the addition of maltodextrin as encapsulation can protect the release of nutrient components as well as protecting important compound such as antioxidant from extreme temperature, tween 80 as foaming agent help figuration of a good suspension, the drying temperature between 60-750C was the optimum best temperature in maintaining the quality of powder. Free radical scavenging activity, the antioxidant activity of Aloe vera (L.) skin powder determined using DPPH assay (%) was 88.31%, which is higher than synthetic antioxidant such as BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) at 70.5% and ?-tocopherol at 65.65. The higher level of antioxidant activity observed in the encapsulated Aloe vera (L.) skin powder are probably due to its relative resistant to the effect of the drying temperature and the effect of encapsulation using maltodextrin and tween 80, the increase in free radical antioxidant could be due to better extractability of antioxidant component and higher level of phenolic content, phytochemicals such as phenolic content, ascorbic acid, tocopherol and pigment also contribute to total antioxidant activity and has a good correlation between the antioxidant activity and its total phenolic compound content.

Nitric oxide production by chicken macrophages activated by Acemannan, a complex carbohydrate extracted from Aloe vera. Int. J. Immunopharmaco., 17: 183–188.

Author: Karaca K, Sharma JM, Nordgren R. 1995.

chicken spleen cells and HD11 line cells produce nitric oxide (NO) in response to Acemannan, complex carbohydrate derived from the Aloe vera, nitric oxide synthase inhibitor NG-methyl-l-arginine, Neither cell type produced detectable amounts of NO in response to similar concentrations of yeast mannan, another complex carbohydrate, ACM-induced NO synthesis may be mediated through macrophage mannose receptors, and macrophage activation may be accouantable for some of the immunomodulatory effects of ACM in chickens.

Cosmetic Attributes of Aloe vera L . Gel,

Author: S. Gupta

protection against radiation, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammation, aloe polysaccharides, skin moisturizers, aloe is an excellent ingredient for pros for face and hand creams, cleansers, soaps, suntan lotions, sunscreens, skin whiteners, shampoos and hair tonics, shaving preparations, bath aids, makeup and fragrance preparations to baby lotions and wipes, aloe vera component compounds, including anthraquinones, saccharides, polysaccharides, lignin, and numerous low molecular weight compounds such as vitamins and salicylic acid, bioactive maloyl glucans, synergistic action of the various components of Aloe vera gel contribute to the occurrence of a wide array of biological functions, UV-opacity potential of the gel, synergetic action between the polysaccharide moiety and other components in Aloe Gel, Skin regeneration involves inflammation, cell proliferation and contraction of collagen lattice formation, Wound healing is the process of repair and regeneration of dermis and epidermis that follows injury to the skin and other tissues of the body, macrophage activation, stimulate wound healing by increasing keratinocyte proliferation and migration , Collagen is the major protein of the extracellular matrix, and is the component which ultimately contributes to wound strength, aloe vera gel AG can inhibit matrix metalloproteinase in a dose-dependent manner, The effects of acemannan on gingival fibroblasts proliferation, keratinocyte growth factor-1 (KGF-1), vascular endothelial growth factor, type I collagen production and oral wound healing was investigated in murine model, Acemannan at 2-16 mg/ml significantly stimulated keratinocyte growth factor 1, vascular endothelial growth factor, and type 1 collagen expressions, components of AG contain mannose-6-phosphate that fits into growth receptors present on fibroblast cells and stimulates them, concept that fibroblast cells – which are key cells in forming the structure of connective tissue – possess special receptors, which are sensitive to mannose-6-phosphate and hence to mannose-containing polysaccharides, mannose-containing glycoproteins, and breakdown products derived from these large mannose rich molecules, natural antioxidants to prevent the deleterious effects of free radicals, Any imbalance in the cellular metabolism can lead reactive oxygen species (ROS) to do oxidative damage to cellular membranes or intracellular molecules

Chitosan–aloe vera gel coating delays postharvest decay of mango fruit.

Authors Shah, S.; Hashmi, M.S.

Mango is an extremely perishable fruit with a short postharvest time, and a considerable proportion of harvested mangoes become spoiled due to the postharvest decay in mango-producing areas of the world. The current study was designed to evaluate the effects of chitosan on the storage life of mango. Mango samples were coated with 750, 1000, and 1500 ppm chitosan solution, before storing them in the open or zip-bags under ambient and refrigeration conditions for different storage periods. Changes in different physical and chemical parameters were recorded to evaluate the treatments’ effectiveness in extending fruit shelf-life and sustaining postharvest quality of mangoes. The results showed that chitosan coating was able to reduce weight loss up to 65% in comparison to the uncoated control. Total mold and bacterial counts were also significantly lower in postharvest mangos when they were coated with chitosan compared to the uncoated samples. In addition, different fruit quality attributes, such as vitamin C content, titratable acidity, sugar content, ash, and protein content were also retained to a considerable extent by the chitosan coatings. Chitosan, a naturally occurring alkaline polysaccharide, is a biodegradable macromolecule, originated from the deacetylation of nontoxic and bio-functional chitin. Chitosan is one of the well-studied biopolymers, and it has a wide range of application prospects in agricultural production due to its inherent antimicrobial activity, low cost, abundant availability, nontoxicity, good film-forming properties, and biocompatibility. The strong inherent antimicrobial and antifungal properties of chitosan make it effective against fruit decay through the improvement of shelf-life and by inhibiting microbial infestation. Exogenous chitosan treatment decreases the transpiration and loss of firmness, increases the antioxidant capacity, and improves the overall quality of the harvested fruit. By modulating the physiological metabolism of fruits, chitosan treatments are able to preserve the freshness for a longer period of time. Previously, chitosan-based coatings, alone or incorporated with active agents, were successfully used in different fruits, such as guava, green tomato, plum, strawberry, mango, and kiwi, to extend their storage life. In many countries, packaging has been introduced in farms to minimize quality breakdown of postharvest fruits, and this is one of the most frequently adopted postharvest practices. Packaging helps to modify the atmosphere during storage and transportation of fruits and vegetables, which helps to maintain them in utilized volumes, protect them from hazards and allowing for easy handling, Aloe Vera

Optimization of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) blended Aloe vera(Aloe barbadensis M.) based low-calorie beverage functionally enriched with aonla juice (Phyllanthus emblica L.)

Author: Rakesh Sharma1•Geney Burang1•Satish Kumar1•Y. P. Sharma2•Vikas Kuma

The shift in food consumption pattern to accommodate an array of bioactive compounds in foods with minimum calorie intake has resulted in the development of many novel beverages, optimization of apricot (AP; 0–50%) blended Aloe vera (AV; 50–100%) based low-calorie beverage functionally enriched with aonla juice (AJ; 3,5,7,10%) using steviol glycoside (SG; 0–100%), color, consistency, taste, and overall acceptability scores, developed beverage recorded a high amount of functional compounds with reduced energy values. The beverage can be a recommendation for general consumption for health- conscious people to cover their functional food desires, low calories beverages, health-aware people seeking nutritionally enriched functional food products have always created a new vacuum for novel innovations in the food industry, food products to meet the specific product- oriented desire of the masses, fruit beverages especially those loaded with health- promoting and functional incorporations, novel beverages, now-a-days not only are used for quenching thirst, but also to prevent nutrition-related diseases while improving physical and mental well-being at the same time, Functional beverage market continues to be the fastest growing segments in the food market, beverages like isotonic and hypertonic beverages, sports and energy drinks, reduced energy/ zero calorie beverages as well as fruit based functional beverages

Aloe vera sprout concentrate or extract having superior skin cell growth promotion, antioxidant, and anti-allergy effects.

Author: Tae Hyung JO, Seon Gil Do, Eun Ju Shin, Hye In Jang, Jin Wan Kim, Ghe Whan Ahn, Seung Won Yang, Jin Hee Im, Jeong Bum Nam, Soo Gyeom Kim , Ken Jones

aloe vera sprout concentrate or extract having cell growth promotion, antioxidant, and anti-allergy effects, and to a skin cell growth promoting, antioxidant, and anti-allergy pharmaceutical composition and functional health food or cosmetics containing the aloe vera sprout concentrate or extract as an active ingredient, present invention is to provide an Aloe vera shoot concentrate or extract which has the effects of promoting cell regeneration and cure healing, and has excellent antioxidant and anti-allergic effects, and a pharmaceutical composition for promoting skin cell proliferation, antioxidizing, or preventing or treating allergic disease or symptom, and a health functional food, Antioxidant action is a process to remove active oxygen species. Active oxygen species in the body are generated from general cell metabolism, and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a representative substance. Such active oxygen species can impair cells and are regarded as a main cause of aging. In cells, catalase, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and the like convert hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water to decrease impairment, Allergy is a hypersensitive immune response to external foreign substances. Representative example is allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma, allergic dermatitis, allergic conjunctivitis or allergic gastrointestinal disease. In case of adult aloe, it has been reported that alprogen—which is one of the glycoproteins—is effective in the treatment of allergy by suppressing release of the inflammatory mediators, histamine and leukotriene, in a concentration-dependent manner

Efficacy of a New Non-drug Acne Therapy: Aloe Vera Gel Combined With Ultrasound and Soft Mask for the Treatment of Mild to Severe Facial Acne.

Author Hongyu Zhong, Xiang Li, Wanqi Zhang, Xiaoxiao Shen, Yuangang Lu and Hongli Li

Acne is a chronic disorder that affects almost 80% of adolescents and young adults, causing psychological and emotional distress, Acne is a chronic disorder of pilosebaceous units, which is characterized by comedones, inflammatory papules, pustules, cysts, and nodules, affecting almost 80% of adolescents and young adults, acne lesions can result in post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) and scarring, inflammation exists throughout the whole cycle of acne lesions, and PIH can cause psychological and emotional distress, leading to a great influence on healthy quality of life in affected individuals, the current treatments include topical and systemic medications for moderate to severe acne, however, their curative effects are limited due to adverse effects and unsatisfactory efficacy, the current treatments for acne are either ineffective or have many side effects, enhanced the absorption of aloe vera gel, and soft mask to make a purely physical method without any drugs, In recent years, there have been an increasing number of medicines and cosmetics made from aloe vera gel (AVG), the mucilaginous tissue in the center of the aloe vera leaf , its pharmacological functions include antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effects and wound healing promotion (16–18). A previous study suggested that Aloe Vera Gel treatment in combination with tretinoin was effective in reducing non-inflammatory and inflammatory acne lesions. In both the treatment group and control group, the number of papules/pustules and the area of hyperpigmented lesions were counted, and a smart mirror intelligent face system was used before and after the combined therapy, combined therapy with aloe vera significantly reduced the number of papules and the area of hyperpigmented lesions and improved skin roughness and local blood circulation, is a method for patients who seek topical treatments with mild side effects and low antibiotic resistance rates.

preparation and storage of ready-to-serve (RTS) beverage from mango (Mangifera indica L.), citrus (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle.), aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller.) and ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) blends. Pharma Innov. J. 2021;10(7):381-388.

Author: Harendra, Deen B.

blend beverages of fruits, medicinal plants and spices are rich source of nutrients, medicinal properties, and flavors to meet the consumers demand in National and International markets, Syrup; mango pulp (Mangifera indica L.); kagzi lime juice (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle.); aloe vera gel (Aloe barbadensis Miller.); ginger juice (Zingiber officinale Rosc.); blend combination; glass and polypet bottles; storage; organoleptic quality, beverage is a liquid intended for human consumption, in addition to their basic function of satisfying thirst, nutritional characteristics, natural beverages rich in nutrients and having therapeutic as well as medicinal values, are increasing because of changing life style, health consciousness and increasing purchasing capacity of the consumers, aloe gel

Identification of optimal molecular size of modified Aloe polysaccharides with máximum immunemodulatory activity. Int Immunopharmacol 5: 271-279.

Author: Im SA, Oh ST, Song S, et al. (2005)

polysaccharides isolated from the gel of Aloe species, biological activities, including immunomodulatory and antitumor activities, Aloe vera that was partially digested with cellulase, Immunomodulatory activities of MAP preparations were examined on a mouse macrophage cell line, RAW 264.7 cells, and in ICR strain of mouse implanted with sarcoma 180 cells, polysaccharides between 400 and 5 KDa exhibit the most potent macrophage-activating activity as determined by increased cytokine production, nitric oxide release, expression of surface molecules, and phagocytic activity.

Pharmacological Update Properties of Aloe Vera Active Constituents

Authors: Marta Sánchez , Elena González-Burgos , Irene Iglesias , M. Pilar Gómez-Serranillos

skin hydrating and anti-erythema activity, irritated skin areas, volar forearm skin of female, dehydrating effect on the skin after multiple applications, reduce erythema on the skin, Aloe barbadensis Miller (Aloe vera), polisaccharidic fractions, polydispersed ?-1,4-linked mannan substituted with O-acetyl groups, acetylated mannan (Acemannan), skin as it appears to be a super emollient with very important moisturizing capabilities, phytoconstituents, retention of water and the hydration balance in the superficial skin layers ensures the skin’s elasticity and flexibility, A. vera extract showed a humectant mechanism when improving skin moisture as it significantly increased the water content of the stratum corneum (SC) although it did not alter the transepidermal water loss (TEWL)

Cosmetic attributes of Aloe vera L. gel

Authors: Snehasish Dutta Gupta

Cosmetic Attributes of Aloe vera L. gel, formulation with aloe vera as skin moisturizers, face and hand creams, cleansers, soaps, suntan lotions, sun-screens, skin whiteners, shampoos and hair tonics, shaving preparations, bath aids, makeup and fragrance preparations to baby lotions and wipes, solar irradiance spectrum, ultraviolet radiation, repair and regeneration of dermis and epidermis, Skin regeneration involves inflammation, cell proliferation and contraction of collagen lattice formation, acemannan macrophage activation, Aloe polysaccharides effectively protected epithelial cells by elevating cell proliferation by inducing the progression of epidermal cells from phase G0/G1 into G2/M and S phases, restoration of tissue integrity, synthesis of the connective tissue matrix, synthesis of the connective tissue matrix. Collagen is the major protein of the extracellular matrix

Antifungal properties of Aloe vera through in vitro and in vivo screening against postharvest pathogens of papaya fruit.

Authors Mendy, T., Misran, A., Mahmud, T. and Ismail, S.

Postharvest fruit disease in papaya (Carica papaya L.) caused by fungus is one of the major problems in the fruit industry, to determine the major postharvest fungal pathogen isolated from papaya fruit and to investigate the antifungal effects of Aloe vera on those pathogens, the fungi were isolated and identified through molecular identification as Fusarium sp., Lasiodiplodia theobromae, Aspergillus niger, and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides which are believed to responsible for postharvest decay in papaya fruits, Fruit such as papaya contain an excellent source of sugars; glucose, fructose, and sucrose which comprise a total of up to 13% of the fresh fruit weight, Papaya have high levels of sugars, making them desirable for fungal growth. Fungi can take hold of papaya, either during the pre-harvest or postharvest stage. Anthracnose of papaya caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides was considered to be the most important postharvest disease, the disease symptom is in the form of brown to black depress spots on the papaya, using morphological identification demonstrated that the highest disease incidence of 90% to 98% and severity of 25% to 38% was recorded for anthracnose followed by stem-end-rot in papaya fruit in Selangor, Malaysia. The fungi identified were Botryodiplodia theobromae, Colletotrichum capsici, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Fusarium sp., Phomopsis sp., Rhizopus stolonifer and Stemphylium species, Gel extracted from Aloe vera stems has been reported to inhibit the growth of both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The wide range of constituents of the species is responsible for the antimicrobial potential to combat against microorganisms, anthraquinones, through its antimicrobial activity, inhibits the solute transport in membranes of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli ,there are also reports on the antifungal potential of Aloe vera against several fungi including Colletotrichum species. This medicine plant is also reported to be able to show antibacterial activity against food-born pathogenic microorganisms which included Bacillus cereus, Salmonella typhimurium, Escherichia coli and Klebsialla pneumonia . The effectiveness of Aloe vera as an antifungal fruit coating against most fungal pathogens has been demonstrated in stone fruits, avocados, and strawberries. Aloe vera gel has antimicrobial activities which provide a defensive barrier against microbial contamination of fruits and vegetables.

Effect of Aloe vera gel-based edible coating on microbiological safety and quality of tomato.

Authors Nida Firdous,Moazzam Rafiq Khana, Masood Sadiq Butt, Ali, Muhammad Asim Shabbir,Ahmad Din, Abid Hussain, Azhari Siddeeg &Muhammad Faisal Manzoor

Climacteric fruits such as tomatoes are highly perishable, have a limited shelf life (7 to 10 days), and are prone to early quality deterioration under ambient conditions. Tomatoes are susceptible to ethylene and tend to ripen sharply, particularly after harvest. That’s why; growers need to slow down the ripening process of tomatoes after harvest to make them available to the commercial markets a wholesome fruit. Tomatoes are a vital source of nutritional and therapeutic compounds, including ascorbic acid, sugars, total phenols, flavonoids, carotenoids, and lycopene. For maintaining the fruit texture, cell wall compounds such as pectin play essential roles in tomato fruit softening and texture integrity. Meanwhile, undesired storage environments and microbial/fungal attacks may primarily affect such compounds, thus leading to postharvest quality losses of tomatoes. The edible coating is a robust approach to enhancing the shelf life of the produce by preventing anaerobiosis in perishable fruit like tomatoes. Various kinds of biodegradable, edible coatings (i.e. seed mucilage, microbial gums, pectin polysaccharides, corn starch, gum arabic, polyalcohols, etc.) are in practice to overcome postharvest losses in horticultural products . Edible coatings create a modified atmosphere by generating a semi-permeable barrier against O2, CO2, solute, and moisture exchange. Subsequently, oxidation rate, respiration rate, ethylene production, textural strength, flavour quality, and water loss remained controlled, maintaining the fruit quality for a longer time. Hydrocolloidal Aloe vera gel (AVG) can potentially extend the shelf life and maintain the postharvest quality of various perishable products. The AVG contains 99% gel component along with numerous essential substances such as polysaccharides, amino acids, organic acids, minerals (zinc, calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, and phosphorus), essential enzymes, sterols, gibberellins, and water- and fat-soluble vitamins and phenolic compounds, many of which have antimicrobial and anti- mutagenic properties. The AVG is generally considered a safe (GRAS) coating material due to its accessible biochemical properties, biodegradability, antimicrobial action, non-toxicity, film- forming properties, and eco-friendly nature. It is bio- preservative, affordable, technologically viable, and easily applicable. The AVG contains various components exhibiting antimicrobial activities, such as anthraquinones that could show the inhibitory potential against Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli. The mechanism behind its antimicrobial action is the inhibition of solute transport through membranes. A previous study reported its effectiveness against food- borne pathogens such as Salmonella typhimurium, Klebsialla pneumonia, Bacillus cereus, and E. coli. AVG-based edible coatings seem like a green alternative attributed with cost-effective and readily available than already existing synthetic materials.

Intestinal active ingredient transport enhancement by Aloe Vera.

Author: W Chen, Z Lu, A Viljoen, J Hamman Planta Medica, 2010

Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. (Aloe barbadensis Miller) gel and whole leaf extract have effect on the permeability of Caco-2 cell monolayers, transepithelial electrical resistance, test solutions to measure reversibility of the effect, A. vera gel and whole leaf extract were able to significantly reduce the transepithelial electrical resistance of the Caco-2 cell monolayers at concentrations above 0.5?% w/v and thereby showed the ability to open tight junctions between adjacent cells. This effect was fully reversible, as the electrical resistance of the cell monolayers returned to the original value upon removal of the test solutions. The A. vera gel and whole leaf extract solutions significantly enhanced the transport of insulin across the Caco-2 cell monolayers compared with the control. The results suggest that these plant products have a high potential to be used as absorption enhancers in novel dosage forms for drugs with poor bio availabilities when administered orally. On the other hand, an uncontrolled increase in the bioavailability of drugs that are taken simultaneously with A. vera gel and whole leaf extract products may result in adverse effects,

Aloe barbadensis: A plant of nutricosmetic interest.

Author: Laneri, S.; Di Lorenzo, R.M.; Bernardi, A.; Sacchi, A.; Dini, I.

aloe formulation for Glamour Cosmetics (Hydrophilic),Sun Care and After Sun Products , Hand and Body Lotions/Gels, Skin Cleansers/Moisturizers ,Bath and Body Products, Shampoos and Conditioners, Shaving/Depilatory Preparations, Styling/Sculpting Gels, Bath Powders, Toothpastes/Oral Rinses, Hand Lotions, Body Lotions, Facial Cleansers and Moisturizers, Shampoos, Conditioners, Styling Gels, Shaving/Depilatory Creams, makeup, lipbalm, lipstick, pet shampoo, pet conditioner,

Comparison of Aloe Vera Gel and Aloe Vera Powder on Physical Properties of Ranitidine Mucoadhesive Microgranules

Author: Endang Diyah Ikasari*, Anang Budi Utomo, Hanny Setyowati

polymer for pharmaceutical industry, Aloe vera gel may be employed to effectively deliver poorly absorbable drugs through the oral route of drug administration. Ranitidine hydrochloride is a drug of choice in the treatment of ulcer. The drug has a short biological half-life of approximately 2-3 hours, thus a sustained release dosage form of ranitidine HCl is desirable. The aim of this study was to compare Aloe vera gel and Aloe vera powder as polymer mucoadhesive. The obtained results indicated that aloe vera powder has physical properties better than aloe vera gel. Drying process of aloe vera powder is important to improve their stability which performed by less of moisture content, increase of flow rate, swelling index, in vitro mucoadhesive, and dissolution. Aloe vera powder is a suitable polymer for local delivery in the gastrointestinal tract.

Preparation and Characterization of Aloe Vera Blended Collagen-Chitosan Composite Scaffold for Tissue Engineering Applications

Author: Panneerselvam Jithendra†, Abraham Merlin Rajam†, Thambiran Kalaivani, Asit Baran Mandal, and Chellan Rose*

aloe vera (AV), Collagen–Chitosan (COL-CS) scaffolds, composite preparations, complex composite, swelling property, hydrated condition, aloe vera concentration, enhanced growth and proliferation of fibroblasts, tissue engineering applications, scaffold or biomaterials that support cellular growth, differentiation, and migration, skin protector, and also detoxifying agent, Chitosan is a natural biopolymer, rough texture on a smooth surface

Quality characteristics, nutraceutical pro?le and storage stability of the aloe gel-papaya functional beverage blend.

Author: Ramachandran P, Nagarajan S (2014)

Aloe vera gel, well known for its nutraceutical potential, is being explored as a functional ingredient in a wide array of health foods and drinks, Processing of exotic fruits and herbal botanicals into functional beverage is an emerging sector in food industry, develop a spiced functional RTS beverage blend using Aloe gel (AG) and papaya, physicochemical parameters, sugar profile, bioactive compounds, microbial quality, instrumental color, and sensory acceptability, Healthy beverages, particularly those that offer functional ingredients such as botanicals, minerals, and antioxidants, are increasing in demand. New product introductions in the health drink and fruit juice categories, Functional beverage sector has been reported to be the fastest growing segment, Fruit based functional beverages with refreshing flavors and tastes are being preferred over aerated drinks by the health-conscious consumers, in particular, value enhancement is feasible with addition of nutraceuticals from botanical origin have a great scope to offer varied health benefits such as improved antioxidant profile and protection against various chronic metabolic diseases.

Printing of Cotton Fabric with Reactive Dyes Using Aloe Vera Gel as Printing Thickener

Authors Pradhan, S., Fatima, N. and Sharma, E.,

Printing, as an art, originated a few thousand years ago and its development continues till date. In this fast-changing world, printing is most important of all the processes used at present to decorate textile materials. With the use of synthetic thickener in printing industry many of the harmful effects are produced in the environment and to reduce this effect an environment friendly thickener can be used. Natural thickeners being widely distributed throughout the plant kingdom, they are easily available and present in abundance. As the ingredients of natural thickener are purely natural, they are non-allergic and non-toxic to our body and cause no health hazard. Aloe vera gel possesses some biological activities such as promotion of wound healing, antifungal activity, hypoglycemic or anti-diabetic effects, as well as anti-inflammatory, anticancer and gastro protective properties. The gel is a viscous, colorless, transparent gel. With all these properties aloe vera gel can be used as a printing thickener for cotton fabric which will not produce any harmful effect on human body which synthetic thickener may produce It is concluded that aloe vera thickener with 4g reactive dye gave best results. In case of reactive dye after treatment with 10% vinegar for 5minutes gave best result. Physical properties, drape, crease recovery, thickness, stiffness of all printed and treated samples showed good results. Color fastness properties were also found to be satisfactory. All the articles printed and treated with optimized recipes were highly appreciated as these were cost effective.

Characterization of aloeride, a new high-molecular-weight polysaccharide from Aloe vera with potent immunostimulatory activity. J Agric Food Chem, 49, 1030-1034, 2001

Author Pugh N, Ross SA, ElSohly MA, Pasco DS

aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) juice, immunostimulatory polysaccharide, Aloeride is between 4 and 7 million Da, glycosyl components include glucose (37.2%), galactose (23.9%), mannose (19.5%), and arabinose (10.3%), glycoprotein has been found to increase proliferation of normal human dermal cells, major composition of aloe gel consists of a mucilage of polysaccharide substances, polysaccharides are glucomannans, mannans, or pectins having a range of molecular weights, acemannan , consists of a polydispersed â-1,4-linked acetylated mannan interspersed with O-acetyl groups, aloe components may enhance wound healing is by activation of macrophages, production of cytokines by macrophages requires activation of these cells, and prolonged wound healing times in aged mammals may be symptomatic of impaired macrophage function, Pharmacological activities of acemannan include antiviral effects (7), activation of macrophages , stimulation of T cells (9), and induction of nitric oxide production, activation of transcription factor NF-kappa B controls the expression of multiple genes in activated monocytes/macrophages, Target genes regulated by NF-kappa B include proinflammatory cytokines, chemokines, inflammatory enzymes, adhesion molecules, receptors, and inhibitors of apoptosis

Polyphenols: chemistry, dietary sources, metabolism, and nutritional significance.

Author: L. Bravo C

antioxidants, free radicals, flavonoids cardiovascular diseases, metabolism, diet, food, metals, molecular mass, nutritive value, plants, tannins , science of chemistry ,cancer prevention, metabolites, polyphenols, molecule, plant metabolites, phenolic molecules to highly polymerized compounds with molecular weights of greater than 30,000 Da, polyphenol, on protein digestibility, antioxidant capacity (free radical scavenging and metal chelating activities) and their possible beneficial implications in human health, dietary sources, metabolism, nutritional significance


Author Wulandini, F S Irwansyah, and N Windayani A

facial wash gel made from Aloe vera L. as a natural surfactant, flavonoid, triterpenoid, saponin, and polyphenol compounds, Cleanliness, Acne treatment can be done by reducing soap, helping to exfoliate dead skin cells so as not to invite the gathering of bacteria, acne treatment is Aloe vera (A. vera (L.), A. vera cleanser is safe for sensitive skin, antiseptic, safe to use for cosmetics, facial cleanser by utilizing secondary metabolites contained in A. vera extract, facial cleanser gel formulation functions as a lightening agent, skin pigmentation, Melanin synthesis in melanocyte cells, melanogenesis, enzymatic catalysis processes, Tyrosinase enzyme is a glycoprotein, Aloe vera extract contains bioactive compounds that are very beneficial for facial skin

Standardization and sensory evaluation of RTS developed from blends of bottle gourd, Aloe vera and ginger juice.

Author Preetesh Kumar Pandey, Jitendra Trivedi, Annu Verma and Praveen Gupta

best treatment among all as it obtained the highest organoleptic score and was liked very much and found to be the most acceptable combination for blending, Bottle gourd fruit is a good source of vitamin B complex and choline along with fair quantum of vitamin C, Bottle gourd is well known for their immunomodulatory, hepatoprotective, antioxidant, anti-stress, adaptogenic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, cardio protective, cardio tonic, antihyperlipidemic, diuretic, aphrodisiac, antidote to certain poisons and cooling properties, aloe vera as valuable ingredient for food application due to its biological activities and functional properties, ingredient for functional foods, mainly in the development of health drinks and beverages, ginger has been used to cure dyspepsia, gastritis, blood circulation disturbance and inflammatory diseases. It displays potential antipyretic, antiallergenic, analgesic, antitussive and chemo-preventive activities, blending of juice is a way of utilization of vegetables, fruits, and spices. This may be attributed to change in dietary habits, taste preferences, and the way of life of present-day consumers, improve the taste, aroma, palatability, storability, and nutritive value of bottle gourd juice, it was thought to be convenient to blend it with highly nutritive juices namely Aloe vera, aonla and lemon with spice extracts like ginger, experiment was conducted at the laboratory, Preparation of RTS, prepared by blending all three juices in different concentrations as per the treatments and homogenization, Sensory analysis, is a test which measures the consumer’s acceptability for the product, Organoleptic Evaluation of Blended RTS at the Time of Preparation, Flowchart for preparing RTS from bottle gourd blend with Aloe vera and ginger

A Critique on Synthetic Thickeners in Textile Printing.

Authors: Ahmed G. Hassabo a*, Mai Abd El-Aty b and Hanan A. Othman b

Thickeners are high molecular weight chemicals that give thick pastes in water and are utilized in textile printing. These give the printing paste stickiness and plasticity, allowing it to be applied to a fabric surface without spreading and keep the pattern outlines even under strong pressure. Their primary role is to keep or adhere dye particles in the desired location on the fabric until the dye transfer and fixing are complete. Because the printing paste is applied by squeegee pressure to a roller or a screen, its viscosity must be high enough to avoid quick diffusion or flushing of the colour through the fabric, which would result in the poor print definition. Or mark. Furthermore, the thickener should provide a consistent paste viscosity, allowing for a uniform and controlled flow across the screen. The shade (depth) of the printed cloth changes if the viscosity changes during the run. The viscosity stability must not only be stable at the time the printed fabric is on the machine, but it must also be stable throughout weeks or months of storage. Characteristics of thickeners, a) simplicity and ease of preparation, Detachment from the fabric’s surface. c) Low cost and easy to obtain, d) Easy to remove after drying by washing, e) Printing paste distribution is homogeneous, f) suitable for Printing styles and techniques, g) The type of fabric that was used, h)Printing ingredient compatibility and stability, including dyes and auxiliaries, i) Create sharp outlines that don›t bleed or spread, j) Good mechanical qualities to keep the dry film from dusting, k) Good colour yield due to good diffusion, l) Absorption of condensed water is good, ensuring that dye and water have enough space. The different kinds of thickeners, The main types of thickeners based on the natural and synthetic polymers used are: (Natural thickeners, Modified natural thickeners, Synthetic thickeners).

Antioxidant potential of aqueous plant extracts assessed by the cellular antioxidant activity assay.

Author: C. Bender, S. Graziano, Benno F. Zimmerman, Helmut H. Weidlich

teas and herbal infusions, health promoters due to their content in antioxidant compounds, antioxidant capacities, through chemical and cellular assays, infusions and as ingredients in cosmetics products and in food formulations, protection against peroxyl radicals under physiological conditions, cell-based assay, cellular distribution and metabolism of the antioxidants

Effect of immunological enhancement of aloe polysaccharide on chickens immunized with Bordetella avium inactivated vaccine. Carbohyd. Polym., 86: 684–690.

Author: Sun Z, Wei K, Yan Z, Zhu X, Wang X, Wang H, Tan Y, Sheng P, Zhu R. 2011.

Aloe polysaccharide, Chicken Bordetella avium (B. avium), Antibody Lymphocyte Flow , cytometry, aloe polysaccharide on immune responses of chickens immunized with Bordetella avium (B. avium) vaccine, Intestinal mucosa is the largest immune organ in animals, and its immune function is directly related to the resistance against various diseases, Taishan Pinus massoniana pollen polysaccharides (TPPPS) have been recognized as an effective vaccine adjuvant and potential immune enhancer against viral infections, direct immune-enhancing activity on intestinal mucosa, aloe polysaccharide significantly enhanced serum and bile antibody level, blood lymphocyte ratio and splenic T lymphocyte proliferation rate, aloe polysaccharide could significantly enhance immune effect of B. avium inactivated vaccine, polysaccharide as a new type of plant-derived immunopotentiator.

Promoting Health with Herbal drinks

Author: Khyati Adlakha, Bhupendra Koul :: SSRN

Drinks have always been a medium to quench thirst, health benefits , health drinks, beverages manufacturers novelty provide a genuine herbal health drink, all the natural constituents including herbs that have high nutrient content (vitamins, antioxidants and minerals) for meeting the energy requirements, full of nutrients, functional drinks replacement of good biocompunds for body, preparation of herbal health drinks, Any liquid that is intended for human consumption and fulfills the minimal requirement of human body that is satisfying the thirst is called a drink, preparation include distillation, pasteurizing, fermentation, carbonation, infusion, juicing and mixing, consumption of soft drinks, carbonated drinks and juices, energy drinks or stimulant drinks, drinks are attributed to boost with energy and stamina, improve health, concentration and athletic performance, there are a market’s needs of health drinks, caffeine, taurine, guarana, ginseng, sugars and some herbal supplements, boost energy and metabolism, functional ingredients produce health effects as aloe vera, for diet soft drinks, low sugar contents, Herbal health drinks , herbal teas like chamomile, hibiscus, peppermint and rooibos are naturally caffeine-free occurring plants, these teas are known to relieve stress and anxiety, beneficial natural aloe beverage boosts immunity and promote prevention disease, valuable medicinal properties, functional beverages are considered as nutritional supplement, involvement of microorganisms in non-alcoholic fermented drinks, potent source of energy and are stamina boosters.

Pharmaceutical excipients for solid oral dosage forms with specific functionalities for effective drug delivery.

Authors Morné Fouché, Jan Steenekamp, Hannlie Hamman , Josias Hamman

many active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) exhibit poor solubility and low dissolution rates in aqueous environments such as the luminal fluids of the gastrointestinal tract, oral bioavailability of these compounds is usually very low as a result of their poor solubility properties, formulation strategies to improve their aqueous solubility and dissolution rates, , or specialized dosage forms can be formulated that improve dissolution rate through various mechanisms, selected excipients (e.g., alkalinizing agents, surfactants and sugars), specialized dosage forms such as self-emulsifying delivery systems and formulation techniques such as inclusion complexes and solid dispersions, drug solubility and bioavailability enhancement, specialized dosage forms such as self-emulsifying delivery systems and formulation techniques such as inclusion complexes and solid dispersions, pharmacologically active compounds or drugs (also referred to as active pharmaceutical ingredients; APIs) are usually not administered to patients on their own as single compounds, but are formulated into carefully designed dosage forms, Pharmaceutical dosage forms provide a platform for repeatable accurate dosing, quality, efficacy, safety, stability as well as high patient acceptance and compliance, dosage forms were made by simply adding pharmacologically inert substances (also referred to as excipients) to the API to make up the required volume of an acceptable dosing unit, selection and production of excipients that fulfil specific functions, beyond just making up volume, such as assisting in production of the dosage form and optimizing drug delivery from novel dosage forms, stability of the API, dose uniformity, effective delivery of the API to the systemic circulation after administration as well as acceptable organoleptic properties, excipients are 90% of the total mass/volume of medicinal products, different classes of pharmaceutical excipients have different requirements in terms of safety evaluation, updates on regulatory requirements for pharmaceutical excipients are continuously introduced worldwide to ensure the safety of patients, multifunctional excipients’ refer to excipients (which can be co-processed for example) that fulfil multiple roles in a dosage form or drug delivery system, for example a direct-compressible filler material that also functions as a binder and/or disintegrant, high functionality excipients’ refers to a single excipient that provides additional functions to innovative drug delivery systems to improve the overall performance of the product with significant economic benefits, high functionality excipient is one that can provide better flow, act as a disintegrant and simultaneously allow a higher drug loading in the dosage form due to its high compressibility, 40% of current medication dispensed to patients in pharmacies exhibit relatively poor aqueous solubility properties, 90% of newly discovered therapeutic compounds in the development phase exhibit poor aqueous solubility, future research regarding the identification of solubility-enhancing excipients is of cardinal importance, functional excipients are needed to assist in overcoming their poor physico-chemical properties, Specialty excipients are used to produce dosage forms that can reduce the number of doses by modifying the rate of drug release or improve drug delivery by targeting drug release in a specific region in the gastrointestinal tract where drug absorption is the highest. Functional excipients are also used to re-formulate existing drugs in order to produce more effective products that are more cost-effective, a drug that exhibits an aqueous solubility lower than 0.1 mg per mL is likely to experience limited bioavailability, and its rate of absorption will be governed by the dissolution rate, Physico-chemical techniques that have been employed to improve the solubility of these drugs include formation of pro-drugs, formation of salts, co-precipitation, solvent evaporation and size reduction (or micronization), Formulation strategies that have been investigated for the same purpose include melt extrusion/granulation, formation of solid dispersions and formation of inclusion complexes. Furthermore, excipients such as surfactants, polymers, super-disintegrants and multifunctional fillers have been included in dosage forms to increase the apparent solubility of drugs, term ‘complex formation’ or ‘complexation’ refers to the binding of two or more individual molecules to form a combined chemical product, which act as a single chemical unit, dosage forms include conventional immediate release tablets, orally disintegrating tablets, effervescent tablets, and modified release dosage forms including slow release or sustained release drug delivery system, excipients that can increase an API’s solubility and dissolution rate include cyclodextrins, disintegrants, pH-adjusting excipients, natural polymers, surfactants, co-surfactants, oils/lipids and sugars, special interest to determine the clinical significance or value of formulation approaches on drug bioavailability and if they could result in decreasing the dose needed to reach effective blood plasma levels, Identifying the correct formulation method and using the suitable excipient in relation to the API may result in efficient pharmacological treatment by means of administrating a lower dose, which may have a significant cost implication.

Development of controlled release spheroids using natural polysaccharide as release modifier.

Author: Kulkarni, G.T.; Gowthamarajan, K.; Dhobe, R.R.; Yohanan, F.; Suresh, B.

polysaccharide hydrogel was isolated from the seeds of Tamarindus indica (tamarind) and was used as release modifier for the preparation of diclofenac sodium spheroids, using extrusion-spheronization technique, the process was studied for the effect of variables to arrive at spheroids with satisfactory particle shape, size and size-distribution. The prepared spheroids were characterized for surface morphology, qualitative surface porosity, friability, bulk density, and flow properties, the in vitro release studies exhibited a zero-order release kinetics that was confirmed by Higuchi’s and Peppas’ models. A credible correlation was obtained among swelling index, viscosity, surface roughness of the polysaccharide, and in vitro dissolution profile of the spheroids. In the comparative bioavailability study, we found that the developed spheroids were able to sustain the drug release over 8 hr and could improve the extent of absorption and bioavailability of the drug.

Effect of Aloe vera gel treatment on bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity during storage of sweet cherry.

Authors Serrano, M., Castillo, S., Valero, D., Valverde, J., Guille, F., & Mart, D.

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill) has been known as a nutritious fruit for a long time but its antioxidant properties that demonstrate health benefits including alleviation of chronic and cardiovascular diseases are more pronounced in last decades. The fruit contains numerous bioactive compounds with antioxidant properties, which attributed to carotenoids, total phenolics (TP), and ascorbic acid. It also has been shown that the antioxidant potential of tomato varies among pulp, skin, and seed of fruits and its ripening stages. Maintaining fruit quality in terms of appearance, flavor, and nutritive value is crucial. Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) has shown as an effective way in quality maintenance of fresh produce by decreasing weight loss and delayed respiration, but it seems that traditional (passive) MAP is not able to ensure the quality and safety issues to fulfill consumer demand. Passive MAP increases the humidity inside the package, and, therefore, enhances the risk of microbial growth, while addition of antioxidants to gelatin-calcium carbonate composite films (active MAP) facilitated the conformational changes of the secondary structure and functional group of gelatin in films which improved radical scavenging capacities of composite films. Alternaria alternata, Rhizopus stolonifera, and Botrytis cinerea are considered the most important pathogens of deterioration in tomato. Different treatments such as ozone cyclic exposure, ultraviolet-B (UV-B) irradiation, and incorporation of methyl jasmonate with MAP were used to maintain postharvest quality and enhancing antioxidant capacity in tomato; however, due to global concern about environment and human health, more convenient treatments need to be developed. Recently, it has been shown that the edible coating of cherry tomatoes, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose-beeswax formulated with antifungal food additives, reduced the Alternaria black spot and maintained post-harvest quality during cold storage. Incorporation of natural compounds such as aloe gel, essential oils (EOs) into package with natural-base compound to protect packaged fruits from microbial spoilage, and, therefore, extending the shelf life of produce has overcome the extensive uses of chemicals and irradiation. The efficiency of eugenol, thymol, and menthol in combination with MAP was reported in controlling microbial spoilage of table grape berry and sweet cherry. Besides reducing the occurrence of decay, the overall fruit quality of table grape and sweet cherry were preserved during post-harvest period in those fruit that treated by EOs. Also many EOs of medicinal and aromatic plants have been confirmed to possess the antioxidant potential, which may play an important role in neutralizing free radicals, quenching singlet oxygen, or decomposing hazardous peroxides. The antimicrobial effect of aloe gel as an edible coating has recommended in many studies in fruits. Also it has been found that microbial populations were significantly reduced in aloe-treated sweet cherries than untreated fruits. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the incorporation of eugenol, thymol and aloe gel into MAP in retaining bioactive components and reducing decay potential of fruit during storage under modified atmosphere condition.

Physical Properties and characteristics of Fabrics

Author: Textile School

Physical properties of Fabrics, Physical properties are the static physical dimensions of fabric. The following physical properties are used to define the static physical dimensions of strand fabrics: Fiber or filament: type, size, length, Yarn: diameter, twist, weight or size, count, fiber content for mixed yarns, ply., Weight: ounces per squared or yards per pound., Thickness: vertical depth. Fabric structure. Woven fabrics: weave type, warp and filling yarn count per linear inch, Knitted fabric: knit type, wale and course count per inch, Finishes: chemicals such as resins, starches, waxes and mechanical effects such as Calendaring and napping applied to the woven fabric to yield or enhance style, durability, and utility values. Fabric width: The length of the filling or course, Colour: Hue, value, and intensity (degree of brilliance), Fabric density: weight per unit of volume. Surface contour: the geometric dimension of the surface plane. Physical characteristics of fabrics, Physical characteristics are the dynamic physical parameters of fabric. They are physical changes in the fabric that result from applying outside forces on the fabric. Most of the durability and utility values of fabric are characteristics and not properties. There are four major categories of fabric characteristics that interest the apparel manufacturer. They are Style characteristics, Utility characteristics, Durability characteristics, Product production characteristics, There are often correlations among the four types of characteristics. A utility characteristic such as fabric elongation will be correlated to a working character, Styleristic such as sewing without stretching. Style characteristics of a fabric, Style characteristics are those changes which affect the emotional appeal, the fabric imports to the consumer. This is exemplified when a consumer handles a fabric and refers to the fabric with adjectives such as stiff, soft, hand, etc. The three basic categories for style characteristics are: Hand characteristic – are the changes of the fabric plane with hand manipulations, which exert tensile compression, molding, or supporting forces on the fabric. The hand characteristics include some of the utility characteristics, such as elongation, elasticity, flexibility, etc., Tactile characteristics – refer to the changes in surface contour that result from a mechanical force exerted on or against the surface structure. These changes apply to the surface contour aspects of the fabric surface and not the fabric plane. The surface contour changes dimension under tactile pressure (no matter how small the pressure) this is a tactile characteristic. Pile, napped, and any fabric whose surface contour can be varied by tactile pressure, have obvious tactile characteristics. Designers specify tactile characteristics with terms such as soft, coarse, rough, hard, smooth sticky, oily and greasy. Visual characteristics – are the changes in the color values when either the fabric or light is moved. End – to – end shading, side – to – side shading and mark – off are three color quality problems in addition to metamorphic fabrics. End – to – end shading – refers to changes in shade throughout the length; the shade of one end of the bolt differs from the shade of another end. Side – to – side shading – refers to changes in shade from selvage to selvage; the shade of the fabric along one selvage differs from the shade of the fabric along the other selvage. Mark – off – in the fabric is the phenomena of changing the shade and/or the intensity of the fabric surface by rubbing it. Metamorphic – fabrics exhibit color difference with the change in the spectral distribution(characteristics) of the illuminant, Utility Characteristics, Utility characteristics are changes in the fit, comfort, and wearing functions of the garment when the fabric engages a mechanical thermal, electrical, or chemical force during the utilization of the garment. The two major types of utility characteristics are transmission and transformation. A transmission characteristic transmits mass or energy through the fabric. Transmission characteristics include: Air permeability (includes all gases and vapor), Heat transmission ( thermal conductivity), Light permeability, Moisture transmission, Radioactivity transmission (the degree with which radioactive energy such as x-ray and gamma rays can penetrate fabrics).Transformation characteristics charge a physical property of the fabric. The property dimension(s) is altered without destroying the fabric. Changes which disintegrate the fabric are durability characteristics. Transformation characteristics include: Colorfastness, Crease resistance, Crock resistance, Dimensional stability, Pilling, Shrinkage, Static electricity etc, Durability characteristics, Durability characteristics are the capacities of fabric to maintain the style and utility characteristics during wear. It is the measure of stress which destroys the fabric or the fabrics ability to repeat a desired style or utility characteristic. The durability characteristics are: Abrasive strength (the measure of rubbing action), Bursting strength (the measure of vertical pressure), Launder-ability (the measure of washing), Tearing strength, Moth resistance, Tensile strength, Radiation absorption strength (the rate at which radiation energy either disintegrate a fabric or destroys utility characteristics), Fire resistance, Corrosive strength ( the measure of chemical action, acid or alkaline), Dry cleaning durability ( the measure of dry cleaning performance), Product Production working characteristics, Product production working characteristics are those characteristics which affect the quality of production with respect to quality values and the cost of production method. The working characteristics of a fabric include: The coefficient of friction ( cutting, sewing, pressing and packing), Sewed seam strength, Sewed seam slippage (yarn slippage), Sewing distortions, Yarn severage, Bondability strength (fused, cemented, and heat – sealed seams, Pressing moldability (to what degree a flat piece of fabric may be skewed during pressing with hand and /press buck), Die moldability – how well a flat seamless piece of fabric may be molded with dies into a given from such as a bra cup or a hat.

Exploring the Potential of Gastro Retentive Dosage Form in Delivery of Ellagic Acid and Aloe vera Gel Powder for Treatment of Gastric Ulcers.

Authors: N Ranade, Arati; S. Ranpise, Nisharani; Ramesh, C.

Approach of novel drug delivery system (NDDS) overcomes the limitations of conventional dosage forms, delivery of herbal drugs , need to amalgamate the concept of NDDS in delivery of herbal constituents, deliver and retain two herbal constituents in stomach for better action against Helicobacter pylori induced gastric ulcers. The objective was to develop a bilayer floating tablet of ellagic acid and Aloe vera gel powder through rational combination of excipients to give the lowest possible lag time with maximum drug release in the period of 4 h. Formulation F9 containing 100 mg of HPMC K15M, 27 mg of crospovidone, 80 mg of mannitol and effervescent agents in the ratio 1:2 gave 92% drug release and desired floating properties. In vivo studies showed that combination of ellagic acid and Aloe vera gave 75 % ulcer inhibition in comparison to 57% ulcer inhibition in the group which was administered with ellagic acid alone. This suggests the use of bilayer floating tablet in gastric ulcer treatment, floating; gastric ulcer; optimization

Therapeutic and medicinal uses of aloe vera: A review. Pharmacol. Pharm. 4(08): 599.

Author: . Sahu, P. K., D. D. Giri, R. Singh, P. Pandey, S. Gupta, A. K. Shrivastava, A. Kumar and K. D. Pandey 2013.

Aloe vera; Antimicrobial; Therapeutic; Medicinal Uses;, aloe gel Inner Layers of Leaf, Active Ingredients, Acemannan is considered the main functional compo-nent of Aloe vera, is composed of a long chain of acety-lated mannose, Macrophage-activating potential acermannan may stimulate the release of fibrogenic cy-tokines, Muco-polysaccharides help in binding moisture into the skin. The amino acids also soften hardened skin cells and zinc acts as an astringent to tighten pores, Effects on the Immune System, Cosmetic & Skin Protection Application

Functional components and medicinal properties of food: review.

Author: C. Abuajah, A. C. Ogbonna, C. Osuji C

relationship between functional components of food, health and well-being, functional components of food can be effectively applied in the treatment and prevention of diseases, impart physiological benefits and promotion of wellbeing, functional ingredients such as non-starchy carbo-hydrates including soluble and insoluble dietary fibers, fucoidan; antioxidants including polyphenols, carotenoids, tocopherols, tocotrienols, phytosterols, isoflavones, organosulphur compounds; plant sterols and soy phytoestrogens occur only in plant foods (whole grains, fruits, and vegetables) as phytochemicals. However, probiotics, pre-biotics, conjugated linolenic acid, long-chain omega-3, ?6and?9-polyunsaturated fatty acids, and bioactive peptides have proved that functional components, healthy diet in preventing non-communicable diseases is well accepted, the borderline between food and medicine is becoming very thin, Functional components are non-conventional biomolecules that occur in food which possess the capacity to modulate one or more metabolic processes or pathways in the body, resulting to health benefits and promotion of well-being, functional components have health-promoting roles, treatment and prevention of diseases, Functional components include phytochemicals which are plant-derived, non-nutritive and biologically active chemicals that function in the body to prevent the onset of certain non-communicable diseases, Alpha-carotene/beta-carotene, neutralize free radicals which may cause damage to cells. Lutein , reduce the risk of muscular degeneration, Lycopene , Reduce the risk of prostate cancer , Immune modulation; apoptosis of cancer cells; stimulates brain development; anti-clotting effect; lower blood cholesterol le vels; decrease high blood pressure, stabilize blood sugar, Insoluble dietary fibre, Reduces risk of breast or colon cancer, Soluble dietary fibre (?-Glucans) Reduces risk of cardiovascular disease; protects against heart disease and some cancers; lower LDL and total cholesterol. Soluble Fibre , Reduces risk of cardiovascular disease; protects against heart disease and some cancers; lower LDL and total cholesterol, Long chain omega-3 Fatty, Reduce risk of cardiovascular disease; improve mental and visual function , Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), Improve body composition, Phenolic, Neutralize free radicals, Improve urinary tract health; Plant Sterols, Lower blood cholesterol levels by inhibiting cholesterol absorption, Prebiotics and Probiotics, Improve quality of intestinal microflora; gastrointestinal health, functional components usually occur in multiple forms such as glycosylated, esterified, thiolated, or hydroxylated materials in food, multiple metabolic activities allowing for beneficial effects on several diseases and target tissues in the body, functional components focus on their types, nature, medicinal properties, functions, sources, carbohydrates which are polymers of glucose molecules and other sugars including galactose, fructose, xylose, arabinose, aloe polysaccharides, AMB develop unique state of the art processing techniques increase the concentration of acemannan in aloe vera, main compound of aloe vera by retention of functional compounds

Plant products as antimicrobial agents.

Authors M. M. Cowan

The use of and search for drugs and dietary supplements derived from plants have accelerated in recent years. While 25 to 50% of current pharmaceuticals are derived from plants, none are used as antimicrobials. Plants are rich in a wide variety of secondary metabolites, such as tannins, terpenoids, alkaloids, and flavonoids, which have been found in vitro to have antimicrobial properties. Plants have an almost limitless ability to synthesize aromatic substances, most of which are phenols or their oxygen-substituted derivatives, In many cases, these substances serve as plant defense mechanisms against predation by microorganisms, insects, and herbivores. Some, such as terpenoids, give plants their odors; others (quinones and tannins) are responsible for plant pigment.

Design, formulation and evaluation of Aloe vera chewing gum

Author Abolfazl Aslani, Alireza Ghannadi, Razieh Raddanipour

design and evaluate the formulation of Aloe vera chewing gum with an appropriate taste and quality with the indications for healing oral wounds, such as lichen planus, mouth sores caused by cancer chemotherapy and mouth abscesses as well as reducing mouth dryness caused by chemotherapy, Aloe vera powder, the carbohydrate content was determined according to mannose and phenolic compounds in terms of gallic acid, chewing gum was cut into pieces of suitable sizes. Weight uniformity, content uniformity, the organoleptic properties evaluation, releasing the active ingredient in the phosphate buffer (pH, 6.8) and taste evaluation were examined by Latin square method, healing properties of Aloe vera improve the skin which is exposed to ultraviolet (UV) and gamma rays. It has antiinflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial, antitumor, moisturizing, antiaging, hypoglycemic, antidiabetic, cytotoxic, and antioxidants effects. It is also used against cardiovascular diseases, pharmaceutical chewing gums are produced in a solid form and a single dose. Their base mainly consists of gum base. This form of medication contains one or more active ingredients that are released by chewing. Pharmaceutical applications of pharmaceutical chewing gums include topical treatment of oral diseases and systemic delivery after absorption through the buccal mucosa or the gastrointestinal route, benefits of chewing gum include consumption without water ,high acceptance by children,[10] low side effects, suitable stability, high bioavailability, rapid onset effect[10] and relieving the mouth dryness by stimulating saliva, formulation of pharmaceutical chewing gums contain pharmaceutical active ingredients, gum bases, fillers, elastomers, plasticizers, softeners, emulsifiers, sweeteners and flavors, factors affecting drug release in this type of dosage form include physicochemical properties of the active ingredient, chewing gum properties and related factors with strength and number of masticatory movements, some of the formulated drugs in the form of chewing gum include fluoride, chlorhexidine, nicotine, aspirin, caffeine, and dimenhydrinate, oral Aloe vera can be used as a wound healer for oral wounds, To heal mouth sores, such as lichen planus, ulcers and abscesses caused by cancer chemotherapy, oral products such as mouthwash are used. Recently, one study examined the effects of 70% Aloe vera extract in the form of mouthwash for the treatment of mucositis caused by radiotherapy and another study examined the effects of 80% Aloe vera extract in the form of mouthwash to treat lichen planus

Gastrointestinal tract – physiology and drug absorption.

Author Marianne Ashford

The gastrointestinal tract is complex and many physiological factors affect absorption of drugs as they transit through the tract, physiological factors affecting absorption include the transit of dosage forms through the gastrointestinal tract, environmental factors, such as the pH, enzymes and food within the gastrointestinal tract and disease states of the gastrointestinal tract, barriers to drug absorption include environmental factors, such as pH and enzymes, the mucus and unstirred water layer, the gastrointestinal membrane and pre-systemic metabolism, drugs are absorbed through the gastrointestinal membrane via either transcellular, paraceullular or active transport processes. factors that influence the rate and extent of absorption depend upon the route of administration, absorption will depend on the physiology of the administration site(s) and the membrane barriers present at those site(s) that the drug needs to cross in order to reach the systemic circulation, over 80% of medicines being given by mouth, rate-limiting step, controls the overall rate and extent of appearance of intact drug in the systemic, rate-limiting step will vary from drug to drug. For a drug which has a very poor aqueous solubility, the rate at which it dissolves in the gastrointestinal fluids is often the slowest step and the bioavailability of that drug is said to be dissolution-rate limited. In contrast, for a drug that has a high aqueous solubility, its dissolution will be rapid and the rate at which the drug crosses the gastrointestinal membrane may be the rate-limiting step termed permeability limited, Other potential rate-limiting steps include the rate of drug release from the dosage form (this can be by design, in the case of controlled-release dosage forms), the rate at which the stomach empties the drug into the small intestine, the rate at which the drug is metabolized by enzymes in the intestinal mucosal cells during its passage through them into the mesenteric blood vessels, and the rate of metabolism of drug during its initial passage through the liver, often termed the ‘first-pass’ effect, small intestine is the major site of drug absorption, sustained- or controlled-release drug delivery systems

Introduction to protective textiles.

Authors Kunal Singha, SubhankarMaity, PintuPandit, Md. Ibrahim H. Mondal

Protective textiles are one of the fastest growing sectors of technical textiles globally. The primary role of everyday clothing is to protect the human body from adverse climate, and the term protective textiles is used when they have been especially developed for extraordinary protection such as from fire, wind, microorganisms, chemicals, gas, ballistic, radiation electricity, etc. There has been a recent trend to develop these materials from natural resources. This chapter provides an introduction to these types of protective textiles, including spacesuits, antibacterial, chemical protective clothing, flame-retardant fabrics, nuclear and radiological protective clothing, ballistic protection, industrial protective fabric, etc. in detail, along with brief descriptions of their materials, specific intended applications, the preparation process, and their design.

Edible film production with aloe vera extract and its printability.

Authors Hatice Birtane, Asli Beyler-Çi?il

main concern with protecting fruits and vegetables from bacterial infection and growth is ensuring product quality and safety, Hydroxyethyl cellulose, with –OH in the natural cellulose molecule substituted by a hydroxyethyl group, has been widely used in oil exploitation, coating, medicine, food and polymerization process, nontoxic and low-cost, edible films containing different proportions of aloe vera and hydroxyl ethyl cellulose, structural and antibacterial properties of the obtained edible films, Edible films are generally prepared from proteins, polysaccharides, lipids and their combinations with some additional food grade additives, Various natural polysaccharides such as cellulose, chitosan, starch, pectin, alginate, gums, agar, dextran are widely used as edible films due to their performance in extending the shelf life of different food products, edible film, when applied to a solid food surface, represents an edible primary packaging due to its direct contact with the food surface, developing active food packaging using new compounds derived from various herbal plants that can offer more functionality than just providing barrier and mechanical strength, aloe has carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, soluble sugars, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, organic acids, and phenolic compounds, it also contains a variety of bioactive substances, aloe vera success in prolonging the shelf life of numerous perishable food goods, it has attracted a lot of attention as an edible film, aloe vera gel films are a great example of natural and active packaging because of their barrier qualities as well as their antioxidant and antibacterial potential, antimicrobial activity of Aloe vera containing coatings, aloe vera were tested against Gram-positive pathogenic bacteria like S. aureus and Gram-negative pathogenic bacteria like E. coli., It was discovered that all edible films that had been made had inhibitory effects on S. aureus and E. coli, aloe vera’s inherent structure is what gives edible films containing the plant its antibacterial properties, both bacterial species’ antibacterial qualities improved as aloe vera concentration increased, aloe vera is covalently bound to the surface of hydroxylethyl cellulose, Aloe Vera, Aloe, Aloe Barbadensis Miller

Development and processing of novel functional foods from bioactives of plant origin: applications, recent trend and future perspectives.

Author Dubale Befikadu Chala*a and Shimelis Admassu Emireb

focus on food’s role has shifted from just suppressing hunger or providing the nutrients essential for normal cellular function to components to a variety of documented bioactive capabilities potentially boosting health and wellbeing, including illness prevention, development of functional food products is a multistage process, that requires input from commercial, academic, and regulatory agencies, as well as a critical necessity to assure consumer acceptance, response to consumer demand for foods containing health-promoting bioactive compounds, functional food companies are processing health, wellness, enhancing their efficacy value added products , benefits to consumers, and ensuring the industry’s long-term competitiveness, focus on the utilization of bioactive-containing potential plant ingredients in food matrices, as well as their impact on physicochemical, functional, rheological, and sensory qualities , Food is fundamentally the component required for various life sustaining functions such as energy generation, nutrients supply, supporting diverse metabolic activities in addition to body growth and maintenance whereas functional food is processed food comprising ingredients that assist specific body functions besides its nutritional content, Functional food products are categorized as basic, enriched, fortified, altered, enhanced or processed, Basic/whole/unaltered products are foods containing increased content of nutrients naturally or components, foods containing enhanced amount of existing nutrients via supplementation of extra amount of those nutrients like vitamin C in fruit juices, Enriched or supplemented food products are those foods with containing newly added nutrients or components which is normally absent in a specific food like muffins with ?-glucan or fruit juice enriched with calcium, enhance functional components, Reasons such as urbanization and its effect, transitional health, changing demography with aging population, loss of traditional food culture, food security and awareness of decline in personal health are among reasons brought by hectic lifestyles with poor choices of convenient foods and competitive market have driven functional foods development possessing a health promoting plant based functional bioactive ingredients, Greater self-medication, increased levels of knowledge from health authorities, insufficient daily physical activity, and media coverage of nutrition, the relation between diet and health, and scientific advances in nutrition research are all elements that have an effect, Major Health Benefits Of Bioactive Compounds Based Novel Foods, inclusion of bioactive compounds in functional foods has been linked to a reduced incidence of coronary heart disease, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, cancer, and other chronic age-related degenerative diseases, according to epidemiological evidence, Bioactive chemicals, therapeutic potential and have a variety of pharmacological and biological impacts on human health, antiinflammatory, anticarcinogenic, antidiabetic, antifungal, antioxidants, antipyretic, antiapoptotic, hepato-protective, chemo-preventive, analgesic, hypo-lipidemic, CNS stimulant and cellular immunity stimulation among such health effects, Bioactive-containing functional foods are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to conventional medications and since they are less expensive, safer, and more readily available, Vegetables and fruits possess health merits owing to quantity and kinds of phytochemicals they contain, Bioactive ingredients are thus ingredients upon incorporation in to foods, improves health, Bioactive ingredients are a source food extracted compounds like fruits, vegetables, cereals and residues of food processing that maintain their features even after extraction, major bioactive ingredients consists of probiotics, prebiotics, peptides, amino acids, proteins, structured lipids, omega-3, minerals and phytochemicals, extracts of plant, fibers, carotenoids, vitamins, antioxidants and special carbohydrates, all of which can be obtained from different sources and are served in the form of beverages, personal care products, supplements and functional foods for consumers, development of foods having bioactive ingredients is gaining popularity as a result of various studies on getting these compounds, because the efficiency of nutraceutical and functional products in prevention of disease is dependent on the active ingredients’ bioactivity, stability, and bioavailability, insufficient residence time in the gastric, low permeability and/or solubility in the intestine, and instability in the gastrointestinal tract or during food processing, a significant challenge is manifested as a small proportion of molecules only remains available after oral administration, development of potential novel functional food products, bioactive compounds identification and quantification, the establishment of appropriate delivery systems and dosage to integrate bioactive compounds into foods, incorporated ingredient bioavailability and absorption the analysis, incorporated bioactive compounds safety testing, product storage stability, bioactive compound during food processing, and bioavailability upon incorporation in to food matrix, bioactive compounds application as functional ingredients, get these compounds, biodisponibility and evaluation of their properties, vitamins and minerals, plants contain bioactive compounds that act as medicines largely at cellular levels to repair damaged tissues, restore normal physiological functions, and enable the body fight diseases

Pharmacological Update Properties of Aloe Vera and its Major Active Constituents

Author: Marta Sánchez, Elena González-Burgos, Irene Iglesias, and M. Pilar Gómez-Serranillos*

Aloe vera, treat skin injuries (burns, cuts, insect bites, and eczemas) and digestive problems because its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and wound healing properties, mechanism of action, identifying the compounds responsible for these activities, acemannan, pharmacological studies (in vitro, in vivo, and clinical trials) of aloe vera gel, new pharmacological data research, studies refer to anti-cancer action, skin and digestive protective activity, and antimicrobial properties, Clinical trials with aloe vera, study the clinical effect of relevant metabolites in different human conditions and pathologies, bone protection, cancer, and diabetes, Aloe barbadensis Miller, Aloe vera has shown other therapeutic properties including anticancer, antioxidant, antidiabetic, and antihyperlipidemic. Aloe vera contains more than 75 different compounds, including vitamins (vitamin A, C, E, and B12), enzymes (i.e., amylase, catalase, and peroxidase), minerals (i.e., zinc, copper, selenium, and calcium), sugars (monosaccharides such as mannose-6-phosphate and polysaccharides such as glucomannans), anthraquinones (aloin and emodin), fatty acids (i.e., lupeol and campesterol), hormones (auxins and gibberellins), and others (i.e., salicylic acid, lignin, and saponins), peer-reviewed scientific journals of the Pubmed database, acemannan Digestive Diseases Protection, increase of Pulp cell proliferation , ALP, Type I collagen, BMP-2, BMP-4, vascular endothelial growth factor and dentin sialoprotein expresión, Aloe polysaccharide, JAK2 and STAT-3 expression JAK2, p-JAK2, STAT-3 and p-STAT3 protein expression, Ulcerative colitis protection, Aloe vera extract, Cell viability, Aloe polysaccharide Skin Protection, TNF-? levels , ? IL-8 and IL-12 expression levels, p65 expression, IkB-alpha protein expression, Psoriasis protection, Aloe vera, Cell viability, Cell proliferation, Cell migration, Wound healing, Photodamage, Membrane integrity, maintenance, Lysosomal stability, TFG?1 and bFGF, factor expression, Cell number, Keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation, Cell surface expression of adhesion molecules (?1-integrin, ?6-integrin, ?4-integrin and E-cadhesin), Corneal epithelial cell wound closure (Aloe vera concentrations ? 175 ?g/mL),Type IV collagen-degrading activity , Aloe vera extract 200 X Aloe vera extract 200:1, CD25 and CD28 expression , Suppression of T cell proliferation, IL-2, IFN-? and IL-17A secretion, Aloe polysaccharide Anticancer Effects , ULK1 mRNA expression, BECN1 and BCL-2 mRNA expression, Acemannan Anti-Inflammatory Activity, Human gingival fibroblasts, IL-6 and IL-8 expression, NF-??/DNA binding, Peripheral blood mononuclear cells, MCF-7 cells and HeLa cells, Apoptosis induction, Cyclin D1, CYP1A1 and CYP1A2, Bax and p21 expression, Hamster pancreatic ?-cell line HIT-T15 in response to free fatty acids, Number of apoptotic ?-cell death, Relief of endoplasmic reticulum stress signaling, Antioxidant Properties, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species, Human fecal bacteria, Bacterial growth (fructans), Bifidobacterium spp population, Acetate concentrations, H1N1 subtype Influenza A virus, H1N1 subtype influenza, virus replication, Viral adsorption period

The Application of Aloe vera Gel as Coating Agent to Maintain the Quality of Tomatoes during Storage.

Authors Ignasius Radix A. P. Jati * , Erni Setijawaty, Adrianus Rulianto Utomo and Laurensia Maria Y. D. Darmoatmodjo

polysaccharide components in Aloe vera gel can be used as ingredients for edible films or coatings, edible film can also be applied to fresh fruits and vegetables using the coating principle, tomatoes are one of the fruit commodities that can be maintained in terms of quality during storage using an edible coating, the effect of an edible coating made from Aloe vera on tomatoes’ physical, chemical, and organoleptic properties during storage, application of Aloe vera as a coating agent could prolong the shelf life of tomatoes, as described in the ability to decrease moisture content and weight loss, coated tomatoes had lower titratable acidity value, pH, and total soluble solid contents than the non-coated tomatoes, in organoleptic test, the non-coated tomatoes were preferred by the panelists for color, but the glossiness, skin appearance, and texture of the coated tomatoes were preferred, coating process could maintain the hardness of tomatoes and prevent the production of phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and lycopene; thus, the antioxidant activity could be conserved, Aloe vera is a Liliaceae family plant, A. vera gel consist of carbohydrates, monosaccharides comprising mainly glucomannan and small amounts of arabinan and galactan, and polysaccharides such as D-glucose, D-mannose, arabinose, galactose, and xylose other active chemical components contained in Aloe vera are vitamins, minerals, lignin, saponins, salicylic acid, and amino acids, which could act as antimicrobials and antioxidants, The presence of polysaccharide components in A. vera gel can be used as an ingredient for edible films or coatings. Polysaccharide components can provide hardness, density, quality, viscosity, adhesiveness, and gelling ability [6]. An edible film or coating is a thin layer made of hydrocolloids (proteins, polysaccharides, and alginates), lipids (fatty acids, glycerol, and wax), and emulsifiers that function as coatings of or packaging for food products and at the same time can be directly consumed, edible film and coating can also carry preservative agents, flavoring agents, and colorants to extend the shelf life, enhance the flavor, and improve the appearance of food and food products, some food products that often found using edible packaging are candy, chocolate, sausage, dried fruit, and bakery products, ensure food security status, edible coating can extend the shelf life of fresh fruits and vegetables because it decreases the contact with oxygen, as well as the respiration rate, and generally affects the metabolism of fruits and vegetables, thereby preventing the spoilage of fruit, the presence of an edible coating also inhibits the transpiration of water vapor from the commodity to the environment, reducing the risk of wilting and weight loss and minimizing the vulnerability to insects or other animals, known as postharvest losses, different materials and formulation make different applications , aloe with or blended starch, soy protein isolate, carboxymethyl cellulose, alginate, chitosan, agar, chlorine, ascorbic acid as an antioxidant, pectin, and essential oil coatings, for strawberries, blueberries, apples, and several types of cut fruit, Tomato, as a climacteric fruit, is susceptible to postharvest damage, the skin and flesh of the fruit are soft, increasing the risk of physical damage due to friction and impact. Wounds on the surface of the fruit skin will trigger damage due to the increase in respiration rate and the growth of microbes, thus accelerating spoilage [16]. Proper storage for tomatoes at 10 “C could extend the shelf life by 14 days. Meanwhile, tomatoes which are stored at room temperature (25 ” C) undergo a rapid quality decrease on the fifth day of storage.

Preparation and Evaluation of Aloe-Vera Hydro-Gel containing AntiBiotic.

Author Prasanthi, V. Padmaja, Supriya Chatla

The use of natural products in the prevention and treatment has increased recently, prepare and evaluate the wound healing effect of Terramycin, to screen the wound healing effect of the formulated gel on the animals containing Aloe vera hydro gel and evaluate physical and microbial parameters for the formulated gel, Aloe-vera gel and group II (n=2) rats were treated topically with Aloe vera gel containing antibiotic. In these the Aloe vera containing antibiotic shows activity within 5 days and the aloe vera gel shows activity in 10 days.

Enrichment of anti-ulcer activity of monoammonium glycerrihizin and Aloe vera gel through a novel drug delivery system.

Author: Ranade A, Ranpise NS, Ramesh C.

treatment for Helicobacter pylori?induced peptic ulcer includes a 14?day “triple therapy” of two antibiotics and a proton pump inhibitor. However, the current therapy has side?effects like stomach upset, non?compliance, incomplete absorption of drug and antibiotic resistance, best possible alternative is to deliver herbal constituents, present investigation is designed to deliver and retain two herbal constituents in the stomach for better action against gastric ulcers. The objective was to develop a bilayer floating tablet of monoammonium glycerrhizin and Aloe vera gel powder through rational combination of excipients to give the lowest possible lag time with maximum drug release in 7 h. Formulation OF2 containing hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose E5, rospovidone and effervescent agents in the ratio 1:2 gave 98% drug release with desired floating properties. Pharmacodynamic studies in rats showed that the combination of monoammonium glycerrhizin and Aloe vera gave 99% ulcer inhibition in comparison with 51% ulcer inhibition in the group administered with monoammonium glycerrhizin alone. X?ray studies in rabbits proved the gastroretention of the tablet for more than 6 h, this suggests relevance of NDDS in delivery of herbal constituents in the treatment of gastric ulcer, Aloe vera gel showed inhibition of gastric acid secretions by direct interaction with the acid-producing cells or possible interaction with H2 receptors on the parietal cells, the antiulcer activity is due to its anti-inflammatory, cytoprotective, healing and mucus-stimulatory effects, the gastroprotective activity of Aloe vera at lower concentrations is due to the presence of lectins. Lectins are proteins/ glycoproteins capable of binding to carbohydrate moieties

Development, Quality Evaluation and Shelf Life Studies of Probiotic Beverages using Whey and Aloe vera juice. J Food Process Technol, 6:486.

Author: Sasi Kumar R (2015).

Probiotic Beverages, whey and Aloe vera juice. Bifidobacterium bifidus (BB) was used as the probiotic organism, addition of probiotic inoculums and fermentation time were optimized on the basis of sensory quality evaluation. The blend ratio 70:30 of whey and Aloe vera juice and whey fermented for 9 hrs using inoculums 1% BB resulted with highest sensory scores for overall acceptability, Milk whey drink can replace much of the lost organic and inorganic to the extracellular fluid. Whey, which is so rapidly assimilable, forms an ideal metabolic substrate, constitutes almost 45-50 percent of total milk solids, 70 percent of milk sugar mainly lactose, 20 percent of milk proteins, 70- 90 percent of milk minerals and almost all the water soluble vitamins originally present in milk, whey proteins and other components and established a sound basis for their nutritional and functional value, milk whey in the fruit beverage preparation, functional beverages covers probiotic beverages, dairy drinks, drinking yoghurts, functional and functionally fortified soft drinks, juices, energy drinks, sports drinks, functional waters and ready to-drink tea. The global functional beverages market drives due to the growth in health and wellness concerns increase in disposable incomes, consumer awareness, introduction of new flavored products meeting various nutritional and health requirements, obesity concerns, aging population and changing lifestyles, energy drinks is the fastest growing segment in functional drinks market followed by functional dairy products and nutraceutical drinks, Functional Drinks Reassessing future potential, determining consumer targets, and delivering credible products provides a comprehensive overview of the functional drink landscape, analyzing the regulatory and consumer drivers to identify the best opportunities and strategies , global regulatory environment is examined and key hubs for innovation are highlighted, opportunities that the functional drinks market provides for beverage manufacturers as well as the challenges that diversification into functional beverages presents, aloe vera is valuable ingredient for food application due to its biological activities and functional properties, Probiotic cultures are live microbial food ingredients that are beneficial for human health , which includes improvement of intestinal microbial balance which results in the inhibition of bacterial pathogens, reducing the risk of colon cancer, improving the immune system, lowering serum cholesterol levels, alleviation of lactose intolerance and nutritional enhancement, whey based fruit beverages, dietary sources of live microorganisms destined to promote a positive impact in the host by improving the properties of the indigenous beneficial microflora, quality probiotic beverage with therapeutic value prepared by using a 70:30 blend of whey and Aloe vera juice inoculated with 1 percent inoculum of Biofidobacterium bifidum (B.p) with a shelf life of 30 days at 4oC ± 1″C and 6 days at 35oC ± 1″C.

Enhancement of the Anti-Skin Wrinkling Effects of Aloe arborescens Miller Extracts Associated with Lactic Acid Fermentation

Author Hyang Seon Ro,Hyun Jun Jang,Gyu Rae Kim,Sang Jin Park, Hyeon Yong Lee

juice-type product of Aloe, anti-skin wrinkling effects, lactic acid fermentation with Lactobacillus plantarum, fermentation process, activated human fibroblast cells , total polysaccharides, enhancing skin regeneration, easy penetration of the small molecules, active components from natural resources, generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the FDA for food purposes, improve the cosmeceutical activities, enhance the biological activities of aloe vera, aloe in cosmetic applications, Extracts, production of collagen by human fibroblast cells, substrate solution, medium , inoculation, aloe vera gel range of concentrations, active cells , ellular mitochondria 

A Review on Novel Pharmaceutical Approaches of Herbal Drugs in Derma Care.

Author Sneha Bahuguna, Deepika Joshi*, Bhavana Singh and Nidhi Semwal

Delivery of herbal drugs as novel formulations faces hurdles due to difficulties in identification, processing, standardizing, extracting of herbal drugs with an intention to accomplish sustained and controlled release. Now with the innovation in the technologies, nano formulations paves pathway for the development of novel herbal drug delivery systems with enhancing bioavailability, therapeutic effect and reduced toxicity. Many novel carriers such as nanoparticles, phytosomes, liposomes, microemulsion, etc. have been reported for successful modified delivery of various herbal drugs. Nano formulation shows various benefits conventional delivery approach such as enhanced absorption, bioavailability and reduction in side effect, novel approaches used for improving safety and efficacy of such herbs, type of active ingredients used for developed nano formulations of herbal drugs for dermal care to achieve better therapeutic response, herbal medicament can solve the scientific needs (such as determination of lethal dose, therapeutic dose, pharmacokinetics parameters, mechanism of action, site of action, suitable route of administration etc.) for developing novel drug delivery system, such as solid lipid nanoparticles, solid lipid microspheres, micro-emulsions, dermal and transdermal patches, solid dispersions, liposomes, phytosomes, ethosomes and nanoparticles.

Drug absorption enhancing properties of aloe across intestinal epithelium .

Author: W Chen, J Hamman, A Vlijoen – African Journal of Traditional,

Oral drug delivery is considered as the preferred route of administration, but the bioavailability of orally administered hydrophilic, macromolecular drugs is usually poor because of the hostile gastric environment and also poor gastrointestinal mucosal permeability. Co-administration of absorption enhancers is one way to improve oral bioavailability of these drugs. Numerous classes of compounds have been reported to enhance the intestinal absorption of poorly absorbable drugs, but most of them have toxic effects and are not highly efficient. Therefore, development of safe and effective absorption enhancers is still a challenge. The effect of Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f. (Aloe barbadensis Miller) gel and whole leaf extract on the permeability of Caco-2 cell monolayers was determined. Both the A. vera gel and whole leaf extract were able to significantly reduce the transepithelial electrical resistance of the Caco-2 cell monolayers at concentrations above 0.5 % w/v and thereby showed the ability to open tight junctions between adjacent cells. This effect was fully reversible as the electrical resistance of the cell monolayers returned to the original value upon removal of the test solutions. The A. vera gel and whole leaf extract solutions significantly enhanced the transport of insulin across the Caco-2 cell monolayers compared to the control. The results suggest that these plant products have a high potential to be used as absorption enhancers in novel dosage forms for drugs with poor bio availabilities when administered orally, The co-administration of absorption enhancing agents with macromolecular drugs (e.g., protein and peptide drugs) has been identi?ed as a means to improve the oral bioavailability of these drugs. Absorption-enhancing agents of natural origins, Aloe vera; gel; whole leaf; absorption enhancement; Caco-2; confocal laser scanning microscopy; F-actin; FITC-dextran; tight junctions; transepithelial electrical resistance

Processing of Aloe vera leaf gel: A review,

Author: Ramachandra C T and Srinivasa P R,

aloe beverage industry, to improve product quality, to preserve and maintain almost all of the bioactive chemical entities naturally present in the plant during processing, Processing of Aloe vera gel, resource of functional food, mucilaginous polysaccharides or acemannan, stabilized gel, The production process of aloe products involve crushing, grinding or pressing of the entire leaf of the Aloe vera plant to produce an Aloe vera juice, followed by various steps of filtration and stabilization of the juice, aloe vera for the preparation of health food drinks and other beverages, including blended with tea, there are wide spectrum of biological activities possessed by the aloe gel of the Aloe vera plant and its wide spread use, it has become imperative that the leaf be processed with the aim of retaining essential bioactive components, action of Aloe vera is simply due to its moisturizing and emollient effects, number of mucopolysaccharides (MPS) present, The highest therapeutic value is found in product containing between 10,000 and 20,000 MPS per liter, Basic methods of processing Aloe vera leaves are hand filleted Aloe processing or Mechanical filleting method

Development and Quality Evaluation of Aloe Vera and Pineapple Juice Blended Beverage.

Author: Biswas, S., Masih, D., Singh, M., & Sonkar, C. (2016).

Pineapple Juice Blended Beverage, aloe vera barbadensis miller, glass bottles, protein content was observed to be increasing with the increasing amount of Aloe vera, acidity increased (0.179-0.192) and pH of the juice decreased progressively during the storage period, overall acceptability scores of more than 8.5 for juice samples up to 30% Aloe vera juice, manufacturing good and nutritious pineapple juice blended with Heat pasteurization (97″C for 2-3 min) was more effective for inactivating the microbial flora, hot filling , non-preservatives added, shelf life, fruit and vegetable beverages have higher nutritional, medicinal and calorific values compared to synthetic beverages, main compound of aloe is glucomannan, Acemannan the major carbohydrate fraction in the gel soluble long chain mannose polymer which accelerate wound healing, modulate immune function and demonstrates antineoplastic and antiviral effects , pineapple is the third most important tropical fruit in the world after banana and Citrus, pineapple fruit can supply about 16.2% of daily requirement for vitamin C , global functional beverages market drives due to the growth in health and wellness concerns increase in disposable incomes, consumer awareness, introduction of new flavored products meeting various nutritional and health requirements, obesity concerns, aging population and changing lifestyles, aloe vera due bioavailability function add to human body take from fruit juice blends basic nutrients, aloe improves absorption of the vitamin and mineral content depending on the kind and quality of fruits and vegetables used , Aloe vera has a great value in the society for studies demonstrate its analgesic, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, anti-proliferative, gastric mucosal protection, hepato-protective, neuro-protective, hypolipidemic, anti-leishmanial, radio protective and immune-modulatory properties based on scientific evidence, field of health care, layout of the development of Aloe vera and pineapple juice blended juice drink bottled, Lowry’s assay is generally the most performed colorimetric assay for the determination of total protein, total phenolic content estimation was carried out using Follin-Ciocalteau method , shelf life is a product of physical, microbiological and chemical processes, triggered by any one of a multitude of contributing factors, quality test for each parameter such as pH, titratable acidity, antioxidant activity, protein content, Pineapple juice being a very acidic fruit has a very low pH, Aloe vera pH value increase, pH lies in a very acidic range, titratable acidity of pineapple-Aloe vera juice blends

Physiochemical and Sensory Attributes of Therapeutic RTS Beverage Prepared from the Blends of Aloe Vera, Ginger and Honey.

Authors: Nivetha Thangaraj,Veerapandi Loganathan, Sinthiya Rajendran, Karunyah Amirthadharshini

Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) is an evergreen perennial and a succulent plant species, bioactive components including vitamins, minerals and amino acids and most importantly it is well known for its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, RTS (Ready to Serve) beverages are being well liked than the other synthetic drinks due to the aroma, flavor, taste and most importantly their retained nutritive value, feasibility of formulating a Ready-to-serve (RTS) beverage from the blends of aloe vera, formulated beverage showed good acceptability with Blends of Aloe Vera, Ginger and Honey, wide range of soft drinks are being produced in the market such as sweetened, carbonated or aerated and soft drinks but still there is always a demand for the RTS beverage from the consumers. Hence the development of RTS from the blends of two nutritional plants will seek a very good outcome in markets for their high nutritious values and their easy way of consumption, when aloe and ginger are being formulated together, the Gingerols in ginger and polyphenols in aloe vera will give a very high antioxidant property to the beverage. The combination of the polyphenols can improve the digestion issues, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and weight balancing. The strong antioxidant activity will help to combat the reactive oxygen species formed inside the body. And when both are blended then the RTS beverage will contain considerable amounts of calcium, potassium, carbohydrates, crude fibre, water and vitamin C, development of the new functional product is for the development of nutritious and value-added beverage

Fermented aloe butyric acid .-Butyrate generated by gut microbiota and its therapeutic role in metabolic syndrome Pharmacological Res. 2020; 160: 105174

Author Bridgeman SC, Northrop W, Melton PE, Ellison GC, Newsholme P, Mamotte CDS.

Butyrate, the microbiome, metabolic síndrome, mechanisms of action, epigenetic effects, butyrate supplementation, cell-based models, obesity, dyslipidaemia, insulin resistance, hyperglycemia and hypertension, Butyrate’s positive metabolic effects

Suitability of Aloe vera and gum tragacanth as edible coatings for extending the shelf life of button mushroom.

Authors Mohebbi, M., Ansarifar, E., Hasanpour, N., & Amiryousefi, M. R.

Button mushroom have a short postharvest shelf life compared to most vegetables, due to a very high metabolic activity and high-water content. This makes them prone to microbial spoilage and to exhibit enzymatic browning. During cold storage, the uncoated mushrooms showed rapid weight loss, color changes, and accelerated softening white mushroom s treated with aloe vera gel, gum tragacanth, and the combination of both significantly delayed these phenomena. Among different coatings, the combination of aloe vera and gum tragacanth was more effective. The button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) is the most widely grown and consumed mushroom in the world, and it includes about 40% of the total world production of mushroom (Giri and Prasad 2005). Mushrooms are the excellent source of some essential amino acids, vitamins (B2, niacin, and folates), and minerals (potassium, phosphorus, zinc, and copper) (Tao et al. 2006). Moreover, mushrooms contain various polyphenolics and flavonoids which are recognized as excellent antioxidants (Singla et al.2010). On the other hand, button mushrooms have a short postharvest shelf life of less than 3 days at ambient temperature (Kim et al. 2006). So, mushrooms require special attention to preserve their freshness. There are various methods to extend the shelf life of mushrooms including modified atmosphere packaging, controlled atmosphere storage , vacuum cooling technology (McDonald and Sun2000), coating, and refrigeration. Among these, coating is the most likely method of vegetable and fruit preservation. Edible coatings are customarily used for better food appearance and protection. They could help to decrease moisture loss and slow respiration by reducing oxygen uptake from the environment. Modification of fruits tissue metabolism by affecting respiration rate, extension of storage life, firmness retention, transportation of antimicrobials, antioxidants, and other preservatives and microbial growth control are the main functional advantages attributed to the use of edible films and coatings. In addition to prolonging shelf life and delaying senescence, coatings add sheen and luster to products and make them more attractive and appealing to consumers. Fruits or vegetables are usually coated by dipping in or spraying with a range of edible materials. Therefor e, a semipermeable membrane is formed on the surface for suppressing respiration, controlling moisture loss, and providing other functions. he gel works as a barrier to O2and CO2and acts as moisture barrier , and thus reduces weight loss, browning, softening, and growth of yeast and molds. The material contains antimicrobial compounds and thus prevents decay. Aloe vera contains malic acid-acetylated carbohydrates (including?-1, 4-g1ucomannans) with anti-inflammatory activity. The sensory examinations of sweet cherry coated with aloe vera gel showed useful effects in terms of delaying stem browning and dehydration and maintenance of fruit visual characteristic without any damaging effect on taste, aroma, or flavors. Gum tragacanth (GT) is a dried exudate which is obtained from slashing the stems of Asiatic species of Astragalus (Leguminosae). GT includes water soluble (30–40% of GT) and non-water-soluble (60–70% of GT) fractions, which are called tragacanthin and bassorin. Gum tragacanth is widely used as a natural emulsifier and thickener in the food, drug, and allied industries. Its wide use is due to its stability in a wide range of temperature and pH and its effectiveness as an emulsifying agent with extremely long shelf life. As GT is a natural polymer, it is nontoxic and biocompatible. Development of natural preservative coatings to reduce respiration rate and inhibit enzymatic browning with antimicrobial agents is expanding due to the riskiness aspects of chemical preservatives. The main procedures which lead to loss in quality after harvest are (a) discoloration, (b) browning, (c) loss of closeness, (d) weight loss, and (e) texture changes. The color and the shape of the cap are the main parts of fresh mushrooms because these are the first characteristics which attract consumers. This study aimed to assess the suitability of aloe vera, gum tragacanth, and combination of both as edible coatings for mushrooms and to determine the influence of the coating on the mushroom’s physicochemical changes during storage.

Isolation and characterization of active compounds from Aloe vera with possible role in skin protection. Ceska a Slovenska Farmacie 53, 248-251

Author Kostalova D, Bezakova L, Oblozinsky M, Kardosova A (2004)

Molecular weight of proteins calculated from the sets of molecular weight reference standards, ranged from 70 kDa for the largest to 14 kDa for the smallest ones, aloe vera , acemannan , polysaccharides , carbohydrate copound is acetylated (1 –> 4)-beta-D-mannan substituated with D-galactose and D-glucose.

Effects of Aloe vera gel coatings and storage temperature on quality of mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruits.

Authors O. Sophia, G.M. Robert, W.J. Ngwela

Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is the most economically important fruit of the Anacardiaceae family. World trade in mangoes has been increasing over the years. The world market continues to become more price-competitive in spite of postharvest challenges e.g. losses caused by diseases. Mango is one of the most popular fruits all over the world as it has an attractive color, delicious taste, and excellent nutritional properties. However, mango fruits are climacteric and ripen rapidly after harvest, this limits their storage, handling, and transport potential. Mango is an easy access to post-harvest disease infection and production and consumption imbalances after harvesting lead to considerable losses. Therefore, scientists are working towards prolonging the shelf life of the fruit by slowing down the ripening process while maintaining quality and flavor. Fruit coating after harvesting is becoming popular in this respect. However, possible health risks associated with the residue of the coating materials like fungicides are reducing the scope of coatings. Edible coatings have no residue associated risks and are possible alternative options. The use of Aloe vera gel has drawn interest in the food industry. A. vera based edible coatings have been shown to prevent loss of moisture and firmness, control respiration rate and development and maturation, delay oxidative browning, and reduce microorganism proliferation in fruits such as sweet cherry, table grapes and nectarines. In addition to the traditional role of edible coatings as a barrier to water loss and delaying fruit senescence, the new generation coatings are being designed for incorporation and/or for controlled release of antioxidants, nutraceuticals, chemical additives, and natural antimicrobial agents. It has also been reported that A. vera extracts possess antimicrobial activity against gram positive and gram-negative bacterial pathogens. The use of A. vera gel as an edible surface coating has been reported to prolong the shelf life and to delay changes in parameters related to deterioration of quality in sweet cherry and table grapes, yet no studies have demonstrated the use of A. vera natural plant extract based on its antifungal properties on enhancement of shelf life and quality of mango fruits. Therefore, this study was conducted with the objective of evaluating the effects of the different A. vera gel on postharvest life of mango fruits.

Biofunctional Textiles.

Authors Manuel J Lis1*; Meritxell Martí2; Luisa Coderch2; Cristina Alonso2; Fabricio M Bezerra3; Ana P Immich4; José A Tornero1

textile substrates offer for more specialized functions as Biomedical devices, Cosmetics, Skin treatment, and which are the mechanisms involved in such new applications. Textiles are covering 80% of the human body and a big percentage of that is in close contact with skin. If the system of vehiculation of the active principles is, carefully, designed, the reservoir effect of the polymeric chains of fibers can play a very interesting role in the delivery of the active principle. Microencapsulation, lipidic aggregates and nanofibers, have shown very promising experimental results, Textile substrates, as active systems, Biofunctional textiles are the textiles with smart and new properties and added value, especially related to comfort or specific functions. Such textiles constitute the basis for the delivery system of cosmetic or pharmaceutical substances when the textile comes into contact with the skin. As most of the human body is covered with some sort of textile, the potential of biofunctional textiles is considerable. Textiles that have functional properties for the skin have been studied and patented in recent years. textile fabrics have been improved to assist skin function by ensuring homeostasis of the whole body. Practical functions of clothing include providing the human body with protection against the weather –strong sunlight, extreme heat or cold, and rain or snow – and against insects, noxious chemicals and contact with abrasive substances. Clothing offers protection against anything that might injure the naked human body. This is because textiles have always been considered as a “second skin” for human beings. technical bioactive or biofunctional textiles are currently being produced. Such fabrics can absorb substances from the skin or release therapeutic or cosmetic compounds to it. The textile industry together with medical knowledge has paved the way for enriching the use of textile fabrics because of their interaction with the skin. Percutaneous absorption is an interdisciplinary subject that is relevant to several widely divergent fields. Transdermal devices may be considered as one of the precursors of biofunctional textiles given that they deliver a compound with a therapeutic effect into the body. Bioactive textiles are new, innovative textile products that are pushing back the boundaries of textile applications. They can act as “reservoir systems” and are able to continually release controlled doses of active substances from the textile to the skin. Several active compounds have been applied onto textiles using different vehicles as micro or nanocapsules in order to improve the fixation on the fabric and the progressive and effective release of the active principle into the different skin layers (stratum corneum, epidermis or dermis). Transdermal drug release is a viable administration route for powerful, low-molecular-weight therapeutic agents that must be precise in its control of drug administration. The system should ensure the required doses and avoid the minimum toxic concentration. This strategy is especially recommended for many drugs that are difficult to take because they must be delivered slowly over a prolonged period to have a beneficial effect. For instance, the drug release modelling of biodegradable polymeric systems as encapsulation technologies in textiles has not yet progressed appreciably due to its high complexity. Transdermal administration also can take advantage of chemical and physical strategies that can improve skin permeability and allow for drug penetration. Specifically, transdermal drug delivery is a viable administration route for powerful, low-molecular-weight therapeutic agents that either can or cannot withstand the hostile environment of the gastrointestinal tract. Regardless of the necessity for physical-chemical enhancement, for the reliable and effective design of transdermal delivery systems, knowledge of the skin’s structure and its properties is fundamental. Empirical analysis of the permeation of drugs through the skin is based on approaches such as a neural network modelling to predict the permeability of skin. The release of an active agent in a non-erodible core-shell system can show different profiles of delivery, Encapsulation is one of the techniques used to apply substances to textiles. Biodegradable polymer micro- or nanoparticles are of great interest as drug delivery systems because of their ability to be reabsorbed by the body, Lípids as Vehicles for Skin Treatment, Liposomes are vesicles made up of lipids that can encapsulate different compounds for application onto textiles. Liposomes have been used as models for complex biological membranes in biophysical and medical research owing to their lipid bilayer structural. similarity. Moreover, they have been the subject of numerous studies given their importance as microencapsulation devices for drug delivery and their applications in cosmetics. In recent years, liposomes have been used in the textile industry as dyeing auxiliaries, mainly for wool dyeing or as a dispersing auxiliary for disperse dyes, These lipids are rich in cholesterol, free fatty acids, cholesterol sulphate and ceramides and they resemble those found in membranes of other keratinized tissues such as human hair or stratum corneum from skin, because of their capacity to form stable bilayer structures. Accordingly, IWL could be regarded as a new and natural form to encapsulate different active agents or as active agents for skin care. Textile application and absorption/desorption process, the application of liposomes or the mixed micelles onto the fabrics was performed by bath exhaustion and the foulard padding process, Liposomes and mixed micelles were also applied to textiles in triplicate with bath exhaustion, the interactions of the fields of polymer and materials science with the pharmaceutical industry have resulted in the development of what are known as drug delivery systems (DDSs), or controlled-release systems . Drug delivery systems can be classified according to the mechanism that controls the release of the drug , such as diffusion-controlled systems, chemically controlled systems, solvent-activated systems, modulated-release systems and bio erodible-release systems. One of the most promising biodegradable polymers for use in bio erodible-release systems is poly(lactic acid) (PLA), because of its mechanical and biological properties, Drug-Delivery Mechanisms, The capability of the polymeric membrane to deliver the drug was determined through triplicate measurements of the drug release kinetics into a fluid phase.

New perspectives on probiotics in health and disease

Author Eric Banan-MwineDaliriaByong H.Leeabc

scientists, synbiotics, health claims, healthy microbiota, molecular advancement, Probiotic; Heath benefits; Bile salt hydrolase; Dysbiosis; Microbiome, vaginal cavity, metabolic, bacterial community composition, bacterial populations, disease symptoms, prevention of diseases than cure and hence, human gut microbiota, function of the cells, gut health, to immune support, skin health, cholesterol control

Controlled release of active agents from microcapsules embedded in textile structures.

Authors S. Petrusic, V. Koncar

Textile structures with embedded microcapsules loaded with an active agent are applied in many areas such as medicine, cosmetics, and wellness. The fabrication of textile-based systems for the controlled release of an active agent is a demanding process due to numerous requirements such as efficient protection of entrapped material, its availability and release at a controlled rate, as well as efficient embedding of microcapsules into the textile substrate. controlled release and microencapsulation while highlighting the role of textiles in the release of various active agents. Challenges in developing an efficient textile-based vehicle for controlled release will be outlined. In addition, aspects of complexity in the incorporation of microcapsules in a variety of textile structures will be highlighted. Parameters such as the composition of microcapsule polymer walls, types of binders/cross-linkers, the method of embedding microcapsules, and their durability will be discussed. An overview of the controlled release of microencapsulated active agents, such as drugs, fragrances, vitamins, or insect repellents will be presented. Future trends in controlled release from textiles

Beneficial Pharmacokinetic Drug Interactions: A Tool to Improve Permeable Drugs.

Author: W. Gerber, J. D. Steyn, A. F. Kotzé, J. Hamman

Simultaneous oral intake of herbs, supplements, foods and drugs with other drug(s) may result in pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic interactions with the latter, pharmacokinetic interactions include the improvement of the bioavailability of a drug (i.e., by enhancing absorption and/or inhibiting metabolism) or prolongation of a drug’s plasma level within its therapeutic window (i.e., by decreasing excretion), whereas beneficial pharmacodynamic interactions include additive or synergistic effects, Mechanisms by which pharmacokinetic interactions can cause beneficial effects include enhancement of membrane permeation (e.g., structural changes in the epithelial cell membranes or opening of tight junctions), modulation of carrier proteins (e.g., inhibition of efflux transporters and stimulation of uptake transporters) and inhibition of metabolic enzymes, delivering drugs that are poorly bioavailable in therapeutic levels via alternative routes of administration than parenteral injection, bioavailability, efflux inhibition, pharmacokinetic interactions, tight junction modulation, enzyme inhibition, patients are taking food, herbs, supplements and/or over-the-counter health products together with their prescribed medications, concomitant use of these products may lead to food-drug, herb-drug, supplement-drug and/or drug-drug interactions, Pharmacodynamic interactions mainly involve diverse reactions at receptor sites resulting in antagonistic or synergistic effects as well as causing changes in physiological environments, while pharmacokinetic interactions affect the absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of the co-administered agent (e.g., food component, herb, supplement, health product ingredient) and/or co-administered drug, drugs present with poor oral bioavailability include low solubility, extensive pre-systemic metabolism, poor membrane permeability and active efflux transportation, Deliberate inhibition of pre-systemic metabolism or efflux can achieve improved bioavailability and prolonged half-lives of poorly bioavailable drugs with consequently less frequent dosing and a lower total required dose (i.e., inhibition of P-glycoprotein [P-gp], cytochrome P450 [CYP450] and organic anion transporters, in vitro drug absorption enhancing effects of Aloe Vera Gel gel and whole leaf materials were first shown across intestinal epithelial cell (Caco-2) monolayers, which was attributed to opening of tight junctions between adjacent epithelial cells as indicated by a reduction in trans-epithelial electrical resistance. Other publications also reported the ability of aloe materials to increase intestinal membrane permeation of various drugs in vitro, aloe materials were incorporated into solid oral dosage forms (i.e., dual phase spherical bead system), Aloe vera liquid preparations could increase the bioavailability of vitamins in humans when co-administered, Aloe Vera Gel gel could also increase the buccal absorption of the anti-retroviral drug, didanosine, by as much as 11-fold, mechanism responsible for the absorption enhancing effects may be because of increased residence time due to muco-adhesive abilities of aloe gel or that the polysaccharides in aloe are able to weaken the epithelial barrier by dismantling intercellular junctions, aloe vera potential modulation of cimetidine efflux, Aloe vera gel shown to improve ketoprofen diffusion across dermatomed skin, Aloe vera gel polysaccharides inhibit indinavir metabolism in an in vitro LS180 cell model, dietary supplement is defined as oral ingested product that is intended to supplement a person’s diet and is not necessarily considered food (e.g., vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids), Understanding dietary supplement-drug interactions is especially important as a relatively large number (about 25%) of individuals that make use of dietary supplements on a regular basis, take it with one or more prescription drugs, pharmacokinetic interactions are discussed within the broad categories of food-drug, herb-drug, dietary supplement-drug and drug-drug interactions, Inhibition of efflux transporters and metabolism enzymes by co-administered compounds may lead to increased bioavailability of drugs with poor pharmacokinetic properties. Some of these interactions can potentially be coordinated by including functional excipients (i.e., compound that causes beneficial interaction) with the drug in a dosage form. This technique may even be used to lower the quantity of active drug required per administered dose due to increased bioavailability,

Herbal excipients in novel drug delivery systems.

Author: A. Shirwaikar*, Annie Shirwaikar1, S. Lakshmana Prabu and G. Aravind Kumar

use of natural excipients to deliver the bioactive agents has been hampered by the synthetic materials. However, advantages offered by these natural excipients are their being non-toxic, less expensive and freely available. The performance of the excipients partly determines the quality of the medicines. The traditional concept of the excipients as any component other than the active substance has undergone a substantial evolution from an inert and cheap vehicle to an essential constituent of the formulation. Excipients are any component other than the active substance(s) intentionally added to formulation of a dosage form, Polysaccharides, volatile oils, controlled delivery, Excipients are primarily used as diluents, binders, disintegrants, adhesives, glidants and sweeteners in conventional dosage forms like tablets and capsules, Present day consumers look for natural ingredients in food, drugs, and cosmetics as they believe that anything natural will be safer and more devoid of side effects, excipients are inert and do not exert any therapeutic or biological action or modify the biological action of the drug substance has changed and it is now recognized that excipients can potentially influence the rate and/or extent of absorption of a drug. As herbal excipients are non-toxic and compatible, they have a major role to play in pharmaceutical formulation. Hence, this paper is an attempt to review herbal excipients used in NDDS, Polysaccharides in Pharmaceuticals, Natural polysaccharides are extensively used for the development of solid dosage forms. These polymers of monosaccharides (sugars) are inexpensive and available in a variety of structures with a variety of properties. They are highly stable, safe, non-toxic, and hydrophilic and gel forming in nature, Pectins, starch, guar gum, amylase and karaya gum are a few polysaccharides commonly used in dosage forms. Non-starch, linear polysaccharides remain intact in the physiological environment of the stomach and the small intestine, but are degraded by the bacterial inhabitants of the human colon which make them potentially useful in targeted delivery systems to the colon

Drug Bioavailability Enhancing Agents of Natural Origin (Bioenhancers) that Modulate Drug Membrane Permeation and Pre-Systemic Metabolism

Authors : Bianca Peterson, Morné Weyers , Jan H. Steenekamp, Johan D. Steyn, Chrisna Gouws and Josias H. Hamman *

bioenhancer; cytochrome P450; drug absorption enhancer; efflux; metabolism; P-glycoprotein; pharmacokinetic interaction; tight junction, new chemical entities are discovered with high therapeutic potential, compounds exhibit unfavorable pharmacokinetic properties due to poor solubility and/or poor membrane permeation characteristics, lipid-like barrier imposed by epithelial mucosal layers, crossed by drug molecules in order to exert a therapeutic effect, pre-systemic metabolic degradation of drug molecules, mainly by cytochrome P450 enzymes located in the intestinal enterocytes and liver hepatocytes, nasal, buccal and pulmonary routes of administration avoid the first-pass effect, they are still dependent on absorption of drug molecules across the mucosal surfaces to achieve systemic drug delivery, Bioenhancers (drug absorption enhancers of natural origin), systemic blood circulation by means of modulating membrane permeation and/or pre-systemic metabolism, natural bioenhancers and their main mechanisms of action for the nasal, buccal, pulmonary and oral routes of drug administration, poorly bioavailable drugs such as large, hydrophilic therapeutics are often administered by injections, Drug absorption is the process whereby drug molecules are transferred from the site of administration across biological membranes into the systemic blood circulation to produce a systemic pharmacological effect, biological cell membranes have a lipophilic nature due to their phospholipid bilayer structures, biological membranes, lipophilic properties to partition into the membranes in order to achieve passive absorption via the transcellular pathway, Adjacent epithelial/endothelial cells are connected by tight junctions, which are traversed by aqueous channels/fenestrae through which only small water-soluble molecules (<600 Da) can pass to get absorbed via the paracellular pathway, oral drug bioavailability besides drug permeation across the epithelial cells is pre-systemic metabolism or first-pass metabolism, which is the metabolism that takes place during uptake before the drug molecules reach the systemic circulation, Pre-systemic metabolism occurs mainly in the enterocytes of the gastrointestinal epithelium and the hepatocytes of the liver, molecules of natural origin that are capable of increasing the rate and/or extent at which co-administered drug molecules reach the systemic circulation unchanged (i.e., increased bioavailability), bioenhancers can improve the bioavailability of drug molecules include alteration of the plasma membrane fluidity to increase passive transcellular drug permeation; modulation of tight junctions to allow for increased paracellular diffusion; and active efflux transporter modulation, such as P-gp-related efflux inhibition, oral bioavailability of a drug molecule is determined by its ability to penetrate the gastrointestinal epithelial membrane, which is mainly determined by its physico-chemical properties (e.g., pKa, lipophilicity, molecular size, charge, dissolution and solubility), other factors that may affect the oral bioavailability of a drug include the gastric emptying rate, pH of the gastrointestinal fluid, interactions with other compounds (e.g., other drugs, food or herbs) and its affinity for active transporters, Plant (Aloe vera), Intercellular modulation, In vitro (Franz diffusion cells), Tight junction modulation, Ex vivo (rat intestinal tissue), In vitro (Caco-2 cells 2), Local mucosal tissue modulation, In vivo (human), Vitamin C and E: Ascorbic acid, tocopherols, tocotrienols, Metabolism inhibition; tight junction modulation,In vitro (Caco-2, LS180 cells 3), In vivo (rat) Indinavir: Antiviral protease inhibitor

Current status of Aloe-based nanoparticle fabrication, characterization and their application in some cutting-edge areas.

Authors Archana Bachhetia Rakesh Kumar Bachhetibc Limenew Abatebc Azamal Husen

phytochemicals and or plant based-secondary metabolites are used for NPs fabrication because they act as reducing, stabilizing and or capping agents. Numerous Aloe spp. provides a huge opportunity for NPs fabrications. These particles are used for different biological applications such as cytotoxicity, UV protection, antibacterial activity, catalytic activity, antibio?lm potential, photocatalytic activity, antifungal and antioxidant activities. Aloe-based NPs fabrication is also affected by various factors such as type of metal, different Aloe spp., method of NPs formation, temperature, pH and type of solvent used. For instance, gold nanoparticles(Au-NPs) synthesized from Aloe vera record the smaller size (15 nm)in comparison to copper nanoparticles (Cu-NPs) (50 nm) and selenium nanoparticles (Se-NPs) (50 nm). Silver nano-particles (Ag-NPs) prepared from Aloe vera was smaller in size 11-23 nm as compared to Cu-NPs 50 nm. Copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO-NPs) synthesized from Aloe barbadensis have larger size (15- 30 nm) compared to CuO-NPs synthesized from Aloe vera (5-20 nm). Hexagonal-shaped zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO-NPs) synthesized from Aloe vera with the size of particle»25 nm ; while spherical-shaped Zn-NPs fabricated from Aloe barbadensis with the particle size of (25-40nm). Aloe-based phytochemical and their role in NPs fabrication. Recently, the chemical compounds presented in Aloe have been utilized for NPs fabrication. The functional group present in them act as a reducing agent which convert metal ions into metal or metal-oxide. Aloe vera is recorded as a most bioactive plant). Anthraquinones, polysaccharides, naphthalenones, proteins, enzymes, and organic acid are the main phytochemicals present in Aloe vera leaves and another Aloe spp. A possible mechanism of the formation of Ag-NP from Aloe vera and the chemistry involved is presentenced of a OH group in most phytochemicals obtained from Aloe spp. and this OH served as a reducing agent, converting metal ions into metal/metal oxide NPs. Also, carbonyl functional groups present in phytochemical of Aloe spp. play a signi?cant role in NPs fabrication, Metal NPs, Silver NPsAg-NPs are metallic particles with a size range of 1-100 nm that are extensively employed in manufacturing, biomedicine, and engineering. Further, chemical stability, high conductivity, and optical behavior are the unique feature of Ag-NPs used Aloe vera leaf extract to achieve in situ synthesis of Ag-NPs by using cotton textiles. Various application of Aloe-based NPs, Antimicrobial activity, besides the numerous applications of NPs in different disciplines, various metal/metal oxide NPs have been used as antimicrobial agents. Ag-NPs were prepared by using leaf extract of Aloe vera to study the antibacterial activity. The result showed that Ag-NPs exhibited antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli compared to Aloe vera extract, which did not show any antibacterial activity. Ag-NPs synthesized from Aloe vera leaf extract exhibited antibacterial activity against Klebsiella pneumonia, Bacillus subtilis, and Salmonella typhi with an inhibition zone greater than 80 mm. Insitu, on cotton fabrics, Ag-NPs were synthesized from Aloe vera leaf extract. The cotton fabric was tested for three activities, antibacterial activity, UV protection, and laundering durability. The results indicated that cotton fabric loaded with synthesized NPs shows antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Also, cotton ?ber exhibited better UV protection activity, nonetheless both antibacterial and UV protection activity decreased with the increase in washing cycles. Recently, Au-NPs fabricated from Aloe vera leaf extract were tested for antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus aureus on NPs impregnated cotton fabric. Cotton fabric was cut in the dimension of 15 £30 mm and immersed in NPs solution. The results revealed that the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli was inhibited in the fabric treated with Au-NPs. ZnO-NPs synthesized from peel extract of Aloe vera were tested for antimicrobial activity against bacteria Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Klebsiella pneumonia, and against fungus Aspergillus oryzae and Aspergillus niger. The results showed that ZnO-NPs were effective against Escherichia coli and Aspergillus niger. Also prepared ZnO-NPs from Aloe vera extracts ichum coccodes while antibacterial activities againstEscherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. In another study, the leafextract of Aloe vera was utilized for the synthesis of Ag-NPs andtested for antifungal activity against two fungus species, Aspergillussp. and Rhizopus sp. Ag-NPs showed greater antimicrobial activityagainst Aspergillus sp. as compared to Rhizopus sp. (Medda et al.,2015). CuO-NPs prepared from Aloe vera extract were tested for anti-bacterial activity against three bacteria strains Flavobacterium Brachyphyllum, Pseudomonas ?uorescens, and Aeromonas hydrophila. The results indicate that synthesized CuO-NPs exhibit antibacterial activity against all bacterial pathogens even at a lower concentration (20 mg/mL). Antioxidant activity. living organisms produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) due to regular cellular metabolism and several external in?uences and or stress. ROS are highly reactive molecules and can damage cell structures like proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and alter their functions. The shift in the balance between oxidants and antioxidants in favor of oxidants is termed “oxidative stress. Antioxidants are compounds used to reduce the effect of oxidative damage or oxidative stress by preventing or reducing its oxidation process. The capacity of bioactive compounds to alleviate the stress of oxidative damage, increase with concentration, also reported that the NPs have good ability to act as antioxidants and helpful in preventing number of infectious diseases. Aloe vera leave extracts and AV-Ag-NPs for antioxidant activityby2,20-diphenyl- 1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), lipid peroxidation inhibition and reducing power assay. The antioxidant activity of Aloe vera extract and AV-Ag-NPs was improved with the increase in concentrations (100 mg/mL to 600 mg/mL). Antioxidant activity of Ag-NPs prepared from Aloe vera gel was tested by the DPPH method and reducing power assay. The results revealed that the Ag-NPs showed good dosage-dependent antioxidant activity compared to crude extract. Se-NPs prepared from Aloe vera extract were tested for antioxidant activity by ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP),2,20-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonicacid (ABTS), and DPPH assay. The result indicated that Se-NPs showed better activity than Aloe vera extract alone , the antioxidant activity of biosynthesis ZnO-NPs using plant extracts of Aloe vera by various methods such as hydroxyl radical scavenging, superoxide radical scavenging, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), ABTS, and DPPH. The results con?rmed that ZnO-NPs possess a promising antioxidant activity, antioxidant effect oncerium oxide NPs (CeO-NPs), which were synthesized using Aloe vera leaf extract as a stabilizing agent. The cyclic conversion of cerium (III)oxide as Ce (III)O! Ce (IV)O !Ce (III) O by reaction with H2O2implied the uninterrupted antioxidant property of CeO-NPs. Metal salt Extract Aloe species Characterization UV-Vis FTIR XRD FESEM TEM SAED AFM EDX Zeta Potential Condition optimization-pH -Temperature -Concentration of Aloe extract -Concentration of metal salt-Time-Solvent used for extraction Nanoparticle Applications Antimicrobial, Antioxidant ,Anticancer, Catalytic ,Wound healing, Drug delivery, Applications of Aloe species-based nanoparticles. Catalytic activity NPs have been well known for their catalytic properties. High sur-face area of NPs increases their catalytic activity. They have advantages over conventional catalyst in term of selectivity, activity, reusability and ef?ciency synthesized Ag-NPs using Aloe vera and tested them for the catalytic activity to degrade organic dye. Results showed that synthesized Ag-NPs have excellent catalytic activities for the decomposition of organic dyes in the presence of NaBH4, synthesized BaMgAl10O17NPs (BMANPs) to check the catalytic activity. Under UV irradiation, the photocatalytic activity was increased for the degradation of wastewater polluted by BMANPs, with 95 percent disintegration of Acid Red 88 dye, catalytic activities of ZnO-NPs prepared using Aloe vera leave extract. The results con?rmed the biosynthesized ZnO nano sheets were particularly effective for the degradation of malachite green dye. The use of Aloe vera as wound healing behavior was also reported in the form of composite, membranes, and ?lm combined with a polymer such as chitosan and other man-made material, which could be very important in burning healing application and wound healing. Drug delivery systems, Drug delivery allows to achieve sustained and controlled drug release, produce site-speci?c delivery, maintain desired drug concentrations in blood and reduce side effects, ensuring effective treatment and promising relief. Some of the modern techniques involved in drug delivery systems are nano?bers, NPs, nanocomposites, micelles, and hydrogels; these contain drugs and a carrying vehicle mostly made of biodegradable polymers. They are mostly involved in vascular regeneration and cancer treatments, the applications of polycaprolactone(PCL) nano?bers composite for medicinal purposes and fabricated nano?bers from Azadirachta indica (neem), curcumin (Cur), and Aloe vera. Variety of nano?brous mats were fabricated and named as Cur/PCL/neem, Cur/PCL/AV, PCL/neem, PCL/AV, PCL/Cur, and PCL alone. The results obtained from the uniaxial testing machine showed that the increase in the amount of neem and curcumin, the value of Young’s modulus and tensile strength decrease. However, the mechanical behavior of these ?brous mat increase when the amount of Aloe vera increase. MTT assay was used to check anticancer activity against human breast cancer (MCF7 cell line) and lung cancer (A459cell line) which showed that 1% Aloe vera and 5% curcumin loaded PCL nano-?bre exhibited 15% more anticancer activity in comparison with the commercial drug (1% cis-Platin-loaded PCL nano?ber), another biosynthesized 5-?uorouracil(FU) NPs using Aloe vera extract. NPs prepared by using Aloe vera exhibited good cytotoxicity activity against colorectal cell lines (Caco-2) and adenocarcinoma cell line (HT-29. Aloe vera shell ash supported NiO.5ZnO.5Fe2O4magnetic NPs used to remove Pb (II) ions from an aqueous at different pH and different exposure times. The results indicate that at pH 9, time 15 minute and0.2g adsorbent dose were optimum conditions. In another study, Aloe vera shell ash supported Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4NPs was utilized for the removal of Ag (I) from aqueous solution at different pH, concentration of Ag and absorbent dose. Optimum condition obtained were pH 5, time 30 minutes with absorbent dose 0.20 g with removal ef?ciency of 98.3% synthesized Aloe vera capped ZnS:Mn2+quantum Synthesized NPs have strong yellow emission at 590 nm resulting from4T1!6A1 (in photoluminescence emission spectra), so theses NPs can have possible application in medical research related to imaging. The mosquitocidal activity of Aloe vera extract and synthesized Ag-NPs was tested against Anopheles stephensi larvae (I-IV instar) and pupae. The Aloe vera extract showed some extent mosquitocidal activity, however the response was more with the synthesized Ag-NPs. Synthesized Ag-NPs were ef?cient even at low concentration against Anophelesstephensi with LC50value 6.113 ppm (pupae), 5.711 ppm (IV instar),4.982 ppm (III instar), 4.119 ppm (II instar), and 3.825 ppm (I instar). Also, synthesized NPs were tested in the ?eld against Anophelesstephensi which showed a larval reduction of 97.7, 86.6, and 74.5%after 72, 48, 24 h, respectively. Also, lithium titanate nanomaterial synthesized using Aloe vera extract has been reported for its use as an alternative anode for lithiumion batteries. The signi?cance and application of Aloe would be accelerated by using nano sci-ence. It gave opportunity of synthesis of Aloe-based NPs in different form such as nanocomposites, nano?bers, hydrogels, and sponges which can be used for their antibacterial, antioxidant, catalytic, wound healing, and tissue regeneration activities. Further, it has been noticed that the Aloe species (natural form/extracts) have been extensively used and many commercial products are available in the market, however very less NPs-based commercial products are detected. Therefore, extensive investigations are required in this direction to make Aloe-based NPs more commercial and functional.

Aloe extract inhibits porcine epidemic diarrhea virus in vitro and in vivo.

Author Zhichao Xu, Yuan Liu, Yongchang Cao

Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) causes severe diarrhoea and high mortality in neonatal suckling piglets, leading to significant economic losses to the swine industry, urgent need to exploit effect antiviral therapies to compensate for vaccines, Aloe extract can hamper completely the proliferation of PEDV at a non-cytotoxic concentration of 16 mg/mL determined by CCK-8 assay in Vero and IPEC-J2 cells in vitro, Aloe extract efficiently inhibited PEDV infection in vivo, aqueous extract from the Aloe could inhibit PEDV replication in vitro and in vivo and might be a good target for drug development against PEDV, Aloe extract (Ae) had the ability to inhibit PEDV infection, first examined its potential to inhibit PEDV replication in vitro and determined the stages in the PEDV life cycle that could be blocked by Aloe vera extract , and then extended our study in newborn piglets at a relatively safety concentration to see if Aloe vera extract could inhibit PEDV infection in vivo, Aloe vera can be potentially useful for the development of anti-PEDV therapeutics, Immunofluorescence assay, Determination of direct virion inactivation activity of Aloe vera gel

Postharvest Aloe vera gel coating application maintains the quality of harvested green chilies during cold storage,

Authors M.H. Ul, M.A. Ullah, R. Anwar, K.A. Sattar, M.W. Haider, R. Riaz, et al.,

The effect of Aloe vera (ALV) coating was studied on chillies at 10 ± 1″C for 28 days. ALV gel-coated chillies showed reduced weight loss, disease incidence, red chili percentage, respiration rate, electrolyte leakage, hydrogen peroxide, and superoxide anion contents. The Aloe vera coating maintained general acceptance in terms of visual quality and marketability index with higher chlorophyll contents, ascorbic acid contents, total phenolic contents, and total antioxidants. In addition, ascorbate peroxidase, catalase, superoxide dismutase, and peroxidase activities were markedly higher in coated chillies compared to control. The biochemical attributes such as soluble solids content, acidity, sugar: acid ratio, and juice pH were non-significantly affected by Aloe vera application; however, the said attributes were comparatively higher in contrast to control. In conclusion, Aloe vera edible coating could be used as an eco-friendly approach for delaying senescence and maintaining the postharvest quality of green chillies up to 28 days.

Effects of Aloe vera cream on post hemorrhoidectomy pain and wound healing: results of a randomized, blind, placebo-control study.

Author Eshghi F, Hosseinimehr SJ, RAloe Vera High Molecular Polysaccharidesani N, Khademloo M, Norozi MS, Hojati O.

Aloe vera is an herbal medicine, which has wound healing effects in burn injury. This study assessed the effects of Aloe vera cream in reducing postoperative pain, post defection pain, and its promotion of wound healing after open hemorrhoidectomy, cream containing Aloe vera versus a placebo cream on posthemorrhoidectomy pain, use of analgesics was recorded, topical aloe cream group had significantly less postoperative pain, Application of Aloe vera cream on the surgical site is effective in reducing postoperative pain both on resting and during defecation, healing time, and analgesic requirements

Preparation and evaluation of strawberry and date blended juice ready to serve drink.

Author: Khalid M, Muneeb M, Shamrez B, Muhammad A, Ayub M, Durrani Y, et al.

Fruits are important source for good health, and good for all ages as it form an important part of healthy diet that’s why natural compounds in foods and vegetables such as polyphenols, flavonoids and tannins, essential vitamins and polyphenolic compounds present in drinking fruit juices are related to ingestion of bioactive components, studies shown polyphenols in fruits, Holy Quran dates, golf countries, in the month of Ramadan usually Muslim breaks their day fasting with date, dates makes it nutritionally an energetic food, By nutrition point of view strawberry fruit has low energy carbohydrate and high amount of vitamin C than oranges, market requirements, Food industry considering new ingredients for developing new commercial food products, demand of ready to serve drink has been increased, Blending is considered as one of the best methods to enhance the nutritional properties of the juice, natural health drink and appetizers, blend ready to serve drink and a nutritious and energy rich product according to consumer taste and demand, study the effect of treatments and storage on physicochemical and sensory characteristics of product, appealing color and pleasing flavor enhanced the requirement of aloe vera juice blended, bioactive compounds, taste, pH value of aloe vera is in between 3.5 to 4.5 range, exposure of aloe vera in PET clear bottle can oxidate the beverage

in vivo immunomodulatory activity of acemmanan .-In vivo evidence of the immunomodulatory activity of orally administered Aloe Vera gel. Arch Pharm Res. 2010 Mar;33(3):451-6. Im SA, et al.

Author: Sun?A Im, Young-Ran Lee, Young?Hee Lee, Myung-Koo Lee, Young In Park, Sungwon Lee, Kyungjae Kim, C. Lee

immunomodulatory component, Acemannan, a mixture of various length polymer chains of ?-(1,4)-linked acetylated galactomannan isolated from aloe vera, may be the best-characterized immunomodulatory polysaccharides, immunoaugmenting activities of acemannan are mediated through the activation of macrophages, Acemannan also augments hematopoiesis, induces maturation of immature dendritic cells, maximum immunomodulatory activity is between 5 kDa and 400 kDa;

Effects of Nutrient Supplementation on Immune Function in Cats and Dogs.

Author Kay J. Rutherfurd-Markwick,1 PhD, and David Thomas,2 PhD

Immune function is known to decline with age, and chronic stress can impair immune function and exacerbate the effects of aging, Dietary supplementation, with immunomodulatory ingredients, has potential in preventing or slowing such changes, modulation of the immune system should be balanced so that the immune system is primed to be optimally and appropriately active, chronic inflammation, allergy and autoimmune disorders, nutritional immunomodulation, Dietary components are able to impact the health of an animal in two ways; first, in a purely nutritive sense, supplying the necessary energy and amino acids to the animal, and second, by acting as bioactive molecules and influencing a number of functions within the animal, including immune health, dietary supplementation with nutrients (including macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements) on aspects of the immune system including inflammation, leukocyte function, antibody production, as well as resistance to disease, malnutrition results in an impairment of the immune system, a reduction of antibody responses and defective T-helper cell subpopulations that can be reversed by feeding a high protein diet, research in several species, including dogs, indicates that overfeeding also has a detrimental effect on the immune system, resulting in a decreased resistance to the canine distemper virus and salmonella infection, maintain or improve immune health in companion animals, Excesses of individual amino acids also can be detrimental to the function of the immune system, It is well known that excessive intake of leucine has a detrimental effect on both cellular and humoral immunity in a number of species leading to decreased numbers of T lymphocytes and decreased antibody-forming cells or antibody titres, Increased stress is associated with lower telomerase activity and shorter telomere length, which are both markers of aging, age-related deterioration of the immune system is known as immunosenescence, also appears to be age-associated defects in non-T cells, such as antigen-presenting cells and dendritic cells, which fail to activate T cells effectively and contribute to a loss of immune function by affecting regulatory control, primarily via indirect changes in cytokine expression, dietary ingredients have the potential to modulate the immune system of healthy cats and dogs, across species and different breeds

Determination of the phenolic content, antioxidant activity and total anthocyanins of a beverage based on aloe vera and Jamaican sorrel (Hibiscus sabdariffa).

Author: Diner Mori-Mestanza , Darwin Perez-Ruiz , Veronica Zuta-Chamoli ,Guillermo Idrogo-Vasquez , Armstrong Barnard Fernández Jeri , Lucas Dalvil Muñoz-Astecker , Robert Javier Cruzalegui Fernadez , Segundo Grimaldo Chavez Quintana

Beverage production, aloe vera, Jamaican sorrel, beneficial properties such as polyphenols, antioxidant activity, anthocyanins , biological activity of these compounds reduces cellular ageing, help to prevent and enhance the therapeutic effects, develop an aloe vera and Jamaican sorrel (Hibiscus sabdariffa) beverage, antioxidant activity by 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl free radical capture (DPPH) and total anthocyanins by differential pH. The best beverage formulation: 5% aloe vera and 0.9% Jamaica, had a total phenol content of 714.86 mgAGE / 100ml, antioxidant activity 1858.56 mg Trolox/100ml, total anthocyanins 5587.99 mg C-3GE / 100ml, “Brix 7.5, pH 3.8 and acidity 0.38%, beverage contain high potential amounts of natural active compounds, beneficial for human health due to their antioxidant and nutritional properties, Healthy beverages are considered functional drinks, protect human body cells from free radicals, aloe beverages enhance therapeutic effects, aloin content of aloe vera products in European countries is 0.1 ppm in food and beverages, the International Aloe vera Science Council (IASC) recommends concentration of 0.5% Aloe vera solids solution for consumption, nutritional approach, content of the formulated beverages,

Application of Chitosan- Aloe vera Gel Based Coating on Postharvest Quality and Storability of Red Chili ( Capsicum annuum L.)

Authors Yora Faramitha, Fitria Febriyanti, Tiana Fitrilia, Firda Dimawarnita

Red chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is a high demand horticultural commodity but is vulnerable to quality deterioration. Postharvest losses of red chilies are strongly related to the metabolic activities and high-water content of harvested chilies. After harvesting, red chilies undergo both respiration and withering processes that cause the shelf life of chilies to be relatively short. Besides, red chilies are vulnerable to spoilage by fungi and bacteria that cause postharvest shrinkage during storage. Colletotrichum capsici is a fungus commonly found in chilies. For those reasons, postharvest treatments are needed to preserve and prolong the shelf life of red chilies. One of the promising preservation techniques to prolong the shelf-life of perishable agricultural products is edible coating application. Compared to cold storage technology, the edible coating requires a zero-energy cooling system. The edible coating applied on fruit surface serve as a semipermeable barrier to minimize water loss and respiration and prevent microbial and fungus infection. Chilies are sensitive to chilling injuries due to low-temperature storage (< 7"C), application of edible coating can be a safe and affordable preserving alternative to maintain the quality attributes of red chilies. The sources of edible coating material vary, including polysaccharides, lipids, proteins, or resins. The well-known edible coating source is chitosan, which a type of polysaccharides. Chitosan has excellent properties, mainly has high antimicrobial activity and biocompatibility, and is non-toxic. Besides, the chitosan-based edible coating forms a semipermeable film that limits water losses and the transpiration process, extending fruits storability. Some recent studies reported the application of chitosan on blueberries, strawberries, and chilies. Another coating material with exceptional barrier properties is Aloe vera gel, which is biologically safe, has antimicrobial action, and delays the deterioration of fruits and vegetables. In this last decade, some applications of A. vera gel-based coating were on fresh cut kiwi fruit, strawberry, fresh-cut papaya. The combination of more than one edible coating source gained more interest to improve edible coatings' effectiveness and stability. Coating from the combination of chitosan and gelatin on red bell peppers could significantly reduce the microbial decay incidence compared to gelatin-based coating treatment, enhance the fruit firmness, and improve the shelf-life during storage. Edible coating from chitosan-A. vera liquid fraction could inhibit the microbial growth up to 50% and extend the life span of blueberries for approximately five days. These previous studies imply that combining two or more coating sources could improve the physicochemical properties of fruits better than a single source. To our knowledge, the application of A. vera gel and chitosan combination as an edible coating on red chilies has not been studied before. Therefore, this present work was intended to evaluate the effect of chitosan and A. vera based coating formulations on quality attributes of red chilies after 15 days of storage at room temperature and choose the recommended chitosan-A. vera formulation to preserve the quality of red chilies.

Psychobiotics: Mechanisms of Action, Evaluation Methods and Effectiveness in Applications with Food Products

Author Mariano Del Toro-Barbosa, Alejandra Hurtado-Romero, Luis Eduardo Garcia-Amezquita, and Tomás García-Cayuela

gut-brain-microbiota axis bilateral communication system that enables gut microbes to interact with the brain, and the latter with the gut, Gut bacteria influence behavior, depression and anxiety symptoms are directly associated with alterations in the microbiota, Psychobiotics are defined as probiotics that confer mental health benefits to the host, psychobiotic potential, psychobiotic potential of several bacterial strains and fermented products, restore mental health, life quality, depression decrease productivity at work, serious mood disorder, sad and anxious mood, pessimism, irritability, fatigue, alterations in sleeping patterns, and suicidal thoughts, interaction of psychological, environmental, genetic, and biological factors, intestinal and mental disorders coexisting, central nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract, gut microbiota exerts, enteric microbiome plays a key role in the gut-brain axis communication, involvement of neural, endocrine, immune, and metabolic systems, cognitive functions, alterations in the microbiota, Gut microbial dysbiosis is often connected to aberrant immune responses that include the overproduction of inflammatory cytokines, calibrate the innate and adaptive responses, metabolites they produce can pass through this barrier and enter and accumulate in the host’s circulatory system, where they are able to stimulate cells from the immune system

Psychobiotics and the Manipulation of Bacteria–Gut–Brain Signals

Authors: Sarkar, Amar , Lehto Soili M , Harty Siobhán , Dinan, Timothy G, Cryan, John F , Burnet Philip W.J

mental health benefits through interactions with commensal gut bacteria, prebiotics, which enhance the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, psychobiotic effects, psychobiotics are beneficial bacteria (probiotics) or support for such bacteria (prebiotics) that influence bacteria–brain relationships, Psychobiotics exert anxiolytic and antidepressant effects characterized by changes in emotional, cognitive, systemic, and neural indices, psychobiotics exert effects include the enteric nervous system and the immune system, manipulate commensal gut bacteria with psychobiotics, Psychobiotics affect psychophysiological markers, Lactobacillus rhamnosus R0011 and Lactobacillus helveticus R0052, mitigated colonic dysfunction

Stability aloe vera gel as edible coating.

Authors Suriati, L., Utama, I. M. S., Harjosuwono, B. A., and Gunam, I. B. W.

Edible coating has long been known as an alternative to extending the fruit shelf life. One of the natural ingredients that can be used as an edible coating is aloe gel which is rich in functional components. The activity of aloe gel enzymes is very high. To maintain stability should be stored at the right temperature, the stability of aloe gel as an edible coating is reviewed from the treatment of temperature and length of storage, a complete randomized design of factorial patterns consisting of two factors: the first factor of the storage temperature (28″C and 7″C) and the second factor is storage time (0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 days), variables include color, pH, moisture, viscosity, and total microbes. aloe gel as an edible coating can withstand the rate of respiration and some physiological changes due to the maturation of fruits and vegetables during storage, the stability of Aloe gel is strongly influenced by air, light, temperature, and microbes. If not handled properly for 24-36 hours the viscosity of Aloe gel decreases drastically close to the viscosity of water, storage temperature plays a role in maintaining the stability of Aloe gel, determined by temperature and length of storage for the proper stability of the Aloe gel edible coating.

aloe carbohydrates immune protection .- Utilization of Aloe Compounds in Combatting Viral Diseases

Author Erica Españo,Jiyeon Kim and Jeong-Ki Kim

Aloe barbadensis, Aloe vera, antivirals, adjuvants, immunomodulator, phytochemicals, aloe emodin, aloin, acemannan, natural products, viral outbreaks, Plants, primary sources of new bioactive compounds, novel bioactive compounds, acetylated mannans, immunomodulatory effects, antiviral activities, Aloe Compounds for the Regulation of Immune Responses to Viral Infection, innate immune cells, anti-inflammatory activity, Immunomodulatory effects of Aloe vera components, Aloe vera have the ability to enhance the immunity and protectivity conferred by viral vaccines

Aloe vera L. Gel: Biochemical Composition, Processing and Nutraceutical Applications.

Authors: Anirban Ray, Sampad Ghosh

nutraceutical and cosmeceutical potential of Aloe vera L., human well-being, Polysaccharides are demonstrated as the major component compounds for the bioactivities of Aloe Vera Gel gel, bioactivities, composition, and proportion of gel-components significantly influence the bioactive potential of aloe gel, aloe gel would be of help in optimizing the component of the value chain of aloe processing, bio-active potential to ensure the effective application of Aloe vera gel, biological activity of any substance is mainly implicated by its compositional features, mannose, glucose and galactose monomers which constitute the structural reserve polysaccharide acemannan or ?-(1, 4)-linked acetylated mannose , The structural monsaccharides are present in ?(1,4)- linked mannoses, 1 ?(1,4)-linked glucose, and 1 ?(1-6)-linked galactose form, and some of the mannose monomers are modified by addition of an acetyl group, The molar ratio of sugar and linked acetyl group present in this molecule is 1:3, polysaccharides contain 1?4 glycosidic linkages in between glucose and mannose moiety (glucose: mannose = 1:2.8). Aldopentose, acetylated glucomannan, galactogalacturan, glucogalactomannan, galactoglucoarabinomannan are also the important oligosaccharides or polysaccharides present in Aloe vera, average molecular weight of polysaccharides of the gel was found to be 2 million Da or above and constitutes approximately 0.20% – 0.30% of fresh Aloe gel, polysaccharide molecules can hold water molecules in inter-molecular space and attributes the humectant activity to Aloe Vera Gel, immunomodulatory and functional properties to Aloe Vera Gel, act as biological response modifier, Aloe Vera mainly composed of six different types of compounds namely, poly and mono saccharides (mannose, glucose, glucomannan, acemannan etc.), phenolics, vitamins, enzymes, low molecular weight substances and minerals.

Formulation and evaluation of sustained release matrix tablets of pioglitazone hydrochloride using processed Aloe vera mucilage as release modifier

Authors Divya Bansal/ Bhargava , Manoj Choudhary, Nazneen Dubey, Aditya Ganeshpurkar, Vikas Pandey, Tushar Salukhe

Natural gums and mucilage which hydrates and swells on contact with aqueous media are used as additives in the formulation of hydrophilic drug delivery system, develop a new monolithic matrix system for complete delivery, zero-order manner over an extended time period using processed Aloe vera gel mucilage (PAG) as a release modifier, dry blending of selected ratios of polymer and ingredients using direct compression technique, Physicochemical properties of dried powdered mucilage of Aloe Vera Gel , formulations of pioglitazone HCl and Aloe Vera Gel mucilage, direct compression technique, uniformity of weight and drug content, swelling behavior, Aloe vera mucilage powder can be used as a matrix forming material for controlled release of Pioglitazone HCl matrix tablets, use of natural occurring biocompatible polymeric material for designing of dosage form for oral controlled release administration, Gums and mucilage contain hydrophilic molecule, which can combine with water to form viscous solution or gels, Natural gums and mucilage, which hydrates and swells on contact with aqueous media, additives in formulation of hydrophilic drug delivery system, compliance and flexibility in developing dosage forms, oral drug delivery systems, development of such a system was to make use of Aloe Vera Gel gel as a release retardant material to control the rate of drug release by the tablets, compressibility index values up to 15% result in excellent flow properties, evaluation tests, such as thickness, hardness, friability, and uniformity of drug content, rate of drug release from the tablet formulations aloe vera mucilage powder 200X was highest, Tablets with high concentration of Aloe Vera Gel mucilage exhibited slow release of pioglitazone HCl as compared to commercially available SR tablet, Aloe vera mucilage act as a release retardant

Butyrate Fermented aloe .- Putative Roles of Aloe vera and Butyrate/Hyaluronan Fermented in Aloe vera for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Author: Yagi Akira Yagi1, PhD; Megumi Hasegawa2; Miiko Mikami3; Suzuka Ataka4, MD, PhD

Aloe vera; Butyrate fermented; Hyaluronan; Irritable bowel syndrome; IBS subgroups, short-chain fatty acids , diagnostic biomarker for irritable bowel syndrome , mucus-eroding microbiota, intestinal barrier , Metabolic syndrome (MetS)

Macromolecules as safe penetration enhancers for safe penetration .- hydrophilic drugs: a fiction?.

Author Junginger, H.E.; Verhoef, J.C.

low molecular weight transmucosal penetration enhancers for improved absorption of hydrophilic drugs (e.g. peptides and proteins), related mechanisms of action, novel types of macromolecular penetration enhancers, such as anionic polyacrylates and cationic chitosan and chitosan derivatives, have been developed. These polymers can enhance the paracellular permeability of mucosal epithelia (intestinal, nasal) by transiently opening the tight junctions, thereby increasing the paracellular absorption of hydrophilic and macromolecular drugs. Neither of these two classes of polymers interact with mucosal cell membrane components and consequently do not enhance transcellular transport of hydrophilic compounds, polyacrylates and chitosan derivatives show no acute toxicity and are not absorbed, these characteristics favor the conclusion that both types of polymers are safe penetration enhancers for transmucosal delivery of hydrophilic drugs and offer promising prospects for novel pharmaceutical applications, Cell membranes of the mucosal linings consist of phospholipid bilayers in which proteins for signal transfer are incorporated. These cell membranes are barriers to macromolecules and to most polar compounds, but they are relatively permeable to water and small hydrophobic molecules. Methods to facilitate transport of molecules, either small or large, across epithelial cells, Mechanisms of action of penetration enhancers (absorption promoters) can influence the mucosa in different ways: By acting on the mucous layer, By acting on the membrane components, By acting on the tight junctions, absorption enhancers are functional excipients included in formulations to improve the absorption of a pharmacologically active drug. The term absorption enhancer usually refers to an agent whose function is to increase absorption by enhancing membrane permeation, rather than increasing solubility, so such agents are sometimes more specifically termed permeation enhancers, advanced absorption enhancers currently in development and the formulation technologies, barriers to absorption and the mechanisms by which those barriers can be surmounted is presented. Factors influencing the success of absorption-enhancing formulations, absorption enhancement has also been applied to delivery by the transmucosal and transdermal routes, the agents and technologies are mainly those that alter drug permeation through the biological membrane that acts as the barrier to absorption, active ingredient is not chemically altered, but is combined with another agent or a specific formulation composition to increase permeability. Technologies that enhance absorption by increasing dissolution or solubility, absorption-enhancing technologies

Augmented humoral immune response and decreased cell-mediated immunity by Aloe vera in rats. Inflammopharmacology. 2012;20(6):343–6.

Author Halder S, Mehta AK, Mediratta PK.

Delayed-type hypersensitivity study, aqueous extract of Aloe vera, humoral and cell-mediated immunity, Aloe vera (400 mg/kg, p.o.) produced a significant decrease in foot pad thickness, A. vera can modulate immune response by augmenting secondary humoral immunity and decreasing cell-mediated immunity.

Physical, thermal, mechanical, antimicrobial and physicochemical properties of starch based film containing aloe vera: a review,

Authors N.H. Mohd Nizam, N.F. Mohammad Rawi, S.F. Mhd Ramle, A. Abd Aziz, C. K. Abdullah, A. Rashedi, M.H. Mohamad Kassim,

substitutes for synthetic polymers. The starch-based film is one of the best alternatives; it is a cost-effective material that has been investigated as an excellent raw material for the production of a biodegradable film, additionally, the development of starch-based films for use as antimicrobial packaging or coating is one of the most promising active packaging systems, using aloe vera as an organic antimicrobial agent derived from plants has risen significantly, due to its film-forming properties, antimicrobial properties, and biochemical properties, aloe vera gel has been identified as one of the best biodegradable films, Aloe vera also contributes to the film’s exceptional properties, Starch film, Aloe vera, Antimicrobial properties, Mechanical properties, Thermal properties, Physicochemical properties, Microbial food spoilage occurs primarily on the food’s surface, edible films and coatings are particularly advantageous for microbial contamination control on the ground because they can act as additive carriers and release active compounds onto food surfaces, where they can be used to inhibit microbial growth, edible films and coatings are thin layers of edible materials that can act as a barrier to moisture, gases, and solute movement in food. Due of their superior features including as biocompatibility, edibility, and a wide range of applications, they are excellent alternatives for traditional wrapping materials, primary distinction between coatings and films is that coatings are applied to foods in liquid form, whereas films are molded into sheets and then utilized as wrapping materials. Edible films or coatings make it easier to transport, store, and display fresh and processed foods, to formulate edible films or coatings with functional properties, both the film-forming base materials and the bioactive ingredients must be carefully selected, proteins, polysaccharides, and lipids are the primary base materials used in the manufacture of edible films and coatings, and the choice of a specific material or a combination of different materials, one of the bio active component that has potential in producing edible films and coating is aloe vera (AV aloe vera gel is used in the food industries to produce functional foods, as a natural preservative and as antimicrobial agent material added in edible films and coatings, there are two traditional approaches to developing an effective coating and film formulation: (i) the material science approach and (ii) the application of coating material to the fruit surface, two additional events are included in the material science approach: (i) biopolymer to gel conversion and (ii) gel to thin film formation, these events are interconnected, which emphasizes the importance of considering the application of coating material prior to applying it to the fruit surface, the formulations must be evaluated independently for their film thickness, solubility, moisture content, water vapour (WVP) permeability, oxygen barrier properties, transparency, colour, tensile strength, elongation at break, elastic modulus, and antimicrobial properties, It is also critical to determine the extent to which secondary components such as plasticizers affect thermal (gelatinization) and post–thermal (retro-gradation) events in starch-based edible film formulations. These occurrences are necessary for the formation of a film or coating because they take advantage of the starch unit is intermolecular associations-dissociations, plasticizers, water, and co-biopolymers all have a significant effect on the thermal actions (granule swelling, amylose or amylopectin chain disintegration, and glass transition) of the film, demonstrating their influence on the overall film properties, starch is inexpensive, widely available and can be used to make edible films for food applications due to their low oxygen permeability, corn starch has excellent film-forming properties as a result of its high amylose content and can thus be used in the development of films, according to recent research, adding plasticizing agents and other active ingredients to starch polymers could further enhance their properties in water barriers. Plasticizers are critical ingredients in the production of edible films and coatings because they increase the versatility and toughness of polymers, polyols (for example, glycerol and mannitol) were previously described as the most starch-compatible plasticizers, starch-based films infused with AV. The use of AV gel as an antimicrobial agent and AV rind as reinforcement in starch-based films.

Enhancing the Rheological Properties of Aloe Vera Polysaccharide Gel for Use as an Eco-friendly Thickening Agent in Textile Printing Paste,

Authors F. Saad, A.L. Mohamed, M. Mosaad, H.A. Othman, A.G. Hassabo,

The technical feasibility of using Aloe Vera Polysaccharide as a thickener for printing on cotton, wool, and polyester fabrics was examined. Alginate, carboxymethyl cellulose, and DELL thickener P were mixed with aloe vera polysaccharide gel to enhance its rheological performance as a thickener in textile printing. The rheological properties of aloe vera polysaccharide gel-based printing pastes with and without different additives were studied. The effect of pH and a reducing agent on the prepared aloe vera polysaccharide gel-based thickeners was examined. The color strength (absorption and dispersion) and fastness of each printing paste were examined on each fabric. The fabrics printed with modified thickeners demonstrated superior rubbing fastness and handle compared with the standard printed samples and the optimal printing properties were achieved with a printing paste containing a 70/30 ratio of aloe vera polysaccharide gel to additive. Printing is a popular method of textile decoration and is defined as the localized application of a dye to specific areas of the substrate. This is usually accomplished by adding printing paste containing dyes or pigments to the fabric’s surface. Printing paste is a viscous liquid that contains dyes and other essential ingredients, and it is applied to the material using a variety of methods such as screen printing and roller printing. Thickeners are important in the formulation of printing paste because they modulate the consistency of the paste to ensure uniform flow during the printing process. The correct color, design definition, evenness, and softness are important factors of successful printing; these factors are affected by the type of thickener used. The use of artificial thickeners in the printing industry has several negative environmental consequences, including undesirable textile behavior, detrimental effects on plumbing systems, and environmental contamination. These negative effects can be reduced by replacing synthetic thickeners with eco-friendly, natural thickeners that are nonallergenic and nontoxic to humans, with few or no waste treatment issues or safety concerns. In addition, thickeners derived from natural plants are nonhazardous, cost-effective, eco-friendly, and do not cause fabric stiffness. Natural thickening agents are extracted from sources such as plants, seeds, algae, and microorganisms. Natural thickeners used in printing are mainly polysaccharides with numerous hydroxyl groups derived from plant exudates, seaweeds, seeds, and roots. Some of them are ideal for printing with a specific color class, but they must frequently be modified to meet printing requirements. Aloe vera gel is 99–99.5% water, with the remaining 0.5–1% solid material containing the polysaccharides and a variety of other compounds such as pectin, cellulose, hemicellulose, galactomannan, acemannan, amino acids, minerals, enzymes, phenolic compounds, and organic acids. Polysaccharides make up most of the dry matter of the aloe vera parenchyma. Recently, extracted aloe vera gel has been used as a thickener in the printing process, the rheological behavior of the aloe gel reportedly offers shear-thinning characteristics, which could be attributed to the gel’s high-water content. Modification might improve the rheological properties of aloe vera gel as a printing paste thickener. Thus far no modification of aloe vera gel has been attempted before using it as a thickener in textile printing. Because aloe vera gel possesses eco-friendly properties, any additives should be also eco-friendly to preserve the main advantage of using aloe vera gel as a thickening agent. Therefore, a new, simple modification process was used in this study. Different biopolymers and a synthetic thickener were added to the aloe vera gel before using it in printing paste. This modification is intended to increase the total solid content of the gel to overcome the rheological disadvantages of its unaltered behavior without reducing the advantages of using aloe vera gel. To determine the desired rheological behavior for a thickening agent in the paste printing process, the rheological properties of unmodified aloe vera gel were compared with two biopolymer-modified gels and one synthetic commercial thickener in this study. The rheological behavior of the modified thickeners was also studied, including the effect of pH and the effect of reducing agents on thickener behavior. The effect of the prepared aloe vera thickeners on the color strength, fastness, mechanical, and physical properties of the various printed fabrics was also assessed. As is standard practice, each fiber type must be printed with the correct printing paste under specific conditions (composition ratio, pH, thickener type, and behavior). Therefore, during this study, the different fabrics (cotton, wool, and polyester) were printed using the appropriate dyes for the fibers (reactive, acidic, or dispersed).

Quality by design (Qbd) assisted development of phytosomal gel of aloe vera extract for topical delivery,

Author Pooja Jain, Mohamad Taleuzzaman, Chandra Kala, Dipak Kumar Gupta

develop the phytosomal gel of aloe vera extract for improved topical delivery. Aloe vera extract loaded phytosomal system was developed by fixing the amount of aloe vera extract and ethanol and by varying the concentration of lecithin, developed formulations were evaluated for vesicular size, entrapment efficiency, PDI, zeta potential and in-vitro release. Drug release kinetics from the phytosomes follows Higuchi model. TEM micrograph confirms the uniform structure of phytosomes. Phytosomal gel of optimized phytosomal formulation (F09) was developed with 1% Carbopol 934 and physically characterized based on pH, viscosity, homogeneity and drug content. Ex-vivo permeation study showed the better permeation and flux profile of phytosomal gel with the conventional aloe vera extract gel. Also, studies on phytosomal formulation and gel showed stability up-to 3?months. Thus overall, it can be concluded that the phytosomal gel is a good carrier for topical delivery of herbal extract such as aloe vera.

Grafting Cosmetic Active Ingredients for the Functionalization of Cosmetotextiles.

Authors Han, J., Liu, L., Fan, Z., Zhang, Z., Yang, S. and Tang, Y.,

Consumers’ rising demands for functional fabrics have led to the burgeoning of a revolutionary type of “cosmetotextiles”, which are textile products containing various cosmetic active ingredients for energizing, skincare, and beautifying. Phytochemicals and/or novel formulations are required for both product development and customer attraction. Encapsulation and grafting/coating technologies have provided these cosmetic ingredients with effective stabilization, sustained dermal delivery and prolonged dermo cosmetic efficiency, Cosmetotextiles are defined as textiles that release active ingredients at regular time intervals when in contact with the human body by the Textile Industry and Clothing Standards Agency. The development of cosmetotextiles dates to the late 80’s where a Japanese company (Tejin Co. Ltd) manufactured and’ by incorporating the amino acid arginine in the fabric for skin rejuvenation efficiency. Besides functional clothing, cosmetotextiles are also emerging as a new type of pharmaceutical/cosmetic carrier (e.g. hydrogels, facial masks and healing patches) in medicinal and beautifying products. Cosmetic Ingredients Tailored for Cosmetotextile Application. A large number of cosmetic ingredients, including minerals, synthetic chemicals, animal and plant derivatives, have been successfully grafted onto cosmetotextiles. Encapsulation has been employed as the main technique for stabilizing natural cosmetic ingredients into the textiles by which the release of active ingredients from capsules occurs following heat, biodegradation, friction, or pressure between the body and fabric during use. This section summarizes the most popular cosmetic ingredients used in cosmetotextiles. Chitosan, Chitosan is a N-deacetylated derivative of chitin isolated from crustaceans with good antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Chitosan has wide application in functional clothing, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals due to its ability to improve skin texture and hydration, stabilize sensitive ingredients and promote cell regeneration. The presence of abundant amine groups makes chitosan a biocompatible polymeric material ideal for encapsulation. For example, Cognis, a German textile company, has developed a cosmetic textile finish, Skintex®, wherein the active ingredients are encapsulated in chitosan based cosmetic microcapsules. The microcapsules can be embedded onto the fabric for products of different efficacy, including moisturizing, cooling, energizing, relaxing, antiheavy legs and mosquito repellent benefits. Release of the active ingredients can be triggered by the gentle friction created between the microcapsules and the skin during routine use, or biodegradation of chitosan membrane by skin enzymes. Despite all the benefits, the aqueous solubility of chitosan limited its application in skin delivery of lipophilic compounds. Hyaluronic acid (HA), HA is a natural linear polysaccharide that has been used extensively in cosmetic products to improve skin elasticity, turgor, and moisture by acting as a sponge in the skin to retain water. Meryl® Hyaluronan, an anti-ageing cloth patented by Nylstar was developed by incorporating HA-loaded nanoparticles in the spinning process. Medline Industries, Inc. developed Hyalomatrix®, a 3D HYAFF® (HA ester) matrix, for wound healing. The 3D scaffold facilitated an ordered reconstruction of the dermal tissues. However, the clinical application of pure HA may be limited by its rapid enzymatic degradation at physiological conditions. To overcome this limitation, studies have been conducted to use covalent cross-linking of HA with polysaccharides with a slower degradation rate under the action of hyaluronidase. In a recent study, HA grafted pullulan polymers were prepared by one step esterification and demonstrated high swelling ratio and a relatively quick hemostasis ability, making it a promising wound healing dressing. Essential oils, Essential oils are volatile compounds extracted from the flowers, seeds, leaves and barks of various aroma plants. Essential oils have wide applications in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. For cosmetotextile application, essential oils of pleasant smells or cosmetic efficiencies such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, and moisturizing and cell rejuvenation are the most frequently employed functional ingredients. For example, lavender oils are favored in the manufacture of pillow fabrics because of its pleasant aroma smell and antimicrobial property. Men’s slimming cloth launched by the fashion brand Legends & Heroes under the brand Ript Skinz was infused with a skincare formula containing time-released microcapsules enriched with vitamin E, caffeine, retinol and essential oils extracted from apricot kernel (Prunus armeniaca)and rose hip (Rosa acicularis Lindl) After ever 10 washes, the garment can be re-sprayed with the formula again for continued use. Recently, essential oils have been more reported in encapsulated systems, such as micro-/nano-sized capsules, to overcome their poor thermal stability as well as to improve sustainability during ordinary washing processes. Peptides, Peptides exist in vivo as amino acid polymers and function in the skin only for a short period of time before decomposing into amino acids. Peptides can be subgrouped into three types (signal peptide, carrier peptides and neuro-transmitter inhibiting peptides) depending on the mechanism of action in vivo. Peptides are widely used in cosmetics however the types used in cosmetotextiles is limited to copper peptide, collagen peptide, and acetyl hexapeptide-3. Peptides have many functions as cosmetic ingredients including skin moisturizing, firming and elasticity-promotion, anti-wrinkle etc. Lipotec, spain, marketed an anti-wrinkle cosmetotextile containing hexapeptide (acetyl hexapeptide-3) under the name of Argireline. Argireline nanoparticles have also been used to manufacture antiageing facial mask s, including Sugar-based Frosting Sheet from Kopykake (Calif.) and Collagen Sheet from Dr. Suwelack Skin & HealthCare AG (Germany). Besides, peptides can play a role in scaffold construction for biomedical patches just like chitosan. In 2014, Loo et al. investigated the wound healing performance of peptide-nanofiber hydrogels with combined advantages of hydrogels and nanofiber scaffolds while maintaining skin hydration. However, the high-water content and large pore size of most peptide hydrogels may result in relatively rapid release of drug. Aloe Vera, Aloe vera is a perennial tropical plant rich in minerals, polysaccharides, vitamins, and amino acids, making it a good antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and moisturizing agent used in skin care products. For cosmetotextile use, Dogi International Fabrics, Spain, launched a line of Smart Fabrics doped with aloe vera nanoparticles which provide moisturizing, calming, antioxidant and antiaging benefits. Likewise, a cosmetically inspired fluid lingerie “Hydrabra” has also been commercialized by the incorporation of aloe vera. In addition, fabrics coated with aloe vera loaded nanoparticles have been reported with improved wash durability and antimicrobial activity. Commercial microcapsules of aloe vera extracts can also be coated onto cotton/polyester fibers by using atmospheric-pressure plasma printing technique in an environmentally safe and low cost manner. Besides cosmetics, aloe vera gel have been extensively used as therapeutic remedies. In a recent study, Dey el al. developed a aloe vera based bio-composite hydrogel which can release UV absorbing flavonoids that may provide better wound-healing efficacy. Cosmetic Ingredients Tailored for Cosmetotextile Application, Many cosmetic ingredients, including minerals, synthetic chemicals, animal and plant derivatives, have been successfully grafted onto cosmetotextiles. Encapsulation has been employed as the main technique for stabilizing natural cosmetic ingredients into the textiles by which the release of active ingredients from capsules occurs following heat, biodegradation, friction, or pressure between the body and fabric during use. This section summarizes the most popular cosmetic ingredients used in cosmetotextiles. Chitosan, Chitosan is a N-deacetylated derivative of chitin isolated from crustaceans with good antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Chitosan has wide application in functional clothing, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals due to its ability to improve skin texture and hydration, stabilize sensitive ingredients and promote cell regeneration. The presence of abundant amine groups makes chitosan a biocompatible polymeric material ideal for encapsulation. For example, Cognis, a German textile company, has developed a cosmetic textile finish, Skintex®, wherein the active ingredients are encapsulated in chitosan based cosmetic microcapsules. The microcapsules can be embedded onto the fabric for products of different efficacy, including moisturizing, cooling, energizing, relaxing, anti-heavy legs and mosquito repellent benefits. Release of the active ingredients can be triggered by the gentle friction created between the microcapsules and the skin during routine use, or biodegradation of chitosan membrane by skin enzymes. Despite all the benefits, the aqueous solubility of chitosan limited its application in skin delivery of lipophilic compounds. Hyaluronic acid (HA), HA is a natural linear polysaccharide that has been used extensively in cosmetic products to improve skin elasticity, turgor, and moisture by acting as a sponge in the skin to retain water. Meryl® Hyaluronan, an anti-ageing cloth patented by Nylstar was developed by incorporating HA-loaded nanoparticles in the spinning process. Medline Industries, Inc. developed Hyalomatrix®, a 3D HYAFF® (HA ester) matrix, for wound healing. The 3D scaffold facilitated an ordered reconstruction of the dermal tissues. However, the clinical application of pure HA may be limited by its rapid enzymatic degradation at physiological conditions. To overcome this limitation, studies have been conducted to use covalent cross-linking of HA with polysaccharides with a slower degradation rate under the action of hyaluronidase. In a recent study, HA grafted pullulan polymers were prepared by one step esterification and demonstrated high swelling ratio and a relatively quick hemostasis ability, making it a promising wound healing dressing. Essential oils, Essential oils are volatile compounds extracted from the flowers, seeds, leaves and barks of various aroma plants. Essential oils have wide applications in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. For cosmetotextile application, essential oils of pleasant smells or cosmetic efficiencies such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, and moisturizing and cell rejuvenation are the most frequently employed functional ingredients. For example, lavender oils are favored in the manufacture of pillow fabrics because of its pleasant aroma smell and antimicrobial property. Men’s slimming cloth launched by the fashion brand Legends & Heroes under the brand Ript Skinz was infused with a skincare formula containing time-released microcapsules enriched with vitamin E, caffeine, retinol and essential oils extracted from apricot kernel (Prunus armeniaca)and rose hip (Rosa acicularis Lindl) After ever 10 washes, the garment can be re-sprayed with the formula again for continued use. Recently, essential oils have been more reported in encapsulated systems, such as micro-/nano-sized capsules, to overcome their poor thermal stability as well as to improve sustainability during ordinary washing processes. Peptides, Peptides exist in vivo as amino acid polymers and function in the skin only for a short period of time before decomposing into amino acids. Peptides can be sub grouped into three types (signal peptide, carrier peptides and neuro-transmitter inhibiting peptides) depending on the mechanism of action in vivo. Peptides are widely used in cosmetics however the types used in cosmetotextiles is limited to copper peptide, collagen peptide, and acetyl hexapeptide-3. Peptides have many functions as cosmetic ingredients including skin moisturizing, firming and elasticity-promotion, anti-wrinkle etc., Lipotec, spain, marketed an anti-wrinkle cosmetotextile containing hexapeptide (acetyl hexapeptide-3) under the name of Argireline. Argireline nanoparticles have also been used to manufacture antiaging facial mask s, including Sugar-based Frosting Sheet from Kopykake (Calif.) and Collagen Sheet from Dr. Suwelack Skin & HealthCare AG (Germany). Besides, peptides can play a role in scaffold construction for biomedical patches just like chitosan. In 2014 investigated the wound healing performance of peptide-nanofiber hydrogels with combined advantages of hydrogels and nanofiber scaffolds while maintaining skin hydration. However, the high-water content and large pore size of most peptide hydrogels may result in relatively rapid release of drug. Aloe Vera, Aloe vera is a perennial tropical plant rich in minerals, polysaccharides, vitamins and amino acids, making it a good antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and moisturizing agent used in skin care products. For cosmetotextile use, Dogi International Fabrics, Spain, launched a line of Smart Fabrics doped with aloe vera nanoparticles which provide moisturizing, calming, antioxidant and antiaging benefits. Likewise, a cosmetically inspired fluid lingerie “Hydrabra” has also been commercialized by the incorporation of aloe vera. In addition, fabrics coated with aloe vera loaded nanoparticles have been reported with improved wash durability and antimicrobial activity. Commercial microcapsules of aloe vera extracts can also be coated onto cotton/polyester fibers by using atmospheric-pressure plasma printing technique in an environmentally safe and low-cost manner. Besides cosmetics, aloe vera gel have been extensively used as therapeutic remedies. In a recent study, Dey el al. developed a aloe vera based bio-composite hydrogel which can release UV absorbing flavonoids that may provide better wound-healing efficacy. Vitamins, Vitamin E and C are widely used in the cosmetic finish of cosmetotextiles. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant belonging to the lipid-soluble type, the grafting of which in microcapsules into fabrics has been reported to significantly increase skin moisture and elasticity as well as reduce skin wrinkle and roughness. Coating cotton fabrics with protein-based nanoparticles containing vitamin E by a low-cost pad-cure method has shown an effective approach to impart them with antioxidant properties. Besides, vitamin C, or L-ascorbic acid, is the most plentiful water-soluble antioxidant that protects the skin intracellular structures from oxidative stress. Fuji Spinning, Japan, incorporated a provitamin C, which can be converted into vitamin C in the presence of sebum, on blouses and shirts. Gelatin/vitamin C microcapsules have been successfully prepared using the emulsion hardening technique and grafted onto textile materials by padding vitamins, Vitamin E and C are widely used in the cosmetic finish of cosmetotextiles. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant belonging to the lipid-soluble type, the grafting of which in microcapsules into fabrics has been reported to significantly increase skin moisture and elasticity as well as reduce skin wrinkle and roughness. Coating cotton fabrics with protein-based nanoparticles containing vitamin E by a low-cost pad-cure method has shown an effective approach to impart them with antioxidant properties. Besides, vitamin C, or L-ascorbic acid, is the most plentiful water-soluble antioxidant that protects the skin intracellular structures from oxidative stress. Fuji Spinning, Japan, incorporated a provitamin C, which can be converted into vitamin C in the presence of sebum, on blouses and shirts. Gelatin/vitamin C microcapsules have been successfully prepared using the emulsion hardening technique and grafted onto textile materials by padding.

Synergistic Effect of Dipping in Aloe Vera Gel and Mixing with Chitosan or Calcium Chloride on the Activities of Antioxidant Enzymes and Cold Storage Potential of Peach (Prunus persica L.) Fruits.

Authors M. S. Aboryia, Sherif Fathy El-Gioushy, Rokayya Sami, Huda A O Al-Jumayi

Peach is a climacteric fruit characterized by a rapid maturation, high respiration level, weight loss, breakdown of texture, and interior browning, synergistic influence of coating with Aloe vera gel (AVG) at 15% or 30% mixed with chitosan (CH) at 1.5% as a kind of natural polymers or calcium chloride (CaCl2) at 3% , applying coating with Aloe vera gel (AVG) at 15% or 30% mixed with chitosan (CH) at 1.5% as a kind of natural polymers or calcium chloride (CaCl2) at 3% on physical and chemical features , reduced the ion leakage (IL), malondialdehyde (MDA), and lessened weight loss, fruit quality features such as firmness, total acidity (TA), total soluble solids (TSS), and skin color chroma (c*), hue angle (h) were also maintained. Furthermore, this combination was raised of phenolic content, antioxidant capacity (DPPH), antioxidant enzyme activity such as catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD), and quench the generation of H2O2 and O2-,, It could be concluded that dipping peach fruits in AVG at 30% blended with CH at 1.5% retained the biological features of peach fruit at considerable levels during cold storing, Aloe vera gel is one of the favorable bio-preservation that has elevated potential to be utilized for most fresh fruits and vegetables. Aloe vera gel is a plant-based natural coating with an acceptable antimicrobial possibility, Aloe vera gel forms a colorless gel, The utilization of Aloe Vera Gel (AVG) in the post-harvest of vegetables and fruits has significantly increased recently.

Immune Modulation of Aloe vera: Acemannan and Gut Microbiota Modulator

Author: Akira Yagi, Byung P. Yu

Carbohydrate-based immune adjuvants, Aloe vera; Acemannan; Immunomodulator; Biological vehicle; Adjuvant; Drug delivery system; Plant sterols; Gut microbiota modulator, plant sterols and polyphenols, aloe’s immune efficacy, molecules in Aloe vera, role of biological vehicle in drug delivery system, enhance immunogenicity, provide antigen-dose sparing,accelerate the immune response, Biogenic , trans-epithelial electrical resistance (TEER), open tight junctions, immune adjuvant, complex gut microbial community.

Edible Films and Coatings as Food-Quality Preservers: An Overview.

Authors Elsa Díaz-Montes, Roberto Castro-Muñoz

Food preservation technologies are currently facing important challenges at extending the shelf-life of perishable food products (e.g., meat, fish, milk, eggs, and many raw fruits and vegetables) that help to meet the daily nutrient requirement demand, food preservation , suitability of the used processes and generation of environmentally friendly, preservation protocols deals with the use of edible films and coatings, main used components (e.g., biopolymers, additives, bioactive, and probiotic components), manufacturing methods (for edible films or coatings) and their application to specific products, different materials have been employed as packaging materials, such as paper, cardboard, metal, glass, plastic, this traditional preservation method is the one that produces large quantities of urban solid wastes, renewable raw materials have been deeply explored in recent years at aiming to minimize pollution problems through alternative biodegradable packaging, protect the product while their production, recycling, and degradation are relatively easy, friendly polymeric materials needed to avoid environmental waste, state-of-the-art of the use of edible films and coatings in different foods, paying special attention to the main used components (e.g., biopolymers, additives, bioactive, and probiotic components), manufacturing methods (for edible films or coatings) and their application to specific products, Food Packaging and its Role in Food Preservation, maintain most of the physicochemical, functional, and organoleptic characteristics of the food, packaging must not interact with the product and protect it from external damage of chemical, physical, and biological type, Chemical damage includes exposure to gases, moisture and light; physical damage refers to any damage caused by any shock or vibration; and biological damage is caused by the action of pathogens, insects, animals, or the senescence of the food itself, An edible film or coating is any material with a thickness of less than 0.3 mm , which is formed from a combination of biopolymers and different additives dispersed in aqueous media, edible film is previously made and then adhered to the product, edible films and coatings can present, protection against UV light, transport of solutes (e.g., salts, additives, and pigments), water vapor, organic vapors (e.g., aromas and solvents), and gases (e.g., oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and ethylene) between food and the atmosphere, barrier against mechanical damage (e.g., dents or cuts) , increase the shelf-life of the product, bioactive components (e.g., antioxidants),antimicrobial effect against bacterial reproduction and fungal contamination (e.g., silver nanoparticles), healthy microorganisms (e.g., probiotics) that confer benefits to the consumer; and biodegradable natural materials, edible films and coatings are often evaluated for their mechanical properties, such as elasticity modulus (EM), elongation at break (E), and tensile strength (TS), which refer to their elasticity and rigidity, and the force necessary to break them, further, they display similar mass transfer phenomena (i.e., permeation, adsorption, and diffusion), which is related to the transport of solutes between food and the atmosphere, structures of biopolymeric matrices, biopolymers and additives in the production of edible films and coatings, function in edible films and coatings, polysaccharides, starch, cellulose, pectin, gums, chitosan, agar, aloe vera gel, alginate, dextran, properties, thickeners, gellants, emulsifiers, stabilizers, coating, form the base structure of a solid polymer matrix, additives plasticizers, glycerol, aloe, resins, viscosity, resistance, flexibility, decrease the intermolecular force and the melting temperature in the mixture, modify the viscosity and the rheological properties, Aloe

Edible Coating

Author Kofi Owusu-Akyaw Oduro

Aloe,Postharvest losses are rampant due to lack of proper storage conditions and handling of the fresh food products, the perishable nature of fruits and vegetables makes their shelf life limited, respiration rate, ethylene production, and transpiration, edible coatings seem to extend the shelf life of products, type of packaging is made from various natural resources like polysaccharides, protein and lipid materials, moisture barriers, oxygen scavengers, ethylene scavengers, antimicrobial properties, methods of application of the edible coating on the food materials include dipping, spraying, brushing, layer by layer among others, there have been several verifications of the positive impact of edible coatings/films on pome fruits, citrus fruits, stone fruits, tropical and exotic fruits, berries, melon, and tomatoes. Postharvest losses which result in the degradation of quantity and quality of the fruits after harvest constitute a serious challenge, fresh food products are susceptible to dehydration, mechanical injury, environmental stress, pathological breakdown, and enzymatic attacks which lead to some nutritional, functional, and sensorial losses and production of off-flavor and also posing a level of threat in terms of possessing a level of toxicity, reduction of the edible quality of the food products due to biochemical changes, physiological aging and microbial infections during storage and transportation, gas composition greatly affects the shelf life of the products, an extension of the supply time of fruits and vegetables besides preserving their quality would have economic profits, fruits are either climacteric or un-climacteric. The latter cannot ripen once removed from the plant but the former can ripen after being picked and produce more ethylene which makes them more susceptible to spoilage, and inhibit the rate of deterioration of these fruits, there is a need to alter the gaseous environment or control it, for instance making use of packaging materials with low water vapor and oxygen permeability to reduce respiration but not a too low oxygenated environment which can lead to anaerobic respiration which can also produce off-flavors, an edible coating which can control and inhibit the deteriorative changes as well as increasing the shelf life of the products. Edible coating/films are a good candidate to help solve the cases of postharvest losses since it has mechanical, thermal, antimicrobial, and even antioxidant properties, Edible coating or films are biopolymers, that provide a barrier against moisture, gases, and solute movement, the edible coating is liquid form while the former usually forms a thin layer around the food product, significant decrease in weight loss and ripening rate, lower microbial growth and lower mass loss, Edible coatings/films helps to improve the appearance of horticultural produce by giving shine, hiding scars, suppressing decay and physiological disorder developments, edible coatings can be generally classified into three main groups; protein-based edible coatings, polysaccharide-based coatings and lipid-based coatings, active or functional compounds; antioxidants, antimicrobials, nutrients, vitamins, anti-browning agents, enzymes and probiotics that could be applied into coating matrix to help preserving products quality, dipping technique is by immersing the fresh food produce into the coating solution to allow complete wetting of the surface of the food material, Layer by layer method is based on alternate deposition of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes that result in a more effective control of the coating properties and functionality, Vacuum impregnation technique, food material is subjected to atmospheric restoration while it remains immersed in the coating solution under atmospheric pressure, Spraying method is more suitable for less viscous coating solutions which can be sprayed at high pressure, surface area of the liquid coating increase through the formation of droplets and distribution over the fruit surface, Benefits of edible coatings/films, moisture barrier, oxygen scavengers, ethylene scavenger, antimicrobial properties, anti-browning and antioxidant properties, texture modifiers for inhibition of physical damages, nutraceuticals for preservation of nutritional quality, improved shelf life, delayed loss of firmness and weight, less changes in colour, pH and Brix value, controlled rate of respiration, weight loss retention, delay in ripening index, firmness and weight loss retention, reduce the respiration rate, antimicrobial, prevention of fungal infection, some examples used in fresh fruits Guava, Mango, Tomatoes, Avocado, Barhi date, Strawberries, Apple, Citrus, Berries, Melon , pitaya , soursop , pineapple , papaya, banana, longan

Short Chain Fatty Acids.- In vitro Fermentation of Polysaccharides from Aloe vera and the Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity and Production of Short Chain Fatty Acids

Author: by Antonio Tornero-Martínez, Rubén Cruz-Ortiz , María Eugenia Jaramillo-Flores, Perla Osorio-Díaz, Sandra Victoria Ávila-Reyes, Guadalupe Monserrat Alvarado-Jasso and Rosalva Mora-Escobedo.

Soluble or fermentable fibre, prebiotic effects, Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus strains, colonic fermentation produces short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), fibre , polyphenolic compounds, digestion , colonic fermentation , polysaccharide extract from Aloe vera, colon fermentation, Aloe vera and polysaccharide extract as prebiotics, aloe vera plant matrix, Aloe barbadensis Miller, carbohydrate acemannan , soluble molecules, Soluble or fermentable fibre components, such as mannans, galactans, arabinans, arabinogalactans, and pectic substances, could have prebiotic effects, intestinal microbiota metabolism, Acetate (C2), propionate (C3), and butyrate , digestion of gel and a polysaccharide extract from Aloe vera

Experimental models for predicting drug absorption and metabolism.

Author: Saeed Alqahtani, Loqman Mohamed, Amal Kaddoum

For orally administered drugs, their intestinal absorption and hepatic metabolism are key players for determining a drug’s systemic bioavailability and thus therapeutic effect. Drug absorption and metabolism are both complicated processes, with many physicochemical and physiological factors involved. Understanding the contribution of each of these processes is essential in regulating a drug’s level in the bloodstream and in maintaining its optimum therapeutic outcome and safety, intestine and liver as barriers to drug delivery and systemic bioavailability, characterize and predict drug intestinal absorption and hepatic

Microbiota-derived butyrate dynamically regulates intestinal homeostasis through regulation of actin-associated protein synaptopodin PNAS 2020; 117 (21): 11648-11657

Author: Wang RX, Lee JS, Campbell EL, Colgan SP.

Intestinal epithelial barrier dysfunction, dysbiosis, SCFA butyrate, epithelial wound-healing responses, intestinal tight junction protein, homeostatic intestinal mucosal function, selective regulation of SYNPO, Disruption , inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs), mucosal inflammation , epithelial barrier function, wound healing, Microbial supply of butyrate, fermentation-derived short-chain fatty acid (SCFA), gut homeostasis, microbiota aids digestion, energy source for colonocytes, derived butyrate absorbed, propionate and acetate enter hepatic circulation

A review on effects of Aloe vera as a feed additive in broiler chicken diets. Annals Ani Sci (2014); 14: 491–500.

Author Babak D, Nahashon SN

Prohibition of application of antibiotic growth promoters in broiler chicken diets has resulted in increased use of herbs as natural additives in broiler feeds, herbs that can affect such parameters as growth performance, immune response, or treatment of certain diseases, Aloe vera as a natural additive to broiler diets, Aloe vera can improve immune response and growth performance in broilers. In addition, Aloe vera is an excellent alternative for antibiotic growth promoters and anticoccidial drug, animal feeds, there are concerns about the presence of antibiotic in animal products and probable bacterial resistance in animals and human body, more studies now look for alternatives for antibiotics in order to eliminate their impact on animals, natural feed additives for animals and poultry, supplements for improving growth performance, improving immunity response, improving intestinal microflora, and controlling particular diseases, analyzed by researchers is the polysaccharide acemannan, Balance of intestinal microflora in broilers is an important factor contributing to improved growth performance and immune response, and anti-bacterial compounds, impacts of Aloe vera on intestinal microflora in broilers, Aloe vera to its fumaric acid content, important factor in improving homogeneity, long life, and growth performance of birds, researchers on improving immune response, mannose receptors in macrophages, Acemannan contained in Aloe vera gel is a ? (1-4)-linked acetylated mannan, Experiments on chickens suggest promoted macrophage activities in broilers caused by the acemannan contained in Aloe vera, Aloe vera effects on humoral immunity of broilers, Aloe vera, as an additive to broiler chicken feed, has great potentials for improving intestinal health, immune system response, and growth performance, Aloe vera added to broiler feeds depend on several factors: form of use (powder, gel, extract (ethanolic or aqueous), polysaccharide extracted from gel), dosage, genetics of broilers, ingredients of diet, and farm management

Biocosmetics: technological advances and future outlook

Author Nishu Goyal & Frankine Jerold

conventional fossil-based ingredients , cosmetics with natural effective ingredients, Bioactive · Adjuvants · Organoclay · Formulations · Microbiome, bioactive ingredient, product development, and formulation processes, Biocosmetics are cosmetic products made from 100% natural ingredients , skin-care cosmetic formulations, circular economy, customer demand for green cosmetics and addressing environmental concerns, sustainable, natural, and greener cosmetics, nature, key ingredients in a cosmetic formulation, Active ingredients, renewable bio-based alternatives, sourcing/extracting bio-based ingredients, nanoformulations, chemical composition of the ingredients, chemistry of a cosmetic formulation, impact of the formulation on our health, aloe Organic substances, biological cosmetics, alternative substances of natural origin, vegan raw materials, fermentation of plant-based, skincare products to target skin concerns

Standardization of recipe for value added nutraceutical beverage of Guava blended with Aloe vera and Roselle

Author: Shankarappa Thyavanahalli

preparation of value added nutraceutical products from guava blended with Aloe vera and roselle, standard recipes. Prepared products, RTS beverage, storage stability and overall acceptability, quality attributes like appearance, flavor, taste and overall acceptability, production of RTS beverage and nectar on large scale, Nutraceuticals are the bioactive ingredients present in foods which protect or promote health in addition to providing traditional nutrients delivered for processed foods, dietary supplements, extracts, beverages or other products, aloe and roselle would enhance the nutraceutical value of the products, prepared products were filled into pre-sterilized glass bottles, Nutraceuticals rich recipes, inherent biological nature of the produce, intrinsic nutraceutical properties, synergetic (better combination) effect , overall acceptability

Clinical and microbiologic effects of commercially available dentifrice containing aloe vera: a randomized controlled clinical trial.

Author A. Pradeep, E. Agarwal, S. Naik

controlled clinical trial was designed to evaluate the clinical and microbiologic effects of a commercially available dentifrice containing aloe vera on the reduction of plaque and gingival inflammation in patients with gingivitis, Toothpaste containing aloe vera showed significant improvement in gingival and plaque index scores as well as microbiologic counts compared with placebo dentifrice. These improvements were comparable to those achieved with toothpaste containing triclosan, Toothpaste containing aloe vera may be a useful herbal formulation for chemical plaque control agents and improvement in plaque and gingival status.

Effectiveness of Aloe vera gel coating for maintaining tomato fruit quality.

Authors Chrysargyris, A.; Nikou, A.; Tzortzakis, N.

Application of an edible coating is a technique that can be used to increase fruit storability. Tomato fruit was coated with 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% Aloe vera gel, and fruit quality maintenance was examined for up to 14 days at 11 “C and 90% relative humidity. Results showed that 10% and 15% A. vera coating reduced fruit ethylene production. The ripening index (total soluble solids/ titratable acidity) decreased after 7 days of storage in 10% Aloe-coated fruits, maintaining the overall quality of the tomato fruit. Lycopene and ?-carotene content were reduced by 20% A. vera in both examined storage periods. Ascorbic acid content was increased in 10% Aloe-coated fruits. Total phenolics and antioxidative status were increased in 20% of coated fruits after 14 days of storage. Fruit firmness, titratable acidity, weight loss, respiration rate, and fruit color (L*, a*, b*) did not differ among treatments. Thus, an edible coating of 10% A. vera could be considered a promising treatment to maintain tomato quality during postharvest storage, Fruit storage; natural products; preservation; quality-related attributes; tomato; vegetables, Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.) postharvest life as a climacteric fruit is relatively short since many processes cause loss of quality and storability, including high respiration rates, transpiration, postharvest diseases and acceleration in the ripening process and senescence, Tomato quality changes continuously after harvesting. Fruit quality aspects include firmness, flavor, color, and nutritional value, as well as shelf life, processing attributes, and resistance to pathogens, tomatoes deteriorate rapidly after harvest and in some cases during or after transport and marketing. Due to the economic impacts of spoiled foods and consumers’ concerns over the safety of foods containing synthetic chemicals, a lot of attention has been paid to naturally derived compounds or natural products, edible coatings using natural biomaterials are being explored as a safer alternative to extend the shelf life of perishable food crops and improve food appearance, Different compounds have been used as edible coatings to prevent commodity weight loss, including wax, milk proteins, celluloses, lipids, starch, zein and alginate, Aloe vera gel has been identified as a novel coating agent with good antimicrobial properties, In recent years, the use of A. vera gel has gained much attention for use as a safe and environment-friendly postharvest treatment. Aloe vera gel has been applied as an edible coating material for raw produce including nectarines, mangoes, apples, strawberries, cherries, papayas, peaches and plums, tomatoes, and table grapes. Typically, the A. vera concentration used in these studies ranged between 50% and 100%, although it was much lower for apples (0%–10%). The results of these studies have indicated that A. vera reduces the respiration rate, ethylene production, weight loss, softening, and total acidity and prevents color. development.

Formulation and Evaluation of Aloe Vera Gel Shampoo

Author: Lakshmi Savithri S, Veda Sravanthi A, Shakeena D, Selophy R, Pushpalatha M, Hepsiba J

cosmetology, hair washing and molding cleanser to treat balding and block twitch scalp and dandruff, antioxidants stabilizers, solubilizing agents, surfactants, cleansing agents, coloring agents and preservatives, improve the smoothening, shining and growth of the hair, foaming ability test, pH determination, skin irritancy test, conditioning performance, saturated, hostile to microbial, The benefits expected are conditioning, smoothing of hair surface and good health of the hair, hair free dandruff, dirt, grease and lice. Its function is cleansing the hair and prevent the scalp debris and the residues of the hair grooming preparations, effectiveness of Aloe Vera peeling in shining and glowing of the hair. It acts as a great conditioner, makes hair smooth and shiny, treatment of hair loss and also prevents itching of hair scalp, Formulations with higher solid content, higher surface tension, shorter wetting time, conditioning performance than the marketed shampoo, It calms an itchy scalp, Deep cleanses the oily hair, Strengthens and repairs hair strands, May promote hair growth, Surface tension, Wetting ability, Skin irritancy of a shampoo, Conditioning performance, Dirt Dispersion,

butyrate fermented Aloe.- Dietary cancer prevention with butyrate fermented by Aloe vera gel endophytic microbiota. J. Gastroenterol. Hepat. Res. 2017, 6, 2312–2317 Al-

Author: Madboly, L.A.; Kabbash, A.; Yassin, A.M.; Yagi

Diet is a natural source of butyrate through the fermentation of non-digestive fiber, such as acemannan in Aloe vera gel, immune modulation and colorectal cancer prevention, GC/MSD análisis, endophytic microbiota of Aloe vera gel , Bacillus cereus, B. licheniformis, Lactobacillus paralimentarium, Yeast: Clavispora lusitaniae, regulate the inflammatory responses , induced reactive oxygen species, Aloe vera gel juice and microbiota, beneficial effects of butyrate in intestinal colon and on colitis, innovative concept of symbiotics

Nutraceutical Concepts and Dextrin-Based Delivery Systems

Author: Gjylije Hoti,Adrián Matencio , Alberto Rubin Pedrazzo,Claudio Cecone,Silvia Lucia Appleton,Yousef Khazaei Monfared , Fabrizio Caldera andFrancesco Trotta

Nutraceuticals are bioactive or chemical compounds acclaimed for their valuable biological activities and health-promoting effects. The global community is faced with many health concerns such as cancers, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, Delivery Systems for Nutraceuticals, A nutraceutical has not always met the requirements to achieve the therapeutic purpose, therefore, the systems for their delivery must be designated to produce products that have consistent quality attributes. The “biomaterials science” is considered as the focus toward the development of materials, tailored to a specific application, that can elicit highly precise reactions with proteins and cells. The biomaterials synthesis, characterization, testing, optimization, and the biology of host-material interactions are highlighted during the most intense investigation. The biomaterial must accomplish various requirements such as toxicology, biocompatibility, functional tissue structure, and pathobiology, mechanical and performance requirements, healing, industrial involvement, regulation, poor bioavailability is the major challenge in designing oral dosage forms. First-pass metabolism, aqueous solubility, dissolution rate, drug permeability, presystemic metabolism, and susceptibility to efflux mechanisms, are various factors on which the oral bioavailability depends, nutraceuticals bioavailability is an important, and an urgent necessity, because of the growth of health challenges, and rapid population, ?-carotene, vitamin E, various polyphenols such as phenolic acids, stilbenes, flavonoids, lignans, etc., are slowly absorbed, and therefore have a limited bioavailability,bioavailability is a property of the drug alone and its delivery systems. Low bioavailability of the drug on its therapeutic use can be considered safe for oral administration because it can be administered in excess without any adverse effects. To increase the bioavailability, the development of powerful drug delivery systems, for surviving the harsh acidic environments of the stomach and rising absorption through the intestinal wall, is considered, Bioaccessibility (B*), absorption (A*), and transformation (T*), are the three main stages that the studies on the nutraceutical bioavailability climax. Bioaccessibility, the first step is defined as the fraction of ingested nutraceutical that becomes accessible for absorption through the epithelial membrane of the intestine, whereas absorption, the second step, comprises biocomponent absorbed at the level of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) epithelial cells. Further, transformation, the third step, describes the chemical or biochemical

Development and organoleptic evaluation of moringa-Aloe vera blended nutraceutical drink. J Hyg Eng Design 17:72–76 .

Author: Ahmed A, Ali SW, Reh, Manzoor S, Ayub SR (2016)man KU

develop nutraceutical drink having acceptable sensory attributes by blending Aloe vera and Moringa leaf extracts at different levels, Moringa oleifera, Aloe barbadensis, organoleptic evaluation, physicochemical analysis, functional drink, Moringa-Aloe vera blended nutraceutical beverage.

Mechanisms of absorption enhancement and tight junction regulation

Author: J. Hochman, P. Artursson

therapeutic agents to exert their pharmacological effects, cross the biological membranes into the systemic circulation and reach the site of action, Drugs cross the membranes by one of two pathways; paracellular or transcellular, drugs are transported transcellularly, physiocochemical properties, The paracellular pathway is governed by the tight junctions, absorption enhancers for paracellular drug transport enhancement, drug delivery improvement, tight junctions are a multiple unit structure composed of multiprotein complex , drugs across the intestinal epithelium and the blood brain barrier endothelium, mucosal adjuvant, drug delivery of therapeutic agents.

Effect of Aloe-gel and bignay fruit proportions to acidity, total dissolved solids, and color of Aloe-bignay beverage

Author: Luh Suriati1, I Gede Pasek Mangku2, Luh Kade Datrini3, Hanilyn A. Hidalgo4, Josephine Red5

Aloe-gel , bignay fruit , acidity, total dissolved solids, and color, health beverages, functional beverage made from natural ingredients, aloe vera contributes to health, Aloe gel contains 75 functional compounds, and bignay/ grosella is known for its antioxidant, Functional food innovation, fast development , stimulated by the requirement for food and beverage that can improve health, functional beverage made from aloe vera gel and bignay fruit contains bioactive compounds , aloe vera mucilage called the gel, bignay/ grosella has sour and sweet taste, formulation of aloe vera gel and bignay fruit into refreshing beverages that provide health effects is a step to diversify beverage products and improve composition, determine the best formula for Aloe with fruit juice, cid is a chemical that gives off hydrogen ions in water and forms salts by combining with certain metals. The acidity value indicates the hydrogen ion concentration which depicts the acidity level. Acidity is measured on a scale called the pH scale, content of organic acids and total phenol content in bignay is relatively high and can contribute to increasing the acidity of aloe-bignay beverages

Aloe arborescens and Aloe vera gels as coatings in delaying postharvest ripening in peach and plum fruit

Authors Guillén, F.; Díaz-Mula, H.M.; Zapata, P.J.; Valero, D.; Serrano, M.; Castillo, S.; Martínez-Romero, D.

In recent years the use of Aloe vera gel has gained much attention for use as a safe and environmentally friendly postharvest treatment. A. vera gel treatments as edible coatings had efficacy on maintaining postharvest quality with several fruit commodities such as sweet or sour cherry, nectarine, table grape, strawberry, and papaya. In addition, pre-harvest application of A. vera gel showed benefits in terms of delaying postharvest ripening of table grape. With the aim to open possible industrial applications of other Aloe spp. to obtain gels with potential use as pre- or postharvest fruit treatments, the gel characteristics and antifungal activity from 8 Aloe spp., including A. vera and A. arborescens, have been analyzed. These authors concluded that antifungal activity was higher for A. arborescens than A. vera. However, there is no literature on the use of A. arborescens as a postharvest treatment. In this sense, the objective of this paper was to test if A. arborescens gel shows similar efficacy to A. vera applied as a coating to climacteric fruit such as peaches and plums, and the effect on postharvest ripening. Ethylene production increased over storage although fruit treated with both A. vera and A. arborescens gels showed a significant delay on production for both plums and peaches. The reduction in ethylene production was higher for plums than for peaches, since at the end of the experiment ca. 70 and 50% of inhibition on ethylene production rate was obtained, respectively. Similarly, respiration rate increased during storage for both control and treated fruit.

Green Chemistry and Its Application in Textile Industry.

Authors AKR Choudhury

Conventional chemical processes based on fossil fuels are unsustainable. Green reactions are sustainable, more efficient (fewer steps, fewer resources, less waste), easier to use (stable under ambient conditions), Eco-friendly (non-hazardous solvents and less hazardous waste), textile industry is considered as the most ecologically harmful industry in the world. Recently several steps have been taken to make textile processing greener. These include use of greener fibre, greener dyes and auxiliaries, greener solvents, Eco-friendly, optimized, and efficient processing, bioprocessing, recycling of textile, water and chemicals and elimination of hazardous chemicals, Aloe vera is considered of Functional synthetic finish (Bees wax, aloe vera and Vitamin A)

Boosting the Photoaged Skin: The Potential Role of Dietary Components.

Author Ruixuan Geng, Seong-Gook Kang, and Tao Tong

Skin photoaging is mainly induced by ultraviolet (UV) irradiation and its manifestations include dry skin, coarse wrinkle, irregular pigmentation, and loss of skin elasticity, Dietary supplementation of nutraceuticals with therapeutic and preventive effects against skin photoaging, cellular and molecular mechanisms of UV-induced skin photoaging, Matrix metalloproteinases, transforming growth factors, skin adipose tissue, inflammation, oxidative stress, nuclear and mitochondrial DNA, telomeres, microRNA, advanced glycation end products, the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis, and transient receptor potential cation channel V are key regulators that drive the photoaging-associated changes in skin, skin photoaging, dietary components to alleviate skin photoaging include the maintenance of skin moisture and extracellular matrix content, regulation of specific signaling pathways involved in the synthesis and degradation of the extracellular matrix, and antioxidant capacity, ingestion of food-derived functional components could be an attractive strategy to prevent skin photoaging damage, Skin aging includes natural aging, heat aging, and photoaging, photoaging is the most crucial factor causing skin aging damage. Skin photoaging is caused by long-term exposure to ultraviolet (UV) and manifests as rough, dry, and sagging skin, deeper skin wrinkles, excessive skin pigmentation, or angiotelectasis, even leading to various benign or malignant tumors, such as solar keratosis, squamous cell carcinoma, and malignant melanoma , UV activates or inhibits various signal pathways in the dermis and epidermis, leading to a decrease in the content of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and causing uneven structure or even skin collapse, methods to prevent or treat skin photoaging mainly include physical means of photoprotection (sunglasses, window films, clothing, etc.), topical treatment of active ingredients, and medical cosmetology,recently, there has been a growing awareness of the role of nutrition in skin health and specific dietary components have emerged as an effective alternative strategy to prevent and alleviate the symptoms of photoaging, dietary supplementation of functional components can protect skin from photoaging damage. Phytochemicals , functional proteins [9] and peptides , functional sugars, functional oils , probiotics , vitamins , and minerals are well-known to improve the photoaging-associated morphological abnormalities and functional decline, skin is in direct contact with the external environment and has the functions of feeling external stimuli, regulating body temperature, excreting skin metabolites, and protecting the body from physical, mechanical, and chemical damage and invasion by pathogenic microorganisms, skin consists of three parts: stratified epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue , epidermis is composed of keratinocytes (90–95% of skin cells), Langerhans cells (2%), melanocytes (3%), and Merkel cells (0.5%), epidermis contains the stratum corneum, hyaline layer, granular layer, and germinal layer, from the shallowest to the deepest, stratum corneum is the key to maintaining optimal skin hydration, cells in the germinal layer continue to proliferate and migrate to the upper layer to supply the constantly shedding stratum corneum, germinal layer contains melanocytes that can produce melanin and the content of melanin is one of the factors that determines skin color, dermis is made up of connective tissue and also contains appendages including sweat glands, sebaceous glands, blood vessels, and nerves, dermis is divided into the papillary layer and reticular layer, and there is no obvious boundary between the two layers. The thickness of the dermis is around 0.07–0.12 mm; the dermis of the palms and soles is thicker (~1.4 mm); the eyelids and tympanic membrane are thinner (~0.05 mm), papillary layer is connected to the germinal layer of the epidermis, and the reticular layer is combined with the subcutaneous tissue, main cell types in the dermis is fibroblasts, which play a vital role in skin aging ,fibroblasts synthesize and secrete ECM, including collagen, hyaluronic acid (HA), and elastin, collagen is the most important ECM in the dermis of the skin, loss of collagen will directly lead to skin sagging, aging, and decreased elasticity, HA is synthesized at the plasma membrane by HA synthases 1–3 and is known to play a key role in wound healing and tissue repair processes due to its ability to maintain a humid environment, in the dermal fibroblasts, HA synthase 2 seems to be the major isoform, elastin is the main component of elastic fibers in matrix tissue and provides resilience and elasticity to tissues and organ, reticular layer contains collagen fibers, elastic fibers, and reticular fibers, which interweave into a net to create elasticity and toughness in the skin, existing evidence suggests that damage to macromolecules present in the dermal ECM is indeed associated with skin aging, subcutaneous tissue is composed of loose connective tissue and fat lobules, and it connects the dermis with the fascia, aponeurosis, or periosteum, It can buffer mechanical pressure, store energy, and maintain body temperature, moderate amount of UV radiation can kill microorganisms, regulate the nerves, endocrine, digestion, breathing, immune system, and promote the synthesis of vitamin D. However, exposure to chronic low-dose or instant high-dose UV radiation causes harm to the eyes, skin, and immune system and is associated with the clinical hallmarks of skin aging, photoaging is mainly caused by UVA and UVB. UVA has a strong ability to induce free radicals and lipid peroxidation in cells and undermines collagen fibers and elastic fibers in the dermal tissue, impact of UVA can reach the deep layer of the dermis due to its greater penetration ability, UVA has no direct effect on DNA damage, it can generate reactive oxygen species (ROS), leading to DNA oxidative damage indirectly, UVB chiefly leads to lesions in the epidermis and superficial dermis and could be absorbed by proteins and DNA in cells, causing cell damage and mutation, 80% of facial skin aging is caused by exposure to UV , macroscopic characteristics of skin photoaging include wrinkle formation, rough texture, pigmentation, and loss of skin elasticity, histological and ultrastructural studies have shown epidermal hyperplasia, damage, and disorder of collagen fibers, and a large accumulation of abnormal elastic substances in connective tissue in photoaged skin ,these effects are less pronounced in the epidermis owing to high turnover, in contrast, the dermal region is more susceptible to photodamage, which results in loss of skin resilience, mechanisms of photoaging, Matrix Metalloproteinases, TGF (Transforming Growth Factor)-?, TGF-? is a type of cytokine that regulates cell growth and differentiation and performs a central role in the inflammatory response, tissue repair, embryonic development, and the immune response, Reduction of Skin Adipose Tissue, Inflammation and Immune Disorders, Oxidative Stress, ROS, such as superoxide ions, H2O2, and hydroxyl radicals, are chemically active and oxidize unsaturated fatty acids from cell phospholipid molecules to malondialdehyde, directly hurting functional macromolecules such as biofilms and proteins , UV radiation induces the production of ROS, which breaks the dynamic balance between oxidation and antioxidant systems in the skin and reduces its ability to remove ROS, Nuclear DNA and mtDNA Damage, UV radiation can directly or indirectly hurt DNA, Mitochondrion is the main organelle involved in skin photoaging, close connection between mitochondria and skin health, the strategy of focusing on mitochondria as a therapeutic target to boost skin health has attracted the attention of clinicians and estheticians. A great quantity of bioactive compounds have been confirmed to ameliorate mitochondrial function and have positive effects on aging and diseased skin, Telomere Shortening, Telomeres are critical structures at the end of eukaryotic chromosomes made up of numerous copies of G-rich repeats. Without telomeres, chromosomes will fuse and genetic instability will occur , MicroRNA (miRNA), regulates the senescence of human skin fibroblasts, Accumulation of Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs), prominent feature of aging at the molecular level is the gradual accumulation of proteins that have undergone non-enzymatic modification, one of the commonest of which is glycation, Gut Microbes, gut and skin, densely vascularized and richly innervated organs with crucial immune and neuroendocrine roles, are uniquely related in purpose and function, as our primary interface with the external environment, both organs are essential to the maintenance of physiologic homeostasis, gut microbiome is the major regulator of the gut–skin axis, oral probiotics may counteract UV damage and relieve inflammatory dermatoses by regulating immune-related signal pathways, gut dysbiosis has been observed in conditions such as atopic dermatitis, mechanisms by which intestinal microbiota exert their influence on skin homeostasis appear to be related to the modulatory effect of gut microbes on systemic immunity, Activation of Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal (HPA) Axis, HPA axis is associated with the activation of a wide range of responses involving the endocrine, nervous, and immune systems, collectively known as the stress responses, Skin has neuroendocrine capabilities that also encompass all elements of the HPA axis, Transient Receptor Potential Cation Channel V (TRPV), The TRP ion channel is a type of channel protein widely distributed in the peripheral and central nervous system. TRP allows cations to pass through the cell membrane non-selectively and is responsible for various sensory responses, including heat, cold, pain, stress, vision, and taste, Efficacy and Mechanisms of Dietary Components in Mitigating Skin Photoaging: Animal and Human Evidence, oral supplementation with aloe vera polysaccharides improve skin moisture and elasticity and relieve wrinkles and roughness in eye skin

The gut microbiota and host health: a new clinical frontier

Authors: Julian R Marchesi, David H Adams, Francesca Fava, Gerben D A Hermes, Gideon M Hirschfield, Georgina Hold, Mohammed Nabil Quraishi, James Kinross, Hauke Smidt, Kieran M Tuohy, Linda V Thomas, Erwin G Zoetendal, Ailsa Hart.

fermented Autoimmune Diseases – microbiology , Bacteria, Bacteria – metabolism, Carbohydrates, Care and treatment, Colitis, Ulcerative – microbiology, Colorectal cancer , Crohn Disease – microbiology , Diagnosis, Diet , Disease , Dosage and administration, Gastrointestinal Microbiome – physiology , Gene expresión, Inflammation , Inflammatory Bowel Diseases – microbiology , INTESTINAL BACTERIA ,Metabolic disorders ,Metabolites , Microbiota (Symbiotic organisms) , Microorganisms , Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease – microbiology , Obesity – etiology , Polyphenols – metabolism , Prebiotics , Probiotics , Small intestine , Studies,

Skin hydration is significantly increased by a cream formulated to mimic the skin’s own natural moisturizing systems. Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 11:491-497

Author: Spada F, Barnes TM, Greive KA

Moisturizers are topical products designed to improve and maintain the skin barrier function and to help prevent dry skin, Dry skin or xeroderma , natural moisturizing factor, healthy skin, a moisturizer works by preventing or reducing water evaporation from the skin, chemical ingredients that regularly serve as moisturizers: occlusives, humectants and emollients, emollients, are chemicals that improve the “feel” of the skin by filling the spaces in between corneocytes and also provide what has been termed “skin slip” or lubricity, imparting a sense of softness and plasticity, Occlusive agents serve to reduce transepidermal water loss (TEWL) by forming a hydrophobic barrier film over the skin surface to prevent evaporation of water from the SC, trapping water in the skin’s uppermost layers, barrier repair ingredients, ceramides, free fatty acids and cholesterol, over-the-counter (OTC) topical skin product, Ceramide cream contains carefully selected ingredients designed to mimic the skin’s own natural systems to enhance and maintain skin barrier integrity and prevent dry skin, Moisturizing treatment involves a four-step process: 1) repairing the skin barrier, 2) increasing water content, 3) reducing TEWL and 4) restoring the lipid barriers’ ability to attract, hold and redistribute water, moisturizing to sensitive skin (hypoallergenic, non-sensitizing, fragrance free and non-comedogenic), offered at an affordable price, long lasting and absorbed rapidly providing immediate hydration,

Multi-Response Optimization in the Formulation of a Topical Cream from Natural Ingredients

Author: Gertrude Eleonore DJIOBIE TCHIENOU,Roli Karole TSATSOP TSAGUE ,Therese Florence MBAM PEGA ,Vera BAMA ,Albert BAMSECK ,Selestin DONGMO SOKENG, and Martin Benoît NGASSOUM.

raw materials on the formulation of a base cream formulation, oil phase, aqueous phase, surfactant, multi-response optimization, suitable matrix for formulation in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, Topical products are liquid or semisolid preparations, such as ointments, lotions, gels, and creams, Creams are usually emulsions, it is necessary to incorporate stabilizers, thickening agents, gelling agents, weighting agents, ripening inhibitors, and emulsifiers , emulsifying agent possesses hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups , adsorbed at the interface of water and oil, and reduces the interfacial tension, manufacturers are reformulating their products to replace the synthetic surfactants with more label-friendly natural alternatives, cosmetic formulation including the active principle of strictly natural origin is designed to protect the skin against exogenous or endogenous harmful agents. Due to the importance of soy lecithin and the skin care benefits of Aloe vera

Functional beverages: the emerging side of functional foods: commercial trends, research, and health implications.

Author: Corbo MR, Bevilacqua A, Petruzzi L, et al.

antioxidants, beverages, bioactive properties, cold storage, disease prevention, functional foods, minerals, nutrients, omega-3 fatty acids, plant extracts, prebiotics, probiotics, vitamins, key role of foods and beverages in disease prevention and treatment, provide a health benefit beyond the basic nutritional functions, meet consumer demands for container contents, size, shape, and appearance, as well as ease of distribution and storage for refrigerated and shelf?stable products, active functional food category, delivering means for nutrients and bioactive compounds, functional beverages, health benefits

Safety and quality assurance of tomato using aloe vera edible coating.

Authors Santoso, F., & Rahmat, V.

Aloe vera gel (AVG) based on edible coating solutions on tomatoes to maintain the postharvest quality during storage at 10″C for 30 days. The AVG coating solutions were prepared with different percentages of extracted gel ranging from 0 to 80% with addition to calcium chloride (2%), ascorbic acid (4%), carboxymethyl cellulose (3%), glycerol (2%), and oleic acid (3 mL). Results showed that coating solutions containing 60 to 80% AVG had better results than coating solutions containing 0 to 40% gel. Contents of ascorbic acid, sugar, flavonoids, carotenoids, lycopene, and pectin remained higher, and total microbial count remained lesser in fruits treated with a higher concentration of AVG over the storage time. Tomatoes coated with 60% and 80% Aloe vera gel also showed maximum antioxidant efficiency, absence of E. coli, and no signs of fungal (Botrytis cinerea) growth on tomatoes. In conclusion, applying 60–80% AVG edible coatings might be suggested to maintain the post-harvest quality of tomato fruit, Tomatoes are a vital source of nutritional and therapeutic compounds, including ascorbic acid, sugars, total phenols, flavonoids, carotenoids, and lycopene, for maintaining the fruit texture, cell wall compounds such as pectin play essential roles in tomato fruit softening and texture integrity. Meanwhile, undesired storage environments and microbial/fungal attacks may primarily affect such compounds, thus leading to postharvest quality losses of tomatoes. The edible coating is a robust approach to enhancing the shelf life of the produce by preventing anaerobiosis in perishable fruit like tomatoes, various kinds of biodegradable, edible coatings (i.e. seed mucilage, microbial gums, pectin polysaccharides, corn starch, gum arabic, polyalcohols, etc.) are in practice to overcome postharvest losses in horticultural products , Edible coatings create a modified atmosphere by generating a semi-permeable barrier against O2, CO2, solute, and moisture exchange. Subsequently, oxidation rate, respiration rate, ethylene production, textural strength, flavour quality, and water loss remained controlled, maintaining the fruit quality for a longer time, Hydro colloidal Aloe vera gel (AVG) can potentially extend the shelf life and maintain the postharvest quality of various perishable products, the AVG is generally considered a safe (GRAS) coating material due to its accessible biochemical properties, biodegradability, antimicrobial action, non-toxicity, film- forming properties, and eco-friendly nature.

The Effectiveness of Aloe Vera Plant as a Natural Lip Balm

Authors: Davalos, JedidiahDilay, Joseph DanielDimaano, Mariane MaeDudas, Aaron JethroEbora, Godwin JamesEndona, Honey lee Jane Fajilan, Joana Kyra Fortu, Carl Ahron Fronda, Jeirca Bianca Guico, Kirsten KayeIte, Darlene Shane Jumarang, Vincent Lozada, Lance Luis

Aloe vera is a common and widely used plant in the cosmetic industry, moisturizer gel, face mask, cream, lotion, shampoo and soap, aloe vera as ingredients of a lip balm that can help to keep our lips moisturized and to relieved chapped or dry lips, Lip skin is fragile and lacks sebaceous glands, which means it does not contain the same moisturizing oils as the rest of your skin, intensely chapped, can even crack and bleed if you ignore or avoid applying any hydration to them, Chapped lips are often caused by dryness and sometimes inflammation, aloe vera have moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties, aloe vera organic raw materials, COSMOS, fair trade, Lip balms are formulations applied onto the lips to prevent drying and protect against adverse environmental factors, lipstick apply because it is a cosmetic form similar to lip balm (stick form), pleasant taste, innocuousness, smoothness during application, adherence and easy intentional removal, lip gloss, cosmetic manufacturers, experience and skill of the formulator, shelf life.

Permeation enhancer strategies in transdermal drug delivery.

Author: Harneet Marwah ,Tarun Garg, Amit K. Goyal &Goutam Rath

74% of drugs are taken orally and are not found to be as effective as desired, to improve such characteristics, transdermal drug delivery was brought to existence, this delivery system is capable of transporting the drug or macromolecules painlessly through skin into the blood circulation at fixed rate. Topical administration of therapeutic agents offers many advantages over conventional oral and invasive techniques of drug delivery, several important advantages of transdermal drug delivery are prevention from hepatic first pass metabolism, enhancement of therapeutic efficiency and maintenance of steady plasma level of the drug Human skin surface, as a site of drug application for both local and systemic effects, is the most eligible candidate available. New controlled transdermal drug delivery systems (TDDS) technologies (electrically based, structure-based and velocity-based) have been developed and commercialized for the transdermal delivery of troublesome drugs. This review article covers most of the new active transport technologies involved in enhancing the transdermal permeation via effective drug delivery system, Transdermal delivery system can transport the drug through skin into the blood circulation at fixed rate. Transdermal route gives an alternative to oral and i.v. delivery, local delivery is properly documented which includes targeted delivery, lower systemic exposure, and lower toxicity than oral medications. This system is also helpfull in the treatment of hair loss, neuropathic pain, acne, genital herpes, migraine, headaches, and sexual dysfunction, Transdermal delivery avoids the stomach environment where the drug can be degraded , Transdermal delivery avoids the first pass effect where active drug molecules can be converted to inactive molecules or even to molecules responsible for side effects, Provides steady plasma levels, easy to use and non-invasive, drug input can be stopped at any point after removal of the patch from the site , Increases compliance and reduces medical costs, Improves bioavailability, Best route for pediatrics patients, Suitable route for unconsious or vomiting patient, Lesser chances of overdose and easy detection of drug, Human skin: penetration barrier, Stratum corneum, Dermis, Hypodermis, Drug can be penetrated by three pathways such as transcellular route, paracellular lipid route and transappendgeal- route ,Transcellular Route: Moeity passes through both keratinocytes and lipids (straight path to the dermis), Paracellular Route: The most common penetration pathway of drug molecules. In this pathway, drug remains in lipid moeity and stay around keratin (easy for lipid soluble drug rather than proteins) , Transappendgeal Route: It makes continues channel for drug permeation but it hindered easily due to presence of hair follicles and sweat ducts, Physiochemical properties of the drug delivery system, release characteristics, drug release mechanism mainly depends on drug molecules which are dissolved or suspended in the delivery system and on interfacial partition coefficient or pH of the drug from delivery system to the skin tissue. If the drug is easily released from the delivery system, the rate of transdermal permeation will be higher, composition of drug delivery system, Composition may not affect release properties but may affect its permeability functionality. For example, methyl salicylate is more lipophilic than parent acid, and its percutaneous absorption is high when applied to skin in a lipoidal vehicle, Enhancement of transdermal permeation, majority of drugs will not permeate into skin for therapeutic use. Some enhancers are used for synergistic action without showings its properties), Strategies applied for permeation enhancement, drawback of transdermal delivery is permeation of active moeity through skin. So, various studies are done for enhancing its permeability percutaneously. Figure 3 depicts various strategies for increment of penetration. They act by three mechanisms: (1) By altering physicochemical properties of stratum corneum, (2) By changing hydrating property of stratum corneum, (3) By altering structure of lipids and protein in intercellular channel via carrier mechanism, Drug/vehicle interaction, Drug and prodrug selection, Active ingredient to be used should be judiciously chosen on the bases of pharmacological or physiochemical properties, Ideal properties for drug selection are: Less than 600 Da is preferred when diffusion coefficient is high, Good solubility in oil and water, High and adequate partition coefficient (1–3), Should carry melting point minor than 200?F, It should not metabolize in skin, Chemical enhancers help in permeation across the skin by disruption of the highly ordered structure of stratum corenum lipid, interaction with intercellular protein or improve partition of the drug into stratum corneum

Innovations in the development and application of edible coatings for fresh and minimally processed fruits and vegetables.

Authors Lin, D. and Zhao, Y.

The consumer’s interest to purchase safe, nutritious, minimally processed, and healthy food has increased consumption of various fruits and vegetables. Generally, the quality of fruits depends on nutritional, microbiological and organoleptic properties, all of which are exposed to dynamic changes during harvesting, storage, and marketing. These changes are mainly due to the interactions between the fruits and its surroundings or migration among different inner components, which can result in loss of moisture and some volatile compounds, edible coatings technique is a good alternative to control some of these factors, it includes thin layers of edible materials formed directly onto the surface of the food that can be eaten as part of the whole product. Although edible coatings have been used for centuries to prevent moisture migration or to create a shiny surface for esthetic purposes; recently, there is considerable interest and more research on this application, driven to minimize the environmental impact of non-biodegradable materials and the increasing demand for minimally-processed foods, edible coatings are made from various materials, such as polysaccharides (starch, cellulose, pectin, alginate), proteins (gelatin, casein, albumins), and lipids (beeswax, fatty acids). Usually, mixtures of these materials are used to take advantage of each constituent. Polysaccharides and proteins based edible coatings could form cohesive molecular networks by strong interactions between molecules, which provide good mechanical properties and barrier to gases, O2 and CO2, however; generally, these are polar polymers, resulting in a matrix with low cohesion and high water vapor permeability. Different alternatives have been used to improve this property, including the addition of hydrophobic compounds as lipids, modifying the polymer network and addition of nanocomposites, New matrices have been evaluated for coating fruit and minimally processed products; for instance, aloe vera mucilage has important biological, antimicrobial and antiviral properties. Aloe vera coatings have shown the capacity of reducing moisture loss, respiration rates, growth of microorganisms and oxidative browning in various fruits, such as strawberries, papaya and mango, applying aloe vera coating on minimally processed mango (Tommy Atkins) has shown outstanding results, increasing shelf-life up to three days, likewise, in Kiwi it has proved more efficient than other coating-forming matrices (alginate and chitosan), maintaining the sensory attributes, especially texture, the coating process involves a humectation (wettability) of the fruit coated by the suspension, a possible penetration of the suspension into the fruit, followed by a possible adhesion between the suspension and the fruit. Wettability stage is important, because it is a measure of compatibility between the suspension and the fruit; it affects the coating’s time and film thickness on the food surface, in order to develop and to apply edible coatings in fresh and minimally-processed fruits is very important to evaluate the physical properties of suspensions (density, viscosity and surface tension), because the mechanical, thermal, optical and barrier properties of the coatings are directly related to their microstructure developed. To evaluate the efficacy and quality of edible coatings, different parameters of the storage-coated fruits can be determined, such as water loss, respiration rate, texture, color, concentration of microorganisms, total acidity and content of soluble solids, these parameters should not affect flavor and surface appearance must be attractive in order to improve consumer acceptance, Edible coatings can be applied using various techniques such as dipping, panning, fluidized-bed coating and spraying. Spray coating is one of the most common methods applied to coat fruits at industrial levels, it has many advantages, such as control of thickness, uniform coating, no pollution and controlled temperature of the coating solution; furthermore, automation is facilitated in continuous processes , However, other methods of coatings used at industrial level should be examined, such as electro-sprays, micro-sprays and atomic layer deposition, Finally; even though the great potential of fruit coatings, the progress of industrial applications is relatively limited. One of the factors limiting the development and implementation of this technology is the high number of variables that determine its effectiveness, which will have to be considered when selecting edible coating formulation. Additionally, edible coatings are developed and formulated for specific needs applied on food, which may limit their versatility and implementation in the industry.

Liposomes encapsulating Aloe vera leaf gel extract significantly enhance proliferation and collagen synthesis in human skin cell lines, Journal of Oleo Science, vol. 58, no. 12, pp. 643–650, 2009.

Author: Makoto Takahashi, Dai Kitamoto, Yonathan Asikin, Kensaku Takara, Koji Wada

versatile skin care properties, enhance the bioavailability, interfacial and biochemical properties, liposomes, aloe vera induces proliferation and type I collagen synthesis in human fibroblasts, Type I collagen is a major structural protein and is found in large quantities in various parts of the body, especially in the skin, decrease of type I collagen induces wrinkle formation, which is a common phenomenon of aged skin, develop new formulations using Aloe vera Gel extract which enhance the skin penetration as well as the skin care properties, Liposomes have been receiving increasing attention as a drug carrier, because they are able to retain hydrophilic substances in the inner aqueous phase and hydrophobic substances in the bilayer wall, proliferation and collagen synthesis in human skin cell lines

Gut microbiota .-Beneficial effects of butyrate in intestinal injury J. Pediatr Surg. 2020; 55(6): 1088-1093

Author: Liu J, Zhu H, Li B, Lee C, Alganabi M, Zheng S, Pierro A.

Butyrate is a short-chain fatty acid, intestinal epithelium, intestinal epithelial cells, synthesized from non-absorbed carbohydrate by colonic microbiota, transepithelial fluid transport, intestinal motility, mucosal inflammation, potent regulatory effects on gene expresión, intestinal ecosystem, gastrointestinal functions, The intestinal ecosystem essentially comprises the epithelium, immune cells, enteric neurons, intestinal microflora, and nutrients, extraintestinal diseases, organic acids, microbial fermentation , dietary fiber, colonic lumen, acetate, propionate, acidic fermentation products, luminal pH, colon, Ion absorption, Cell proliferation, Cell differentation, Immune-regulation, Visceral perception and rectal compliance, non-specific intestinal defense mechanisms.

Aloe Vera Gel as a Novel Edible Coating for Fresh Fruits: A Review.

Authors Misir J H, Brishti F M, Hoque M

New technological advances in antimicrobial edible coatings for food may hold promise in extending shelf life, reducing packaging layers, meeting food safety and quality requirements. Emerging research shows polysaccharides, bacteriocins, essential oils, enzymes, proteins and lipids are all natural coatings that have unrealized potential in food preservation. Recently, interest has increased in using Aloe vera gel-based edible coating material for fruits and vegetables. Aloe vera gel has been proven one of the best edibles and biologically safe preservative coatings for different types of foods because of its film-forming properties, antimicrobial actions, biodegradability and biochemical properties. It is composed mainly of polysaccharides and acts as a natural barrier to moisture and oxygen, which are the main agents of deterioration of fruits and vegetables. Aloe vera gel can prolong shelf life of the fruits and vegetables by minimizing the rate of respiration and maintaining quality attributes (color, flavor etc.). It has antifungal and antibacterial property which provides a defensive barrier against microbial contamination of fruits and vegetables, Edible coatings are thin layers of edible material applied to the product surface in addition to or as a replacement for natural protective waxy coatings and provide a barrier to moisture, oxygen and solute movement for the food, they are applied directly on the food surface by dipping, spraying or brushing , Edible coatings are used to create a modified atmosphere and to reduce weight loss during transport and storage, Aloe vera that prolongs the conservation of fresh fruits, This gel is tasteless, colorless and odorless. This natural product is a safe and environmentally friendly alternative to synthetic preservatives such as sulfur dioxide. According to the researchers, this gel operates through a combination of mechanics, forming a protective layer against the oxygen and moisture of the air and inhibiting the action of micro-organisms that cause food borne illnesses through its various antibacterial and antifungal compounds. Aloe vera gel-based edible coatings have been shown to prevent loss of moisture and firmness, control respiratory rate and maturation development, delay oxidative browning and reduce microorganism proliferation in fruits such as table grapes, sweet cherries and nectarines. The main goal of this article is to critique and update the information available on Aloe vera gel properties, its preparation and on the use of Aloe vera gel coatings as an effective preservative to improve the safety, quality, and functionality of fresh fruits.

Oral treatment with Aloe polysaccharide ameliorates ovalbumin-induced atopic dermatitis by restoring tight junctions in skin.

Author: Na, K.; Lkhagva-Yondon, E.; Kim, M.; Lim, Y.R.; Shin, E.; Lee, C.K.; Jeon, M.S.

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease, dry itchy skin that results from defects in the epidermal barrier function. Aloe vera is used widely to promote general health and is administered topically to treat skin conditions such as eczema, burns and wounds, oral administration of processed A vera gel (PAG) containing low molecular weight Aloe polysaccharides to treat ovalbumin (OVA)-induced Atopic dermatitis in mice. Oral administration of PAG suppressed total and OVA-specific IgE production in sera and decreased the epidermal thickness of skin, oral administration of polysaccharides Aloe vera Gel ameliorated Atopic dermatitis , normalized tight junction gene expression and suppressed inflammatory cytokines in Atopic dermatitis skin, Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder that results from defects in the epidermal barrier and immune dysfunction, complex pathophysiology of Atopic dermatitis is known to include genetic risk factors, environmental triggers and dysregulation of innate and adaptive immunity, Current understanding of the aetiology of AD is that disruption of the epidermal barrier leads to increased permeability of the epidermis, pathological skin inflammation and percutaneous sensitization to allergens, One of the therapeutic approaches aims to maintain or improve epidermal barrier function to ameliorate AD. The skin is composed of two barrier structures, the stratum corneum (SC) and tight junctions (TJs) that provide a physical barrier against dehydration and environmental challenges, Aloe vera has been used both as a therapeutic and dietary health supplement in the treatment of various diseases, It is known to have immunoregulatory and skin moisturizing properties, notably, A vera polysaccharides have been shown to modulate immunity in both humans and mice, topical application of polysaccharides Aloe vera gel extract helped treat the AD, It is not only used topically, but also has been administered orally via liquid formulations, tablets and capsules, however, the effects of orally administered Aloe polysaccharides in Atopic dermatitis AD-related diseases have not been fully elucidated, the average molecular weight of native polysaccharides in A vera gel is 2000 kDa or higher. We used polysaccharides Aloe vera gel (PAG), which has polysaccharides sized 5-400 kDa , polysaccharides Aloe vera gel can enhance the immunomodulatory activity of the polysaccharide, oral administration polysaccharides Aloe vera gel in ovalbumin (OVA)-induced AD mouse model and investigated how these molecules affect skin barrier function, including the genes encoding the tight junction proteins TJP-1, claudin-1 and claudin-8, and cytokines that include IL-4 and IL-17A,

Aloe Vera High Molecular Weight Fractions as Carbohydrate based Immune Adjuvants.

Author A Yagi

aloe high molecular fractions (ALOE VERA HIGH MOLECULAR POLYSACCHARIDES) were obtained in original and natural form containing less than 10 ppm of barbaloin. ALOE VERA HIGH MOLECULAR POLYSACCHARIDES mainly contained high molecular fractions, such as polysaccharide (acemannan) and glycoprotein (verectin) showing immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory activities. On the basis of chemical and biochemical properties, ALOE VERA HIGH MOLECULAR POLYSACCHARIDES were examined for the therapy designed by the implementation of well-controlled clinical trials, and exhibited the efficacy as immunomodulators for viral infection-induced hepatic periportal fibrosis and type 2 diabetic patients, and as wound and ulcer-healing ointment to patients suffering from bedsore. Therefore, ALOE VERA HIGH MOLECULAR POLYSACCHARIDES were considered to be a novel low-cost and safe drug of natural origin, indicating a possible therapeutic efficacy in prevention of age-related diseases, Aloe vera high molecular weight fractions; Therapeutic efficacy; Hepatic periportal fibrosis; Type 2 diabetes; Bedsores, Aloe polysaccharides High Molecular containing less than 10 ppm of barbaloin, polysaccharide (molecular weight 1×106 D) and glycoprotein, verectin (molecular weight: 29×103 D), were prepared by patented hyper-dry system in combination of freeze-dry technique with micro wave and far infra-red radiation. Aloe polysaccharides High Molecular produced significant decrease in blood glucose level sustained for 6 weeks of the start of the study. Significant decrease in triglycerides was only observed 4 weeks after treatment and continued thereafter. No deteriorate effects on kidney and liver functions were apparent, treatment of diabetic patients with Aloe polysaccharides High Molecular may relief vascular complications probably via activation of immune system, Oral supplementation with Aloe polysaccharides High Molecular could be helpful in alleviating the fibrosis and inflammation of hepatic fibrosis patients, efficacy of the preclinical trials for bedsores by the external use of Aloe polysaccharides High Molecular ointment, adjuvant properties of a poly dispersed ?-(1-4) linked acetylated mannan (ACE-M) were evaluated by Chinnah, et al[4] showing that ACE-M has the effect on flock immunity to Newcastle disease virus and infectious bursal disease virus. Acemannan also stimulated the adjuvant activity due to its capacity to promote differentiation of immature dendritic cells[5]. Intranasal immunization using HBsAg-acemannan formulations demonstrated the enhancement of the immune responses to nasally administrated hepatitis B surface antigen, generating IgG antibody-titers in high level in mice serum[6]. Acemannan was able effectively and durably to increase the activity of macrophages from the systemic immune compartment in chicken, especially nitrogen oxide (NO) production, Also human clinical data demonstrating increased bioavailability of vitamins C and E when taken in combination with aloe vera gel powders were presented, Aloe vera gel products improved the absorptions of vitamins C and E as an adjunct and arginine as a precursor of NO for people who take vitamins and amino acids supplements, he Japanese have higher rate of life expectancy and that Japan is rapidly becoming a super aging society. Almost 5 per cent of the aged, who develop diseases such as cerebro-vascular related disorders, mental problems, fractures, cancer and infections, also end up suffering from bedsores. It has been found that patients often opt for treatment, when the bedsores become very severe and adding more complications in their treatment. It may be presumed that prevention and early detection are vital for the treatment of bed sores. In our present study, we have tested herbal formulations having Aloe vera gel powder for its efficacy and activity on bedsores.

Review on Medicinal Value of Aloe Vera in Veterinary Practice.

Author: Gebremedhin Yohannes

Aloe vera is a plant with height of almost 60-100cm containing very short stem or stem-less long leaves, activity effects on the Immune System, Antibiotics are probably the most successful family of drugs so far developed for improving animal and human health, increasing resistance to antibiotics of many bacteria, plant ex-tracts are of new interest as antiseptics and antimicrobial agents in medicine, Bovine dermatophytosis causes economic loss due to hide damage and restrictions in showing and marketing infected cattle, Ringworm infection is caused by invasion of cutanous keratinized epithelial cells and hair follicle by a certain keratinophilic fungi causes dermatomphytosis, Trichphyton verrucosum, Trichphyton mentagrophytes and Trichphyton megnini are the most commonly fungal species that involved in ringworm, Aloe gel is used topically for infections that are caused by these fungal agents, Aloe vera in curing ringworm might be due to increasing the ability of internal immunity that strength the natural resistance by boosting T- lymphocyte cells that aid the immune system

A review on the relationship between Aloe vera components and their biologic effects.

Author: Choi, S. and M. H. Chung. 2003.

Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller), whole gel extract of aloe vera, Aloe vera gel extract stimulated fibroblast growth in a synovial model and also enhanced wound tensile strength and collagen turnover, growth factors, cell migration, related factors, matrix-forming factors, and matrix-degradation factors, immunomodulatory activity of aloe vera gel, aloe vera gel also increased levels of hyaluronic acid and dermatan sulphate in granulation tissue, components of aloe vera, glycoproteins, anthraquinones, saccharides, and low–molecular-weight substances, polysaccharides are largely glucomannans , acetylated ,Galactose and galactouronic, acid polymers , Acetylated mannan, glycoproteins stimulate cell proliferation, proliferation and wound healing effect of a 5.5 kDa glycoprotein, glycoprotein is linked to saccharides, 70% of which is mannose, Aloe ,rich source of polysaccharides and has various carbohydrate constituents, polysaccharides, acemannan, and mannose-6-phosphate

Formulation , nutraceutical profile and storage stability of aloe gel & ginger juice functional beverage blend

Author: O. Singh, H. K. Choro, J. Kanwar, S. Dwivedi, Richa Singh

aloe vera nutraceutical RTS, functional ingredient in a wide array of health foods and drinks, blended ready-to-serve was analyzed for its different sensory quality, evaluated by adopting 9 point hedonic scale, RTS have a longer shelf life without having any microbial infestation, data generated during the experiment revealed that TSS, total acidity and total sugar increased, while ascorbic acids content decreased, developed ready-to-serve could be promoted as a nutraceutical product with multiple benefits to the consumers, Aloe vera juice have wide application in food products like production of ready-to-serve health drink, Aloe vera lemon drink, sherbet, diet drink with soluble fiber, health benefits of aloe vera, formulation, aloe properties are intestinal problem, increasing high density lipoprotein, reducing low density lipoprotein, reducing blood sugar in diabetics, fighting acquired immune deficiency syndrome, allergies and improving immune system, Ginger, a source of valuable phytonutrients, aloe based blended beverages, palatability, Ginger is known to contain several antioxidant compounds such as gingerol, gingediol and shogaol, which possess antimicrobial activity, Aloe vera and ginger which provide benefits of taste and nutrition, Ready-to-serve was prepared by mixing calculated amount of blended pulp, sugar, citric acid and water according to blending ratio and recipes, organoleptic evaluation, evaluation of blending ratio for preparation of ready-to serve beverages, Juice blending is one of the best methods to improve the nutritional and medicinal quality of ready-to-serve beverages.

Future textiles for high-performance apparels

Authors J. McLoughlin, Roshan Paul

The advancement of fibers, yarns, textile materials, functional finishing, electronics, and clothing physiology combined will continue to augment people’s lives in a plethora of areas, in medicine, the military, firefighting, extreme sports, and many other apparel applications. It is rarely understood that the manufacture of textiles is much more than this. Air bags, for example, in cars are made from textiles, designed to save our life in the unfortunate circumstance of a car crash. Protective apparel for racing car drivers, for the military personnel who fly combat aircraft, and firefighters, some of the applications in which, high-performance apparels play apart. A relatively new buzz word, smart textiles in apparels are becoming widely spread with underwear and shirts that can monitor blood pressure and respiratory measurements and also provide heat under extreme weather conditions.

TEER Measurement Techniques for In Vitro Barrier Model Systems.

Author: Balaji Srinivasan, Aditya Reddy Kolli, Mandy Brigitte Esch, James J. Hickman

Transepithelial/transendothelial electrical resistance (TEER) is a widely accepted quantitative technique to measure the integrity of tight junction dynamics in cell culture models of endothelial and epithelial monolayers. TEER values are strong indicators of the integrity of the cellular barriers before they are evaluated for transport of drugs or chemicals. TEER measurements can be performed in real time without cell damage and generally are based on measuring ohmic resistance or measuring impedance across a wide spectrum of frequencies, some of the barrier models that have been widely characterized using TEER include the blood-brain barrier (BBB), gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and pulmonary models. Variations in these values can arise due to factors such as temperature, medium formulation, and passage number of cells, enable the transport of therapeutic drugs across these barriers in order to reach the target tissue.

Formulation process making of Aloe vera mask with variable percentage of Aloe vera gel extract.

Author: T Y Hendrawati

Aloe vera extract, mask formulation, mask tested include density, pH, vitamin C content, drying time, mask with 0.15% Aloe vera extract content, free radicals, builder of cell and tissue cells, helps to the regeneration of new cells, Aloe vera polysaccharide, penetration and lubrication ability, repairing body tissues, maintaining moisture, tightening and smoothing the skin, Masks are cosmetic preparations for facial skin care, Masks are applied to the facial skin in relatively thick layers and removed , maintains healthy skin including cleaning, moisture protection, protection from UV hazards, antioxidants, whitening, prevent skin aging, prevent wrinkles, prevent lax and acne on the skin, formulation of a gel-peel off face mask type, composition of the ingredients used is gelling agent, viscosity enhancing agent, and humectant, e hydration process, Aloe vera may be used as a cosmetic for the treatment and skin care. Aloe vera gel is able to hold skin moisture so as not easy to dry, this is because the lignin level can penetrate and seep into the skin, and hold too much fluid loss, facial skin care used to improve the level of hygiene, health and beauty of the skin and improve and stimulate the return of dead cell activity. Masks include depth cleansing cosmetics

Impact of probiotics and their metabolites in enhancement the functional properties of whey-based beverages

Author Anna Chizhayeva , Yelena Oleinikova , , Margarita Saubenova , Amankeldy Sadanov , Alma Amangeldi , Aida Aitzhanova , Aigul Alybaeva , Makpal Yelubaeva

Microbiota imbalance , metabolic diseases , dysbiosis for bad human nutrition, nutritional and biological value, base of functional beverages is aloe fermented, metabiotics , functional properties , host organism, fermented by probiotics, bioactive natural plant ingredients, microbiome , human metagenome, intestinal microbiota, digestive tract , species of microorganisms, molecular and genetic research, Human Intestinal Tract Metagenomics, minimal gut genoma, enterotype microflora, regulates metabolic processes, ‘tension’ of human immunity, neuroactive molecules, stress response, digestive tract cells , neuroactive molecules—serotonin, melatonin-,dysbiotic conditions, human diet , intestinal permeability, mucosal immune function, intestinal mobility and sensitivity, and intestinal nervous system activity, physiologically functional food ingredients.

Polymeric films loaded with vitamin E and Aloe vera for topical application in the treatment of burn wounds.

Author Pereira GG, Guterres SS, Balducci AG, Colombo P, Sonvico F

Burns are serious traumas related to skin damage, causing extreme pain and possibly death, Natural drugs such as Aloe vera and vitamin E have been demonstrated to be beneficial in formulations for wound healing. The aim of this work is to develop and evaluate polymeric films containing Aloe vera and vitamin E to treat wounds caused by burns. Polymeric films containing different quantities of sodium alginate and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) were characterized for their mechanical properties and drug release, bioadhesive films containing vitamin E acetate and Aloe vera could be an innovative therapeutic system for the treatment of burns, in addition to pain and distress, a large burned area will leave the patient with visible physical scars and invisible psychological sequelae, concerning skin damage, the treatment of burns is complex and painful and requires the use of several drugs administered separately or combined, The dressings are a form of treatment of skin wounds aimed at favoring and supporting the healing process, Potential vectors for the controlled release of substances for the treatment of skin damage occurring in wounds and burns are polymeric films. Thin films have been extensively used around the world for tissue repair and closure of wounds, Polymeric film offers advantages over other pharmaceutical forms, such as liquid or semisolid drug delivery products, as it provides a large surface area of application, adhesion to the damaged tissue, and absorption of exudates, the use of natural polymers is supported by their many desirable properties, such as biocompatibility, low irritancy, and lack of toxicity , as in the case of polysaccharides. In addition, wound dressings are in some cases able to prevent loss of body fluid, prevent exudates build up [9], protect the wounds from external contamination, provide sufficient bactericidal effects to inhibit infection , and prepare an optimum wound bed for autographing, To reduce pain and accelerate the healing process, many natural substances have been traditionally used and more recently have been scientifically studied as Aloe vera has been used in a host of curative purposes including treatment of skin disorders and healing of wounds, potent moisturizing agent, it helps in the healing process of skin lesions and alleviates pain, develop and characterize a polymeric film containing Aloe vera and vitamin E acetate with the aim of providing an innovative system for burn wound treatment. The two polysaccharides selected to produce the film were hyaluronic acid and sodium alginate, Bioadhesive polymeric films loaded with vitamin E acetate and Aloe vera were produced and tested on the intact skin of healthy volunteers. The films showed mechanical resistance and flexibility suitable for application in burn wounds. The release profile obtained from the film showed a biphasic controlled release of vitamin E acetate for more than 12 hours. The tape stripping on intact skin showed that the polymeric film formulation facilitates a deeper accumulation of the vitamin E acetate in the stratum corneum when compared to a traditional semisolid formulation The polymer film formulation containing hyaluronate and alginate appears to be a promising approach for the application of substances able to reduce damage and facilitate the healing process, Aloe vera extracts and the antioxidant vitamin E acetate.

Antifungal efficacy of botanicals against major postharvest pathogens of Kinnow mandarin and their use to maintain postharvest quality .

Authors J. Jhalegar, R.R. Sharma, D. Singh,

Kinnow is an important citrus crop grown in India, which suffers from several postharvest diseases during storage. Hence, an attempt was made to combat such diseases with the botanicals Aloe vera, Eucalyptus and Ocimum on Kinnow mandarin to prolong its availability for a longer time. Our results indicated that all botanicals inhibited the growth (colony diameter) of both pathogens over untreated PDA plates, but the inhibition was the strongest by Aloe vera extracts. Similarly, under in vivo conditions, all botanicals influenced the decay incidence, decay loss, lesion diameter, respiration rate, ethylene evolution and physiological loss in weight, but Aloe vera was the most effective. All the botanicals were able to retain postharvest quality of Kinnow fruits without any adverse effect on quality parameters such as TSS, TA and ascorbic acid. Under in vivo conditions, the incidence of Penicillium italicum was higher than P. digitatum; however, it was the reverse under in vitro conditions. it is evident from our studies that botanicals have the potential to control green and blue mold without causing any injury or harmful effects on Kinnow mandarin; botanicals can be recommended as a safe method for extending its storage life while maintaining fruit quality at the same time. India / Citrus / mandarins / fruits / postharvest control / biological control / respiration rate / keeping quality. Postharvest diseases account for about 50% losses in fruits stored in poor storage conditions, especially under high humidity. Citrus fruits are among the crops susceptible to postharvest diseases caused by fungi. The most important fungi causing postharvest diseases include: Penicillium spp., Aspergillus spp., Alternaria spp. and Rhizopus stolonifer. The control of plant diseases is still mainly dependent on the use of chemical fungicides. Synthetic fungicides such as thiabendazole, imazalil and sodium ortho-phenylphenate have been used traditionally to control the postharvest diseases, but their excessive use, complemented with high costs, residues in plants and development of resistance, has left a negative effect on human health and the environment. Further, withdrawal of some chemical pesticides, such as benomyl and captan, for control of postharvest diseases in the USA and ethylene dibromide for sterilization of Queensland fruit fly in Australia, is a clear signal that new technologies and new fungicides for control of plant diseases are needed. The United States of America Environmental Protection Agency has classified benomyl as a possible human carcinogen, which can also act as a chronic and reproductive toxicant. However, worldwide ‘organically grown’ fruit, which has not been treated with fungicide, is becoming popular among consumers. Under these circumstances, an alternative method of disease control for Kinnow mandarin without the use of synthetic chemicals is urgently needed. Some environmentally friendly plant extracts have been shown to have great potential as an alternative to synthetic fungicides. Recently, the antimicrobial activity of some higher plant products that are biodegradable and safe to human health has attracted the attention of microbiologists in the control of plant disease, but the actual use of these products for the control of postharvest pathogens of fruits generally, and for citrus pathogens is, however, still limited. Among the safer alternatives to synthetics, use of plant products has attracted researchers for the management of diseases of several fruits. The major purpose of our research was to extend the marketable period of ‘Kinnow’ mandarin through approaches such as using botanicals to control or inhibit the pathogens causing postharvest diseases in Kinnow mandarin, as the fruits are susceptible to postharvest diseases such as green mold and blue mold caused by P. digitatum and P. italicum, respectively, which reduce its availability for a longer time in the market.

Novel oral drug delivery gateways for biotechnology products: polypeptides and vaccines.

Author: Brayden D J, O’Mahony D J.

drug delivery technology, injection, infusion or by subcutaneous implants, Oral delivery, intestinal site of absorption and the physico-chemical properties of the agent, these labile compounds can be successfully formulated for oral delivery using intestinal-protective-targeting- and epithelial-permeating approaches, drug delivery industry, novel oral formulations of agents, biotech products and delivery technology, controlled release oral forms, Drug reformulation (with or without specialized delivery devices), non-injectable routes of delivery, Peptide-based biotechnology products are subject to the same hostile environment encountered by all peptides in the gastrointestinal (GI)tract , factors (Box 2)are susceptibility to degradation by the acidic pH of the stomach, metabolism by luminal, brush border and cytosolic peptidases, and poor permeability across the intestinal epithelium because of size, charge and hydrophilicity, Physiological considerations, such as gastric transit time, dilution and interaction with intestinal debris, also influence peptide contact with the absorptive epithelium of the most appropriate-ate intestinal region, survival and delivery to the hepatic portal vein, first-pass metabolism as well as the entero-hepatic shunt, GI tract has evolved to break down dietary peptides and proteins into di-, tri- and quaternary amino acids, there is evidence to show that carefully designed peptide formulations, or even some natural soluble antigens, can be absorbed intact, albeit in low concentrations, addressing permeability issues, polar molecular surface area, permeability coefficients can be achieved in the chemical-design stages of synthesis, small or large changes in solubility or permeability of a particular molecule will make a significant difference to oral bioavailability, epithelial tight-junction opener, is approved as an excipient, effective absorption, transepithelial resistance was reduced and the flux of the paracellular marker, paracellular transport alone could not account for adequate and sustained absorption, chemical enhancers or surfactant-like agents, particulate formulation to receptor sites on the brush border of the intestine, Human cell culture monolayer models, small intestine , transcellular carrier-mediated transport, Caco-2 intestinal cell model, receptor expression patterns, intrinsic factor-dependent uptake, apical membrane receptor, capacity for transport across epithelia, proton-dependent dipeptide transporter

Medicinal and cosmetological importance of Aloe vera

Authors: M. Imran Qadir

Aloe vera has the property of diminishing the pigmentation and dark, spots on the face, cellular regeneration, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal activities of Aloe vera make it useful for skin eruption, Aloe vera is very valuable for skin disorders, Aloe vera also provides relief from itching and also helps to treat blisters, Aloe vera initiates the synthesis of elastin as well as collagen. These proteins are essential for preventing the aging of the skin, Aloe vera helps to eradicate acne scars by performing as an immune booster and an anti-inflammatory agent, Aloe vera impart the sensation freshness. It helps in increasing distribution of blood therefore providing easier oxygen exchange among the cells, hence giving them nourishment, Aloe Vera has an outstanding possession in diminishing the hurting of sunburn, Aloe vera gel, cream or lotion applied on the face forms a delicious cover that helps to shield the skin from dust and other natural elements which may be injurious to the skin

Chitosan: Antimicrobial activity, interactions with food components and applicability as a coating on fruits and vegetables.

Authors Devlieghere F, Vermeullen A & Debevere J,

Chitosan has recently gained more interest due to its applications in food and pharmaceutics. Among others, the antimicrobial activity of chitosan has been pointed out as one of its most interesting properties of chitosan. Chitosan (poly b-(1-4)N-acetyl-d-glucosamine), a deacetylated form of chitin, is a natural antimicrobial compound. On the one hand it can be obtained from crustacean shells (crabs, shrimp and crayfishes) either by chemical or microbiological processes and on the other hand it can be produced by some fungi (Aspergillus niger, Mucor rouxii, Penecillium notatum) These variations in preparation methods are likely to result in differences in the deacetylation degree, the distribution of acetyl groups, the chain length and the conformational structure of chitosan and will thereby have an influence on the solubility, the antimicrobial activity and other properties. Next to chitosan itself, several chitosan derivatives are known for their antimicrobial activity, e.g., acid-free-water soluble chitosan, quaternary Nalkylchitosan sulfonated chitosan and N-carboxybutyl chitosan. The applications of chitosan and its derivatives are widespread, they are used in agriculture, medicine, environment, food, etc. Apart from its antimicrobial effect, chitosan is also used in food as (1) clarifying agent in apple juice, (2) antioxidant in sausages (3) enzymatic browning inhibitor in apple and pear juices. and in potatoes. Chitosan can also be used as an antimicrobial film to cover fresh fruits and vegetables. Chitosan activates several defense processes in the host tissue acts as a water-binding agent and inhibits various enzymes. The antimicrobial activity of chitosan will depend on several factors such as the kind of chitosan (deacetylation degree, molecular weight) used, the pH of the medium, the temperature, the presence of several food.

Aloe vera: A contemporary overview on scope and prospects in food preservation and packaging.

Authors Santosh Kumar, Sweety Kalita, Abhijit Das, Pradip Kumar

Wastage of perishable foods is an enormous challenge in the food sector, and it requires effective mitigation strategies, Aloe vera is good for edible coating for its antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and other functional properties, Aloe vera bioactive components aids to applications in food especially in preservation and packaging. A. vera and its various active components are being used as preservative in biopolymer-based edible films and coatings for extending shelf life of perishable food items as sustainable alternatives to synthetic chemicals, as a natural food preservative, A. vera can protect food products from oxidative and microbial deteriorations, improve their texture, and enhance nutritional/health-promoting value, extension of postharvest shelf-life of these perishable foods is paramount to growth and prosperity of their producers, handlers, processors, and to health of the consumers, addition of preservatives and coating or packaging of perishables foods are effective ways to enhance their quality and prolong their shelf-life, sustainable alternatives, biopolymers-based packaging films and coatings, and natural plant-based preservatives have been gaining attention for food applications, Numerous researchers have been working on biopolymers such as starch, chitosan, gelatin, alginate, etc., incorporated with A. vera to develop active, edible, biodegradable food packages, such food packaging / coating have been used for postharvest shelf-life extension of fresh fruits and vegetables, In order to improve effectiveness of the A. vera as an active ingredient, encapsulation of active agents has also been explored for food packaging applications

Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) Extract as a Natural Antimicrobial Agent in Hand-Washing Liquid Soap.

Author: Tyowua, A. T., Vitalis, T. B..1, Terhemen, M. M., and E. M. Mbaawuaga

Synthetic antimicrobial agents, like triclosan, used in many cosmetics are now associated with serious health problems, beginning with skin irritation, alternative antimicrobial agents, Many plant extracts have the potential to inhibit the growth of microorganisms and perhaps kill them and thus can serve as alternative antimicrobial agents in cosmetic formulations, hand-washing liquid soap, liquid soap paste, saponification vegetable oil blend , aloe vera extract can be used as an antimicrobial agent in the formulation of antimicrobial hand-washing liquid soap and other related products, rather than synthetic agents which are inherently harmful, aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis miller) contains phenolic acids/polyphenols, phytosterols, fatty acids, indoles, alkanes, pyrimidines, alkaloids, organic acids, aldehydes, dicarboxylic acids, ketones, saponins and alcohols as phytochemicals, organic antimicrobial agents in cosmetic formulations, Aloe vera extract is reported to inhibit the growth of skin pathogenic micro-organisms like Gram-positive , Staphylococcus aureus, Gram-negative, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and the fungus, Aspergillus flavus ,

Hematopoietic augmentation by a beta(1,4)linked mannan Egger S.F.; USA Cancer

Author Brown G.S.; Kelsey L.S.; Yates K.M.; Rosenberg L.J.; Talmadge J.E.

injectable acemannan, multiple therapeutic properties including activity in wound repair and as a biological agent for the treatment of neoplasia in animals as well as the ability to activate macrophages, hematoaugmenting properties, subcutaneous administration, increases splenic and peripheral blood cellularity, lymphocytes , monocytes and platelets, multiple cell lineages.

Impact of gut microbiome on skin health: gut-skin axis observed through the lenses of therapeutics and skin diseases

Author Md. Rayhan Mahmud Sharmin Akter ,Sanjida Khanam Tamanna,L Mazumder ,Israt Zahan Esti ,Sanchita Banerjee ,Sumona Akter ,Md. Rakibul Hasan ,Mrityunjoy Acharjee ,Md. Sajjad Hossain m Anna Maria Pirttilä

gut-skin homeostasis, skin diseases, gut microbiome affects skin health, gut microbiome on skin conditions, gastrointestinal health, gut dysbiosis, skin disease, probiotics, prebiotics, skin-gut axis, dietary components, complex immunological and neuroendocrine organs, skin serves as a defensive obstruction against injuries and microbial assault, health and longevity of the host, Several dermatologic conditions, such as acne, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and rosacea are linked with intestinal dysbiosis, microbial ecology of skin, gut tissues , dietary products and skin dysbiosis , dietary effects on skin conditions, stratum corneum, hair follicles, and sebaceous glands, normal gut harbors bacterial genus such as Bacillus, Lactobacillus, Enterococcus, Clostridium, and Ruminococcus, role of gut microbiome in epithelial cell renewal and intestinal integrity regulation, immune protective responses, trans-epithelial dendrites, Disruption of gut integrity, and an imbalance within microbial communities can have a significant impact on the overall homeostasis of skin, butyrate wanes the intestinal barrier permeability and enhances epithelial barrier integrity, keep the epithelial barrier intact.

Application of Aloe vera microcapsules in cotton nonwovens to obtain bio-functional textiles

Authors Fiedler J.O. et al.

The microencapsulation of essential oils and its application in textile articles allows the aggregation of different functionalities to the substrates, imparting them antimicrobial properties, cosmetic effects, UV protection, application of drugs, among others. Therefore, the coacervation technique allows good results using starch to prepare the microcapsules. The objective of this work was the microencapsulation of Aloe Vera with cornstarch using the simple coacervation technique in cotton nonwoven fabric using butane tetracarboxylic acid (BTCA) as a binding agent. Optical and Scanning electron microscopy were performed to understand the morphology of the microcapsules obtained; thermogravimetry, to the comprehension of the thermal degradation of the microcapsules; mass gain percentage; FTIR was used to prove the interaction between nonwoven and microcapsule and finally, the CIE WI white index. The micrography allowed the observation of granular morphology, predominantly angular. The thermogravimetric curves have shown two significative thermal events: dehydration of the oil and degradation of the starch. The samples presented darker coloration; however, their quality was not compromised by the finishing. For this reason, the characterizations allowed to infer that the simple coacervation using this method is a simple process, with good results for the encapsulation of essential oils.

Aloe vera powder based matrix Tablet for oral controlled delivery of highly soluble drug

Author Anurapa C, Suseem S.R*

oral control delivery system of highly water soluble drug using aloe vera powder as a carrier for matrix tablet. Ascorbic acid is taken as a model drug for its high solubility. Different concentrations such as 30 %, 40 % and 50 % of matrix tablets of Aloe Vera powder are made by wet granulation technique using starch paste as a binder, The formulated granules were further subjected to Quality control test such as Angle of repose (º), Bulk Density, Carr’s Index and Hausner ratio. These matrix tablets are then subjected to in vitro drug release using USP dissolution apparatus. The amount of ascorbic acid released from the matrix is estimated by using UV spectrometer and this result is compared with marketed ascorbic acid tablets. Formulation containing 40 % matrix was found to be good as compared to other two formulations and shows better controlled release of drug, Ascorbic acid tablet, Aloe Vera powder, Water soluble drug, Controlled drug delivery, route of drug delivery is Oral ingestion due to ease of administration and least sterility constraints, pain free administration, tablets may be formulated to offer rapid drug release or controlled drug release, the latter reducing the number of daily doses required, Oral controlled release of drugs with constant release rate has always been a challenge to the pharmaceutical field. There is a high possibility of faster rate of drug release for water soluble drugs if not formulated properly and likely to produce the toxic concentrations, when administered orally, for oral control delivery system of highly water soluble drug using Aloe Vera powder as a carrier for matrix tablet, ascorbic acid is taken as a model drug for its high solubility, Aloe Vera powder was used as a matrix which is naturally occurring and is most frequently used as drug carrier in pharmaceutical studies. Different concentrations, 30 %, 40 %, 50 % of matrix tablets of Aloe Vera powder are made by wet granulation technique using starch paste as a binder. The amount of ascorbic acid released from the matrix is estimated by using UV spectrometer and this result is compared with marketed ascorbic acid tablets, Aloe Vera based matrix tablets were prepared by wet granulation method using starch paste as binder, Aloe Vera Powder has acceptable flow properties and was further used for tablet formulations, out of three formulations prepared 40 % matrix contained formulation was found to be good , shows controlled release of drug whereas marketed drug show high release rate at first hour and then release rate was decreasing slowly

Edible films and coatings: structures, active functions and trends in their use.

Authors Falguera, V., Quintero, J.P., Jiménez, A., Muñoz, J.A. and Ibarz, A.

Edible ?lms and coatings are thin layers of edible materials ap-plied on food products that play an important role on their conservation, distribution, and marketing. Some of their functions are to protect the product from mechanical damage, physical, chemical, and microbiological activities. Their use in food applications and especially highly perishable products such as horticultural ones, is based on some particular properties such as cost, availability, functional attributes, mechanical properties (?exibility, tension), optical properties (brightness and opacity), the barrier effect against gases ?ow, structural resistance to water and microorganisms and sensory acceptability, composition (polymers to be used in the structural matrix), including nanoparticles addition, and properties, An edible coating (EC) is a thin layer of edible material formed as a coating on a food product, while an edible ?lm(EF) is a preformed, thin layer, made of edible material, which once formed can be placed on or between food com-ponents, the main difference between these food systems is that the EC are applied in liquid form on the food, usually by immersing the product in a solution-generating substance formed by the structural matrix(carbohydrate, protein, lipid or multicomponent mixture),and EF are ?rst molded as solid sheets, which are then applied as a wrapping on the food product, The use of EC or EF in food applications and especially highly perishable products such as horticultural ones, is conditioned by the achievement of diverse characteristics-such as cost, availability, functional attributes, mechanical properties (?exibility, tension), optical properties (bright-ness and opacity), the barrier effect against gases ?ow, structural resistance to water and microorganisms and Author’s personal copy sensory acceptability. These characteristics are influenced by parameters such as the kind of material implemented as structural matrix (composition, molecular weight distribution), the conditions under which ?lms are preformed(type of solvent, pH, components concentration and temperature) and the type and concentration of additives (plasticizers, cross-linking agents, antimicrobials, antioxidants or emulsi?ers) , different compounds used in EF and EC are Carboxymethylcellulose, casein, casein derivates with beeswax and fatty acids , Locust bean gum, guar gum, ethyl cellulose ,Mesquite gum ,Gelatin with glycerol, sorbitol and sucrose ,Gelatin-casein cross-linked with transglutaminase ,Pectin , Cassava starch, Pre-gelatinized maize starch, Wheat gluten, Sodium alginate and pectin cross-linked with CaCl2 , HPMC with fatty acids, Beeswax ,Carnauba wax ,Chitosan, Chitosan-gelatin ,Maize starch-chitosan-glycerin , HPMC-tea tree essential oil ,Cashew gum ,Galactomannans, Galactomannans-collagen-glycerol, structural matrix: carbohydrates, proteins and lipids Edible coatings and ?lms are usually classi?ed according to their structural material. In this way, ?lms and coatings are based on proteins, lipids, polysaccharides, or composite. For example, a composite ?lm may consist of lipids and hydrocolloids combined to form a bilayer or cluster, In some recent studies the production of edible and biodegradable ?lms by combining various polysaccharides, proteins and lipids is considered with the aim of taking advantage of the properties of each compound and the synergy between them. The mechanical and barrier properties of these ?lms not only depend on the compounds used in the polymer matrix, but also on their compatibility , the optimization of edible ?lms composition is in one of the most important steps of the research in this ?eld, since they must be formulated according to the properties of the fruits and vegetables to which they have to be applied, thus, it is very important to characterize and test different coating solutions on fresh and minimally processed food, since each one of them has different quality attributes to be maintained and enhanced during the storage , hydrocolloids (proteins and polysaccharides) are the most widely investigated biopolymers in the ?eld of EC and EF, some of these are: carboxymethylcellulose, casein and its derivatives locust bean gum, guar gum, ethyl cellulose , mesquite gum , gelatin supplemented with glycerol sorbitol and sucrose as plasticizers , composite EF of gelatin casein cross-linked with transglutaminase , pectin, cassava starch with natural antimicrobial compounds , pre-gelatinized standard maize starch , wheat gluten and mixtures of sodium alginate and pectin, with the addition of CaCl2as a crosslinker material affecting mechanical properties, water solubility, moisture con-tent, ?lm thickness and its ability to contain calcium, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) has been used in combination with fatty acids to obtain composite ?lms with lower water vapor permeability (WVP) and less transparency in comparison with the same ?lm without lipids ,Polysaccharides and proteins are great materials for the formation of EC and EF, as they show excellent mechanical and structural properties, but they have a poor barrier capacity against moisture transfer. This problem is not found in lipids due to their hydrophobic properties, especially those with high melting points such as beeswax and carnauba wax, to overcome the poor mechanical strength of lipid com-pounds, they can be used in combination with hydrophilic materials by means of the formation of an emulsion or through lamination with an hydrocolloid ?lm lipid layer. The ef?ciency of an edible ?lm against moisture transfer cannot be simply improved with the addition of hydrophobic materials in the formulation, unless the formation of a homogeneous and continuous lipid layer inside the hydro-colloid matrix is achieved , In this way, it has been found that fatty acids can form stable layers in sodium caseinate or HPMC matrices, whose properties depend on their chain length: the lower the chain length, the greater the layers ,Emulsion-based ?lms are less ef?cient in controlling water transfer than bilayer ?lms, as a homogeneous distribution of lipids is not achieved. However, they exhibit good mechanical strength and require a simple process for their manufacture and application, whereas multilayer ?lms re-quire a complex set of operations that depend on the number of coatings. It has been proved, in emulsion-based ?lms, that the smaller the particle size or lipid globules and the more homogeneously distributed, the lower WVP, However, its permeability to water vapor can be similar to the values presented by the ?lms based on proteins or polysaccharides, among polysaccharides, bioactive compounds such as chitosan and its derivatives show a great number of applications focused on active coating systems, in view of the increasing concern about the production of poorly biodegradable plastic materials. Chitosan has a vast potential that can be applied in the food industry because of its particular physico-chemical properties such as biodegradability, biocompatibility with human tissues, null toxicity and especially its antimicrobial and antifungal properties , in addition to research based on its antimicrobial properties, some aspects such as mechanical and thermal properties and permeability to gases (O2,CO2) have been quantified, revealing that chitosan-gelatin ?lms plasticized with water and polyols suffer an increase in permeability as the amount of plasticizers in their formulation is increased

Physicochemical properties of bell pepper and kinetics of its color change influenced by Aloe vera and gum tragacanth coatings during storage at different temperatures.

Authors Mohebbi, M., Hasanpour, N., Ansarifar, E., & Amiryousefi, M. R.

Undesirable storage conditions lead to physicochemical changes in stored vegetables, which affect their consumer acceptability. Studies aimed at quantifying the extent of those changes under different storage conditions are valuable for minimizing the deleterious effect on product quality. The objective of this study was to assess the suitability of Aloe vera and gum tragacanth as edible coatings for bell pepper and to determine their in?uence on changes in physicochemical properties during storage at 4, 10, 15 and 23C for 30 days. Data on weight loss, shrinkage, hardness, and color were collected and subjected to statistical analysis. 4 and 10″C showed signi?cantly better physicochemical characteristics than other temperatures and compared with control, A. vera- and gum tragacanth-treated bell peppers were signi?cantly better. Higher temperatures resulted in more rapid changes. The ?rst-order kinetic models showed a good ?t to the changes of color parameters. Temperature sensitivity of the rate constants was adequately described by Arrhenius equation. Maintenance of the quality of fresh product is a major challenge for the food industry. Many techniques have been studied to extend the shelf life, but most of them are excessively expensive and have some drawbacks. In this study, edible coatings have been used to improve the bell pepper appearance and conservation. They can act as moisture and gas barriers, control microbial growth, preserve the color, texture, and moisture, and can effectively extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables. Evaluation of physicochemical changes of coated fruits and vegetables and study the kinetics of color changes in comparison with the control samples, are the least information for preserving them in industrial scales.

Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals as Dietary Intervention in Chronic Diseases; Novel Perspectives for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. Journal of Dietary

Author: Adefegha, A.S. 2018.

chronic diseases; disease prevention; functional foods; health promotion; nutraceuticals, promoting health and preventing diseases, primary role of providing the body with the required amount of essential nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fats, and oils needed for its healthy survival, interaction of functional food bioactive compounds including polyphenols (phenolic acids [hydroxybenzoic acids and hydroxycinnamic acids], flavonoids [flavonols, flavones, flavanols, flavanones, isoflavones, proanthocyanidins], stilbenes, and lignans), terpenoids, carotenoids, alkaloids, omega-3 and polyunsaturated fatty acids, among others with critical enzymes (?- amylase, ?- glucosidase, angiotensin-I converting enzyme [ACE], acetylcholinesterase [AChE], and arginase) linked to some degenerative diseases (type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases [hypertension], neurodegenerative diseases [Alzheimer’s disease] and erectile dysfunction). Different functional food bioactive compounds may synergistically/additively confer an overwhelming protection against these degenerative diseases by modulating/altering the activities of these critical enzymes of physiological importance.

Effect of oxygen tolerant probiotic strain, stabilizers and copper addition on the storage stability of Aloe vera supplemented synbiotic lassi ,

Author Ajay Kumar, Shaik Abdul Hussain , Writdhama Prasad, Ashish Kumar Singh , R.R.B.Singh

storage stability of Aloe vera, maintain higher immunity and health status, functional foods, nutraceuticals , Fermented products, improving the well-being, Health attributes, functional ingredients, supplementing with probiotics, Lactobacillus gasseri SBT2055, probiotics, antimicrobial, antimutagenic, anticarcinogenic and antihypertensive attributes, food matrix, probiotic bacteria, probiotic fermented beverages, oxidative potency, Intense sourness, long shelf-life probiotic fermented dairy products, aloe health promoting nutrients, functional cultured buttermilk, probiotic culture, herbal ingredients

Optimization of edible coating composition to retard strawberry fruit senescence,

Authors Clara R, Antonio A V, Jose A T, and Candida M

Research on edible coatings and films has been intense in recent years. Attempts to diminish crop losses and maintain the quality of fresh fruit for a longer period is a priority for all the producers. This is true both for fruit being directly sold to the consumer and for further processing. The development of coatings from polysaccharides has brought an increase in new types of coatings for extending the shelf-life of fruit and vegetables because of the selective permeabilities of these polymers to O2 and CO2. Polysaccharide based coatings can be used to modify the internal atmosphere of the fruit and thus retard senescence. Even though some edible coatings have been successfully applied to fresh products, other applications adversely affect quality. Modification of the internal atmosphere using edible coatings can increase disorders associated with high CO2 or low O2 concentrations. Therefore, it is only natural that the control of gas permeability of the films should be a priority in their development. The effectiveness of edible coatings for protection of fruit and vegetables depends primarily on controlling the wettability of the coating solutions, which affects the coating thickness of the film. Edible coating formulations must wet and spread uniformly on the fruit’s surface and, upon drying, a coating that has adequate adhesion, cohesion, and durability to function properly must be formed. Among other functionalities, edible coatings can act as carriers for food additives such as antioxidants and antimicrobial agents onto the surface of the food. The aim of this work was to study the ability of starch, carrageenan, and chitosan-based coatings to extend the shelf-life of strawberry fruit. This study was divided into two parts: in the first part coating composition was optimized and O2 permeability of coating solutions was determined; in the second, the coatings were applied to the strawberries, both in the laboratory and in the field, and the changes in the quality parameters were followed during storage of the coated fruit. The ability of polysaccharide-based (starch, carrageenan, and chitosan) coatings to extend the shelf-life of strawberry fruit (Fragaria ananassa) were studied, mainly for industrial applications. The coatings and strawberries were characterized in terms of their physical properties (superficial properties, wettability, oxygen permeability) to optimize coating composition. The optimized coatings were then applied to the fruit both in the laboratory and in the field and their effects on relevant quality parameters assessed. The superficial tension of the strawberry was 28.94 mN/m, and its polar and dispersive components were 5.95 and 22.99 mN/m, respectively. The critical superficial tension of the strawberry, obtained from a Zisman plot, was 18.84 mN/m. For each polysaccharide-based coating the best wettability was obtained for compositions: 2% starch and 2% sorbitol; 0.3% carrageenan, 0.75% glycerol and 0.02% Tween 80; 1% chitosan and 0.1% Tween 80. The oxygen permeability of carrageenan films was approximately 40% of that obtained with starch films. The addition of calcium to the starch film-forming solution produced an increase in the film thickness; nevertheless, no significant differences in oxygen permeability were obtained between films with and without calcium. The effects of application of these coatings to fresh strawberries were assessed by determining color change, firmness, weight loss, soluble solids, and microbiological growth over 6 days. No significant colour differences were found, and the minimum firmness loss was obtained in strawberries coated with carrageenan and calcium chloride. The minimum loss of mass was obtained for fruit with chitosan and carrageenan coatings both with calcium chloride. The addition of 1% di-hydrated calcium chloride to the coatings reduced the microbial growth rate on the fruit. The minimum rate of microbial growth was obtained for strawberries coated with chitosan and calcium chloride. The industrial application of calcium-enriched carrageenan coating on fresh strawberries resulted in a decrease in firmness loss when compared to non-coated fruit.

In vitro drug permeation enhancement potential of aloe gel materials.

Author T Lebitsa, A Viljoen, Z Lu, J Hamman – Current drug delivery, 2012

increase the bioavailability of vitamins, enhance the in vitro transport of a macromolecular drug across intestinal epithelial cell monolayers, transepithelial electrical resistance and permeability of atenolol across excised intestinal tissue, transport of FITC-dextran across Caco-2 cell monolayers, ability to statistically significantly reduce the transepithelial electrical resistance of excised intestinal tissue, act as drug absorption enhancing agents across intestinal epithelia

Hydration and plasticity following long-term use of a moisturizer: a single-blind study.

Author Jemec GB, Na R. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

Skin hydration, skin to soften the skin (2–4). Most moisturizers, water or plasticity, long-term moisturizer, a moisturizer to the volar surface, skin capacitance, distensibility, hysteresis and of the mechanical properties, elasticity, mechanical properties of skin; emollient cream, cosmeceuticals to improve skin function and appearance, moisturizer–skin effects, physical properties of human skin, moisturizing ingredients also increase the cap- spread use. However, the effects of long-term moisturizer capacitance of the skin, Moisturizer treatment of skin

Alginate and Aloe vera gel-based edible coating for the storage stability enhancement of fresh-cut MD2 pineapple.

Authors Yong, Y.Y., Noranizan Mohd Adzahan, Faridah Abas, Dae-Ok Kim.Kyung Hee Unive

Pineapple (Ananas comosus) regards as one of the major fruit crops. alongside papaya, pomelo, banana, watermelon, jackfruit, and mango. MD2 pineapple is currently the most popular choice for fresh consumption. the MD2 pineapple has a uniform bright gold colour, a sweeter taste, higher vitamin C content, lower fibre, and lower acidity. It is also smaller in size but has thinner skin compared to other pineapple cultivars. Besides, MD2 pineapple has a longer shelf life that enables it to better retain its quality over long-distance shipping. The demand for convenient ready-to-eat food raises the market for fresh-cut fruits. However, the quality and safety of these fresh-cut fruits are still an issue of concern as consumers demand fresh-cut fruits that are high in nutritional value with no chemical preservatives and extended shelf life. The destruction of surface cells during fruit peeling and cutting provides a larger cut surface for microbial growth compared to the whole fruit, resulting in a shorter shelf life. The wounding of fruit tissues during processing also promotes the loss of nutritional content and enhances metabolic activities in the fresh-cut fruit, which, in turn, lead to the degradation in flavour, texture, and colour of the fruit, and later enzymatic browning, a condition that leads to quality deterioration where the fresh-cut pineapple starts to brown and soften. Edible coatings are thin layers of edible materials that are considered to have great potential to improve the safety and quality of food, as they provide the food with a selective barrier that protects it against external environmental conditions such as moisture, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. The edible coating is widely used in fruit storage to prevent the fruit from undergoing physical and mechanical damage, microbial spoilage, and loss of quality during the postharvest period, thus increasing its shelf life. Alginate is one of the most used edible coatings, as it is easily prepared and is commonly available in the market. Previous studies have shown that alginate-based edible coatings are able to prevent loss of moisture and firmness, control the fruit’s respiratory rate, improve textural properties, and act as a carrier for bioactive components that improve the quality of fresh-cut fruit such as pineapple, apple, cantaloupe, and mango. Aloe vera is a tropical and subtropical plant that is widely known for its medicinal properties. Recently, Aloe vera gel gaining much interest as a potential functional ingredient in the edible coating due to its translucency, environmentally friendly and tasteless properties. Besides, Aloe vera gel is rich in antimicrobial and antifungal compounds that inhibit the growth of microorganisms to prevent foodborne disease and extend the shelf life of postharvest fruits. Furthermore, it consists of essential oil that is used to enhance the visual appearance of fruits. Aloe vera gel-based edible coating can also control maturation development, delay oxidation, and reduce microorganism proliferation in kiwifruit slices, plum and orange. However, most of these fruits are not fresh-cut and no specific data has been reported on the effect of alginate and Aloe vera gel-based edible coating on fresh-cut MD2 pineapple. Hence, this study was carried out to evaluate and compare the effect of alginate and Aloe vera gel-based edible coating on the storage quality (physicochemical and microbiological properties) of fresh-cut MD2 pineapple.

Effects of Aloe vera leaf powder and extract on immune response in broilers. Proc. 5th Iranian Congress on Animal Science, Isfahan, Iran, pp: 366–370.

Author Besharatian M., Arshami J., Valizade R., Tahmasebi A., Bahari Kashani R.

dietary supplementation of aloe vera extract (w/v) on growth performance of broiler, data on growth parameters (body weight gain, feed consumption, feed efficiency, water intake) and feed cost and gross return per broiler, best feed efficiency, Aloe vera (w/v) extract supplemented, broilers provided water containing 15 ml/L aloe vera aqueous extract. Water intake, feed intake and abdominal fat deposition of broilers given aloe extract in drinking water were not different among each other. So, 15 ml/L aloe vera aqueous extract may be given to the broilers drinking water, broiler is an efficient feed converter into poultry meat in only 35 days, giving a quick return of investment that would allow 5-6 production cycles in a year, Broilers clearly dominate the world poultry consumption contributing about 70 % to the world poultry market, use of drugs as feed additives in poultry ration resulted in resistant to pathogenic microorganism, affecting the feed efficiency and growth performance of poultry birds, scientists has been giving their attention on medicinal plants (like aloe vera, neem, mulberry leaves etc.) to achieve the targeted nutritional and health status of poultry. The consumption and demand for medicinal plants have been adopted in many countries because of low cost, easy availability, affordability for a common farmer, good antimicrobial natured, reduced diseases associated risks, lowering blood cholesterol level and diversified functions in improving performance, growth rate, feed efficiency and weight gain in birds, digestibility of the nutrients. Aloe vera (Aloe barbedensis) gel, Aloe vera, a medicinal plant, could be an effective substitute for its chemical nature and antimicrobial activities, reduce feeding cost and to efficiently utilize nutrients for higher economic return

Effect of laundering on herbal finish of cotton .


The study focused on the development of bacterial resistant cotton fabric using Aloe vera extract. Textiles are excellent substrate for bacterial growth and microbial proliferation under appropriate moisture, nutrients, and temperature conditions. In the ample of various finishes, importance is given to herbal antimicrobial finish since people take much care about health and hygiene. The herbal antimicrobial agent for textile material is an agent that destroys or inhibits the growth of micro-organism like bacteria, fungi, yeast, and algae. Natural fibers are more liable to bacterial attack than synthetic fibers due to their porous and hydrophilic nature. The structure of natural fibers retains water and oxygen along with nutrients, in that way offering optimal environment for microbial growth. On the other hand, direct contact with human body supplies warmth, humidity, and nutrients, i.e., provides a perfect environment and optimal conditions for bacterial growth. Micro-organism proliferation can cause malodors, stains, and damage of mechanical properties of the component fibers that could cause a product to be less effective in its intended use. Additionally, may promote skin contamination, inflammation in sensitive people. As a result, the number of bio-functional textiles with an antimicrobial activity has increased considerably over the last few years. Some of the herbal compounds obtained from plants are well known for their antibacterial and anti-fungal activity. These natural products are abundantly available in nature and are widely distributed. These plant products are non-irritant to skin and non-toxic. Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis, Miller) belongs to the family Liliaceae. The activity of Aloe vera inner gel against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria has been demonstrated by several different methods. Antibacterial and antifungal properties of Aloe vera can be exploited in applications for medical textiles such as bandages, sutures, bioactive textiles, etc. Different attempt have been made to impart antibacterial finishing on textile using Aloe vera extract, Aloe vera treated scoured cotton fabric showed very good percentage of bacterial reduction as compared to Aloe vera treated grey cotton fabric. It may be due to reason that enzymatic scouring removes the natural impurities and increase the absorption rate of antimicrobial agents, pre-treated cotton with hydrogen peroxide prior to Aloe vera and turmeric application shows better antimicrobial activity as compared to untreated cotton (without pre-treatment), as pre-treatment leads to increase in hydrophilic nature of the fibre surface and antimicrobial activity. enzymatic treatment removes the fatty bonded layer of wool fibre and promote the absorption rate, hence antimicrobial activity.

Effect of gelatin-based edible coatings incorporated with Aloe vera and black and green tea extracts on the shelf life of fresh-cut oranges

Authors Radi, E. Firouzi, H. Akhavan, S. Amiri,

In order to preserve freshness and to control spoilage and pathogenic bacteria growth, it is recommended to use edible coatings on fresh-cut fruit to extend their shelf life. For this purpose, natural polysaccharides, proteins, and antioxidants are used as raw materials for edible coatings and films. Edible coatings can also be used as carriers of antimicrobials, antioxidants, anti-browning, flavoring, and coloring agents that improve the nutritional, sensorial, and microbiological properties of fresh-cut fruit. A dip treatment of fresh-cut fruit in organic acids (such as citric acid and ascorbic acids) and calcium salts as an alternative to sulphites were used to prevent enzymatic browning after fruits peeling and/or cutting. Also, calcium treatments can maintain or improve the tissue firmness and crispness. In this regards, edible coatings containing Aloe vera and green tea extracts are well documented in the literature. Aloe vera gel and gelatin have been used as edible coatings in fruit storage technology . The barrier properties of Aloe gel coatings towards respiratory gases, as well as its antimicrobial functions in coated fruit and fresh-cut fruit are reported. Besides, gelatin coatings show good barrier characteristics against oxygen and aroma transfers at low and intermediate relative humidity. However, gelatin has poor barrier properties against water vapour transfer due to its hydrophilic nature. In recent years, the Aloe vera gel has been used as an edible coating for sweet cherries, mangoes, apples, papayas, fresh-cut kiwifruit, and fresh-cut orange. Besides, the effect of Aloe vera coating, containing anti-browning solution, on apples slices has been published in literature. Furthermore, tea (Camellia sinensis), is a good source of polyphenolic compounds, which have strong antioxidant properties. The high antioxidant capacity and overall antimicrobial activity of green tea have been attributed to catechins and their oxidized condensation products. Coating with gelatin incorporated with green tea extract successfully retarded the microbial growth and therefore extended the shelf life of fresh-cut orange during cold storage. Such properties made us use green tea as our coating alternative. The aim of the present study was to investigate the combined effects of edible coatings containing gelatin, calcium chloride, ascorbic acid, and citric acid as well as various concentrations of Aloe vera and green tea extracts on physicochemical and microbial characteristics of fresh-cut apples during storage.

Improving the Storage Quality of Eggplants (Solanum Aethiopicum L.) Fruit using Aloe Vera Gel Coating.

Authors Rosemond Godbless Dadzie, Robert Amoah, Jerry Ampofo, Bright Quaye

Excessive postharvest loss of fruits and vegetables is a major problem in many developing countries leading to heavy financial loss to farmers and threatening food security. Particularly, spoilage of fruit such as eggplants. Although low temperature storage could help preserve fruit quality, several tropical fruits have showed relatively short shelf life due to chilling injury. Exemplarily, eggplant fruit was reported to show noticeable loss in quality during storage at 10-12 “C after 14 days. It is, therefore, important to investigate techniques to improve further the quality of eggplant fruit during low temperature storage. Currently, the application of plant-based coatings such as vegetable waxes and gels to improve the quality of fruits during postharvest storage has generated a lot of scientific interest. Among several other types of coatings, the application of Aloe vera gel is of special interest because of it is relatively inexpensive and biodegradable as well as having antimicrobial and anti-browning properties. Application of Aloe vera gel in fruit coatings was reported to form an impermeable layer that limits the exchange of moisture and gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide between the fruit and the environment. This phenomenon resulted in a decrease in moisture loss and respiration, consequently, minimizing loss of fruit quality in terms of weight, firmness and colour. Aloe vera gel is reported to be tasteless, colorless, and odorless, presenting additional advantages of minimal impact on the sensorial properties of fruit. the application of aloe vera juice for improving the storage quality of eggplant fruit has not been investigated. This research was, therefore, aimed at investigating the potential of Aloe vera gel as possible coating agent to improve the postharvest storage of eggplant fruit. Aloe vera gel has been investigated as possible edible coating to help improve the storage life of fruits after harvest. The study sought to investigate the effect Aloe vera gel coating with or without citric acid pretreatment on the quality of eggplant fruits during low temperature storage and in shelf life. Briefly, eggplants were coated with Aloe vera gel (some fruits were pretreated with citrate prior to the coating) and the changes in physicochemical quality of the fruit measured during storage at 10 “C. After 14 days, however, some fruits were transferred for storage at room temperature until day 18. Coating with Aloe vera decreased moisture loss, and consequently, decreased weight loss and loss of firmness of the fruit. The coating did help maintain the phenolic content, ascorbate levels and antioxidant capacity of the fruit. Pre-treating the fruit with citrate did not improve quality, showing that Aloe vera gel can be applied alone to enhance the storage quality of eggplant fruit. Results obtained from this study shows that Aloe vera gel coating can be useful in extending the postharvest storage life and maintaining the quality of eggplant fruits during low temperature storage.

Immunomodulation in horses: principles and mechanism.

Author: Lunn, D. P. and Rush, B. R. (2004)

Acemannan is an extract of the aloe vera plant predominately used for treatment of fibro sarcomas in dogs and cats, vaccine adjuvant, and in addition, it has antiviral activity, efficacy for treatment of equine respiratory disease (IV) and sarcoids (intralesional), treatment are associated with side effects including syncope, tachycardia, tachypnea, and sweating, Equine clinicians frequently seek to increase normal immune responses as well as restore deficient and temper over-exuberant host immune responses

Ready-to-drink herbal beverage attracts younger generation. TETRA PAK


new concept product, with Tetra Pak to launch a new drink for on-the-go consumption, superfood, proven health benefits, aloe vera from powder to ready drink preparation, for production concept drink product is generally sold in powder format, there are some savings, minimum order from one kilo bags, in air freight door to door, by courier, no preservatives, excellent microbiology, cost of storages, use only quantity for your batch, remains of aloe powder can be used later, transform the powder into a ready drink and sell it in a convenient on-the-go carton package, interest of a new and younger generation in healthy drink products, currently world-leading bottling processing and packaging solutions company are sold to the healthy segment shells, hot filling, crystal bottle, PVC, HDPE , Tetra Pak even sachets RTD, shots drink, create a ready-to-drink fruit juice aloe beverage to be served cold, aloe is non odor, non-flavor, no color, works easy to mask from fruit natural juices or flavored beverages, aloe can be sold as functional, dietary supplement, or ready-to-drink category, aloe offers a convenient formulation for every demographic segments , makes the drinking experience comfortable, Also, any package ( crystal, PET, tetra-pak) are environmentally sound, being mostly made of paperboard from FSC™ certified forests and other controlled sources, Packages can be collected and recycled, aloe maintains their properties during transportation and storage, keeps all the nutrients, aloe is ideal for large scales production line, as well as a filling machine, consumer has become much more health conscious, looking for immunity-promoting products in a larger extent than before, supermarkets, convenience stores and online, offer good health in convenient, on-the-go aloe vera products for the young generation of consumers who need healthy, delicious drinks with benefits for boosting their immune system anytime, anywhere, health and herbal products manufacturer,

Effect of postharvest application of Aloe vera gel on shelf life, activities of anti-oxidative enzymes, and quality of “gola” guava fruit.

Authors Rehman, M. A., Asi, M. R., Hameed, A., and Bourquin, L. D.

Guava is an important climacteric fruit in terms of taste and aroma, which contains various vital nutrients such as minerals, carotenoids, ascorbic acid, and polyphenols. At ambient conditions, it exhibits a short shelf life, which makes it difficult for marketing and subsequent storage. Therefore, it is necessary to develop procedures to extend its shelf life and conserve quality. aloe vera (AV) gel coating was assessed for its potential to enhance the shelf life of guava fruits, AV gel-treated fruits showed reduced increments in total sugar, malondialdehyde, and total carotene contents compared to untreated controls. AV gel-treated fruits exhibited higher contents of ascorbic acid, flavonoids (quercetin and rutin), and total phenolics in comparison to control fruits. Moreover, AV gel-treated fruits displayed greater activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and ascorbate peroxidase, along with higher antioxidant capacity and higher levels of total soluble solids, than untreated fruits. These results demonstrate that AV gel coating, especially at high concentrations, can be considered an eco-friendly and non-chemical substitute treatment for maintaining the postharvest quality of guava fruit.

Quality characteristics, nutraceutical profile, and storage stability of aloe pulp-papaya functional beverage blend, 2014.

Author: Ramachandran, P., & Nagarajan, S. (2014).

Aloe vera gel, well known for its nutraceutical potential, is being explored as a functional ingredient in a wide array of health foods and drinks, exotic fruits and herbal botanicals into functional beverage is an emerging sector in food industry, develop a spiced functional RTS beverage blend using Aloe gel (AG) and papaya. Aloe gel (30%), papaya pulp (15%), spice extract (5%), and citric acid (0.1%) were mixed in given proportion to prepare the blend with TSS of 15 ?Brix, analysis for various physicochemical parameters, sugar profile, bioactive compounds, microbial quality, instrumental color, and sensory acceptability, nutraceutical rich Aloe vera Gel , develop functional fruit beverages with improved quality and shelf life, healthy beverages, particularly those that offer functional ingredients such as botanicals, minerals, and antioxidants, are increasing in demand, Fruit based functional beverages with refreshing flavors and tastes are being preferred over aerated drinks by the health-conscious consumers, value enhancement is feasible with addition of functional ingredients, nutraceuticals from botanical origin have a great scope to offer varied health benefits , preparation of functional fruit beverage, As the nutraceutical ingredient, Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) gel, herbal botanical therapeutic effects, is a valuable ingredient in foods, New products combining the Aloe gel juice with other health foods particularly antioxidant rich fruits such as berries, peaches extracts, blend with tropical fruits such as papaya, however, remains to be explored, spices used for preparing appetizer drinks , additional flavor in beverages, functional beverage with enhanced nutritional and nutraceutical value, Raw Material Characterization, Total soluble solids, acidity was found to increase, attributed to the decomposition of fermentable substrate, especially, carbohydrates in the fruits and added sugar, thereby increasing the acidity, nonenzymatic browning (NEB) , Maillard , Aloe gel enriched beverage, total polyphenols in the beverages, brix grade, flavonoid content, phenolic compounds, fresh sensory quality in Aloe gel enriched beverage

Polysaccharide-based composite coating formulations for shelf-life extension of fresh banana and mango.

Authors Eur. Kittur, F.S.; Saroja, N.; Tharanathan, R.N.

The effects of four different composite coating formulations based on polysaccharides on maintaining quality and an extended shelf-life of banana and mango at 27±2 “C were investigated and compared with commercial Waxol-coated and uncoated fruits. The formulations consisted of modified starch, cellulose, and chitosan, blended with a suitable lipid component and a wet-ting agent. Quality parameters measured included firmness, total soluble solids, and titratable acidity. Physio-logical parameters measured were CO2evolved and weight loss due to respiration and transpiration. The polysaccharide-based coatings displayed retarded colour development, lower acidity and greater firmness values compared to Waxol and control. CO2evolution and losing weight were also reduced significantly. The data were also subjected to PCA, to differentiate the characteristics of the five types of films. Chitosan-based coatings were much superior in prolonging the shelf-life and quality of banana and mango of time. The predominant methods used to preserve fresh fruits during handling and subsequent marketing include controlled atmosphere and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) techniques in conjunction with refrigerated storage. MAP reduces respiration due to the change in the concentration of O2and CO2in the fruit surroundings, and delays senescence. Though economical, MAPis more difficult to implement because of rather complicated interactions between the product and the packaging material. Also, polymeric films with a wide range of permeability characteristics are rather limited in number. Another limitation involved is environmental concern about using plastic materials. A recent approach has been the use of a coating that is edible and semipermeable to CO2and O2, edible coating mixture composed of sucrose fatty acid ester (SFE) and sodium carboxymethylcellulose (TAL-Prolong) would produce, after application, a semipermeable modified atmosphere within fresh fruits. SFEs have been tested extensively on banana; changes in the internal concentrations of CO2, O2and ethylene, and delay of ripening have been noted. Delayed ripening was also reported in pears and apples coated with Nutri-Save (N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan) reported increases in firmness and titratable acidity with reduced CO2production in straw-berries after treatment with chitosan. Encouraging results were also obtained when Nutri-Save was applied to tomato, pepper, squash, cauliflower, sprouts and broccoli, however, reported that neither Nu-tri-Save nor Semperfresh (an improved form of TAL-Prolong) was effective in extending the post-harvest shelf-life of bell pepper or long green pepper stored at 21 “C. reported that a post-harvest application of TAL-Prolong delayed ripening in banana; however, the colour and texture were inferior com-pared to the control. Such contrasting results were attributed to differences in maturity of the fruit and cultivar and permeability of the coatings per se. The objectives of this study were to optimize and evaluate edible coat

Skin permeation enhancement potential of Aloe vera and a proposed mechanism of action based upon size exclusion and pull effect. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 333, 10-16

Author: Cole L, Heard C (2007)

Aloe Vera, Skin Permeation, Penetration enhancer, Permeation enhancer, Aloe Vera itself permeates the skin, Enhancement effect attributable, molecular weight of the drug in formulation, enhancing factor within Aloe Vera, permeated skin, enhancing factor and be subject to the pull effect, South African Aloe Council, Preparation of human skin membranes, Membrane release and skin diffusion studies, Tape stripping, ketoprofen, permeated through the cellulose nitrate membranes from all the 240 aloe-containing solutions, Flux, percentage ketoprofen diffused and enhancement ratio (ER) by aloe leaf materials, skin permeation, permeation 293 enhancement occurs by a ‘pull effect’

Novel oral drug delivery gateways for biotechnology products: polypeptides and vaccines.

Author Brayden D J, O’Mahony D J.

drug delivery technology, injection, infusion or by subcutaneous implants, Oral delivery, intestinal site of absorption and the physico-chemical properties of the agent, these labile compounds can be successfully formulated for oral delivery using intestinal-protective-targeting- and epithelial-permeating approaches, drug delivery industry, novel oral formulations of agents, biotech products and delivery technology, controlled release oral forms, Drug reformulation (with or without specialized delivery devices), non-injectable routes of delivery, Peptide-based biotechnology products are subject to the same hostile environment encountered by all peptides in the gastrointestinal (GI)tract , factors (Box 2)are susceptibility to degradation by the acidic pH of the stomach, metabolism by luminal, brush border and cytosolic peptidases, and poor permeability across the intestinal epithelium because of size, charge and hydrophilicity, Physiological considerations, such as gastric transit time, dilution and interaction with intestinal debris, also influence peptide contact with the absorptive epithelium of the most appropriate-ate intestinal region, survival and delivery to the hepatic portal vein, first-pass metabolism as well as the entero-hepatic shunt, GI tract has evolved to break down dietary peptides and proteins into di-, tri- and quaternary amino acids, there is evidence to show that carefully designed peptide formulations, or even some natural soluble antigens, can be absorbed intact, albeit in low concentrations, addressing permeability issues, polar molecular surface area, permeability coefficients can be achieved in the chemical-design stages of synthesis, small or large changes in solubility or permeability of a particular molecule will make a significant difference to oral bioavailability, epithelial tight-junction opener, is approved as an excipient, effective absorption, transepithelial resistance was reduced and the flux of the paracellular marker, paracellular transport alone could not account for adequate and sustained absorption, chemical enhancers or surfactant-like agents, particulate formulation to receptor sites on the brush border of the intestine, Human cell culture monolayer models, small intestine , transcellular carrier-mediated transport, Caco-2 intestinal cell model, receptor expression patterns, intrinsic factor-dependent uptake, apical membrane receptor, capacity for transport across epithelia, proton-dependent dipeptide transporter

Antioxidant activity of true aloe (Aloe vera) extract in model systems.

Author: M. H??, K. Dziedzic, J. L. Thanh-Blicharz, D. Kmiecik, D. Górecka

Aloe contains numerous bioactive compounds, antioxidant in aloe, reactions of lipid oxygenation, raw materials rich in bioactive compounds showing health-promoting advantages, chemical composition, content of polyphenolic, aloe vera concentrate, gel, juice or powder, aloe leaf flesh juices, International Aloe Science Council (IASC) certification, anti-radical activity

Analysis of Phytochemical Constituents and Antimicrobial Activities. of Aloe vera L. Against Clinical Pathogens.

Author S.Arunkumar and M. Muthuselvam.

Aloe vera phyto chemical compounds and antimicrobial Activity, Tannin, Saponin, Flavonoids and Terpenoids gave positive results and phlobactanins and Steriods and Steriods gave negative results. In the GC-MS analysis, bioactive phytechemical compounds, antimicrobial activity selected human clinical pathogens, Antifungal activity of Aloe vera, Ayurvedic, medicinal active constituents

Acemannan, an Extracted Polysaccharide from Aloe vera: A Literature Review

Author: Gerardo Daniel Sierra-Garcíaa , Rocío Castro-Ríosc , Azucena González-Hortaa , Jorge Lara-Ariasb and Abelardo Chávez-Montes

Acemannan medicinal, properties like osteogenic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial, accelerate healing of lesions, antiviral , antitumor activities in vivo through activation of immune responses, immune-stimulating [9], anti-neoplasic [10] and wound-healing actions, Biochemistry of acemannan, Acemannan, a ?-(1, 4)-linked polydispersed, highly acetylated mannan, is found in the inner leaf gel of the aloe plant, where it is produced by a specialized cells called leucoplasts, As a polysaccharide, acemannan is composed of mannose, glucose and galactose monomers. The approximate monosaccharide composition of acemannan is 31 ?-(1, 4)-linked mannoses, 1 ?-(1, 4)-linked glucose, and 1 ?-(1, 6)-linked galactose, Acemannan is one of the polysaccharides that dramatically increase white blood cell, macrophage and T cell numbers, activation of macrophages, acemannan, in combination with interferon gamma, has an effect on the release of nitric oxide, interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-? by macrophages ,Release of these cytokines stimulates an increase of up to 300% in the replication of fibroblasts in tissue culture and enhances macrophage phagocytosis, hematoaugmenting properties by increasing peripheral and splenic blood cellularity in hematopoietic progenitors in mielosuppressed mice , and has been shown to upregulate function and generation of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes, immnunomodulatory activity also on dendritc cells by inducing maturation of these cells, recognition of terminal mannose by macrophages as a foreign substance due to it being common on the polysaccharides and oligosaccharides produced by microorganisms, acemannan allows the production of cytokines, interleukin-6, interferon gamma and tumor necrosis factor, the release of nitric oxide, which in turn is related to receptors for mannose monosaccharide, and candicidal activity by phagocytes. It is also known that increasing the antigen expression on the cell surface is a consequence of the release of gamma interferon, allowing increased expression of the molecules of the major histocompatibility complex; in this case it would carry the Class I viruses on the surface of the cell and would ensure their recognition by cytotoxic T cells to be eliminated. Another mechanism implicated by acemannan is inhibition of opsonization, the production of specific antibodies and the induction of delayed hypersensitivity; all these are responsible for the immunomodulatory effect of Aloe

Potential of Aloe vera gel coating for storage life extension and quality conservation of fruits and vegetables: an overview,

Authors M.U. Hasan, R. Riaz, A.U. Malik, A.S. Khan, R. Anwar, R.N.U. Rehman, S. Ali,

Postharvest losses of fruits are a serious problem because of rapid deterioration during handling, transport, and storage, Use of edible coatings over fruits is used to improve their quality and self-life, Aloe Vera gel as an edible coating material for fruits and vegetables driven by its antifungal activity, Aloe Vera gel based edible coating have been shown to prevent loss of moisture and firmness, control respiratory rate and maturation development, delay oxidative browning and reduce microorganism proliferation in fruits such as Oranges, grapes, sweet cherries, and Papaya, for example In case of Papaya, the Aloe vera coated fruits survived the storage period of 15 days at low temperature whereas all the uncoated controls decayed within 10 days, is better for coated fruits, Grapes, it was found that the storability could be extended up to 35 days at 1 “C. Oranges have also been used for study and it was found that Aloe Vera coating in oranges resulted in a decrease in weight loss, an increase in titrability of acids and higher TSS, use of postharvest chemical treatments leading to the enhancement of shelf life of fruits, post-harvest losses of fruits are serious problem because of rapid deterioration during handling, transport, and storage, the losses of quality are based on weight loss, color changes, accelerated softening and rachis browning, and high incidence of berry decay, which lead to a reduction of shelf life, edible Coatings for increasing the shelf life of fruits and vegetables (without refrigeration), Importance of Aloe Vera for edible coating, Aloe vera gel is used as an antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory gel, recently, the use of Aloe Vera gel as an edible coating has been reported to prolong the shelf life and delay senescence in sweet cherry and table grapes, Aloe Vera. gel-based edible coatings have been shown to prevent moisture loss and softening decrease, control respiration and senescence rate, delay oxidative browning and reduce microorganism proliferation in fruits such as sweet cherries, table grapes, nectarines and papaya, Siahe Mashhad sweet cherry fruit, Berry softening, berry drop, stem browning, and its desiccation, and also by fungal decay shorten Postharvest life of table grapes and thus reduce the market value, postharvest treatment of grape berries by salicylic acid and Aloe Vera gel and has potential for increasing storage life of table grapes and maintaining their quality, Fruit marketability, total phenolics content, vitamin C, catalase enzyme activity, decay index, weight loss were evaluated after 15 and 30 days. Treatment of fruit with 5 and 10?molL-1 nitric oxide and 33% Aloe vera gel significantly maintained fruit quality during 30 days of cold storage, in the case of Oranges, the following parameters were carried out during the course of storage: Total soluble solids, titratable acidity, weight loss, firmness, pH, vitamin C and sugar/ acid ratio. The final value for firmness for coated oranges was found to be 1781.25 + 118.30N, while that of uncoated oranges was 1531.25 + 185.53N. The pH was gradually increasing during the course of storage in the two treatments, whereas vitamin C was found to be decreasing in storage. The total soluble solid for coated oranges was 9.79+ 1.14% while that of uncoated oranges was found to be 9.34 + 0.06% at the end of storage. There was a linear decrease in titratable acidity during storage. It was found that the value obtained for coated oranges was higher than that of uncoated oranges which were obtained to be 1.14 + 0.07 at the end of storage. Converse to this was obtained for % weight losses in the two treatments. The weight loss for coated oranges was 29.20+ 0.55%, while that of uncoated oranges was 53.30+ 1.17% at the end of storage. A linear increase was observed in the sugar/acid ratio in the two treatments during storage with a higher value being recorded for uncoated oranges as 8.90 + 0.87, while a lower value was gotten for coated oranges as 7.43+ 0.34%. In the case of Papaya, the Aloe vera-coated fruits survived the storage period of 15 days at low temperatures whereas all the uncoated controls decayed within 10 days, freshly harvested papaya fruits were coated with Aloe gel/AG (50%), papaya leaf extract/PLE incorporated Aloe gel (1:1) and 2.5% chitosan. The coated and uncoated ed (control) fruits were stored at 30±3″C for 15 d. Physical (PLW, fruit size), chemical (pH, titratable acidity, and TSS), and sensory characteristics (color, taste & firmness); fruit disease index (FDI), and marketability were analyzed at regular intervals during the storage period. The coated fruits survived the storage period of 15 d, whereas, all the uncoated controls decayed within 10 d, coatings can be divided into proteins, lipids, and polysaccharides, alone or in combination. They act as barriers to moisture and oxygen during processing, handling, and storage and do not solely retard food deterioration but also enhance its safety due to their natural biocide activity or the incorporation of antimicrobial compounds. Edible coatings, apart from acting as a gas barrier, may serve to improve food safety by inhibition or delay of the growth of microorganisms, giving a further step to the concept of active packaging.

Integration of Cosmetics with Textiles: An emerging area of Functional Textiles – A review

Authors Kanjana Subramanian and Nalankilli Govindan}

Cosmeto textiles, has promising, fast emerging market for both the cosmetics industry and the textile industry. There are different types of Cosmetotextiles which are classified based on end use, ingredients used, and fabric used. A wide range of agents used in Cosmetotextiles are aromas and perfumes, slimming agents, moisturizing agents, anticellulite agents, sunlight absorption agents and antioxidants agents. Cosmetotextiles are fashioned by grafting, microencapsulation, coating technique, doping and by incorporating different substances for health or body care that are steadily transferred to the skin by movement, pressure, or the effect of the skin’s natural warmness. There are various synthetic and natural materials which are used in Cosmetotextiles such as fruit extract, like essential oils, plant extracts, flower extracts, and animal extracts as natural sources along with some synthetic substances including zinc oxide, iron oxide, ethane diol and zinc nano particles and many others. Textiles which provide cosmetic and life functions, such as energizing, slimming, body care, fitness, refreshing, vitalizing, pleasant feeling, skin glowing, anti-ageing, and health, are categorizes as cosmetotextiles. The wellness or health encouraging aspects of textile finishes have become a enjoyable functional matter in the 21st century. Wellness can be described as a pleasant state free from disease, a healthy balance between the human mind and body. Wellness has become a societal determination which symbolizes the wish for everlasting youth against getting old. The extracts of natural products and selected essential oils are added to textiles, which not only have healing and remedial properties but also keep the wearer fresh and energetic. Classification of Cosmeto Textiles, in terms of their control on the human body, cosmetotextiles can be categorized as cosmetotextiles for slimming, moisturizing, refreshing and relaxing, energizing, perfuming, vitalizing, UV protection, improving the firmness and elasticity of skin. Ingredients used in Cosmeto-Textiles, some of the synthetic and inorganic compounds are Zinc oxide, Zn particles, bireactive oxalic acid, Iron oxide, Titanium oxide, and Copper oxide & their benefits in this field are observed as protection against UV radiations, Antimicrobial activity in textiles, Animal Derivatives, Chitosan, Squalene and Sericin are some of the animal derivatives obtained from the exoskeleton of shrimps or Shark liver, crabs, Degumming liquor of silk cocoons and their benefits such as Antibacterial, wound healing, deodorant effect, nourishes and even out moisture level, kindles cell regeneration. Natural antioxidant, protect the skin against photo aging and from brown age spots moisturizing agent, anti-ageing, and anti- wrinkling effects. Plant Derivatives, Aloe vera, Padina Povonica, Flowers, Fruits, Oils are classified as Plant Derivatives and these are derived from Leaves of Aloe Vera plant, Brown algae, wheat germ oil, Innone (Violet), cedaroil (lilac), hydroxycitronellol (lily), alpha hexyleinnamaldehyde (jasmine), Citral (lemon scent), Allylcaproate (rosescent), Anillin (apple scent), Cinnamaldehyde (pineapple), Prenyl acetate (banana), Heliotrotil (cherry), Peppermint, Lavender, Thyme, Sage, Eucalyptus and Camomile oil respectively & their benefits such as Antibacterial, Antiviral, Antimycotic nature, Wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects, maintains elasticity and firmness of the skin, Antioxidant and moisture binding capacity, Aroma for relaxation and refreshment to the wearer Deodorant effect on textiles provides stimulant and relaxation to the wearer, and other wellness effect. Developing Cosmetotextiles using the Microencapsulation Method, Various cosmetic constituents are prone to heat or prone to oxidation, whereas deodorants are volatile. These are the major driving forces to adopt microencapsulation as the chief technique to build up cosmetotextiles. Microencapsulation can prolong the shelf life of various volatile and nonvolatile cosmetic ingredients by delaying oxidation and evaporation, respectively. Cosmeto Fibres, One of the producing process of a cosmetotextile is based on fictionalization of fibers by fixing microcapsules in their structure: NOVOREL nylon microfiber (patented in 2006 by Nurel), incorporates the microcapsules into the polymer of their nylon yarn, before extrusion; – TENCEL C, from Lenzing, have microcapsules of chitosan, – NILIT BREEZE – a new fibre from Nilit, that from side to side a amalgamation of a flat cross-section structure, a unique polymer with inorganic micron particles, and a special texturizing process, make sure the lower of body temperature, EMANA, a bioactive yarn from Rhodia, is created by the mixture of polyamide 6.6 and a polymer with added bioactive crystals of bio ceramic. These crystals are built into the DNA of the fibre itself. The fibers reflect the far infrared rays released by the body back into the skin, helping to normalize the body’s temperature, reducing the accumulation of lactic acid, and humanizing skin tone. Cosmeto fabrics and products, One more method to produce cosmetotextiles is the functionalization of fabrics, so of products made by these fabrics. In this scheme, microcapsules are fixed on the exterior surface of the fabric, ensuing in revolutionary “fabrics’ treatments” for beauty, healthcare, and comfort Euro jersey (an Italian warp knitter) created Sensitive Ultra-Light Firming fabric, which comprises ‘firming lively constituents’ that pick up the elasticity and brilliance of the skin. Sensitive Fabric Body ware, that offers a treatments program for most favorable hygiene and better management of perspiration. To keep the wearer feeling unsullied and fresh all day long increasing comfort in all environments, the fabric includes a silver-based solution that inhibits the growth of odor-causing bacteria helping your clothes to stay fresher, more at ease and in better state for much longer. Furthermore, due to a novel polymer applied on this fabric, it alters properties in reply to body’s temperature, at low temperature it arrests moisture, keeping the body drier and warmer, as temperature increases, and it cools the body. Methods of Application over Textiles, there are essentially different ways of applying cosmetic effects on textiles, Microencapsulation, coating, dope insertion. “Microencapsulation is a micro packaging technique that involves the production of microcapsules which act as barrier walls of solids or liquids”. These capsules are produced by deposition of a thin polymer coating on dispersions of solids in liquids. The core ingredients in these capsules gradually transfer to the skin by the movement, pressure, skin natural warmth and the enzymes thus these cosmetic textiles nurture and renew the skin when worn next to skin, various discovered and unexplored natural materials may find marketable importance via cosmetotextiles.

Aloe vera (L.) Webb.: Natural Sources of Antioxidants – A Review

Author Marzanna H??, Krzysztof Dziedzic, Danuta Górecka, Anna J?drusek-Goli?ska & El?bieta Gujska

Aloe vera have an anti-inflammatory effect and support lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, helping to maintain normal sugar and cholesterol levels in blood and normal body weight, it accelerates the regeneration of the damaged skin, Aloe contains antioxidants, bioactive components and the health-promoting effects of A. vera, Antioxidants are substances that prevent oxidation of other compounds, Food phenolics render antioxidant activity mainly due to their role as reducing agents, hydrogen donors, and singlet oxygen quenchers, ability to scavenge free radicals, including hydroxyl, peroxyl, and superoxide radicals and can form complexes with catalytic metal ions rendering them inactive, flavonoids can inhibit lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase enzymes, responsible for development of oxidative rancidity in foods, Aloe contains a large amount of bioactive compounds, such as flavonoids, terpenoids, lectins , fatty acids, anthraquinones , mono- and polysaccharides (pectins, hemicelluloses, glucomannan), tannins, sterols (campesterol, ?-sitosterol), enzymes, salicylic acid, minerals (calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and zinc) and vitamins (A, C, E, ?-carotene, B1, B2, B3, B6, choline, B12, folic acid), Glycoproteins are natural polymers that combine proteins, carbohydrates and 16 amino acids, Lectins (aloctin A and B) are a group of glycoproteins, which is characteristic of aloe, activation of cell blastic transformation, where the cell transformation from phase G0 (resting phase) to phase G1 (interphase) or synthesis is induced. Mitotic divisions are stimulated in consecutive processes

Aloe vera species has biological effect Anticancer Potential of Aloes: Antioxidant, Antiproliferative,and Immunostimulatory Attributes

Authors Eli Harlev1,Eviatar Nevo1,Ephraim P.Lansky1,Rivka Ofir2,Anupam Bishaye e3

Aloe?s pharmaceutical potential, against neoplastic disease, anticancer biological mechanism of acemannan, pluripotent effector cells, aloe induce macrophage activating activity, immunobiology, Aloe polysaccharide, combined with chemotherapeutic agents, such as cisplatin (DDP) and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), enhances the therapeutic effect and reduces adverse side effects, tablet, powder, capsule, granule, suspension, syrup, oral liquid, emulsion, nanoparticle, liposome, ointment, patch, and injection, stimulatory activity of PAC?I (acemannan polysaccharide) on murine peritoneal macrophages

metabolic syndrome .-Aloe vera as an herbal medicine in the treatment of metabolic syndrome: A review.

Author hakib, Z.; Shahraki, N.; Razavi, B.M.; Hosseinzadeh, H. S

Metabolic syndrome, risk factors, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and obesity, type II diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular problems, health concerns , sedentary lifestyle, high levels of subjective stress, and unhealthy diets, health care approaches, aloe barbadensis Miller, aloe gel beneficial properties, dyslipidemia

Antibacterial Properties of Aloe Vera Gel-Finished Cotton Fabric.

Authors S Wazed Ali, Roli Purwar*, M Joshi, S Rajendran

Increased global competition in developing advanced textile based medical products has created many challenges for textile researchers and industrialists. The rapid growth in medical and wellness textiles has evolved many opportunities for the application of innovative functional finishes. Antimicrobial 29 finished textiles with improved functionality find a variety of applications such as infection control, other health and hygiene applications In the last few decades, research has been carried out in developing novel technologies to produce enhanced antimicrobial activity on textiles by using different synthetic antimicrobial agents such as triclosan, metal and their salts, organometallics, phenols and quaternary ammonium compounds (Windler et al. 2013). Although the synthetic antimicrobial agents are very effective against a range of microbes and provide a durable effect on textiles, they are a cause of concern due to the associated side effects and ecological problems such as water pollution. Hence, there is a need and demand for antimicrobial textiles based on eco-friendly agents which not only help to reduce the ill effects associated due to microbial growth on textile materials but also comply with the statutory requirements imposed by the regulating agencies. There is a vast resource of natural products with active antimicrobial ingredients amongst which the plant-based products cover a major range. Healing power of some of the plant materials has been well-known and used since ancient times worldwide. Although there are many natural products rich in antimicrobial agents, only chitosan and natural dyes have been widely used as potential antimicrobial agents for textile application. A systematic study on integrating neem seed and bark extracts to cotton and cotton/polyester blend has been reported. The major challenges in the application of natural products for textile application are most of these plant materials are complex mixtures of several compounds and also the composition varies in different species of the same plant. The durability, shelf life and antimicrobial efficiency of natural products are other issues of concern. To address these issues further research should be carried out in bioactive textiles made from natural products, to make it a viable alternative to synthetic product based antimicrobial textiles. Aloe barbadensis Miller is mostly used because of its excellent medicinal properties. In a study it was found that the Aloe leaf contains over 75 nutrients and 200 active compounds, including 20 minerals, 18 amino acids and 12 vitamins. The main components of these constituents are glycoprotein, barbaloin, aloe-emodin, emodin, mannose-6-phosphate, polysaccharides, acemannan, aloesin, etc. The active ingredients of Aloe vera gel have wide range of activities such as moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral agent, antiodor, etc. They also possess UV protective, antiprotozoal and wound healing properties. Wound healing property of Aloe vera has been extensively studied. Glycoprotein and mannose-6-phosphate present in Aloe vera have good wound healing property. Polysaccharides and barbaloin in Aloe gel are mainly responsible for their antimicrobial activity. The antifungal and antibacterial properties of Aloe vera can be exploited for medical textile applications, such as wound dressing, suture and other bioactive textiles. The combined activities of Aloe vera, chitosan and curcumin on cotton, wool and rabbit hair with their different concentrations by exhaust method have been studied In the present work an attempt has been made 79 to finish the cotton textiles with Aloe vera gel along with BTCA cross-linking agent. The finished fabric was characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) to understand the mechanism of attachment of Aloe vera gel with cotton substrate in presence of BTCA cross-linking agent. The antibacterial property of Aloe vera gel finished fabric was evaluated against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The mechanism of destruction of both Gram-positive and Gram negative bacteria by Aloe vera gel has also been established. Finishing treatment, Pad-dry-cure method, Wash fastness, Antibacterial activity of Aloe vera treated fabric, Aloe vera treated fabrics was quantitatively evaluated by shake flask method, Performance Properties of Finished Fabrics, tensile, testing of fabric, carboxylic acid (BTCA) chemically reacts with the functional group of cotton and formed an ester linkage, treated cotton fabric with BTCA in presence of sodium dihydrogen phosphate(I) monohydrate as catalyst. FTIR spectra of treated fabric showed band at the wavelength 1725 cm–1 which represents the ester carbonyl group confirms the covalent bond between the cellulose and BTCA. The intensity of this band is a measure of total quantity of ester group created in the finished cotton fabrics, Aloe vera treated fabric showed a little shift of ester peak from 1731.54 177 cm-1 to 1724.35 cm-1 and also the intensity of this peak is lowered as compared to that of only BTCA treated fabric . This indicates a decrease in the average number of ester groups formed in presence of Aloe vera. The lower intensity peak of Aloe vera with cross linking agent treated cotton is due to the interaction of Aloe vera active compounds with some of the hydroxyl (-OH) groups of the cotton and also interaction with the free –COOH groups of carboxylic acid molecules which are supposed to form ester linkage with cotton in absence of Aloe vera compounds. Hence, the extent of degree of direct chemical cross linking between cotton and carboxylic acids via ester linkage is effectively less in Aloe vera treated samples as some of the –OH groups of cotton are actively occupied by some of the – OH groups of Aloe vera ingredients. Thus active ingredients of Aloe vera containing –OH groups in their chemical structure can easily form H-bonding with the either –OH groups of cellulose backbone or chemically react with the carboxylic acid during curing process. In some cases the carboxylic acid may act as a bridge between the active ingredients of Aloe vera and cotton molecules. Similar results obtained when cotton fabric was finished with neem active ingredients along with glyoxa/glycol cross-linking agent, Aloe vera treated fabric showed tremendous reduction in bacterial adhesion. The active ingredients of Aloe vera gel act as an effective bactericidal agent on to the fabric and inhibits the growth of both Staphylococcus aureus (Gram-positive) and Escherichia coli (Gram-negative) bacteria. With increase in concentration of Aloe vera (up to 7%) the bacterial reduction increased up to 99%. This may be due to the enhanced weight addon% of the aloe active ingredients on the fabric with increasing Aloe vera concentration. It was also observed that only BTCA treated fabric showed bacteria retention of around 70%. The durability of the antibacterial activity of the Aloe vera treated cross-linked fabric was evaluated after repeated washing. It was found that the antibacterial activity retains more than 70% up to 5 machine washes and more than 50% even after 8 machine washes although there is a sharp reduction in antibacterial activity. As active ingredients of Aloe vera gel also contain –OH groups like cellulosic molecules, and also forms same types of bonds among BTCA and cotton structure, they are going to lose during washing. Thus antibacterial activity is going down due to removal of active ingredients along with the removal of BTCA. This also confirms that the active ingredients of Aloe vera gel are chemically / physically linked with the BTCA.

Evaluation of Fermented Extracts of Aloe vera Processing Byproducts as Potential Functional Ingredients ,

Author Seong-Hun Lee, Chang-Ho Eun, Yong-Seong Kwon , Jin-Hong Baek , In-Jung Kim

Functional Ingredients, Fermented Extracts of Aloe vera, adipocyte differentiation inhibition; aloe byproduct; antioxidant; fermentation; hyaluronic acid; tyrosinase inhibition, aloe beverage manufacturing process, aloe processing byproducts (BF and PF), tyrosinase inhibition, radical scavenging, superoxide dismutase, biological potential for applications in the manufacturing of cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and beverages, butyrate fermented by endophytic microbiota in Aloe vera gel, e aloe beverage manufacturing process, fermentation products of processing byproducts, functional biological materials for cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and beverage manufacturing,

Preparation of Novel Chitosan-Starch Blends as Thickening Agent and Their Application in Textile Printing

Authors Abdou, E.S., El-Hennawi, H.M. and Ahmed, K.A.

Improving the environmental impact and unifying processes because of using one class of dyes in coloring fabrics made of blends of chemical and natural fibers is one of the main trends in the evolution of textile dyeing and printing technology. Recently, there has been a revival of interest in natural dyes throughout the world as some synthetic dyes are being banned due to their toxic, carcinogenic, and polluting nature. Most natural dyes need the use of chemicals, called mordant, to help promoting dye absorption and fixing and prevent bleeding and fading of the colors. Mordants form chemical bonds between the dye molecules and the proteins of the fabrics (wool is generally the best fabric colored with natural dyes). Natural dyes are used for food coloring, painting, and textile dyeing. They have shown a greater interest in textile dyeing because they are more ecofriendly than synthetic dyes. Curcumin (1,7-bis (4-hydroxy-3-methoxy phenyl)-1,6heptadione-3,5-dione) is a yellow pigment present in rhizome of Curcuma longa which is widely used in food industry. Treatment of textiles with chitosan which is considered as multifunctional finish not only contributes to its antimicrobial properties but also results in enhancement of color strength thus generating much interest towards chitosan. It is also used as an auxiliary in printing of textiles. It has been reported that the printed samples have comparable color fastness to that of commercial printed samples, but chitosan film on fabric surface is not desirable since it causes the problem of fabric sti?ness (poor handling). Blending of starch with chitosan results in formation of edible coating with a good film forming and mechanical properties; starch must be gelatinized first before blending with chitosan. Hence the aim of the present study is to investigate the combined e?ect of chitosan and gelatinized starch as thickening agent in screen printing technique using natural dye and to explore its antimicrobial properties.

Gut microbiome and health: mechanistic insights

Author Willem M de Vos , Herbert Tilg , Matthias Van Hul ,Patrice D Can

regulator of host health, body sites are colonized by microbes suggesting different types of crosstalk with our organs, microorganisms, development of molecular tools and techniques , gut microbiota deviations, immunity, energy, lipid and glucose metabolism , gut bacteria ,molecular actors , specific receptors, novel therapies, oral and saliva microbiomes, metabolic syndrome or autoimmune disease, response to glucose, intestinal and extraintestinal disorders, metabolite disturbances, inflammatory disorders of the intestine, functional disorder of the GI, oral microbiome, Western world, receptors on host cells, molecular mechanisms, digestion and absorption of simple carbohydrates, colon, SCFAs molecules , modulation of energy homeostasis, glucose/lipid metabolism, inflammation and even immunity

Skin permeation enhancement effects of the gel and whole leaf materials of Aloe vera, Aloe marlothii and Aloe ferox.

Author: Fox, L.; Gerber, M.; Du Preez, J.L.; Du Plessis, J.; Hamman, J.H.

in-vitro permeation enhancement effects of the gel and whole-leaf materials of Aloe vera using ketoprofen as a marker compound, transdermal route of drug administration offers many advantages, such as avoiding first-pass metabolism, needing less frequent dosing regimens as they produce release for long periods of time, availability of a relatively large surface area for absorption and increased patient acceptability because of its non-invasiveness, however, the outermost layer of the skin, the stratum corneum (SC), offers a formidable physical barrier to molecular transport, this layer is very specific with regards to the type of molecule that can be transported across the skin and therefore only molecules with certain physicochemical properties can readily cross the skin, this limits the range of potential drugs that can be administered trans dermally, which emphasizes the need for formulations to incorporate penetration enhancers to assist in the effective delivery of a larger variety of drugs across the skin, Penetration enhancers can be used to enhance the penetration rate of drugs across the skin by means of two possible mechanisms of action, firstly, the penetration enhancer can work by altering the solubility properties of the skin, thereby increasing the solubility of the drug within the SC; secondly, the enhancer disrupts the ordered nature of the skin lipids, which consequently influences diffusion across the SC, the use of natural products as effective and safe drug permeation enhancers is receiving considerable attention.[8] One such a natural product, Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) juice, has shown potential to enhance the permeation of certain drug molecules through porcine ear skin membranes, mucilaginous gel of the aloe, consisting mainly of polysaccharides, holds the secret to some of the medicinal properties and biological effects of this family of plants, which was confirmed for drug absorption enhancement across intestinal epithelial cells, Membrane release studies were performed before the skin diffusion studies to determine what concentration (3.00%, 1.50% or 0.75% (w/v)) of aloe leaf materials should be used for the ketoprofen skin diffusion studies. Non-linear curve fitting was used to calculate ? and ? values as well as permeation coefficient (kp) values to give an indication of the mechanism of ketoprofen permeation enhancement across the skin by the aloe leaf materials, in-vitro skin permeation enhancement potential of Aloe Vera Gel juice was investigated by employing porcine ear skin membranes and saturated solutions of various model drugs (i.e. ‘within-vehicle’) with different molecular weights and lipophilicities (i.e. caffeine, colchicine, mefenamic acid, oxybutynin and quinine). No link was found between the lipophilicity of the drug and the permeation enhancement effect of the Aloe Vera Gel juice; however, it had a higher skin permeation enhancement effect on drugs with a higher molecular weight, mechanism was proposed whereby the smaller molecules were less efficient at blocking Aloe Vera Gel constituents from the permeation pathways, leading to a reduced opportunity for the drug to interact with the enhancing factor, which was ‘lost’ from the solution because of its permeation. In contrast, a drug with a larger molecular weight effectively blocked the permeation routes, allowing increased possibility for the drug to interact with the enhancing factor and complex with it before being transported across the skin, that is, permeation enhancement occurs by a ‘pull effect’, skin penetration enhancement of drugs by the ‘pull’ effect, whereby the permeation of the enhancer facilitates the permeation of the solute via a solvation or complexation interaction, study clearly showed a significant permeation-enhancing effect by Aloe Vera Gel gel when ketoprofen was incorporated into the solution (i.e. ‘within vehicle’), Therefore, it can be hypothesized that ketoprofen had the opportunity to interact with the aloe phytochemicals (i.e. enhancing factor) in the aloe-containing solutions to facilitate its transport across the skin.

Efficacy of combined topical therapy with an anti-allergic shampoo and lotion for the control of signs associated with atopic dermatitis in dogs. Vet Dermatol 15 (Suppl 1): 33.

Author: Rème CA, Mondon A, Calmon JP et al (2004)

cutaneous Microsporum canis, guinea pigs, lufenuron diminished or even cured dermatophyte infections in cats and dogs, animal model for dermatomycotic infection, treatment, skin lesions as compared to the vehicle-only treated animals, Clinical symptoms, scaling, crust formation, erythema, and exudation, antimycotic activity, antifungal potency

Modulation of P-glycoprotein-mediated drug transport in Caco-2 cells by Aloe vera phytotherapeutic products: A methodology to evaluate drug-herb interactions in clinical practice.

Author: Marios Spanakis, Ioannis Vizirianakis, Ioannis Niopas

modulation of P-glycoprotein function by Aloe vera juice in Caco-2 cells, Aloe vera exhibited the capability to inhibit P-gp thus raising the possibility of the emergence of adverse drug reactions (ADRs), P-glycoprotein (P-gp), an ABC-transporter encoded by ABCB1 gene in humans localized in small intestine, is responsible for the active efflux of several xenobiotics including a wide number of drugs influencing their bioavailability, P-gp function is modulated via inhibition or induction which is causally related to several cases of clinically relevant drug-drug, drug-herb and/or drug-food interactions, Caco-2 cells are expressing P-gp protein and represent a well-documented in vitro model for permeability studies, the capacity of commercially available Aloe vera juice (AV) to modulate permeability of the P-gp substrate, Rhodamine-123, (Rho-123) in Caco-2 cells, Rhodamine-123 is been transported from the intracellular, environment exclusively through the efflux function of P-gp, the presence of Aloe vera extracts on Caco-2 cells lead to reduction of both the permeability and the cumulative transport of Rho-123 from basolateral to apical side with a dose dependent manner, Aloe vera extract in concentrations of 0.05 mg/ml and 0.1 mg/ml reduced TEER values of the Caco-2 membrane in a range up to 40% of the initial value upon exposure of cells for 120 min and/or 180min, Besides the decrease of the TEER values, paracellular transport of Rho-123 did not seem to occur (Figures 4 and since TEER values remained over 400?/cm2 during transepithelial experiments, the results presented reveal a capability of Aloe vera extracts to modulate P-gp function in a dose dependent manner by influencing the extend of transport of Rhodamine123 through Caco-2 cell monolayer cultures, further work is needed in order to more thoroughly delineate the effects of Aloe vera on P-gp function and evaluate the clinical relevance of possible interactions with drugs.

Transmucosal Absorption Enhancers in the Drug Delivery Field,

Author: Sam Maher, Luca Casettari ,and Lisbeth Illum

Drug delivery systems that safely and consistently improve transport of poorly absorbed compounds across epithelial barriers are highly sought within the drug delivery field. The use of chemical permeation enhancers is one of the simplest and widely tested approaches to improve transmucosal permeability via oral, nasal, buccal, ocular and pulmonary routes, absorption modifying excipients; nasal delivery; ocular delivery; oral delivery; permeation enhancers; transmucosal permeation; vaginal delivery, natural extracts from Aloe vera interact with intestinal epithelial cells. The study found whole leaf and gel extracts of Aloe vera contain considerable quantities of the acidifiers, citric acid and malic acid, which have previously demonstrated enhancement action, Extracts caused a partial reduction in TEER and a two- to three- fold increase in permeation of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) dextran 4 kDa (FD4) in Caco-2 monolayers. Confocal analysis of monolayers showed that FD4 was localized at the paracellular space, and that there was disruption of filamentous actin, a scaffolding protein that holds tight junctions in place, Ocular drug delivery can broadly be considered in terms of topical, peri-ocular, or intra-ocular administration. The most common route of administration is topical delivery where medicaments are directly applied to the cornea, sclera and conjunctiva for local or regional actions. Delivery to peri-ocular or intra-ocular targets via either the cornea or blood retinal barrier is difficult even for highly permeable actives. The cornea is a widely accessible epithelial surface, although drug transport across this barrier is arguably more challenging than via other epithelia, Nasal administration is among the most successful approaches for the systemic delivery of macromolecules. A number of small peptides are marketed in intranasal formulations, application of bioenhancers in buccal, nasal, oral and pulmonary routes of administration, and provides information on source, model of action, test delivery model and payloads, oral and nasal routes, and to a lesser extent via pulmonary, buccal, ocular and vaginal routes

Supplementation of Aloe Vera Extract in Lactating Goats Diet: Effects on Rumen Fermentation Efficiency, Nutrient Utilization, Lactation Performance and Antioxidant Status.

Author: Praveen Sivakumara Banakar, Sachin Kumar, V V Vinay, Sonam Dixit, Nitin Tyagi, Amrish Tyagi

effects of supplementing aloe vera extract on rumen fermentation efficiency, nutrient utilization, lactation performance and antioxidant status of goats, feed aqueous extract of aloe vera at 20 and 40 g/kg dry matter intake, respectively, along with basal diet and experiment lasted for 100 days, milk production, yield of milk fat, protein, lactose and solids not fat (SNF) of goats in the Aloe vera group was significantly higher, activity of superoxide dismutase and catalase and levels of plasma ferric reducing total antioxidant power were high (P < 0.01) in the aloe vera supplemented group, aloe vera supplementation enhanced milk yield, propionic acid production, and antioxidant status without affecting nutrient utilization, inclusion of aloe vera at 40 g/kg of Dry Matter Intake would improve the rumen fermentation efficiency, lactation performance and overall health status of the dairy goats, parturition and lactation period; consequently, compromising their immunity, paradigm shift has driven animal nutritionists to look for safe and natural feed additives to conventional antimicrobials for sustainable animal production, feed additives, livestock industry, natural phytogenic feed additive (PFA), leaves no residue in the animal products, Plant-derived products or the plant secondary metabolites (PSMs) viz essential oils, saponins, condensed tannins, flavonoids, and phenolic compounds, forms the major constituents of PFAs, higher propionate production, increases microbial yield, reduces methanogenesis and enhances productive performance in ruminants, Aloe vera (AV) is one such source of PSMs that comprises the potential properties of natural phytogenic feed additive, Aloe vera is used in ethnoveterinary medicine and has a positive impact on animal health and welfare, potential of Aloe Vera to modulate the animals' rumen fermentation and health status, milk production, yield of milk fat, protein, lactose and solids not fat (SNF) of goats in the aloe vera group was significantly higher, Intake and digestibility of DM, OM, CP, NDF, ADF, and EE was unaffected (P >0.05) by aloe vera supplementation, aloe vera supplementation enhanced milk yield, propionic acid production, and antioxidant status without affecting nutrient utilization; however, results were better in the Aloe vera group, inclusion of aloe vera at 40 g/kg of DMI would improve the rumen fermentation efficiency, lactation performance and overall health status of the dairy goats.

Probiotics and Probiotic-Derived Functional Factors—Mechanistic Insights Into Applications for Intestinal Homeostasis

Author Fang Yan and D. Brent Polk

correlation of dysbiosis with diseases, chronic intestinal conditions, inflammatory bowel disease , promote intestinal health , intestinal homeostasis, mechanisms of probiotic action, probiotics and probiotic-derived functional factors, metabolites by probiotics,  human gastrointestinal tract, nutrient-rich and metabolically favorable environment for the microbiota, functional maturation of the gastrointestinal tract, induction of immunotolerance, neurodevelopment and homeostasis of intestinal epithelial cells, and functions of the immune and nervous systems in adulthood , physiological responses, gut–brain axis,  gut reduced anxiety-like behavior, probiotic supplementation

Functional Applications of Aloe vera on Textiles: A Review

Aloe vera are extensively used to prepare the di?erent types of textile composite which are involved in the ?eld of wound healing, tissue engineering, medical textile, health care textiles, curative garments, cosmetotextiles, UV protective textiles, wearable electronic textiles and so on. Aloe vera is used in pre-treatment and printing due to its succulent enzymatic and gummy characteristics. Aloe gel also contains a salty substance that allows its use in natural, eco-friendly dyeing. application of Aloe vera to textiles for therapeutic purposes, for an anti-bacterial and for UV protection, in wet processing and manufacture of cosmetics, as well as in high technology industries. We also consider the use of Aloe vera in textiles for the capture of free radicals. Anti?microbial Efficacy of Aloe vera in Textile Manufacture, Anti-microbial textile materials play a vital and crucial role, not only in the health care and medical sectors but also in hotel administration, in homes and in other environments where hygiene is required. Pathogenic and non-pathogenic microbes are always present in our environment. Microbes include a wide range of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, algae, and viruses, which cause disease. New strains of bacteria and viruses always appear, making the disease more likely. Microorganisms are everywhere in hospitals, being emitted by sick people. In hospitals, surgical gowns and masks, surgical head ware and foot ware, surgical drapes, bed sheet, bedding, towels, and the clothing of all the people present in the hospital, can carry microorganisms, and thus spread disease. For all these situations, textiles with anti-microbial properties are needed. Massive proliferation of microbes was found on the untreated cotton surface. But a remarkable decline in S. aureus microbial adhesion was observed on the Aloe vera- treated cotton fabric. The Aloe vera gel contains active components that act as an e?ective bactericidal agent on the fabric and hinder the growth of S. aureus gram-positive bacteria. Microbes were visible on the untreated cotton surface. Aloe vera-treated cotton fabric contained fewer microbes than untreated fabric. Aloe vera-treated cotton exhibited excellent anti-microbial activity against Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and Escherichia coli (E. coli). The Aloe vera treated cotton fabric shows more resistivity against microbes and no propagation was found in the sur-rounding treated fabric surface. It is assumed that Aloe vera bleeds di?erent components from the treated fabric which are responsible for inhibition and kills the microbes, Aloe anthraquinone was applied to the cotton fabric and its antibacterial e?cacy tested against E. coli and S. aureus. Antifungal e?cacy testing has also been carried out for C. albicans. The Aloe anthraquinone-modi?ed fabric showed better antibacterial properties than the untreated sample. Almost 91% of bacterial inhibition was found for treated fabric against both E. coli and S. aureus bacteria. Furthermore, fungi reduction was found up to 69% for C. albicans. C. albicans showed a lower inhibition rate than did E. coli and S. aureus bacteria. This is attributable to the cationic nature of Aloe anthraquinone, which adsorbs the anions of the bacterial cell wall and cracks the peptide polysaccharides quickly. On the other hand, the fungi cell wall is made of amylase, which is di?erent from the walls of bacteria Testing of the antimicrobial e?ciency of the untreated and Aloe vera-treated fabric was performed by a quantitative method. Di?erent solution concentrations, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5g/l of Aloe vera gel were applied to the fabric. The bacterial reduction rate of Aloe vera’s ?nished fabric varied with the concentration of Aloe vera. The reduction rates of bacteria colonies gradually increased with increasing the solution concentration. Fabric treated with 5g per litre of Aloe vera exhibited a high level of anti-microbial activity.5g/l Aloe vera treated cotton bleached fabric showed 15 and 17mm zone of inhibition against gram-positive bacteria (Bacillus thuringiensis) and gram-negative bacteria (E. coli) respectively by agar diffusion method. How-ever, Aloe vera treated fabric exhibited more than 70% of its initial antibacterial property even after 20 washing, some study shown that anti-bacterial Journal of Polymers and the Environment 1 3and anti-fungal activities of Aloe vera-treated cotton fabric. The bacterial and fungal reduction percentages of the treated fabric were found to be 75, 80 and 81%, against E. coli, S. aureus and C. albicans, respectively. The acemannan, anthraquinone, and salicylic acid components of Aloe vera extract may be the basis for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Aloe vera-treated cotton fabric showed a clear zone of inhibition against S. aureus bacteria, but no zone of inhibition was found in an untreated sample, combined application of Aloe vera and Neem extracts on cotton fabric showed excellent antimicrobial properties against E. coli and Aspergillus Niger, as compared to the application of either Aloe vera or Neem extracts alone. 40% Aloe vera gel concentration showed a higher zone of inhibition, of about 29 and 23mm, respectively, com-pared, to 20% gel treated fabric, at 19 and 17mm, respectively, against S. aureus and E. coli, Cosmetic Textiles (Cosmetotextiles), Textiles can possess skincare properties; they are called cosmetotextiles. Cosmetotextiles are textiles which contain carriers with active substances, these carriers, generally by polymeric nature release their active compounds when in contact with the human body. To obtain cosmetotextiles one strategy is to employ the microencapsulation technique. Microencapsulation can be used in the application of fragrances, skin softeners substances, phase-change materials (that help the thermoregulation of the body), anti-microbial agents and drug delivery systems among others A new terminology, so-called ‘cosmetic textiles’, has now opened up new target groups and sustainable markets in the textile industry. Cosmetic textiles, an industry that has grown along with consumer interest in wellness and well-being, currently includes a wide range of microencapsulated ingredients such as Aloe vera, vitamin E, retinol, and ca?eine, said to o?er moisturizing, ?rming, or slimming bene?ts. Cosmetic textiles indicate the functional textiles, especially garments, underwear which comes in direct contact with the skin through the process of microencapsulation. Cosmetic textiles currently o?ered on the market claim to be moisturizing, perfumed, cellulite reducing and body slimming, skin softeners sprayed, phase change agents, drug delivery system, antimicrobial agents, Upon contact with skin, skin-caring ?brous materials are designed to transfer an active substance for cosmetic purposes. The thought is accomplished by basically giving the bioactive agents into wearable textiles so that with the normal movement of the body, the skin is gradually supplemented and revived. Another important issue for cosmetic textiles is biological safety. The biological safety means, the cosmetic textiles did not release any toxic ingredients to the human skin, cosmetic textile agent containing Aloe vera for skin-caring bene?ts for the development of cosmetic textiles by microencapsulation technique. Cosmetic textile agent treated textile materials did not cause any deaths of cells in the cytotoxicity test, indicating that it was non-cytotoxic to the ?broblast cell line (NIH-3T3). In addition, formaldehyde content was not found in the cosmetic textiles. Hence, both the cosmetic textile agent and cosmetic textiles are believed biologically safe to consumers cosmetotextiles impregned with aloe vera microcapsules help to improving elasticity of the skin , slimming, improving fitness of the skin, moisturizing effect, Aloe vera Based Composite for Foods Packaging Active, bio-friendly and natural-based materials are one of the innovative concepts in the ?eld of research on packaging materials. The development of systems involving the employment of completely biodegradable polymers and natural bioactive components is currently a major challenge for plastic processing plants and packaging manufacturers. Due to its antimicrobial components, such an active packaging material can be an e?ective way to protect food or other perishable products against accelerated biodegradation caused by the activity of microorganisms that colonize the product surface. Novel biodegradable composites based on starch modi?ed with chitosan, Aloe vera gel and glycerol as a plasticizer with reproducible properties were obtained. Films with Aloe vera gel gain increased resistance to microbial activity, which is bene?cial for packaging applications in food, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical industries. Such materials will be able to provide a longer shelf life or usability of packaged products; and as they are made of completely biodegradable materials, they do not pose a threat to the natural environment. Mechanical properties (tensile strength and elongation) of Aloe vera based ?lms showed a signi?cant increase with increasing Aloe vera content in the blend for all ?lms prepared. The edible ?lms produced had the desirable properties of a soft surface, clear, transparent, homogenous and are ?exible. Thus, the edible ?lm formed from Aloe vera with the incorporation of cinnamon oil met the essential requirements for application on fruits and vegetables. The ?ndings of this study are bene?cial to farmers, retailers, and consumers as the edible ?lms can replace the synthetic coatings that have raised many controversies on food safety. Edible ?lms composite prepared from Aloe vera gel, beeswax and chitosan. These ?lms exhibited superior mechanical properties and lower water vapor permeability. In addition, cost analysis of the ?lms proved them reasonable to be used as an alternate of synthetic packaging materials. Starch-based edible ?lms containing Aloe vera showed excellent antifungal properties with six fungi causing plant diseases and controlling the weight loss of tomatoes. This natural, biodegradable, nontoxic ?lm can be used as an alternative to synthetic fungicides for preservation for fruits and vegetables. UV Resistivity of Aloe vera Treated Fabric, the wavelength of ultraviolet radiation is higher than that of X-rays. The range of UV radiation is 41nm to 400nm with energy level from 3 to 124eV. The UV rays ranges are di?erentiated into three categories: UV-A (320 to 400nm); UV-B (290 to 320) nm; and UV-C (200 to 290) nm. UV-C rays are safe for human beings. UV-C rays do not reach the Earth because these rays are absorbed in the ozone layer of the atmosphere. UV-B rays are harmful to human skin, as these rays reach the Earth without absorption, but UV-A rays are more dangerous to human skin. the UV-protection properties of Aloe-anthraquinone-treated cotton fabric. The modi?ed Aloe-anthraquinone- treated cotton fabrics have been shown to have good anti-ultraviolet protection proper-ties and the UV transmittance value of modi?ed fabric is very low compared with that of the untreated sample. The Aloe-anthraquinone, ?xed on to the fabric’s surface, might completely absorb UV radiation. The ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) of Aloe-anthraquinone-modi?ed cotton fabric was approximately 57, but the UPF value of untreated cotton fabric was 14. Bleached cotton fabric was shown to have the greatest transmittance value. Note that the higher the UV transmittance value, the greater the health risk. The transmittance value of Aloe vera-treated fabric is lower than that of untreated cotton fabric. This indicates that the UV protection capacity of Aloe vera-treated fabric was greater than that of bleached cotton fabric. UV resistivity of Aloe vera treated fabric. The polyphenols of Aloe vera may help to block and absorb the UV rays. The UPF rating of Aloe vera treated fabric was eight times higher than that of untreated fabric. Improved UPF value was also found after treating the reactive dyed cotton fabric with Aloe vera. Aloe vera in Textile Wet Processing, A huge amount of inorganic chemicals are used in pretreatment-dyeing, printing and ?nishing of textiles, to meet customer demand. However, the use of these chemicals produces a huge amount of e?uent. To protect the environment from this water pollution, researchers have been trying to use eco-friendly products like Aloe vera instead of inorganic chemicals for these purposes. Aloe vera is suitable for such pretreatment because it contains a large number of enzymes, salt and gummy substances which are essential for textile wet processing. A bio scouring process of single jersey knitted fabric with a lipase enzyme extracted from the Aloe vera plant. The lipase enzyme was applied to 100% cotton knitted fabric at various concentrations (1%, 2% and 3%) at various temperatures (40″C, 60″C and 70″C) for 30 min, 60 min and 90min. Bio-scoured fabrics, using the Aloe vera extract, showed better dye levels, better dye uptake, better light fastness, better wash fastness, and better-rubbing fastness for dark reactive colors than did conventionally scoured fabric. Bio-scouring reduced the volume of e?uent as well as COD, TDS and pH and saved a substantial amount of thermal energy (50%) and electrical energy (40%). Bio-scouring wastewater has 40–50% less COD and 60% fewer TDS than conventional-scouring wastewater does, Desizing, Desizing process using Aloe vera gel instead of inorganic chemicals. Aloe gel contains many important enzymes and organic components like peroxidase, carboxypeptidase, amylase, and alkaline phosphatase. The aloe gel showed outstanding results for desizing with controlled temperature and ph. Firstly, the active enzyme of Aloe vera enters into the substrate and forms chemical bonds with the substrate. The enzyme acts as a catalyst and forms an unstable middle compound with the substrate, called an “enzyme–substrate-complex” by a ’lock and key’ mechanism. Later, the catalyst weakened the bonds between the substrate and the sizing materials. Consequently, the sizing ingredients were separated from the substrate. Dyeing, The natural dyeing processes. Aloe vera consists of salt, acid, enzymes, and many components that are essential to the dyeing process. During the dyeing process, Aloe vera gel was used instead of salt in a reactive dyeing process. The garment developed di?erent several depths of shade, according to the di?erent concentrations of Aloe gel used. In the dyeing bath, fabric treated with 100% Aloe gel developed an excellent depth of shade. But lower concentrations of Aloe vera gel showed more-dull shades. At 80% and 60% concentrations of Aloe vera in dyeing, the fabric showed a medium and dull depth of shade, respectively. These results can be explained by noting that a high concentration of Aloe vera contains more salt than dye does. This higher salt content increases the depth of color. However, using Aloe gel did not damage the wash fastness, tearing strength or drapability of the fabric. Aloe vera leaf also used as a natural dye and mordanting agent. The leaf can be easily applied to protein-cationic ?bers like silk and wool, due to their functional amino group in an acidic medium. Aloe vera leaves are not suitable for dyeing of cotton ?bre, however, because cotton contains an anionic group. Printing, Aloe vera gel is used in the printing process as a thickener in the reactive and pigment-printing process. Water-soluble Aloe vera gel is one of the cheaper sources of natural thickener, which contains polysaccharide and poly-mannose. Due to the thickening nature of the polysaccharide, Aloe vera gel has been used as a thickener recently. In the concentration of 30–40% Aloe gel and 2% binder, used in printing as a thickener, the gel showed excellent results. When Aloe gel and synthetic thickener were applied to fabric for printing, the gel showed similar results to the synthetic in wash fastness and colorfastness. Using Aloe vera gel as a printing paste is easy to prepare and preserve. Aloe gel is eco-friendly, economically cheap (as it is found everywhere) and easy to cultivate. When Aloe vera was applied to fabric, the fabric showed low viscosity and poor sharpness. On the other hand, when the Aloe vera gel was combined with sodium alginate, containing a 50% concentration of gel and chemical, the treated fabric showed high viscosity and high sharpness evaluated the printing of cotton fabric with reactive dye using Aloe vera gel as the printing thickener. They applied Aloe gel as a thickener on cotton fabric and got excellent wash fastness and lightfastness. Effect of Aloe vera Treatment on Physical Properties of Textiles, When Aloe vera is applied to the fabric to develop its anti-microbial, antioxidant and wound healing properties, physical properties like crease recovery angle, bending length, drape co-e?cient and strength also change. The Aloe vera ?nished fabric had a higher crease recovery angle (CRA), a higher bending length and a lower whiteness index, com-pared to untreated fabric. The Aloe vera-treated fabric also loses its tensile strength, measured at only 44%. Bending length of Aloe vera treated fabric decreases as does sti?-ness but softness increases. Also, the coe?cient of static and dynamic ?ction increases even though the whiteness index slightly decreases. The Aloe anthraquinone modified fabrics showed improved wrinkle recovery angle, although breaking strength slightly decreased. The moisture adsorption of fabrics was almost unchanged compared to the control sample, the physical properties of Aloe vera treated textiles. They found that the white-ness index, air permeability and tensile strength decreased but water vapor permeability and crease recovery angle increased, respectively. Meanwhile, the Aloe vera treatment did not show any detrimental e?ect on the abrasion resistance of ?nished fabric but thermal conductivity decreased slightly. After treatment of cotton fabric by Aloe vera, crease recovery and abrasion resistance increased, but moisture regain, breaking strength and ?exural rigidity decreased when compared to control fabric. The drape co-e?cient of Aloe vera treated printed fabric decreased and the fabric became softer. The air resistance of Aloe vera-treated fabric was increased when compared to the control cotton fabric. The decrease in air permeability was possibly due to the impregnation of cotton fabric with microcapsules. The coated microcapsules would ?ll the gap between yarns. As a result, air?ow did not pass easily through the fabric. Also, the treatment decreased the whiteness value of the fabric by about 4%. Silk is a natural protein ?bre, which is the main source of microorganisms. Silk fabric is very soft, and its appearance is also excellent. But, in damp weather, silk is attacked by microbes. To protect the fabric from microbes, Aloe vera treatment is essential. However, such treatment produced a 30–40% loss in strength. Aloe vera are extensively used to prepare the di?erent types of textile composite which are involved in the ?eld of wound healing, tissue engineering, medical textile, health care textiles, curative garments, cosmetotextiles, UV protective textiles, wearable electronic textiles and so on. Aloe vera is used in pre-treatment and printing due to its succulent enzymatic and gummy characteristics. Aloe gel also contains a salty substance that allows its use in natural, eco-friendly dyeing. application of Aloe vera to textiles for therapeutic purposes, for an anti-bacterial and for UV protection, in wet processing and manufacture of cosmetics, as well as in high technology industries. We also consider the use of Aloe vera in textiles for the capture of free radicals. Anti?microbial Efficacy of Aloe vera in Textile Manufacture, Anti-microbial textile materials play a vital and crucial role, not only in the health care and medical sectors but also in hotel administration, in homes and in other environments where hygiene is required. Pathogenic and non-pathogenic microbes are always present in our environment. Microbes include a wide range of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, algae, and viruses, which cause disease. New strains of bacteria and viruses always appear, making the disease more likely. Microorganisms are everywhere in hospitals, being emitted by sick people. In hospitals, surgical gowns and masks, surgical head ware and foot ware, surgical drapes, bed sheet, bedding, towels, and the clothing of all the people present in the hospital, can carry microorganisms, and thus spread disease. For all these situations, textiles with anti-microbial properties are needed. Massive proliferation of microbes was found on the untreated cotton surface. But a remarkable decline in S. aureus microbial adhesion was observed on the Aloe vera- treated cotton fabric. The Aloe vera gel contains active components that act as an e?ective bactericidal agent on the fabric and hinder the growth of S. aureus gram-positive bacteria. Microbes were visible on the untreated cotton surface. Aloe vera-treated cotton fabric contained fewer microbes than untreated fabric. Aloe vera-treated cotton exhibited excellent anti-microbial activity against Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and Escherichia coli (E. coli). The Aloe vera treated cotton fabric shows more resistivity against microbes and no propagation was found in the sur-rounding treated fabric surface. It is assumed that Aloe vera bleeds di?erent components from the treated fabric which are responsible for inhibition and kills the microbes, Aloe anthraquinone was applied to the cotton fabric and its antibacterial e?cacy tested against E. coli and S. aureus. Antifungal e?cacy testing has also been carried out for C. albicans. The Aloe anthraquinone-modi?ed fabric showed better antibacterial properties than the untreated sample. Almost 91% of bacterial inhibition was found for treated fabric against both E. coli and S. aureus bacteria. Furthermore, fungi reduction was found up to 69% for C. albicans. C. albicans showed a lower inhibition rate than did E. coli and S. aureus bacteria. This is attributable to the cationic nature of Aloe anthraquinone, which adsorbs the anions of the bacterial cell wall and cracks the peptide polysaccharides quickly. On the other hand, the fungi cell wall is made of amylase, which is di?erent from the walls of bacteria Testing of the antimicrobial e?ciency of the untreated and Aloe vera-treated fabric was performed by a quantitative method. Di?erent solution concentrations, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5g/l of Aloe vera gel were applied to the fabric. The bacterial reduction rate of Aloe vera’s ?nished fabric varied with the concentration of Aloe vera. The reduction rates of bacteria colonies gradually increased with increasing the solution concentration. Fabric treated with 5g per litre of Aloe vera exhibited a high level of anti-microbial activity.5g/l Aloe vera treated cotton bleached fabric showed 15 and 17mm zone of inhibition against gram-positive bacteria (Bacillus thuringiensis) and gram-negative bacteria (E. coli) respectively by agar diffusion method. How-ever, Aloe vera treated fabric exhibited more than 70% of its initial antibacterial property even after 20 washing, some study shown that anti-bacterial Journal of Polymers and the Environment 1 3and anti-fungal activities of Aloe vera-treated cotton fabric. The bacterial and fungal reduction percentages of the treated fabric were found to be 75, 80 and 81%, against E. coli, S. aureus and C. albicans, respectively. The acemannan, anthraquinone, and salicylic acid components of Aloe vera extract may be the basis for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Aloe vera-treated cotton fabric showed a clear zone of inhibition against S. aureus bacteria, but no zone of inhibition was found in an untreated sample, combined application of Aloe vera and Neem extracts on cotton fabric showed excellent antimicrobial properties against E. coli and Aspergillus Niger, as compared to the application of either Aloe vera or Neem extracts alone. 40% Aloe vera gel concentration showed a higher zone of inhibition, of about 29 and 23mm, respectively, com-pared, to 20% gel treated fabric, at 19 and 17mm, respectively, against S. aureus and E. coli, Cosmetic Textiles (Cosmetotextiles), Textiles can possess skincare properties; they are called cosmetotextiles. Cosmetotextiles are textiles which contain carriers with active substances, these carriers, generally by polymeric nature release their active compounds when in contact with the human body. To obtain cosmetotextiles one strategy is to employ the microencapsulation technique. Microencapsulation can be used in the application of fragrances, skin softeners substances, phase-change materials (that help the thermoregulation of the body), anti-microbial agents and drug delivery systems among others A new terminology, so-called ‘cosmetic textiles’, has now opened up new target groups and sustainable markets in the textile industry. Cosmetic textiles, an industry that has grown along with consumer interest in wellness and well-being, currently includes a wide range of microencapsulated ingredients such as Aloe vera, vitamin E, retinol, and ca?eine, said to o?er moisturizing, ?rming, or slimming bene?ts. Cosmetic textiles indicate the functional textiles, especially garments, underwear which comes in direct contact with the skin through the process of microencapsulation. Cosmetic textiles currently o?ered on the market claim to be moisturizing, perfumed, cellulite reducing and body slimming, skin softeners sprayed, phase change agents, drug delivery system, antimicrobial agents, Upon contact with skin, skin-caring ?brous materials are designed to transfer an active substance for cosmetic purposes. The thought is accomplished by basically giving the bioactive agents into wearable textiles so that with the normal movement of the body, the skin is gradually supplemented and revived. Another important issue for cosmetic textiles is biological safety. The biological safety means, the cosmetic textiles did not release any toxic ingredients to the human skin, cosmetic textile agent containing Aloe vera for skin-caring bene?ts for the development of cosmetic textiles by microencapsulation technique. Cosmetic textile agent treated textile materials did not cause any deaths of cells in the cytotoxicity test, indicating that it was non-cytotoxic to the ?broblast cell line (NIH-3T3). In addition, formaldehyde content was not found in the cosmetic textiles. Hence, both the cosmetic textile agent and cosmetic textiles are believed biologically safe to consumers cosmetotextiles impregned with aloe vera microcapsules help to improving elasticity of the skin , slimming, improving fitness of the skin, moisturizing effect, Aloe vera Based Composite for Foods Packaging Active, bio-friendly and natural-based materials are one of the innovative concepts in the ?eld of research on packaging materials. The development of systems involving the employment of completely biodegradable polymers and natural bioactive components is currently a major challenge for plastic processing plants and packaging manufacturers. Due to its antimicrobial components, such an active packaging material can be an e?ective way to protect food or other perishable products against accelerated biodegradation caused by the activity of microorganisms that colonize the product surface. Novel biodegradable composites based on starch modi?ed with chitosan, Aloe vera gel and glycerol as a plasticizer with reproducible properties were obtained. Films with Aloe vera gel gain increased resistance to microbial activity, which is bene?cial for packaging applications in food, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical industries. Such materials will be able to provide a longer shelf life or usability of packaged products; and as they are made of completely biodegradable materials, they do not pose a threat to the natural environment. Mechanical properties (tensile strength and elongation) of Aloe vera based ?lms showed a signi?cant increase with increasing Aloe vera content in the blend for all ?lms prepared. The edible ?lms produced had the desirable properties of a soft surface, clear, transparent, homogenous and are ?exible. Thus, the edible ?lm formed from Aloe vera with the incorporation of cinnamon oil met the essential requirements for application on fruits and vegetables. The ?ndings of this study are bene?cial to farmers, retailers, and consumers as the edible ?lms can replace the synthetic coatings that have raised many controversies on food safety. Edible ?lms composite prepared from Aloe vera gel, beeswax and chitosan. These ?lms exhibited superior mechanical properties and lower water vapor permeability. In addition, cost analysis of the ?lms proved them reasonable to be used as an alternate of synthetic packaging materials. Starch-based edible ?lms containing Aloe vera showed excellent antifungal properties with six fungi causing plant diseases and controlling the weight loss of tomatoes. This natural, biodegradable, nontoxic ?lm can be used as an alternative to synthetic fungicides for preservation for fruits and vegetables. UV Resistivity of Aloe vera Treated Fabric, the wavelength of ultraviolet radiation is higher than that of X-rays. The range of UV radiation is 41nm to 400nm with energy level from 3 to 124eV. The UV rays ranges are di?erentiated into three categories: UV-A (320 to 400nm); UV-B (290 to 320) nm; and UV-C (200 to 290) nm. UV-C rays are safe for human beings. UV-C rays do not reach the Earth because these rays are absorbed in the ozone layer of the atmosphere. UV-B rays are harmful to human skin, as these rays reach the Earth without absorption, but UV-A rays are more dangerous to human skin. the UV-protection properties of Aloe-anthraquinone-treated cotton fabric. The modi?ed Aloe-anthraquinone- treated cotton fabrics have been shown to have good anti-ultraviolet protection proper-ties and the UV transmittance value of modi?ed fabric is very low compared with that of the untreated sample. The Aloe-anthraquinone, ?xed on to the fabric’s surface, might completely absorb UV radiation. The ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) of Aloe-anthraquinone-modi?ed cotton fabric was approximately 57, but the UPF value of untreated cotton fabric was 14. Bleached cotton fabric was shown to have the greatest transmittance value. Note that the higher the UV transmittance value, the greater the health risk. The transmittance value of Aloe vera-treated fabric is lower than that of untreated cotton fabric. This indicates that the UV protection capacity of Aloe vera-treated fabric was greater than that of bleached cotton fabric. UV resistivity of Aloe vera treated fabric. The polyphenols of Aloe vera may help to block and absorb the UV rays. The UPF rating of Aloe vera treated fabric was eight times higher than that of untreated fabric. Improved UPF value was also found after treating the reactive dyed cotton fabric with Aloe vera. Aloe vera in Textile Wet Processing, A huge amount of inorganic chemicals are used in pretreatment-dyeing, printing and ?nishing of textiles, to meet customer demand. However, the use of these chemicals produces a huge amount of e?uent. To protect the environment from this water pollution, researchers have been trying to use eco-friendly products like Aloe vera instead of inorganic chemicals for these purposes. Aloe vera is suitable for such pretreatment because it contains a large number of enzymes, salt and gummy substances which are essential for textile wet processing. A bio scouring process of single jersey knitted fabric with a

Author: Md.Ibrahim H. Mondal · Joykrisna Saha Md. Ashadur Rahman

Aloe vera are extensively used to prepare the di?erent types of textile composite which are involved in the ?eld of wound healing, tissue engineering, medical textile, health care textiles, curative garments, cosmetotextiles, UV protective textiles, wearable electronic textiles and so on. Aloe vera is used in pre-treatment and printing due to its succulent enzymatic and gummy characteristics. Aloe gel also contains a salty substance that allows its use in natural, eco-friendly dyeing. application of Aloe vera to textiles for therapeutic purposes, for an anti-bacterial and for UV protection, in wet processing and manufacture of cosmetics, as well as in high technology industries. We also consider the use of Aloe vera in textiles for the capture of free radicals. Anti?microbial Efficacy of Aloe vera in Textile Manufacture, Anti-microbial textile materials play a vital and crucial role, not only in the health care and medical sectors but also in hotel administration, in homes and in other environments where hygiene is required. Pathogenic and non-pathogenic microbes are always present in our environment. Microbes include a wide range of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, algae, and viruses, which cause disease. New strains of bacteria and viruses always appear, making the disease more likely. Microorganisms are everywhere in hospitals, being emitted by sick people. In hospitals, surgical gowns and masks, surgical head ware and foot ware, surgical drapes, bed sheet, bedding, towels, and the clothing of all the people present in the hospital, can carry microorganisms, and thus spread disease. For all these situations, textiles with anti-microbial properties are needed. Massive proliferation of microbes was found on the untreated cotton surface. But a remarkable decline in S. aureus microbial adhesion was observed on the Aloe vera- treated cotton fabric. The Aloe vera gel contains active components that act as an e?ective bactericidal agent on the fabric and hinder the growth of S. aureus gram-positive bacteria. Microbes were visible on the untreated cotton surface. Aloe vera-treated cotton fabric contained fewer microbes than untreated fabric. Aloe vera-treated cotton exhibited excellent anti-microbial activity against Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and Escherichia coli (E. coli). The Aloe vera treated cotton fabric shows more resistivity against microbes and no propagation was found in the sur-rounding treated fabric surface. It is assumed that Aloe vera bleeds di?erent components from the treated fabric which are responsible for inhibition and kills the microbes, Aloe anthraquinone was applied to the cotton fabric and its antibacterial e?cacy tested against E. coli and S. aureus. Antifungal e?cacy testing has also been carried out for C. albicans. The Aloe anthraquinone-modi?ed fabric showed better antibacterial properties than the untreated sample. Almost 91% of bacterial inhibition was found for treated fabric against both E. coli and S. aureus bacteria. Furthermore, fungi reduction was found up to 69% for C. albicans. C. albicans showed a lower inhibition rate than did E. coli and S. aureus bacteria. This is attributable to the cationic nature of Aloe anthraquinone, which adsorbs the anions of the bacterial cell wall and cracks the peptide polysaccharides quickly. On the other hand, the fungi cell wall is made of amylase, which is di?erent from the walls of bacteria Testing of the antimicrobial e?ciency of the untreated and Aloe vera-treated fabric was performed by a quantitative method. Di?erent solution concentrations, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5g/l of Aloe vera gel were applied to the fabric. The bacterial reduction rate of Aloe vera’s ?nished fabric varied with the concentration of Aloe vera. The reduction rates of bacteria colonies gradually increased with increasing the solution concentration. Fabric treated with 5g per litre of Aloe vera exhibited a high level of anti-microbial activity.5g/l Aloe vera treated cotton bleached fabric showed 15 and 17mm zone of inhibition against gram-positive bacteria (Bacillus thuringiensis) and gram-negative bacteria (E. coli) respectively by agar diffusion method. How-ever, Aloe vera treated fabric exhibited more than 70% of its initial antibacterial property even after 20 washing, some study shown that anti-bacterial Journal of Polymers and the Environment 1 3and anti-fungal activities of Aloe vera-treated cotton fabric. The bacterial and fungal reduction percentages of the treated fabric were found to be 75, 80 and 81%, against E. coli, S. aureus and C. albicans, respectively. The acemannan, anthraquinone, and salicylic acid components of Aloe vera extract may be the basis for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Aloe vera-treated cotton fabric showed a clear zone of inhibition against S. aureus bacteria, but no zone of inhibition was found in an untreated sample, combined application of Aloe vera and Neem extracts on cotton fabric showed excellent antimicrobial properties against E. coli and Aspergillus Niger, as compared to the application of either Aloe vera or Neem extracts alone. 40% Aloe vera gel concentration showed a higher zone of inhibition, of about 29 and 23mm, respectively, com-pared, to 20% gel treated fabric, at 19 and 17mm, respectively, against S. aureus and E. coli, Cosmetic Textiles (Cosmetotextiles), Textiles can possess skincare properties; they are called cosmetotextiles. Cosmetotextiles are textiles which contain carriers with active substances, these carriers, generally by polymeric nature release their active compounds when in contact with the human body. To obtain cosmetotextiles one strategy is to employ the microencapsulation technique. Microencapsulation can be used in the application of fragrances, skin softeners substances, phase-change materials (that help the thermoregulation of the body), anti-microbial agents and drug delivery systems among others A new terminology, so-called ‘cosmetic textiles’, has now opened up new target groups and sustainable markets in the textile industry. Cosmetic textiles, an industry that has grown along with consumer interest in wellness and well-being, currently includes a wide range of microencapsulated ingredients such as Aloe vera, vitamin E, retinol, and ca?eine, said to o?er moisturizing, ?rming, or slimming bene?ts. Cosmetic textiles indicate the functional textiles, especially garments, underwear which comes in direct contact with the skin through the process of microencapsulation. Cosmetic textiles currently o?ered on the market claim to be moisturizing, perfumed, cellulite reducing and body slimming, skin softeners sprayed, phase change agents, drug delivery system, antimicrobial agents, Upon contact with skin, skin-caring ?brous materials are designed to transfer an active substance for cosmetic purposes. The thought is accomplished by basically giving the bioactive agents into wearable textiles so that with the normal movement of the body, the skin is gradually supplemented and revived. Another important issue for cosmetic textiles is biological safety. The biological safety means, the cosmetic textiles did not release any toxic ingredients to the human skin, cosmetic textile agent containing Aloe vera for skin-caring bene?ts for the development of cosmetic textiles by microencapsulation technique. Cosmetic textile agent treated textile materials did not cause any deaths of cells in the cytotoxicity test, indicating that it was non-cytotoxic to the ?broblast cell line (NIH-3T3). In addition, formaldehyde content was not found in the cosmetic textiles. Hence, both the cosmetic textile agent and cosmetic textiles are believed biologically safe to consumers cosmetotextiles impregned with aloe vera microcapsules help to improving elasticity of the skin , slimming, improving fitness of the skin, moisturizing effect, Aloe vera Based Composite for Foods Packaging Active, bio-friendly and natural-based materials are one of the innovative concepts in the ?eld of research on packaging materials. The development of systems involving the employment of completely biodegradable polymers and natural bioactive components is currently a major challenge for plastic processing plants and packaging manufacturers. Due to its antimicrobial components, such an active packaging material can be an e?ective way to protect food or other perishable products against accelerated biodegradation caused by the activity of microorganisms that colonize the product surface. Novel biodegradable composites based on starch modi?ed with chitosan, Aloe vera gel and glycerol as a plasticizer with reproducible properties were obtained. Films with Aloe vera gel gain increased resistance to microbial activity, which is bene?cial for packaging applications in food, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical industries. Such materials will be able to provide a longer shelf life or usability of packaged products; and as they are made of completely biodegradable materials, they do not pose a threat to the natural environment. Mechanical properties (tensile strength and elongation) of Aloe vera based ?lms showed a signi?cant increase with increasing Aloe vera content in the blend for all ?lms prepared. The edible ?lms produced had the desirable properties of a soft surface, clear, transparent, homogenous and are ?exible. Thus, the edible ?lm formed from Aloe vera with the incorporation of cinnamon oil met the essential requirements for application on fruits and vegetables. The ?ndings of this study are bene?cial to farmers, retailers, and consumers as the edible ?lms can replace the synthetic coatings that have raised many controversies on food safety. Edible ?lms composite prepared from Aloe vera gel, beeswax and chitosan. These ?lms exhibited superior mechanical properties and lower water vapor permeability. In addition, cost analysis of the ?lms proved them reasonable to be used as an alternate of synthetic packaging materials. Starch-based edible ?lms containing Aloe vera showed excellent antifungal properties with six fungi causing plant diseases and controlling the weight loss of tomatoes. This natural, biodegradable, nontoxic ?lm can be used as an alternative to synthetic fungicides for preservation for fruits and vegetables. UV Resistivity of Aloe vera Treated Fabric, the wavelength of ultraviolet radiation is higher than that of X-rays. The range of UV radiation is 41nm to 400nm with energy level from 3 to 124eV. The UV rays ranges are di?erentiated into three categories: UV-A (320 to 400nm); UV-B (290 to 320) nm; and UV-C (200 to 290) nm. UV-C rays are safe for human beings. UV-C rays do not reach the Earth because these rays are absorbed in the ozone layer of the atmosphere. UV-B rays are harmful to human skin, as these rays reach the Earth without absorption, but UV-A rays are more dangerous to human skin. the UV-protection properties of Aloe-anthraquinone-treated cotton fabric. The modi?ed Aloe-anthraquinone- treated cotton fabrics have been shown to have good anti-ultraviolet protection proper-ties and the UV transmittance value of modi?ed fabric is very low compared with that of the untreated sample. The Aloe-anthraquinone, ?xed on to the fabric’s surface, might completely absorb UV radiation. The ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) of Aloe-anthraquinone-modi?ed cotton fabric was approximately 57, but the UPF value of untreated cotton fabric was 14. Bleached cotton fabric was shown to have the greatest transmittance value. Note that the higher the UV transmittance value, the greater the health risk. The transmittance value of Aloe vera-treated fabric is lower than that of untreated cotton fabric. This indicates that the UV protection capacity of Aloe vera-treated fabric was greater than that of bleached cotton fabric. UV resistivity of Aloe vera treated fabric. The polyphenols of Aloe vera may help to block and absorb the UV rays. The UPF rating of Aloe vera treated fabric was eight times higher than that of untreated fabric. Improved UPF value was also found after treating the reactive dyed cotton fabric with Aloe vera. Aloe vera in Textile Wet Processing, A huge amount of inorganic chemicals are used in pretreatment-dyeing, printing and ?nishing of textiles, to meet customer demand. However, the use of these chemicals produces a huge amount of e?uent. To protect the environment from this water pollution, researchers have been trying to use eco-friendly products like Aloe vera instead of inorganic chemicals for these purposes. Aloe vera is suitable for such pretreatment because it contains a large number of enzymes, salt and gummy substances which are essential for textile wet processing. A bio scouring process of single jersey knitted fabric with a lipase enzyme extracted from the Aloe vera plant. The lipase enzyme was applied to 100% cotton knitted fabric at various concentrations (1%, 2% and 3%) at various temperatures (40″C, 60″C and 70″C) for 30 min, 60 min and 90min. Bio-scoured fabrics, using the Aloe vera extract, showed better dye levels, better dye uptake, better light fastness, better wash fastness, and better-rubbing fastness for dark reactive colors than did conventionally scoured fabric. Bio-scouring reduced the volume of e?uent as well as COD, TDS and pH and saved a substantial amount of thermal energy (50%) and electrical energy (40%). Bio-scouring wastewater has 40–50% less COD and 60% fewer TDS than conventional-scouring wastewater does, Desizing, Desizing process using Aloe vera gel instead of inorganic chemicals. Aloe gel contains many important enzymes and organic components like peroxidase, carboxypeptidase, amylase, and alkaline phosphatase. The aloe gel showed outstanding results for desizing with controlled temperature and ph. Firstly, the active enzyme of Aloe vera enters into the substrate and forms chemical bonds with the substrate. The enzyme acts as a catalyst and forms an unstable middle compound with the substrate, called an “enzyme–substrate-complex” by a ’lock and key’ mechanism. Later, the catalyst weakened the bonds between the substrate and the sizing materials. Consequently, the sizing ingredients were separated from the substrate. Dyeing, The natural dyeing processes. Aloe vera consists of salt, acid, enzymes, and many components that are essential to the dyeing process. During the dyeing process, Aloe vera gel was used instead of salt in a reactive dyeing process. The garment developed di?erent several depths of shade, according to the di?erent concentrations of Aloe gel used. In the dyeing bath, fabric treated with 100% Aloe gel developed an excellent depth of shade. But lower concentrations of Aloe vera gel showed more-dull shades. At 80% and 60% concentrations of Aloe vera in dyeing, the fabric showed a medium and dull depth of shade, respectively. These results can be explained by noting that a high concentration of Aloe vera contains more salt than dye does. This higher salt content increases the depth of color. However, using Aloe gel did not damage the wash fastness, tearing strength or drapability of the fabric. Aloe vera leaf also used as a natural dye and mordanting agent. The leaf can be easily applied to protein-cationic ?bers like silk and wool, due to their functional amino group in an acidic medium. Aloe vera leaves are not suitable for dyeing of cotton ?bre, however, because cotton contains an anionic group. Printing, Aloe vera gel is used in the printing process as a thickener in the reactive and pigment-printing process. Water-soluble Aloe vera gel is one of the cheaper sources of natural thickener, which contains polysaccharide and poly-mannose. Due to the thickening nature of the polysaccharide, Aloe vera gel has been used as a thickener recently. In the concentration of 30–40% Aloe gel and 2% binder, used in printing as a thickener, the gel showed excellent results. When Aloe gel and synthetic thickener were applied to fabric for printing, the gel showed similar results to the synthetic in wash fastness and colorfastness. Using Aloe vera gel as a printing paste is easy to prepare and preserve. Aloe gel is eco-friendly, economically cheap (as it is found everywhere) and easy to cultivate. When Aloe vera was applied to fabric, the fabric showed low viscosity and poor sharpness. On the other hand, when the Aloe vera gel was combined with sodium alginate, containing a 50% concentration of gel and chemical, the treated fabric showed high viscosity and high sharpness evaluated the printing of cotton fabric with reactive dye using Aloe vera gel as the printing thickener. They applied Aloe gel as a thickener on cotton fabric and got excellent wash fastness and lightfastness. Effect of Aloe vera Treatment on Physical Properties of Textiles, When Aloe vera is applied to the fabric to develop its anti-microbial, antioxidant and wound healing properties, physical properties like crease recovery angle, bending length, drape co-e?cient and strength also change. The Aloe vera ?nished fabric had a higher crease recovery angle (CRA), a higher bending length and a lower whiteness index, com-pared to untreated fabric. The Aloe vera-treated fabric also loses its tensile strength, measured at only 44%. Bending length of Aloe vera treated fabric decreases as does sti?-ness but softness increases. Also, the coe?cient of static and dynamic ?ction increases even though the whiteness index slightly decreases. The Aloe anthraquinone modified fabrics showed improved wrinkle recovery angle, although breaking strength slightly decreased. The moisture adsorption of fabrics was almost unchanged compared to the control sample, the physical properties of Aloe vera treated textiles. They found that the white-ness index, air permeability and tensile strength decreased but water vapor permeability and crease recovery angle increased, respectively. Meanwhile, the Aloe vera treatment did not show any detrimental e?ect on the abrasion resistance of ?nished fabric but thermal conductivity decreased slightly. After treatment of cotton fabric by Aloe vera, crease recovery and abrasion resistance increased, but moisture regain, breaking strength and ?exural rigidity decreased when compared to control fabric. The drape co-e?cient of Aloe vera treated printed fabric decreased and the fabric became softer. The air resistance of Aloe vera-treated fabric was increased when compared to the control cotton fabric. The decrease in air permeability was possibly due to the impregnation of cotton fabric with microcapsules. The coated microcapsules would ?ll the gap between yarns. As a result, air?ow did not pass easily through the fabric. Also, the treatment decreased the whiteness value of the fabric by about 4%. Silk is a natural protein ?bre, which is the main source of microorganisms. Silk fabric is very soft, and its appearance is also excellent. But, in damp weather, silk is attacked by microbes. To protect the fabric from microbes, Aloe vera treatment is essential. However, such treatment produced a 30–40% loss in strength. Aloe vera are extensively used to prepare the di?erent types of textile composite which are involved in the ?eld of wound healing, tissue engineering, medical textile, health care textiles, curative garments, cosmetotextiles, UV protective textiles, wearable electronic textiles and so on. Aloe vera is used in pre-treatment and printing due to its succulent enzymatic and gummy characteristics. Aloe gel also contains a salty substance that allows its use in natural, eco-friendly dyeing. application of Aloe vera to textiles for therapeutic purposes, for an anti-bacterial and for UV protection, in wet processing and manufacture of cosmetics, as well as in high technology industries. We also consider the use of Aloe vera in textiles for the capture of free radicals. Anti?microbial Efficacy of Aloe vera in Textile Manufacture, Anti-microbial textile materials play a vital and crucial role, not only in the health care and medical sectors but also in hotel administration, in homes and in other environments where hygiene is required. Pathogenic and non-pathogenic microbes are always present in our environment. Microbes include a wide range of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, algae, and viruses, which cause disease. New strains of bacteria and viruses always appear, making the disease more likely. Microorganisms are everywhere in hospitals, being emitted by sick people. In hospitals, surgical gowns and masks, surgical head ware and foot ware, surgical drapes, bed sheet, bedding, towels, and the clothing of all the people present in the hospital, can carry microorganisms, and thus spread disease. For all these situations, textiles with anti-microbial properties are needed. Massive proliferation of microbes was found on the untreated cotton surface. But a remarkable decline in S. aureus microbial adhesion was observed on the Aloe vera- treated cotton fabric. The Aloe vera gel contains active components that act as an e?ective bactericidal agent on the fabric and hinder the growth of S. aureus gram-positive bacteria. Microbes were visible on the untreated cotton surface. Aloe vera-treated cotton fabric contained fewer microbes than untreated fabric. Aloe vera-treated cotton exhibited excellent anti-microbial activity against Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and Escherichia coli (E. coli). The Aloe vera treated cotton fabric shows more resistivity against microbes and no propagation was found in the sur-rounding treated fabric surface. It is assumed that Aloe vera bleeds di?erent components from the treated fabric which are responsible for inhibition and kills the microbes, Aloe anthraquinone was applied to the cotton fabric and its antibacterial e?cacy tested against E. coli and S. aureus. Antifungal e?cacy testing has also been carried out for C. albicans. The Aloe anthraquinone-modi?ed fabric showed better antibacterial properties than the untreated sample. Almost 91% of bacterial inhibition was found for treated fabric against both E. coli and S. aureus bacteria. Furthermore, fungi reduction was found up to 69% for C. albicans. C. albicans showed a lower inhibition rate than did E. coli and S. aureus bacteria. This is attributable to the cationic nature of Aloe anthraquinone, which adsorbs the anions of the bacterial cell wall and cracks the peptide polysaccharides quickly. On the other hand, the fungi cell wall is made of amylase, which is di?erent from the walls of bacteria Testing of the antimicrobial e?ciency of the untreated and Aloe vera-treated fabric was performed by a quantitative method. Di?erent solution concentrations, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5g/l of Aloe vera gel were applied to the fabric. The bacterial reduction rate of Aloe vera’s ?nished fabric varied with the concentration of Aloe vera. The reduction rates of bacteria colonies gradually increased with increasing the solution concentration. Fabric treated with 5g per litre of Aloe vera exhibited a high level of anti-microbial activity.5g/l Aloe vera treated cotton bleached fabric showed 15 and 17mm zone of inhibition against gram-positive bacteria (Bacillus thuringiensis) and gram-negative bacteria (E. coli) respectively by agar diffusion method. How-ever, Aloe vera treated fabric exhibited more than 70% of its initial antibacterial property even after 20 washing, some study shown that anti-bacterial Journal of Polymers and the Environment 1 3and anti-fungal activities of Aloe vera-treated cotton fabric. The bacterial and fungal reduction percentages of the treated fabric were found to be 75, 80 and 81%, against E. coli, S. aureus and C. albicans, respectively. The acemannan, anthraquinone, and salicylic acid components of Aloe vera extract may be the basis for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Aloe vera-treated cotton fabric showed a clear zone of inhibition against S. aureus bacteria, but no zone of inhibition was found in an untreated sample, combined application of Aloe vera and Neem extracts on cotton fabric showed excellent antimicrobial properties against E. coli and Aspergillus Niger, as compared to the application of either Aloe vera or Neem extracts alone. 40% Aloe vera gel concentration showed a higher zone of inhibition, of about 29 and 23mm, respectively, com-pared, to 20% gel treated fabric, at 19 and 17mm, respectively, against S. aureus and E. coli, Cosmetic Textiles (Cosmetotextiles), Textiles can possess skincare properties; they are called cosmetotextiles. Cosmetotextiles are textiles which contain carriers with active substances, these carriers, generally by polymeric nature release their active compounds when in contact with the human body. To obtain cosmetotextiles one strategy is to employ the microencapsulation technique. Microencapsulation can be used in the application of fragrances, skin softeners substances, phase-change materials (that help the thermoregulation of the body), anti-microbial agents and drug delivery systems among others A new terminology, so-called ‘cosmetic textiles’, has now opened up new target groups and sustainable markets in the textile industry. Cosmetic textiles, an industry that has grown along with consumer interest in wellness and well-being, currently includes a wide range of microencapsulated ingredients such as Aloe vera, vitamin E, retinol, and ca?eine, said to o?er moisturizing, ?rming, or slimming bene?ts. Cosmetic textiles indicate the functional textiles, especially garments, underwear which comes in direct contact with the skin through the process of microencapsulation. Cosmetic textiles currently o?ered on the market claim to be moisturizing, perfumed, cellulite reducing and body slimming, skin softeners sprayed, phase change agents, drug delivery system, antimicrobial agents, Upon contact with skin, skin-caring ?brous materials are designed to transfer an active substance for cosmetic purposes. The thought is accomplished by basically giving the bioactive agents into wearable textiles so that with the normal movement of the body, the skin is gradually supplemented and revived. Another important issue for cosmetic textiles is biological safety. The biological safety means, the cosmetic textiles did not release any toxic ingredients to the human skin, cosmetic textile agent containing Aloe vera for skin-caring bene?ts for the development of cosmetic textiles by microencapsulation technique. Cosmetic textile agent treated textile materials did not cause any deaths of cells in the cytotoxicity test, indicating that it was non-cytotoxic to the ?broblast cell line (NIH-3T3). In addition, formaldehyde content was not found in the cosmetic textiles. Hence, both the cosmetic textile agent and cosmetic textiles are believed biologically safe to consumers cosmetotextiles impregned with aloe vera microcapsules help to improving elasticity of the skin , slimming, improving fitness of the skin, moisturizing effect, Aloe vera Based Composite for Foods Packaging Active, bio-friendly and natural-based materials are one of the innovative concepts in the ?eld of research on packaging materials. The development of systems involving the employment of completely biodegradable polymers and natural bioactive components is currently a major challenge for plastic processing plants and packaging manufacturers. Due to its antimicrobial components, such an active packaging material can be an e?ective way to protect food or other perishable products against accelerated biodegradation caused by the activity of microorganisms that colonize the product surface. Novel biodegradable composites based on starch modi?ed with chitosan, Aloe vera gel and glycerol as a plasticizer with reproducible properties were obtained. Films with Aloe vera gel gain increased resistance to microbial activity, which is bene?cial for packaging applications in food, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical industries. Such materials will be able to provide a longer shelf life or usability of packaged products; and as they are made of completely biodegradable materials, they do not pose a threat to the natural environment. Mechanical properties (tensile strength and elongation) of Aloe vera based ?lms showed a signi?cant increase with increasing Aloe vera content in the blend for all ?lms prepared. The edible ?lms produced had the desirable properties of a soft surface, clear, transparent, homogenous and are ?exible. Thus, the edible ?lm formed from Aloe vera with the incorporation of cinnamon oil met the essential requirements for application on fruits and vegetables. The ?ndings of this study are bene?cial to farmers, retailers, and consumers as the edible ?lms can replace the synthetic coatings that have raised many controversies on food safety. Edible ?lms composite prepared from Aloe vera gel, beeswax and chitosan. These ?lms exhibited superior mechanical properties and lower water vapor permeability. In addition, cost analysis of the ?lms proved them reasonable to be used as an alternate of synthetic packaging materials. Starch-based edible ?lms containing Aloe vera showed excellent antifungal properties with six fungi causing plant diseases and controlling the weight loss of tomatoes. This natural, biodegradable, nontoxic ?lm can be used as an alternative to synthetic fungicides for preservation for fruits and vegetables. UV Resistivity of Aloe vera Treated Fabric, the wavelength of ultraviolet radiation is higher than that of X-rays. The range of UV radiation is 41nm to 400nm with energy level from 3 to 124eV. The UV rays ranges are di?erentiated into three categories: UV-A (320 to 400nm); UV-B (290 to 320) nm; and UV-C (200 to 290) nm. UV-C rays are safe for human beings. UV-C rays do not reach the Earth because these rays are absorbed in the ozone layer of the atmosphere. UV-B rays are harmful to human skin, as these rays reach the Earth without absorption, but UV-A rays are more dangerous to human skin. the UV-protection properties of Aloe-anthraquinone-treated cotton fabric. The modi?ed Aloe-anthraquinone- treated cotton fabrics have been shown to have good anti-ultraviolet protection proper-ties and the UV transmittance value of modi?ed fabric is very low compared with that of the untreated sample. The Aloe-anthraquinone, ?xed on to the fabric’s surface, might completely absorb UV radiation. The ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) of Aloe-anthraquinone-modi?ed cotton fabric was approximately 57, but the UPF value of untreated cotton fabric was 14. Bleached cotton fabric was shown to have the greatest transmittance value. Note that the higher the UV transmittance value, the greater the health risk. The transmittance value of Aloe vera-treated fabric is lower than that of untreated cotton fabric. This indicates that the UV protection capacity of Aloe vera-treated fabric was greater than that of bleached cotton fabric. UV resistivity of Aloe vera treated fabric. The polyphenols of Aloe vera may help to block and absorb the UV rays. The UPF rating of Aloe vera treated fabric was eight times higher than that of untreated fabric. Improved UPF value was also found after treating the reactive dyed cotton fabric with Aloe vera. Aloe vera in Textile Wet Processing, A huge amount of inorganic chemicals are used in pretreatment-dyeing, printing and ?nishing of textiles, to meet customer demand. However, the use of these chemicals produces a huge amount of e?uent. To protect the environment from this water pollution, researchers have been trying to use eco-friendly products like Aloe vera instead of inorganic chemicals for these purposes. Aloe vera is suitable for such pretreatment because it contains a large number of enzymes, salt and gummy substances which are essential for textile wet processing. A bio scouring process of single jersey knitted fabric with a

Development and storage studies of blended papaya-Aloe vera Ready-to-Serve (RTS) beverage, J Food Proc Technol, 2012, 3, 185.

Author: Boghani A H, Raheem A and Hashmi S I,

Aloe vera, ingredient for functional foods, mainly in the development of health drinks and functional beverages, aloe can be enhanced with addition of some other fruit juices, nutritive, medicinal and therapeutic values, aloe vera gel in development of RTS, organoleptic evaluation for assessing the taste, color, flavor, aroma and texture

Cosmetotextiles, an approach to their functionalities and the business opportunities they represent.

Authors AITEX

When we are asked to define a cosmetic, we would probably answer with things such as creams, gels, soap, or shampoo. Others may speak of hygiene products and include oral hygiene, but cosmetics are defined officially by EC regulation 1223/2009: “Any product intended to be placed in contact with the superficial parts of the human body (epidermis, hair and capillary system, nails, lips and external genital organs) or teeth and oral mucous membranes, for the sole or principal purpose of cleaning, perfuming, modifying their appearance, protecting, keeping them in good condition or to correct body odors”. There is a range of products considered cosmetic although the consumer may not be aware of this. Indeed, a product may be cosmetic or not at the same time and this is due to its main purpose. A cosmetotextile is a cosmetic that needs a textile medium as a method of transport, such as hygienic wipes. It is any textile article containing a substance or preparation that is released over time on different surface parts of the human body, especially the skin, and which provides special functionalities such as cleaning, perfuming, changing the appearance, protecting, maintaining in good condition, or correcting body odors. Among the functions of cosmetotextiles regulated under EC 1223/2009 are functions such as slimming, moisturizing, energizing, fragrance, refreshing, relaxing, vitalizing, UV protection and firming effect. As cosmetotextiles are covered by cosmetics legislation, it is also possible to carry out toxicological and sensitization tests on healthy volunteers to predict whether an irritant response will occur, the same as for cosmetics. These predictive or efficacy tests are designed to verify claimed functionalities and use the open test, patch test, and use test. The trials are conducted so that allergic sensitization can be demonstrated in volunteers with suspected allergic contact dermatitis. They can be performed on cosmetotextiles to indicate that it has been dermatologically tested, that the product is non-irritant or that it has good skin compatibility and show that it has been dermatologically tested. Tests are also available for sensitive skin for children and toddlers. The textile and cosmetics sectors are growing closer due to a common need for different functionalities in everyday textiles, so as not to depend solely on cosmetics when it comes to skincare or the benefits of a particular asset. An example would be a bra impregnated with moisturizing active ingredients, to avoid the need to moisturize the breasts from time to time with traditional cosmetics, or the case of textiles for childcare with impregnated fragrances that provide aromatherapy for relaxation. Successful cases have been developed such as self-tanning socks, textiles with aromatherapy and garments that release encapsulated active ingredients. Thanks to the know-how gained over the years, the Institute is fully capable of helping and guiding companies in developing different cosmetotextiles and to carry out tests, trials, and certification necessary before the product can be marketed.

Beneficial Roles of Aloe Fermented Butyrate, Propionate, and Aloin to Chronic Kidney Disease and Uremic Toxins

Authors: Kenji Koizumi, MD, PhD, Megumi Hasegawa, Akira Mukaitani, Akira Yagi PhD

fermented aloe butyric and propionic acid, renal protective effect of aloe plant extract, toxins, Endophytically fermented aloe plants extract, Gastroenterology and Hepatology Research, complex and dynamic consortium of bacteria, gut microbiome plays important roles, microbiome is disturbed due to the proliferation of dysbiotic bacteria, gut bacteria generates excess amounts of potentially toxic compounds such as ammonia, amines, thiols, phenols, and indoles, but the generation of short chain fatty acids is reduced, modification of gut microbiota, harmful metabolites, beneficial metabolites such as short chain fatty acid (SCFA), Butyrate is the primary source of energy for colonocytes and is thus associated with maintenance of epithelium, colonic short-chain fatty acids (butyric, propionic and succinic acid), Microbiota-derived SCFAs, leaky gut , transporters for SCFA, transporters for SCFA, colon walls, systemic inflammation, fermentable high fiber diet, health-promoting benefits, microbiota-derived metabolites can regulate the incretin axis and mitigate inflammation via expansion of regulatory T cells, reducing the number of pathobionts , enhances intestinal motility, Long-term dietary intake of non-caloric water-soluble fiber, prebiotic activity of aloe vera juice , aloe vera gel influences the structural and activity of microorganisms in human gut

Novel Starch/Chitosan/Aloe Vera Composites as Promising Biopackaging Materials,

Authors D. Bajer, K. Janczak, K. Bajer,

Active, bio-friendly and natural-based materials are one of the innovative concepts in the field of research on packaging materials. Development of systems involving the employment of completely biodegradable polymers and natural bioactive components is currently a major challenge for plastic processing plants and packaging manufacturers. Due to its antimicrobial components, such an active packaging material can be an effective way to protect food or other perishable products (e.g. cosmetics) against accelerated biodegradation caused by activity of microorganisms which colonize the product surface. The possibility of reduction in the use of preservatives directly in the material, which undoubtedly increases the final product safety by protecting consumers against developing skin and food allergies, is an additional advantage of such packaging. However, current trends must take into account not only biodegradability, but also the oxidative resistance of such materials. The combined use of natural raw materials, i.e. antioxidants, anti-microbial agents incorporated into the biopolymer matrix constituting a base could contribute to an increase in their application efficiency. Currently, obtaining naturally originating materials resistant to photo- and biodegradation, simultaneously characterized by the desired mechanical strength, capabilities and constant processing parameters, transparency and physico-chemical properties (e.g. hydrophobicity, permeability to steam and gases, solubility, wettability, adhesion, cohesion etc.) constitutes a huge challenge to researches. Starch, a natural polysaccharide, is one of the most commonly occurring biopolymers. As a raw material of differentiated botanical origins, a reserve material in most plants, it has become a basic nutrient for mammals. Although the chemical structure of starch is commonly known, its origin and source are responsible for a large variety of its chemical composition (amylose to amylopectin ratio), (poly)dispersity, granules shape and size, as well as its molecular order and average molecular weight. Both, starch and its chemically and physically modified products, could find their applications in many sectors of industry (e.g. food, cosmetics, paper, and textile) and, more recently, as raw materials for biodegradable packaging production due to their availability, low acquisition costs and biodegradation. Despite many advantages, starch remains a difficult processing material owing to its cold-water insolubility, susceptibility to retrogradation, gelatinization, and high hydrophilicity. Moreover, its processing is characterized by high variability and instability and does not give reproducible results, which directly results from the botanical origin of starch or climatic conditions of plants growth. Starch-based films are brittle and not resistant to water activity, which directly limits the possibility of its industrial use. Thus, a suitable physico-chemical modification of native starch is aimed at modifying its properties according to industrial requirements and applicability. It concerns improving the starch processing methods, but it is also intended to obtain a material preventing biocompatible or antimicrobial properties. For this purpose, chitosan with its good gel- and film-forming abilities, anti-microbial and anti- oxidative properties as well as biodegradability seems to be a good modifier and a valuable material which has gained scientific attention. Its functional properties have been widely reported in literature in recent years. Moreover, it is safe and non-toxic; thus, there are no contraindications to its use in for food packaging production. Furthermore, as expected, chitosan can improve the mechanical properties of starch films which could strongly affect the possibility of its use on a large scale. Due to its higher hydrophobicity, if compared with that of starch, chitosan reduces water vapor transport and consequently increases resistance to moisture in starch/chitosan blends. A possibility to bond chemically with bioactive particles owing to the presence of reactive carbonyl and/or hydroxyl groups is an important advantage of such biopolymers. Thus, anti-bacterial properties of starch-/chitosan-based films could be intensified with biocompatible Aloe vera (AV) gel incorporated into the polymer matrix. It broadens the scope of applications for such biomaterial which turn out to be effective also for therapeutic and dressing purposes. Aloe vera plant is characterized by antimicrobial activity due to the presence of antiseptic ingredients i.a. salicylic acid, cinnamonic acid, sulfur, lueol. Moreover, its components such as glycoproteins, prostaglandins, muccopolysaccharides and gamma-linoleic acid are effective against E.coli, K. pneumoniae and S. aureus, whereas its anti-oxidative potential results from phenolic and polyssaccharide components, for example mannan, acemannan, glucomannan. In addition, by acting synergistically with other substances present in Aloe vera gel, e.g. enzymes or vitamins, biopolymer (starch/chitosan) films gain many pharmacological properties which are of great interest to medicine as well as food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Plant extracts which Aloe vera gel contains are a rich source of antioxidants, e.g. flavonoids, flavanols, polyphenols, organic acids (for example citric acid), etc., which can additionally improve plasticizing properties and influence bio-based films flexibility. In addition to the afore mentioned ingredients, there are more than 75 chemically active substances in Aloe vera gel. Among them, enzymes and minerals, essential and non-essential amino acids, sterols, saponins, anthraquinones (aloin, emodin) etc., can be listed. They are a part of dry, only 0.5–1.5% solid fraction, while water is the dominant component (98.5–99.5%) of the gel. Producing dressing materials based on biopolymers with AV gel incorporated in polymer films or hydrogels are a new research challenge. They are expected to elicit wound healing acceleration protecting at the same time against microbial attack; thus, such materials are of great interest for tissue engineering, drug delivery, and wound-dressings purposes. A novel system based on Aloe vera gel blended into the chitosan matrix was explored, and a strong interaction between these two components was proved. This combination caused a decrease in water solubility and vapor permeability noticed together with an increase in Aloe gel concentration. Moreover, mechanical properties of the prepared films were improved. Additionally, antimicrobial activity against S. aureus was higher in chitosan membranes enriched with higher Aloe vera gel content.

Effects of Aloe vera gel coatings on shelf life of Citrus sinensis fruits stored at ambient temperature.

Authors Adetunji C. O., Fawole O.B , Afolayan S.S, OlaleyeO.O. Adetunji J.B.

Lime (Citrus aurantiifolia) is typically a round, green, citrus fruit that contains acidic juice vesicles. It is rich in vitamin C (35% of the daily value per 100 g serving) and contains citric acid at almost twice the level of grapefruit juice and about five times higher than that in orange juice. Lime pulp and peel contain diverse phytochemicals, including polyphenols and terpenes After harvest, lime fruit turns yellow and later brown, and this is associated with loss of freshness and shelf life. This can occur within 7–10 days from harvest. Extending fruit shelf life is imperative to reduce postharvest losses, minimize supply and price volatility, and increase profits at the farmgate and downstream markets. Several techniques are available to extend fruit shelf life, but techniques that pose no hazard to people and the environment are highly desirable and are gaining more emphasis in the global drive towards sustainable development. Among safe and environment friendly postharvest techniques for horticultural produce is the use of edible coatings. Aloe vera gel (AVG) coating is an edible coating technique that has received a lot of research interest as can be seen from several reviews on its use on fruits, vegetables, and fresh-cut products Aloe vera contains 110 potentially active constituents from six different classes: chromone and its glycoside derivatives; anthraquinone and its glycoside derivatives; flavonoids; phenylpropanoids and coumarins phenylpyrone and phenol derivatives; and phytosterols. As an edible coating, AVG provides a thin film on the fruit surface which acts as a barrier against atmospheric gases and moisture, thereby reducing respiration and transpiration (water loss) and delaying postharvest deterioration of produce. AVG also inhibits fruit decay due to its antimicrobial properties. Usual responses of AVG-coated fruits include reduced loss of weight, firmness, sensory and visual qualities, ascorbic acid and titratable acidity, slowed increase in total soluble solids (TSS), reduced decay and extension of shelf life. However, effective treatment and storage conditions vary: in apple, 10–20% AVG as a 5 min dip prior to cold storage; in grapes, 20% AVG as a 5 min dip before storage at 0″C or 30″C for the ‘Thompson Seedless’ variety , 67% AVG as a 5 min dip before storage at 4″C, 85±5% RH for the ‘Askari’ variety, 5–10% AVG as a 2–3 second dip before storage at 15″C for an Indian variety, and 25% AVG spray before cold storage at 0″C±1, 90–95% RH for the ‘Flame Seedless’ red variety; in jujube fruit, 33–50% AVG (v/v) before cold storage at 4″C ; in mango, 100% AVG as a 3 min dip before ambient storage for the ‘Keitt’ variety and 50–75% AVG as a 25 min dip before storage at ambient temperature (15–22″C) or at 13″C for the ‘Ngowe’ variety; in papaya, 1.5% AVG as a 5 min dip before ambient storage for the ‘Shahi’ (BARI Papaya-1) variety and 50% AVG as a 15 min dip before ambient storage (30 ± 3″C, 42–55% RH) for an unspecified variety; and in pomegranate, 100% AVG before ambient storage. Similar responses were obtained in vegetables: in tomato, 100% AVG for the ‘Ruchi 618’ variety at the breaker stage, 100% AVG as a 2 min dip for ‘Roma’ and ‘UTC’ varieties at the fully ripe stage, and 2% AVG as a 2 min dip in mature green fruits (unspecified variety) ; in the bell pepper var. ‘Yolo Wonder’, 4–6% AVG as a 5 min dip before cold storage at 8 ± 1″C, 90–95% RH; and in cucumber, 100% AVG. From these reports, there are wide differences in the effective AVG dose and treatment duration. In general, lower doses of AVG (? 25%) are effective preservatives for thin skinned produce such as grapes, nectarines, raspberries, tomatoes and sweet cherries; moderate doses (25–50%) are effective for medium-skinned products such as peppers and mangoes; and high doses (? 50%) are required for thick-skinned fresh products such as pineapples, plums and pistachios. The incorporation of ascorbic acid, glycerol or chitosan usually improves the preservative characteristics of the coatings. In citrus, studies showed that AVG coating enhanced fruit quality and shelf life despite differences in treatment conditions. In oranges (Citrus sinensis), for example, AVG (100%) coating reduced losses in weight, firmness and total soluble solids and extended shelf life during ambient storage (27 ± 2″C, 50–60% RH) used different treatment conditions and showed that oranges treated with 30% AVG coating had lower weight loss, higher firmness, soluble solids content, titratable acidity and vitamin C content, better sensory qualities, particularly juiciness, and longer shelf life than uncoated fruit during cold storage (4 ± 1″C, 80 ± 5% RH). In mandarin (Citrus reticulata L.), 60% AVG reduced losses in weight, titratable acidity, juice content and vitamin C content and slowed the increase in soluble solids content during storage at 5″C, 85% RH relative to that without coating. To our knowledge, no study has been done on the use of AVG coating in lime fruit, particularly in Thailand. Therefore, this study explored the use of AVG coating in enhancing the quality and shelf life of lime.

aloemannan .- Biodisposition of FITC-labeled aloemannan in mice.

Author: Yagi A, Hamano S, Tanaka T, Kaneo Y, Fujioka T, Mihashi K. Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Fukuyama University, Fukuyama, Japan.

Aloemannan – Aloe vera – Asphodelaceae – fluoresceinyl isothiocyanate aloemannan – metabolism – degraded fluoresceinyl thiocyanate aloemannan – fast atom bombartment mass spectrometry – matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry

Effects of Aloe vera gel and MAP on bioactive compounds and quality attributes of cherry laurel fruit during cold storage.

Authors Ozturk, B., Karakaya, O., Yildiz, K., and Saracoglu, O.

Cheery laurel is a naturally growing fruit species of Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey. Black Sea region is among the most significant habitats of cherry laurel fruit. As well as fresh consumptions, fruit are also consumed as dried, brined, molasses, jam, marmalade or processed into fruit juice. Cherry laurel is also colloquially known as a medicinal plant. Fresh fruit and seeds are used in folk medicine for the treatment of various diseases. Stones of fruit are used to expel kidney stones, used in treatment of stomach ulcer, bronchitis, digestive system disorders and used to strengthen the bones and to adjust acid-base balance of blood. Fruit is used as diuretic, antispasmodic and antitussive and used in treatment of eczema and hemorrhoid. Fruit is quite rich in phenolics and have quite high antioxidant capacity. Preservation of fruit and vegetables with a minimum loss of quality is only possible with the storage under proper conditions. For this purpose, besides cold storage, modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) and coating technologies are also used to decelerate metabolic processes, especially respiration effective in ripening. Gas diffusion characteristics of the packaging material and respiration of plant tissues generate a gas exchange in package. With coating treatments, a semi-permeable layer is created over the product outer surface and thus moisture loss, respiration and oxidative reactions are reduced. In this way, natural ripening process of the fruit is delayed. Just because of concerns about chemicals regarding environment and human health, there is an ever-increasing interest in Aloe vera-like natural substances. Aloe vera-like gel-based edible coatings (alginate, chitosan, cellulose etc.) were used to reduce microorganism activity, delay oxidative stress, decelerate respiration rate, and fruit ripening, delay losses in fruit weight and flesh firmness in table grapes, sweet cherries, and nectarines. To preserve fruit quality attributes, chitosan was used as a coating material in peaches and nectarines, pectin was used in melons, alginate was used in apples and cherries, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose-beeswax and their proteins were used in plums.

Inhibitory effect of salicylic acid and Aloe vera gel edible coating on microbial load and chilling injury of orange fruit.

Authors Rasouli, M., Koushesh Saba, M. and Ramezanian, A.

Effects of salicylic acid (SA) and Aloe vera gel (AV) on microbial load, quality, and chilling injury of ‘Thomson Navel’ oranges (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) stored at 4?±?1?”C and 80?±?5% RH were evaluated. Fruit was treated by immersion in distilled water (control), SA 2?mM, AV 30%, and the combination of SA?+?AV. Decay index, microbiological analysis, weight loss, firmness, soluble solids content, titratable acidity, vitamin C, total phenol, chilling injury, electrolyte leakage, malondialdehyde and sensory evaluation were measured at 0, 20, 40, 60 and 80 days of storage. Results showed that treated fruit had lower decay index, total yeasts?+?molds count, total aerobic mesophilic bacteria, weight loss and higher firmness, soluble solids content, titratable acidity, vitamin C, and total phenol content. The treatment with SA and AV gel coating reduced malondialdehyde, electrolyte leakage and chilling injury. Fruit odor attributes was not affected by treatments but skin appearance, sweetness, juiciness, and intention to buy in treated fruit were higher than control. SA?+?AV was more effective than SA and AV solely in maintaining fruit quality and reducing microbial load and chilling injury. It could be concluded that the combination of SA with AV might leads to increased oranges fruit shelf-life. Citrus fruit have major popularity all over the world due to their high nutritional value, bioactive compounds, good taste, and widespread availability. However, pathogens can cause large losses of citrus fruit during transportation and storage. Furthermore, these fruits are highly sensitive to low temperatures during storage. Low temperatures can cause the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), cell membrane damage, and ultimately the chilling disorder. Microbial decay and chilling injury (CI) cause physiological and biochemical changes and finally lead to fruit quality decrease, nutrient losses, water losses and decay. In the past decade, resistance inducers or elicitors and coatings are considered technologies with the great potential to maintain the quality of fruit and to protect them from the influence of external abiotic and biotic stresses. The application of agents known as resistance inducers (elicitors) to biotic or abiotic stresses is a way to maintain postharvest fruit quality. Salicylic acid (SA), which considered a signaling molecule, plays an important role in regulating many physiological processes and systemic resistance. Also, SA could cause the production of defense compounds such as pathogenesis-related proteins or polyphenols. In recent years, a few studies have reported that SA increased resistance to decay of ‘Valencia’ or ‘Lanelate’ orange and grapefruit and delayed softening of kiwifruit, lipid peroxidation of ‘Cara cara’ navel orange, and CI of lemon. Coatings act as a semi-permeable barrier which restricts the movement of gases and water vapor could reduce the rate of respiration and water loss from the fruit. Moreover, coating compounds might intrinsically have antioxidants and antimicrobial properties (Vieira et al., 2016) or be the carrier of those. In general, edible coatings are formed of polysaccharides, lipids, proteins, and or of different compositions. Aloe vera (AV) gel is one of these coatings that have been considered in recent years. The AV gel is mainly composed of polysaccharides and minerals, sugars, vitamins, antimicrobial and antioxidant agents, such as phenolic compounds. The AV gel coating in table grapes, nectarines and strawberry reduced respiration rates, moisture loss, softening, microbial decay and maintained the other quality characteristics and could extend the fruits shelf-life. There is no report regarding the combination effects of SA and AV gel coating on postharvest quality of citrus fruit. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of SA in combination with AV gel coating on microbial decay, fruit quality and CI of ‘Thomson Navel’ oranges during storage.

Potential use of tight junction modulators to reversibly open membranous barriers and improve drug delivery.

Author: Mária A.Deli

epithelial and endothelial barriers of the human body are major obstacles for drug delivery to the systemic circulation and to organs with unique environment and homeostasis, like the central nervous system. Several transport routes exist in these barriers, which potentially can be exploited for enhancing drug permeability. Beside the transcellular pathways via transporters, adsorptive and receptor-mediated transcytosis, the paracellular flux for cells and molecules is very limited, lipophilic molecules can diffuse across the cellular plasma membranes, the junctional complexes restrict or completely block the free passage of hydrophilic molecules through the paracellular clefts, Recent advances in barrier research led to the discovery of an increasing number of integral membrane, adaptor, regulator and signalling proteins in tight and adherens junctions. New tight junction modulators are under development, which can directly target tight or adherens junction proteins, the signalling pathways regulating junctional function, or tight junction associated lipid raft microdomains. Modulators acting directly on tight junctions include peptides derived from zonula occludens toxin, or Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin, peptides selected by phage display that bind to integral membrane tight junction proteins, and lipid modulators. They can reversibly increase paracellular transport and drug delivery with less toxicity than previous absorption enhancers, and have a potential to be used as pharmaceutical excipients to improve drug delivery across epithelial barriers and the blood-brain barrier.

Psychobiotics, gut microbiota and fermented foods can help preserving mental health

Author Melania Casertano, Vincenzo Fogliano, Danilo Ercolinia

Nervous system disorders, beneficial effects of the probiotics on the gut and the gut-brain axis, Psychobiotics are a probiotic strain capable to affect the gut-brain axis, health-promoting properties, bioactive peptides, unsaturated fatty acids, minerals and vitamins, prebiotics, and probiotics , Bifidobacterium animalis subspecies lactis Bl-04, anti-diabetic/obese potential by Lactobacillus johnsonni 3121, Lactobacillus rhamnosus 86, and Lactobacillus casei YRL577, treatment of arthritis, pouchitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn disease by Lactobacillus casei, Lactococcus lactis NCDO 2118, anti-cancer effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and engineered Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 (EcN), management of COVID-19 by Bifidobacteria (Bozkurt and Quigley 2020), and fertility improving properties of Lactobacillus plantarum 2621 , The term “Psychobiotics” refers to probiotics, prebiotics, and all microbiota-targeted interventions that can manipulate microbiota-gut-brain signals and have positive effects on neurological functions such as mood, cognition, and anxiety, metabolites including tryptophan and short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), effects of SCFAs on the cellular system are mediated through immune system and endocrine pathways as well as neural and humoral route, SCFAs activate free fatty acid receptors and interact with immune and intestinal epithelial cells, which can affect the safety and function of the intestinal mucosa, microbiome profile and metabolism properties, probiotics effect mainly enhance gut health.

The Relation of pH and Skin Cleansing. Curr Probl Dermatol. 54:132-142.

Author Blaak J, Staib P

epidermal barrier functions, like skin barrier regeneration and antimicrobial response, acidic nature of the skin surface pH (ss-pH), epidermal acidification, soaps and skin cleansing products, can induce significant changes in ss-pH, skin microflora , skin pH recovery needs time up, epidermal physiology and cutaneous microflora, cleansing and skin care products with a pH level of 4.0-5.0 may be helpful, ideal mix of surfactants, enhancing product compatibility and minimizing skin irritation and intolerance, innovative cleansing technology, multifaceted cosmetic research, interrelation of product pH level, surfactant composition and corneobiology.

Effect of chitosan-Aloe vera coating on postharvest quality of blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) fruit,

Authors J.M. Vieira, M.L. Flores-López, D.J. de Rodríguez, M.C. Sousa, A.A. Vicente, J.T. Martins

Blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum) are currently one of the most valuable fruits worldwide due to its organoleptic and nutritional properties. However, from the moment that blueberries are harvested they are very susceptible to structural, nutritional, and biochemical changes. These postharvest changes can be accelerated principally, by water loss and action of microorganisms, mostly by fungal outbreaks (e.g., Botrytis cinerea). In recent years, edible films and coatings have been considered one technology with great potential to improve safety of food and to protect it from the influence of external environmental factors, thus increasing its shelf life. This type of coatings can be a biodegradable alternative to the use of plastic packages, since they can create a protective barrier, semi-permeable to gases and water vapor, and could reduce microbiological proliferation. One of the main food applications of edible coatings is on fruit surface, such as strawberry, grapes, tropical fruits, among others. The purpose is to create a more efficient system for fruit storage, aiming to reduce the degradation of qualitative aspects in the postharvest period and lower loss rates to extend shelf-life. Also, the properties of the coatings can be enhanced using functional ingredients incorporated within such as anti-browning and antimicrobial agents, nutraceuticals, volatile precursors, and colors. Other ingredients, such as preservatives, antioxidants, and firming agents can be added to coatings to improve microbial stability, appearance, and texture of coated product. To improve the efficiency and stability of edible coatings/films it is essential to find adequate materials. Coatings/films can be produced using a wide variety of products, such as polysaccharides, proteins, lipids or resins, alone or, more often, in combination. Chitosan (1,4-linked 2-amino-2-deoxy-?-D-glucan) is one of the most widely used natural compounds in the edible coating production. Due to its characteristics such as high antimicrobial activity, biocompatibility, biodegradability and non-toxic profile, this polysaccharide has been studied for application in different areas, with primary emphasis on food and pharmaceutical industries, but also in medicine, agriculture, and environment. Chitosan coatings are an excellent carrier of other functional substances, such as antimicrobials and antioxidants. Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) is a member of the family Liliaceae. It is one of the most biologically active plants, since it is a rich source of antimicrobial and antioxidant agents, such as phenolic compounds. Therefore, A. vera is widely used in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. The main feature of the A. vera fractions (pulp and/or liquid fraction) is their high-water content (above 90%), having a complex chemical composition. Some compounds in A. vera have been identified as bioactive, such as carbohydrate polymers (mostly acemannan), soluble sugars, organic acids, fibers, proteins, phenolic compounds, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and mineral salts. Recent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of A. vera extracts (pulp and/or liquid fraction) against numerous forms of diseases in fruits and vegetables caused by fungi. The main reason to separate the two fractions is due to the difference in bioactive compounds (and concentration) present in each fraction, and thus their biological activity can be different. Recently, coatings based on A. vera pulp have been applied on fruits to maintain quality and reduce microorganism proliferation of strawberries and table grapes. However, as far as we know there is no studies on the application of A. vera liquid fraction as coatings on fruits or incorporated in polysaccharide coatings such as chitosan. The objectives of this work were: (1) to evaluate antifungal and antioxidant activities in vitro of A. vera fractions (pulp and liquid), (2) to choose the best chitosan-based formulation to be applied on blueberries, and (3) to evaluate the postharvest quality of cold-stored blueberries coated with chitosan-based coating containing A. vera fractions. Postharvest losses, which result in a decrease in fruit quantity and quality after harvest, are a severe problem. Poor handling and storage, as well as insufficient packaging and microbial and fungal diseases, are likely to cause losses. Several approaches and technologies have been developed in recent decades to control postharvest losses. An edible coating is one of the modified atmosphere methods that have shown promising results for preserving fruits quality. Now you must be thinking what is modified atmosphere methods. The main premise of this procedure is to alter the atmosphere surrounding the fruits by eliminating or changing the levels of gases necessary for respiration, such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, and ethylene. The use of a changed atmosphere has been performed from the dawn of civilization, for example in China, Greece, and other early civilizations, where fruits were sealed in clay pots with fresh leaves and grass. This created an unfavorable environment, which slowed the ripening process by altering the internal gas composition and decreasing the metabolic activity of the fruits. As a result, senescence was delayed, and microbial development was inhibited. Now let’s come to our main topic, which is edible coatings, in edible coating methods, to stop the ripening process of fruits or vegetables, biological or chemical components are used as a coating layer on the product’s surface to limit gaseous exchange. Edible coating as A thin covering put to the surface of fruit to establish a barrier between the fruit and the environment that may be eaten as part of the overall product. The edible coating can be applied by dipping or spraying the coating solution on the surface of fresh/fresh-cut fruits. By functioning as a barrier to gas exchange, an excellent edible coating provides a partial barrier to water movement, reducing moisture loss from the fruit surface and modifies the atmosphere around the fruit. The edible coating components are biodegradable and non-toxic. Biopolymer matrixes (like polysaccharides such as Pullulan, chitosan, carrageenan, starch, alginate, cellulose, pectin, gellan gum, and xanthan gum), And proteins (like collagen gelatin, gluten, mung bean protein, corn zein, soy protein, & casein), lipids(like bee wax, paraffin wax, carnauba wax, polyethylene wax, candelilla wax, rice bran wax, ouricouri wax, and jojoba oil), and composite materials are used to create edible materials, the application of biopolymers based edible coating on food products acts as a barrier layer against gas diffusion, water migration, aroma changes and different solute exchange. General Methods for edible coating – 1. Dipping: edible coatings can be applied to goods by dipping them in coating solutions and letting the excess coating drain as it dries and solidifies. Dipping has long been a popular method for coating fruits, vegetables, and meats. The Florida citrus sector was the first to use dipping, with the fruits being submerged in an emulsion coating tank. The fruit was subsequently transported to a drier in a controlled environment. 2. Dripping: This is the most cost-effective form of coating application. It also has the capability of immediately applying the coating to the commodity surface or to the brushes. However, because of the relatively large droplet sizes, uniform coverage can only be accomplished when the commodity is tumbling over numerous brushes saturated with the coatings. Coating fruits and vegetables with drippings is a frequent practice. 3. Foaming: Some emulsion coatings are applied with foam. The coating is foamed with a foaming agent, or compressed air is blasted into the applicator tank. To break the foam and ensure consistent dispersion, a lot of tumbling activity is required. The agitated foam is applied to commodities using rollers, fabric flaps, or brushes to distribute the emulsion over the commodity’s surface. Because this form of emulsion includes minimal water, it dries rapidly, yet poor coverage is a common issue. 4. Fluidized bed coating: is a method for applying a very thin layer to dried particles with a very low density or small size. It was created as a pharmaceutical coating technology, but it is currently being used more frequently in the food business. It can be used to improve the effect of functional ingredients and additives like processing aids, preservatives, fortifiers, flavors and other additives, as well as to make them easier to handle. Aesthetics, taste, and colour have all enhanced. Fluidized-bed processes are often used to cover bakery items. 5. Panning: Panning is commonly used to coat candies, nuts, and some processed fruits with a smooth, regular surface obtained through the pan’s polishing action. A stainless-steel pan is encased and perforated along the side panels in this technology. A pump distributes the coating to spray guns positioned across the pan. Panning is a time-consuming operation in which the speed of the pan changes depending on the size of the centre. 15 rpm is required for extra-large nuts. 6. Spraying: it is useful when a thin and homogeneous coating is required for specific surfaces. With the invention of high-pressure spray applicators and air-atomizing devices, this is the most preferred approach for covering whole fruits and vegetables. Spray applications are also appropriate for putting films to a specific side or when a dual application is required for cross-linking, as in the case of alginate coating. 7. ELECTROSTATIC COATING: it is a method that uses charged particles to cover a surface more efficiently. Formal spraying methods are used to project a powdered particle or atomized liquid towards a conductive surface, which is subsequently propelled toward the surface by a high electrostatic charge. For culinary applications, the exact performance of liquid electrostatic coating techniques is unknown. In some applications, such as the impregnation of bread with edible vegetable oil and the coating of confectionery and chocolate items, these coatings have shown considerable promise. The success of an edible coating for meeting the specific needs of food strongly depends on “Its barrier property to gases, especially oxygen and water vapour, Its adhesion to the surface, Uniformity of coverage of coating and Sensory quality of the coated food products. Some advantages of edible coating: Improved retention of colour, acids, sugars, and flavour components, Reduced weight loss, Maintenance of quality during shipping and storage, Reduction of storage disorders, Improved consumer appeal, Extended shelf life, Addition of the value of the natural polymer material, Reduction of synthetic packaging. Edible coatings are used to improve the quality of fresh foods, with a focus on some applications with attractive prospects, regulatory considerations, and application constraints. There are numerous technologies available today that can be utilized to improve the quality and safety of fresh produce. However, among other strategies for preserving the freshness of fresh and cut fruits and vegetables, the application of new edible coatings stands out. Many studies have focused on developing and characterizing low-cost coating materials, optimizing coating application processes, and the effects and implications of coating treatments on various food matrices. However, in most situations, commercializing edible coatings will necessitate additional research and consideration of key concerns such as consumer acceptance and regulatory considerations. One major advantage of using edible coatings is that several active compounds can be incorporated into the polymer matrix and consumed with the food. In this way, incorporation of active ingredients into edible coatings for fresh and minimally processed fruits and vegetables is feasible through nanotechnological solutions. However, current applications of nano systems to fresh products are still scarce. More research about the effect of nanotechnologies on quality and nutritional aspects of fresh and minimally processed fruits and vegetables should be conducted.

Incorporating additives for stability of aloe gel potentially as an edible coating

Authors Suriati, L., Utama, I. M. S., Harsojuwono, B. A., and Gunam, I. B. W.

There is a rising trend in the use of edible coating for fruit, with the aim of maintaining freshness for longer, and also to improve the appearances, these applications are stimulated by the awareness created regarding food health and safety, as the substances used are incorporated with material-additive to ensure fruit quality improvement, in addition, aloe gel is one of the potential natural edible coatings, known to contain numerous functional bioactive compounds. The aim of this research, therefore, was to determine the consequence and influence of incorporated additives (e.g., citric acid, ascorbic acid, potassium sorbate and sorbitol) on aloe gel potentially as an edible coating during storage, initial composition of aloe vera gel include 98.46% of water, 1.08% carbohydrate, protein 0.037%, fat 0.28%, ash 0.22% and pH 4.7. The degree of stability with the incorporation of ascorbic acid extended for 6 day. This is observed from the variable of color difference (?E) 11.30, Chroma (C*) 2.81, transparency 80.34 and the supporting attribute of water content (99.13%), 96 mPa viscosity, pH 3.87, and color visually (clear white-yellow), there has been an upsurge in the popularity of using edible coating to preserve fruit recently, being an environmentally friendly packaging, with easily parsed nature, and thin layer shape ,this phenomenon involves the formation of structural protection, in order to prevent physical, chemical, and biological deterioration, as the materials used serve as additive, carrier and active ingredient, as well as a barrier again gas, moisture, dissolved lipid component displacement, In addition, the main components include hydrocolloids (proteins, polysaccharides), lipids, and composites, while the formulation nature tends to dramatically influence the adhesion capacity on hydrophilic fruit surfaces, hence, there is need to incorporate additive materials on the polymer matrix of edible coating, Synthetic preservatives often raise public concern, hence Aloe Gel as a potentially edible natural polymer is considered based on the functional bioactive component, this raw material is characterized by the ability to form coatings, does not influence the fruit flavor, environmentally safe, inexpensive, and also easy to obtain and apply, however, the limitations in use includes the fast-changing colour, easy dilution, high enzyme activity, and quick oxidation, the stability of aloe gel is strongly influenced by the presence of air, light, heat and microbes, on instances where the immediate storage in a refrigerator is not conducted, through a reaction intensively catalyzed by heat, light and especially the sugar content present

Latest Developments in Edible Coatings on Minimally Processed Fruits and Vegetables: A Review.

Authors Mitelut,, A.C.; Popa, E.E.; Dr?ghici, M.C.; Popescu, P.A.; Popa, V.I.; Bujor, O.-C.; Ion, V.A.; Popa, M.E.

Edible coatings can be applied through different techniques, like dipping, spraying, or coating, to control moisture transfer, gas exchange, or oxidative processes. Furthermore, some functional ingredients can be incorporated into an edible matrix and ap-plied on the surface of foods, thus enhancing safety or even nutritional and sensory attributes. In the case of coated fruits and vegetables, their quality parameters, such as color, firmness, microbial load, decay ratio, weight loss, sensorial attributes, and nutritional parameters, which are very specific to the type of products and their storage conditions, should be carefully monitored, different edible coatings (polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, and composites) as carriers of functional ingredients (antimicrobials, texture enhancers, and nutraceuticals) applied on different minimally processed fruits and vegetables, highlighting the coating ingredients, the application methods and the effects on food shelf life and quality.

Aloe vera Gel as a functional ingredient and Natural preservative in mango nectar

Author: Elbandy M.A., Abed S.M., Gad S.S.A. and Abdel-Fadeel M.G.

Aloe vera, Mango, Gel ,Nectar, Bioactive compounds, Antimicrobial, Anti-oxidant, fruit nectars enriched with Aloe vera gel, produce therapeutic and high nutritional mango nectar by supplementation of mango pulp with Aloe vera gel, Functional foods Therapeutic properties, chemical properties such as total soluble solids, total acidity, pH, ascorbic acid content, total sugars, reducing sugars, viscosity, total bacterial counts and sensory properties, , total soluble solids, total acidity, viscosity and vitamin C, Aloe vera gel showed good quality attributes and good stability during storage for six months, Aloe vera gel to produce high quality functional mango nectar, food technology and nutritional sciences, functional food comprises of conventional foods containing naturally occurring bioactive substances and food enriched with bioactive substances (e.g. probiotics, antioxidants), daily dietary pattern, organoleptic qualities (e.g. good aroma, taste, texture and visual aspects), functional food will grow, increased emphasis on preventative health care, route of fortification or addition of desirable nutrients and bioactives including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, plant extracts, prebiotics and probiotics and fiber enrichments, Functional beverages are the fastest growing product category for delivery of a range of functional ingredients, health benefits of natural components of Aloe vera, actual value of Aloe vera in helping to improve pathologic conditions, relieve complaints and restore health, stimulating regeneration of cells in the islets of langerhans including the beta cells, the site of insulin synthesis and release, long-lasting blood glucose control properties, preparation of health drinks, nutritional value of fruit juices, fortifying their nutritional value by introducing biologically active components, in a controlled way, allowing fast compositional changes.

Biological and Cosmetical Importance of Fermented Raw Materials: An Overview

Author: Weronika Majchrzak, Ilona Motyl, Krzysztof ?migielski

bioferments; natural cosmetics; fermentation; bioactive compounds, innovative ingredients, bioactivity, bioavailability, fermented plant, y bioferments are made from plant-based raw materials, Fermentation increases the biochemical and physiological activity of the substrate by converting high-molecular compounds into low-molecular structures, making fermented raw materials more compatible compared to unfermented raw materials, cosmetic preparations, fermentation processes to obtain biomolecule-rich cosmetic ingredients, microbial strains, Cosmetics,bioferments formulation, marketed as natural or more health-friendly cosmetics.

Aloe vera: Functional and processing value in food

Author: Priya Patel, Harshitha CG and Shoba MS

Aloe vera is natural treatment and alternative therapy, biological activities, bioactive compounds, processed products , Bioactive compounds of Aloe vera, boost up immune system and neutralize free radicles, Aloe vera contain plenty of essential and non-essential amino acid are Alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, lycine, histidine, hydroxyl proline, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, proline, threonine, tyrosine, valine, drink aloe vera has health benefits, Lipids act as a principle structural components of living cells. The lipid present in aloe are arachidonic acid, ?-linolenic acid. Campestrol, cholesterol, ?-sitosterol and lophenol are the steroids, Minerals are in organic substance which improve overall health of our bodies and are interactive with the vitamins, co-enzymes and proteolytic enzymes. Calcium, chlorine, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorous, sodium and zinc these are the essential minerals present in the significant amount. These minerals improve overall health like, Copper help to improve red blood cell, skin and hair pigment, iron involved in oxygen transportation and making of hemoglobin in red blood cells, potassium has a capacity to maintain the fluid balance, phosphorus strengthen the bones and teeth, and also assists in metabolism and maintains body pH and sodium regulates body liquids, helps in nerve and muscle performance, and helps in delivering nutrients to body cells

Aloe barbadensis: A Plant of Nutricosmetic Interest

Author: S Laneri, RM Di Lorenzo, […], A Bernardi, A Sacchi, and I Din

antiaging efficacy of dermocosmetic formulations containing A. barbadensis, derma firmness, elasticity, nutricosmetic, developing innovative cosmetic products, scaly and flaky appearance or the xerosis of the skin, occur in the absence or deficiency of water, Moisturization is a crucial point to maintain the skin soft, flexible, smooth, wrinkle- free, and therefore preserve a youthful and beautiful appearance, Hydration is critical for the typical operation of the skin and its cells, Water levels mainly depend on the nature of the stratum corneum (SC), the outermost epidermal layer of the skin, the aging, and the destructive agents like the heat and the wind, epidermis has 2 different levels of water, separated by the interface between the stratum granulosum (SG) and the stratum corneum (SC), Water present in the deeper epidermal layers goes upward to hydrate cells in the SC, and in part, it is lost by evaporation, formulation of innovative products for beauty care with proven effectiveness , aloe cosmetics formulation development

Formulation design: new drugs from old

Author Crowley PJ, Martini LG.

molecular biology, physiological and disease processes, improving the performance of a medication, kinetics and dynamics of drug action, dose–response relationships, improve efficacy or reduce side effects, properties of any drug, composite of the innate activity and properties of the compound as modulated by the formulation, clinical effectiveness, design of formulations, development of new agents, application of formulation technologies, resurrection of older molecules, improve absorption (intestinal, buccal and transdermal) and prolong therapeutic effects, significant clinical benefit, terms of effectiveness, safety or convenience, novel path forward, antibacterial agents

A review on Herbal Excipients and their pharmaceutical applications.

Authors Prashant Singh*, Tarique Mahmood, Arshiya Shameem, Paramdeep Bagga, Nesar Ahmad

Herbal or natural excipients have a great advantage over their synthetic analogues, herbal excipients, which are manly polymers of natural origin, the pharmaceutical industries are getting more inclined towards their use in formulation development, natural excipients which can be proposed to be used as diluent, binder, disintegrant as well as lubricant in various types of formulations as they are biocompatible and capable of giving additional nutrition to the developed dosage form

Quality characteristics and storage stability of sea buckthorn berry aloe gel beverage blend. Bioved J. 2016;27(1):25-30.

Author: Jairajpuri DS, Khan KA, Somvanshi SPS, Pandey A.

aloe vera plant known for its medicinal properties, benefit for the digestive and immune systems, as well as having healing effects on the skin, develop a ready to serve (RTS) beverage using Aloe vera gel, physicochemical parameters, antioxidant profile, microbial quality and sensory acceptability, nutraceutical rich aloe gel and berry juice, develop nutritional and tasty functional fruit beverage with improved quality, plant produces a thicker, jelly like preparation, termed aloe gel. It is to this gel that the majority of health benefits of aloe vera are attributed. It is produced by parenchymal cells in the central portion of the leaf and is a rich mixture of a variety of substances, gel comprises over 70 constituents, and it is currently unclear to which of these the medicinal effect is attributed. Vitamins, amino acids, sugars, minerals and salicylic acids are all found in the gel, and may contribute to the possible therapeutic effects of the preparation, Aloe gel juice with other health foods particularly antioxidant rich fruits such as peaches, pineapple, orange, berries, develop a beverage of exotic fruits, total soluble solids (in 0Brix) determined using digital hand refractometer(Rudolph Research Analytical) and total sugars were determined by the using Fehling’s reagent, of fermentable substrate, product stability of the beverage blend

Colonic bacterial metabolites and human health. Curr. Opin. Microbiol. 2013, 16, 246–254

Author Russell, W.R.; Hoyles, L.; Flint, H.J.; Dumas, M.E.

microbial–mammalian metabolic axis, Bacterial fermentation of carbohydrates and proteins, metabolites, fibre-related phytochemicals, gut–liver axis, role of the gut microbiota in choline deficiency, insulin resistance, methylamines, biochemical transformations, Metabolites formed by the gut microbiota, fermentation of plant-derived carbohydrates, concomitant changes in the gut microbiota, acetate, succinate, propionate, butyrate, formate, lactate, ethanol, hydrogen and CO2, development of fatty liver in human, inflammasomes, murine insulin-resistance phenotypes, methylamine metabolism

polysaccharides between 400 and 5 KDa also exhibited the most potent antitumor activity in vivo. Identification of optimal molecular size of modified Aloe polysaccharides with maximum immunomodulatory activity. Int Immunopharmacol 2005; 5: 271–279

Author ImS?A,OhS-T,SongS,KimM-R,KimD-S,WooS?S,JoTH,ParkYI, LeeC-K.

Polysaccharides isolated from the gel of Aloe, Immunomodulatory activities, polysaccharides between 400 and 5 KDa exhibit the most potent macrophage-activating activity as determined by increased cytokine production, nitric oxide release, expression of surface molecules, and phagocytic activity

In vitro evaluation of UV opacity potential of Aloe vera L. gel from different germplasms. Journal of Natural Medicine 63, 195-199

Author: Kumar MS, Datta PK, Dutta Gupta S

methanolic extracts of aloe gel from different germplasms (S24, RM, TN, OR, and RJN) of Aloe vera L. were tested for their ultraviolet (UV) opacity potential. UV absorption profiles, sun protection factor (SPF), and percentage blocking of UVA and UVB were considered to test UV opacity potential, Chronic exposure to UV may cause sunburn, skin cancer, oxidative stress as well as photoaging, he biological activity of a sunscreen is evaluated by its ability to protect human skin from erythema and is represented by a sun protection factor(SPF), The SPF provides an index of protection against erythemally effective solar UV, cosmetic product formulations, mucilaginous gel of this plant has been shown to have wound healing , anti-in?ammation ,immunostimulatory and antioxidant properties, coef?cient values represent a more reliable presentation of the thickness-independent absorption properties, aloe germplasms

Effect of Aloe vera polysaccharides on immunity and antioxidant activities in oral ulcer animal models,

Author Zhan Hai Yu CheJin Ma Xin HeJian Min

Aloe vera polysaccharides, enhance immunity and reduce oxidative injury, Aloe vera polysaccharides are effective in enhancing innate immunity and suppressing oxidative injury in oral ulcer animals, Recurrent oral ulcer is a chronic systemic inflammatory disease. Inflammatory reactions trigger the oxidative stress and oxidants decrease the level of antioxidants. The free radical metabolism in the erythrocyte and serum of oral ulcer, active role of white blood cells in oral ulcer pathogenesis

Composition and applications of Aloe vera leaf gel

Authors J. Hamman,

many of the health benefits associated with Aloe vera have been attributed to the polysaccharides contained in the gel, biological activities include promotion of wound healing, antifungal activity, hypoglycemic or antidiabetic effects anti-inflammatory, anticancer, immunomodulatory and gastroprotective properties, A. vera to enhance the intestinal absorption and bioavailability of co-administered compounds as well as enhancement of skin permeation, A. vera gel powder as an excipient in sustained release pharmaceutical dosage forms, aloe vera has diverse biological activities such as wound healing, enhancement of the reticuloendothelial system, stimulation of the immune system, treatment of tumors and effects on the hematopoietic system, biological activities should be assigned to a synergistic action of the compounds contained therein rather than a single chemical substance, aloe gel is source of functional foods and as an ingredient in other food products, for the production of gel-containing health drinks and beverages, cosmetic and toiletry industry, Important pharmaceutical properties that have recently been discovered for both the A. vera gel and whole leaf extract include the ability to improve the bioavailability of co-administered vitamins in human subjects, Aloe vera gel include the ability to improve the bioavailability of co-administered vitamins in human subjects, polysaccharides in A. vera gel have therapeutic properties such as immunostimulant, anti-inflammatory effects, wound healing, promotion of radiation damage repair, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-diabetic and anti-neoplastic activities, stimulation of hematopoiesis and anti-oxidant effects, two maloyl glucans, namely veracyl glucan B and C, were each individually evaluated for biological activities it was found that veracyl glucan B demonstrated high anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferation effects, while veracyl glucan C exhibited significant cell proliferative and anti-inflammatory activities, Anti-oxidant effects of aloe vera, Glutathione peroxidase activity, superoxide dismutase enzymes and a phenolic anti-oxidant were found to be present in A. vera gel, which may be responsible for these anti-oxidant effects. It was shown in two cell-free in vitro systems and by incubation with inflamed colorectal mucosal biopsies that A. vera gel has a dose-dependent antioxidant effect. The cell-free techniques used in this study assessed the scavenging of both superoxide and peroxyl radicals, aloe vera has Antimicrobial activities, activity of A. vera inner gel against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria has been demonstrated by several different methods, anthraquinones isolated from the exudate of A. vera have shown wide antimicrobial activity, antibacterial activity of emodin against Escherichia coli was proposed to be mediated through inhibition of solute transport in membranes, many anthraquinones have shown antiviral and/or virucidal effects on enveloped viruses, Aloe Vera

Chemical and Enzyme Treatment of Enset Yarn for Technical Textile Applications

Authors: Alhayat Getu TEMESGEN, Omprakash Sahu

Yarns obtained from natural fibers have been played a significant role in human history for the manufacture of technical and conventional textiles. Enset yarn is manufactured from agro waste fiber called false banana fiber (enset fiber). Fiber and/or yarn is not effectively utilized in technical textile and textile fiber reinforced ecofriendly composites. This research work was focused on the effect of biochemical modification of enset yarn, morphological analysis and characterized the mechanical properties of the yarn. Chemical composition, morphological structure and tensile strength were investigated and studied by using Fourier Transfer Infrared (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and SHIMADZU Strength tester. The tensile strength of the yarns was evaluated before and after biochemical treatments. The result show that, enset yarns treated with caustic soda, amylase enzyme and Aloe-vera gel were exhibited a significant improvement in their morphological, tensile strength and weight loss as compared to untreated enset yarn. The test results shown that treated enset yarn with both chemical and enzyme had a tensile strength of 53.50 – 65.43 MP with lower percentage weight loss. The tensile strength of the yarn was improved by 22 % due to alkalization and softeners. The major weight loss (6.14 %) enset yarn was observed in both 7.5% w/v. of alkali and 20% w/v. of enzyme treatment.

Biopreservation, an ecological approach to improve the safety and shelf-life of foods.

Authors Ananou, S.; Martínez-Bueno, M.; Valdivia, E.; Ananou, S.; Maqueda, M.; Martínez-Bueno, M.; Valdivia, E.

Biopreservation refers to the use of antagonistic microorganisms or their metabolic products to inhibit or destroy undesired microorganisms in foods to enhance food safety and extend shelf life. In order to achieve improved food safety and to harmonize consumer demands with the necessary safety standards, traditional means of controlling microbial spoilage and safety hazards in foods are being replaced by combinations of innovative technologies that include biological antimicrobial systems such as lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and/or their metabolites, The antagonistic properties of LAB derive from competition for nutrients and the production of one or more antimicrobial active metabolites such as organic acids (lactic and acetic), hydrogen peroxide and antimicrobial peptides (bacteriocins). Nowadays the use of LAB bacteriocins is considered an integral part of hurdle technology. Their combined use allows most pathogenic and spoilage bacteria to be controlled and extends their inhibitory activity spectrum to such intrinsically resistant organisms as Gram-negative bacteria. Food spoilage refers to the damage to the original nutritional value, texture, and flavor of the food that nevertheless, these types of solutions have many eventually render food harmful to people and unsuitable drawbacks: the proven toxicity of many of the commonest to eat. The increasing consumption of pre-cooked food, chemical preservatives (e.g. nitrites), the alteration of the prone to temperature abuse, and the importation of raw organoleptic and nutritional properties of foods and foods from developing countries are among the main especially recent consumer trends in purchasing and causes of this situation, One of the concerns in the food industry is the processed products without additives, contamination by pathogens, which are a frequent cause of To harmonize consumer demands with the necessary foodborne diseases, Biopreservation is the use of natural or controlled microbiota or antimicrobials as a way of preserving food and extending its shelf life, One of the most common forms of food biopreservation is fermentation, a process based on the growth of microorganisms in foods, whether natural or added, intentional application in raw foods of different microbial systems (starter/protective cultures).

Plant based natural dyes and mordants: A Review.

Authors K. H. Prabhu and Aniket S Bhute

consumer interests is awareness of possible risks during production of synthetic dyes which involve use of petrochemical based raw materials and the violent chemical reactions for their synthesis. The manufacture of such dyes is energy intensive with adverse impact on environment adding to its pollution. Many of these dyes, especially the azo- based ones, are found to be carcinogenic. In this background, a brief review of natural colorant from plant sources, their classification, chemical constituents responsible for producing different colors, its activities and effect of different mordants on the hue is discussed. Different classes of mordants employed for fixation of natural coloration on textiles substrates, the use of synthetic dyes is gradually decreasing due to an increased environmental awareness and harmful effects because of either toxicity or their non-biodegradable nature, the natural dyes have their own limitations like availability, colour yield, stability, and complexity of dyeing process and reproduction of shades. Furthermore, natural dyes cannot entirely replace synthetic

Delivery system.-Intestinal Drug Absorption Enhancement by Aloe vera Gel and Whole Leaf Extract: In Vitro Investigations into the Mechanisms of Action.

Author: Haasbroek A1, Willers C2, Glyn M3, du Plessis L4, Hamman J5.

absorption enhancing agents, macromolecular drugs (e.g., protein and peptide drugs), oral bioavailability, Absorption-enhancing agents of natural origins, green chemistry, enhance drug permeation across the intestinal epithelial barrier, a clear decrease in transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) of Caco-2 cell monolayers exposed to A. vera gel, open tight junctions between the epithelial cells, evia the paracellular or transcellular pathways pithelial cell monolayers, harsh gastrointestinal environment where enzymatic and chemical activity, through the tight junctions and intercellular spaces cause extensive degradation, especially, of protein and peptide drugs , co-administration of absorption enhancers, adherence junctions, movement of the drug molecules across the intestinal epithelium, functional excipients, decreasing mucus viscosity, changing membrane fluidity, disrupting the structural integrity of the intestinal wall or modulating the tight junctions, derived from plants (capsaicin, piperine, quercetin, and Aloe vera), regulation of gastrointestinal function, enzyme inhibition, P-gp efflux inhibition, mucoadhesion, and tight junction modulation, acetylated mannan (acemannan or aloverose), across intestinal epithelial cell monolayers, excised intestinal tissues, TEER reduction, transport enhancement of the FD-4, accumulation of FD-4 between the epithelial cells (i.e., in the intercellular spaces), and F-actin disruption

Models and methods to evaluate transport of drug delivery systems across cellular barriers

Author J. Vis. Ghaffarian, R.; Muro, S.

Sub-micrometer carriers (nanocarriers; NCs) enhance efficacy of drugs by improving solubility, stability, circulation time, targeting, and release. Additionally, traversing cellular barriers in the body is crucial for both oral delivery of therapeutic NCs into the circulation and transport from the blood into tissues, where intervention is needed. NC transport across cellular barriers is achieved by: (i) the paracellular route, via transient disruption of the junctions that interlock adjacent cells, or (ii) the transcellular route, where materials are internalized by endocytosis, transported across the cell body, and secreted at the opposite cell surface (transyctosis). Delivery across cellular barriers can be facilitated by coupling therapeutics or their carriers with targeting agents that bind specifically to cell-surface markers involved in transport, methods to measure the extent and mechanism of NC transport across a model cell barrier, which consists of a monolayer of gastrointestinal (GI) epithelial cells grown on a porous membrane located in a transwell insert. Formation of a permeability barrier is confirmed by measuring transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER), transepithelial transport of a control substance, and immunostaining of tight junctions. As an example, ~200 nm polymer NCs are used, which carry a therapeutic cargo and are coated with an antibody that targets a cell-surface determinant, Transcellular transport is determined by addressing the effect of modulating endocytosis and transcytosis pathways.

Effect of natural aloe vera gel coating combined with calcium chloride and citric acid treatments on grape (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Askari) quality during storage.

Authors Shahkoomahally, S., & Ramezanian, A.

Table grape is a highly perishable, non-climacteric fruit. Table grapes have severe problems since acceleration of quality loss occurs during postharvest storage due to weight loss by dehydration, tissue softening, rachis browning and anomalous aromas attributable to over-ripeness accompanied in most cases with high incidence of berry decay, which lead to a reduction of shelf life. However, the use of a combination of pesticides, the development of fungicide-resistant strains, and the public’s concern for human health and environmental pollution have stimulated the search for new strategies as alternative tools for controlling postharvest decay. Edible coatings create a modified atmosphere around the fruit by providing a semipermeable barrier to water vapor and gases, and their use offers an attractive alternative to film packaging due to their environmentally friendly characteristic. Different compounds have mainly been used as edible coatings. Aloe vera L. gel is a novel edible coating for organic fruit storage technology. Application of A. vera gel coating has been reported to extend shelf life by delaying postharvest loss of quality in sweet cherries and table grapes. t is well known that calcium plays a major role in maintaining the quality of fruit and vegetable. Preharvest and postharvest treatments with calcium salts have been effective in controlling several physiological disorders, reducing the incidence of fungal pathogens, and maintaining fruit firmness. Calcium ions cross-link free carboxyl groups on adjacent polygalacturonate chains present in the middle lamella of the plant cell wall contributing to cell adhesion and cohesion. Citric acid (CA) is an anti-browning agent, which prevents polyphenol oxidase (PPO) by suppressing the food pH and binding the Cu2+ in an active site of PPO to form an inactive complex. It has also been widely used in the food industries for controlling the browning. Although applying CA as a dipping solution has been reported in postharvest fruits with very satisfactory results for fruits such as longan and litchi. No research has been reported on the effects of natural Aloe vera applied as an edible coating combined with calcium chloride and citric acid on shelf life and the fruit quality attributes of grape, so that the objective of this study was to determine the effects of A. vera combined with calcium chloride and citric acid on grape (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Askari) storage capability, functional properties and quality attributes.

Optimization of ingredients for sensory evaluation of Aloe vera jam preparation using response surface methodology (RSM), Int J Engg Res Applic, 2013, 3(1), 1224-1234.,

Author: Jayabalan K and Karthikeyan C

Chemical Engineering, Research and Applications, sensory quality of jam produced by aloe vera, optimize the ingredients, model fit, satisfactory correlation between actual and fitted values, optimise the factors levels for highest acceptability, aloe vera jam, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and analyzed using a second order polynomial equation, ingredients composition, sensory score is aloe vera juice, pectin, sugar, optimization, citric acid, Jam ( marmalade) is an intermediate food prepared by boiling fruit pulp with sugar, acid, pectin and other ingredients for colouring and flavouring with preservatives to a thick consistency and firmness to the hold the fruit tissues, specification of the Codex Alimentarius Commission the finished jam should contain more than 65% TSS. Sugar constitutes more than 40% of total weight and 80% of total solids in jam, alternative sweeteners with less calorific value, partial or full replacement of sucrose with other carbohydrate or non-carbohydrate sweeteners like xylitol, sorbitol, aspartame, acesulfame-K, cyclamate, stevioside, sucralose, or combinations of these, Aloe vera product, health foods for medical and preservative purposes, aloe vera gel’s ability to fine-tune our immunity therefore enhancing the body’s abilities to fight off challenges, antioxidant properties that are mainly due to its overall effect on the body and it contains vitamins A, C and E, Aloe vera induces an improvement in blood flow to the skin through capillary dilation, aloe acts as a natural anti-inflammatory agent without the side-effects of steroids, quantitative factors, determine the optimum formulation, experimental trials, sensory outputs, aroma and texture.


Author Rachana Sharma

Drug delivery, Controlled drug delivery, Nanotechnology, Increasing interest in this area has been focused on controlled drug delivery using biocompatible polymers as carriers in recent years and aloe gel is an example of such category. Its ease of extraction and processing has made it possible to be used as nano drug carrier. Aloe gel has been reported to be used in successful and controlled delivery of Aspirin and Vitamin C. It has bright future in drug delivery because of its abundance and varieties available throughout the world. The aim of the present work is to evaluate the importance, effectiveness, and future prospect of a medicinal aromatic plant aloe vera in the field of nano drug delivery, traditional use of excipients in drug formulations was to act as inert vehicles to provide necessary weight, consistency and volume for the correct administration of the active ingredient, but in modern pharmaceutical dosage forms they often fulfill multi-functional roles such as modifying release, improvement of the stability and bioavailability of the active ingredient, enhancement of patient acceptability and ensure ease of manufacture. New and improved excipients continue to be developed to meet the needs of advanced drug delivery systems .These excipients or drug carriers may be in the form of biopolymers such as polysaccharides, proteins, lipids etc. which may be of plant origin or animal origin (for eg. Alginates, Chitosan, Pullulan ,Aloe gel etc.) or some synthetic biodegradable polymers. In current work the emphasis is given on the structure, properties and uses of aloe vera as nano drug carrier in modern and herbal nanotechnology,

On the isolation of immunostimulatory active acemannan from Aloe barbadensis. Aislamiento de acemannano inmunoestimulador activo de Aloe barbadensis.Biotecnología Aplicada, 29, 87-101

Author Alonso M, Támbara Y, López M, Aguilar JC, Mayo O, Prieto E, Cremata, J, Gerwig, G, Kamerling, H, Hardy E. (2012)

polysaccharide is a long chain polymer made of acetylated mannose units, which are held together by ?(1?4) linkages [1], inhibition of cellular proliferation with autonomous character (antitumoral and anticancerous action), antiviral action against a variety of viruses (e.g., herpes simplex, newcastle, measles, and HIV), stimulative and immunomodulatory direct effect on the immune system, the acemannan polymer has been intended for the treatment of cancer, viral diseases, breathing illnesses, as well as for infl ammations and infections, acemannan has been proposed as an adjuvant of other medications, polysaccharide as an adjuvant of antigens administered by means of the oral and parenteral routes, formulation for vaccine administration via the nasopharyngeal route whose main components are the surface antigen from the hepatitis B virus (HBsAg) and the acemannan polymer, adjuvant for the nasal administration of other soluble antigens of different nature, Immunopotentiative capacity of acemannan

Modulation of tight junction integrity by food components.

Author Agnieszka Kosinska, Wilfried Andlauer

Tight junction, Epithelial barrier modulation, Phenolic compounds, Paracellular transport, Food components, primary function of the human intestine is to absorb nutrients and water, important is its ability to act as a selective barrier to protect the human system. Intestinal epithelium is formed by a monolayer of epithelial cells. Adjacent cells of the monolayer are sealed together by the formation of tight junctions (TJs)–complex protein systems. The structure of TJ involves transmembrane proteins linked to a cytoplasmic plaque, which is formed by a network of scaffolding and adaptor proteins, signalling components and actin-binding cytoskeleton linkers. TJs regulate paracellular transport of compounds as well as physical barrier function of epithelium, which is linked to pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and food allergies. Epithelium is intensively exposed to food components, The targeted usage of food components to modulate TJ permeability is of vital importance for enhancing the absorption of poorly permeable drugs or bioactive compounds and, on the other hand, for sealing the junction in order to limit the risk of intestine pathology

Design and Development of Dental Film Containing Aloe vera for the Treatment of Human Periodontal Diseases.

Author: Himansu Bhusan Samal, Itishree Jogamaya Das, Ch. Niranjan Patra, P. N. Murthy

develop and evaluate dental film containing Aloe Vera extracts for the treatment of Periodontitis, Aloe Vera shows wide spectrum of antibacterial activity against several periodontal pathogen and hence selected for site specific delivery for the treatment of Periodontitis. Aloe vera is formulated into dental films by solvent casting technique using polymers such as Ethyl cellulose, Carbopol 971P and HPMC K4M with PEG 4000 as plasticizer and prepared films (F1-F8) were evaluated for various properties such as weight variation, tensile strength, moisture loss, drug content, in-vitro drug release, In-Vitro dissolution studies showed an initial burst release to achieve immediate therapeutic level of drug in periodontal pocket followed by a progressive fall and extended release of the drug with more uniformity for prolonged period of time. Stability studies did not show any significant changes with respect to content and appearance. In-vitro experiments demonstrated that the prepared film F8 represent a suitable dosage form to release Aloe vera for 96 h and considered as the Optimized formulation, Periodontal disease is recognized as a major public health problem throughout the world and occurs in all groups, ethnicities, races, genders and socioeconomic levels, it is characterized by inflammation and degeneration of the gums, supporting bone, periodontal ligament and cementum and accumulation of bacterial pathogens, mainly within the periodontal pockets, Periodontal disease commonly refers to inflammatory diseases that are plaque induced i.e. gingivitis and periodontitis, Gingivitis, the moderate stage of disease caused by an accumulation of supragingival plaque and characterized by swelling, light bleeding and redness of the marginal gingiva. Gingivitis is associated with a change in the microflora, shifting from a Gram-positive anaerobic flora to a more Gram negative one. Periodontitis, a more severe stage of periodontal disease, results in the resorption of the alveolar bone and detachment of the periodontal ligament supporting tooth. Periodontitis is an inflammatory response to the overgrowth of anaerobic organisms, Aloe-Vera is one such product exhibiting multiple benefits and has gained considerable importance in clinical research. Since Aloe-Vera extracts shows low intrinsic toxicity along with a wide spectrum of biological actions like antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, astringent, and other useful properties, it is very useful in Dentistry also, the present study was aimed to formulate site-specific controlled release dental devices containing Aloe Vera for the treatment of periodontal diseases and then evaluated for their physicochemical properties including weight variation, thickness, and estimation of drug content, stability, compatibility, In vitro drug release studies and in vitro antibacterial activity.

Physicochemical and Mucoadhesive strength Characterization of Natural Polymer obtained from Leaves of Aloe vera.

Author S. Maru, Sudarshan Singh, Shree H. N. Shukla

Mucilages are complex polymeric substances that are carbohydrates in nature and have garnered considerable interest in the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries for their functional, health, and nutritional benefits, polysaccharide macromolecules that form intricate molecular networks capable of retaining large amounts of water, making them a potential source of natural hydrocolloids that provide a substantial thickening effect that is desirable for the chemical and cosmetic industries, polysaccharides have medicinal attributes such us wound, burn, and ulcer healing, as well as antidiabetic and antiglycation effects, other mucilage applications include its use in foods as a stabilizer, flavoring agent, fat substitute, and edible coating to extend the useful life of fruit, biological activities, including antiviral, antibacterial, laxative, radiation protection, wound healing, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antidiabetic, antiallergic, and immunostimulatory effects, among others, have been attributed to the aloe vera mucilage (AV mucilage)

The important role of stratum corneum lipids for the cutaneous barrier function.

Author: Van Smeden J, Janssens M, Gooris GS, et al.

skin protects the body from unwanted influences from the environment as well as excessive water loss, barrier function of the skin is located in the stratum corneum (SC),SC consists of corneocytes embedded in a lipid matrix. This lipid matrix is crucial for the lipid skin barrier function, relation between lipid modulations and the impaired skin barrier function, relation between lipid modulations and the impaired skin barrier function, lipid composition, lipid organization and skin lipid barrier, skin consists of the epidermis and dermis as well as the subcutaneous fat tissue [1]. The epidermis is the outermost layer of the skin and consists of four distinctive layers. Each layer displays one of the sequential differentiation stages of the keratinocytes, the major cell type in the epidermis. The layers include the superficial stratum corneum (SC), stratum granulosum (SG), stratum spinosum (SS), and the inner most stratum basale (SB). The SG, SS and SB are part of the viable epidermis (thickness: 50–100 ?m), whereas the SC (thickness: 10–20 ?m) is part of the non-viable epidermis and the final differentiation product. The SB contains the proliferating keratinocytes. After the keratinocytes escape from the SB, they transiently migrate towards the SC, after which they are finally released from the skin surface, a process called desquamation. During this migration the keratinocytes differentiate: They flatten out and finally adopt the dimensions which are characteristic for the dead cells of the SC, the corneocytes, keratinocytes in the SG contain a high number of membrane-coating granules referred to as the lamellar bodies (LBs) in which lipids are stored, such as glucosylceramides (GlcCERs), sphingomyelin and phospholipids, these are precursors of the SC lipids, and are enzymatically processed into their final constituents: ceramides (CERs) and free fatty acids (FFAs), CERs and FFAs are, together with cholesterol (CHOL), the main lipid classes in the SC. By means of exocytose, the lipid content of the LBs is released together with hydrolytic enzymes into the intercellular space at the SG/SC interface, human SC contains 10 to 25 corneocyte layers that are oriented approximately parallel to the skin surface and are embedded in a lipid matrix , structure of the SC is often referred to as a “bricks in mortar” structure, in which the corneocytes are the bricks and the lipids are the mortar, corneocytes are filled with water and microfibrillar keratin that is surrounded by a cornified envelope which consists of a densely crosslinked layer of proteins such as filaggrin, loricrin and involucrin , monolayer of non-polar lipids (?-hydroxylated CERs and FFAs) referred to as the lipid envelope is esterified to the cornified envelope, mainly to glutamate residues of involucrin, lipid envelope is suggested to form a template for the formation of the intercellular lipid layers , cornified envelope, together with the lipid envelope, minimizes the uptake of most substances into the corneocytes and allows proper formation of the lipid matrix. Indeed, a deficient lipid envelope results in a defective skin permeability function and an irregular lipid matrix, lipid matrix acts as the main barrier for diffusion of substances through the skin

Immunobiology and Application of Aloe vera-Based Scaffolds in Tissue Engineering

Author Saeedeh Darzi Kallyanashis Paul ,Shanilka Leitan ,Jerome A. Werkmeister and Shayanti Mukherjee

Aloe vera (AV), a succulent plant belonging to the Liliaceae family, has been widely used for biomedical and pharmaceutical application. Its popularity stems from several of its bioactive components that have anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and even immunomodulatory effects. Given such unique multi-modal biological impact, Aloe Vera has been considered as a biomaterial for regenerative medicine and tissue engineering applications, where tissue repair and neo-angiogenesis are vital, scientific evidence that demonstrates the advantage of Aloe Vera as tissue engineering scaffolds, biomaterials, regenerative medicine, foreign body response, macromolecules, anti-inflammatory material, bioink, tissue engineering

Postharvest Aloe vera gel?coating modulates fruit ripening and quality of ‘Arctic Snow’nectarine kept in ambient and cold storage.

Authors Ahmed, M. J., Singh, Z., & Khan, A. S.

New technological advances in antimicrobial edible coatings for food may hold promise in extending shelf life, reducing packaging layers, meeting food safety and quality requirements. Emerging research shows polysaccharides, bacteriocins, essential oils, enzymes, proteins, and lipids are all natural coatings that have unrealized potential in food preservation. Recently, interest has increased in using Aloe vera gel-based edible coating material for fruits and vegetables. Aloe vera gel has been proven one of the best edibles and biologically safe preservative coatings for different types of foods because of its film-forming properties, antimicrobial actions, biodegradability, and biochemical properties. It is composed mainly of polysaccharides and acts as a natural barrier to moisture and oxygen, which are the main agents of deterioration of fruits and vegetables. Aloe vera gel can prolong shelf life of the fruits and vegetables by minimizing the rate of respiration and maintaining quality attributes (color, flavor etc.). It has antifungal and antibacterial property which provides a defensive barrier against microbial contamination of fruits and vegetables. The present review describes the preparation, properties, and potential application of Aloe vera gel coatings for enhancing the postharvest life and quality of different types of fruits. To evaluate the role of Aloe vera gel coating on ripening and fruit quality of nectarine (Prunus persica L. Batch cv ‘Arctic Snow’), the uncoated and coated fruit were allowed to ripen at 20?±?1?”C in first experiment and in the second experiment, the fruit were stored at 0?±?0.5?”C and 90?±?5% RH for 3 and 6?weeks prior to ripening at 20?±?1?”C. Aloe vera gel-coated fruit kept at ambient or 3 and 6?weeks cold storage reduced respiration rate, ethylene production (62, 37 and 43% respectively), retarded fruit softening, reduced electrolyte leakage (EL), weight loss (65%), levels of ascorbic acid and total antioxidants (24, 9 and 13%) during ripening than control. In conclusion, Aloe vera gel can be used for extending storage life at ambient or cold storage and maintaining quality of ‘Arctic Snow’ nectarine.

Utilization of Aloe Vera for Dyeing Natural Fabrics

Authors Srivastava, A. and Singh, T.G

The consumers, the world over have realized the importance of eco-friendly, biodegradable natural dyes which are being encouraged and preferred by everyone. Natural dyes have no health hazards or disposal problems but on the contrary act as a health care. Benefits of using natural dyes and finishes for textiles can be numerous. In its preparation and application, no or only mild chemical reactions are involved which are unsophisticated and harmonized with nature. Fabrics dyed or finished with natural herbs can render added positive effects on the health of the wearer. It is well known that skin absorbs some elements which come in its contacts. This may be used to provide softening of skin, soothing and healing effects by finishing or dyeing of textiles or garments which are in constant touch with the skin always. Aloe vera is considered as a miracle plant with all its virtues like healing properties, analgesic effect, antimicrobial properties, anti-radiation, detoxifying agent, moisturizing and anti-ageing mechanism. Both oral intake and topical dressings have been documented to facilitate healing of any kind of skin wound, burn, or scald. It is also found to have antimicrobial properties. Procedures for dyeing: Treated as direct dye Aloe solution + nitric acid + common salt for Fabrics Cotton. Treated as acid dye Aloe leaf solution + concentrated nitric acid Cotton, silk, wool, Treated as mordant dye, Dyeing after cationization of cotton, Treated as mordant dye, Aloe solution + nitric acid + common salt + sodium hydroxide for cotton fabric , Treated as mordant dye, First treated with myrabolan + ferrous sulphate. Then dyed with aloe solution + nitric acid, Treated as mordant dye, First treated with myrabolan + alum. Then dyed with aloe solution + nitric acid + sodium hydroxide, treated as mordant dye, First treated with tannic acid + ferrous sulphate. Then dyed with aloe solution + nitric acid + sodium hydroxide, Treated as mordant dye, First treated with alum + ferrous sulphate, then dyed with the aloe solution + nitric acid + sodium hydroxide (Cationization of cotton was done by treating it with cationizing agent namely, Optifix EC LIQ (procured from Clariant), 5% owf, 1:50 MLR, at room temperature for 30 minutes. The cationized cotton was then dyed with the aloe solution + nitric acid in a bath and after 10 minutes, sodium hydroxide was added. Dyeing was done at boiling temperature and MLR 1:30. Natural dyes also fall under different dye classes as direct, acid, disperse, vat and mordant. Tannins such as harar (myrabolan), tannic acid etc are considered natural mordants. By first dyeing, let us say cotton with these compounds, one introduces additional hydroxyl and carboxylic groups in the fibre. These groups by themselves can only increase the dye uptake of basic dyes such as berberine. Mordants are useful only with dyes which have electron donating groups (o-hydroxy) which can form a complex with transition metal ions.

Efficacy and safety of Aloe vera syrup for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease: a pilot randomized positive-controlled trial.

Author: Panahi Y, Khedmat H, Valizadegan G, Mohtashami R, Sahebkar A.

use of Aloe vera (A. vera) for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms and compare its effects with those of omeprazole and ranitidine, Aloe vera is safe and well tolerated and reduced the frequencies of all the assessed GERD symptoms, with no adverse events requiring withdrawal, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is introduced as a result of lower esophageal sphincter weakness, which returns contents of the stomach to the esophagus. Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) gel is known as a healing agent for the treatment of internal and external ailments. Modern research has confirmed potential therapeutic effects of A. vera gel for GERD, but there is no review study to evaluate the efficacy of A. vera gel.

Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the Effectiveness of Topical Aloe vera on Diaper Dermatitis with Parameters Degree of Diaper Dermatitis with Scale

Author Rinda Gita Atikasari, Diah Adriani Malik, Retno Indar Widayati, Puguh Riyanto, Asih Budiastuti, Muslimin and Hardian

For toddlers younger than 36 months, most of them still use diapers, so diaper rashes frequently appear in the diaper area. To improve the skin barrier, a moisturizer is needed to repair the skin barrier, made with aloe vera as moisturizer for diaper dermatitis, topical ingredients with natural ingredients can be used, prove the effectiveness of topical Aloe vera moisturizer compared to other topical ingredients against diaper dermatitis, decrease in the degree dermatitis diaper after treatment with Aloe vera, results of qualitative analysis on other skin barrier function parameters indicate that topical Aloe vera can improve skin barrier function in diaper dermatitis patients

Aloe vera gel as biomordant in the finishing of vegetable textiles : A review

Authors Nsangou Abdouramane, Noah Pierre Marcel Anicet, Fabien Betene Ebanda, Sibiescu Doina

During the dyeing process, the color is maintained over time due to the mordant that creates a strong bond between the dye and the fiber. The most common chemical mordants are potassium alum, tartar cream, tin chloride, cupric sulfate, ferrous sulfate, and potassium dichromate. The current trend of increasing nature protection requires the use of clean products for the textile finishing sector and the biodegradability of textiles. Aloe vera is known to be a natural mordant. Mordanting, which consists of the addition of chemical substances, has the function of creating a chemical bridge between the textile and the dye. To mordant a textile, metallic salts, called mordants or fixers, are necessary, Textile effluents are a source of pollution of water and even of the environment in general. The current trend of increasing respect for nature requires biodegradability of textiles and non-polluting products for textile finishing. The protection and improvement of the environment is a matter of major importance that affects the well-being of people and the economic development of the whole world (Principle 2 of the United Nations Conference on the Environment. Aloe vera gel is the transparent mucilage contained in the parenchymal cells of the fresh Aloe vera leaf. It is used in finishing because of its antimicrobial properties. Aloe vera gel, Plant-based textile, Natural fixative, Biomordant, fixation of Aloe vera gel on textiles, fixation of aloe vera on cotton textile and one on aids rhombifolia fibre, active ingredients of Aloe vera bind to hydroxyl groups, which is a crosslinking agent of macromolecules, The mordant creates a strong bond between the plant dye and the fiber to be dyed so that the dye color holds over time. The mordant is the fixative and aloe vera is one such mordant. Aloe vera gel contains a salty substance that allows it to be used in natural and ecological dyeing , Natural textile fixative, In cotton fabric, Aloe vera is used as a dye fixative in dyeing and printing because it contains a salty substance that allows its use in natural and ecological dyeing, Pre-treatment of textiles, in cotton fabric, Aloe vera is enzymatic (catalase, amylase) and gummy facilitating pretreatment and printing, Dispersing agent for textile dyes, Aloe vera is used in the dispersion of dye,

Incorporation of functional ingredients into foods.

Author: L. Day, Robert Seymour, K. Pitts, I. Konczak, L. Lundin

market for functional ingredients, increased consumer awareness and promotion of healthy eating and lifestyle, challenges remain to ensure that functional ingredients survive and remain ‘active’ and ‘bioavailable’ after food processing and storage, aloe vera can act as vehicle for the delivery of bioactives and micronutrients at suitable levels that provide health benefits for increased wellbeing, new bioactives and functional food ingredients, model bioactive substances, diet-related diseases and their influence on the health and wellbeing, consumer demand for healthy nutritious foods with not only a balanced calorific content, but also with additional health-promoting functions, aloe vera is a healthy products of high quality and convenience need to be developed through inversion of AMB wellness, innovative multidisciplinary research programs, foods or ingredients of foods that provide an additional physiological benefit beyond their basic nutrition, bioactive phytochemicals such as polyphenols and carotenoids known to have antioxidant activity in protecting body’s cells against oxidative damage and reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer, research and product development, food and beverages industry are reformulating functional beverages to enhance the physiological functionality of inherent nutrients or by adding bioactives with largely clinically proven physiological function, functional food research has focused on nutritional composition of the food and to a lesser extent on the effects of adding a bioactive on the food texture and product quality

Probiotics: Versatile Bioactive Components in Promoting Human Health

Author Javad Sharifi-Rad, Célia F. Rodrigues,Zorica Stojanovi?-Radi?,Marina Dimitrijevi?, Ana Aleksi?, Katarzyna Neffe-Skoci?ska, Dorota Zieli?ska,4 Danuta Ko?o?yn-Krajewska, Bahare Salehi, Selvaraj Milton Prabu,Francine Schutz, Anca Oana Docea, Natália Martins, and Daniela Calina

dietary products, supplements, diversity of bacteria and yeast strains, delivery systems of probiotics, intestinal flora, beneficial effects of the administration of probiotics , nutrition; lifestyle; probiotic properties; evidence based-medicine; mechanisms; clinical studies; safety, development of food science and nutrition, biologically active molecules, balanced nutritional value, Metabolomics , research , healthy microbiota, regulate the immune response, improve the function of the intestinal mucosal barrier, increase the stability or promote the recovery of the commensal microflora when it is disturbed, modulate the expression of host genes, release functional proteins such as lactase or natural enzymes, and decrease the adhesion of pathogens , Health and Nutrition Properties of Probiotics, symbiotics, optimal repopulation of the flora, preventive purposes, microbiota , beneficial microorganisms , probiotic preparations

Collagen aloe .-Studies on anti-aging formulation prepared using aloe vera blended collagen and chitosan,

Author: Sriram Rajashree and Chellan Rose* Department of Biotechnology, CSIR- Central Leather Research Institute, Adyar, Chennai – 600020, Tamil Nadu, India.

Exposure to Ultraviolet radiations accelerates skin aging, wrinkles, laxity, dyspigmentation, roughness and dryness, natural biomaterials, fibroblasts cells on incubation with Aloe Vera, increased proliferation rate and the absence of blue stain indicated that the process of senesce has been reversed, aloe gel helps in regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin, skin aging has become a major symptom, involving the process of photo induced oxidative reactions and exposure to pollutions, Repetitive exposure to UV radiation, leads to free radical formation which breaks down the lipids to form malondialdehyde, malondialdehyde. This MDA subsequently cross-links with collagen, leading to the loss of skin elasticity and decreased moisture holding capacity which are very much related to the most obvious symptom of skin wrinkling, photoaging, dermal damage with marked elastotic degenerative change, collagen loss, reduction in number and size of fibroblasts, an increase in proteoglycans and a moderate mononuclear inflammatory cell infiltrate, capacity to proliferate fibroblasts cells and increase collagen production and secretion

A randomized comparative trial on the therapeutic efficacy of topical aloe vera and Calendula officinalis on diaper dermatitis in children.

Author Panahi Y, Sharif MR, Sharif A, Beiraghdar F, Zahiri Z, Amirchoopani G, et al.

Diaper dermatitis (DD) is a common inflammatory disorder among children and infants, It refers to any acute inflammatory skin eruption that occurs in area covered by diaper and caused by either direct effect of wearing diapers or as a result of increased skin pH, zinc deficiency, prolonged exposure to moisture, and irritants like urine and feces. The combination of these factors leads to overhydration of the stratum corneum as well as chemical and mechanical abrasion, which compromises barrier function and makes the stratum corneum more susceptible to frictional trauma and the penetration of irritants and microbes. In addition, the presence of microorganisms especially Candida plays a secondary role in the development of DD [2, 6]. DD is uncommon during the first few months of life as fecal enzymes are present in low levels during this period. It usually peaks between 6 and 12 months of age and may continue till diapers are not further used in children negative side effects such as irritation, erythema, and papules, it is essential to identify effective strategies in order to decrease the prevalence of DD in children or infants, particularly if a patient does not respond to standard therapy, use of medicinal plants as antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs as Aloe vera and C. officinalis are two medicinal plants with diverse biological activities including anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, compare the therapeutic efficacies of Aloe vera cream and Calendula officinalis ointment on the frequency and severity of Diaper dermatitis in children, topical Aloe and in particular Calendula could serve as safe and effective treatment for the treatment of diaper dermatitis in infants,

Recently advances in edible coatings for fresh and minimally processed fruits,

Authors Vargas, M., Pastov, C., Chirau, A., Clements, M.C., Julian, D. and Gunzales, M. C.

suppress moisture loss and preserves the sensory quality of fruits and vegetables. It also helps to make the product more attractive by providing a shiny texture to the waxed surfaces of the fruit, fruits and vegetables have a short shelf life and are highly susceptible to physiological and biochemical damage, development of edible coating and films made of naturally occurring biopolymers that have proven to be environmentally and user-friendly materials, edible coatings can be fabricated using several natural polymers, for example polysaccharides, which include aloe, starch, alginate, dextrose, chitosan, cellulose, and pectin, polymers also act as carriers for functional components, antimicrobials, antioxidants and anti-browning agents, vitamin E, spices, and food stabilizers that can be incorporated into edible coatings, main responsibility of the distributor is to preserve the sensory qualities and freshness of the food, deterioration of food production increases to a notable level during storage and transportation, Edible films serve as a conveyance for delivering active components, flavors, drugs, and nutraceuticals, active components are trapped in the biopolymer matrix and remain stable until reaching the consumer’s table, edible films are fabricated from biopolymers using wet and dry processes, edible coatings are generally prepared from the substance pertaining to film-forming properties, raw material for formulating the edible coating must be able to be dispersed and dissolved in the desired solvent, plasticizers, antimicrobial agents, flavor-enhancing substances, vitamins, colors, and spices can also be incorporated, edible coating to increase the mechanical strength, Water acts as a natural plasticizer for edible coatings and films. Glycerol, sorbitol, fatty acids, sucrose, polyethylene glycol (PEG), propylene glycol (PG), and monoglycerides are good options to provide flexibility and plasticizers, polysaccharides are widely used for the fabrication of edible coatings and films to enhance the shelf life and quality retention of food products. They are proven to possess good oxygen barrier properties but are hydrophilic in nature; edible coatings derived from polysaccharides lack satisfactory moisture barrier properties, Polysaccharide-based edible coatings are colorless and constitute less caloric content and in addition to that can be used to extend the shelf life of food products such as fruits, vegetables, and meat, Edible coatings resulting from polysaccharides include cellulose and its derivatives, such as methylcellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, methyl ethyl cellulose, carboxyl methylcellulose, starches (derived from different sources), dextrin, pectin derivatives, pullulan, alginate, chitin, and chitosan-based edible coatings, gums – Arabic gum, guar gum, xanthan gum, carrageenan, and agar, Edible coatings are used as the vehicle for the incorporation of bioactive compounds such as antioxidants, probiotics, antimicrobials, and EOs for the improvement of food quality and the creation of functional foods, Incorporation of N-acetylcysteine and glutathione into edible coatings was found to be effective in preventing browning reactions in fresh-cut pears for a period of 2 weeks without any textural damage, Aloe

Standardization of recipe for RTS of Kagzi lime fruit blended with aloe vera gel and rose juice. J Pharmacogn. Phytochem. 2020;9(3):1739-1742.

Author: Gill HS, Kaushal N, Kaur M, Jyoti S, Singh G.

fruit blended with Aloe vera gel, RTS beverage is a liquid ready to serve drink and beverages, nutritional along with good taste, aroma and flavor, preparation of value added nutraceutical RTS from Kagzi lime juice blended with aloe vera gel and rose juice, variation in TSS, pH, titrable acidity and ascorbic acid content, quality attributes like appearance (color), flavor, taste and overall acceptability, commercial production of RTS beverage on large scale, bottling production line, all over the world for new food products which are nutritious with delicate flavor, Productions of RTS beverages have been increasingly gaining popularity throughout the country due to their health and nutritional benefits, apart from pleasant flavor and taste, Fruit based RTS beverages, Herbal beverages in the form of RTS, squashes, appetizers, health drinks are important from the nutritional point of view

Application of plant mucilage polysaccharides and their techno-functional properties’ modification for fresh produce preservation.

Author Ibukunoluwa Fola Olawuyi Soo Rin Kim Won Young Lee

packaging applications, mucilages influence film-forming properties, preserves produce qualities in storage, preservative mechanisms and performance predictors, edible coating/film to improve fresh produce’s quality and shelf life, method of preservation, plant-derived mucilage, structure-function relations and corresponding influence on film-forming properties, prepare edible packages, Aloe

Dyeing of Wool Fabric Using Natural Dye and Natural Mordant Extracts,

Authors Taame Berhanu Teklemedhin

The extract of this plant was also used in northern Nigeria for the treatment of anti- microbial and acute malaria attack. It has also composition of Phenols, Saponins, Tannins and anthraquinones and those chemical compositions of tannins and anthraquinones indicates that it can be used as coloring material. Natural dyes were extracted from different plants and applied to tanned leather in the presence of mordants and without mordant under identical conditions to find out whether the extracted dye shows affinity to tanned leather in the absence of mordant. Natural dye was extracted from Cassia singueana plant was successfully used in dyeing of silk fabric in the presence of Aloe Vera juice as natural mordan. Tanned leather materials were dyed using extracted natural dye from this plant in the presence of natural mordants extracted from Aloe Vera and mango bark. The possibility of using extract of bark of mango tree (Mangifera indica) as a mordant to dye cotton fabric with natural dye (bitter leaves). This work was mainly focused on dyeing of wool fabric using natural dye and natural mordant extracted from Cassia singueana plant and mango bark respectively.

Efficacy of Aloe vera gel as an adjuvant treatment of oral submucous fibrosis.

Author Alam S, Ali I, Giri KY, Gokkulakrishnan S, Natu SS, Faisal M, Agarwal A, Sharma H.

pharmacological agents include corticosteroids, enzymes, interferon-gamma, antioxidants, methylxanthine derivatives, placental extracts, immune milk, turmeric, colchicine, tea pigments, aloe vera, and spirulina, Antioxidants are believed to improve the symptoms by protecting cells from damage from free radicals. Agents such as lycopene, spirulina, turmeric, aloe vera and green tea possess antioxidant properties which are believed to aid in the relief of symptoms, aloe vera was shown to be superior to curcumin in relieving the burning sensation, Aloe vera was shown to be most effective in burning sensation relief whereas it was not as efficacious as many other agents in improving mouth opening. Aloe vera contains vitamins, enzymes, minerals, sugars, lignin, saponins, salicylic acids, and amino acids. Vitamin A, C, and E are antioxidants that can aid in scavenging free radicals, and enzymes such as bradykinase which help in reducing inflammation through topical application. It also contains polysaccharides with anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing properties , these properties might explain the reason for its efficacy in relieving the burning sensation.

An evaluation of the biological and toxicological properties of Aloe barbadensis (Miller), Aloe vera.

Author: Boudreau M D, Beland F A.

Aloe barbadensis (Miller), a topical and oral therapeutic, Herbal remedies are used either as topical agents or as dietary supplements for both general health promotion and the specific treatment of ailment symptoms, consumption at various concentrations in liquid, powder, and tablet form, ingestion of Aloe vera, smaller oligosaccharides in this carbohydrate fraction have been proposed to be absorbed in complete form via pinocytosis and enter the blood stream unchanged

Short–Chain fatty acids and human colonic function: Roles of resistant starch and nonstarch polysaccharides. Physiol. Rev. 2001, 81, 1031–1064. Topping, D.L.;

Author: Clifton, P.M.

small intestinal digestion, large bowel, Human colonic bacteria ferment, dietary fiber, protective against colorectal cancer via butyrate, prebiotic, microflora can metabolize proteins, products of fermentation, metabolic end products, acetate, propionate, butyrate , lactate , succinate, chain SCFA, amino acids, formula-fed infants, Carbohydrates entering the large bowel , luminal anions in humans, Fermentable carbohydrates, beneficial lactic acid bacteria, probiotics , improve host health

Investigation of in vitro antimicrobial activity of Aloe vera juice. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 8(1):99-102.

Author: Alemdar S, Agaoglu S (2009).

antimicrobial activity of the Aloe vera juice against Gram-positive bacteria (Mycobacterium smegmatis, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Micrococcus luteus and Bacillus sphericus), Gram-negative bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium) and Candida albicans as in vitro, antibacterial activity of the tested plant juice was found effective mainly against the Gram-positive bacteria.

Ability of moisturizers to reduce dry skin and irritation and to prevent their return. J Cosmet Sci. 56:427-444

Assays of moisturizer efficacy, moisturizer’s ability to alleviate dry skin, a moisturizer’s ability to prevent primary irritation, controlled-application clinical (in vivo) studies, hand-wash test, regression test, reduction in pre-existing irritation study, and prevention-of-irritation studies, skin dryness, itching, scaling, and redness, cause of skin dryness and irritation is exposure to surfactants and/or solvents, either as part of aggressive daily hygiene, repeated hand washing, exposure to cleaning solvents, or occupational activities, skin barrier, composed of corneocytes and intercellular lipids, skin disease include low humidity conditions from cold dry weather and insufficient or defective sebum production, dry skin in elderly individuals, moisturizers reduce transepidermal water loss by promoting barrier repair, soothe exposed dermal nerve endings by creating a temporary artificial barrier, and restore skin softness, Skin hydration (conductance) and desquamation index (DI) measurement, scaling and assessment of skin-surface corneocyte integrity, skin flaking skin softness, smoothness, and moisturization, as well as in the appearance and feel of dry skin, ability of glycerin to alleviate dryness and primary irritation

Novel botanical ingredients for beverages – ScienceDirect .

Author: Joerg Gruenwald

Natural substances are generally preferred, natural ingredients improve health and appearance, functional beverages, segment on the functional food market, fortified water, tea, diary, or juices claiming overall nutrition, energy, anti-aging or relaxing effects, superfruits, such as berries, grapes, or pomegranate delivers an effective range of beneficial compounds, including vitamins, fatty acids, minerals, and antioxidants,

Cutaneous cleansers. Skin Therapy Lett. 8:1-4.

Author: Kuehl BL, Fyfe KS, Shear NH

In dermatological disorders like acne, rosacea, atopic dermatitis, photoaging, ‘sensitive skin’, occupational dermatosis cleansers, use of various cleansing agents, Hygiene ´products , skin hygiene includes both skin cleaning and also taking care of its health, Substances capable of emulsifying, emulsifiers/detergents/surfactants/soaps) that lower the surface tension on the skin and remove dirt, sebum, oil from cosmetic products, microorganisms, and exfoliated corneum cells in an emulsified form, keep the skin surface moist, Cleanser Composition, Surfactants, cleanser formulas, interfacial tension, ionic, nonionic, polar portions, anionic, cationic, amphoteric, cleansing agent has a bearing on its drying and irritancy potential, tightness, Skin dryness, scaling and roughness-lipid solvents such as acetone, alcohols and even nonionic surfactants can cause dryness of the skin, type and Rinsability of surfactant ingredients, damage to the cell membrane of keratinocytes, lipid bilayer of the stratum corneum thus causing dryness of the skin

Enhancing paracellular permeability by modulating epithelial tight junctions.

Author: Ward, P.D.; Tippin, T.K.; Thakker, D.R.

intestinal epithelium is a major barrier to the absorption of hydrophilic drugs. The presence of intercellular junctional complexes, particularly the tight junctions (zona occludens), renders the epithelium impervious to hydrophilic drugs, which cannot diffuse across the cells through the lipid bilayer of the cell membranes, design of agents that can effectively and safely increase paracellular permeability via modulation of tight junctions, the tight junction barrier function is physiologically important, in that it maintains electrolyte gradients and membrane polarity and keeps macromolecules out of the body,

Functional foods as a formulation ingredients in beverages: technological advancements and constraints

Author: Shagun Sharma, Astha Singh, […], and Vijay Kumar Garlapati

formulation ingredients in beverages, nutritional as well as healthier, food concept, functional, focuses on including probiotics, which enhance immune system activity, cognitive response, and overall health, functional additives in beverages, regulate the human immune system , optimum functionality of the probiotic, specific probiotic strain, developing novel functional food-based formulations, probiotics as an active ingredient in different beverage formulations and the exerting mechanism of action and fate of probiotics in the human body, probiotics-based foods and beverages formulations, Nutritional status is one of the leading risk factors for health ailments, probiotics-based functional food is one way of nutritional enrichment of beverages, probiotics reduce intestinal inflammation by NF-?B activation inhibition, process-based parameters pH and temperature affects the probiotic formulation, present impinged ”Immunity” awareness boosts the technological sector, healthy society, improve their living standards, nutritional status has been described as one of the leading risk factors for severe illness, including corpulence and malnutrition, for survival are safe, nutritious, and usable foods, which play an essential part in improving the immune system’s ability to fight the disease, thereby improving health, nutraceutical food items exceed essential nutrition and provide nutritional benefits beyond the generally balanced diet, international food quality standards, probiotics, prebiotics, antioxidants, herbal supplements, dietary fiber, minerals, and other phytochemicals dominate the functional foods sector, Probiotics-based food items and drinks, probiotics have different effects on the body, improving the host’s health by providing nutritional benefits, balancing of the intestinal homeostasis by suppressing or inhibiting microbes, strengthening the immunity, improving the assimilation of lactose, preventing the risk of heart diseases, diabetes, and allergic reactions, after the ingestion of probiotics, there are modifications to the intestinal tract microbiota, physicochemical and nutritive capacities, which enable these to buffer the stomach’s harsh acidic environment (where pH is 2–3), allowing a possible amount of probiotics to survive in the lower gut and potentially exert their curative effects, protection of food items and drinks which are probiotics-based, factors such as their source and composition, infectivity, delivering mechanism, capacity to bear antibiotic-resistant genes or not, the extent of subjection to exposure, host health condition, Probiotics as a functional ingredient in different beverages, alternate raw materials show suitable substrates for nondairy probiotics. Fruit juices are suitable substrates for probiotics because they already comprise Valuable nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fibers. Their natural sugar promotes the growth of probiotics, fruit juices used as fruit matrices for probiotic delivery are cashew apple, pineapple, apple, banana, orange, and blueberry, Epithelial cells lining the intestine are constantly in touch with luminal contents and the continually changing enteric flora, acting as a critical defensive mechanism, the intestinal barrier protects organisms from their surroundings while maintaining epithelial integrity increased gene expression involved in tight junction signaling has been a potential strategy for improving the integrity of the intestinal barrier

Use of emollients in dry-skin conditions: consensus statement.

Author: Moncrieff G, Cork M, Lawton S, Kokiet S, Daly C, Clark C.

pathophysiology of dry-skin conditions, emollient therapy, Dry skin (xerosis) is a common symptom of a number of skin conditions, including atopic dermatitis/eczema (AD/AE), ichthyosis, irritant contact dermatitis, psoriasis and asteatotic eczema, frequent washing, use of harsh detergents and exposure to low-humidity (e.g. air-conditioned) environments, Dry skin is synonymous with a skin-barrier defect, loss of water from the stratum corneum (SC), skin barrier, prevents the penetration of harmful irritants and allergens, well-hydrated corneocytes that are enclosed within a matrix of intercellular lipids, aloe vera moisturizing, corneocytes contain natural moisturizing factor (NMF), a collection of hygroscopic compounds, which attract and hold water in the cells, natural humectants are required to maintain the skin’s plasticity and development of dehydration of the corneocytes, lipid lamellae, desquamation of the epidermal barrier, epidermal barrier structural protein filaggrin, Emollient products can be formulated with additional ingredients such as humectants, physiological lipids and antipruritic agents, Physiological lipids such as ceramides, cholesterol and free fatty acids, naturally found in the SC, replenish and restore the intercellular lipid matrix, emollient formulation, Aqueous cream, leave-on or washing product, emollient preparations

Immunostimulatory effects of aloe vera and ?-glucan on cellular and humoral immune responses following vaccination with polyvalent vaccines in dogs

Author Nuri Altu?, Nazmi Yüksek, Z.T. A?ao?l

Aloe vera and ?-Glucan on lymphocyte subsets, haematological parameters ,vaccination in dogs, polyvalent vaccine applied dogs, White blood cell (WBC) and peripheral blood mononuclear lymphocyte (PBML) counts, immunosuppression, Vaccination against several pathogens, complementary and alternative medicine for animal companion, e polysaccharides, mannose polymer with ?-(1?4)-D-linkage, Aloe Barbadensis Miller, aloe has a therapeutic properties, formulations, for consumption at various concentrations in liquid, powder, and tablet form, Immunostimulants are widely used in animals for health management, plant polysaccharides (such as ?-Glucan and Aloe vera) are well known to possess immunoregulatory and/or immunostimulatory effects, ?-Glucan’s and Aloe vera’s role as a biologically active immunomodulator, immunological effects, strong immunostimulating and/or immunomodulatory properties in all tested animal species, modulate and stimulate both humoral and cellular immunity and it also stimulates proliferation of murine pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells, granulocyte macrophage colony-forming cells, and cells forming myeloid and erythroid colonies, activation of the innate immune cells (macrophages, neutrophils, lymphocytes and NK cells), synthesis and release of cytokines (TNF-?, IFN-?, IFN-?, IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8),generation of enhanced cell-mediated responses, and induction of nitric oxide production, Aloe vera and ?-Glucan induced antibody responses, cellular immunity, exert a restorative effect on the values of reduced cell populations (T and B) such as suppression and/or deficiencies of the immune system in the host organism

Development of powder and ready to health drinks using aloe vera.

Author: Rewadee Meesat, Srisak Trungwachrakul, Panida Bunjongsinsiri, Bussakorn Praditniyakul, Wannee Suttivattanavet, Narongdej Asa, Jirawat Eiamwat, Benjawan Keattisin, Damrongchai Sittisamang

research and development on healthy beverages and powder products made from the Aloe Vera, Aloe Vera leaf gel with formulated drinks, formulated drink was prepared with Aloe vera (52 %), concentrated fruit juice (17 %), water (17 %) and fructose (14 %). Second, the Aloe vera drink with fresh fruit juice was consisted Aloe vera (19 %), fresh fruit juice (73 %) and fructose (8 %), Aloe Vera drink containing orange concentrate juice, Aloe vera powder with bael , Aloe vera powder (0.2 g), bael powder (3 g) and fructose syrup powder (10 g). The Aloe vera powder with Chrysanthemum was mixed with aloe vera powder (0.2 g), chrysanthemum powder (2.5 g) and fructose syrup powder (10 g). The water activity (aw) of the dry products was 0.45.


Authors: Sameen Aslam, Tanveer Hussain, Munir Ashraf*, Madeeha Tabassum, Abdur Rehman, Kashif Iqbal, Amjed Javid

the development of functional and sustainable textiles has been the focus of researchers. The functional textiles are those that are developed specifically for an end purpose with added attributes such as self-cleaning, hydrophilicity, antibacterial activity, crease recovery, and super hydrophobicity. The demand of functionality in traditional clothing as well as in home textiles has significantly increased during recent years. The sustainable textiles are the ones which are developed with minimum impact on environment, minimum consumption of energy, and no hazards for wearers. Traditionally, organic compounds have been used to impart functional properties such as triclosan for antibacterial activity, benzophenones for ultraviolet (UV) protection, dimethylol dihydroxy ethylene urea for wrinkle resistance, fluorocarbons for hydrophobicity, long-chain hydrocarbons and polydimethylsiloxanes for softness, etc. Treatment of textiles with these compounds has two fundamental problems. First, one functional property is imparted to textiles in one step, and therefore, the fabric is subjected to multiple finishing steps to impart multifunctional properties; hence, huge amount of energy and time is consumed during processing. Second, some conventional chemicals that are used to impart functionality are toxic and not eco-friendly such as formaldehyde-based cross-linkers that are used to develop wrinkle-free fabrics. The quest to overcome the problems has led to the discovery and application of new materials in textiles. These materials are both inorganic and organic. Although the functional properties of inorganic materials have been known for quite some time, their usage in textiles to impart functionality became possible only after the advent of synthesizing and manipulating them on a nanoscale. For example, zinc oxide (ZnO) and TiO2 have been known for UV protection, self-cleaning, and antibacterial activity for decades, but their usage in textiles was started after manufacturing them into nanostructure. Since then, they have been used to impart antibacterial activity, UV protection, self-cleaning, etc. Many organic compounds, which are eco-friendly, are being used to impart functionalities to textiles.

Standardization of formulation for preparation of health drink by blending aloe vera, guava and jamun.

Author: Lavanya T, Raj D, Vaghashiya JM.

preparation of health drink, Aloe vera is the most widely used and commercially available medicinal plant because of its nutritional and therapeutic properties, food-product manufacturers have initiated the use of Aloe vera, Aloe vera have been attributed to its bioactive polysaccharide namely glucomannan or acemannan, aloe vera RTS , color, appearance, refreshing, delicious in taste and nutritious, demand for the fat free, low calorie and new emerging foods to prevent us from various degenerative diseases, healthy normal life without sacrificing their taste perception but combining sensory and nutritional properties, Average weight of produce was determined gravimetrically, different formulations on nutritional attributes of prepared health drink

Development of Cosmetic Textiles and Micro Encapsulation Technology.

Authors Srinivasan B

With the growing trend in enhancing beauty through healthy means, customers request for apparels and home textiles containing not only their original basic characteristics, such as warmth and comfort, but also ones that carry extra functions, including environmental protection, anti-pollution and most importantly, health and beauty care, in an attempt for a more natural and healthier life. Owing to the rapid development of novel sciences and technologies, textile material shave also found applications in the cosmetics field in recent years. A new sector of cosmetic textiles is launched, and the textile industry is very optimistic that these products will open new target groups and sustainable markets. On contact with human body and skin, cosmetic textiles are designed to transfer an active substance for cosmetic purposes. One example is the transfer of skin moisturizing substances. The principle is achieved by simply imparting the cosmetic and pharmaceutical ingredients into the fabric of the clothing so that with the natural movements of the body, the skin is slowly freshened and revitalized. To achieve these functional effects, microencapsulation technology appears as an alternative way to provide satisfactory performance with increased durability. Microencapsulation Technology and Its Advantages, currently, microencapsulation technology is rapidly developing in the field of chemical finishing because of its versatility and flexibility. One major advantage of using microencapsulation technology is its ability to protect the active ingredients from hazardous environments, i.e., oxidization, heat, acidity, alkalinity, moisture, or evaporation. It also simultaneously, protects the ingredients from interacting with other compounds in the system, which may result in degradation or polymerization. Another important advantage of this versatile technology is its controlled release properties that seem to be the best choice for increasing efficiency unminimizing environmental damage. Microencapsulation is a micro packaging technique that involves the production of microcapsules which act as barrier walls of solids or liquids. The microcapsules are produced by depositing a thin polymer coating on small solid particles or liquid droplets, or on dispersions of solids in liquids. The core contents are released under controlled conditions to suit a specific purpose. An active ingredient is the substance that may be in a liquid or solid form. It also refers to the core contents, internal phases, encapsulations, payloads or fillers. Wall Shell, A polymer coating that surrounds the active ingredients which may also be called the wall, shell, external phase, membrane or matrix. It may be natural, semi-synthetic or synthetic polymer. The release mechanisms of the core contents vary depending on the selection of wall materials and more importantly, its specific end uses, the relationship between the textiles end uses and their release mechanisms. The core content may be released by friction, pressure, change of temperature, diffusion through the polymer wall, dissolution of the polymer wall coating, biodegradation etc., Microencapsulating Methods, Complex Coacervation, This method takes advantage of the abilities of cationic and anionic water soluble polymers to interact with water, forming a liquid, polymer-rich phase called complex coacervation. When the complex coacervate forms, it will be in equilibrium with a dilute solution called the supernatant. The supernatant acts as the continuous phase, whereas the complex coacervate acts as the dispersed phase. As the water insoluble core materials are dispersed in the system, each droplet or particle of dispersed core material is spontaneously coated with a thin film of coacervate. The liquid film is then solidified to make the capsules harvestable. This method has been applied to encapsulate much water immiscible liquids and is used in a variety of products, Polymer-Polymer Incompatibility, two chemically different polymers dissolved in a common solvent are incompatible and do not mix in the solution. The essential chemicals repel each other and form two distinct liquid phases. One phase is rich in polymer and designed to act as the capsule shell while the other is rich in incompatible polymer. The incompatible polymer is presented in the system to cause the formation of two phases. It is not designed to be part of the final capsule shell, although a small amount may remain entrapped in the final capsule as an impurity. The process is normally carried out in organic solvents and used to encapsulate solids with a finite degree of water solubility. Interfacial Polymerization and in Situ Polymerization, in interfacial polymerization, the capsule shell is formed at or on the surface of a droplet or particle by polymerization of reactive monomers. A multi-functional monomer is dissolved in the liquid core material. The resulting solution is dispersed to a desired drop size in an aqueous phase that contains a dispersing agent. The aqueous core actant, usually a multifunctional amine, is then added to the aqueous phase. A rapid polymerization reaction is then produced at the interface which finally generates the capsule shell. Both the liquid and solid can be encapsulated by interfacial polymerization reactions, but the polymerization chemistry is typically different. For in-situ polymerization, capsule shell formation occurs because of the polymerization of monomers that is added to the encapsulation reactor, similar to interfacial polymerization. However, no reactive agents are added to the core material. Polymerization occurs exclusive in the continuous phase and on the continuous phase side of the interface formed by the dispersed core material and continuous phases. Polymerization of reagents located there produces a relatively low molecular weight prepolymer. As this prepolymer grows, it deposits onto the surface of the dispersed core material being encapsulated, where polymerization with cross linking continues to occur, thereby generating a solid capsule shell. Spray Drying, Spray drying serves as a microencapsulation technique when an active material is dissolved or suspended in a melt or polymer solution and becomes trapped in the dried particle. In the widely used spray drying process, the dried solid is formed by spraying an aqueous solution of the core material and the film forming wall materials as fine droplets into hot air. The water then evaporates, and the dried solid is usually separated by air-separation. This method has been used to encapsulate labile materials because of the brief contact time in the drier. However, one disadvantage of using the spray drying method is that some low boiling point aromatics can be lost during the drying process. Another disadvantage is that the core material may also form on the surface of the capsule, which allows for oxidation and possible scent changes of the encapsulated product. Centrifugal Extrusion, in centrifugal extrusion processes, liquids are encapsulated by using a rotating extrusion head with concentric nozzles. The fluid core material is pumped through a central tube while the liquefied wall material is pumped through a surrounding annular space. A membrane of wall material is formed across a circular orifice at the end of the nozzle and the core material flows into the membrane, causing the extrusion of a rod of material. Droplets break away from the rod and hardening takes places on a passage through a heat exchanger. Solid capsules are removed by filtration or mechanical means and the immiscible carried fluid is reheated and recycled after passing through the files. This process is excellent for forming particles of 400-20001Jm in diameter. Since the drops are formed by the breaking up of a liquid jet, the process is only suitable for liquid or slurry. Air Suspension Coating, In air suspension coating, the particles are coated by dissolved or molten polymers while suspended in an upward-moving air stream. During the process, the solid particles to be encapsulated are first placed in a coating chamber where they are suspended in an air stream, which causes the cyclic flow of particles passing through a nozzle at the chamber bottom. The nozzle sprays a liquid coating phase onto the particle. The freshly coated particles are carried away from the nozzle by air stream and up into the coating chamber. The coating solidifies because of solvent evaporation or cooling of a melt. At the top of the spout, the particles settle back into the bottom of the chamber to repeat the cycle. The cycle is repeated many times during the time frame of a few minutes until the coating has been applied to the desired level of thickness. Air-suspension coating of particles by solutions or melts generally gives better control and flexibility. However, it is commonly used to encapsulate tablets, granules, crystals, and powders. It is not used with liquid unless they are absorbed on a porous solid, Pan Coating, widely used in the pharmaceutical industry, this method is a traditional industrial procedure for forming small, coated particles or tablets. During the pan coating process, the particles are tumbled in a rotating pan or other device while the coating material is applied slowly at a controlled temperature profile. Additional coatings of film-forming polymers may be added in successive stages. Emulsion Hardening Process, Emulsion hardening microencapsulating processes can be achieved when the core compound is highly soluble in the polymer solution (wall). The mixture is emulsified in an immiscible liquid and then the solvent is removed by evaporation, extraction etc. The core compound is solidified inside the polymer solution droplet and thus, forms the microcapsule. One typical example of this process is the production of polylactic acid microcapsule for use in injectable particle systems.

The role of the microbiome in scalp hair follicle biology and disease

Author: Katarzyna Polak?Witka, Lidia Rudnicka,Ulrike Blume?Peytavi, Annika Vogt

scalp hair follicle, alopecia, bacteria, immune system, inflammation, nanoparticles different skin regions depending on pH, temperature, moisture and sebum content, lifestyle habits or used cosmetics, unique lipid?rich hydrophobic niche, hair diseases, skin flora, anagen bulbs, bacteria colonize normal scalp structures of HF, disturbance of the HF immune system, topical application of drugs

Edible Coating- To enhance shelf life and safety of fruits and vegetables.

Authors Samlesh Kumari1 and Rajeev Ranjan Thakur

Aloe Barbadensis Miller, enhance storage life of short duration crops to reduce the damage caused by physical, microbial and other factors, edible coating research, edible coating on post-harvest shelf life of fresh produce (fruits and vegetables), shelf life of perishable crops like fruits and vegetables , shelf life extension methods used for an agricultural produce , protection of bioactive compounds within the fresh produce and value addition, films or coating were made by combining the protein or polysaccharide matrix with the lipids which results in formation of composite films with improved barrier and mechanical properties, edible coating matrix has improved the thermal, barrier and mechanical properties of film and are very effective in preventing moisture loses and softening of fresh fruits and vegetables, elected examples of objective base edible coating applied on fresh produce, Guar gum; pea/ potato starch +/- potassium sorbate Anti-microbial, Candelilla wax-based Anti-oxidative; anti-microbial; quality, Pectin-base; alginate; carboxymethyl cellulose Anti-oxidative; water barrier , Beeswax; coconut and sunflower oil Anti-oxidative; anti-microbial; overall quality, Chitosan; methyl cellulose Anti-oxidative; anti-microbial; oxygen/carbon dioxide/water, Shellac +/- Aloe vera gel Keeping quality, coatings have long been used on citrus, apples (shellac and carnauba wax), tomatoes (mineral oil) and cucumbers (various waxes), these coatings are less studied for use on apricots, pineapples, bananas, cherries, dates, guavas, mangoes, melons, nectarines and peaches, postharvest use of polysaccharide and protein coating materials on several types of fruit has been developed in the past few years including cellulose-sucrose fatty acid esters on apricot, guava and cellulose on mango, which has proven many beneficial effects in the context of value addition and shelf life extension of fresh produce, edible films and coatings are produced from edible bio polymers and food grade additives, edible films are classified into three categories taking into account the nature of their components namely hydrocolloids (containing proteins, polysaccharides or alginates), lipids (constituted by fatty acids, acylglycerols or waxes) and composites, edible materials have different barrier properties against gases and physico-chemical and mechanical characteristics, edible coatings may be composed of polysaccharides, proteins, lipids or a blend of these compounds, most coatings are made of more than one material with the addition of low molecular weight molecules that serves as plasticizers and some active compound to serve as value addition property in edible film, low-molecular-weight compounds that increased strength and flexibility to coatings, but also increase coating permeability to water vapour and gases, plasticizers include polyols such as glycerol, sorbitol, mannitol, propylene glycol, and polyethylene glycol (molecular weight: 200-9500), sucrose, sucrose fatty acid esters, and acetylated monoglycerides can be used as plasticizers, these, glycerol, sorbitol, and propylene glycol are considered GRAS.

Development of Functional Beverage Based on Taste Preference. Environ. Sci. Natu. Resour., 2012;5(1):83-87.

Author: Bhuiyan MHR, Shams-Ud-Din M, Islam MN.

develop functional beverage based on taste preference, pure aloe vera functional juice, Aloe Vera beverage part of a booming healthy lifestyle market, busy lifestyles, work and social commitments, which generates substantial stress and weakens their immune systems, people appear to tend to drink more beverages or natural supplements with function and healthful values, Consumers everywhere are looking to live longer, better and wiser , rising healthcare costs and whirlwind lifestyles that cause people to compromise balanced nutrition with on-the-go eating, and to squeeze exercise in around busy work and family schedules, full factorial design was used to identify significant factor and base formulation, sweetness, sourness and their interaction have significant effect on overall acceptability in the development of functional beverage, Aloe Vera combine per liter of functional beverage, Organoleptic taste test, TSS and pH showed linear whereas acidity and vitamin C concentration, storage ensured better retention of chemical and sensory properties, functional beverage contains different nutrient such as ascorbic acid, tocopherol, beta-carotene , benefits of dietary phytochemicals, Consumption of functional food would deliver health and wellness to consumer, Functional beverage category is one of the most significant drivers of new product development, consumer behavior is influenced by healthy factor, market for functional drinks is expected to expand further due to the trend toward lifestyle diseases, main components of soft drinks are water, acidulants, flavorings, food colors, preservatives, and other functional ingredients, natural ingredient make the drinks more acceptable, functional foods need to be promoted as convenient, nutritious and tasty formulations with specific health benefits, development of low cost health beneficial beverage is a demand of time, Formulation fundamentals, Design of beverages, select raw materials, 3² full factorial design, sweetness, sourness from lime juice, soft drink is sweetened water- based beverage, one factor at a time optimization method, Polynomial model having R² value a minimum of 0.85, Preparation of beverage, Sensory evaluation, consumer acceptability of the developed product was evaluated by a taste-testing panel, Chemical analysis, Significant factors, Factorial ANOVA (Analysis of Variance), formulation of the base sample, acceptability, polynomial (SDP) model, Factors responsible for vitamin C losses are; temperature, oxidation, acidity, pH and metal trace, reaction kinetics, rate constant is dependent on inverse absolute temperature by an Arrhenius type relationship, ensure maximum retention of chemical and sensory properties, preferences men showed likings for sweetness and women showed likings for sourness.

Quality and safety assurance in the processing of A. vera gel juice.

Author: He Q, Changhong L, Kojo E, Tian Z.

quality and safety hazards were analyzed based on the principle of total quality management (TQM) and HACCP during the manufacture of aloe vera gel juice. It covers production, identification of quality control points (QCPs) and critical control points (CCPs), and preventive (control) and corrective actions. were developed for the food industry to ensure the biological integrity, the organoleptic stability, and the quality of the final product, FSSCC22000 for safety assurance, good manufacture practices (GMP), control points for safety, pasteurization, control points for quality were reception of raw materials, filleting operation, grinding or homogenization, pectolytic enzyme addition, filtration, addition of vitamin C and citric acid, dearation, pasteurization, flash cooling, and storage, processing of aloe vera gel, derived from the leaf pulp of the plant, resource of functional food, especially for the preparation of health drinks which contain aloe vera gel and which have no laxative effects, aloe beverage industry, to improve product quality, to preserve and maintain almost all of the bioactive chemical entities naturally present in the plant during processing,

Novel Bio-Functional Aloe vera Beverages Fermented by Probiotic Enterococcus faecium and Lactobacillus lactis

Author: Ruth B. Cuvas-Limón, Pedro Ferreira-Santos, Mario Cruz, José António Teixeira, Ruth Belmares, and Clarisse Nobre.

Aloe vera, bioactive compounds, aloe fermented beverages formulation, novel functional beverage development, health benefits of probiotic bacteria with the Aloe vera, Lactococcus lactis, carbohydrates, phenolic compounds, biotransformation , Enterococcus faecium, Lactic acid and short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), antioxidant activity; functional food; lactic acid bacteria; organic acids;

To Formulate and Evaluate Aloe-Vera Face Wash

Authors: Miss. Mane Ashwini Ganpat, Prof. Aswar A. R., Dr. Hingane L. D.

Herbal formulation, herbal face wash containing aloe Vera, herbal face wash containing aloe Vera, Face wash refers to products that clean the face without drying it out. “Cleanser” is another name for face wash. Face wash has been determined to be suitable for all skin types, Face wash is particularly effective in removing dirt, oil, and moisture from dry skin, Face washes and cleansers are both used to remove grime, oil, and pollution from your face, A cleanser removes excess oil, makeup, and filth from the skin, soaps can dehydrate facial skin, face wash could be to provide cleansing, anti-wrinkle, anti-acne, moisturizing, and skin fairness, epidermis is the skin’s outer layer, and it serves as the body’s first line of protection against bacteria, viruses, and even the outside world, Rheological Characteristic, Determination of Viscosity, Spreadability, Washability, stratum corneum is the topmost layer, and its thickness varies depending on where it is on the body, stratum granulosum , stratum basale, Dermis, Blood and lymph vessels are found in the dermis layer, sweat glands, perspiration through your pores, which cools the body while also removing impurities, hair follicles

Study about Linen Fabric on the Surface Applied Natural Herbal Dyes to Improving the Colour Fastness and Absorbency Characteristic Properties,

Authors Ramratan Guru , Rohit Kumar , Deepika Grewal

All consumers nowadays preferences natural herbal textile dye garment items. These herbal dye cloths are better for the environment. It produces a chemical-free, non-toxic product that does not harm the environment or nature. Herbal textiles are coloured totally with herbal extracts and no chemicals are used. Herbs are utilized instead of vegetable colours since they are both natural and medicinal. Because synthetic dyes produce a great amount of waste and unfixed colorants represent a serious health danger and disrupt nature’s eco balance, these herbs are applied directly to the fabric with the help of natural substances, preserving the medicinal worth of the herbs. Consumer interest in natural dyes has resurfaced because of environmental concerns about the manufacturing and usage of synthetic colors. Natural herbal dyes were employed on the surface of linen fabrics in this investigation. Natural herbal colors such as turmeric, aloe vera, neem, beetroot, pomegranate, and onion were employed in this project. Edible gum and cow urine have been used to improve colour fastness and dye absorption. We’ve discovered that the appearance of natural dyes on linen fabric is excellent. It has been discovered that herbal dyes have excellent dry and wet rubbing fastness properties on linen fabric surfaces. The main purpose of this study is to develop a novel method to natural herbal dyes that may be used more broadly in the textile industry. It will also help to prevent problems such as skin allergies and infections.

Humoral responses of broiler chickens challenged with NDV following supplemental treatment with extracts of Aloe vera,

Author: Alma millsoni, Ganoderma lucidum ,Archachatina marginata, Tony I. Ojiezeh1, Nosahkare’Odeh Eghafona2

antibody responses; broilers; extracts; supplementation, nutritional supplements for immunity, antibody production and humoral responses in viral challenged birds, supplemented with Aloe vera (AV) extract, Aloe vera enhanced the ability to mount humoral responses against viral infection in broiler chickens.

Extraction, purification, structural characteristics, biological activities and pharmacological applications of acemannan, a polysaccharide from aloe vera: A review.

Author Liu, C.; Cui, Y.; Pi, F.; Cheng, Y.; Guo, Y.; Qian, H.

acemannan, considered one of the main bioactive polysaccharides of Aloe vera, possesses immunoregulation, anti-cancer, anti-oxidation, wound healing and bone proliferation promotion, neuroprotection, and intestinal health promotion activities, the biological activities of acemannan from Aloe vera determined by in vivo, in vitro and clinical experiments are summarized, and possible mechanisms of these bioactivities , use of acemannan in dentistry and wound healing, structure-activity relationships of acemannan and its medical applications, Polysaccharides are extensively used in various healthcare products and medicines because of their notable and excellent bioactivities, such as antimicrobial , antitumor antiviral, and antioxidant activities, polysaccharides are among the natural biopolymers, which are widely used as biomaterials for wound healing, drug delivery and tissue engineering , Aloe vera is one of the few natural plants that are very abundant in polysaccharides, acemannan-rich sponge was more easily absorbed than a complex inorganic material, and can also act as a scaffold to provide migration and attachment of cell growth factors, because the sponge can not only effectively fix the blood clot in orbit. Acemannan has a significant effect on the healing of alveolar bone and further promotes bone formation. This means that acemannan may be a natural biopolysaccharide material for bone regeneration

Aloe Vera: Natural mordant for natural dye

Authors: Abu Naser Md. Ahsanul Haque

Aloe Vera, till now renowned for human health benefits as well as beauty products, is now proving its prospect as a substantial mordant for natural dyes.There are evidences of dyeing textile materials with natural dyes since historic ages. But some key problems are yet to be solved for their wider use. One of the difficulties is, these dyes are mostly non-substantive and need to be applied on textile materials with the help of mordants. Generally, metal salts of aluminum, iron, copper, chromium or tin are used for mordanting of the fabric to help natural dye gets attached. Potash aluminum sulphate, ferrous sulphate or green vitriol, stannous chloride is well established mordant for the purpose. Meanwhile, these synthetic mordants are not as eco-friendly as the dye is and natural dyeing of fabric hence cannot be considered as ‘green dyeing’ entirely. That’s where Aloe vera can break through and offer the dyeing process to turn into fully green. aloe vera as a mordant for dyeing of turmeric powder on cotton and silk fabric. They also had tried sodium alginate as another mordant, which is also a natural source and generally used as a thickener in textile printing.

Targeting Gut Microbiota With Natural Polysaccharides: Effective Interventions Against High-Fat Diet-Induced Metabolic Diseases

Author Chao-Yue Su1, Zuo-Liang Zheng, Cun-Wu Chen1, Bao-Wei Lu and Dong Liu

Unhealthy diet, high-fat diet (HFD) intake, metabolic disorders, metabolic diseases reduce the quality of life, and induce premature death worldwide, effective therapeutic strategy, metabolic dysfunctions, aloe vera gel Polysaccharides are polymeric carbohydrate macromolecules and sources of fermentable dietary fiber, biological activities in the prevention, natural aloe polysaccharides are among the most potent modulators of the gut microbiota composition, critical role of gut microbiota human, Gut microbiota is considered as an invisible “forgotten organ” of human beings, host physiology, genomic blueprint of human gut microbiota, chronic metabolic disorders, central obesity, insulin resistance, hyperlipidaemia, and hypertension ,modulating “diet-microbiota-immune” axis, administration of specific metabolites, prebiotics-like activities of polysaccharides, polysaccharides are primary modulators of the function and composition of gut microbiota

Formulation Development and Moisturizing Effects of a Topical Cream of Aloe vera Extract,

Authors: Akhtar N, Khan BA, Khan MS, Mahmood T, Khan HMS, Iqbal M, BashirS

topical skin-care cream (w/o emulsion), effects on Stratum Corneum (SC) water content and Trans epidermal water loss (TEWL), Formulation containing 3% concentrated extract of Aloe Vera, evaluation parameters consisted of color, smell, type of emulsion, phase separation, electrical conductivity, centrifugation, liquefaction and pH, organoleptic stability of creams, Base and Formulation, skin hydration level (SC water content/ moisturizing effects) and reducing TEWL in people with dry skin, formulations by including active ingredients with specific cosmetic effects, cosmetic emulsion preparations, Aloe Vera, polysaccharides, especially the acetylated mannans from Aloe Vera, Aloesin inhibits human tyrosinase activity via a noncompetitive inhibition mechanism, help stabilize lysosomal enzymes needed to synthesize collagen and it prevents free radical damage (cross-linkage), viscosity, O/W emulsions, Accelerated testing and pH-profile kinetics, The pH of human skin typically ranges from 4.5 to 6.0, increase the collagen fibers in the dermis, polysaccharide-rich composition of Aloe vera extracts (Aloe barbadensis Miller), often used in cosmetic formulations, may impart moisturizing properties to the product,

Immunemodulatory activity.- Carbohydrate-based immune adjuvants

Author: Nikolai Petrovsky and Peter D Cooper

protective immune response, sufficient strength and duration to prevent or attenuate the virulence of pathogenic organisms, systemic delivery of immunologically active contaminants, immunogenicity, an adjuvant is defined as any compound that enhances the immune response, to enhance immunogenicity, provide antigen-dose sparing, to accelerate the immune response, reduce the need for booster immunizations, increase the duration of protection, or improve efficacy in poor responder, compound that enhance with maximum tolerability and safety, carbohydrate-based compounds have many favorable properties

Gut microbiota: a new angle for traditional herbal medicine research

Author: Liyu Luo†c, Ming Zhongd, Tanggui Xied, Yuling Liu

Traditional Herbal Medicine, effective ingredients in the herbal formulations ,botanical extracts mechanisms of action, bioavailability , treatment of disease, function of gut microbiota , active metabolites, gut microbiota balance, regulating the fermentation products of the gut microbes, pharmacodynamic , aloe vera preparations, with therapeutic activity, physiological activity, herbal formulations, composition, gut microbiome is very important for human health , genes encoded by the gut bacteria , gut meta-genome, human tissues and bacteria interact , host genome , absorption of nutrients, neurodevelopment, transmission, fat metabolism, immune responses, portal system, gut epithelial permeability,

Application of natural dyes on textiles

Author: Ashis Kumar Samantaa & Priti Agarwal

Natural dyes are known for their use in coloring of food substrate, leather as well as natural protein fibers like wool, silk and cotton , characterization and chemical/biochemical analysis of natural dyes; extraction of colorants from different natural sources; effects of different mordants and mordanting methods; conventional and non-conventional methods of natural dyeing; physico-chemical studies on dyeing process variables and dyeing kinetics; development of newer shades and analysis of colour parameters for textiles dyed with natural dyes; and test of compatibility for application of binary mixture of natural dyes. The chemical modification of textile substrate for improving dyeability, attempts for improvement in overall colour fastness properties and survey of some traditional processes of natural dyeing. Cationic dye fixing agent, Colour fastness, Dye characterization, Natural dye, UV absorber. Characterization and Chemical/ Biochemical Analysis of Natural Dyes, Macro- and Micro-chemical Analysis. The chemistry, chemical composition and chemical based classification of natural dyes having anthraquinone (madder), alpha naphthoquinones (henna), flavones (weld), indigoids (indigo and tyrian purple), carotenoids (annatto, saffron), etc. which give a basic understanding of chemical nature of such colorants. Mordanting is the treatment of textile fabric with metallic salts or other complex forming agents which bind the natural mordantable dyes onto the textile fibers. Mordanting can be achieved by either pre-mordanting, simultaneously mordanting and post-mordanting. Different types and selective mordants or their combination can be applied on the textile fabrics to obtain varying colour/ shade, to increase the dye uptake and to improve the colour fastness behavior of any natural dye.

Evaluation of different types of thickeners in textile industry.

Authors kohantajkimiya.com

Given that the printing process could be a topical dyeing, it’s vital to have a specific boundary within the print design. For this reason, they use thickeners that are the main component the printing paste. The printing paste contains auxiliary and pigmented materials, and as the matter of fact, the thickener existing in this paste reduces its fluidity and prevents colorant (dye) effluence out of the border lines. The viscosity of the printing paste is another vital point during this process. As a result of the paste effluence and spreading on the surface and within the fabric texture is effective within the final print quality. For example, once high-speed roller printing is performed; If the paste viscosity is high (due to the limited time in the transfer of the paste from the roller to the fabric), it is possible that only the surface spots of the fabric be coated by the paste and the paste doesn’t get transferred to lower surfaces. This situation causes several issues, for example the beauty within the desired design, the mandatory stability and reduction of other printing standards. Also, after the printing and through the cleaning process, whereas removing the thickener should be utterly occurring, high viscosity of the paste will cause trouble in the process, and not only increases the price of the finished good, but also will make more problems for the environmental wastewaters. On the opposite hand, the exaggerated pressure between the printing roller and the fabric at the same time, the increased contact time between fabric and the printing roller increases the amount of paste transfer to the fabric surface, which the viscosity is also important in this case. Low viscosity within the paste separately from the considered factors such as the speed of the printing machine, the type of consumed fabric and… greatly affects the paste spreading and eventually reduces the delicateness of the border lines in the print design. Therefore, as to manage the flow and transfer of the printing paste, the paste must have the specified viscosity so that additionally to optimum spreading on the surface and depth of the fabric, preventing it from being transmitted outside the design. Considering these points are fully essential in selecting a thickener, however aside from viscosity, different points are necessary in thickener usage, including Stability and sustainability, absorption, Easy cleaning, Ease of paste preparation, Today, protecting earth and environment may be a major international concern, particularly the textile and clothing industry that is sadly one amongst the foremost harmful industries in this field. Therefore, the utilization of natural base chemicals, for instance, natural thickeners that are environmentally friendly, is effective in this regard. Alginates, These thickeners are sodium salts, potassium or calcium alginic acid that are kind of linear polysaccharide. Alginate, derived from seaweed, is dissolved in cold and warm water and creates a thick soluble. The viscosity of the alginate soluble decreases with the rise in temperature and if it’s not kept at high temperatures for an extended time, returns to the initial state after cooling. The viscosity of this substance hadn’t changed in 5-10 pH, however precipitates in extreme acidic pH and becomes gel in high alkaline pH. In general, the viscosity of alginate salts is based on their molecular mass. 2 percent soluble with high molecular mass and 6 percent soluble with low molecular mass are sufficiently viscosity. It is fascinating to know that alginate salts are capable of absorbing water at 300 times their weight and may be dissolved in water even after stabilization at high temperatures. Alginates are called the most effective alternative for printing with reactive dye, because of anionic chromatins emit the ionized carboxyl groups within the alkaline environment and are extremely appropriate for creating pastes with reactive dye. Starch, the main source of starch is potato, wheat, corn and rice. Hemopolymer starch is units of glucose. Ten to twenty percent of the starch is Amylose, that is a linear polysaccharide, and the opposite half is Amylopectin, which constitutes ninety to eighty percent of starch. Because of the various solubility of Amylose and Amylopectin, these two can be separated. Amylose is less complicated to make a gel comparing with Amylopectin, which is not suitable for using starch as a thickener, whereas the Amylopectin branch chains forestall the formation and molecular arrangement necessary for the formation of the gel. Wheat starch has been used in limited cases as a thickener for textile printing, whereas other starches aren’t used. To change and modify the properties of starch, heating can be used to change some of its physical structure. English glue is one of these items that is well stable against alkaline and is employed to create printing paste in vat dyes. It’s capable of restoring Azo dyes, therefore Anti-regenerative materials need to be added to the print paste. Starch solubility can be increased by chemical correction or etherizing. As a result of etherizing, molecular mass and viscosity gets reduced, that has a negative result on dye absorption. Starch etherizing is done in an alkaline environment using monochloro acetic acid, oxide ethylene and Dimethyl sulfate. A little amount of alginate can be added to the current recipient to increase the dye absorption. Starch ether is usually used in fabric printing with high-speed printing machines, because of the viscosity of the print paste is reduced at the moment, leading to a more complete transmission of the paste from the gravure to the fabric. Herbal seeds, Guar Guar is a kind of tree cultivated in India, Pakistan and America and its flour is used as thickener. 85 percent of guar flour is guaran, 63 percent is mannose, 35 percent is lactose and 5 to 7 percent is protein. The thickening ability of the guar is 5 to 8 times more than starch. It’s well hydrated in hot and cold water and makes a thick soluble. Its complete hydration depends on the temperature, for example, complete hydration in cold water could take up to 1 day, however it takes solely 15 minutes at 80″C. Acacia seeds, this seed comes from the Caro tree, which is an anionic polysaccharide. It doesn’t simply dissolve in cold water and requires heat to utterly dissolve. 3 to 11 pH has very little impact on its thickness and using only 2 percent of its solid material can obtain an efficient viscosity. Acacia seeds makes complex with borates, which the created gel is used in the two-staged printing with vat dyes. It gets back to its original state by adding acids. Herbal gums, these types of thickeners are obtained as syrup from the trunk of trees or the plant, composed of complex polysaccharides and have totally different uronic acid groups. Tragacanth is one of the plant gums found in southwestern Europe, Greece, Turkey and Syria; however, the most high-quality kind belongs to Iran. It has a good solubility within the water and produces a thick soluble with pH scale of 5 to 6. It’s stable till pH 2, but its viscosity decreases with heat and salt increasing. The 4 to 5% gum soluble has a good viscosity as a thickener. Arabic gum comes from the Senegalese Acacia tree, which grows in Sudan, Nigeria and West Africa. This thickener is a mixture of calcium salt, magnesium and… that has a good solubility in water. Evaluation of different types of thickeners in textile industry, Crystal gum is a more specific kind of Karaya gum, which India is the main manufacturer of it and is marketed in powder. Because of the high molecule weight of the gum, the gum doesn’t fully dissolve in water, however it shows good inflation. The viscosity of this thickener decreases with temperature increasing. Synthetic thickeners, Synthetic and semi-synthetic thickeners are used today because of affordable costs and easy preparation. Wood cellulose is the main supply of semi-synthetic thickeners after recovery implementing necessary chemical reactions; and it manufactures substances like CMC (Carboxymethyl cellulose) that’s used as stiffness and in some cases thickener. PVA or Polyvinyl alcohol is one of the synthetic thickeners and is consumed in a restricted amount. Since low number of synthetic thickeners also produce viscosity, they’re very appropriate to be used in printing processes such as pigmenting.

Safety evaluation of Aloe vera soft capsule in acute, subacute toxicity and genotoxicity study.

Author: Jun Wu ,Ying Zhang,Zhongming Lv,Ping Yu,Weiqing Shi

Aloe vera has been widely used in health and nutritional supplements, Aloe vera soft capsule (ASC), safety evaluation of Aloe vera products before marketing, aloe vera not produce any marked subacute toxic effects, ASC showed no mutagenic activity in the Ames test and no evidence of potential to induce bone marrow micronucleus or testicular chromosome aberrations in ICR mice exposed to 10000 mg/kg bodyweight. Collectively, ASC could be considered safe before it was marketed as a laxative and moistening health food.

Effect of gum arabic and Aloe vera gel based edible coatings in combination with plant extracts on postharvest quality and storability of ‘Gola’guava fruits.

Authors Anjum, M. A., Akram, H., Zaidi, M., & Ali, S.

Guava (Psidium guajava L.) is a climacteric fruit which possesses various important nutrients such as minerals, carotenoids, ascorbic acid, and polyphenols. However due to climacteric nature, guava fruits continue their ripening process even after harvest and exhibit comparatively shorter shelf life at ambient conditions. Being climacteric in nature, guava fruits show higher respiration rate eventually leading to rapid perishability. Under cold storage, guava fruits are susceptible to chilling injury; however, their storage at ambient conditions leads to short shelf life. Loss of guava fruit quality is generally associated with prompt softening and changes of color from green to yellow during postharvest storage. Quality of guava fruits may be conserved with suitable postharvest technology. An effective and suitable postharvest technology devised to conserve the quality of guava relies on application of the edible coatings or use of edible films for the modification of inner atmosphere of the fruits. Various edible coatings have been formulated by using lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates. Gum Arabic is a plant based natural polysaccharides-based coating. It is obtained from branches/trunk of a tree known as Acacia Senegal. Gum Arabic has been used in numerous fruits to extend their postharvest life. Aloe vera gel is another plant based natural coating with good antimicrobial potential. Aloe vera gel constitutes about 99% whitish gel that consists of amino acids, sterols, glucomannans (polysaccharide) and vitamins. Use of Aloe vera in postharvest of fruits and vegetables has significantly increased in the recent years. Application of Aloe vera based coating reduces desiccation and conserves quality during postharvest storage. Garlic (Ali um sativum) possesses significantly higher prophylactic and therapeutic activity. It also contains polyphenols and sulphur. Due to presence of these active components, it has good antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant activity. Similarly, ginger (Zingiber officinale) is also a therapeutic plant. Both garlic and ginger extracts have been used in quality conservation of various fruit and vegetable crops during postharvest. Impact of ginger extract has been investigated on mango, papaya and plantain. Likewise, influence of garlic extract has been studied on banana and mango fruits. Use of garlic as an essential oil in combination with Aloe vera gel coating on banana postharvest quality and incidence of anthracnose disease has also been reported. Application of combinational treatments based on edible coatings such as gum Arabic and Aloe vera gel as well as ginger and garlic extracts has not been studied on guava fruits. Combination of edible coatings and natural plant extracts may prove more effective than their alone application. So, the present work was conducted to investigate the influence of gum arabic, Aloe vera gel, garlic extract and ginger extract (in combination) on shelf life potential and quality of ‘Gola’ guava fruits. The combination of gum arabic and garlic extract suppressed weight loss, skin browning, disease severity and extended shelf life of guava fruits during ambient conditions. Overall, combined application of gum arabic and garlic extract also maintained biochemical and sensory quality of guava fruits.

Preservation of mango fruit with guar-based edible coatings enriched with Spirulina platensis and Aloe vera extract during storage at ambient temperature,

Authors F. Ebrahimi, S. Rastegar,

Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is commercially the most important tropical fruit in the world. he objective of the present study was to assess the effect of Spirulina platensis (SP), Aloe vera (AV) and guar gum (GG) incorporated into an alginate (AL) coating on the quality properties of the mango fruit stored at 12?±?1 “C for 4 weeks. This study showed that all coatings remarkably decreased the rate of respiration and the weight loss belonging to the mango fruits. Incorporating Aloe vera in the alginate coating (AV?+?AL) considerably kept the mango firmness. It was also revealed that the total phenol, flavonoid and antioxidant activity was considerably enhanced in the SP?+?AL and Aloe Vera +?Alginate coated fruits, in comparison to the AL coated and control fruits. The changes of peel color were found to be greatly reduced in the Guar Gum?+?Alginate coated fruits, as compared to other coatings as well as the control. The findings of this study, therefore, revealed that Spirulina and Aloe vera had the most positive effect on preserving the bioactive compounds of mango fruit during storage. Although the, L* value of the fruit peel was slightly decreased.

Degradation of malachite green and congo red using Aloe barabadensis Mill. Extract.

Authors Maithri S. Rai, P.Rama Bhat, P.S.Prajna, K.Jayadev and P.S.Venkatakrishna Rao

Colors gives delightful pleasure to eyesight but at the same time they may act as serious pollutants when their origin is dyes and dyestuffs. Textile industries have been using dyes intensively because of their ease and cost effectiveness in synthesis most widely used in textile, rubber, and enamel, plastic, cosmetic and many other industries, dyes are chemically diverse and divided into azo, anthraquinone, heterocyclic polymers and triphenylmethane dyes. Most of these are stable against light, temperature and biodegradation and have therefore accumulated in the environment as recalcitrant compounds. Conventional waste-water treatment is not efficient to remove recalcitrant dyestuffs from effluents. Approximately 10,000 different dyes and pigments are produced worldwide and used extensively in the dye and printing industries. It is estimated that about 10-14% of the total dye used in the dyeing process may be found in wastewater. These dyes are recalcitrant, and toxic. They resist microbial biodegradation and are therefore not easily degraded in wastewater treatment plant. Thus, treatment of dye is yet one of the challenging tasks in environment field. Currently available methods such as chemical oxidation, reverse osmosis, adsorption, etc., suffer from disadvantages such as high cost, regeneration problems and secondary pollutants/sludge generation. Recently, Researchers have been focusing their attention to enzymatic treatment . A major class of synthetic dyes includes the azo, anthraquinones and triphenylmethane dyes. Dyes are difficult to degrade biologically, so that degradation of dyes has received considerable attention. About 10-15% of all dyes are directly lost to wastewater in the dyeing process.1-2 Thus, the wastewater must be treated before releasing into the natural environment. The Food and Drug Administration nominated MG as a priority chemical for carcinogenicity testing by the National Toxicology Program 1993. MG and its reduced form, leucomalachite green, may persist in edible fish tissues for extended periods of time. Therefore, there are both environmental and human health concerns about bioaccumulation of MG and leucomalachite green in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, The popularity and widespread use of azo dyes is due to several factors. As a group, they are color-fast and encompass the entire visible spectrum, and many are easily synthesized from inexpensive and easily obtained starting materials. Also, azo dyes are typically amenable to structural modification, and can be made to bind to most synthetic and natural textile fibers. Because azo dyes are highly colored, they are readily apparent and can create a significant environmental problem by affecting water transparency as well as aesthetic problems, It is necessary to clarify the concepts of decolorization, degradation, and mineralization of dyes Decolorization is simply the disappearance of the color in wastewater without the actual breaking apart of the dye molecules, which does not necessarily mean degradation of the complex dye molecules. Degradation is the destruction of the large dye molecule to smaller components, along with the breakdown of the chromophores. While chromophore groups of dyes may be destroyed, the intermediate produced may be more toxic than the original compounds and could present significant problems for receiving water bodies. Mineralization means organic compounds are converted to inorganic compounds, i.e., nitrate, carbon dioxide, and water. In this case, a complete detoxification is achieved, and no secondary pollution will be introduced. Aloe gel also contains lignan, salicylic acid, saponins, sterols, and triterpenoids. The fresh gel contains the proteolytic enzyme carboxypeptidase (which breaks down bradykinin), glutathione peroxidase, as well as several isozymes of superoxide dismutase. The gel also contains vitamins A, C, E, B12, thiamine, niacin and folic acid, as well as the minerals sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, chromium, and iron, (Aloe barbadensis and Aloe arborescens) chemical constituents, A. vera contains amino acids, lipids, sterols, tannins, enzymes flavonoids and mannose 6 phosphate, The percentage decolorization/ degradation was studied at different parameters like maximum part of plant showing degradation, effect of buffers, effect of pH, effect of temperature, effect of dye concentration, effect of enzyme quantity and effect of time period. Use of appropriate buffers, Congo red showed a maximum decoloration with skin extracts of Aloe vera and decoloration was up to 30% whereas Malachite green decoloration was maximum with pulp extract of Aloe barbadensis for each dye A buffer is needed for the activity of enzyme. Three buffers (Acetate buffer, phosphate buffer and citrate buffer) of Ph 7 were used. Effect of pH, pH factor was optimized to obtain maximum decoloration. pH ranges from 4-9, Effect of temperature, temperature plays an important role in the enzyme activity. Temperature range for30 C- 60 C,

Pilot study of the effect of acemannan in cats infected with feline immunodeficiency virus. Vet Immunol Immunopathol, 35, 177-189, 1992.

Author: Yates KM, Rosenberg LJ, Harris CK, Bronstad DC, King GK, Biehle GA, Walker B, Ford CR, Hall JE, Tizard IR

Acemannan, a complex carbohydrate shown to stimulate interleukin-1, tumor necrosis factor alpha and prostaglandin E2 production by macrophages, has also demonstrated antiviral activity in vitro against human immunodeficiency virus, Newcastle disease virus and influenza virus, lymphopenia, acemannan’s effect, acemannan therapy may be of significant benefit in FIV-infected cats exhibiting clinical signs of disease,

Acemannan Stimulates Gingival Fibroblast Proliferation; Expressions of Keratinocyte Growth Factor-1, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, and Type I Collagen; and Wound Healing. J. Pharmacol. Sci. 2009, 109, 525–531

Author Jettanacheawchankit, S.; Sasithanasate, S.; Sangvanich, P.; Banlunara, W.; Thunyakitpisal, P..

Gingival fibroblasts, GF proliferation; keratinocyte growth factor-1, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF),and type I collagen production, acemannan, Aloe vera, proliferation, growth factor, oral wound healing, immunostimulant effect by activating macrophages

The study of aloe vera powder effect as feed additive on the performance of broiler.

Author: N. Riswanda, A. Mujnisa, M. R. Hakim

Prolonged use of antibiotic growth promoter (AGP) in poultry ration has resulted in residual effect on poultry products, natural substances that have antibiotic properties to replace AGP, Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) is a nutritious plant, beneficial effect on broiler chicken, research was to determine the best level of dietary Aloe vera supplementation on the performance of broiler chicken, rice hulls as bedding material, a feeder and a drinker, basal feed supplemented with Aloe vera for 0.75, 0.1, and 0.125%, chicken from supplemented group have a tendency to consume more feed, grew faster and higher feed efficiency compared to the control group. It seems that, increasing the level of Aloe vera powder in the ration is needed to improve the performance of broilers, A raising concern about healthy animal food as well as human health, a broader range of policy and research is dedicated to restricting or replace the antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs) used in animal feed,

In vivo evidence of the immunomodulatory activity of orally administered Aloe vera gel. Arch Pharm Res 33:451-45 Arch Pharm Res S Im 33 451 2010 10.1007/s12272-010-0315-1

Author Im S, Lee YR, Lee YH, Lee MK, Park YI, Lee S, Kim K, Lee CK (2010)

gels of Aloe species, immunomodulatory components such as aloctin A and acemannan, in vivo immunomodulatory activity of processed Aloe vera gel (PAG) in mice, Oral administration of PAG significantly reduced the growth of C. albicans in the spleen and kidney following intravenous injection of C. albicans in normal mice, PAG administration also reduced the growth of C. albicans in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice., PAG administration did not increase ovalbumin (OVA)specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) generation in normal mice, but did increase it in high fat-diet induced diabetic mice, positive immunomodulatory activity of orally administered Aloe vera gel, Processed Aloe vera gel, Immunomodulation, C. albicans, Cytotoxic T lymphocyte,

Enhancement strategies for transdermal drug delivery systems: current trends and applications.

Authors Delly Ramadon, Maeliosa T. C. McCrudden, Aaron J. Courtenay & Ryan F. Donnelly

Transdermal drug delivery systems , research topic in pharmaceutical technology area, developed pharmaceutical products in global market, delivery routes, such as oral and parenteral, applications of transdermal technologies, transdermal drug delivery systems and enhancement strategies, development of first-generation transdermal products, drug/vehicle interactions, vesicles and particles, stratum corneum modification, energy-driven methods and stratum corneum bypassing techniques, suitable design and implementation of active stratum corneum bypassing methods, notably microneedle technology, transdermal delivery systems have been shown to deliver both low and high molecular weight drugs, microneedle technology platforms, intradermal delivery of drugs/biotherapeutics and therapeutic drug monitoring, strategy for improving transdermal delivery systems, drug delivery systems, Innovation in drug delivery systems is a key strategy employed to improve the bioavailability of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), oral delivery systems offer benefits , such as dosage form variety, painless ease of administration, convenience, self-administration, high safety, and patient compliance , oral delivery systems have some limitations such as poor drug stability in the gastrointestinal tract and subjection to first pass metabolism. For instance, there is a possibility of drug degradation caused by enzymatic reaction or exposure to the acidic environment in the stomach, solubility issues of drugs in the intestinal fluid and their permeability through the intestinal membrane may act as rate limiting steps in drug absorption, causing low bioavailability these drawbacks are routinely observed in the delivery of peptide or protein-based drugs, as a result, intravenous (IV) injection is designated as one of the most promising delivery system for proteinaceous drugs, as it can achieve up to 100% bioavailability, accurate dosing and hepatic metabolism avoidance, injection can achieve up to 100% bioavailability, accurate dosing and hepatic metabolism avoidance, disadvantages are an invasive delivery method, causing pain, low patient compliance, and sharps waste disposal considerations add significant costs, transdermal drug delivery systems use the skin as the drug administration site, the administered drug is absorbed into the systemic circulation via blood vessels in the skin and then circulates around the body, transdermal drug delivery systems offer some advantages for patients, such as being less invasive (some methods are entirely noninvasive), first-pass metabolism avoidance, ease of application and administration, reduce frequency of administration, used for the delivery of different varieties of drugs, both hydrophilic and hydrophobic compounds, Drug absorption via the skin, application of drug-containing dosage forms onto the skin, drug will be released into the skin, Avoidance of significant pre-systemic metabolism (degradation in gastrointestinal tract (GIT) or by the liver) leading to bioavailability improvement, continuity of drug administration in transdermal patches permits the use of a drug with short biological half-life, possibility of sustained and controlled drug delivery over a prolonged period of time even drugs with narrow therapeutic window, Increased patient acceptance and compliance due to the reduction of dosing frequency , more uniform pharmacokinetic profiles of drugs with minimization of peaks-troughs in plasma-drug concentration, thus reducing the risk of toxic side effects, Ease of dose termination in case of any systemic or local adverse effect, providing an alternative to oral dosing in the circumstances of unconscious or nauseated patients, facilitating noninvasive mode of drug administration by avoiding the risk and inconveniences such as needle phobia associated with parenteral therapy, in spite of many potential advantages, transdermal patches has following limitations, essentiality of molecular weight <500 Da to ensure ease of diffusion across the SC, since solute diffusivity is inversely related to its size, Sufficient aqueous and lipid solubility, a Log P (octanol/water) in between 1 and 3 is required for the permeant to successfully traverse the SC and its underlying aqueous layers for systemic delivery to occur, drugs that require high blood levels cannot be administered as transdermal patches is mostly limited only to potent molecules (oral dose is <10 mg/day) , certain drugs, excipient, or components of transdermal patches may cause skin irritation and sensitization leading to erythema and edema, intra- or inter-personal variability in skin changes its barrier function, drug administration in transdermal patches permits the use of a drug with short biological half-life (2–4 h),

Formulation evaluation and in-vitro drug release characteristics of aloe vera herbal suppositories

Author Tarkase K. N. and Danve V., Padmashree Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe

achieve successful delivery of drug locally as well as systematically, rectal route, research, formulate and evaluate herbal extract Aloe Vera suppositories, Suppositories are inserted directly into the rectum to distribute their herbal powder to internal areas. Aloe Vera contains aloin, which is an anthraquinones glycoside. Aloin has been used as a laxative for constipation, laxative action, Suppositories of polyethylene glycol-l (PEG) 4000 and surfactant showed better permeation of drug and laxative action, Suppositories are designed for insertion into body cavities where they melt, soften or dissolve and exert local or systemic effects, the suppositories serve as an alternate where oral administration of drug is not suitable as in infants or patients suffering from nausea, vomiting and gastrointestinal disturbances, they provide the advantage that biotransformation of drugs in liver, pH conditions and gastrointestinal enzymes are avoided, suppository base play vital role in the release of medicament they hold the drug. The important property of suppository base is that it should remain solid at room temperature but soften, melt or dissolve readily at body temperature so that the drug is released after its administration, Herbal Suppositories of Aloe Vera can be used in patients suffering from nausea, gastric ulcers, comatose patients, geriatrics where administration is difficult or not possible through oral route. Studies have showed that the release characteristic of suppositories depends on the physicochemical properties of the drug, its carrier (suppository base) and surfactants, the particle size of drug and chemical composition increase or decrease the rate of release

The inner gel component of Aloe vera suppresses bacterial-induced pro-inflammatory cytokines from human immune cells. Methods. 2007;42(4):388-93.

Author: Habeeb F, Stables G, Bradbury F, et al.

anti-microbial effects of the inner gel from Aloe barbadensis Miller (syn. Aloe vera (L.) Burma. f. or Aloe vera), Infection is usually restricted to the top layer of colonic mucosa, where it causes ulceration and severe tissue damage, e pharmacology of natural products, blood leukocytes to show that both pro-inflammatory cytokines induced by whole bacterial stimulation can be suppressed with at least 45mg/ml inner gel (final concentration in assay 4.5 mg/well), while a tenfold dilution was only effective against TNF-a.



develop a controlled release hydrogel and to evaluate the efficiency of its drug delivery, synthetic polymer drug carriers will be safely metabolized, they will not impart any health benefit unlike the natural carriers such as starch and Aloe vera, release characteristics of ascorbic acid based hydrogel formulated using Aloe vera gel powder as a drug carrier and nutrient fortifying excipient, Metabolic equilibrium is maintained in homeostasis but an imbalance in it can lead to oxidative stress. Many medicaments in the form of antioxidants are presently available but they are not effective in the bioavailability because of their rapid systemic drug release patterns, systemic release patterns are not uniform as the drug delivery is not of controlled form, neither are they targeted in their action, recent approach in drug delivery systems is targeted drug delivery system where in many delivery forms are possible such as hydrogels, liposomes, resealed erythrocytes, niosomes, nanoparticles, microspheres and magnetic microspheres. Hydrogel is a recent approach wherein the shortcomings of conventional dosage forms have been circumvented with the introduction of controlled release dosage forms. They are capable of controlling the rate of drug delivery, leading to more sustained drug levels further it increases their systemic availability and thus leads to an increased therapeutic action, hydrogel is a three-dimensionally cross-linked hydrophilic polymer network that may absorb and retains large amount of water up to thousands of times its dry weight. The excellent biocompatibility property of hydrogels makes them most promising for applications such as tissue engineering and drug delivery, natural carrier such as Aloe vera gel powder having inherent tremendous medicinal values. It is noted that Aloe vera gel powder may enhance the intestinal absorption, effective delivery of poorly absorbable drugs, sustained release of pharmaceutical dosage forms, protection against degradation of vitamins and the enhancement of bioavailability of vitamin C. When taken internally along with the drug it may improve the digestive Musculo-skeletal and immune-related conditions apart from acting as an antioxidant, gelatin starch mediated hydrogel is a very novel approach as till date research have not been performed using gelatin and starch combined with Aloe vera gel powder and poly vinyl pyrrolidone. The cross-linker used poly vinyl pyrrolidone helps in cross-linking by providing framework to the hydrogel, Hydrogels of natural polymers, especially polysaccharides, have been used recently because of their unique advantages. Polysaccharides are, in general, non-toxic, biodegradable and abundant, moreover, natural polymers are biocompatible and enhance the drug release efficacy with reduced toxicity and improved patient compliance with in vivo degradation

In vivo macrophage activation in chickens with Acemannan, a complex carbohydrate extracted from Aloe vera. Int. J. Immunopharmacol., 22: 365?372

Author Djeraba, A. and P. Quere, 2000.

Acemannan (ACM 1), a ?-(1,4) -acetylated mannan isolated from Aloe vera, effective adjuvant in vaccination against some avian viral diseases, macrophage response after intramuscular inoculation in chickens (500 ?g per 2-month-old bird), aloe vera is efficiently and durably to increase the activation capacity of macrophages from the systemic immune compartment (in particular from the blood and spleen after an intramuscular injection) in chickens, especially for NO production, adjuvant activity of Aloe vera acemannan for viral and tumoral diseases, Aloe vera, is a polydispersed ?(1-4)-linked acetylated mannan, administration of aloe vera acemannan has a greater regression of tumors such as fibrosarcomas in mice, dogs and cats , Aloe vera acemannan improve the survival rate of cats infected with feline leukemia virus ,acemannan demonstrate some direct antiviral activity in vitro by inhibition of the multiplication of enveloped virus, immunomodulatory activity on macrophages, mannans bind to macrophages via protein receptors specific for mannose to be internalized as has been shown in vivo and in vitro , Following such internalization, acemannan) acetypol from AMB Wellness is able to activate macrophages in vitro by increasing the release of cytokines such as Il-1, Il-6 and TNF-? , increase T-cell-mediated cytotoxicity and proliferation, immunomodulatory activity of aloe vera gel acemannan is strong adjuvant properties in vaccination against avian viral diseases such as Newcastle disease and Marek’s disease, dose of acemannan immunomodulate macrophage activity in the chicken systemic immune compartment, effect on immune response , capacity of cells from the macrophage lineage to produce nitric oxide (NO), NO in mammals for its antiviral and antitumoral properties, and to modulate class I and II MHC cell surface antigens involved in antigen presentation.

Nutraceuticals: Transformation of Conventional Foods into Health Promoters/Disease Preventers and Safety Considerations.

Author Mudhi AlAli , Maream Alqubaisy 1, Mariam Nasser Aljaafari , Asma Obaid AlAli , Laila Baqais , Aidin Molouki , Aisha Abushelaibi, Kok-Song Lai, Swee-Hua Erin Lim

Nutraceuticals are essential food constituents that provide nutritional benefits as well as medicinal effects, Nutraceuticals can be categorized into different classes based on their nature and mode of action, different classifications of nutraceuticals and their potential therapeutic activity, Nutraceuticals are known as bioactive substances that are present in common food or botanical-based sources, dietary supplements or functional food, supplying beneficial effects in addition to the nutritional essential components, antioxidants, phytochemicals, fatty acids, amino acids, and probiotics, nutraceuticals are well-known for their role of being involved in disease treatment and prevention, anti-aging properties, and malignancy prevention, probiotics is encouraged due to its significant role in the treatment and prevention of gastroenterological diseases, enhancing the infection response mechanism, boosting immunomodulatory activity, and contributing to reducing the impacts of autoimmune disorders and hypersensitivity, Nutraceuticals have also been shown to exert lipid-lowering, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and antioxidant activity, immune system is divided into two subsystems, commonly known as innate and the adaptive immune systems, subsystems involve humoral and cellular responses, vitamin C in improving the immune system by supporting the innate and adaptive systems, augmenting defense mechanisms such as phagocytosis and chemotaxis, as well as possessing antioxidant properties, provide a neutralizing effect and protection against any harm that the body might encounter, effective properties in the immune system, safety, bioactivity, and bioavailability perspective, Nutraceuticals have been classified based on their application into traditional, non-traditional, fortified, recombinant, phytochemical, herbal, functional foods, dietary supplements, probiotics and prebiotics, nutraceuticals with their beneficial effects to health, chemical constituents and functions in delivering health benefits, nature and mode of action, Functional foods are foods with benefits in health improvement and disease prevention other than only providing nutrients, dietary supplements are products that can be taken as a dietary ingredient by individuals to maintain and improve health and not to cure diseases, Probiotics are microbes that are beneficial to health and used in food, especially in milk products, promote health by providing immunologic and digestive properties, probiotic used that will survive in the human gut, prebiotics are ingredients consisting of short chain carbohydrates that improve the probiotics’ activity, prebiotics are literally fertilizing agents for probiotics that are not affected by gastric pH and stomach acids, Prebiotics are non-digestible ingredients that promote the growth of productive microorganism and affect the composition and activity of gut microbiota, These supplements are found in various forms, such as tablets, liquid-based, capsules, powder, and concentrated with specific doses, Fortified Nutraceuticals Fortified nutraceuticals such as orange juice with calcium added, or milk with cholecalciferol vitamin are foods that contain additional micronutrients or vitamins added to them to improve their value, supply the body with important nutrients that can prevent anemia and improve health, Recombinant nutraceuticals are foods that are produced by both genetic recombination and biotechnology, recombinant gene that increases ascorbic acid levels, carotenoid, and lutein to enhance immune function, nutraceuticals enhance human health and increase life expectancy along with many other processes that delay aging and prevent chronic diseases, nutraceutical supplements have shown a positive impact on cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis and immune functions, nutraceutical modes of action take place to increase functional components which will lead to health enhancement, prebiotics and probiotics are believed to be of benefit in promoting human health, specifically in the gastrointestinal tract, most important features of nutraceuticals are their cost effectiveness, broad safety profiles both in humans and animals, tolerability, and easy availability, pharmacokinetic behavior of every drug is extremely important for the understanding of safety profile (toxico-kinetics), onset of action, required dose, and dose frequency, interactions with other drugs as well as nutrients/foods are another vital aspect of safety evaluations of nutraceuticals that assess the effect of interactions on safety, efficacy, half-life and subsequent therapeutic response, nutraceuticals are included in the dietary supplements,

The Skin and Gut Microbiome and Its Role in Common Dermatologic Conditions

Author Samantha R Ellis , Mimi Nguyen , Alexandra R Vaughn, Manisha Notay , Waqas A Burney , Simran Sandhu , Raja K Sivamani

Microorganisms in the skin, relationship between the gut and skin microbiome and various dermatological diseases including acne, psoriasis, rosacea, and atopic dermatitis, microbiome and the role of probiotics, skin is comprised of three major habitats: moist, sebaceous, and dry, Sebaceous skin includes the face, chest, and back, Dry skin sites, such as the arms and legs, Invaginations of the skin as hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and sweat glands, skin microbiome is important in homeostasis, enhance the innate barrier immunity, promote tissue repair, cutaneous immune system, microbial ecosystems, human genome and gut microbiome , fermentation of complex carbohydrates, gut microbiota’s composition or metabolic activity may also alter fatty acid levels , intricate ecological community, metabolic byproducts and host interactions, influence both normal physiology and disease processes, microbial diversity in the gut and on the skin influences health, associations between skin and gut microbiota and dermatologic conditions such as atopic dermatitis, acne, rosacea, and psoriasis, Gut-Skin Communication,

Fortification of beverages with products other than vitamins and minerals.

Author: J. Gruenwald

functional beverages industry and at the functional ingredients, health benefits of polyphenols, carotenoids, oils, sterols, natural stimulants and botanicals and discusses their value for functional beverages, Functional Beverages: The Emerging Side of Functional Foods, growing recognition of the key role of foods and beverages in disease prevention and treatment, health benefit beyond the basic nutritional functions, beverages are by far the most active functional food category because of convenience and possibility to meet consumer demands for container contents, size, shape, and appearance, delivering means for nutrients and bioactive compounds including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, ?-3 fatty acids, plant extracts, and fiber, prebiotics, and probiotics, scientific advances in the emerging area of functional beverages, potential health benefits related to their consumption, potential health benefits related to their consumption

Mechanistic Analysis of Chemical Permeation Enhancers for Oral Drug Delivery.

Author: Kathryn A Whitehead, Samir Mitragotri

needles are the primary mode of administering macromolecular drugs such as proteins and peptides, their limitations have motivated researchers to explore alternative routes. One of the most popular alternatives to parenteral drug administration is oral delivery, which requires transport across the intestinal epithelial membrane. Because the epithelium protects against the entry of xenogenic sub-stances into the body, it also acts as a barrier to the delivery of macromolecules, this issue of limited transport can be potentially addressed through the use of chemicals to promote drug absorption across the epithelium, Chemical permeation enhancers aid drug uptake through two distinct mechanisms, both of which involve the mediation of a physical cellular barrier, the passive transcellular route involves the alteration of the structure of the cell membrane, whereas an enhancement of the paracellular route entails an opening of the tight junctions between epithelial cells, many studies have focused their efforts on ascertaining the mechanism of action of a variety of enhancers, Specifically, enhancer mechanism is typically considered to be solely transcellular or paracellular

Bioactives from probiotics for dermal health: functions and benefits

Author L.-C. Lew and M.-T. Liong

probiotics may exert other health-promoting effects beyond gut well-being, gut–brain axis correlations, healing of burn and scars, skin-rejuvenating properties and improving skin innate immunity, immune responses on the skin and improve skin barrier functions, probiotic strains with potential dermal enhancing properties for topical applications, probiotic are live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amount confer a health benefit to the host, Cell-free cultures of lactic acid bacteria with probiotic , use of probiotic in nonviable forms , probiotic exert dermal benefits , adherence capacity to the cellular substrate , probiotic dermal formulations,

Functional finishes for apparels.

Author: P. Ganesan, L. Sasi kala

Functional fibers, Functional fabrics, Finishing treatments, Thermal, Regulation, Flame, retardance, Moisture, management, Easy-care, Self-cleaning, Insect-repellence, Antimicrobial, Ultraviolet protection, Radiation protection, Antistatic, Impact protection, Chemical protection. The scope of fibre science is very broad. Only innovative products will be able to open new markets and new horizons for the textile industry. Innovation is a key factor for operating successfully in any market. Within the textile industry, the challenge for companies today lies in bringing to market a stream of new and improved, value-added products, to strengthen existing product lines, and diversify into new areas. Technology represents one critical route in doing so. When textile assumes an additional function over and above the conventional purpose, it may be regarded as specialty or functional textile. Specialty finishes involves: Fragrance Release, Protective Finishes, Skin Care Additives, Insect Repellent, Deodorizing Fragrance, Antimicrobials, Flame Retardant Finishes, Cool Finish & Thermal Insulator Finish, Water Proofing Finish and UV Stabilizers. Functional finishes represent the next generation of finishing industry, which, make textile materials act by themselves. This means that they may keep us warm in cold environments or cool in hot environments or provide us with considerable convenience, support, and even fun in our normal day-to-day activities. Types of Functional Finishes, Antimicrobial Finishes, microbes are minute organisms, but can be most dangerous for creating harm to our lifestyle in different ways. So, to make the environment healthy, hygienic, and fresh, it becomes very important to have the control overgrowth of the microbes and for these the garments / fabrics should be treated with some specialty chemicals, which can restrict the growth of these microorganisms. Antimicrobial finishing is one of the special types of finishing given to the textiles where the chances of bacterial growth are high, and the safety is paramount. Antimicrobial treatment on the undergarments controls the growth of the microbes on it, which will in turn control the above effects. Characteristics of finishing inhibits the growth of microbes on the surface of the fabric, Maintains hygiene and freshness, stops bad odor,Controls or eliminates microbial staining, Improves life of the articles wherever it is applied, Improves hand of most of the fabric, Eliminates the chances of disease transmission, Effective on any substrate like cellulose, synthetics as well as their blends and any surface other than textiles, Aroma Therapy – Fragma series/ Moisturizers/ Essential oils/ Aloe Vera, Microencapsulation of fragrances has been used to maintain a fresh aroma on the textiles. Aromatherapy provides potential benefits to the consumer through promoting a feeling of comfort and wellbeing. Different fragrances are used to stimulate different moods like, Relaxing/encouraging sleep, using fragrances for bedding and nightwear Muscle easing, applied to after sports activity garments, Uplifting/ head clearing for active sportswear, Clear thinking/confidence building by using fragrance applied to formal business wear. . Antistatic Finish, Static electricity is created when two non-conducting surfaces, such as synthetic textiles, rub together. The two surfaces become oppositely charged and as the rubbing continues, an electrical charge will build up, increasing in strength (voltage) until it can be discharged by contact or proximity with a conducting surface such as a metal radiator or door handle. This can be accompanied by a spark, and the wearer can experience the electrical shock, which is unpleasant, Static electricity also causes fabrics to “cling”, when two layers of clothing rub together, causing discomfort. Dry soiling of clothing: A further problem with static electricity is the collection or pick-up of fine particles of dust or ash by charged textiles. This can lead to unsightly marks on the fabric surface-active-static finishes: Although antistatic (metallic or carbon fibre) yarns are available for high-technology fabrics, for apparel use topical anti-static finishes are generally used, but these have several faults: they are either soft handling, but non-durable or are durable but with a very harsh handle. Bio-softening of Protein Fibers, Wool fabrics, both knitted and woven have a natural tendency to felt and shrink irreversibly. The commercial processes rely on chemical modifications and use chlorine or permono – sulphuric acid to modify the fabric surface. Chlorination results in toxic AOX byproducts and hence it compelled the use of enzymatic treatment for shrink proofing. Protease can markedly reduce the AOX contents in effluents. It is found out that physical and chemical treatments should be combined with enzymatic treatment for shrink resistance of wool, such as peroxidizing wool with Potassium Permanganate and Ammonium Sulphate. Subsequently giving proteolytic treatment results in complete descaled fibers with enhanced softness and luster. High quality wool fibers can also be obtained by the application of heat resistant neutral protease that results in cashmere like feel. Protease pretreatment combined with chlorination or oxidative treatment using sodium hypochlorite or Potassium Permanganate and subsequently polymer application reduces the shrinkage area of wool fibre. Cool Finish (snocool), When temperature rises, we tend to sweat. This is a natural reaction of our body to maintain the temperature around 97″F. The sweat when evaporates, takes along with it heat equivalent to heat of evaporation of water, thereby maintaining the temperature of the body. The cool finish technology works in three different ways. The Snocool finish uses the moisture management route i.e., it will enhance the natural phenomenon of sweat evaporation. This finish absorbs and dissipates sweat evenly throughout and thus gives a cool feeling to the wearer. Snocool finish when applied to the fabric, reflects light and produces the cooling effect, moisture management / hydrophilic finish, ever since synthetic fibers became popular for clothing purposes, there has been the desire for a finish to change the hydrophobic character of these fibers. The main reason was to improve the wearing comfort. Hence the necessity to Improve synthetic fibers regarding their absorbency. Areas of textile finishing where improving the absorbency is still one of the main considerations are sportswear, some of which is also made with functional jersey with hydrophobic synthetic fibers on the inside and hydrophilic cellulosic fibers on the outside. The mode of action consists of the finest fibrilled microfibers (PES, PA or PP) transporting the moisture rapidly from the skin through the capillary interstices to the absorbent outer layer. In this way the textile layer of synthetic fibers next to the skin remains dry. After dyeing the hydrophobic synthetic fibers usually exhibits no absorbency. Only after application of a suitable hydrophilic agent can the material fulfill its function. This significantly increases the speed at which the moisture is spread to the hydrophilic outer layer and thus considerably accelerates drying. Flame Retardant Finish, Flame retardants are chemicals, which are added to combustible materials to render them more resistant to ignition. They are designed to minimize the risk of a fire starting in case of contact with a small heat source such as cigarette, candle, or an electrical fault. If the flame retarded material has ignited, the flame retardant will slow down combustion and prevent fire from spreading to other items. Since the term “flame retardant” describes a function and not a chemical class, there is a wide range of different chemicals, which are used for this purpose. Durability of flame retardants, non-durable finishes are not fast to laundering/washing and hence the substrates are to be treated after each wash. All earlier attempts, involving water-soluble chemicals, mostly inorganic salts, are applied on to fabric by immersion, padding or spraying. Durable finishes are durable to multiple launderings. These are more complex and difficult to apply. Semi-durable finishes have a level of durability to washing/laundering in between the non-durable and durable finishes. It also exhibits excellent fastness to dry cleaning using chlorinated solvents. Its application practically does not cause yellowing and modifies the handle of the articles. Peach skin effect. In classical finishing of lyocell, peach Skin effects are produced in rope form using Airflows and Air tumblers. Alternatives are produced in open- width finishing with special emery finishes. Here for example, emery papers coated with diamond dust are recommended which imitate effects comparable with the classical method. The peach skin effects can also be achieved with the treatment of cellulose enzymes where one does the fibrillation with alkali and later treatment with the cellulose enzymes that polish the fibrils to produce a peach skin permanent effect. Apart from Peach Skin effects, various finishes can naturally be applied to fabrics of Lenzing Lyocell such as calendaring, embossed effects, crepe or other special effects. The rmocat finishing, A finishing agent for producing heat retaining effect. this type of finishing when applied to the fabric keeps it warm. Produces heat retaining effect due to infrared radiation owing to its porosity. Especially suitable for 100% cellulose and its blends, UV Protective Finish, Another important function performed by garments is to protect the wearer from harmful rays of sun. The rays in the wavelength region of 150 to 400 nm are known as ultraviolet radiations. This wavelength region is further divided in UVC (100-280 nm), UVB (280-315 nm) and UVA (315-400 nm). The most important UV source is the sun and therefore almost every living organism is exposed to UV radiations. UVC radiations are absorbed by the ozone layer and do not reach the surface of the earth. Several types of UV stabilizers are available, the most common being benzophenones and phenylbenzotriazoles. These molecules can absorb the damaging UV rays of sunlight. Selection of UV Stabilizers, Factors to be considered in selecting an UV stabilizer includes, the substrate to be protected, Method and conditions of fabrication, The degree and type of protection desired, The size and shape of the finished product, The end use and environment during the use, Presence of other additives such as antioxidant, antistatic agents, colorants, filters, accelerators etc. Water / oil repellant finish, Wrinkle Free Finishes. By applying resins, it is possible to improve specific properties of cellulosic fibers. Examples are the improvement in crease recovery, dimensional stability, non-iron, reduced pilling and particularly with knit goods an improved appearance after several washes. For successful resin finishing it is essential that the goods are well prepared, and the recipes and processes are adhered to and monitored exactly. The wrinkle free treatment package comprises of a low formaldehyde resin, silicones, and polyethylene emulsion. This treatment involves chemical application of the elements comprising of this package through a cross linking effect that prevents the formation of creases and wrinkles which result in easy to iron fabric. Resins do however also have several effects on the fibers. Resins reduce the (tear) strength of cotton. The extent of the loss depends on a wide variety of factors: The amount and type of resin applied, the amount and type of catalyst, The curing conditions, The quality of cotton, The processes preceding finishing and possible damage etc., Tensile strength losses up 30-45% must be expected. For the so-called non-iron finishes, it is therefore often necessary to use qualities with a higher initial strength than for normal softening finishes. In this connection it should be mentioned that the tensile strength is not normally improved by the additives and softeners used. The tear resistance according to Elmendorf can however be influenced and maintained at the level of the unfinished goods or even improved by optimum selection of the softeners and additives.

Skin Antiaging Effects of the Fermented Outer Layers of Leaf S,kin of Aloe barbadensis Miller Associated with the Enhancement of Mitochondrial Activities of UVb-Irradiated Human Skin Fibroblasts

Author by Hyeonwoo Lee ,Woonyong Choi ,Hyangseon Ro ,Gyurae Kim and Hyeonyong Lee

leaf skin of Aloe vera; mitochondrial activities; skin antiaging; lactic acid fermentation, antiaging effects of Aloe vera leaf skin fermented by Lactobacillus plantarum on UVb-irradiated skin fibroblasts, reactive oxygen species (ROS), DPPH free radical scavenging activities, bioactive substances derived from the fermentation process, collagen gene expression, aloe increases the activation of mitochondria and inhibits the photo-aging of UVb-irradiated skin fibroblasts.

Dietary supplement for immune- Aloe vera Mucilage as Solubility Enhancer in Tablet Formulation. PSG College of Pharmacy, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.

Author Habibur Rahman*, Telny Thomas Chungath, Kuppusamy Selvakumaraswamy and Chandrasekar R.

pharmaceutical applications, harried contained in the gel of the leaves. On the other hand, the important pharmaceutical applications such as the use of the dried Aloe vera gel powder as an excipient in sustained release (SR) pharmaceutical dosage, release matrix tablets, dissolution enhancer, Korsemayer Peppas model via anomalous diffusion mechanism, Dissolution kinetics, Sustained release matrix tablets were formulated by direct compression method, Aloe vera polysaccharide as an excipient in formulation research, Formulation development, densities for the powder blend of various formulations, Aloe vera powder improves the solubility without effecting the sustain release pattern, Aloe vera freeze dried powder can be used in the formulation of SR matrix tablets for water insoluble compounds.

immunoregulatory activity .-Modified Aloe barbadensis polysaccharide with immunoregulatory activity Department of Drug Discovery and Screening, Univera Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Broomfield, CO, USA. .

Author: Qiu Z, Jones K, Wylie M, Jia Q, Orndorff S.

activated macrophage cells and stimulated fibroblast growth, average molecular weight of 80,000 Dalton (Da), mannose, galactose, and glucose, fibroblasts, growth, neoplasms, hypersensitivity, ep,dermis, macrophages, polysaccharides Ultraviolet radiation, irradiation, mannose, immunosuppression


Author: P. Lombardi1 , N. Musco1 , M.I. Cutrignelli1 , M.P. Mollica2 , G. Trinchese2 , S. Calabrò1 , R. Tudisco1 , M. Grossi1 , V. Mastellone1,*, G. Vassalotti1 , M.E. Pe

complex polysaccharides of Aloe, improve immunity and oxidative status, ?-carotene influence immune function and health in the cow, biochemical profile and oxidative/inflammatory status, pregnant buffalo cows, doses was supplied (50 g/day/head) to pluriparae buffalo cows for 30 days before delivery, Blood chemistry profiles showed no adverse effects on health status, supplementation improves oxidative and inflammatory status with no negative effects on metabolism in water buffalo cow, buffaloes, Bubalus bubalis, Aloe arborescence, ?-carotene, oxidative status, Transition period compromise health, productivity and reproductive performance of dairy cows, Nutritional strategies, prevent metabolic diseases in the early days post-calving, and to improve milk production, aloe vera barbadensis, additional feed additives for use over a few weeks pre-partum, beneficial properties of Aloe spp, Aloe gel possesses wound healing , anti-inflammatory , healing, to treat oncology pain , antiviral , spermicidal and gastro-protective , cicatrizing properties, Immune-stimulating , anti-proliferative and cholesterol-lowering, mucilaginous polysaccharides, Aloe effects may derive from its activity on intestinal function, thus influencing absorption and availability of key substances , polysaccharides of Aloe have been reported as potent B cell stimulators, ?-carotene, the natural precursor for vitamin A (retinol) in ruminants, on reproduction, immune function and health in the cow and calf, ?-carotene, thus enhancing host defense mechanisms by potentiating lymphocyte and phagocyte functions, and decreasing the incidence of certain reproductive disorders, Aloe extract has immunostimulating activity in animal trials and it was also found to have beneficial phytotherapeutic and anti-tumoral properties , It is known that the anti-tumoral properties of Aloe depend not only on its immuno-modulatory effect, but also on a direct inhibition of cancer cell proliferation

Impact of edible coating derived from a combination of Aloe vera gel, chitosan and calcium chloride on maintain the quality of mango fruit at ambient temperature.

Authors Hajebi Seyed, R.; Rastegar, S.; Faramarzi, S.

Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is a tropical fruit which is climacteric and highly perishable. Consequently, it is indispensable to address postharvest management techniques by applying eco-friendly technologies to reduce crop losses. Thus, the current study was conducted to evaluate Aloe vera gel’s in?uence alone and chitosan and calcium chloride (CaCl2) on mango shelf life during the storage time at the ambient temperature (25 ± 2″C) for 21 days. The results exhibited that A. vera-chitosan coatings were able to remarkably decrease weight loss and ascorbic acid reduction throughout the storage period. Total phenol and antioxidant activity progressively diminished during the storage, and control fruits exhibited the lowest content of the phenol content and antioxidant activity during the storage. Mango is one of the most important tropical fruits that has a unique status among other fruits in terms of appearance, taste, favorable aroma, excellent bene?cial nutritional values and general eating features. In general, due to the highly perishable nature and sensitivity of mango, a good postharvest practice is required to extend Mango’s shelf life. edible coatings are promising technologies applied in quality improvement and shelf-life extension of fruits. Edible ?lms and coatings have many advantages over other postharvest treatments. They can add commercial value to fruits by enhancing their appearance, safety, quality, and act as carriers of functional ingredients, such as antioxidants, antimicrobial agents and nutraceuticals. Edible coatings prevent the exchange of gases and water vapor by forming a modi?ed atmosphere around the crop, thereby reducing the respiration rate of the fruit and preserving the quality of crops. Aloe vera gel is one of the novel edible coatings which has recently attracted many researchers. A. vera gel is clear, odorless, non-sticky having high absorbency completely healthy and environmentally friendly, with a pH of about 4.5 which can replace various fruit coverings at the postharvest stage. Approximately 96% of A. vera leaf gel is water and the remaining 4% consist of other compounds such as essential oils, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes. This polysaccharide gel act as a barrier to moisture and O2, reducing water loss and gas exchange through lenticel coating, resulting in a slow respiration rate and conserving fruit quality . The combination of A. vera with salicylic acid was more e?ective in maintaining quality and decreasing microbial load compared to the individual substances in orange fruit. In more detail, A. vera gel coatings could signi?cantly delay the ?rmness, discoloration and weight loss in fruits. Chitosan is considered as an edible coating which has high antimicrobial activity and compatibility with sub-stances such as minerals, vitamins and antimicrobial agents used for products’ shelf life. The ability of chitosan coating in reducing disease incidence of mango has been well acknowledged in many studies. Several studies reported that chitosan, either alone or in combination with other materials, was able to decrease respiration, loss of ?rmness, weight loss, and disease incidence. It is well known that calcium chloride (CaCl2) could maintain the fruit quality during storage by reducing the metabolism activities and the respiration rate. Calcium chloride (3%) combined with nano-chitosan, preserved, ascorbic acid, antioxidant activity and total anthocyanin contents of strawberries stored 15 days at 4″C . Adding edible materials to coatings improves the functional, nutritional, organoleptic and mechanical properties of coatings and can be considered as a new method to maintain products’ quality. Studies focused on the e?ect of A. vera and its compounds with calcium and chitosan on mango quality are limited and fruit.

Interactions of gut microbiota with functional food components and nutraceuticals. Pharmacol. Res. 2010, 61, 219–225

Author: Laparra, J.M.; Sanz, Y.

metabolic and immune functions, nutritional and health status of the host, nutritional and health status of the host, development of the functional food concept and nutraceuticals, Prebiotics, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) , phytochemicals, dietary bioactive compounds, biological roles, immunity and metabolism, metabolic products, food compounds acquired orally, nutritional intervention, gut mirobiota; functional foods; nutraceuticals; prebiotics; polyunsaturated fatty acids; phytochemicals, nutritional and health status of the host, nutrient acquisition strategies, Nutraceuticals are extracts containing the biologically active food components supplied in other than a food form, Dietary components with biological effects are susceptible to be metabolized by intestinal bacteria during the gastrointestinal passage, prior being absorbed, functional food components, biological activity of food compounds, epithelium , gut-associated lymphoid tissue, immunomodulatory roles, probiotic strains, Helicobacter pylori infection, complex polysaccharides are the primary energy source for the colonic microbiota.

Intestinal drug absorption enhancement by Aloe vera gel and whole leaf extract: in vitro investigations into the mechanisms of action.

Authors: Anja Haasbroek-Pheiffer, Clarissa Willers, Matthew Glyn, Lissinda du Plessis, Josias Hamman

co-administration of absorption enhancing agents with macromolecular drugs (e.g., protein and peptide drugs) has been identi?ed as a means to improve the oral bioavailability of these drugs, Absorption-enhancing agents of natural origins, Aloe vera leaf (e.g., gel and whole leaf extract) have shown a potential to enhance drug permeation across the intestinal epithelial barrier, The mechanism of the drug-absorption-enhancement action and the capacity for absorption-enhancement of the Aloe Vera Gel gel , decrease in transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) of Caco-2 cell monolayers, indicated the opening of tight junctions between the epithelial cells, transport of Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-dextran, with a molecular weight of 4 kDa (FD-4), could be enhanced across the Caco-2 cell monolayers, aloe vera gel extract, but not the FITC-dextran with larger molecular weights(i.e., 10, 20, and 40 kDa), which indicated a limited drug absorption enhancement capacity, in terms of the molecular size, paracellular transport of FD-4 occurred after the interaction of the Aloe Vera Gel gel with the epithelial cell monolayers, changes in the F-actin distribution in the cytoskeleton of the Caco-2 cell monolayers was observed by means of a ?uorescence staining, which con?rmed tight junction modulation as the mechanism of action for the absorption enhancement effect of the Aloe vera gel

Edible coatings influence fruit ripening, quality, and aroma biosynthesis in mango fruit.

Authors Dang, K. T., Singh, Z., & Swinny, E. E.

The effects of different edible coatings on mango fruit ripening and ripe fruit quality parameters including color, firmness, soluble solids concentrations, total acidity, ascorbic acid, total carotenoids, fatty acids, and aroma volatiles were investigated. Hard mature green mango (Mangifera indica L. cv. Kensigton Pride) fruits were coated with aqueous mango carnauba (1:1 v/v), Semperfresh (0.6%), Aloe vera gel (1:1, v/v), or A. vera gel (100%). Untreated fruit served as the control. Following the coating, fruits were allowed to dry at room temperature and packed in soft-board trays to ripen at 21 ± 1 “C and 55.2 ± 11.1% relative humidity until the eating soft stage. Mango carnauba was effective in retarding fruit ripening, retaining fruit firmness, and improving fruit quality attributes including levels of fatty acids and aroma volatiles. Semperfresh and A. vera gel (1:1 or 100%) slightly delayed fruit ripening but reduced fruit aroma volatile development. A. vera gel coating did not exceed the commercial mango carnauba and Semperfresh in retarding fruit ripening and improving aroma volatile biosynthesis. Mangifera indica, L. Carnauba,Aloe vera , Semperfresh, fatty acids, carotenoids ,aroma , volátiles

Medical and hygiene textiles – continuing in good health.

Authors Fisher G

An important and growing part of the textile Industry is the medical and related healthcare and hygiene sectors. Textile has always been a part of healthcare. The range of products available is vast but typically they are used in the operating room theatre or on the hospital ward for the hygiene, care and safety of staff and patients. The number of applications range from the simple cleaning wipe to the advanced barrier fabrics used for operating rooms. he healthcare and hygiene products are as follows: Medical and Pharmacy division: Adult Incontinence pads, Rectangular pads, shaped pads, urine collector and bag, feminine maternity pad, cotton mesh maternity pads, nursing wipes, gauze, wound dressing, surgical drapes, gowns, plaster, face mask, operation room table and tray covers, head wear, under pads, X ray gowns, scrub suits, barrier and isolation gowns, patient exam gowns, osteotomy bag, super absorbent fabrics, etc. are some products in this division. Feminine Hygiene and Baby care division: Diapers, skin protective towelettes for children, make-up remover towels, covet wipes, baby wipes (using spun lace and other fabrics), nappy (Diaper) liners, dry wipes (antimicrobial), disposable baby bibs, baby pillow and changing mats, baby blanket, dermo-protective children’s towels, etc. The basic structure of disposable baby diapers has not changed dramatically over the past few years. Fig. shows a typical diaper structure. The key component, the absorbent core, is now rectangular in shape, profiled and contains granular super absorbents. The developments include the use of breathable back sheets, originally restricted to the premium end of the market, which have now spread to almost all products and producers. Bandages: protector for elbow/ ankle bandages for tracheotomy patients, etc. General Hygiene: total hygiene towel, moist toilet towel, hand cleaning wipes, antibacterial wipes, etc. Cleaning products: These include gauze for floors, dry dusting systems, hard surface disinfectant wipes, high absorbency cloth, window cloth, electrostatic disposable dusters, cleaning mop, etc. Wipes: Non-woven fabrics consisting of the spun lace and other fabrics are used for the different wipes. The following types of wipes are available: baby wipes, skin cleaning wipes, moist toilet tissues, nursing wipes, nappy (diaper) liners, dry wipes (anti-microbial), hard surface disinfectant wipes, window cloths, electrostatic disposable dusters, hard cleaning wipes, etc. Textile materials used in the operating theatre and emergency rooms: These include surgeon’s gowns, caps and masks, patient drapes and cover cloths of all sizes. The purpose of protective healthcare garments is to protect healthcare professionals from contamination from blood and other infectious fluids. Biological protective garments are defined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) as follows: Personal protective clothing will be considered appropriate only if it does not permit blood and other infectious materials to pass through to reach a employees work clothes, street clothes, undergarment, skin, eyes, mouth or other mucous membranes under the normal conditions of use and for the duration of time the protective equipment will be used. According to this definition, there are two basic requirements for a protective textile garment: it should prevent infectious materials from passing through the skin and it should last long enough. Protective apparel in the medical field should be affordable, breathable, comfortable, dependable, and effective3. Coating and Laminating technologies that lead to the development of lighter, comfortable, more protective clothing for superior protection of operating room staff and patients are being used in Canadian hospitals. Barrier fabrics: It is essential that the environment of the operating theatre is clean and a strict control of infection is maintained. A possible source of infection to the patient is the pollutant particles shed by the nursing staff which carries bacteria. Surgical gowns should therefore act as a barrier to prevent the release of pollutant particles into the air. Barrier requirements can be partial resistant) or total (proof) ranging from particulates and bacteria to fluids and viruses. In general, a hydro head of > 40 cm is required to compete in this market. To date, the only products that consistently pass the viral barrier test are fabrics reinforced with impervious film. For sterilization wraps, % BFE tests with Staph aureus are > 85% for SMS and <80% for wet -laid fabrics. Efforts to reduce and control the level of bacterial particles in the O.R. environment have focused on engineering of ventilation systems and improving the types of garments worn by O.R. personal. With the rapid increase in blood borne diseases, such as hepatitis C and HIV, the need for medical workers to wear garments that provide a barrier to fluids such as water, blood and alcohol have become critical. These items can be in the form of simple slip-on body covers and instrument wraps to complex 3-D shapes such as masks. The major requirements for barrier fabrics are that they resist the penetration of liquids, particularly blood and at the same time be sterile, breathable, flexible and inexpensive. Because of these requirements most of the barrier garments are made from non-woven fabrics that are relatively inexpensive and can be thrown away after each use, thus reducing the need for re-sterilization. In some cases, special breathable films are being added to fibers and fabrics. In other cases, ingredients are being added directly into polymers being used to make the fibres14. Theatre drapes are intended to form a barrier against infection both to and away from the patient. The complex series of requirements for such a product are as follows: The material should constitute a barrier to moisture and bacteria. For drapes, the material should be: plasticized; laminated or partly laminated with a plastic sheet, treated to render it water- and moisture-repellant or impermeable. The material should be steam sterilizable. In the case of wraps, it should be steam permeable. The material should not allow bacteria to penetrate through. One must quantify the time of penetration if, any. The material must be able to withstand prolonged handling and lengthy procedures. The material should have a non-slip surface. It must have passed flammability tests. It must be tough and waterproof when wet. It must be flexible, draping smoothly on application, readily conforming to the patient’s shape. Any dyes used must be fast and non-irritant. The colour used must not cause any glare to the eyes. Autoclave tape must be removed without tearing the drape. The material must be able to hold towel clips without tearing. The drape must be easy to apply no complicated folding needed and clearly marked with instructions for unfolding. It must be easy to adjust or extend the opening. The drape should not give rise to wetness or sweat from the patient’s skin. The material must comply with anti-static requirements. The price must be economical when compared with equivalent items. The drape must not be produced to the exact requirements. The material should be burnable. Assurance of delivery is necessary. The material should be lint-free. Several non-woven fabric constructions are considerations for this application, including wet-laid materials, which may be scrim-reinforced, and dry laid viscose fabrics of around 60 g/m2, often laminated to a polyethylene barrier layer. Random-laid structures are less prone to tearing away by clips. Similar fabric requirements are necessary for other hospital applications such as variety of gowns, masks and caps. Less critical end uses include sheets, pillowcases, bibs, over shoes and wipes. Sterilization wrap: Single room sterilization wraps also called as (Central Supply Room) wraps are sold as flat sheets made to specific sizes. The use is primarily for wrapping trays and large instruments in the hospital central supply room. Gowns, Drapes and Caps: Gowns come in a variety of designs such as unreinforced and reinforced. Performance features are tearing resistance, fluid barrier, abrasion resistance and breathability. Drapes are sold as flat folded sheets with film backing in most cases and a variety of special pads and backings. Incontinence care products: The word of incontinence means an unplanned occurrence of the bladder and bowel functions. Incontinence is not a rare condition. Products for such conditions may be in the form of mattress protector. The soft polyester and bottom absorb all the moisture while the vinyl center prevents the passage of fluids. Dignity pants with wide dry-guard barrier panel for secure leak proof and bowel protection made of polyester and cotton. Developments include a belt fixing arrangement, use of short fibre, air laid cellulose and super absorbent cores used in products used for light incontinence. In general, the design challenges for adult incontinence products are similar to infant diapers and market segment considered to be relatively small1. The disposable diaper is a composite article consisting of an inner covering layer (cover stock), an absorbent layer and an outer layer. The inner covering layer is either a longitudinally oriented polyester web treated with a hydrophilic finish, or a spun laid polypropylene non-woven material. Several weft and warp knitted pile or fleece fabrics composed of polyester are also used as a part of a composite material which include foam as well as PVC sheets for use as incontinence mats. With the continuing growth in the market for adult incontinence products, the amount of body fluid to insult a diaper is required to withstand has created more stringent performance criteria for wicking of cover stock surface. Cloths and wipes: Are made from non-woven bonded fabrics which may be soaked with an antiseptic finish. The cloth or wipe may be used to clean the wounds or the skin prior to wound dressing application, or to treat rashes or burns. Surgical Hosiery: With graduated compression characteristics is used for several purposes, from a light support to the limb, to the treatment of venous disorders. Knee and elbow caps that are generally shaped during knitting or circular machines, and may also contain elastomeric threads, are worn for support and compression during physically active sports, or for protection. Masks: The medical face masks market, representing 6% of yardage consumption in the US market, is a $60-plus million market, worldwide. The opportunity here is for inner and outer linings, filtration media and the ties. Materials used: There are many applications for non-woven textile products in the medical and healthcare sectors. Non-wovens have distinct advantages over more traditional forms of fabric formation as they can be manufactured directly from fibers at relatively lower cost. The non-woven method is therefore suitable for the production of disposable products, which contribute greatly to the high levels of hygiene required in medical applications by limiting the incidence of cross infection. An extensive product line of disposable non-woven is now available for products which require liquid barrier protection, absorbency, filtration efficiency, softness, etc. A dramatic increase in the rise of reusable linen products resulting from a rise in labor costs and a greater awareness of hygiene issues have increased the use of non-woven disposable products. Adhesive bonded non-woven fabrics are majorly used for hospital usage and sanitary applications, including nappy liners and complete throwaway items. It is these areas that disposables are established on the basis of practicality and hygiene. The development of low bulk density non-woven fabrics helps to achieve the cloth-like characteristics for surgical-care products, such as softness, opacity, substance, surface texture, absorbency, low static, comfort, acoustic deadness, porosity, and improved liquid holding capacity, and fast drainage. Sterilization Stability: Sterilization is the process used to inactivate microbiological contaminants and thereby transform the non-sterile items into sterile ones. It is essential for hospital applications that sterile products are employed, and there are various techniques by which this can be achieved. Sterilization by steam, dry heat, ethylene oxide, and irradiation process are used depending on the product type and fibre characteristics. A sterilization process can bring about changes in properties as strength, absorbency, and appearance. Many hospitals have added peroxide plasma systems, such as STERRAD, to their standard steam autoclaves and ethylene oxide chambers in the Central Supply Room. When designing fabrics for sterilization it is essential to understand the impact of sterilization procedures on fabric performance features. In the U.S., steam autoclaves generally operate at 250-2700 (121-1320C). In Europe, flash sterilization temperatures up to 1380C have been proposed in respect to concerns about Jakob-Crueze Disease. The polymer selection must be made with this type of temperature exposure in mind. Antimicrobial textiles: Treated textile articles can include medical textiles such as pads, face masks, surgical gowns, ambulance blankets, stretchers, filter materials and diapers. Antimicrobial fibers: High performance fibers have been developed which prevent hazardous bacteria from buildup and will find applications in the fields of personal hygiene where buildup of dangerous bacteria can be hazardous to health: the fibre basically contains a combination of antimicrobial compounds, based on metallic salts which ultimately controls bacteria and fungi. The compounds are embedded in the matrix of fibers which renders it impervious to washing and wear. Testing of healthcare garments: Laboratory tests include water repellency, launderability (if recyclable), burst strength and tear strength. The design of barrier fabrics is driven by the concern over HIV. Therefore, for these fabrics test methods that would assist in the characterization of products as blood-resistant, blood proof or viral proof. These methods have been established as ASTM 1670-95 and 1671-97. The demand wettability method of measuring the absorbency characteristics of fabrics have been described by Lichstein. This technique measures both capacity and absorption rate simultaneously at zero hydrostatic head. It is applicable to different absorbents, wicking fluids and multiple-ply structures with the absorbent at any angle to the fluid and under different pressures. Other textile products used in hospitals include bedding, clothing, shoe covers, mattress covers, etc

Review in Textile Printing Technology.

Authors Meram S. Abdelrahman, Sahar H. Nassar, Hamada Mashaly, Safia Mahmoud, Dalia Maamoun, Tawfik A. Khattab

Thickeners have been used as a significant component in textile printing pastes. They are characterized with high molecular weight, high viscosity in an aqueous medium, good storage, long hydration time consistent with other printing paste components and being colorless. They impart plasticity and stickiness to the print paste with the ability to introduce designs without bleeding. The major function of printing pastes is to hold, adhere and transfer the dyestuff onto the targeted fabric. There have been various well known synthetic and natural thickeners. Color is a major significant factor in textile manufacturing and application employing either natural or synthetic dyestuffs for conventional or smart textiles. Thickeners are known as thick materials which can impart gumminess and plasticity to the printing pastes so that it can be applied on the cloth surface with a specific design outline and without bleeding or scattering. Hence, thickeners are generally functioning with the following advantages: To provide the essential viscosity to the print paste, to carry the printing ingredients into the fabric surface, to prevent premature interaction between the printing ingredients. There are four important approaches to generate thickeners: low concentration of high molecular weight polymers, high concentration low molecular weight materials, emulsion of two immiscible fluids, dispersion of finely divided solids (e.g. Bentonite). Quality of printing paste depends on the following desirable properties of thickeners: Printing paste stability to storage, pressure and temperature, properties of produced dry film, effects on color yield (e.g. diffusion and fixation), preparation simplicity, removal from fabric surface, low price and easily obtained, easy to remove by washing after drying, homogeneous distribution of printing paste, environmental impacts, styles and techniques of printing, type of fabric used, compatibility and stability to different printing ingredients including dyes and auxiliaries, provide sharp outlines without bleeding or spreading, good mechanical properties, to prevent dusting of dry film, good diffusion to provide maximum color yield, good absorption of condensed water to guarantee free space for dye and water, molecules to penetrate into the fibers, It should not hold the colorant or keep it away from fabric, good drying to prevent spreading and wetting, transparency and good solubility, to avoid “fish-eyes”. Therefore, a variety of polysaccharides derivatives, synthetic polymeric materials, and emulsion thickening agents were developed. Those developed thickening agents were characterized by plasticity and stickiness to clothing with sharp outlines. The choice of a thickening agent largely depends on the type of dye and style of printing. According to compatibility between both of dye and thickener, broad rules for the choice of thickener have been laid. For example, reactive dyes are used with Sodium Alginates which comprise fewer crosslinking properties, while pigments were used with synthetic thickeners, in addition to binder. The choice of a thickening agent also depends on the fabric characteristics. Thickeners function as a carrier of coloring matter, chemicals, solvents, and auxiliaries, bringing it into close contact with fabric surface during the coloration process. Thickeners are expected to create acceptable adhesion and consistent distribution of the printing pastes to fabric surface. Thickeners prevent the separation of the dye to occur which results in level prints with sharp outlines; at the same time as thickeners should possess the required physical and chemical properties (e.g. viscosity and flow property). The storage stability of the thickener paste must be high enough. It should be compatible and inert to dyes and other auxiliaries included in the printing paste. They should possess the ability to absorb steaming water without flushing. They are expected to have high-quality thermal and photo-stability without film break during the high temperature steam or thermal fixation. The removal of the thickener from the fabric surface after fixation should be straightforward. Among the commonly known thickening agents are biological polymers, chemically customized biological polymers such as sodium alginate, starch or customized starch, galactomannan or customized galactomannan, and carboxymethyl cellulose.

Plant based Bioavailability Enhancers

Author Patel , Chopra , Simran Chaurasia

As per Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS), one of the main concerns is low solubility and/or permeation of drugs resulting in reduced absorption and poor bioavailability, to overcome these issues, various strategies have been adopted, including the use of permeation enhancers which are also known as bioenhancers, bioenhancers are synthetic or natural compounds that increase the bioavailability of drugs and nutrients such as vitamins, amino acids, minerals, etc., into the systemic circulation and at the site of action for exhibiting improved therapeutic action, by improving bioavailability, bioenhancers can reduce drug dose, decrease the treatment period, and circumvent the problem of drug resistance, plant based bioenhancers can serve as a better alternative owing to their natural origin, plant-based bioenhancers have been used in a wide variety of antibiotics, antiviral, and anti-cancer therapeutics, these can be categorized based on their sources and mechanism of action

Evaluation of the antioxidative, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects of the aloe fermentation supernatant containing Lactobacillus plantarum HM218749.

Author: Meixiu Jiang, Kan Deng, Chunling Jiang, Mingui Fu, Chunlan Guo, Xiaolei Wang, Xin Wang, Fanjing Meng, Shaoguo Yang, Keyu Deng, Tingtao Chen, Hongbo Xin

Aloe fermentation , supernatant, functional beverage, cosmetic ingredients, human intestinal health, delaying senescence, prevent chronic diseases, develop Aloe vera (AV) using probiotics, functional beverage, cosmetic ingredient, human intestinal health, delaying senescence, prevent chronic diseases, probiotics are the hotspot for microbiologist and nutritionists , health awareness , busy lifestyle, probiotics industrial uses in dairy products, fermented foods (sauerkraut, sourdough, sausages, cheeses, wines, olives, and pickled vegetables), environments (cow-dung, silage, and sewage), human mouth, intestinal tract, and stools , development of functional foods and potential oral vaccines, growth of probiotics, glucose and skimmed milk were added in the Aloe Vera extract, lactic acid and acetic acid

Aloe vera gel coating for post harvest quality maintenance of fresh fig fruits.

Authors Marpudi, S. L., Pushkala, R., & Srividya, N.

Ficus carica, the fig fruit, is one of the most ancient fruits known to mankind. Fresh figs are delicious and nutritious, rich in protein, calcium, potassium, and iron. It is also a good source of fruit fibre has a nutritive index of 11, as against 9 for apple and 6 for raisin. Figs can be held only for a short period (7-10 days), at 0″C and 85-90 % relative humidity. There is a growing interest to consume fresh figs in many countries. Also, farmers and sellers incur a high post-harvest loss of fresh fig fruits due to its perishable nature. Fresh figs’ skin color and flesh firmness are related to their quality and postharvest life. Flavor is influenced by stage of ripeness and overripe figs can become undesirable due to fermentative products. Shriveling of the skin and decay are other post-harvest problems. Various chemical treatments such as chlorine and sulphur dioxide have been used to improve the shelf life and to arrest the decay of figs. However, there is growing demand for environment friendly and safer alternatives. Controlled atmospheric storage has been also explored as alternative storage method. Edible coating using natural biomaterials is being explored as a safer alternative to extend the shelf life of perishable food crops. Aloe vera gel has been identified as a novel coating agent with good antimicrobial properties, good results of using Aloe gel coating on papaya fruits. studies revealed absence of studies in this direction for fresh figs. Hence, studies were carried out to evaluate the efficacy of Aloe vera gel as an edible coating to extent the shelf life of fresh figs.

Aloe vera gel, an excellent base material for edible films and coatings.

Authors Abid Aslam MaanaZienab Fawzy Reiad Ahmed Muhammad KashifIqbal Khana AsadRiazc Akmal Nazird

Edible films/coatings are thin layers of eatable materials which, when applied to foods, can modify the exchange of molecules between food and environment as well as between different compartments of the same food, films/coatings help the foods to maintain their freshness and also facilitate in their transportation, storage and display, Aloe vera is a popular herbal plant and is well known for its therapeutic properties, gel extracted from Aloe vera leaves comprises of a variety of bioactive compounds, minerals and phenolic contents, Aloe vera gel has attracted considerable attention as edible and active film/coating material, Aloe vera gel films/coating are quite effective for shelf-life extension of various perishable food commodities (in a dose-dependent manner); however, the optimum gel concentration still needs to be investigated, blending of Aloe vera gel with traditional biopolymers (proteins and polysaccharides) and lipids (emulsions) seems a promising approach for tuning properties of films/coating in terms of transparency, smoothness, rigidity, elasticity, water vapor permeability, and bio-functionality, edible films and coatings are thin layers of consumable materials with ability to provide barrier against moisture, gases and solute movement in foods, represent exceptional substitutes to the traditional wrapping materials owing to their outstanding properties such as biocompatibility, edibility and broad range of applications, can be prepared as coating or free-standing films, and find multiple applications such as individual packaging of small commodities (e.g. beans, nuts, berries etc.), Aloe Vera, at the interface between different compartments of heterogeneous foods, as carrier for nutritional and functional agents, main difference between coatings and films is that the coating is applied in liquid form on the foods; whereas, the film is first molded into sheet and then used as a wrapping material, edible films/coatings facilitate transportation, storage and display of fresh and processed commodities, edible films/coatings are conventionally prepared from polysaccharides, proteins, lipids and their combinations, with some additional food grade additives, several natural polysaccharides such as starch, cellulose, pectin, gums, chitosan, agar, alginate, dextran have exhibited their potential in shelf life extension of different food commodities, among proteins, gelatin, corn zein, whey protein, wheat gluten, soy protein, are commonly studied edible coating materials, whereas, the plant-based waxes (such carnauba wax and candelilla wax), bees wax, paraffin, glycerides are the lipid-based materials reported as coating materials, Aloe vera Linné (also called as Aloe barbadensis Miller), Aloe vera gel is applied for the preparation of functional foods, as natural preservative, or as a material for edible films/coatings ,aloe gel as edible film/coating owing to its effectiveness towards shelf life extension of various perishable food commodities, apart from barrier properties, the antioxidative and antimicrobial potential of Aloe vera gel films/coating make them an excellent example of natural and active packaging, Aloe vera gel as film/coating material, either alone or in combination with other biopolymers, Suitability of Aloe vera gel as edible coating, aloe provide additional health benefits , natural compounds (comprising of lipids, proteins or polysaccharides), aloe vera gel have been applied mostly on fresh and fresh cut fruits, vegetables, seafoods, mushrooms and beans, Applications of Aloe vera gel based composite edible films use of biopolymers (such as proteins and polysaccharides) as edible films is being practiced in food industry, polymer is applied to develop composite films that offer extended biological and technological functionality, success of a composite film lies in the fact that all the materials should be compatible with each other and their interactions would reinforce the film structure and functionality, emulsion-based coatings and films contain a hydrophobic lipid component dispersed in a hydrophilic structural matrix of one or more hydrocolloid molecules (i.e., proteins and polysaccharides), Aloe vera gel is an edible and active material that can be used for preparation of edible films/coatings. The antioxidative and antimicrobial properties of Aloe vera gel make it quite remarkable for the shelf-life extension of various foods. It not only helps to maintain quality of the coated commodities (during storage), but also provides additional health benefits owing to its therapeutic potential.

Post harvest cherry quality and safety maintenance by Aloe vera treatment: A new edible coating

Authors Martinez-Romero D L,Alburquerque N ,Valverde J M,Guillen F, Castillo S et al ,

A novel edible coating based on Aloe vera gel, accordingly to our developed patent (SP Patent Filed P200302937), has been used as postharvest treatment to maintain sweet cherry quality and safety. During cold storage, uncoated fruit showed increases in respiration rate, rapid weight loss and colour changes, accelerated softening and ripening, stem browning and increased microbial populations, these processes being more intense during the shelf-life periods. On the contrary, sweet cherry treated with A. vera gel significantly delayed the above parameters related to postharvest quality losses, and storability could be extended. The sensory analyses revealed beneficial effects in terms of delaying stem browning and dehydration, maintenance of fruit visual aspect without any detrimental effect on taste, aroma, or flavors. As far as we aware, this is the first time A. vera gel is used as an edible coating in fruit, which would be an innovative and interesting means for commercial application and as alternative of the use of postharvest chemical treatments. Sweet cherry is one of the most appreciated fruit by consumers since it is an early season fruit and has an excellent quality. The main quality indices are skin colour, which is related to fruit ripening and affected by anthocyanin concentration, and total soluble solids-total acidity ratio (TSS/TA) at harvest. Both parameters, together with the absence of stem browning determine consumer acceptance. TSS ranges between 11 and 25″Brix depending on cultivar and is mainly due to glucose and fructose and less to the presence of sucrose and sorbitol. TA depends also on cultivar, with levels of 0.4–1.5%, the main organic acid being malic acid. Fruit firmness is also an important quality attribute and is directly related to enhancement of storability potential and induction of greater resistance to decay and mechanical damage (Barret and González, 1994). Sweet cherry fruit deteriorate rapidly after harvest and in some cases do not reach consumers at optical quality after transport and marketing. The main causes of sweet cherry deterioration are weight loss, colour changes, softening, surface pitting, stem browning and loss of acidity, while low variations occur in TSS. Finally, special care is needed with the occurrence of decay, which is mainly due to species of the genera Penicillium, Botrytis and Monilia. This fungal spoilage can cause great economic losses, although the occurrence of rots and their influence on sweet cherry quality have been reported to be dependent on cultivar and ripening stage at harvest. Several pre- and postharvest technologies have been used to control decay, but the postharvest use of chemicals as fungicides is restricted in most countries and consumers demand agricultural commodities without pesticide residues. Among these technologies, the use of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) has been reported to be effective in delaying the physico-chemical changes related to sweet cherry fruit quality loss. Recently, the combination of MAP with several essential oils has been shown to improve the beneficial effect of MAP on maintaining sweet cherry fruit quality during cold storage and extending shelf life. Edible coatings are traditionally used to improve food appearance and conservation. They act as barriers during processing, handling, and storage, and do not solely retard food deterioration enhancing its quality, but are safe due to natural biocide activity, or to the incorporation of antimicrobial compounds. Different compounds have mainly been used as edible coatings to prevent commodity weight loss, including wax, milk proteins, celluloses, lipids, starch, zein, and alginate. In the recent literature, there is little evidence of the use of edible coatings in sweet cherry. Thus, Semperfresh™ reduced weight loss and softening, extending shelf life, although fungicides should be added to avoid fungal spoilage. Derivatives of fatty acids and polysaccharides decreased sweet cherry fruit respiration rate and weight loss. In addition, edible coatings based on chitosan alone or in combination with hypobaric treatments reduced postharvest decay in sweet cherry, there is an increasing interest in the use of Aloe vera gel in the food industry, being used as a source of functional foods in drinks, beverages and ice creams. Nevertheless, processing techniques used to obtain A. vera gel are very important to ensure the product quality and to maintain almost all the bioactive components. The aim of this work was to study the effect of A. vera, applied as an edible coating according to our patent, on the change in physico-chemical parameters related to fruit quality during cold storage and shelf life in sweet cherry, as well as its role in controlling microbial spoilage. As far as we are aware, this is the first published paper in which A. vera gel is used as an edible coating in sweet cherry fruit. It could be an innovative and interesting commercial product and an alternative to the use of synthetic postharvest fungicides.

Macromolecules as safe penetration enhancers for safe penetration.- hydrophilic drugs: a fiction? Pharm. Sci. Technol. Today. 1998, 1, 370-376.

Author: Junginger, H.E.; Verhoef, J.C.

penetration enhancers poly(acrylates) chitosan N-trimethyl chitosan mucosal membrane barriers transport mechanisms tight junctions hydrophilic drugs peptides proteins, low molecular weight transmucosal penetration enhancers for improved absorption of hydrophilic drugs, novel types of macromolecular penetration enhancers, such as anionic polyacrylates and cationic chitosan and chitosan derivatives, have been developed, enhance the paracellular permeability of mucosal epithelia (intestinal, nasal) by transiently opening the tight junctions, transmucosal delivery of hydrophilic drugs

Studies to Enhance the Shelf Life of Fruits Using Aloe Vera Based Herbal Coatings: A Review

Authors Simple Kumar, Tripti Bhatnagar

Postharvest losses of fruits are a serious problem because of rapid deterioration during handling, transport, and storage. Use of edible coatings over fruits is used to improve their quality and self-life. These can be also safely eaten as part of the product and do not add unfavorable properties to the foodstuff. Recently there has been increased interest in using Aloe Vera gel as an edible coating material for fruits and vegetables driven by its antifungal activity. Aloe Vera gel based edible coating have been shown to prevent loss of moisture and firmness, control respiratory rate and maturation development, delay oxidative browning, and reduce microorganism proliferation in fruits such as Oranges, grapes, sweet cherries and Papaya, Marketability was also found to be better for coated fruits, Aloe Vera; Storage; Weight loss; Total soluble solids, Titrable Acidity; Firmness; Shelf Life

Aloe vera at the frontier of glycobiology and integrative medicine: health implications of an ancient plant. SAGE Open Medicine, 7, 2050312119875921.

bioactives are dominated by acemannan, a type of carbohydrate, and related complexes of saccharides, proteins, and lipids, management of cutaneous and some systemic conditions, such as some forms of immune dysfunction, atherogenesis, malignancy, and numerous cell functions, bioactive glycan components, diverse functional roles of glycans, moisturizing cosmetics and soothing topicals, skin products, including lotions and sun blocks, glycobiology, polymannan polysaccharides of Aloe, Intrinsic to glycobiology is glycosylation, This process is the most common form of protein and lipid modification, where saccharides are attached to proteins and lipids through a complex, but ordered, process in the ribosome, endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi bodies of the cell to enable intracellular functioning and cell-to-cell communication, that glycoconjugates, glycolipids, glycoproteins, and proteoglycans, are critical components of the cell surface recognition process throughout all organ systems, structural diversity, glycans have the capacity to far exceed proteins and nucleic acids. Their structural diversity allows them to encode information for specific molecular recognition and to serve as determinants of protein folding, stability, and pharmacokinetics, glycosylation is one of the most common forms of posttranslational modification, glycobiology and glycosylation; the attachment of saccharide units to proteins and lipids, complex carbohydrates in cellular compartments, extracellular spaces, and body fluids, oligosaccharides, physical protection and tissue elasticity, lubrication, physical expulsion of pathogens, diffusion barriers, protection from proteases, cell migration and wound healing, modulation of membrane receptor signaling, depot (hydrophilic) functions, protection from immune recognition, epigenetic histone modifications, prebiotic support, antigen recognition, uptake and processing, and intercellular signaling.

Fermentation characteristics of several carbohydrate sources for dog diets using the in vitro gas production technique. Ital J Anim Sci. 12:21–27.

Author Calabrò S, Carciofi AC, Musco N, Tudisco R, Gomes MOS, Cutrignelli MI. 2013a.

Fermentable carbohydrates, canine diet, improve gastrointestinal health by modifying gut microbial population and metabolic activity, fermentation, aloe vera carbohydrate source, substrates, Fermentable carbohydrates are important components of dog diets, SCFA production, and high BCFA formation

Influence of drinking water containing Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) gel on growth performance, intestinal microflora, and humoral immune responses of broilers.

Author: Meisam Shokraneh, G. Ghalamkari, M. Toghyani, N. Landy

risk of bacteria resistance to specific antibiotics possibly by continuous subtherapeutical administration of antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs) in poultry feed led to a ban on the use of AGP in poultry production, aloe vera is alternative substances for poultry growth promotion and disease prevention, effect of water supplementation of Aloe vera (AV) as an AGP substitute on performance, intestinal microflora, and immune responses of broilers, 1% Aloe Vera gel in drinking water, Body weight of broilers supplemented with different levels of Aloe Vera increased compared with control group, broiler, ileal microflora, immune responses, performance, continuous use of in-feed antibiotics is suspected to result in common problems such as increasing resistance of pathogens to antibiotics , accumulation of antibiotic residues in animal products and the environment, and imbalance of normal microflora, aloe vera is a natural additives, Aloe polysaccharides , humoral immune response and cellular immunity, acemannan activate macrophages to release inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor-? (TNF-?), Aloe Vera gel has demonstrated antimicrobial properties against a wide range of pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, AV gel on intestinal microflora and immunity in broiler chickens, positive effects of AV relative weight of lymphoid organs of broilers, AV on performance, intestinal microflora, and immune responses in broilers, Aloe Vera gel on broiler growth performance and other important biomarkers for broiler development and health such as carcass characteristics, ileal microflora, and humoral immunity when it is supplemented in drinking water.

Process optimization for the preparation of tea and fruit-oriented energy drink: a nutritional approach.

Author: Kaur J, Kumar V, Kumar S, Aggarwal P, Sharma K, Bhadariya V (2021)

development of nutritionally sound beverages using fruits and vegetables owing to the presence of potential phytochemicals, perform process optimization for the development of tea and fruit-oriented energy drink (ED) using apple juice concentrate (AJC), tea extract, herb extract, and dried brahmi leaves, physicochemical characteristics and phytochemical content, Energy Drink (ED) is a class of beverage which is advertised and consumed for enhancing energy, vigilance, performance, improve perception, prevent or reduce exhaustion, enhance temperament, burst of energy , young adults especially students have been reported to use these beverages to complete major work assignments, decrease fatigue, increase physical performance, driving for longer period of time, or mixed with alcohol, contains different ingredients including caffeine, sweeteners, amino acids (carnitine), B-vitamins, and herb extracts such as ginko biloba, guarana, ginseng, milk thistle, These drinks are also offered in different flavors like fruity and mint in attractive packaging to fetch consumer’s attention, EDs are responsible for numerous health effects both positive and negative including protection against cardiovascular diseases, mood upliftment, neuromodulation, scavenge free radicals, hypoglycemic effect, dehydration, anxiety, cancer, infertility, increased trend of general population toward the attainment of overall human wellness by natural approach and health foods, , tea extract and herb extract due to their potential health benefits. Fruits contribute significantly to nutrient intake as they are potential source of phytochemicals, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, Apple fruit is an excellent source of flavonoids, dietary fiber, phenolics compounds, analisys linear, quadratic,and interactive models, adequacy was calculated by F-ratio, mean, coefficient correlation, standard deviation and lack of fit test. R2 value

Treatment of diseases via modulation of biochemical and molecular pathways.- Aloe vera: Potential candidate in health management via modulation of biological activities

Author: Arshad H. Rahmani,1 Yousef H. Aldebasi,2 Sauda Srikar,1 Amjad A. Khan,3 and Salah M. Aly1,4

Treatment based on natural products, pivotal role in the treatment of diseases via modulation of biochemical and molecular pathways, aloe vera plays a therapeutic role in health management, Aloe vera in health maintenance based on its modulation of various biological activities, Pharmalogical effects of Aloe vera and its constituents in curing diseases via modulation of biological activities, Aloe vera, used therapeutically, plays a vital role in the immune system, as shown by the increased cell viability of macrophages, and also functions effectively in the first line of defense against pathogens, acemannan stimulates macrophage cytokine production, nitric oxide release, surface molecule expression, and cell morphologic changes

Cosmeto-textile from formulation to characterization: an overview.

Authors Ripoll L, Bordes C, Etheve S, Elaissari A, Fessi H

A cosmetotextile is a textile containing a cosmetic preparation mainly for dermatology applications such as moisturizing, slimming or anti stretch mark. This specific textiles functionalization is based on the physical immobilization or impregnation of textile fibers by nano-objects containing active molecules. The preparation of such active nano-objects is generally based on the encapsulation of active molecules by a spherical polymer matrix (particles or capsules) fixed on the fiber. The release of the active molecule is due to the physical degradation of the polymer matrix or shell or, in some cases, via molecule diffusion processes. According to the definition of the Textile Industry and Clothing Standards Agency (BNITH), a cosmetotextile is “a textile item containing a substance or mixture that releases active molecules when in contact with the human body (i.e. on the epidermis, hair, and external sexual organs, with the exclusive or primary intention of cleaning, perfuming, changing aspect, protecting, and helping to maintain or correct body odors). Skin’ Up patented a fabric treatment process using a drug encapsulated in nanoparticles. According to the author, nanoparticle can be titanium or zinc dioxide, fullerenes, nanocrystals, nano emulsions, nano capsules, nanospheres, as well as spherulites. The fabrics are first impregnated with particles by exhaustion bath or spraying. Then fibers are coated with a protective filmogenic polymer to increase washing resistance and prolonged drug release kinetics. In parallel, the authors developed a technique to track drug release according to the number of washings by using a label impregnated by a coloring agent. The concentration of the coloring solution is adjusted as a function of the release kinetics of the drug. Washing depletes the particles present on the fiber and fades the coloring agent on the tag. Thus when the label becomes white the textile no longer contains particles, meaning that reloading is necessary. However, this system does not take into account the release of the drug when the clothes are worn. Therefore the label can still retain its color although there is no more or insufficient active molecules present on the fiber Particular attention has been focused on the elaboration of phase change materials (PCM). The properties of such materials are related to their ability to change their physical state (solid-liquid) as a function of temperature. PCM was first developed in the 1980s in order to protect astronauts against the high temperature fluctuations. Today such materials are used in textile to provide thermal control. There are different ways to obtain PCM, but the most investigated ones are based on the encapsulation of phase change material in microparticle. Then such microparticles are immobilized on textile or included into the fiber. Some years ago cosmetotextiles resisted only several washes. Currently, this resistance is being improved by the development of new particles and new fixing methods. The industry has also developed reload systems that increase cosmetotextile life. These systems allow reloading fibers with particles and drugs when the latter have been exhausted. Reloading consists of spraying or the addition of a mono-dose to the last washing step. cosmetotextiles could be used in a wide range of applications : functional fabric of all types (girdles, socks, trousers, underwear) and for all purposes (slimming, antibacterial, anti-odor, hydration), Prilling. This process makes use of polymer fusion properties. The drug is dispersed in a hot polymer solution remaining in liquid state. The solution is then pulverized in a liquid at low temperature; the polymer solution is cooled and driven to solidification. Size distribution is very narrow and depends directly on the size of the spraying nozzle. Particle size generally ranges from 200 to 800 ?m. Spray coating Spray coating allows solid drug coating. In the case of liquid drugs, they must first be adsorbed on a solid support. This technique has 3 steps: drug fluidization, pulverization of the coating material, drying of the coating film. Spray coating is sometime used on nano or microparticles to perform double -encapsulation. The size of the particles depends on the form of the initial solid as well as on the thickness of the coating layer. Size generally ranges from several micrometers to 20 ?m and must be thick enough to perfectly cover the surface. Spray-drying is very useful in the agrochemical and pharmaceutical industries to obtain solid particles from a liquid formulation. The liquid formulation contains drug and coating material. The process consists in placing nebulized liquid in contact with a controlled temperature air flux to ensure quick drying and the formation of solid particles. The particles are microspheres whose size ranges from 1 to 50 ?m. As seen above, cosmetotextiles include cosmetic preparations (drug, essential oils, etc.). Generally, cosmetotextiles are produced in two stages: Particle preparation (according to the different methods described above) Particle deposition on fabric. Sometimes particles form physical links directly with the fiber so they adhere to the support. Most often, they are not able to bind directly to the fiber, so they are linked by a binder that fixes the particles on the fiber through other interactions (Van Der Waals, hydrogenates).A second method to functionalize fibers is the preparation of polymeric film that can be fixed on the surface of fibers. The film can, for example, have intrinsic antimicrobic properties or include drug, cyclodextrins, calixarenes or dendrimers. functionalized substrates (fiber, glass, silica) by using a polymeric film formed from the polymerization between cyclodextrine and a crosslinking agent (hydroxyls, isocyanate, polycarboxylic acid, halogen, divinylsulfones). Temperature and kinetics reaction depends on the choice of crosslinked agent. For example, the polymerization reaction with polyisocyanate takes 20 min at 130-140″C.In these two modes of preparation, the adhesion between particles and fibers is achieved physically. There are several methods for depositing particles or film on fabric surfaces. Microencapsulation for Functional Textile Coatings with Emphasis on Biodegradability—A Systematic Review. Bojana Boh Podgornik *,Stipana Šandri?ORCID andMateja Kert Keywords indexed to the article: Microencapsulation, a technique that allows liquid or solid agents, such as drugs, proteins, cosmetics, dyes, and fragrance, to be encapsulated by a suitable barrier wall, is being used in the textile industry for functional finishes, which in turn helps in competition, gaining added values and increasing market share. microencapsulation for functional textile coatings. Methods for the preparation of microcapsules in textiles include in situ and interfacial polymerization, simple and complex coacervation, molecular inclusion and solvent evaporation from emulsions. Binders play a crucial role in coating formulations. Acrylic and polyurethane binders are commonly used in textile finishing, while organic acids and catalysts can be used for chemical grafting as crosslinkers between microcapsules and cotton fibers. Most of the conventional coating processes can be used for microcapsule-containing coatings, provided that the properties of the microcapsules are appropriate. There are standardized test methods available to evaluate the characteristics and wash fastness of coated textiles. Among the functional textiles, the field of environmentally friendly biodegradable textiles with microcapsules is still at an early stage of development. So far, some physicochemical and physical microencapsulation methods using natural polymers or biodegradable synthetic polymers have been applied to produce environmentally friendly antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory or fragranced textiles. Standardized test methods for evaluating the biodegradability of textile materials are available. The stability of biodegradable microcapsules and the durability of coatings during the use and care of textiles still present several challenges that offer many opportunities for further research. functional textile coatings based on microcapsules, with a particular focus on the biodegradability of microcapsules and textile products. One of the initial microencapsulation applications to achieve innovative effects in textile processing have been microencapsulated dyes and pigments for special textile printing and dyeing. Varieties of these include microencapsulated colorants for permanent dyeing and printing of textiles, as well as colour changing textiles based on thermochromic microcapsules, photochromic dyes, and electrochromic textiles containing microencapsulated liquid crystals. To achieve durable flame-resistance of textiles, organic or inorganic fire retardants have been microencapsulated and applied to textile substrates. Microencapsulation has been used to prevent exudation or sublimation of fire-retardant chemicals, to avoid reactions with textile polymers, and/or to overcome the hydrophilicity of the substances. Products include firefighting and military protective clothing, as well as textiles for automotive and domestic interiors. One of the flourishing applications of microencapsulation is functional textiles for active thermoregulation, used in insulating textiles, technical clothing, and sportswear. Most textiles for thermal regulation use phase change materials (PCMs), in which a dynamic heat exchange process occurs at the melting point temperature. To overcome the practical problems of solid–liquid phase transitions, PCMs must be microencapsulated and converted into solid formulations. When a PCM undergoes a solid-to-liquid phase transition, energy is stored in the form of latent heat at a constant temperature. The accumulated latent heat energy is released when the PCM re-solidifies, and the transition process is reversible. Typical organic PCMs are paraffin hydrocarbons or lipids with a melting point close to body temperature. In addition to classical PCMs, photothermal energy conversion materials also perform similar functionalities. By absorbing light and converting it into thermal energy, they are used in light-absorbing thermoregulatory textiles. To prevent UV-induced skin problems, some authors have incorporated microencapsulated synthetic or natural UV-absorbing compounds into functional UV-protective fabrics.In other technical textiles, microencapsulation has been used to achieve specific functionalities, such as improved sound absorption, super hydrophobicity, antifouling and enzymatic bio-sensing. Microencapsulated insecticides, acaricides, insect repellents and combined bioinsecticide-insect repellent compounds have been used in textiles to reduce volatility, prolong release and decrease wash fastness of active compounds from textile substrates. Fragranced textiles often contain essential oils, perfumes, or aromas in microencapsulated form to either gradually release the active ingredients through permeable shells, or to protect the cores inside the impermeable microcapsules until they are released by mechanical pressure or rubbing during product use. Modifications of the shell materials and binding formulations play an essential role in achieving better washing resistance over multiple washing cycles and in prolonging olfactory sensations. Some aromatic compounds, such as essential oils and their components, not only provide a pleasant fragrance effect but also offer antimicrobial protection. Being liquid, volatile and susceptible to oxidation, microencapsulation is required for their protection and conversion to solid state. The release mechanisms vary from slow diffusion through the permeable shell to instantaneous release triggered by pressure or melting. Antimicrobial textile products include hygiene masks, footwear, sportswear, medical garments and bio functional materials. Bioactive healthcare textiles have similar functionalities. Microcapsules must be composed of natural and biocompatible materials and approved for direct skin contact. Examples of medical textiles include microencapsulated antibiotics, methyl salicylate, cannabidiol, ozonated vegetable oils, lime oil and chitosan. Microcapsules for cosmetotextiles contain skin-caring active ingredients, such as essential oils and vitamins. Functional textiles initially focused only on individual value-adding properties. However, recent research has targeted combinations of multiple properties and effects, leading to new multifunctional smart textiles with three or more functionalities in one product, such as simultaneous aromatic, antimicrobial, UV-protective and superhydrophobic effects.

A sustainable approach for synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticle by Aloe barbadensis and its application in photocatalytic decolouration of commercial dyes.

Authors R Shah, NK JI, N Goswami

In recent years, nanotechnology has emerged as a pioneer in a number of industries. Nanomaterials are intensively investigated in numerous sectors such as food, textile, cosmetics, electronics, medical sciences, energy, construction, and environmental remediation due to their unique physicochemical features compared to bulk materials. Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZONPs) are a type of precious metal oxide nanoparticle that has gained a lot of interest recently because of its unique properties such as broad bandgap, catalytic effectiveness, and nontoxic nature. Adsorbents, photocatalysts, antimicrobial agents, drug delivery agents, self-cleaning agents, and semiconductors are all common uses for ZONPs. ZnO is a broad band gap semiconductor with an energy band gap of 3.37 eV. ZnO NPs, which have a higher surface area than other metallic nanoparticles (NPs), which is used in a variety of catalytic applications, because of its antibacterial and antioxidant characteristics. ZnO are being manufactured on a commercial scale for agricultural, skin protection, and aesthetic applications. Physical and chemical approaches for synthesis of ZnONPs, has shown hurdles in terms of environmental toxicity and challenging operating circumstances. For the past few decades, ZnONPs via a plant biomimetic pathway have been used as a green and unique method. The photosynthetic approach for ZnONPs is environmentally friendly and cost-effective, proving its ability to replace chemical and physical routes. Industrial dye effluents in wastewater are a major environmental concern. Crystal Violet, Acridine Orange and Sudan IV are examples of commercial dyes with wide-ranging applications in the textile, paper, and pharmaceutical industries. It is vital that the dye be removed completely before the waters enter the aquatic bodies, as the dye causes serious ecological and health risks. The breakdown of dyes in industrial wastewaters has received a lot of interest due to their huge production volume, slow biodegradation, low decolorization, and high toxicity. Therefore, the current study is focused on the (1) fabrication of ZONPs by using Aloe barbadensis Miller characterization, Photocatalytic ability to decolorize a model pollutant—Acridine Orange, Crystal Violet and Sudan IV dyes in the presence of Ultraviolet irradiation. The effects of different operational parameters as pH and catalytic dosage on the decoloration of dyes. he capacity of Biogenically synthesized ZnO nanoparticles for removal of commercial dyes was examined in this paper where optimization of pH, Dosage plays significant role where Sudan IV dye decoloration was more efficient in acidic pH 3 and that for Crystal Violet and Acridine Orange was in alkaline medium pH 9. The synthesis process was found to be important in the development of ZnO with particle sizes of 30-50 nm, respectively. It was found that biogenic ZnO has a spherical irregular morphology. Whereas, the higher weight percentage of Zn and O and traces of Na, Ca, Mg in EDAX analysis confirms the presence of biogenic ZnO. Under UV light, this biogenic catalyst derived from aloe extract was able to totally decolorize the dye in 4 hours. When compared to Sudan IV, the decolorization in Acridine Orange and Crystal Violet was twice as quick. The data are accurately represented by the Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms, revealing that adsorption by the adsorbent is favorable. Biogenic ZnO has substantial promise as an adsorbent for the removal of organic dyes, according to the findings, and can be employed commercially as an adsorbent due to its environmental friendliness.

Aloe vera extract activity on human corneal cells.

Author Wo?niak A, Paduch R.

Ocular diseases are currently an important problem in modern societies. Patients suffer from various ophthalmologic ailments namely, conjunctivitis, dry eye, dacryocystitis or degenerative diseases. Therefore, there is a need to introduce new treatment methods, including medicinal plants usage. Aloe vera [Aloe barbadensis Miller (Liliaceae)] possesses wound-healing properties and shows immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory or antioxidant activities, Corneal epithelium is the most external layer of eye surface and therefore it is especially exposed to various harmful factors, among typical environmental agents influencing corneal lineage uniformity, there are also plant components which could be potentially used in eye drops. To analyze morphology, functionality and viability of corneal layer to chemical stress, we used to establish 10.014 pRSV-T cell line to test Aloe vera extract activity. This evaluation was performed to assess the potential usefulness of Aloe components to be applied in eye drops in the future.

bio-functional Aloe vera beverages fermented by probiotic Enterococcus faecium and Lactobacillus lactis, Lactic acid and short-chain fatty acids (SCFA),

Author: Ruth B Cuvas-Limón, Pedro Ferreira-Santos , Mario Cruz , José António Teixeira Ruth Belmares , Clarisse Nobre

effective in the treatment, novel functional beverage , health benefits of probiotic bacteria with the Aloe vera plant, functional beverage containing probiotics, prebiotics, SCFA, and phenolic compounds, Aloe vera; lactic acid bacteria; phenolic compounds; antioxidant activity; organic acids; functional food, specific functions of the human body beyond adequate nutritional effects, biogenic compounds, probiotic microorganisms, non-dairy fermented drinks, alternative for specific consumers, different substrate sources , bioactive molecules , microorganisms , biotechnology , development of differentiated products, innovative functional beverage with antioxidant potential and high-value bioactive compounds based on Aloe vera fermentation by a novel isolated probiotic LAB, food grade, Organic Acids in the Fermented Juice,

Recent advances on polysaccharides, lipids and protein based edible films and coatings: a review.

Authors B. Hassan, S.A.S. Chatha, A.I. Hussain, K.M. Zia, N. Akhtar

Renewable/natural ingredients based edible films and coatings, polysaccharides-based coatings versatile in functioning, furnish a green approach, edible coatings functions as a carrier for aroma/flavoring agents without any impact on natural constituents of products, edible films and coatings are thin layers applied on food products to protect them and improve their quality. Films/coatings are prepared from naturally occurring renewable sources (polysaccharides, proteins, lipids and composites) which we can eat without disposing of them, these films are environment friendly and contain antioxidants, anti-browning agents, and colorants, various methods (spraying, brushing, electro-spraying) are used to apply a coating on food material to protect them from microbial growth, prolonging their shelf life and improving other quality aspects like sensory attributes, appearance, originality, and freshness of ingredients, in addition to edible films, some special additives like glycerol, sorbitol, etc. is used to improve the efficiency of edible films and coatings, chemistry and nature of these films and coatings vary in the vast range of hydrophilic and hydrophobic boundaries, Aloe Vera

Macrophage activation by polysaccharide biological response modifier isolated from Aloe vera L. var. chinensis (Haw.) Berg. Int Immunopharmacol. 2006;6:1634–1641

Author Liu C, Leung MY, Koon JC, et al..

mannose-rich polysaccharide biological response modifier, stimulatory activity, potent stimulator of murine macrophage, tumoricidal properties of activated macrophage, Polysaccharides, Biological response modifier, Aloe vera, Macrophage, Aloe, chemistry, Animals, Antineoplastic Agents, pharmacology, Cell Line, Tumor, Histocompatibility Antigens Class II, biosynthesis, Immunologic Factors, isolation & purification, Macrophage Activation, drug effects, Macrophages, Peritoneal , immunology, metabolism, Mice, Mice, Inbred BALB C, Nitric Oxide, Phagocytosis, Receptors, IgG, Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha, Biological response modifier ,Aloe vera Macrophage

The skin microbiome: impact of modern environments on skin ecology, barrier integrity, and systemic immune programming

Author Susan L. Prescott,Danica-Lea Larcombe, Alan C. Logan, Christina West, Wesley Burks, Luis Caraballo, Michael Levin, Eddie Van Etten, Pierre Horwitz, Anita Kozyrskyj, and Dianne E Campbell

disturbances of the stratum corneum have been noted in allergic diseases (eczema and food allergy), psoriasis, rosacea, acne vulgaris and with the skin aging process, epidermal keratinocytes , Skin barrier structure , Microbiota, Inflammation, Allergy, Cytokines, Biodiversity, Colonization, Antibiotics, DOHaD, Ecosystems, Prevention, NCDs, Caesarean section, Pregnancy, microbial habitats, skin ecosystem , body surfaces, microbial-immune interactions in the skin , healthy tissue homeostasis , defects in skin integrity, skin ecology, skin aloe vera treatment, essential metabolic roles in a particular cutaneous niche, Disruptions of the epidermal barrier , skin aging process, stratum corneum represents an essential line of photoprotection, skin microbiome, cutaneous ecosystems, holobiont , strain-level identification , specific skin site, moist versus dry skin areas

Impact of edible coatings on quality of fruits: A review

Author Francisco Javier Blancas-Beniteza Beatriz Montaño-Leyvac Lizet Aguirre-Güitrónb Cristina Lizbeth Moreno-Hernándeza Ángel Fonseca-Cantabranaa Luz del Carmen Romero-Islasa Ramsés Ramón González-Estrada

fruit production has increased in recent years due to their increase consumption in human diet, Fruits are rich in nutrients associated with a beneficial effect on human health, during their production significant losses can occur, postharvest stage is the key for fruit preservation, technologies in order to maintain fruit quality, Edible coatings are soluble formulations applied on food surfaces such that a thin layer of edible film is formed directly on the food surface or between different layers of components to prevent the migration of moisture, oxygen, and solute into the food, control the exchange of moisture and gases between the food and the environment, incorporation of different active substances within the matrix of the coating, contribute not only to increase the shelf-life of the fruit, but also in the improvement of the organoleptic and nutritional properties, physicochemical properties of biopolymers used as coatings, delay deterioration and fruit diseases is of great interest, Edible coatings can help extend the shelf-life of freshly cut fruits by several mechanisms, as a barrier can reduce moisture and solute migration, gas exchange, respiration and oxidative reaction rates, biopolymers can avoid mechanical damage, light exposition and contaminations presence, edible coatings to act as carriers of antimicrobial compounds, help to extend the shelf-life of the fruits and reduce the risk of pathogen’s establishment on their surfaces, aloe vera is a biopolymer has the capacity of acting as elicitor activating enzymes production related to mechanism of fruit’s defense reducing fruit spoilage, edible coatings can be applied with different methods that range from immersion and aspersion to more sophisticated methods such as spreading/brushing, additives are incorporated as active agents, Impact of postharvest losses of fruits, production and processing of plant-based foods, of great importance is the postharvest, where it is estimated that the losses of fruit and vegetable products exceed 20% worldwide, mainly caused by microbiological and physiological agents, protective barrier during processing, handling, and storage of food products, delaying the deterioration of food, improving its quality and extending its shelf-life, edible coatings on fruits for shelf-life extension and management of the quality, most of the fruits we consume are treated with coatings to extend their shelf-life, Fruit continues to lose water and solutes after harvest due to biological activities. Moisture loss during postharvest, Aloe

in Vivo Evidence of the Immunomodulatory Activity of Orally Administered Aloe vera Gel

Author: Sun-A Im1, , Young-Ran Lee1, Young-Hee Lee1, Myung-Koo Lee1, Young In Park2, Sungwon Lee3, Kyungjae Kim3 and Chong-Kil Lee1

in vitro cell culture systems, immunomodulatory activity in vivo, route of administration was intraperitoneal or intramuscular, in vivo immunomodulatory, evidence for the immunomodulatory activity of orally administered Aloe vera gel, immunomodulatory polysaccharides, such as acetylated mannan, glucomannan, galactogalacturan, Acemannan, a mixture of various length polymer chains of ?-(1,4)-linked acetylated galactomannan isolated from Aloe vera, may be the best-characterized immunomodulatory polysaccharides, acemannan completely cured or significantly reduced the tumor burden, Acemannan is also effective in the treatment of spontaneously developed canine and feline fibrosarcoma, immunoaugmenting activities of acemannan are mediated through the activation of macrophages, Acemannan activates macrophages to produce inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 and TNF-a, increase NO production by macrophages, upregulate the phagocytic and candidicidal activities of macrophages, Acemannan also augments hematopoiesis, induces maturation of immature dendritic cells, healthcare products, immunomodulatory activity of Aloe components in in vitro cell culture systems, polysaccharides isolated from cellulose-treated, molecular size-activity relationship studies, optimal molecular size for maximum immunomodulatory activity, between 5 kDa and 400 kDa; polysaccharides smaller than 5 kDa or larger than 400 kDa exhibited only marginal immunomodulatory activity, HPLC analysis, Aloe vera gel exert immunomodulatory activity in vivo as well as in vitro, acemannan, the major polysaccharide present in Aloe vera gel, mediates its activity mainly through activation of macrophages

Regenerative properties of aloe vera juice on human keratinocyte cell culture.

Author: Andra Tudose, C. Celia, Margherita Vono, R. Molinaro, D. Paolino, S. Venuta, Viale S. Venuta, C. Davila

aloe vera has a positive influence in different inflammatory skin disorders, regenerative properties of Aloe Vera juice are investigated on human keratinocyte cells, Aloe Vera juice could represent a natural therapeutic strategy through the topical route, therapeutic and cosmetic approaches, plant-based treatments, anti-inflammatory activity and skin regenerating effects, photoprotectants against harmful effects of UV radiation, regenerative properties of Aloe Vera juice on human keratinocyte cell culture, namely NCTC2544 human cell line, cellular growth was directly proportional to the concentration of plant juice used

Advances in oral absorption of polysaccharides: Mechanism, affecting factors, and improvement strategies.

Author Z Zheng, X Pan, L Luo, Q Zhang, X Huang, Y Liu

Polysaccharides have been widely used as biomaterials and drugs after oral administration due to their suitable physicochemical properties, good bioactivities and low toxicities, pharmacokinetics and absorption mechanism, oral administration, polysaccharide detection technologies such as immunoassays, fluorescent and isotopic labelling, the oral pharmacokinetics of polysaccharides, paracellular pathway, transcellular pathways and M cell-mediated transport were analyzed as mechanisms for oral absorption. The potential factors affecting the oral absorption of polysaccharides, including their charge, molecular weight, spatial structure and dose, as well as the species and physiological state of organisms, were analyzed. Based on the absorption mechanism and influencing factors, we look forward to further investigating possible strategies for improving the oral absorption of polysaccharides, cell Microfold, cell Mw Molecular weight, TJ Tight junction 99mTc99m-technetium HA Hyaluronan SIPS quid ink polysaccharide FTSC Fluorescein-5-thiosemicarbazide TEER Transepithelial electrical resistance GFP Grifola frondosa polysaccharide APTSAminopyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonate LBP Lycium barbarum polysaccharide SCLPS milax china L. polysaccharide PM Polymannuronic acid PG Polyguluronic acid GALT Gut-associated lymphoid tissue DTAF5-(4,6-Dichlorotriazinyl) aminofluorescein TMCN-trimethyl chitosan Cmax Maximum plasma concentrationFDFITC-dextranLMWHLow molecular weight heparinDOCADeoxycholic acid AUC Area under the curve BAT Bile acid transport GLP Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide PL Phospholipids LMWCS Low molecular weight chondroitin sulfate?-LNA?-Linolenic acid GSH Glutathione OJP Ophiopogon japonicus polysaccharide CCP Coptis chinensis Franch polysaccharide SNAD Sodium N-[10-(2-hydroxybenzoyl) amino] decanoate SNAC Sodium N-[8-(2-hydroxybenzoyl) amino] caprylate APSAstragalus polysaccharidesaPTTActivated partial thromboplastin time

Formulation development of diclofenac sodium emulgel using aloe vera gel for transdermal drug delivery system,

Author Thanushree HR, Kumar GBK, Acharya A.

Diclofenac sodium has many side effects like nausea, vomiting, GIT disorders. These side effects can be reduced by converting into emulgel formulations. The emulgel formulation of Diclofenac Sodium was prepared by incorporation method, using span 20 and tween 20 as nonionic surfactants, clove oil and cinnamon oil as penetration enhancers, Aloe vera as a gel base and sesame oil as a solvent. The prepared emulgel formulations were evaluated for compatibility study, physical examination, viscosity, spreadability, in vitro diffusion studies, various release kinetic studies and stability studies. In vitro diffusion studies were carried out using cellophane membrane, results showed that emulgel formulations (F2-F7) showed higher cumulative percent drug release (49-65%) compared to normal gel (48%) and marketed gel (35%). Results of in vitro diffusion studies showed that formulation F3 and F6 exhibited 64% and 65% drug release respectively over a period of 6 hrs. In conclusion, a physiochemical stable diclofenac emulgel was formulated, which could deliver significant amount of drug across the skin in steady-state manner for the prolong period of time in the treatment of osteoarthritis.

Evaluation of dimethylsulfoxide and Aloe vera as penetration enhancers for cutaneous application of lidocaine.

Author: Mangesh A. Bhutkar, Somnath D Bhinge, Dheeraj S Randive, Omprasad Nayakal, Prajakta Patil

Topical gel drug administration, drug delivery system anywhere in the body through ophthalmic, rectal, vaginal and skin as topical routes, Skin is one of the largest route of drug delivery action and readily accessible organs on human body for topical administration and is main route of topical drug delivery system, Skin penetration enhancers reversibly decrease the barrier resistance of the stratum corneum and allow drugs to penetrate more readily to the viable tissues and the systemic circulation, herbal penetration enhancers, penetration enhancer in topical pharmaceutical formulations, promotes permeation by reducing skin resistance to drug molecules or by promotion of drug partitioning from the dosage form, Spreadability, pH of gel formulations, Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) gel has shown potential to enhance the permeation of certain drug molecules through skin membranes, Aloe vera as a natural penetration enhancer at a concentration of 3% may be used to enhance the penetration for drug molecules across the skin.

Aloe cosmeceutical.-Acemannan Stimulates Gingival Fibroblast Proliferation; Expressions of Keratinocyte Growth Factor-1, Vascular Endothelial

Author: Suwimon Jettanacheawchankit 1, Siriruk Sasithanasate, Polkit Sangvanich, Wijit Banlunara, Pasutha Thunyakitpisal

wound healing, Gingival fibroblasts (GFs) play an important role in oral wound healing, acemannan, a polysaccharide extracted from Aloe vera gel, keratinocyte growth factor-1 (KGF-1), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and type I collagen production, cell proliferation, type I collagen expressions, extracellular matrix, herbal medicine , Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis MILLER, healing skin wounds, Acemannan, ?-(1,4)-acetylated polymannose is the major polysaccharide of Aloe vera gel, exerts an immunostimulative effect by activating macrophages, precise coordination of connective tissue repair, re-epithelialization, and angiogenesis, generate new tissue.

Polysaccharides in colon-specific drug delivery.

Author: Sinha, V.R.; Kumria, R.

Polysaccharides are bacterial enzymes have been used extensively in targeting of the drugs. Various polysaccharides have been investigated for colon specific drug delivery, natural polymers exhibit potential for drug delivery as they are comprised of polymers with a wide range of molecular weights resembles in the indigestion in the stomach and the small intestine, a large number of derivatizable groups, moreover, the polysaccharides are inexpensive, naturally occurring, abundantly available and varying chemical compositions, the most favorable property of these materials is their approval as pharmaceutical excipients, here we provide an overview on polysaccharide-based colon specific drug delivery system, drug delivery that involve a general overview of the gastrointestinal tract, the pH of different gastrointestinal regions, digestive enzymes that are secreted in mouth, stomach and intestines, and the microflora that are presented in colon region. Properties, mechanisms, applications, and patents of various polysaccharides that can be used to target the colon, gastrointestinal tract begins in the mouth, then the esophagus and reaches to the stomach, small and large intestine, and finally to the anus. The tube that initiates from the mouth to the anus in which the movement of muscles took place and release of hormones exist and digestion of enzymes took place. The gastrointestinal tract initiates with the mouth and goes through the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, small intestine then moves to the large intestine (colon), rectum and, finally, the anus, which is also known as alimentary canal, digestive tract and, perhaps commonly known as the GI tract. In an adult male human, the Gastrointestinal (GI) tract is 5 meters (20 ft) long, or up to 9 meters (30 ft) without the effect or action of muscle tone, and comprises of the upper and lower GI tracts, with regard to the rectal route, the drugs do not always reach the specific sites of the colonic disease and the sites of colonic absorption. To reach the colon and to be able to specifically deliver and absorbed there, the dosage form must be formulated taking into account the likely obstacles of the gastrointestinal tract. That is, pH, microflora, enzymes, reducing medium and transit time, pH dependent system, formulation which is coated with enteric polymers release the specified drug when pH moves towards alkaline side, Time released system, Based on the conceptual mode of delaying the release of drug after a lag time of 3-5 hours that is equivalent to small intestine transit time, Pressure dependent system, Based on conceptual mode of the strong peristaltic waves that lead to a temporary increase in luminal pressure in the colon, Microbially triggered system Polysaccharides, Drug are released following degradation of the polymer due to the action of colonic bacteri, Osmotic controlled delivery, Based on the utilization of chitosan gelable properties at acid condition to produce osmotic pressure and its colon specific biodegradation to form in-situ delivery pores for drug reléase, Bioadhesive system, Drug coated with bioadhesive polymer they provide adhesive property at colonic mucosa, Micro particulate carrier system, Based on microparticles which absorb through macrophages present in colon and increase resident time of drug, Dosage Form, Matrices, Compression coated/matrix tablet, Beads, Microparticle, Compression coat, Matrix Tablet, Enteric-coated microsphere, Coating with polymers, Coating with pH sensitive polymers, Coating with biodegradable polymers

Appliance of natural gums as thickeners in the process of cotton printing Advance Research in Textile Engineering,

Authors S.F. Harlapur, N.R. Airani, S.S. Gobbi

In this world with speedy change in taste and fashion of generations, at present the printing is most noteworthy process utilized to beautify the textile materials. Printing is an art used to add a varied pattern on a piece of woven fabric by using gorgeous vibrant colors. Textile printing is the branch of textile wet processing industry and is becoming widely accepted technique for all fibers, varieties of fabrics and garments. Fundamentally, printing is a type of coloring, in which the colors are applied to a particular area rather than whole fabric. The resultant multicolored patterns have beautiful and artistic effects, which enhances the value of the cloth more than that of the plain dyed. To confine the coloring matter to the design area, it is pasted with the help of a thickening agent. A successful print involves correct color, sharpness of mark, levelness, good hand, and efficient use of dye. All these factors depend on the type of thickener used. Thickeners used in textile printing are high molecular weight viscous compounds gave a sticky paste with water, which impart stickiness and plasticity to the printing paste. These thickeners facilitate to preserve the design outlines without spreading even under high pressure. The main purpose of thickeners in textile industry is to hold or adhere the dye particles on the desired areas of the fabric until the dye transferred onto the fabric surface and its fixation got over. Thickener will provide the required viscosity to the printing pastes, prevent the premature reactions between the chemicals of the print paste and helps to seize the ingredients of the print paste on the fabrics. The thickener must be stable and compatible with the dyes and dyeing auxiliaries used.

Gut microbial metabolite short-chain fatty acids and obesity

Author Elena Puertollano , Sofia Kolida, Parveen Yaqoob

gut microbiota, essential mediator in the pathophysiology of obesity and related metabolic disorders, metabolite profiles, host metabolism, gut microbial metabolites, diet-gut microbiota-host homeostasis axis, metabolic conditions, novel therapeutic targets, obesity, dietary fiber, metabolic disorder, disrupted dynamics of energy homeostasis, pathogenesis of obesity, integral mediator in diet-induced obesity, micronutrients, regulate host energy metabolism.

Development of Aloe vera based edible coating for tomato.

Authors Athmaselvi, K.A.; Sumitha, P.; Revathy, B.

Tomato is a climacteric fruit and continues to ripen after harvest. During ripening, the green pigment chlorophyll degrades, and carotenoids are synthesized, for fresh tomatoes, the two quality attributes that are most important to buyers and consumers are texture and skin colour. Texture is influenced by flesh firmness and skin strength. Softening during storage, distribution and ripening of tomatoes can be a major problem because it may increase their susceptibility to damage. There is increasing consumer concern about the eating quality of tomatoes. After harvest, ripening continues, and tomatoes can become overripe very rapidly. This can result in loss of quality and restricted shelf life; Tomatoes are harvested at different stages of maturity depending on the purpose for which they are required. Several stages of maturity are recognized – mature green fruits are those which have not begun to turn pink, while those classed as turning show some pink at the blossom end; half-ripe fruits show pink colour over most or all the surface; ripe or red-ripe fruits are those that have developed the full colour peculiar to the type but are, at the same time, firm. Ripe fruits can be picked profitably if the market is close by. For transport to distant places, fruits are harvested at the half-ripe stage; they develop normal colour in 3-7 days. Fruits for canning or for juice extraction are harvested when they reach the ripe stage, and processed soon after, there is a high production of tomato fruits during the harvest time, but post-harvest processing and preservation techniques are inefficient. Therefore, fruits spoil very early because of lack of appropriate systems of preservation and processing, Edible coatings can provide an additional protective coating for fresh products and can also give the same effect as modified atmosphere storage in modifying internal gas composition. The concept of using edible coatings to extend shelf life of fresh and minimally processed produce and to protect them from harmful environmental effects has been emphasized based on the need for high quality and the demand for minimal food processing and storage technologies. By regulating the transfer of moisture, oxygen, carbon dioxide, aroma, and taste compounds in a food system, edible coatings have demonstrated the capability of improving food quality and prolonging shelf life of fresh produce. An ideal coating is defined as one that can extend storage life of fresh fruit without causing anaerobiosis, and that reduces decay without affecting the quality of the fruit, Aloe vera can provide many benefits to human health. The gel works better through a combination of mechanisms. Composed mostly of polysaccharides, the gel appears to act as a natural barrier to moisture and oxygen which can speed up food deterioration. It can also enhance food safety. Aloe vera gel appears to contain various antibiotic and antifungal compounds that can potentially delay or inhibit microorganisms that are responsible for food borne illness in humans as well as food spoilage, Aloe vera gel-based edible coatings have been shown to prevent loss of moisture and firmness, control respiratory rate and maturation development, delay oxidative browning, and reduce microorganism proliferation on sweet cherries A. vera, along with functional ingredients applied as an edible coating on the change in physicochemical parameters related to tomato quality during storage and its role in extending the shelf life of tomato

Textile bio processing using Aloe gel.

Authors Amanuel L. and Teferi X.

It is important to note that biotechnology is not just concerned with biology, but it is a truly interdisciplinary subject involving the integration of natural and engineering sciences. Biotechnology is like an enormous “factory” which not only provides other industries with innovative ideas, but also supplies the appropriate knowledge. Now familiar with the application of modern biotechnology in medicine and agriculture: so-called red and green biotechnology. There is less general awareness of the white variety: the use of biotechnology for industrial applications. These are all examples of biotechnology in action, a sector that is constantly growing and expanding into other industrial sectors, a true driving force of interdisciplinary applications. The current trend deals with the potential of aloe Vera gel as biotechnology in the textile industry. The aloe plant, being a cactus plant, is about 95% water, with an average pH of 4.5. The remaining solid material contains over 75 different ingredients including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, sugars, anthraquinones or phenolic compounds, lignin, saponins, sterols, amino acids, and salicylic acid. Several of enzyme biochemical catalysts, such as amylase and lipase, can aid digestion by breaking down fats and sugars. One important enzyme, a carboxy-peptidase, inactivates bradykinins and produces an anti-inflammatory effect. During the inflammatory process, bradykinin produces pain associated with vasodilation and, therefore, its hydrolysis reduces these two components and produces an analgesic effect. As mineral composition Aloe Vera contains Calcium, Manganese, Sodium, Copper, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, Chromium, and Iron. These minerals are essential for human health care; calcium is essential for proper bone and teeth density, Manganese a component of enzymes necessary for the activation of other enzymes, Sodium ensures that the body fluids do not become too acidic or too alkaline, Copper enables iron to work as oxygen carriers in the red blood cells, Magnesium is used by nerves and muscle membranes to help conduct electrical impulses, Potassium regulates the acidic or alkaline levels of body fluid, Zinc contributes to the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, Chromium is necessary for the proper function of insulin, which in turn controls the sugar levels in the blood and Iron controls the transportation of oxygen around the body via the red blood cells. Desizing of cotton with aloe gel, Aloe Vera has thick succulent water-soluble gel, which contains more amount of polysaccharide especially, Polysaccharides: glucomannans/ polymannose this sugar is thick in nature and its thickness is used as thickener in reactive and pigment printing. Effect of sodium ion present in aloe gel on low salt reactive dyed cotton fabrics, since aloe, gel contains many compounds inside like enzymes, amino acids and elements like magnesium, calcium sodium and other essential compounds and elements. From these elements, we tried to use the sodium ion for reactive dyeing without addition of sodium chloride. The fabric pre-treated cotton fabrics dyed with null salt and we got different depth of shade depending on concentration aloe gel the fabrics pre-treated. in our test the fabrics treated with 100% aloe gel have good and higher shade depth, 80% aloe gel treated fabrics has medium and the 60% aloe gel treated fabrics have lower shade depth. Because when the concentration aloe gel is increasing the amount of sodium ion inside the aloe gel is directly increases and the dye bath exhaustion so the dye uptake of the fabrics is higher as shown above the results. When we come to the fabric, properties as if wash fastness, tearing strength, drapiblty is not damaged even the treatment give good texture, smoothness, and medical applications like bandage to wound. Antimicrobial activity of aloe gel treated sample (agar diffusion test), the result of Agar Diffusion Test for antimicrobial effectiveness against standard test cultures viz., E. coli (gram negative). The zone of bacterial inhibition is indicated by a halo around the specimen. It is apparent that the activity of aloe gel treated samples is high against E. coli. It is attributed that bacterial inhibition is due to the slow release of active substances from the fabric surface. The anthraquinone present in the aloe absorb the fatty acids, which make the fabric free from microbe profilation. Effect of enzymes present in aloe gel in cotton desizing Some of the most important enzymes in Aloe Vera are Peroxidase, Aliiase, Catalase, Lipase, Cellulase, Carboxypeptidase, Amylase and Alkaline Phosphatase. These enzymes have active centers, which are the points where substrate molecule can join. Just as a particular key fit into a lock, a particular substrate molecule fits into the active site of the enzyme. The substrate forms a complex with the enzyme. Later the substrate molecule is converted into the product and the enzyme itself is regenerated. The process continues until the enzyme is poisoned by a chemical bogie or inactivated by extremes of temperature, pH or by other negative conditions in the processing environment. Protein concentration present in extracted aloe gel, The test result has clearly indicated that the absorbency wavelength of aloe gel at 200 nm 2.957 and 290 nm 2.674 but the wavelength is constant in between 205 nm and 280 nm. It can be strongly believed that most of the protein has strong and peak absorbency at the above-mentioned nm. Hence, the protein present in the extracted gel is very pure without any variation in the frequency curve, irrespective of color and percentage shade, dye uptake of reactive dyed by cotton fabric highly depends on the concentration of aloe gel in padding solution of pre-treatment for dyeing. The extent of improvement in dye uptake depends on concentration of sodium ion as well as duration of treatment. When the fabric is treated with higher concentration of aloe gel, the dye shade depth can be improved. Higher the concentration of sodium ion and longer the duration of the treatment better will be dyeing uptake. The aloe gel treated fabric was exhibited high desizing efficiency. This is due to key -Lock mechanism of enzymes presents in the aloe gel. When we compare the desizing efficiency of synthetic enzyme and aloe gel enzyme (natural enzyme amylase) the weight loss is greater that means the weight loss in synthetic enzyme desizing is 7.9% and in aloe gel case it is 11.02% so it has good desizing efficiency but aloe gel desizing have side effect of coloring salt. Remedies: it can be improved by usual scouring method. Because Aloe Vera has six antiseptic agents (Anthraquinone, sulphates, lupeol, salicylic acid, cinnamic acid, urea nitrogen and phenol) which act as a team to provide antimicrobial activity thus eliminating many internal and external infections. From our lab result aloe gel treated fabric has very high inhibition against E. coli microorganism. The qualitative amount of protein presenting in aloe gel is from 2.5-3 gram in one litter of aloe gel and this have good promising for production of glycoprotein which is responsible for white blood cell production. And also, the protein present in the aloe gel is extremely pure and free from fertilizer. The test results of aloe gel printed fabrics have strongly showed that aloe gel can be used as natural thickener in place of synthetic thickener. When we use aloe gel the color depth is much higher than synthetic printed fabric. This is because of the nature of aloe gel is colorless when it is pure. But the synthetic thickener is s white in color influences the color depth. In addition to our work further research work should be suggested to find out the miracle nature and application of aloe Vera

Aloe vera-based formula as emollient on horses’ hooves.

Author: Samuel Pereira Simonato Maria Verônica de Souza Marisa Alves Nogueira Diaz Luiza Neme Frassy José de Oliveira Pinto

Aloe vera-based formula, formula for topical use on horse hoof, treatment affects hooves growth and balance, Aloe vera treatment, topical application of the glycolic extract of A. vera at 20%, equine, trimming, phytotherapy, horse hoof, protects adjacent structures, initiates the dispersion of concussive forces and reduces vibrations generated during the contact of the limb with the ground, four factors influence the quality of horses hooves: heredity, feed, handling and farriery, Growth rate of the hooves, hooves care may one of the determinant factors on the animal’s performance of the intended functions. A healthy hoof, adequately moistened, absorbs impact from the ground much more efficiently than a dry hoof. Every healthy hoof has a thin shiny cover of a material that covers its walls (external layer). The function of such substance is to delay humidity evaporation, a fundamental aspect for maintaining their hydration. The external layer (stratum externum) is lost during shoeing when hooves walls undergo trimming, leading to an increase in moisture loss and, consequently, their dryness, resulting in excessive flaking and cracking , good moisture is important to prevent such excessive dryness, aloe vera gel serves as an emollient ingredient (skin softener) in many lotions, creams, ointments and shampoos, largely applied in domestic usage and in pharmaceutical products, Aloe vera for the skin of horses, aloe vera powder 200x high concentrations (0.25 and 0.5% w/w) increased the amount of water in the cornified layer of the skin after only one application, treatment, the external layer of the wall exfoliated, mainly close to the coronary band, aloe vera emollient dryness reduced, with a better aspect regarding hydration. The farrier also noted a better cutting consistency, reporting hooves with important hard consistency, propylene glycol substance solubilizes keratine of the stratum corneum by occupying hydrogen bonding sites, hooves balance, considering each evaluated variable (hoof angle, heels height and partial widths), Aloe vera glycolic extract, treatment with 50% glycolic extract together with periodic trimming promotes an important improvement of hoof balance what is essential for the proper load distribution during impact of the limb on the ground

Fixation of vitamin E microcapsules on dyed cotton fabrics.

Authors Son K, Yoo DI, Shin Y

Recently, there has been a growing concern of consumers for natural dyed and functional fabrics. To meet this, research on natural dyed fabrics with functionality are being conducted. A new terminology, so-called ‘cosmetic textiles’, is a consequence of the fusion of cosmetics and the textile industry through various techniques, such as micro-encapsulation and has now opened new target groups and sustainable markets in the textile industry. The group of textiles that works to provide a moisturizing effect on human skin is called cosmetic textiles for moisturizing. Vitamin E belongs to the group of liquid-soluble vitamins and its chemical term is alpha-tocopherol. Since vitamin E shuts out hazardous oxygen, which is the cause of skin aging, and offers a superior moisturizing effect, it is often used as a functional cosmetics material. Furthermore, vitamin E has been widely used as a useful ingredient in drug medicine, food, etc. However, vitamin E is subject to oxidation due to the low reliability on external factors, such as heat and oxygen. These disadvantages make it difficult to apply vitamin E directly to textile finish. In cosmetic textile fields, micro-encapsulation techniques containing core materials, or functional materials, such as fragrant, phase change material, and antimicrobials are being applied to improve safety and durability of functional materials. Also, with microcapsules containing vitamin E for underwear, T-shirts, and bedding, which all have direct contact with the skins, the effect of vitamin E on the skin will be able to be sustained for a long period of time. Meanwhile, the application of natural dyes on textile materials is gaining worldwide popularity due to the increasing awareness of environment, ecology and pollution control. Natural indigo showing distinctive blue color is one of the oldest known dyestuffs. It is excellent in colorfastness and functionality such as antimicrobial properties, deodorization and anti-insect properties, compared with other natural dyes. The fixation of vitamin E microcapsules was carried out by pad-dry-cure method on dyed cotton knit. Cotton knit was dyed with natural indigo, and subsequently treated with microcapsules containing vitamin E. To improve the hand of the microcapsules-treated fabric, a softener was treated in a simultaneous step with microcapsules or in a separate step after dyeing process. The treated fabrics were evaluated for SEM observation, amount of vitamin E, physical properties, and color.

Anti-UV and anti-microbial properties of some natural dyes on cotton

Authors Gupta,D.A., et al.

The treated fabrics were then dyed with some selected natural dyes such as annatto, onion, pomegranate, indigo, myrobalan, bar berry; and synthetic dyes such as reactive and sulphur dyes. These treated samples were tested for their dyeing characteristics (K/S value, fastness properties, washing, light, rubbing and stain resistance), anti-bacterial, uv-protection, anti-odor behaviors and SEM study. Among the treated fabrics, sodium hydroxide treated cotton fabric exhibited the best properties. Cotton is the most widely used textile fiber in the world. Cotton has a high absorbency rate and holds up to 27 times its own weight in water. Cotton swells in a high humidity environment, in water and in concentrated solutions of certain acids, salts and bases. However, the moist cotton can be easily attacked by bacteria. Antimicrobial textiles with improved functionality have a variety of applications in health and hygiene products, especially the garments worn close to the skin. With increasing world population and the spread of disease, the number of antibiotic resistant microorganisms is rising along with the occurrence of infections from these microorganisms. To address these growing concerns in the environment, research is focused on the use of reusable textiles with durable finishes. The importance of antimicrobial textiles goes together with the rise in resistant strains of microorganisms. In this study cotton (woven and knitted) fabrics were treated with sodium hydroxide, morpholine, and cellulase enzyme followed by dyeing and finishing to improve bacterial resistance dyeing characteristics, UV-protection, and odor resistance. In textile dyeing, reactive and sulphur dyes are widely used because of their high fastness properties. However, the use of natural sources is increasing due to their coloration and functional properties. Hence, some selected natural sources and synthetic dyes (reactive and sulphur) were applied to the cotton fabrics with the chemical treatments. The fabrics tested for their dyeing characteristics (K/S value, fastness properties-washing, light, rubbing and stain resistance), anti-bacterial, UV-protection, anti-odor behaviors and characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM).

Development of medical textile market

Authors Czajka R

Textiles represent an ideal interface between man and medical treatment facilities, and it would be a loss not to make use of the possibilities they offer, technical textiles are one of the faster growing sectors of the global textile industry. The world textile industry is moving rapidly toward the manufacture of high-added value textile structures and products such as medical textiles, protective textiles, and smart textiles. Textile materials used in the medical and applied healthcare and hygiene sectors are an important and growing part of the textile industry. a medical device is defined as any instrument, apparatus, implement, machine, appliance, implant, in vitro reagent or calibrator, software, material or other similar or related article, intended by the manufacturer to be used, alone or in combination, for human beings for one or more of the specific purpose(s) of: diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment or alleviation of disease, diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, alleviation of or compensation for an injury, investigation, replacement, modification, or support of the anatomy or of a physiological process, supporting or sustaining life, control of conception, disinfection of medical devices, providing information for medical purposes by means of in vitro examination of specimens derived from the human body and which does not achieve its primary intended action in or on the human body by pharmacological, immunological, or metabolic means, but which may be assisted in its function by such means. Characteristics of the Medical Textiles Market, Technical textiles will find many kinds of application with medical and hygiene products in the healthcare sector. The diversity of applications encountered in medical and healthcare products is quite remarkable, e.g., simple bandages, biocompatible implants and tissues, antibacterial wound treatment material, prosthetics, and intelligent textiles. Each of these categories covers a broad range of applications, and the many end-uses with their disparate requirements create opportunities for all kinds of textile such as fibers, mono- and multi-filament yarns, woven, knitted, nonwoven, braiding and composite fabrics. Medical textiles embrace all those textile materials used in health and hygiene applications in both the consumer and medical markets. As such, it comprises a group of products with considerable variations in terms of product performance and unit value. Because of the nature of their application, many medical products are disposable items. Nonwovens account for a high part of the sector overall in terms of tons of fibre used. Also, another feature of the medical textile market will be the growing proportion of composite materials used in wound management products. This will mean the combination of textiles with such materials as films, foam, and adhesives to form structures for the treatment of wound and healthcare products. The increased use of textiles in composite applications will provide major growth fibre consumption in terms of volume. European producers are world leaders in the market for technical/industrial textiles and nonwovens, for example industrial filters, hygiene products or in the medical sector. Although the textile sector is marked by small- and medium-sized enterprises and local developments, it is important that research efforts take place in a more integrated way to achieve a critical mass and be competitive on the global market. The European technical textile sector should continue to develop highly specialized products. This is the case, for example, in medical textiles based on biomaterials, interactive and intelligent textiles provided for textile sensors and improving test methods. Categories of medical textiles include non-implantable materials, implantable materials, extracorporeal devices, healthcare, and hygiene products. The application of different fibers for manufacturing various medical products, Absorbent pad, Wound- contact layer, Base material, Simple non-elastic and elastic bandages, High-support bandages, Compression bandages, Orthopedic bandages, Plasters, Gauze dressing, Lint, Wadding, Scaffold, The market for medical textiles is being driven by a number of factors: population growth rates, particularly in newly developing global regions, changes in demographics, including the ageing of the population in the Western European market, changes in living standards, attitude to health risks; increased awareness of the risks to health workers from health threats from blood-borne diseases and airborne pathogens, the continuing dominance of the leading suppliers and brands (especially in the consumer market), ongoing enhancement in product performance, the growing dominance of purchasing which demands increasing value for money, the increasing share of nonwovens on the medical world market in relation to traditional textile materials. These trends will be further fed by the increasing development of the medical textile market and industry.

Medical textile materials with drug-releasing properties

Authors Yimin Qin

Due to their unique chemical and physical structures, textile fibers and fabrics are ideal carriers for drugs that can be directly transferred to the skin or other parts of the body. development of drug-releasing systems and describes the various methods used for loading drugs into textile-based structures, such as coating, encapsulation, fiber spinning, bioconjugation, ion complexes, and nanotechnologies. Attempts are also made to analyze the controllability of the drug-loading and drug-releasing systems. In addition, this chapter introduces the many applications for drug-releasing textile materials, such as functional wound dressings and antimicrobial textiles.


Author Endang Diyah Ikasari*, Anang Budi Utomo, Hanny Setyowati, Salasa Ayu Trisnawati

Ranitidine hydrochloride is a competitive inhibitor of histamine H2receptors, drug of choice in the treatment of ulcer, The drug has a short biological half-life of approximately 2–3 hours, thus a sustained release dosage form of ranitidine HCl is desirable. The aim of this study was to formulate and in vitro evaluate microgranules with ranitidine HCl, Microgranules were prepared by the wet granulation method using aloe vera powder as bio adhesive polymer. Increasing concentration of aloe vera powder results decreasing of flow rate, improving of moisture content, swelling index, in vitro bio adhesive, and dissolution efficiency, results indicated that aloe vera powder is a suitable polymer for developing a sustained-release dosage form of ranitidine HCl for local delivery in the gastrointestinal tract, The polymers used in the mucoadhesive dosage form of ranitidine HCl are a combination of aloe vera polymer 27.34% and Carbopol 934P 7.62% , mucoadhesive microgranule of ranitidine HCl undergoes a slow drug release at pH 7.8 because the gel expands optimally so that the release rate of the drug can be controlled. Many factors that influence dissolution test in vitro include dissolution media

Fermented acetic acid .-Protective and therapeutic effects of aloe vera gel on ulcerative colitis induced by acetic acid in rats Clin Nutr Res. 2020; 9(3): 223-234

• Author Bahram G, Malekshahi H, Miraghaee S, Madani H, Babaei A, Monammadi B, Hatami R.

Aloe Vera Gel, Acetic Acid, Ulcerative Colitis, weight loss, diarrhea, ulcers, inflammation, Gerald classification system score, food intake, gastrointestinal mucosa, disease, immune regulation, genetic factors, infectious agents, oxidative stress , environmental factor, gastrointestinal disorders, constipation, hemorrhoids, colitis, colon problems

Treatment of Skin Disorders with Aloe Materials

Author: Hanna Svitina, Roan Swanepoel, Jacques Rossouw, Happiness Netshimbupfe, Chrisna Gouws and Josias Hamman*

physiological roles, barrier to protect the underlying tissues against the elements and pathogens, Skin disorders, biochemical functions such as preventing excessive water loss, Aloe vera is the most commonly used Aloe species for medicinal purposes, skin related applications and disorders, treatment of skin related disorders, Cosmetic and cosmeceutical products, maintain and protect skin through proper hydration, which can improve skin function and appearance, External factors and topical irritants can disturb or remove the stratum corneum water content and surface lipids of the skin, eventually leading to dry skin and atopic dermatitis, Skin hydration aims to increase and maintain surface moisture and homeostasis, while delaying aging and treating cosmetic problems, aloe is a cosmetic agent to improve skin appearance and beauty, cosmetic products at low concentrations as skin-conditioning agents, Aloe vera leaf extract and leaf polysaccharides are also known emollients and humectants, astringent to contract the skin and remove dead skin cells, since zinc can tighten pores, Aloe materials can protect the skin against free radical damage through its antioxidant properties, cleansing and antiseptic actions of soapy saponins, the antiinflammatory effects of phytohormones and sterols such as cholesterol, and ß-sitosterol and other bioactivities of the complex polysaccharides, reduces drying and irritation of the skin. The polysaccharides are also useful in a soap-type shave cream, acting as a lubricant due to its mucilaginous nature, penetrate the dermal layers deeply, allowing moisturizers and water to restore fluid loss and replenishing the fatty layer, Acemannan mucopolysaccharides assist in moisture retention of the skin, as a humectant and can be added to nonionic, cationic or anionic moisturizing products, although the quantity is limited in anionic emulsions , emulsifying system due to its pH of 4.0 – 5.0, Skin aging is a general and inevitable human dermatologic condition, characterized by loss of extracellular matrix in the epidermal and dermal layers, prevent and repair damage to reduce wrinkles and create younger looking skin, A. vera is used as an anti-aging treatment, since it is known to soften skin and encourage regeneration by stimulating cell proliferation through the amino acids such as arginine, asparagine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, serine and enzymes it contains, free radical damage is a key mechanism in the aging of skin, since these free radicals can damage structural cell membranes, lipids, proteins and DNA, antioxidant and anti-aging components in Aloe juice possibly include flavonoids, oligo-elements such as manganese and selenium, and superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase enzymes, although aloin, anthones and chromones may also be involved, antioxidant activities of Aloe polysaccharides, however, can be influenced by the degree of acetylation, glycosidic branching, type of sugar and molecular weight

Successful treatment of bovine mastitis from aloe vera, turmeric and calcium , 2020,

Author Dr. Rajesh Singh , Jamshedpur,Jharkhand

Mastitis continues to be recognized as one of the major disease problems concerning the dairy industry caused by many bacteria, which includes the coliform group, Streptococci, Staphylococci, Corynebacteria, Pasteurella, Mycoplasma, Leptospira, Yersinia, Mycobacteria, Pseudomonas, Serratia, taphylococcus, Streptococcus and E.coli generally cause 90-95% of all infections, Affected animal loses fifteen percent of production potential and affected quarter loses up to thirty percent milk producing capacity, antibacterial therapy is to attain effective concentrations of the drug at the site of infection

Dissolution Profile Mucoadhesive Microgranules of Ranitidine HCL using Polymer Combination of Aloe Vera Powder (Aloe vera L.) and Carbopol 934P On AIF and SIF Media with a Line of Identification Approach

Author Endang Diyah Ikasari1*, Intan Martha Cahyani2

several factors that influence dissolution test in vitro such as dissolution media. The AIF media (Atrial Intestinal Fluid) and the SIF media (Simulated Intestinal Fluid) media are among the media that can be used in the dissolution test. Mucoadhesive microgranule of ranitidine HCl using a combination polymer of aloe vera powder and carbopol 934P that expands maximally at pH 7.8. The purpose of this study was to determine the dissolution profile of mucoadhesive microgranule of ranitidine HCl in AIF (Artificial Intestinal Fluid) pH 7.8 and SIF (Simulated Intestinal Fluid) pH 7.8 with a line of identification approach, the method of making granules used is wet granulation. Data analysis using Statistic Product and Service Solution (SPSS) 16.0 with Test, the test results showed that the dissolution profile of AIF media followed Higuchi model while in SIF media following release model of order 1. Mechanism of release of mucoadhesive microgranule of ranitidine HCl on SIF media was better than AIF media. Media type significantly influence dissolution test, Ranitidine is a class of Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) class III which has high solubility and low permeability,

Effect of pre-storage ascorbic acid and Aloe vera gel coating application on enzymatic browning and quality of lotus root slices.

Authors Ali, S., Anjum, M. A., Nawaz, A., Naz, S., Hussain, S., Ejaz, S., et al.

Lotus root is an aquatic rhizome vegetable. The fresh-cut slices of lotus roots are prone to post-cut enzymatic browning and quality deterioration during postharvest storage. Browning induced loss of visual quality and microbial infestations are the leading constraints in extending storage and/or shelf life of lotus root slices. Surface browning results in loss of characteristic color eventually leading to significant reduction in market potential and visual quality. However, quality deterioration and development of browning could be delayed with some suitable postharvest treatments. So, the effect of Ascorbic Acid and Aloe vera gel-based coating was investigated for quality conservation of lotus root slices. The findings of the current work are of global importance in reducing browning and conserving visual quality of lotus root slices and fresh-cut produce in general. combined application of Ascorbic Acid and Aloe vera gel coating delayed surface browning, reduced increase in relative electrolyte leakage (REL) and showed higher overall visual quality (OVQ). Similarly, Ascorbic Acid and Aloe vera gel combined treatment reduced superoxide anion ( O 2 – · ) and hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ) production and malondialdehyde (MDA) content, and suppressed peroxidase (POD) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activities. In addition, AA and AVG treatment conserved higher Ascorbic Acid content, ascorbate peroxidase (APX), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) enzymes activities along with higher total phenolics and radical scavenging activity. In conclusion, the combined application of Ascorbic Acid and Aloe vera coating could be an appropriate treatment to delay surface browning and quality loss of lotus root slices

Herbal Excipients- Significance of Substances of Natural Origin as Excipients.

Authors S. Selvadurai, S.Divya, A.Geetha, K.Rohini and S.Anbazhagan

use of natural excipients to deliver the bioactive agents, natural excipients are their being non-toxic, less expensive and freely available, performance of the excipients partly determines the quality of the medicines, substantial evolution from an inert and cheap vehicle to an essential constituent of the formulation, Excipients are any component other than the active substance(s) intentionally added to formulation of a dosage form, herbal excipients which , conventional dosage forms, novel drug delivery systems, controlled delivery, Excipients are primarily used as diluents, binders, disintegrants, adhesives, glidants and sweeteners in conventional dosage forms like tablets and capsules, researchers in herbal excipients, natural ingredients in food, drugs, and cosmetics as they believe that anything natural will be more safe and devoid of side effects, natural excipients can potentially influence the rate and/or extent of absorption of a drug, herbal excipients are non-toxic and compatible, have a major role to play in pharmaceutical formulation, herbal excipients used in NDDS, Natural polysaccharides are extensively used for the development of solid dosage forms, polymers of monosaccharides (sugars) as aloe vera polysaccharides, highly stable, safe, non-toxic, and hydrophilic and gel forming in nature, linear polysaccharides remain intact in the physiological environment of the stomach and the small intestine, but are degraded by the bacterial inhabitants of the human colon which make them potentially useful in targeted delivery systems to the colon, Polymeric hydrogels are widely used as controlled-release matrix tablets, coat of considerable thickness was required to protect the drug core in simulated in vivo condition, matrix tablets, aloe vera powder spray drying technique, matrix patch for transdermal, design oral controlled drug delivery systems for highly water-soluble drugs using aloe vera as a carrier, colon-delivery systems, carrier in the form of a compression coating over the drug core, design oral controlled drug delivery systems for highly water-soluble drugs, carrier in the form of three-layer matrix tablets, formulations meant for daily administration, wet granulation technique, topical pharmaceutical formulations as a suspending and emulsifying agent, preparation of pastilles and lozenges and as a tablet binder, pellets, monolithic osmotic tablet system (MOTS), release-controlling agents in producing directly compressed matrices, mucoadhesive tablets, buccal delivery, Compaction and compression properties, pellets were prepared by extrusion-spheronisation

Method of using aloe vera as a biological vehicle

Authors Robert H. Davis

Aloe vera as a biological vehicle for the delivery of drugs, Aloe vera is used as a biological vehicle to deliver the estrogen, beta -estradiol and the androgen, testosterone propionate, provide treating symptoms and diseases mediated by hormonal deficiencies or amenable to treatment by hormones using Aloe vera as a biological vehicle, for treating hormonal deficiencies and conditions amenable to treatment with hormones using Aloe vera as a biological vehicle for delivery of the hormone, Aloe compounds having diverse biological activities, including anti-tumor activity, anti-gastric ulcer, anti-diabetic, anti-tyrosinase activity, and antioxidant activity, Aloe can be used as a vehicle for delivering the corticosteroid, hydrocortisone, administered both topically and subcutaneously, to the site of inflammation, This study revealed that Aloe vera contributed in an additive way to the activity of the steroid, suggesting that Aloe vera may be useful as a biological vehicle for hydrocortisone. The significance of this finding is that if used in combination with Aloe vera, the dosage of the steroid can be reduced, while maintaining its biological activity, thereby reducing or eliminating any toxic side effects associated with higher dosages. These studies also revealed that Aloe vera assists in the penetration of hydrocortisone through the stratum corneum. Since Aloe vera contains many hydrophilic compounds, such as enzymes, amino acids and carbohydrates, as well as, hydrophobic compounds, such as vitamins and sterols, Davis et al. postulate that pharmacologic agents of both solubilities can be placed in Aloe vera and carried through the epidermal barrier, A vehicle is a substance, usually without biological activity, which is used as a medium for the administration of pharmacologic agents. Ideally a vehicle should be nonirritating and compatible with common medications. Criteria for vehicle selection include solubility of the active agent in the vehicle and the ability of the vehicle to penetrate physical barriers such as the stratum corneum and the lipid portion of the cell membrane. Consideration must also be given to any interactions between the vehicle and the active agent, the efficiency with which the vehicle releases the incorporated active ingredient, the molecular size and the composition of the vehicle. Traditional vehicles for subcutaneous administration include oils which tend to be irritating. Aloe vera has been shown to be nonirritating and nontoxic when injected subcutaneously in mice, even at massive doses, a vehicle will have a synergistic effect, such that the final sum total of the activity in each system is greater than the sum of the components. As stated above, this is highly desirable in that less of the pharmacologic agent can be used to achieve the same effect, thereby reducing or eliminating any side effects associated with higher dosages.

Performance and Characterization of Aloe Vera Microcapsules on Silk/Lyocell Blended Fabric

Authors Mariyam Adnan1, Jeyakodi Moses J

Silk and lyocell fibers were blended in the ratio of 50:50 and woven into a plain weave fabric. Aloe vera based microcapsules were used to impart antibacterial finish on silk/lyocell blended fabrics and assessed by SEM, EDX, FTIR, agar diffusion test, bacterial reduction test, and wash durability test. SEM analysis showed aloe vera capsules impregnated in the fabric. EDX also showed the presence of aloe vera in the fabric by showing the presence of chemical elements like Mg, Ca, K, Al and Fe which were not present in the untreated fabric. The results of agar diffusion test clearly show that aloe vera treated fabrics have very good antibacterial properties and do not allow the growth of bacteria in the treated fabric. The zone of inhibition was found to be very good and ranged from 28 mm to 30 mm. Bacterial reduction test showed the percentage reduction values of both the microorganisms S. aureus and E. coli to be more than 97%. The wash durability of aloe vera treated fabrics lasted up to 25 washes. Silk is a natural fiber priced for its vanity, versatility, wearability, and comfort. Despite all the wonderful properties silk possesses, it is extremely costly. Lyocell is a regenerated cellulosic fiber which offers luxury, less cost and surpasses all other cellulosic fibers in terms of properties, aesthetics and importantly Eco friendliness in manufacturing. Lyocell is 100% natural in origin, has better dyeability than other cellulosic, softness and drape, luxurious handle, good moisture retention and hence wearing comfort, and good dimensional stability. Notably, lyocell fiber blends well with various natural and synthetic fibers, like cotton, linen, rayon, polyester, lycra, nylon, silk, and wool. The stress-strain characteristics of lyocell make it an ideal partner with the various textile fibers. silk and lyocell were blended so that one can enjoy the richness of silk and excellent softness of lyocell. Since, silk and lyocell belong to the category of protein and cellulosic fibers respectively; they are prone to microbial attack and can be damaged easily. Therefore, their protection against microbes becomes imperative to preserve their individual properties and widen its spectrum of applications. The use of natural agents such as chitosan, neem and natural dyes for antimicrobial finishing of textiles has been widely reported. Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) is known ‘Lily of the desert’ and belongs to the family Liliaceae. The aloe leaf consists of two major parts, the outer green rind and the inner colorless parenchyma containing the aloe gel. Polysaccharides in aloe gel are mainly responsible for their antimicrobial activity. There are different polysaccharides in aloe vera such as glucose, glucomannan, galactogalacturan and lactomannan with different composition as well as acetylated acemannan. Acemannan is a long chain polymer consisting of randomly acetylated linear D-mannopyranosyl units having antibacterial and antifungal properties. some important bioactive constituents such as P-methyl benzoic acid, 2-thiophene carboxylic acid and dimethyl 4-chlorophenyl thiophosphate having antibacterial activities were found by subjecting the aloe vera extract to the Gas Chromatography Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS). This study highlights the use of aloe vera as an effective antibacterial agent. The antibacterial activity of aloe vera which showed that aloe vera extract of methanol gave the maximum antibacterial activity as compared to other solvent extracts. A major limitation in antimicrobial finishing with natural agents is the non-durability of the finish. Finishing by microencapsulation method can increase the durability of antimicrobial finish on textiles as it offers many advantages compared to conventional process, in terms of economy, eco-friendliness and controlled release of substance. The antimicrobial activity of aloe vera extract against bacteria and found that methanol extract showed maximum inhibitory activity against E. coli and Candida. Was identified, quantified, and compared the phytochemical contents, antioxidant properties, and antibacterial activities of Aloe vera lyophilized leaf gel and 95% ethanol leaf gel extracts. Although considerable research work has been carried out in the past on the medical uses of aloe vera, its antibacterial activity on textile substrate is not widely reported. The present work aims at developing a natural antibacterial finish on silk/lyocell blended fabric using aloe vera microcapsules.

Development of active edible coating of alginate and aloe vera enriched with frankincense oil for retarding the senescence of green capsicums.

Authors Salama, H.E.; Abdel Aziz, M.S.

Aloe vera (AV) and frankincense oil (FO) were incorporated into alginate edible coating, AV and FO improved UV-shielding, physical and antimicrobial properties, Both FO and AV didn’t significantly affect the film’s transparency, The prepared coating retarded senescence of green capsicums, The prepared coating might used potentially in food packaging industries, application of alginate-based coatings in food preservation is limited owing to their poor antimicrobial, UV-shielding, and water-barrier properties. For this concern, multifunctional alginate films were designed for the preservation of green capsicums through the incorporation of aloe vera (AV) and frankincense oil (FO), Significant improvements in thermal stability and mechanical properties were achieved in the presence of AV and FO. The addition of AV and FO made the films more bright, yellow, and green meanwhile the film’s transparency was not significantly influenced. A significant UV-shielding was detected upon increasing either AV or FO. Water vapor permeability was significantly reduced from 21.53 ± 1.43 g mm/m2 day kPa for alginate to 8.18 ± 0.24 g mm/m2 day kPa for the film containing AV at 67% and FO at 6%. Excellent inhibition activities against different bacteria and fungi were obtained for the films containing AV and FO. The prepared films exhibited excellent senescence retardation and resistance to the mass loss for green capsicums. Due to their enhanced UV-barrier, physical and microbial-inhibition properties, the prepared active films might be potentially used in food preservation.

Nutraceuticals as natural healers: Emerging evidences.

Author: Rashida Ali, M. Athar, Umer Abdullah, S. Abidi, M. Qayyum

components of foods have clearly established strong links with human health and it is learnt that their deficiencies provoke diseases, molecular level of such interactions of specific food constituents with that of the toxicants generated in the living cells to control and prevent many of the diseases, products possess fantastic healing capacity, nutrients functional food factor (FFFs), health promotion, disease prevention and cure, natural products releasing such superb active components are known as nutraceutical foods, bioactive constituents of many foods have been identified during the goal oriented scientific studies and are used frequently in community and clinical nutrition, metabolic processes, immunomodulator, nutritional immunology, stimulating actions of phytochemicals on neuronal diseases have indicated wide spectrum of applications of functional foods both in daily life and in the industry

Importance of novel drug delivery systems in herbal medicines.

Authors V Kusum Devi 1, Nimisha Jain, Kusum S Valli

Biocompatibility. A measure of how a biomaterial interacts in the body with the surrounding cells, tissues and other factors. A biomaterial is considered to have good biocompatibility if it does not generate a vigorous immune response, resists build-up of proteins and other substances on its surface that would hinder its function, and is resistant to infection. Drug Delivery Systems. Engineered technologies for the targeted delivery and/or controlled release of therapeutic agents. Routes of Delivery. Medications can be taken in a variety of ways—by swallowing, by inhalation, by absorption through the skin, or by injection. Each method has advantages and disadvantages, and not all methods can be used for every medication. Improving current delivery methods or designing new ones can enhance the use of existing medications. novel drug delivery technology is applied in herbal medicine, it may help in increasing the efficacy and reducing the side effects of various herbal compounds and herbs. This is the basic idea behind incorporating novel method of drug delivery in herbal medicines. modern phytopharmaceutical research can solve the scientific needs (such as determination of pharmacokinetics, mechanism of action, site of action, accurate dose required etc.) of herbal medicines to be incorporated in novel drug delivery system, such as nanoparticles, microemulsions, matrix systems, solid dispersions, liposomes, solid lipid nanoparticles and so on. medicinal product on the market have to be accompanied by a dossier containing particulars and documents relating in particular to the results of physico-chemical, biological or microbiological tests as well as pharmacological and toxicological tests and clinical trials carried out on the product and thus proving its quality, safety and efficacy and an acceptable level of safety. Herbal medicinal product: any medicinal product, exclusively containing as active ingredients one or more herbal substances or one or more herbal preparations, or one or more such herbal substances in combination with one or more such herbal preparations; Herbal substances: All mainly whole, fragmented or cut plants, plant parts, algae, fungi, lichen in an unprocessed, usually dried, form, but sometimes fresh. Certain exudates that have not been subjected to a specific treatment are also considered to be herbal substances. Herbal substances are precisely defined by the plant part used and the botanical name according to the binomial system ; Herbal preparations: preparations obtained by subjecting herbal substances to treatments such as extraction, distillation, expression, fractionation, purification, concentration or fermentation. These include comminuted or powdered herbal substances, tinctures, extracts, essential oils, expressed juices and processed exudates. oral, external and/or inhalation preparation. herbal substance, the indication, the specified strength and the posology, the route of administration and any other information necessary for the safe use of the herbal substance as a traditional medicinal product. innovative forms to delivery drugs with herbal excipients as aloe vera, formulation design with final drug product design. We offer end-to-end support for various topical delivery routes, including dermal, nasal/lung, ophthalmic, otic, vaginal/rectal, and ungual. Dermal Delivery. topical and transdermal products, dermatological formulations, develop skin penetration enhancer, optimize formulation design and target engagement against established and customer specific biochemical pathways with range of semi-solid dosage forms including creams, gels, sprays, foams, ointments, lotions, mousses and lacquers, transdermal patches, drug in adhesive to multi-layer. Lung & Nasal Delivery, develop and characterize aloe as vehicle through devices for delivery to the nasal cavity and lung for MDI, DPI and nebulizer formulations. Drug delivery via these routes is attracting growing attention with the dietary supplements, nutrition health and herbal medicine market industry in the space of inhalation formulation development, according with EU regulation for drug delivery products, formulations, and devices in models, optimizing the chances of market success. Development of lung and nasal delivery development. Ophthalmic Delivery. The eye is a complex organ with unique anatomy and physiology, and it can be difficult to overcome its natural protective barriers and aloe as bioenhancer can be effective vehicle for drugs, develop drops, lotions and injectables covering conjunctival, corneal, intravitreal and transscleral routes of delivery, develop specific models for measuring trans-corneal penetration, and optimize formulations and understand the fate of products applied without having to run in vivo trials. Oro-mucosal, Rectal and Vaginal Delivery. Skin enhancement develops a wide range of formulations optimized for mucosal membrane treatment including creams, gels, ointments, suppositories, foams, sprays, lotions, lozenges and films, commercial topical, intravitreal (intra-ocular) and trans-scleral (peri-ocular) herbal products for both immediate and controlled release, Otic Delivery. Developed specific drops, lotions and other topicals for treating outer and middle ear conditions with aloe vera, drops and foams, both of which are effective formulations for treating the ear canal. Ungual and Trans-ungual Delivery. Development drugs for ungual and transungual drug delivery, these products cover a wide range of formulations for treating nails including creams, gels, sprays, lotions, and lacquers.

Mechanisms of Action of Probiotics

Author: Julio Plaza-Diaz, Francisco Javier Ruiz-Ojeda, Mercedes Gil-Campos, and Angel Gil

probiotics therapeutic options, modification of the gut microbiota, competitive adherence to the mucosa and epithelium, strengthening of the gut epithelial barrier and modulation of the immune system to convey an advantage to the host, probiotics communicate with the host by pattern recognition receptors, uncover novel probiotic functions, probiotic modes of action , gastrointestinal microbiota, secretion of antimicrobial substances, competitive adherence to the mucosa and epithelium, strengthening of the gut epithelial barrier and modulation of the immune system, luminal contents , tight junction, competitive exclusion, selective metabolites

Use of Aloe Vera as potential herbal feed additives in dairy cattle, 2020

Author: Dr. Rajesh Singh , Dr. Prashant Yogi,Satara,MH.

Aloe vera, as an additive to livestock and poultry feed, has great potentials for improving nutrient utilization, intestinal health, immune response and growth performance, benefits as antimicrobial agents and used for controlling coccidiosis in poultry, aloe vera added to feeds depend on several factors like form of use [powder, gel, extract (ethanolic or aqueous), polysaccharide extracted from gel], dosage, genetics of animals, ingredients of diet and farm management, ban on the use of antibiotic as a growth promoters (AGP) in animal feeds, alternatives of antibiotics in order to eliminate their impact on animals, feed additives like prebiotics, probiotics, organic acids and plant extracts have beneficial effects on animal production, Medicinal herbs properties to improve digestibility, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immune-stimulant activity must be exploited in feeding of animals, aloe vera gel for healthy animal food as well as human health, research is dedicated to replace antibiotic growth promoter (AGP) with other additives, especially probiotics, prebiotics, enzymes, organic acids, and herbs, animal growth and performance, Medicinal herbs, as a new class of additives to animal and poultry feeds have beneficial properties such as antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antifungal as well as immunomodulatory and anticoccidial effects, supplement feeds, are helpful in achieving a larger number of objectives (improving nutrient utilization and growth performance, immunity response, intestinal microflora, and controlling particular diseases), focus is on multifunctional herbs, aloe contains more than 75 biologically active ingredients which have medicinal effects that are useful in treating diseases, many benefits of aloe vera are due to its polysaccharides contained in gel, active compound is acemannan (acetylated gluconmanan), immunomodulatory, antimicrobial, and antitumour effects antioxidants, wound healing, immune-modulatory and antidiabetic activities, source of essential micronutrients and active phyto-chemicals, chemistry of Aloe Vera, bioactive molecules, livestock feed, Biological activities of aloe vera in livestock and poultry, Higher body weight gain, better feed conversion efficiency (FCE) and production of milk, meat and eggs are important economic goals in livestock and poultry farming, experiment conducted by khan et al. on birds fed diet supplemented with 1 % or 2 % aloe vera leaves had greater body weight gain, better feed intake and FCR than those fed diets without aloe vera leaves, experiment comparing the effects of aloe vera gel (mixed with feed) and AGP (virginiamycin) indicated that AGP resulted in better growth performance compared to the performance of groups that received aloe vera gel (at 1.5%, 2% and 2.5%), Mmereole also observed that at 1 % dietary inclusion of aloe vera leaves powder in broiler diet, there was significant difference in body weight gains in birds fed aloe vera supplemented feed, Odo et al. reported that, higher weight gain in birds fed 5 % level of inclusion aloe vera than those of 10 %, Alemi et al. reported a better growth performance in broilers treated with 0.75% and 1% aloe vera gel powder, Danhoff and McAnally observed that the feeding of aloe vera accelerated the growth of new cells, thereby resulting to increase body weight , Das et al stated that the addition of 10 ml aqueous extract of aloe gel per liter of drinking water in broiler have beneficial effect on body weight gain and feed conversion efficiency that could be due to diversified antimicrobial activity of aloe vera gel, fermentation product of lactobacillus is short chain fatty acid that will reduce the pH of lower intestine and create favorable environment for gram negative bacteria, Antimethanogenic effect, active chemical constituents,

Dietary modulation of the human colonic microbiota: Introducing the concept of prebiotics. J. Nutr. 1995;125:1401–1412. doi: 10.1093/jn/125.6.1401.

Author: Gibson G.R., Roberfroid M.B.

Bacteria , growth & development, Bacteria metabolism, Bifidobacterium ,growth & development, Colon,drug effects, Colon ,microbiology, Dietary Carbohydrates metabolism, Dietary Carbohydrates , Fermentation, Humans, Lactobacillus , growth & development, Oligosaccharides metabolism, manipulation of the composition of the gut flora, health-promoting properties, microbial food supplements , intestinal microbial balance, composition of colonie microbiota, Intake of prebiotics, modulate the colonie microbiota, synbiotics is colonie foods with interesting nutritional properties , health-enhancing functional food ingredients, host health and nutrition, colonic bacteria produce short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) fromthe metabolism of complex carbohydrates and proteins, manipulation of the composition of the gut flora, increase the health-promoting attributes , beneficial species are the bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, combination of both probiotics andprebiotics as synbiotics, synbiotics be defined as a mixture of probiotics and prebiotics that beneficially affects the host by improving the survival and implantation of live microbial dietary supplements in the gastrointestinal tract, by selectively stimulating the growth and/or by activating the metabolism of one or a limited number of health-promoting bacteria, and thus improving host welfare.

Effect of salicylic acid and edible coating-based Aloe vera gel treatment on storage life and postharvest quality of grape (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Gizel Uzum)

Authors Asghari M, Ahadi L and Riaie S

Berry softening, berry drop, stem browning and its desiccation, and by fungal decay shorten Postharvest life of table grapes and thus reduce market value. Effects of edible Coating aloe vera gel on grapes fruits storage. Aloe vera gel, Antioxidant activity, Fruit quality, Phenolic properties, Postharvest life, Salicylic acid, Table grape. postharvest treatment of grape berries by salicylic acid and aloe vera gel and has potential for increasing storage life of table grapes and maintaining their quality.

Diet Aloe supplementation in pregnant buffalo cows improves colostrum immunoglobulin content. Rev Vet. 21:151–153.

Author: Infascelli F, Tudisco R, Mastellone V, Cutrignelli MI, Lombardi P, Calabrò S, Gonzalez OJ, Pelagalli A, Grossi M, D’angelo D, et al. 2010.

Colostrum ingestion in ruminants, maternal antibodies, Calves, suckling soon after birth, absorption of immunoglobulin (Ig), diseases of neonatal calves are related to a poor colostrum quality, polysaccharide fractions of Aloe has been reported as potent B cell stimulators, influence of Aloe arborescence fed to pregnant dry buffalo cows on IgG concentration of colostrum, Aloe supplementation can increase the immunological properties of colostrum thus resulting in improving passive transfer in newborn calves.

The Role of Functional Excipients in Solid Oral Dosage Forms to Overcome Poor Drug Dissolution and Bioavailability

Authors Jannes van der Merwe, Jan Steenekamp, Dewald Steyn and Josias Hamman

solubility; bioavailability; excipients; dissolution, active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), poor solubility and low dissolution rates, luminal fluids of the gastrointestinal tract, excipients can be incorporated in the formulation to assist in the dissolution process of the drug, selected excipients (e.g., alkalinizing agents, surfactants and sugars), formulations to increase the dissolution rate as well as specialized dosage forms such as self-emulsifying delivery systems and formulation techniques such as inclusion complexes and solid dispersions, drug solubility and bioavailability enhancement, active pharmaceutical ingredients; APIs) are usually not administered to patients on their own as single compounds, formulated into carefully designed dosage forms, accurate dosing, quality, efficacy, safety, stability as well as high patient acceptance and compliance, dosage forms were made by simply adding pharmacologically inert substances (also referred to as excipients), selection and production of excipients that fulfil specific functions, beyond just making up volume, such as assisting in production of the dosage form and optimizing drug delivery from novel dosage forms, functions of excipients in dosage forms are related to all the different aspects of the final product including its manufacturability, the stability of the API, dose uniformity, effective delivery of the API to the systemic circulation after administration as well as acceptable organoleptic properties , Pharmaceutical excipients are usually included in dosage forms in larger quantities than the API and can make up to about 90% of the total mass/volume of medicinal products, The International Pharmaceutical Excipient Council (IPEC), different classes of pharmaceutical excipients, regulatory requirements for pharmaceutical excipients, new chemical excipients, existing excipients that are modified with respect to purity and/or physical properties such as particle size, co-processed excipients’ (i.e., two or more existing excipients which are formulated into a new excipient with physical properties, excipients that are chemically modified, development of novel drug delivery systems, sophisticated excipients are needed to impart certain properties, fulfil multiple roles in a dosage form or drug delivery system, high functionality excipients, single excipient that provides additional functions to innovative drug delivery systems to improve the overall performance of the product with significant economic benefits, provide better flow, act as a disintegrant and simultaneously allow a higher drug loading in the dosage form due to its high compressibility, functional excipients are needed to assist in overcoming their poor physico-chemical properties, Specialty excipients are used to produce dosage forms that can reduce the number of doses by modifying the rate of drug release or improve drug delivery by targeting drug release in a specific region in the gastrointestinal tract where drug absorption is the highest. Functional excipients are also used to re-formulate existing drugs in order to produce more effective products that are more cost-effective, Aqueous solubility and membrane permeability, Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS), influence the bioavailability of a drug, many promising new drugs exhibit poor solubility, and some also exhibit poor membrane permeability, a drug that exhibits an aqueous solubility lower than 0.1 mg per mL is likely to experience limited bioavailability, and its rate of absorption will be governed by the dissolution rate, improve the solubility of these drugs include formation of pro-drugs, formation of salts, co-precipitation, solvent evaporation and size reduction (or micronation), Formulation strategies, melt extrusion/granulation, formation of solid dispersions and formation of inclusion complexes. Furthermore, excipients such as surfactants, polymers, super-disintegrants and multifunctional fillers have been included in dosage forms to increase the apparent solubility of drugs, solubility/dissolution and/or membrane permeation/absorption and thereby also the bioavailability of poorly soluble APIs., aloe vera as functional vehicle excipient for dietary supplements.

Preparation and organoleptic evaluation of aloe vera blended ready to serve functional drink,

Author R Arivuchudar

formulation of a ready to serve functional drink, aloe vera and fruit juice is conceded with the intent to substitute the consumption of carbonated beverages which pay for nothing but empty calories, fruit juice supplies the micronutrients from fruits needed for energy production, blends of extracts of aloe vera, fruit juice (Watermelon/ Pomegranate/ Kiwi/ Orange/ Apple), amla, mint, ginger and sugar, functional drink is a non- alcoholic mixture of either one or all of the following viz. fruit juices, herbs, synthetic amino acids, vitamins and minerals added in order to provide energy, to quench thirst and replenish cells and tissues by hydrating, refreshing to relieve mental fatigue, provide immunity, population has started to pose more conscious on weight reduction and general well-being, state of mind of consumers has now turned the food market towards the innovative formulations of ready to drink, ready to serve functional drinks from easily available and nutritious natural fruit or vegetable juices, aloe vera is the base material for the RTSF drink to be prepared, Fruits are the major sources of availability of essential micronutrients – vitamins and minerals , sodium and potassium which serve as electrolytes and bioflavonoids, nutraceuticals ingredients by nature, most preferred variant of the aloe vera RTS blends prepared from aloe vera: sweet lime: amla with respect to the sensory quality was in the ratio of 60: 20:15, hence the same fraction of aloe vera: fruit: amla was preferred and the extracts for different variations from the aloe vera, respective fruits (watermelon, pomegranate, kiwi, orange, apple), mint and ginger was prepared and blended, required amount of sugar syrup was prepared by mixing sugar, water and .3% of citric acid and just heated to dissolve the sugar, rheology in sensory evaluation, shelf stability and sensory perception, texture and mouth feel, and it can probe the overall structure as well as the interplay between individual colloidal components, Watermelon is an exceptional source of L-citrulline, an amino acid, which benefits athletes and body builders by reducing fatigue and muscle soreness and increase the average peak force and decrease peak torque. It also improves blood flow and improves immunity. More over watermelon is a nutritious bag of antioxidants Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Selenium, and richest store of Lycopene. It has 80% moisture which aids in immediate hydration.

Extending Storage Life And Maintaining The Quality Of Tomato Fruits By Using Postharvest Exogenous Edible Coating Of Aloe Vera Gel, Starch, And Casein.

Authors Mohamed. M. A.T. Morad , Ahmed Abou El-Yazied, Hany G. Abd El-Gawad, Hany S.Osman, Abou -Elwafa, S. M., Amr A. Metwally

Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum Mill.) is considered one of the most grown horticultural crops having a short storage life due to its climacteric nature of ripening, susceptibility to postharvest microbial decay, mechanical damage, and high rate of losses during handling operations, tomato dipping in a solution of Aloe Vera Gel (10 % ( , Starch (2%) and Casein (2.5%) was the best treatment for reducing weight loss, decay, shriveling, also maintaining a general appearance, ascorbic acid, TSS, and increasing titratable acidity, total phenolic and the peroxidase activity compounds as compared with uncoated fruits. The tomato fruits dipping in Aloe Vera Gel (10%), and Starch (2%) were highly effective in preserving and maintaining the lycopene content and gave the lowest value of polyphenol oxidase activity at the end of storage time of tomato fruits at the end of storage time 28 days at 8 ± 1o”C and 95% RH, Tomato, Aloe Vera Gel, Starch, Citric Acid, Casein, Storability, TSS, Total Phenolic, Peroxidase Activity, Lycopene Content , and Polyphenol Oxidase Activity, tomato contents compounds as contents of lycopene, beta-carotene, magnesium, niacin, iron, phosphorus, potassium, riboflavin, sodium, and thiamine, postharvest period of tomato as a climacteric fruit is relatively short because many processes lead to a loss of quality and storability, including high respiration rates, transpiration, postharvest diseases, acceleration of the ripening process, and senescence, Fruit quality aspects include firmness, flavor, color, nutritional value, shelf life, and resistance to pathogens , Synthetic-plastic polymer, synthetic wax-based packaging or coatings, and chemical preservatives have been abundantly used for preserving fruits after harvest. However, these synthetic inputs are non-degradable and extremely risky to consumers and the environment, Edible coatings can protect fruits effectively from mechanical and microbial damage, prevent the migration of favorable volatiles, delay fruit senescence processes and provide an esthetic appearance, coatings meet the desire of consumers for safe and healthful foods since they are made of biodegradable and biocompatible materials, and in many circumstances, they may provide an alternative to synthetic packaging and antimicrobial ingredients, Aloe vera gel is considered one of the best edible films due to its hygroscopic properties, antimicrobial action, and biochemical attributes , aloe vera gel reduces the activity of cell-wall degradation enzymes and respiration rate, thus preventing the deterioration of harvested tomato fruits, also, Aloe vera gel could be considered a promising postharvest treatment to preserve fruit quality during cold storage, caseinates have been proposed as natural materials for edible coatings because proteins have some advantageous properties, such as their ability to form networks, plasticity, and elasticity, in addition to a good barrier to oxygen, carbon dioxide, and aromas, oxygen plays an important role in fruit degradation, as it is involved in many undesirable reactions including microorganisms’ growth, enzymatic browning, vitamin loss, and lipid oxidation, the use of caseinates might be considered a good alternative to get high protection to oxygen and retarding senescence while the storage period of fruits, Edible coatings of starch have similar physical properties to synthetic polymers, such as being transparent, odorless, tasteless, semipermeable to CO2, and resistant to the passage of O2, Starch-based coatings proven to extend the storage life of fruits, decrease weight loss, and maintain fruit quality during storage period, according to some studies, the effectiveness of starch as an edible coating should be mixed with antimicrobial compounds. One of the chemical compounds that could be used as an antimicrobial agent in edible coatings is citric acid. Citric acid is generally recognized as a safe chemical preservative that can act as an antimicrobial agent. The addition of citric acid in edible coatings inhibits the browning reaction and reduces losses because this acid acts as an antimicrobial agent, compared to other organic acids, citric acid is relatively cheap and easy to obtain.

Utilization of Aloe vera gel and Acalypha indica. L leaf extract as edible coating to increase the shelf life of guava (Psidium guajava. L) fruit.

Authors Refilda ,N Oktafia,P R Winardi ,E Salim

Guava (Psidium guajava L.) is a productive and profitable crop grown commercially in sub-tropical and tropical areas. Guava is a perishable fruit known for its good taste, nutritional status, and moderate price in the market. Guava fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C (228.3 mg/100 g), contains about 17% dry matter and 80% moisture along with sizable amounts of minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, iron as well as vitamins such as niacin, acid pantothenic acid, thiamin, riboflavin, and vitamin A. The quality of guava fruit is strongly influenced by the level of fruit ripeness and storage methods which will affect the taste, appearance, aroma, and nutrition of the fruit. Guava with good quality will be obtained if the fruit is picked at a sufficient level of maturity. Guava fruit that is picked when it is not ripe will have an astringent taste, with firm flesh and low juice content. During ripening, the fruit undergoes significant changes in color and texture, indicating that physiological changes occur in it, including changes in carbohydrates, organic acids, proteins, amino acids, and other components that can affect the taste of the fruit. Furthermore, the storage period of fruit can be a problem in post-harvest activities because fruit is a perishable commodity. Guava fruit has a shelf life of 2-7 days. Therefore, good postharvest handling is needed to have a longer shelf-life Coatings with synthetic chemicals have been used to control pathogens and extend fruit shelf life, but at the same time gave unfriendly effects on the environment and consumers. Prolonged use of the technology that is commonly used to control postharvest pathogen attacks is coating with synthetic chemicals, but this has an unfriendly impact on the environment and consumers. Coating with A. vera L gel and plant extracts is a natural way to extend shelf life and maintain postharvest quality. The research was focused on finding the composition of guava fruit coating with A. vera. L gel and A. indica. L leaf extract that provided physicochemical properties with optimal quality during storage. Parameters tested were weight loss, percent decay, moisture content, total dissolved solids, and total titrated acid from guava fruit. The coating composition that gives the best guava fruit quality with a storage time of 15 days were 85% A. vera gel, 10% A. indica. L leaf extract, 0.025% Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (CMC) and 0.5% glycerol. The guava fruit coated with this composition had a weight loss of 11.19%, moisture content of 57.15%, a spoilage of 3.33%, a total dissolved solids of 7.67″Brix and a total titrated acid of 1.90%. This value was better than uncoated fruit with weight loss of 30.48%, moisture content 28.42%, spoilage 14.44%, total dissolved solids 12.33″Brix and total titrated acid 0.40%. chemical fungicides on fresh produce have been the main reason for the development of resistant pathogenic strains and the increase in toxic residues on fruit surfaces. It is known that fungicides can negatively affect the nutritional properties of fresh produce. Indiscriminate use of chemical fungicides has been banned due to their high toxicological effect on human health and long degradation time. Edible coating technology is a thin coating made of food (food grade) which aims to coat food and functions as a bacterial inhibitor so that the shelf life of food can be increased. Aloe vera gel has been used as an edible coating. This gel is tasteless, colorless, and odorless. This natural product is a safe and environmentally friendly alternative. According to the researchers, this gel works through a combination of mechanics, forming a protective layer against oxygen and air humidity and inhibiting the action of micro-organisms. Generally, coatings can be divided into proteins, lipids, and polysaccharides, alone or in combination. They act as moisture and oxygen barrier during processing, handling, and storage. Coatings are not only slow down the spoilage of food but also increase its safety due to natural biocidal activity or incorporation of antimicrobial compounds. Aloe vera gel as an edible coating can play a good role in restraining the respiration rate and some physiological changes due to the ripening process of fruits and vegetables during storage. Previous research was also reported that edible coating technique can extend the shelf life of strawberries. A. indica is a wild growing plant that is often found on roadsides and is also known as a weed plant. Anting-anting plant (Acalypha indica. L) is one type of plant that is commonly used as medicine. Roots, stems and leaves contain saponins and tannins, stems also contain flavonoids and leaves contain essential oils. Phytochemical screening of Acalypha indica L. in methanol and ethanol extracts showed that the extracts contained phenolic, flavonoids, steroids, terpenoids and alkaloids compounds. Several chemical compounds have been isolated from A. indica, including kaempferol glycosides, mauritianin, clitorin, nicotiflori, biorobin, tannins, pyranoquinolinone alkaloids flindersin. A. indica methanol extract can inhibit effective antimicrobial principles due to the presence of phytochemical compounds such as alkaloids and tannins. This study examined the effect of adding A. indica leaf extract to aloe vera gel as a coating material for guava fruit on the physical and chemical properties of the fruit during storage.

Gastrointestinal Region Specific Insulin Permeation Enhancement by Aloe vera Gel.

Author: E.. Pretorius, C. Willers, J. Hamman, J. D. Steyn

oral administration route is still the most preferred by patients for drug treatment, but is unfortunately not suitable for all drug compounds, protein and peptide drugs (e.g. insulin) are usually administered by injection since they are unstable in the gastrointestinal luminal environment and have poor membrane permeation properties, functional excipients such as drug absorption enhancers can be co-administered, Aloe vera gel has shown the ability to improve the permeation of drugs across the intestinal epithelium, insulin permeation enhancing effects of Aloe Vera Gelvmaterial across excised pig intestinal tissues from different regions of the gastrointestinal tract and to identify the gastrointestinal region where the highest insulin permeation enhancement was achieved, Insulin transport across excised pig intestinal tissues from the duodenum, proximal jejunum, medial jejunum, distal jejunum, ileum and colon was measured in the absence and presence of Aloe Vera Gel gel (0.5% w/v) using both the Sweetana-Grass diffusion chamber and everted sac techniques, gastrointestinal permeation enhancing effects of Aloe Vera Gel gel on insulin is region specific with the highest effect observed in the ileum and colon

Aloe Vera Gel Research Review. An overview of its clinical uses and proposed mechanisms of action

Author Oliver Grundmann , BPharm,ms,PHD

properties of Aloe vera, promote the health of society, Clinical trial, improve skin integrity, retain skin moisture and integrity, Magnesium lactate available in the gel can prevent the production of histamine that causes itching and irritation of the skin, enhances the immune system and the synthesis of cytokines. Aloe vera is effective in inhibiting inflammatory reactions by the inhibition of IL-6 and IL-8, the reduction of leukocyte adhesion, an increase of IL-10 levels, and decrease of TNF alpha levels, Its regenerative properties are due to the compound glucomannan, which is rich with polysaccharides like mannose. Glucomannan affects fibroblast growth factor receptors and stimulates their activity and proliferation, which in turn increases the production of collagen

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