Author: Joy K HM and Rani R NA (2013).
process aloe vera into values added functional food and healthy beverages, also formulate food products like jams, marmalades, and squashes by adding aloe vera. Sensory evaluation of the products ranked strawberry jam, papaya jam and pineapple jam, Aloe vera is only now coming in personal care industry, many are now including aloe vera in such products as cosmetics, baby wipes, washing powders and washing up liquids, facial tissues, toilet paper, safety razors, aloe vera available in India is Aloe Vera Juice, fruits were formulated with aloe vera, large varieties of products formulated are Jams (strawberry jam, papaya jam, pineapple jam), marmalades (orange marmalade, grape marmalade, watermelon and orange marmalade), squashes (banana squash, watermelon squash, papaya squash), From the nutrient analysis it is evident that only certain nutrients are present in fruits, but by adding aloe vera to the products the nutrients that are already present have been enhanced as well as the nutrients that are not available in the fruits but available in aloe vera has also been added.