Author Alonso M, Támbara Y, López M, Aguilar JC, Mayo O, Prieto E, Cremata, J, Gerwig, G, Kamerling, H, Hardy E. (2012)
polysaccharide is a long chain polymer made of acetylated mannose units, which are held together by ?(1?4) linkages [1], inhibition of cellular proliferation with autonomous character (antitumoral and anticancerous action), antiviral action against a variety of viruses (e.g., herpes simplex, newcastle, measles, and HIV), stimulative and immunomodulatory direct effect on the immune system, the acemannan polymer has been intended for the treatment of cancer, viral diseases, breathing illnesses, as well as for infl ammations and infections, acemannan has been proposed as an adjuvant of other medications, polysaccharide as an adjuvant of antigens administered by means of the oral and parenteral routes, formulation for vaccine administration via the nasopharyngeal route whose main components are the surface antigen from the hepatitis B virus (HBsAg) and the acemannan polymer, adjuvant for the nasal administration of other soluble antigens of different nature, Immunopotentiative capacity of acemannan