Author: A Yagi, A Kabbash, LA Al-Madoboly
Aloe vera, Aloe vera polysaccharides, in vitro fermentation, SCFAs, capacity, aloe vera gel could potentially be used as a source of natural elastase and ?-amylase inhibitory activities and anti-oxidant activity in pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries, Calorie restriction (CR) without malnutrition, suppressing oxidative stress-induced chronic inflammation that underlies many chronic diseases, aging is caused by increased free radical damage , weakened defense system, oxidative stress, age-related gut dysfunction, lactic acid bacteria as the likely candidate responsible for the anti-obesity effect, innovative approach on the symbiotic effect by blending Lactobacillus fermentum into aloe vera juice to yield lactic acid, acetic acid, and propionic acid in the fermentation extract, Butyrate boost metabolism, overweight , sleep disorders